• Seems like a lot of people are having an issue logging into chat since we updated. Here is what you need to do: Logout of the chat and forums, clear your cache and cookies. Log back in to the forum, then login to the chat with the same user/pass you use for the forums.
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  • I tried logging into chat this evening and was greeted with a banner that I had been banned from the site. Could you please look into this as I have never even been warned for anything on this site. In fact, I have only been a member for a few days and, in that time, have never had an issue with any member or admin rep. I have no idea why I am banned.
    Please delete my account. Hate to do this as I've been here for 7 years but for the past 3 days all I've seen is the VIP members put others down or bicker with them and staff letting them get away with it. Last straw was tonight seeing them boast about how happy they are that certain government officials are dead and wishing others where, along with staff joining in.
    The bickering is entertaining, it's allowed. The politics is frowned upon though. Next time take a screenshot and show me.
    Hi there, just been kicked of pics n vids for an hour (not a big deal). Just wondering what word we used to be kicked, if you can tell us it would be appreciated. We were discussing a post that seemed not legal and we might have written an automatic kick word 🤦🏻‍♂️

    If you ve seen us in the chat you know it s an honest mistake (hopefully)

    Thanks for any answer you can give us

    If you're having problems logging into chat, do the following: logout of the chat and forums, clear your cache and cookies. Log back in to the forum, then login to the chat with the same user/pass you use for the forums.
    Same issue. Can not get into chat. Even if I'm a member, it's asks to connect to the site.
    Please suggest, if cant kindly point in right direction.
    Hola.... ¡No puedo entrar al chat! ¡Para hacerlo como usuario registrado me dice que debo abrir mis redes sociales! ¿Por qué? Pagó para ser VIP.

    Me dice eso después de iniciar sesión y registrarse.


    • Sin título.jpg
      Sin título.jpg
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    I was banned for posting a caption with "nigger" word in it, was unintentional, I want to go back to chat please!!
    I want to continue a story that is published, how do I do that. please?
    Use the 'add chapter' button you'll see near the top of the page.
    • Like
    Reactions: fredanddaisy
    Sir, when i tried to log into chat it states i am banned, just like to know why.
    Usually it's some autokick due to a banned word, the kick is usually temporary. You're not kicked or banned now as far as I can see.
    i cannot see my pics posted in bnwo; they load and don't come on screen; what happens
    Hello - in the humiliation room - in private message - with a willing participant - in degradation - using the ****** to her husband as a control technique to HUMILIATE - I was subsequently kicked out -

    Any comment or statement is exclusively for entertainment and willing participants and has always been discussed 1st prior to engagement -

    Sorry if anyone was offended in the HUMILIATION ROOM - thank you
    Although techniques were discussed and agreed upon - in a private message - apparently the other person did not understand nor issued any command for me to cease or stop - I’m very sorry for inconvenience
    I wasn’t in the main chat room and wasn’t blackmailing anyone - again thank you for your assistance


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    Any variation of the word '******' will result in an automatic kick and that's not going to change. I will change the duration though, two weeks seems excessive to me.
    Good day, I have been kicked out of chat for VPN use, but I have only been on the chat since 7:05pm South African time. Also, I will not ever request payment for viewing my private skype cam on the forum anymore. Please understand that I am a content creator with a sexy roommate who only does paid content. I will not do such a thing apologies.


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    Thanks for your hard work. Where can I find an explanation of "the powers" you can get with gold balance, and why do extra slots in the chat profile gallery not stay open? Also I'm a verified member for years now, but dont see that check next to my name in the chatroom like some others have.
    I switched you from VIP to Verified. Is that what you wanted?
    • Wow
    Reactions: obeahbrown
    No, it wasnt, sorry. I meant in the chat room profiles, I've seen green checks next to verified. No, I prefer VIP, I didnt realize that the status was 1 or the other. VIP please as I assume that's higher. If other chatters dont get it oh well, plenty know I'm verified.
    I've purchased some "powers" in the chat room using my gold balance but they dont all work for me.
    No Sorry, would much rather stay VIP thank you. Still confused about gallery photo slots
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