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What makes a woman a serial cuckoldress?

  • Thread starterlifelong cuck
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lifelong cuck

Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
May 4, 2008
Can an adulterous father cause his daughter to become a cuckoldress if she grows up knowing he is a philanderer?

My wife for some reason always seemed much more interested on cheating on me than even having an open marriage where she was free to bed anyone she wanted with my consent. I modified to where she was free but I’d remain celibate but still she refused and accused me of not loving her if I could knowingly let sleep with other men. While the whole time cheating on me wholesale!

I was aware from very early on in our relationship that my wife was aware her father had an eye for the ladies and a few times she’d walked in and found him riding one or other of the female hired help! This was consolidated by her mother not hiding the fact that he had cheated on her throughout their marriage and that no woman should ever put any trust in a man’s fidelity.

One or either or both of them seem to have instilled some form of serial adultery in my wife (soon to be ex-wife) as she embarked on a nonstop life of firstly covert and once married, open cuckoldry, from shortly after we started going steady.

What makes a woman a serial cuckoldress? Is it her upbringing or is it genes?


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Your wife is just obeying her primal urges, so don't fret about her taking her opportunities - actually she is being true to her subconscious desires - NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT IS THERE ?

She does not want an open marriage, because she knows it would not be good for you - she is entitled to that opinion after having slept with you for so many years. I GUESS SHE KNOWS YOU BETTER THAN YOU DO YOURSELF.

It is always better to make it: "wife be polymory" and "cuck be monogamous"

because the simple fact is (and you have observed that already)

after 35 a man just can't keep up with his wife's primal libido.
By 65, his testosterone product has fallen to 25% compared with what it was at 18.

A wife always knows when it is time to get more cockpower into her life.
It does not go unnoticed that her husband is struggling to keep up to quota.
I would suggest you find another wife, or go to therapy. Although it may be a turn on for you, she has to be able to control it to keep it from getting out of control. The basics for a healthy cuckold relationship is that 1) both partners have the ability to stay monogamist, 2) both partners choose to have one of them sleep with other people and 3) both partners would not do anything to hurt each other. Your relationship is certainly missing number 1. Because you cannot really discuss the topic with her, you can consider number 2 missing. Even if it was hurting you, she might cheat on you, so number 3 is yet to be established.
Work on those three before getting into a cuckold relationship.
Cuckold shortcomings

Saraha said:
Your wife is just obeying her primal urges, so don't fret about her taking her opportunities - actually she is being true to her subconscious desires - NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT IS THERE ?

After 35 a man just can't keep up with his wife's primal libido.
By 65, his testosterone product has fallen to 25% compared with what it was at 18.

By 50 my count was down to 9% half of what my doctor considered the threshold for supplementation. Now at 58 it averages 2% with peaks of 4-5% 10 days after 3 monthly injections. Maybe why I enjoy watching a well hung guy fuck her than even contemplate riding her myself!

Saraha said:
A wife always knows when it is time to get more cockpower into her life.
It does not go unnoticed that her husband is struggling to keep up to quota.

Well for others they saw very early in our marriage that my wife looked outside of her husband for sexual gratification, maybe she and others sensed my lack of maleness? And why I have been happy to usually be a celibate cuckold than seek to end our marriage. Why I've accepted that other men could sexually satisfy her more than me and content to let her seek sexual satisfaction from them.
Heavy cummer

Saraha said:
It is not so much the number of times you fuck her each week, but rather the volume of sperm squirting into her cunt. That is why the porn stars like to shoot buckets out of girls faces - to impress them spectacularly.

My wife has had one lover who has been in and out of our lives for around 30 years. He's a very heavy cummer and she would leaks for a couple of days after he's fucked her.

But I would add Saraha, it's not only women you like a lot of cum in their cunts, cuckolds like me enjoy it too! There's nothing worse than going down on your wife after a cuckold to find she's practically dry, or the stain in her panties is all there is!
Cuckolds are made by their cheating wives ~ not choice!

AngleBaby said:
I would suggest you find another wife, or go to therapy. Although it may be a turn on for you, she has to be able to control it to keep it from getting out of control.
As a cuckold who was created through no choice of my own but by a long marriage of infidetlity by my wife, I disagree most strongly with you. Also while being a cuckold cannot be a lifestyle a man chooses early in life ~ it can be one he learns to accept then the only means of sexual satisfaction.

It is always painful being cuckolded, as the hurt of another man being sexually dominant and and superior with your WIFE ALWAYS kills your ego but the more humiliation they inflict upon you the more sexually exciting for the cuckold. Having less power and being controlled by his wife and her lovers gradually takes over a cuckold's sexual libido and in the end sexual excitement comes from being without any control.

AngleBaby said:
1) both partners have the ability to stay monogamist.

Firstly you can't have a cuckold relationship if both partners are monogamist! Secondly it also assumes that both partners wish to control the sexual appetite of their partner. A true cuckold marriage is one where the WIFE decides her husband isn't sexually fulfilling and decides to sate her sexual appetite with men who can fill her needs!

Often for the cuckold it is his wife's lack of consideration for him or his ego that stokes his sexual fires. The less she considers him before taking lovers or of letting people know of his sexual inadequaties the control she will have over him and the less likely he will ever look to any woman other than her.

The only time I considered being unfaithful was when my wife wasn't fucking other men. As soon as she began cuckolding me again I wanted no one but her.

AngleBaby said:
2) both partners choose to have one of them sleep with other people.

No, this is an open marriage or hotwife scenario, not a cuckold marriage.

A cuckold is a huband whose wife chooses to have other men because her husband cannot meet her sexual needs. It is the cuckold's lack of choice in his wife's fidelity that makes him a cuckold.And where eventually his sexual satisfaction will come from.

AngleBaby said:
3) both partners would not do anything to hurt each other.

A cuckoldress will always hurt her husband, that's part of the cuckolding process. You can't cuckold a man without hurting him. But he will learn to accept that pain and will gradually start to repsond sexually to it. In time that will develop into a pain is gain love. The more she pains him or humiliates him the more he adores and loves her and the more aroused and willing to please. You can't bake a cake without breaking eggs, you can't cuckold a man without sexually breaking his spirit. Seeing his wife reject in in favour of men who can sexualy do for her what he can't will quickly demorilse him. Once broken he will be her cuckold for life and worship her and want for her to be sexually an emotionally satisified by those lovers who can fulfill her, the cuckold knows that it will never be him. He learns and accepts his place in the marriage and let his wife rule them sexually. Usually in th end this eans the cuckold being celibate and only the wife beign sexually active. hich dve-tails nicely into his fading libido and sexual abilities. Nature serves them both, wife who neds and enjoys being fucked, a cuckold husband who is only capable of watching or dreaming of her sexual fulfillment.
1) The ability to stay monogamist and staying it are two different things.
2) If you want to slice hairs about words, okay. In a marriage that is either open or any variation of, communication and agreement is vital.
3) Being hurt and pain are two different concepts for me. Pain can be tolerated. It is that little stab at the heart. Being hurt though is when the pain goes too far and you end up injured.
My wofe cuckolded me because I couldn't satisfy her - I enjoy telling my friends

AngleBaby said:
1) The ability to stay monogamist and staying it are two different things./QUOTE]

A cuckold is never given the chance, his wife just goes out and fucks other men. In a short time that lack of any control over her sexual activities actually becomes a turn on. By his nature the cuckold is a serial monogamist and the cuckoldress a serial adultress. In that relationship both are happy.

AngleBaby said:
2) If you want to slice hairs about words, okay. In a marriage that is either open or any variation of, communication and agreement is vital.

No the cuckold prefers finding out through trickery and subtefuge, being made to look a fool is part of his role as his name and caricature in some countries protrays. Being kept in th edark and being allowed ot disciver or have others tell you of her infidelities is the rich tapestry a cuckold reads. Humiliation is a major part of the cuckold psyche and having others know what he doesn't or to enlighten him of is exquisite learning. To learn after everyone else of a public embarrassment is food for the cuckold and drinking in old stories of her indiscretions what wanking sessions are made of.

AngleBaby said:
3) Being hurt and pain are two different concepts for me. Pain can be tolerated. It is that little stab at the heart. Being hurt though is when the pain goes too far and you end up injured.

Ah but the greater the pain the sweeter the cuckold's gain. Only when it goes beyond what he's had before does it excite him more than the last time. Repeating behaviours quickly leave him unexcited, feeling betrayed is succour.

When the pain becomes too much to bear that it wells up inside him, then the cuckold will have his greatest experiences.

I can honestly say my most enjoyable cuckolds are those that cut deep into me at the time. The longer the hurt and humiliation lasts the greater the thrill and more often I will visit and drink it in, time after time. There comes a time when a cuckold will start to humiliate himself if his wife isn't doing it enough.

No to thrill a cuckold, hurt him beyond what he can handle at the time, you cna be sure he'll soon lick himself well and come back wanting ever more hurt. I volunteer to my friends that my wife left me because my dick has shrunk so much it's useless and that I've been impotent for over a year now.
Things that bring me pain to admit in public, until I stopped being able to have erections, always gave me one.

The bigger the hurt the bigger and longer lasting the cuckold's erection. Ask any CUCKOLD what thougths he wanks over, he'll tell you it's the times he was hurt most!
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lifelong cuck, i agree with you post.

I haven`t been cuckolded, but as some of you know, have a close relationship with a very sexual girl.

It alwasy hurts me when i hear, that she sees me as a friend and feels attracted to bad boys. Sometimes i hate myself for that and i would like to finish our friendship. But i always return to her... hoping that one day we will be a couple...

I really hate it, but there is nothing i can do about this paraphilia...
So many different views here about what a cuckold really is.

Here is a rather simple one : for my wife and me, it is the husband in a loving couple where both partners of their own free will have agreed to a one way open marriage. One where the wife's right to (occasional) extramarital sex without cheating, is balanced by her husband's determination to remain both physically and mentally faithful to her.
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Lifelong cuck,

lifelong cuck said:
Can an adulterous father cause his daughter to become a cuckoldress if she grows up knowing he is a philanderer? .... I was aware from very early on in our relationship that my wife was aware her father had an eye for the ladies and a few times she’d walked in and found him riding one or other of the female hired help! This was consolidated by her mother not hiding the fact that he had cheated on her throughout their marriage and that no woman should ever put any trust in a man’s fidelity.

Perhaps your wife, having seen her mother hurt continually by her father's infidelity while she was growing up, resolved — as she began her relationship with you — to be the one who would hurt her husband (you), rather than allow herself by hurt by her husband as her mother had. Your wife then realized, in the process, that her adultery also resulted in greatly-increased sexual satisfaction and a far more intriguing and interesting life than she would have had otherwise. This would be the "nurture" half of the "nature vs. nurture" argument; i.e., your wife's upbringing.

In addition, your wife was born of parents of whom one (her father) was highly sexual, and demonstrated that in ways she was able to observe. The other (her mother) apparently had average or perhaps below-average female sexuality, as suggested by her *not* taking lovers but instead complaining and being unhappy because her husband was not monogamous with her. Your wife may have inherited her father's high sexuality, and has been pursuing it since the earliest stages of your relationship with her (if not before). This would be the "nature" half of the "nature vs. nurture" argument; i.e., your wife's genes.

Incidentally, you might consider mentioning to your wife that Cherry Lee (Ph.D.) (a pseudonym), who used to maintain an outstanding website on male-female relationships that included a large "sub-site" on hot wife / cuckold husband relationships and other forms of infidelity, pointed out — in one of her articles — that when a wife or husband who is having an affair divorces their partner and marries their lover, the resulting marriage rarely succeeds. Dr. Lee also pointed out that women over the age of 35 who become divorced rarely are able to attract a new marriage partner.

I don't know anything about the statistics of such things, so I can't express a judgment re. whether that's actually true. No doubt many could cite exceptions (I know of at least one, among my friends). Unfortunately, Dr. Lee and her partner "took down" their website due to other professional commitments; she said it was taking up too much of their time.

In any case, if you want to remain married to your wife, a point you might consider making to her is that from the point of view of finding lovers and having satisfying sexual relationships, she will likely be better off to continue her marriage with you as her cuckold while finding lovers as she pleases, than to divorce you while seeking lovers and possibly looking for another husband. Even if she doesn't want to marry again, you might suggest to her that her appeal to potential lovers as a married woman wearing a ring is, more than likely, greater than her appeal would be as a divorced woman because of the "forbidden fruit" factor, and also because potential lovers know that, as a married woman, she comes with "no strings attached." By contrast, if potential lovers and husbands know she is divorced and she's older than (say) about 35 to 40, they may tend to view her as "somewhat desperate" and may thus find her less appealing.

The above is probably the sort of thing that would be best expressed in a letter, so she can read it all the way through and think about it instead of becoming caught up in verbal arguments with you.

This is, of course, is only a suggestion. Obviously, you are the one who knows your wife.

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I'm really impressed

Custer Laststand said:
Lifelong cuck,

Perhaps your wife, having seen her mother hurt continually by her father's infidelity while she was growing up, resolved — as she began her relationship with you — to be the one who would hurt her husband (you), rather than allow herself by hurt by her husband as her mother had. Your wife then realized, in the process, that her adultery also resulted in greatly-increased sexual satisfaction and a far more intriguing and interesting life than she would have had otherwise. This would be the "nurture" half of the "nature vs. nurture" argument; i.e., your wife's upbringing.

In addition, your wife was born of parents of whom one (her father) was highly sexual, and demonstrated that in ways she was able to observe. The other (her mother) apparently had average or perhaps below-average female sexuality, as suggested by her *not* taking lovers but instead complaining and being unhappy because her husband was not monogamous with her. Your wife may have inherited her father's high sexuality, and has been pursuing it since the earliest stages of your relationship with her (if not before). This would be the "nature" half of the "nature vs. nurture" argument; i.e., your wife's genes.

Incidentally, you might consider mentioning to your wife that Cherry Lee (Ph.D.) (a pseudonym), who used to maintain an outstanding website on male-female relationships that included a large "sub-site" on hot wife / cuckold husband relationships and other forms of infidelity, pointed out — in one of her articles — that when a wife or husband who is having an affair divorces their partner and marries their lover, the resulting marriage rarely succeeds. Dr. Lee also pointed out that women over the age of 35 who become divorced rarely are able to attract a new marriage partner.

I don't know anything about the statistics of such things, so I can't express a judgment re. whether that's actually true. No doubt many could cite exceptions (I know of at least one, among my friends). Unfortunately, Dr. Lee and her partner "took down" their website due to other professional commitments; she said it was taking up too much of their time.

In any case, if you want to remain married to your wife, a point you might consider making to her is that from the point of view of finding lovers and having satisfying sexual relationships, she will likely be better off to continue her marriage with you as her cuckold while finding lovers as she pleases, than to divorce you while seeking lovers and possibly looking for another husband. Even if she doesn't want to marry again, you might suggest to her that her appeal to potential lovers as a married woman wearing a ring is, more than likely, greater than her appeal would be as a divorced woman because of the "forbidden fruit" factor, and also because potential lovers know that, as a married woman, she comes with "no strings attached." By contrast, if potential lovers and husbands know she is divorced and she's older than (say) about 35 to 40, they may tend to view her as "somewhat desperate" and may thus find her less appealing.


My wife, while younger than me, is beyond your re-marriage threshold.

Just a few points.

My mother in law, when she found out her daughter was cuckolding me, helped and supported her actions, sometimes taking her on holidays where my wife could behave as a single woman with a wedding ring. While berating me for my impotence, both in private and publicly .

At the same time condemning both her sons when it was known they had taken mistresses. The older son openly carrying on a long term affair with a business colleague. Both she and my wife taking the sides of the other wives while justifying her infidelity on my lack of size and sexual prowess.
Lifelong cuck,

lifelong cuck said:
My mother in law, when she found out her daughter was cuckolding me, helped and supported her actions, sometimes taking her on holidays where my wife could behave as a single woman with a wedding ring. While berating me for my impotence, both in private and publicly.

That doesn't strike me as surprising.

lifelong cuck said:
At the same time condemning both her sons when it was known they had taken mistresses. The older son openly carrying on a long term affair with a business colleague. Both she and my wife taking the sides of the other wives while justifying her infidelity on my lack of size and sexual prowess.

So, your wife's brothers followed the sexual example of their father, as did your wife, while the women of her family (she and her mother) "stuck together" and joined in condemning the men (your wife's father, her brothers and you), while taking the sides of the women (your wife's sisters in law), although doing so required more than a little hypocrisy on the part of your wife. Interesting.

It sounds like your wife's father's behavior resulted, overall, in substantial dislike for him by her mother and possibly by your wife as well, and a tendency to resent and dislike other men (your wife's brothers and you), given behavior that reminded them of your wife's father — or, in your case, given an alternative reason.

Are you sure your wife/cuckoldress is a woman you want to remain married to...? Or do I have the wrong impression here?

I'd gladly stay married to her as I am so conditioned after all these years to being her cuckold I want nothing else. However it seems that while me having a very small cock for all those years was a justification for her infidelity. The derision of me having no cock now and being totally impotent, is too much for her to bare [bear]!

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