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Valentines Day

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #181
when she gets home hope she will give you what she has let frank give her for you and not wait till the weekend to get it let us know what happened with her at franks and what you and sue talked about tonight.
  • #182
Gee, this went quiet pretty quickly ..

Just like to say, well handled STB. I think you did the best you could. It will be interesting to see how you and Sue handle things until then. I think Frank will be stepping on eggshells, so it really will be Sue's call an whatever happens that way (more than it is already). Ironically, this probably means her 'dominant man' passive training will be on hold too.

In spite of the show of decisivness by you, I also suspect that your emotions are on a bit of an internal roller coaster. Try to enjoy it ! Whatever doesn't kill you and all that ..
  • #185
Hey all, hope everyone had a happy Easter.
I'll put it briefly, my nuts feel like a sponge that's been well wrung out. Between last Thursday night and last night, I think Sue and I have fucked like 6 or 7 times! I know that right now, I can barely get hard much less stay that way. But I did manage one last time last night. She was done cumming herself earlier yesterday but she kept to her word when she said that I could have her as much as I wanted. She was surprised when last night at like 11pm I asked her if she could stand one more time. She giggled and said "if you can get it hard again, you can use me again". She stopped giggling when I got it hard and said "wow - you are really horny!". Not that she wasn't still wet from our earlier 'bout - but just to be sure, I used a little lubricant.

She just lay back and pulled her knees back for me and said "go ahead and enjoy" and so I did. I sometimes would feel guilty about just using her pussy like that - but not after how she'd cum earlier - I know that both Saturday and earlier last night that I made her scream and cum like a fountain. She told me afterwards that she'd been thinking about next weekend and I told her I knew it and that I was okay with it. At one point I even told her that Frank is going to even be surprised if she's like that next weekend and she later on said she agreed, that despite how much she may have let herself go with him before, that being with him alone for 2 days is going to be very different.

So - yes - I did tell her that she can go. Some of our conversation over this weekend was about the wedding, but honestly, most of our weekend didn't really include much teasing or anything like that - instead it was very passionate and very intimate between us. Of course, at other times we talked - sometimes a lot - but not in bed. There is was just Sue and I for the most part.

When we did talk about the wedding she repeatedly assured me that it's not something I should be worrying about, that she's not running off on me or falling in love with Frank at all. Matter of fact, and I do believe her, at some point she said that all of this has actually made her feel more in love with me (if that was possible) and that she knows that for me to have said she can go that it must be something that I want to experience and she said she'll give me that. She said she still can't fully understand it all but that she knows that I want to feel how it is to give her up for a weekend and for her o then come back to me and - in between I love you's and "I'll do anything for you"'s - she made it clear that if this is what I want then she'll do it including making sure I know she's having sex, as she put it, "lots of it too!".

At one point last night she did tell me to look at her as she lay naked under me with her legs spread ready for me. She told me that "this is how Frank will have me for 2 whole days" and as she pulled me down close to her she whispered in my ear "fuck me like Frank will be doing all next weekend". Wow did that really get me going and wow did she respond. Whatever the turn-on - wow - the intensity of that fuck between us was just incredible. By the end - it didn't matter what had turned us both on or even what we were both thinking about - it was one of those fucks that seemed to just get better and better. We rolled about on the bed - with her up on top she rode me till she screamed and brought me to the edge. Thing was, it was the passion that we both rose to. Whatever we were thinking - and believe me - all sorts of thoughts went through my head - the fact was it was the 2 of us! I can't even remember how many times she came - including several that left her throbbing and shaking under me. But in the end - when you can both look each other in the eye and bring each other to a screeching orgasm simultaneously - well, it just left us feeling very connected.

I know that there's probably a lot more that everyone may want to know or whatever. I received a lot of PM's from people who obviously must be reading my posts but not updating in the thread itself. Some were very supportive while others implored me to be careful and to think clearly about things. Several people said that I should truly go for it and that I should go through with the whole idea about telling her to leave her rings home. Some expressed apprehension about giving in to it being both days - and some were equally concerned that perhaps the wrong ideas about them both may still be out there.

I would have felt more concerned had the weekend not been what it was. At times when we talked, Sue made it very clear that it is JUST SEX and that they are just friends. She actually said that she feels different about things with Frank than she did with Brad or Don - she said that she doesn't feel like she's being pressured or convinced to make it more. She said that she looks back at her time with them and that she always felt they wanted more and more from her. But she doesn't feel that with Frank. Instead she said she feels like he is truly just thankful for what he is getting and that he never pushes for anything more than what she wants. Whether that's her manipulation of him or whatever, I didn't push her to say that, it seemed to come from her heart.

In the end, I think it's like this. It's been several years now and honestly, it doesn't really phase me that she has sex with him. It's just as simple as that - so she spreads her legs for him. That in and of itself doesn't have a whole lot of meaning behind it. To be honest - the few times we went and checked out some swing-clubs almost a decade ago - I can actually understand so much more of what I'd/we'd seen back then - how it seemed to be no big deal that the wife/gf would just go off and fuck someone. At the time we weren't ready for that - but now, it actually seems like it's no big deal. I think I look more for how Sue and I are when we're together that is more important to me/us. And that is why this past weekend was so rewarding to me - I know a lot of our arousal was at what was coming up - but it was directed to each other and there can be no hiding the intense pleasure we shared.

Far2 - you asked about this week. She will not be seeing Frank this week, that was also something she told me when she got home last Thursday, that the wedding will be the next time for them and she giggled that "he'll be really horny by then". As for us this week, we haven't said anything for sure but a part of me does want to send her off horny. That is a turn on for me - to send her off with him all ripe and horny - but I may relent by the end of the week and have one last time with her.

I'm sure I'll have many more thoughts to share. I already have a whole mess of them swimming in my head including the crazy thought of Frank doing the whole "carry her over the threshold" thing after the wedding. Another one which will certainly remain as just that - a crazy thought - would be if Sue were to bring her own wedding dress (as if it'd still fit!) and for her to let Frank undress her as I did almost 25 years ago. I have kept all of these in my head for now.

So, that's it. I'm stoic on a Monday morning with my nuts totally drained. I know by the end of the week I'll be climbing the walls...

And yes - as Peak put it - "Gee this went by pretty quickly". It seems like just yesterday this wedding was months away. Now it's just days.
  • #186
Hi, STB: You sure are sounding 'Mellow' This morning. certainly, all the great sex in the last few days since Thu. have satiated you and Sue.
I don't know if you followed my advise to call the meeting or it was already in your mind, but I do feel gratified that you took that step and it turned out to be very beneficial and helped contribute to the wonderful weekend you have just described.
A while back, you mentioned that Frank was a smoker, and that Sue didn't like that in him. Since they will spend two days and nights together plus driving, This issue may come up again. Do you know if Frank has quit smoking?

About the rings, as I said before, She could simply wear gloves at the rehearsal, wedding and reception. Other than that, It wouldn't matter.
Cheers, Harry
  • #187
Just one comment to add here. I just replied to some of the PM's I'd received and in my response to one of them, I came to a thought that I felt I should post here as perhaps it truly sums things up.

It makes sense to me that my wanting her to go away like this for both nights is perhaps simply a more explicit and intense desire to feel the experience of denial. Maybe it's knowing Frank is taking my weekend time with Sue that is my turn-on.

Just thoughts...

For Hiki's sake - I'll add a comment here that I had yesterday watching all the little nieces and nephews search for candy - at one point, hearing one of the kids yell something about "finding eggs" - Hiki - for whatever reason your pregnancy fetish came into my head and all I could think about was Franks sperm looking for Sue's eggs.
  • #188
Hey Harry - just missed your post. Yes, quite mellow and much less on-edge about all of this than I was last week. I think the weekend did a lot for me.

No idea about Frank smoking. I didn't smell it in his place last time I was there and I don't know that I've smelled it on him either - but - as you say, both Sue and I have told him we don't like it so maybe that's all it is. Can't say anything more than that....

As of right now, I would love to send her off without her rings. But I'm not sure I can bring myself to actually do it. She's not a gloves type of girl so that's not really going to work....
  • #189

Well, then. It will really be for her to decide. I would expect for her to take them off and put them in her purse out of curtesy to Frank to not have him answer embarrassing questions at some point.
As you suggested, Maybe Sue will pack her wedding dress, and Frank will have a ring for her to wear before he carries her into the hotel room.
How will you react if Sue sends you a text (or even a cell phone pix) about that?
Cheers, Harry
  • #190
You are crazy Harry... That would be both pretty funny as well as arousing.
  • #191
Well, I don't think you have seen the end of Sue's supprises. You never know what she may have in store for you as long as she thinks it may, in the end, turn you on!!! I still think there is something 'special' with her and this wedding thing. You will find out!!LOL
Cheers, Harry
  • #192
i do think harry is right about there is something special about this weekend for her and are you going to take her out and get her some new special outfits for her trip.
  • #193
Dana - can't say. You guys could be right. I'm eager to find out myself.
No, no shopping trips or any special outfits planned that I know of. I think we're both on edge enough as it is.
  • #194
Wedding mix-up

STB: Maybe you don't want to know if there is any 'special significance' to this wedding trip to Sue. I understand if you don't, but you could just 'casually' ask Sue: "Hasn't it been about a year since you started fucking with Frank" That wouldn't reveal to her that you are keeping a diary or anything, just that you recall it's been about a year since Frank helped you take down the Jungle Gym and then She started fucking Frank.
It would be interesting to see her expression at what you are getting at without even mentioning an anniversary.
Just a thought, Cheers, Harry
  • #196

STB: Maybe you don't want to know if there is any 'special significance' to this wedding trip to Sue. I understand if you don't, but you could just 'casually' ask Sue: "Hasn't it been about a year since you started fucking with Frank" That wouldn't reveal to her that you are keeping a diary or anything, just that you recall it's been about a year since Frank helped you take down the Jungle Gym and then She started fucking Frank.
It would be interesting to see her expression at what you are getting at without even mentioning an anniversary.
Just a thought, Cheers, Harry
  • #197
Okay Harry - that I will do - I'll mention the comment - it being "about this time last year that things got started?".

I have my doubts but I suppose it's worth the mention.
  • #198
well some what of the samething happened to me thirty five years ago and it was for aweek not a weekend when they came back she did leave her rings and he gave her one he got her and from that time on when she was with him she had to take mine off and out his on they had amock wedding and all while they were at the outher wedding it was all good for two more years and then she left me for him after his wife him so like i said watch your back hope all goes well with this for you and her.
  • #199
Dana - I suppose it's good then that Frank is already separated (soon to be divorced) so that element is already a known event. I don't think I have to worry about this, at least not for this weekend.
  • #200
i think you are right when mine happened my wife was just 24 and he was 46 and a doctor as well so you and sue have a very good marrage so have fun with your hotwife.

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