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Wife And I Separated, Possible Cuck Opportunity.


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Beloved Member
Apr 7, 2017

My name is Ken, and I wanted to share a possible experience that may soon happen I hope. I've been interested in cuckolding for a little while, but have never brought it up to my wife. My wife Susan is 28 years old, I'm 29. We have been married for 9 years. Recently, about 5 months ago, we separated. Mostly it was due to money issues and stress and her wanting a baby, but me not wanting one, at least not yet. We were fighting pretty often because i would get on her about spending money on stuff we didn't need. Every time she brought up wanting to start a family, the money issue would come up and it would cause a fight. When we separated we agreed that we would eventually get back together, we still loved each other we just needed time apart. I was also hoping that her living on her own with her own money would 'fix' her bad spending habits. I think she was also hoping that I would lose a bit of weight and get in shape. We were in contact, calling about every 2 days until we had a fight over the phone and agreed to no contact for a while. Since then i have tried calling about every week. She always texts me back saying that she isn't ready to talk yet. She tells me she just needs a bit more time alone and that she hopes this lack of contact will create a new "New relationship energy" when we get back together.

Recently, my boss was walked by my desk and caught me looking at Susan's Facebook profile. He stopped and asked about her. I told him that she is my wife and we are separated. I also told him that i hope we will get back together soon. He said that she is very attractive, and asked if he minded if I could set him up on a date with her. I told him that I didn't like that idea because I want to get back with her. He didn't push it, but jokingly said that maybe he could convince her what a great worker I am, and that we should get back together. I told him I would let her know about him.

That night, I was horny with the scenario of my Wife and Boss together running through my mind, so I decided to try to give her a call. It had been about a month and a half since I last tried to call. To my surprise, she picked up. We talked for a while and I mentioned that I would like to see her sometime, that I miss her. She said she misses me too, but would like a few more months away. She said she is enjoying being on her own and the freedom that she has. She moved in with me from her parents when she was just 18, so she's never known what it's like.

I told her that I hadn't seen anyone else, and that I would just wait for her. I then asked if she had dated. She hesitated and then she asked me not to be mad, she loved me, but she had went on a few dates. She kept telling me that she still loves me, and she doesn't want anyone else. I told her that it was fine, I understood that she is just enjoying her freedom and that she never got to experience the dating life and other guys.

Just before we ended the call, I told her about my boss, and that he asked about her. I told her that he is around 51 or 52, and in my opinion is a good looking guy. I said that I would be fine if she wanted to go out with him. She said she wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but only if i was alright with it. I told her that I just want her to be happy. We ended the call with me telling her that I would give her number to him. I then jacked off to the thought of them.

The next time I went to work, I went to my boss's office and told him about her. I said that she would be fine with me giving her number to him, and I told him that I still wanted to get back with her, but I only want her to be happy, and if he was able to make her happy then I would be happy.

That was right around a month ago. I'm not sure if he called her or not. I tried to call Susie twice since then, she usually just texts me back (she doesn't like to talk on the phone much) and we would text back and forth a bit. I never asked her about him. My boss also hasn't mentioned her to me, but then again I don't interact with my boss much at all.

If you all are interested, I will keep this thread updated.
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Sure this sounds interesting. Please post updates. You really cant hold it against her if she has fucked some guys. Like you said she never had a chance to experiment and you were not very nice to her. If she comes back to you is the big thing. If you really want her to know how much you love her you should tell her that you are not going to be mad at her if she has had sex with other men. After all it probably would have never happened if you a had not made her want to separate. Sounds like you might have some cuck desires anyway. If so she is the only one who can give it to you. I really do hope that you two work it out and that it is good for both of you. For she sounds very nice. One thing for sure you don't want the separation to last for much longer, but you cannot rush her. Let her make her mind up, so she will be ready. Giving her some freedom out of loving her should be good medicine. You would not be out of the way to ask her if your boss ever called her and took her on a date. Good Luck Sir. okdeacon
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Still haven't heard anything new. I haven't texted her about it because I didn't want to seem jealous or pry too much into her life. I'm very curious though. I jerk off every day to the thought of them together.
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MilitaryPinecone said:
Still haven't heard anything new. I haven't texted her about it because I didn't want to seem jealous or pry too much into her life. I'm very curious though. I jerk off every day to the thought of them together.
Military, This sounds like a rough deal for you. I guess you are doing it right and all you can do is just hang in there. Honestly though don't let her get away if you can prevent it. Of coarse I don't know her so I cant try to be the smart one here. BUT it seems that she might possibly be slipping away. For your sake I sure hope not. Some how you two need more conversation between your yourselves. I hope this situation has a happy ending you Sir. okdeacon
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okdeacon said:
Military, This sounds like a rough deal for you. I guess you are doing it right and all you can do is just hang in there. Honestly though don't let her get away if you can prevent it. Of coarse I don't know her so I cant try to be the smart one here. BUT it seems that she might possibly be slipping away. For your sake I sure hope not. Some how you two need more conversation between your yourselves. I hope this situation has a happy ending you Sir. okdeacon

The separation is rough, yes but the excitement of her possibly seeing other guys is constantly on my mind. I'm jacking off A LOT. Obviously i don't want to let her slip away, but there isn't much I can do at this point either. We text often and I'm pretty sure she intends to come back to me after a few more months. I agree we should talk more and meet up occasionally, but I think she really wants to avoid contact with me as much as possible to feel like she is really 'free'. She has also mentioned that if we don't communicate much, when we do get back together it will be much better because it will be like NRE again.
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Okay so Susie called me not long ago, which is rare. We talked for about 20 minutes, getting eachother up to date on our current lives. Then the real reason for her call came out. She confirmed that she IS dating my boss. She told me that she was wanting to start bringing him lunch to the office occasionally, and asked me if i was alright with that. I told her that it would probably be a little weird, but If it would make her happy, then I was fine with it. She asked me to not make a scene about it, and to act like we don't know each other for the most part. Only a few people there at the office have met Susie I think, and they know that we are separated. It will be awkward for me knowing that they know that my wife is dating our boss. I'm not sure how I'll handle it exactly. She then thanked me a lot for being so open about letter her do this.

She thanked me for setting them up, and she told me that she really likes him. She then realized what she said and apologized to me. I told her it was alright. She asked me how it affects my relationship at work and with my boss, and I told her truthfully that I haven't talked to my boss about it since giving him her number. It has been a little awkward being around him though, since I didn't know if he was doing my girl or not. I asked her if she saw herself as his girlfriend. She told me she did. I then asked her how he contacted her, and what their first date was like. She said that he called and told her that he was my boss, and that I had given him her number. He sent her a few pictures and asked her to lunch. It was a typical lunch date, they were together about 30-40 minutes according to her, and she got a good feel for him she said. They went out the next afternoon also and went bowling. I asked her what happened after that (hoping to hear some sexual details) She told me that nothing happened, but that it wasn't my business anyways what she does with her boyfriend in private. She said it in a jokingly manner, but I could tell she wasn't willing to share any sexual details if there were any. Since they've been dating for about a month, I kind of doubt that she would have sex with him so soon, but I have no proof either way.

I asked how she is doing financially. We have a joint savings account still. But separate checking accounts. She hasn't taken any money out of the savings account that I can tell. Since she is living in a 2 bedroom house with her female friend as a roommate, I was hoping she could learn a bit more financial responsibility. Her parents spoiled her, and then since she married me so young, I supported her and spoiled her a little too. She would always have a pretty good amount of debt on her Credit card. She told me that she was doing fine. She also acknowledge that she had a spending problem and told me that her credit card debt was down a lot.

I'm doing a lot better finacially as well, since i haven't had to pay her bills. I think that when we do get back together, her newfound responsibility coupled with my bit of savings over the past months will get rid of that stressful part of our marriage.

We talked for a good bit, probably about an hour in total.

TBH I don't know whether to be excited or scared. I'll most likely see her for the first time in months this week, but when I see her this time, it will be as another mans girlfriend. I've already jacked off to the thought once. Probably will again later today. but at the same time I'm scared of what my co-workers that know she is my wife will think.

I'll update again later this week if I see her at the office.
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Well it's great that you and your wife are talking again. Maybe if you continue being supportive she will feel comfortable enough to share some details. If they have been dating for a month chances are you are already a cuckold. I guess it will be quite tough to see her at the office when she is there to see your boss, but you may find that a bit exciting as well ...

I think you have some agonising days ahead of you ...
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Wow .. Keep us updated.

Be careful where it leads, from some experiences, it's best to get keep your honey away from ur bread if u know what I mean.
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not sure if she will come back and if someone is getting maried really young things can break easily - you have a basic communication problem and she does not share what is going on with her. now she sees herself as the gf of your boss ?
she is going to bring him lunch ?
ask yourself simple questions and start to make clear you are not a sidekick or fallbacksolution. your wife is not living with you anymore and appearently seriously starting to date her boss. and by the way - married people or those in a serious rel ship can talk like adults and not just send a textmessage. think of that.
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Some 40 years ago, when my first wife and I divorced, she began dating a boss at my work. Although he wasn't my immediate supervisor, my work area and his office were in close proximity. When she would come to 'see' him during working hours, it was awkward and humiliating as anything I've experienced. It was never sexually exciting to me.
While I won't say the same would apply to you, I will say to consider this VERY carefully. Think of any long-term ramifications such as you having to change jobs to avoid the unpleasantness, or him making things tough on you at work whether from his own motivations or encouragement from her.
I wish you good luck and best wishes for happiness!
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She is bringing lunch to your boss/her 'boyfriend'? Damn that is cold!

There are so many things that could be behind that cruel act. Boss wanting to show dominance over you. Her being so in to him that she doesn't care how you feel. Her wanting to rub your face in her independence.

If she does plan on getting back with you, she may be preparing you for very open cuckolding. Be ready for it.

Are you dating? Or does she want this to be a one way exploration? Personally, I would date while the chance is there. Best of luck.
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she is simply excluding you and keeping you as a fallback-solution. little spoiled princess that cares zero for you and the situation with your boss can end the worst way. no sex, no intimacy, no communication...
cut her off and get going and probably find a new workplace.. you messed it up well.
and get a better woman as well. you are being cuckolded but you are also excluded. just get that straight.

goo luck
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Sounds like your boss has popped the big dick to your wife - something shes been missing!
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It seems like you are enjoying the situation. You should enjoy it as well as your wife should enjoy it. She is enjoying her new found freedom of having a boyfriend and a hubby. You will be her "Plan B" if nothing else works out for her she will come back to you.

You enjoy this because you know she has a boyfriend who is probably fucking her while you jack off thinking of her getting fucked, Seems like its all working out for everybody involved.

Good luck and enjoy it!!
Hope you are coping, Military. Any new conversations or texting with your wife?

Reading about your latest conversation on the phone made me wonder. Do you think she knows about cuckolding as a lifestyle and what is seen as the cuckold mindset? Her calling your boss her boyfriend, and telling you she would be bringing him lunch at the office suggests she knows a thing or two about how to tease a cuckold.
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MilitaryPinecone said:
The separation is rough, yes but the excitement of her possibly seeing other guys is constantly on my mind. I'm jacking off A LOT. Obviously i don't want to let her slip away, but there isn't much I can do at this point either. We text often and I'm pretty sure she intends to come back to me after a few more months. I agree we should talk more and meet up occasionally, but I think she really wants to avoid contact with me as much as possible to feel like she is really 'free'. She has also mentioned that if we don't communicate much, when we do get back together it will be much better because it will be like NRE again.
Gotcha Military. Best Wishes for a beautiful out come. Maybe she will cuck you for she will have the opportunities to do so. Do you think you would like it a lot if your boss got to fuck her? For it looks like he probably has got some of her pussy man. You have a good feeling about her coming back. So she probably will. Hope So. okdeacon
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Sorry guys I meant to get back to you all sooner. Life gets in the way.

I'm not sure where to start. So yes I got to see Susie for the first time in a long time. Around lunch time on Tuesday, we were wrapping things up and getting ready to sit down for lunch at the office. I saw my boss head toward the front door, Susie must have came and the receptionist called my boss to let him know she was there. I didn't want to attract too much attention so I sat at my desk acting like I was working. Occasionally I would look up and peek at them. She looked as beautiful as ever. He started by giving her the tour, I kept an eye on them as he showed her this room and that and he would introduce her to people as they walked past each-other. There was several employees standing around outside the lounge and he introduced them and they talked for a while before he took her to his office to eat the lunch that she had brought.

Before anyone asks. No I'm sure he didn't fuck her in his office. They are both too professional to do that and I made sure to look closely, no disheveled hair or wet spots anywhere. Besides he isn't the boss boss, he is just my boss. It's not like he has almighty god powers. If somebody caught him doing that he would be fired in a heartbeat.

Anyway, I was in the lounge eating lunch when our boss entered to sit and talk with us. He and Susie had finished lunch and she had left. The conversation quickly went to his new girlfriend. It was a very arousing yet very humiliating conversation. I had an erection the whole time.
As we talked, some of my co-workers suggested ideas to my boss about where to take her, how to romance her. One woman mentioned that they should go on a double date. My erection was straining against my pants hearing my co-workers helping my boss get with my wife.
One of my co-worker friends, in front of everyone, asked "isn't that your ex-wife?" Now in the spotlight, I'm sure I went bright red. I told them all that she and I had separated. They could tell that I was embarrassed about it, so they didn't ask me too many questions. In an attempt to normalize things, and be the man, I extended my hand to my boss and congratulated him.

"Congratulations, she is a great woman. You should be proud to have her". Talking with my penis, and despite the pit in my stomach, I went on "I'm sure she will make you a fine wife someday".

The conversation cooled after that. It wasn't long after that we all went back to work. I've jerked off every night since. I'm pretty raw right now...

She came to get him once on Thursday, I only saw her briefly near the front door, and they left together. Again, before anyone asks. I HIGHLY DOUBT that she has slept with him. Their lunch wasn't overly long, and again, when my boss came back, no disheveled hair, no wrinkled clothes, nothing. She's not the type to sleep with a man unless she's known him for several months. (although they HAVE been dating for close to 2 months now).

I've texted her since then also, we text pretty regularly. It's not very personal though. I asked how her lunch was later on Tuesday, she replied with "Yummy! Turkey sandwich and chips". So as you can see, we go back and forth pretty often, but most of the time there is no substance to it.

Sorry i'm not the best at writing, so my post might be a bit out of order.

Also, thank you for all the feed back. As some of you said, I agree I could well be a "fallback solution". I don't completely believe this but it is a possibility. The thing is, even if that is the case, what is there to do about it? Additionally, I feel like if I'm going to lose her, it might as well be with a 'bang' so to speak. Although I love her and miss her, I'm really turned on by these events. I don't know what else to say lol.
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Sue was there again last Tuesday. He met her at the door again and escorted her to his office. The rest of us went to the lounge to eat lunch. I stepped out to get a cup of cold water from the fountain (but I went the long way, close to my bosses office to see if i could hear anything) I couldn't hear anything, but on my way back I was surprised by the door suddenly swinging open as they were leaving. We couldn't ignore eachother, so he 'introduced' her to me. It was a little awkward. I shook her hand. So soft! I hadn't seen her up close in so long. She's still as beautiful as ever. I asked her how she has been, etc.. The usual small talk. She replied with the usual small talk answers. I think she was trying to be careful what she said, not wanting to hurt my feelings. It all happened so fast, but I sensed the awkwardness, and excused myself. I slowly made my way back to the lounge, but not before seeing them kiss at the door.

We of course texted about it later. We both commented on the awkwardness, and I told her that they look like a nice couple. Everyone at the office seems to think so too. She replied Thanks, and that that she is sorry if its causing any trouble or embarassment. I told her that their kiss was pretty intimate, and she replied back with one of those embarassed red face emoji things. I then asked her how he is in bed. She said that she doesn't kiss and tell, with a little wink face.
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How do you feel now that she answered your real question by not answering the question you asked?

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