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Waiting for her return

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
Well, I decided to start a new thread since tonight sort of marks a new phase in our relationship.

To those of you who have followed my other thread entitled Thursdays, you know where I am right now. But since I had some time I thought I'd try to summarize my journey so far....

Last summer on a business trip - my wife Sue gave in to my pestering and to her own curiosity and with the aide of a "care package" that I added to her suitcase - she finally gave in and had sex with a guy named Bill who was in the same class and hotel as she was in. He used condoms with her but she was sufficiently turned on by the entire adventure - AND my response to it that she was open to finding something closer to home.

She had long mentioned a guy named Brad at work who, whenever they were out after work or at a work-related event, he was always sort of hitting on her and had long expressed an interest in her. He is married with kids and they recently had another child (must be close to 1 year old soon if memory serves me correctly). I know from Sue and later from Brad himself that his wife - between the kids and the house - was turned off on sex.

Yes, it was a magical fit - Sue and I were comfortable with him being her next, or rather, first real fuck-buddy. Sue and Brad worked their schedules out so that almost every Thursday they are able to get together. Brads wife and family think he is in a work meeting involving a conference call with people overseas (Japan?) so that explains the timing. It is a legitimate project that Brad is working on but there are, in fact, no such calls.

It did start at first with some occasional lunchtime trysts - sometimes in the back of Sue's van, other times in a quiet park, other times in a motel. Sue and I were very uncertain of all of this at first - but over time, we have both become very accepting of this.

I had, until this past week, been very reluctant to reveal the extent of my cuckold-related desires.

Sue's and Brad's intimacy grew over time - to the point where she, after instructing him, was having him insert her diaphragm and spermicide as part of their sexual fun together. Needless to say - I was NOT at all comfortable with this as I had tried to tell myself all I wanted was them fucking and to not think about more that might be going on.

However, over 6+ months now, I have become more and more comfortable with the whole situation. I have met Brad on more than one occasion and indeed just before Christmas I was invited by them to be there and witness them together. Unfortunately, the intensity of their intimacy during foreplay was just too much for me. Seeing my wife readily and eagerly accepting his fingers and tongue in her pussy was too much for me to sit back and watch. I did encourage them to finish as I really don't mind them having sex - but seeing all of that was just a bit too much for me. With my latest revelations over the past week, I beleive I may be more able to be there next time.

At issue was always the use of a diaphragm and spermicide. This culminated with Sue asking me to "take Wednesday's off" and to leave her alone so she can be with Brad on Thursdays. Her excuse at the time was that if we had sex on Wednesday and she was with Brad on Thursday she would have had the diaphragm in for like almost 48 hours which is a no-no. I feigned reluctance at this - still scared to reveal the extent of my cuckold desires and not necessarily wanting to cross the line between fantasy and reality - but looking back at it now, I had little resistance to the idea and actually sort of looked forward to Wednesdays and what they symbolized.

Late last year the subject of alternative birth-control came up. I had long wanted Sue to have her tubes tied but neither of us wanted her to go through the relatively major surgery that involved. However, she did make an appointment with her doctor to discuss other alternatives and just before New Year she said she'd re-researched IUD's and thought she may be comfortable with that. Sure enough, last Friday she had one fitted.

There were some complications and her doctor recommended alternate contraception for at least 3-4 days. The complications involved her cervix beign irritated and swollen such that her diaphragm wouldn't fit properly and that the spermicide could aggravate the irritation from her cervix dilation to insert the IUD. So, I agreed to use condoms with her for the few days afterwards.

We had a lot of heart to heart talks over this time - both before and after she had the IUD put in and I think we both understood that this would possibly change things for us allowing more spontanaeity.

However, also during this time, these heart to heart talks allowed me to finally relax and sort of admit to her the excitement I felt about her fucking Brad and my confession that I am terribly excited by him cumming inside her and her wanting him to.

This past Monday and Tuesday nights, if I wanted to I could have pushed her and had sex with her with just the IUD as birth-control. I tried to deny my own true desires by using her "irritation" and her concern about having waited long enough for the IUD to be effective and I "gave in" and used condoms with her both nights.

On Tuesday night she asked me "you know what this means - that Brad will be the first" to have sex with her using just the IUD. I told her yes - and I opened up and confessed all to her - that it turned me on to have her have him be "first". I truly wanted her to have that level of excitement as part of all of this.

That is another aspect of all of this - Sue has always said that her arousal and excitement and enjoyment of her time with Brad is ALWAYS linked to my enjoyment of what she is doing. However, both MOnday and Tuesday I saw a side of her that I have hoped to see all along - that SHE actually wants something sexually and not just to please me. She too confessed in a way that she was very excited by what I was telling her I wanted for her.

Last night was our no-sex night but this time it wasn't because of the whole 48-hour diaphragm usage thing - no, this time it was because she knew it turned me on to have to wait for her.

Tonight - it's now 7:30pm and I am SURE that Brad has already put the IUD to the test and that Sue has undoubtedly had orgasm after orgasm. When she does finally come home - hopefully within the next hour - it will also be the first time in 14 years that she will not have used spermicide when a guy has cum inside her. I cannot wait to experience that with her later.

In the meanwhile I am trying to hide my perpetual hard-on from my kids and am trying to avoid getting over-stimulated to keep myself on edge until later tonight.

I am not sure where all this will now lead - my openness and confession of more of the depths of my cuckold desires are a concern but the excitement of it all makes that pale in comparison.

There are others here who say that this is a recipe for disaster for us - that I should be much more of a part of their time together. I don't feel that way right now and I do genuinely believe that Sue is being honest with me when she says that it is just sex and that there isn't much more than that between them. I guess time will tell.

More later....

Thanks for the recap. I've been away for a while and appreciate the update.

BTW, I notice you posted on 20 Jan. '09 as "nj_guy_59," then returned to posting as "SoonToBe." What happened? Did you adopt a new identity, then have second thoughts?

Regarding your comment:

SoonToBe said:
There are others here who say that this is a recipe for disaster for us - that I should be much more of a part of their time together.

I'd say don't worry about it. Your wife's affair, with your knowledge and encouragement, appears to be working out well for all concerned.

Good start

Sounds like a great start. Thanks for posting and I look forward to hearing more.
What other things in a cuckold vein turn you on like the idea of having to postpone sex with her for benefit of her lover, or him getting to put his seed in her without spermacide first?
Just wanted to say I love your posts.
So how did it go after Sue got home on Thursday night?
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Hi I'm Ken, I just registered to this site, this is my first post.

notquite/soontobe has and interesting situation. so far its all about sue, how she can manage to attract brad and control her cuck at the same time. lies and denial, it isnt really a bad thing to feel the sting of betrayel, real or pretend.
You are letting it happen because you like it. it appears that you are "giving away" when really you gain power from it.
if the pressure gets too much, I reccomend you grab up a bit of pussy on the side for yourself. or if you really want to play the role, find a gay/bi buddy to hang around with while she is playing....
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Good morning,

I only have a few minutes to post right now but hope to have more time later.

I wished I had time yesterday but didn't unfortunately.

She didn't get home until well after 8pm on Thursday and I was on the edge all night until I dragged her up to the bedroom about 10pm after we said goodnight to our son. She told me that they both met at their usual no-tell motel - she told me Brad was there already when she got there. She asked me if I wanted to hear all the details and all I could say was "definitely".

I hope to have more time later but suffice to make this short now. Brad was very surprised by what Sue told him I'd done. She said he actually felt honored and as I'd hoped - she couldn't contain the excitement she felt and it was clear to me as she told me what happened that what I'd done was the right thing. For the first time I actually felt like she was telling me what she wanted to tell me instead of what I wanted to hear! I cannot tell you how turned on that made me.

She said they got naked and he eagerly went down on her. And for the first time - I cringed as she told me that he would fuck her a bit and then go back to going down on her. I remembered being able to do that with her back when she was on the pill and I was VERY envious of Brad enjoying that moment with her.

As I said, I no longer really fear telling her that hearing that really turned me on. She said that feeling him without spermicide in her was incredibly arousing and that was only topped by when he did finally cum inside her. The look in her eyes as she told me that said it all. She said she'd also not realized how much she missed not having to be worried at all about him being in her without any contraception and that she seemed to orgasm so much more easily.

He asked her several times whether I had really not "had her" yet. Each time she said "no, he wanted you to be the first" she said he would just start fucking her more and more and harder and harder.

I don't think I've ever felt more close to her as she told me how she was on her back as he was in her and said he was getting close. She said she held him tightly as he moaned he was getting closer and closer. I swear I nearly came without touching myself when she told me that they were kissing as she felt him finally climax and that she was right there and orgasmed with him just from how much she could feel from him - how she could feel his body in her and next to her and how she could feel his warmth spreading inside her.

Needless to say - I eagerly went down on her after hearing that. She knew to expect that as this was a first for me - not having to deal with spermicide and such. I don't mind Brad's cum in her and being able to feel and taste what was left pushed me right to the edge.

When I could stand it no longer I pulled up onto my knees and eased my own cock into her now wet and open pussy. She just said to me "it's your turn now" and that was it. I just started to fuck her like crazy. Deep as I could go - she was so open and not so much creamy inside but VERY wet. And a moment later I just let loose in her.

There's more to tell but no time now. We talked a lot last night - and my god did she tease me last night before we fucked again. But suffice to say that right now, Saturday morning, my cock is thoroughly drained for sure.

Sorry all - more later.
Sounds hot, SoonToBe. Looking forward to a longer update when you have time for it.
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Sounds like You've got it made. I can't wait to hear the full version.
Back for a bit and I"m still wicked horny...

I read what I'd posted earlier. It's weird how you remember different things now than you did earlier.

Her answer to me when I asked her how she felt with him - whether she felt closer to him or whether she was more excited or anything like that - gave me such an intense rush and wild combination of feelings. She told me that she felt, in many ways, like a virgin and that she said she felt very much like she did her very first time. She didn't say it was Joe but I knew what she meant. She said she felt so alive and so so sensitive. I told her that I too hadn't realized just how numbing the spermicide was.

I was so excited hearing all of this - my response was obvious by how turned on and hard I'd get as she'd tell me this. She knew I wanted to be teased a lot on Friday too - and my god did she seem to enjoy it. I can't remember what order or whatever, but during out foreplay last night she enjoyed telling me all sorts of stuff.

She told me how she could feel so much more of Brad's cock. She described how she could feel every vein and ridge how she could feel him so much when he was deep in her too. How when he was deep in her and he'd be close to cumming that she could feel him swelling up - something I KNOW she loves - and getting thicker before he'd cum in her.

Last night she showed me the position they were in when he came in her the first time. I love this position - her knees bent all the way with her thighs against her calves - and then pushing back and out on her legs. However she is shaped inside - that's the position that is just the most intense. A lot of times she couldn't get comfortable in it though - but she said that without the diaphragm in her - that she was able to let Brad really have her and that she felt like he was opening her up and crawling inside. Like I said, I'd enjoyed that position many times - and when she told me that was how she was when he squirted - I was both incredibly excited to the point of like spontaneous combustion but I also felt this ache that I knew was going to come with it. She had given something to Brad that I just had some second thoughts about. That position for her and I - I can't explain it but how she feels at that moment - her whole body is just like waiting at the edge of orgasm and as soon as I - and now Brad - cum in her it is like the most intense climax.

But now, a day later - I have to say that it is an incredible turn-on to even think about it. I'm glad I did what I did. I gave her something that was very special for her - and it is so fucking arousing to even see her walking around the house knowing what she's doing with Brad.

She said she stayed naked with him the entire time - the entire time he would just push his cock into her whenever he wanted. She loved it - loved the feeling of not having the spermicide and stuff all over. Killed me when she said she loved that she could suck him any time and did so many times.

I had to know - how many times did he manage to cum in her. She was quiet and then said quietly - 3 times - and then said she didn't think he "came" much the last time but she loved feeling him nonetheless. The first time he was on top of her in my position (I think it may have been the position I was in when I got her pregnant which turned me on to think about). The second she said was with him behind her as they watched a dirty movie on TV. She said she could feel SO much more in that position than ever before. All I could think of was him behind her giving her a few swats on the ass as he fucked her!

She said the last time was very special. She said he told her that he was very touched by what she'd and I'd done and it was one of those moments where she said they just lay there. And god did she pour it on. Telling me how they were so close, hugging, kissing, caressing - her holding her legs back for him and him deep in her for what she said felt like forever. She said she didn't cum from that but that it felt almost as good feeling him like that. She let him pump away until he said he'd cum and then just kept on hugging and kissing.

Now I know she deliberately laid on the last part - I'd told her I wanted her to last night and my god she did. When we got to us fucking finally, I held her closely and as we kissed she told me again how that was the very position again that Brad was with her. Feeling her against me like that and knowing Brad had felt the exact same thing the night before just filled me with such an intense erotic feeling that I just started to really fuck her deeply and more and more firmly. She kept it going - telling me how Brad would hold her ass and pull himself into her more and more.

I can't even remember some of what she said because a moment later I just exploded in her. I mean it scared even me at how intense an orgasm it was it was like lava shooting out of me and I can't recall cumming that much in ages either....

But the moments after that - when I realized she too had really climaxed at the same time were just so tender and loving - I think she was even crying on my shoulder at one point as she told me she loved me. I tell you, that moment was just so incredible after what had been.

Today we've teased a bit and such but we both seem to really want time later tonight so I'm signing out now and bid you all a fun good night.
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I am actually interested in hearing more about 'his' family at this point. I hope their hearts do not break from all this.
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Hey -had a few minutes and checked back here.

I have not really asked Sue much about Brads family other than to know that he has at least one kid who is maybe a year old around now or something like that. We discussed this when she first started seeing him and from what I can see - Sue is just a fuck-buddy and I've come to be okay with that.

I do know - from past discussions and yesterday and today - that they do say they love each other to each other. That bothered me at first but I have come to understand that it is within their time together that they feel that way. I do know Sue has come to care a lot about and for Brad - not to the point of my being worried about losing her to him, but in the sense that she does feel safe and VERY comfortable with him. I do not know to what degree he feels towards Sue - but I do not see them on the phone or swapping email either so I just don't think she is a threat to their marriage either.

I do know that it's going to have to change, grow or end in the future though. Work projects end and I am not sure how long Brad can keep this up with his wife. I do fear the day if she finds out, but again, that is his doing. In some of our conversations Sue has indicated that she would feel terrible if that happened - but she has also said that since our relationship has gone this route, that she has less issues with extramarital sex. About 10+ years ago a family down our street broke apart because the husband flipped out when he found his wife was fucking another guy. We heard this second-hand with some degree of accuracy that it wasn't anything more than just what Sue is doing - enjoying a bit of time with someone else. This was before we had seriously started to open our own relationship up - but she remembered my sentiments at the time that I had said that as long as it wasn't anything "serious" that I wouldn't have split up or anything like that. She now looks back and sees that I had this leaning way back when - but she also looks back and now agrees with me in the same way.

We talked today about whether I enjoyed last night - her teasing and the other thing she said and did - actually she just wanted to confirm that I was okay as she clearly knew I had enjoyed it. I told her that as long as I had the moments we had together at the end - that I would be okay with almost anything the would do. She had a big smile on her face at that.

I know that a lot of people are saying "this is too good to be true". For this to be working like this with her first real fuck-buddy and all that. But I know that this is really just because we waited almost 15 years to even discuss starting this - and that we have always been open to talk about everything. I can look at her and know what she's thinking. We answer each others sentences. Our kids think we practice together because we each say the same things in the same way to them. When we met I wasn't looking to find someone - we started as friends and it grew from there. And it's not to say that there haven't been moments where we've argued about Brad and such but why post them here, they're not a turn-on and they're not something I want to re-live.

In a way it does bother me - I mean I think every guy has it in his mind that his wife is his and his alone - I mean that's the way we were all programmed by our parents. Knowing she spreads her legs for Brad - knowing that during those few hours each week she is his, all his - it does bother me if I focus on that side of it. But when I let myself focus on the fun and pleasure and excitement that Sue gets out of it. And when I think of how aroused I am and the type of physical intense sex we have when she comes home- it makes it all worthwhile.

I do hope she feels encouraged to do more. Someone asked what other fantasies I have. As most cuckolds - and I am definitely one - I think we always have pretty wild fantasies of our wives doing all sorts of things. Instead the biggest question I continue to wonder about is how far and to where that line between fantasy and reality moves.

Anyway - it's time to watch some TV and get some family-time in before it's our turn in bed!
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Would you wear a chastity device on Tuesday and Wednesday nights while you lay in bed with Sue kissing and cuddling ? Then Thursdays will be special "release night".
As I have said before, I love your posts for a number of reasons. First, of course, is that you write so well. Your posts are easy to follow (I agree with Custard - great recap) and you capture the emotions incredibly well.

Second, Sue is just an amazing woman. She seems to know just what you want, and she loves you enough to give it to you. My Susan has a difficult time knowing how and when to tease me. She does not understand that I love the jealous feeling I get when she shares details of how she felt and what she was thinking.

Third, I love the communication you have with Sue and also with Brad. The two of you seem to spend a lot of time checking in with each other to make sure all is well.

Three things make me think this will last for quite a while; Trust, Communication, and Passion. You obviously have built a lot of trust into your relationship and Sue knows she can explore this new relationship with the certainty that you will still love her when she walks in the door. As I said earlier, you and Sue keep everything above the table and really listen to what the other has to say. I love that you said you have your disagreements about Brad and you deal with them and move on (thanks for not posting the downers to often). As long as you and Sue have that Passion for each other after her dates with Brad, you have nothing to worry about.

Keep on posting!
I thought I'd share after the few days of absence, that this morning started pleasantly with Sue telling me "you'd better get me tonight or wait till late Thursday night....".

You may personally get less and less out of posting here, but you need to know you have some avid followers (self included) who check here daily to see if an update has been posted.

I have said this to you privately in PM's, but I'll say it publicly here in this thread.... of all the threads, posts and experiences I have read, I am most fascinated by yours. While some of the responses and suggestions I read that are offered to you by others seem over the top to me (not a value statement - to each his own), I can most closely and personally identify with your emotions, feelings and actions, despite the fact that I am not in the lifestyle nor do I have a real frame of reference.

Your head seems screwed on pretty tight, and the relationship you enjoy with Sue is most enviable. I wish you and Sue the very best, and hope that you do find the time to share your ongoing experiences. They are somewhat uplifting for those of us who are trying to move in the same direction.

Rick - thank you. I enjoy posting here. I find it is kind of like talking to yourself in the car (we all do it) in that it helps me sort my feelings out and afterwards it let's me revisit some feelings and thoughts that I would otherwise forget about or lose the reflection of the moment.

I do still have misgivings at times as I expect any husband would have if his wife were off having fun elsewhere. That is why I very much value that re-connection with Sue when she returns.

If anything, the knowlege (and evidence) of what she's been doing seems to intensify the passion I feel with and from her.

I do have concerns as I posted elsewhere that if things sour with Brad and his wife/family that things could be bad for Sue. But it's not like she's the first "other woman" to come along. And to be honest - I remember back when we had young kids at home that Sue wasn't all that into sex as she was truly tired and uninspired so the same may be true for Brad. Conjecture of course but his wife may not mind that Sue is relieving his tensions without trying to threaten their marriage. At least thinking that way let's Sue and I sleep with a clear conscience.

Gotta run.
Did I miss something? Does
Brad's wife know that he is fucking Sue?
No, she does not.
Did I express myself that poorly that you came out with that question?

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