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Well Folks

  • Thread startersubhub174014
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Beloved Member
Apr 9, 2013
Starting to look like a ghost town around here!
I know from messages from several of you that since they combined the 2 sites it has gone to pot here... I don't know about that but will take your word for it. I do know cumbox ( the forum mod) was not happy with the lack of support he got from other Mods... and I assume he has quit! Said he was thinking about it. I know stingray,Loopy69 and several others have started their own thing on tumbler and have moved on as have several others.
As for me and those who have followed me for a long time.... sorry to have lead you here! But at first the super Mod here convinced me he was making all kinds of changes and upgrades and this was going to be a great site. And the site may be. But in his own words the forum doesn't pay him enough to care about! And hell if he is not interested in fixing things I sure as hell am not interested in being here either!
I have been looking around for another site to post... but... kind of lack enthusiasm I guess. Did find a big site even willing to pay me to post... but not thrilled with the site and I sure don't do this for the money! I put all my pics in a storage disc and I have several thousand! They have offered to buy the pics outright and I am thinking about just selling them the pics and quiting. I have been doing this for.... to long!
Not sure what I will do yet haven't made up my mind. A friend is trying to set me up with a tumbler site, but don't like the format there or what he has shown me yet anyway. This site was easiest site to post on of any site I have been to. Anyway thanks for the support from several of you and who knows we may see each other someplace down the road.... That is if anyone still comes here enough to even stop in and read this.
I will definitely miss your posts
Good luck
Sorry to see you go subhub, but good luck ! Let me know if you do decide to post anywhere else!
Aww don't leave hun~~we need you~~i've tried to do a lot of posts but as you have found very little response

Take care
Can only say the same, sorry to see you go. Have really enjoyed your exquisite posts here, the quality and the quantity which I think
would be hard to find elsewhere.
Take care

Thanks everyone.... but when I came here I was led to believe that there was all kinds of changes going to happen here and this thing was going places.... how was I to know that the site may be doing all kinds of things.... but not the forum.... hell this thing could be broke for a week before they even know it.... the lack of interest in the forum really surprises me.... I would think they come to the forum... and then look around from there... but guess I am just biased or something... I know the comment about the forum not paying enough to be interested in really...... cut it!

I have talked to a couple real nice mods in the past couple days on some small forums... but they can't handle the amount I post.... and I can't seem to come to terms with the bigger sites... ( I would like a separate thread because of how much I post)..... so have several thousand pics sitting on a disc... trouble is that damned disc keeps getting bigger!.... just can't seem to quit gathering pics!


I really liked posting here... just getting warmed up to the crowd..... and I could post any sized pic or any type pic..(jpg./png. or even gif) and it posted... which made things nicer... can save a lot more pics and made it easier on me not having to convert them all to jpg.... was hoping by now the mod would realize the error of his ways... but like I/he said... not really interested in the forum!


sorry to keep adding .... BS

but what really makes it so funny is..... I was posting on another site.... I think I created the just out and about thing..... I think.... anyway I was posting there and had been for several years.... just happened to stumble on this one night.... I guess he is a member of the other site saw it, liked it and tried to copy... I saw it and asked what the hell!... get a response... also about that time I was having a few issues at the other site and he convinced me to post here!..... and now??????????.... guess that is why it is so irritating

What sux the most is everyone leaving, some I really enjoyed their postings, and none even bother to say where go. Oh well, I guess it has become every person for themselves now.
Out and About has been the only thing interesting me on this site for a while now so I am sorry to hear this is going away.

And as an old contributor on Dark Cavern I was hopeful after the merge.

So I am sad to hear this place is 'fading to black'.

Thanks for all the good contributions.

thank all of you for your nice comments.... and a bunch of "private messages".... rather than try to send a private message to all of you... I will post something of some kind letting you all know what I have decided to do.... I do appreciate all of you nice comments and suggestions

I do see I have pics everywhere it seems...... most I just got from tumbler anyway... but some I "created"... and I see those on tumbler also.... funny some of you have a tumbler site with the same name you use here..... not that it matters I guess

again thank you all for your support and "private suggestions'.... just haven't figured things out yet..... but like I told a couple of you... really bored not posting.... weather not nice for outside fun... and slow time of year for work... so.......a couple have suggested a few sites and will look into them today


well come to think of it...... that would not be nice to post a link on here for another site... so I guess I will have to contact those of you that have contacted me.... and YES.... LikesMMF I am thinking about it!

Hey Sub. It has never quite worked for me here either. About 6 years of my post never even made the transfer. We have a lot of really easy going people and a copious number of really sexy hot wives getting big cocks on a regular basis. I visit some still but cant find any really hot women on here that are out cucking the old man. But shit man we all know that nothing is forever. I for one would like to thank you for your hot pictures and would REALLY like to thank all they sexy assed ladies that made my putter flutter. I guess its like the dude who was so lazy that he married a pregnant woman. That takes all the fun of her going out , fucking around and getting knocked up. But there are some who I will never forget. Such as uncle clem ,reno88, murph , navy, and a whole shit bunch of beautiful hot cuckolding wives. Way to many to list. Hell man its hard to find a post anymore where the wife is fucking anyone. Anyway best wishes to all and THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES. okdeacon

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