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Valentines Day

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
STB, I really am enjoying your narrative. Thank you for sharing this. Incredibly exciting. Though I don't have a woman to share these things with now, I can somewhat relate with how difficult it is it work out what we enjoy with the woman who means so much. You are really exploring it in a very real and very intense way. Thank you.
Peak, I agree with what you have to say. Steve and Sue have an enviably good communication set up which puts them way above many, if not all, of the Cuckold posters on this site. The only cause for the concern and angst that Steve feels is his not knowing what is in Franks mind about this whole affair. Indeed that is a wonder to me too. With the limited details that Steve can give us, I can only view it as I think I would if I were in Frank’s situation. With a highly sensual woman (Sue), who happens to be married to a husband that I don’t understand letting her be free to have sex with me. Do I therefore consider my self a better lover than her husband, or do I consider that he is inadequate to satisfy her sexually. [Or ??] Apparently Sue is not telling him all either.
Frank has traveled to visit his brother 2, or more times since he has been involved with Sue. I think there is a high probability that he has bragged about the ‘hot’ woman (Sue) that he is dating, without mentioning that she is married. I also think that Frank see’s the wedding as an opportunity to “show her off to his brother.” Why? Because that’s what guy’s do. Especially guy’s that are ‘rebounding’ from a bad marriage. The temptation to show that “somebody loves me” is the greatest at this time in a man’s life. I know, [been there done that].
I think Frank invited Sue to the wedding for that reason, and Sue decided that she wanted to go (women love weddings) and also that it would be the “weekend with Frank” that she had already suggested to Steve. But Frank would have to be the one to ask Steve’s permission. Imagine the angst that Frank must have felt In performing that task. Steve did report that Frank was VERY nervous in doing so. I think Frank is VERY smitten with Sue and understandably in love with her.
What started out to be a 3-some arrangement where everyone is comfortable has become very mysterious as reported to us by Steve.
Sue is orchestrating this very skillfully, training Frank to be the sexual partner she wants to fulfill her extramarital fantasies, while at the same time giving her husband the cuckold fantasies he wants.
There has to be mystery for Steve to feel that he is truly living the cuckold lifestyle. If there were no mystery, there would be no angst, and without angst, he could not feel like a cuckold.
Some of us have developed a certain kinship with Steve and as such have a measure of empathy for him, while at the same time vicariously living this lifestyle with him. I would not, in my own life attempt to orchestrate such a situation. To me it would just be too 'risky'.
Cheers, Harry
i think you may be right about this but the big if is what is frank wanting out of this now and what will he do to get what he wants.
SoonToBe said:
I do have a bit of angst at the wedding plans. I know that it'll be 24-48 hours of what I saw last weekend. How can it not be - a romantic event, the 2 of them dressed to the 9's - dancing the evening away. I know what will follow afterwards and if (when) they stay overnight, I know that Frank will share all of her - sleeping together, if I know Sue, showering together and yes, lots of sex. I know it's a lot to just let happen. But I would also be lying if I said that it didn't excite me. My brain races at thinking of how I will be and how I'll feel while she's away. But we have a lot of time yet, 6 more weeks. .....More later.

STB, As I said in my previous post, there has to be some mystery to create the angst and atmosphere that fulfills your cuckold reality as you experience it. Sue apparently knows that the wedding and the weekend away, will provide that atmosphere. She is reading you well.
You might say that it is "no big deal" any more than her first "out of town tryst with Bill" when she went to that business seminar with your blessings to "go and have fun" [but] she has now added the emotional atmosphere of a wedding, going as a girlfriend of Frank's. Given that his brother and some other of his relatives know they are staying the weekend as well as you do. Thus she has added another level of tension for you to ponder. I have only to wonder what Frank see's as the outcome of her willingness to accompany him to a wedding. Does he see it as an escalation of their relationship? You already know he is fearful of violating your trust and that it may end his relationship with Sue. As such, Sue is giving Frank the excitement of 'risk' that keeps him in her control.
Well, I have another angle on the whole situtation. Might it be that Sue might be testing Steve if he would allow things to go that far. Sometimes women might relate this kind of freedom with love - as in "if he did truly loved me, he wouldn't allow me to go". And if he is allowing me - "It might be that he doesn't needs me more than he needs to fulfil his fantasies". I might be wrong as Sue and Steve have a pretty good communication between them.
Good evening everyone. I will tell you that between all of your comments and questions - as well as mine - on the whole Frank issue - that he and I are meeting tomorrow evening to sort things out. Sue shared some concerns he had in an Email to her - basically him not being sure about me!

After reading all of your updates, you all encouraged me to go for it. I sent him an Email earlier this evening. I told Sue about it and she laughed that I'd sent him an email rather than call him on the phone. Not sure if it's all guys but to me, it just felt weird to call him. Anyway - he answered back that he agreed we should talk and suggested after dinner tomorrow night.

So thank you all for your encouragement and/or your sharing your concerns. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to say to him other than simply saying that we need to figure out how to make this less awkward and to understand it all.

Raks - I suppose your thought could be true - she's looking for me to put the brakes on it. But at the same time, I know that she seems to finally be really wanting this for herself and she knows I am supportive of that. That said, it is something I'll be sure to keep in my thoughts as - for you and others - I suspect that there may need to be some boundaries defined.

Harry - I do not know what Frank has and hasn't told his brother. I do know that Sue has repeatedly requested he not tell others. My quick thoughts are that if they play it cool at the wedding and party, that others may be none the wiser of what may or may not be going on. Would that be plausible deniability for others?

What intrigues me is that the other stuff that you suggest about keeping Frank in her control is very interesting to think about. Whether she is doing it consciously or not, it's interesting to see since you've been pointing it out. I will say that this aspect of it all is somewhat of a relief as, to me, it reinforces my thoughts that Sue is truly enjoying herself and her freedom which is such a turn on.

Sue does know that it turns me on to think of her going with Frank to the wedding. She teased me with those thoughts over the weekend and she definitely knows from my response what I am thinking. Between that and sharing more about her time with Frank, I don't think there's any doubt of her knowing what turns me on. I will admit that it is a little scary in a way that she knows this, but yet at the same time, it is incredible to have her use it to initiate this kind of excitement between us. I am still quite satisfied from our fun last night.

Peak - I'm not going to question the weekend-husband or panty thing as I agree the logic behind it sounds fishy. My quick thought is that she's maybe trying different things and seeing how they feel to her now. Both of these are sort of extensions of stuff she's/we've done in the past, only then they were at the request of her lover. And, to that end, I also haven't fully asked her about what she wants out of "definitely" going to the wedding. We've talked about it a little here and there, about the specifics, but there too, some of what she's shared seems to be similar to earlier times.

I honestly just had the thought that maybe what she's doing is looking to re-experience things only this time under her control and direction? I actually like that thought. Yet at the same time, would I ruin it if I were to ask her and make her see perhaps what she may be doing without realizing it? I have to say this is an interesting thought.

Harry - you re-quoted something I'd written quickly and just typed as it went though my head. I have re-read it several times and each time I do I get a queasy feeling - but at the same time, each time I've read it, I know it is something I want her to do if she wants to.

I'm a bit hesitant about seeing Frank tomorrow night. Perhaps some alcohol and other intoxicants will ease the conversation. I'd always thought I'd be having this conversation about "what are your intentions" with my daughter's boyfriends, not my wife's!! Crazy to think about. Will I be able to figure out if it's Sue manipulating him into what's happening? What a hot thought that is to end on.

Anyway - it's been fun sharing thoughts here before bidding adieu.
Hope it goes well with Frank. Do you think he will be honest with you or act? Remember this is the guy that was fucking your wife behind your back for a while. It might be more prudent to tell him about you and Sue's relationship and what you want out of it (ie. the cuckold stuff). Maybe that would open him up but certainly would be uncomfortable for you, no doubt. It does appear that there aren't any boundries for you right now with their relationship like in the past. Maybe it is because you know Sue is in control this time and that you think you know and like Frank,but isn't that what you, as a cuck, want? Keep the communication going with Sue and let her do her thing and enjoy what she is doing for both of you. Don't let our speculation ruin that! Because I can see it all coming to an end if you start showing her that there is something wrong. It may cause her to step back and just end the whole thing. I say this as she strikes me as a person that constantly needs to be trying and experiencing new things to keep that spark alive and if she can't do that then it will just fade away. Good luck but all I know is that I truley enjoy your posts!
hope all goes as you want it to with frank.
Hey all, sorry for the lapse in getting back here but, hey, life happens, right...

I did go see Frank on Tuesday as planned. I won't try to recap the entire conversation as I think that wouldn't work well as we were all over the place before we got down to the more important stuff.

I'm not sure where to start - but will say that in the conversation I became very aware and reminded of things that I and others have said and seen too - that Sue seems to be very much controlling Frank including getting him to see things differently. During our conversation, Frank told me that at first he couldn't understand why I was okay with him having sex with Sue - but that over the past few weeks, that Sue has actually explained to him about what goes on between her and I.

My immediate concern about what she may have told him was nothing to worry about as Sue did not tell him anything other than how turned on I am to her having sex with him. I can't recall exactly how it came up or what was said exactly (we'd had a few beers to get things going) but what he conveyed to me was that he sort of understood that very much in the same way that he's turned on about her as I am. I'm not doing justice to how he said it, but basically - he seemed to say that he understands that it turns me on to have her after she's had sex with him just as it turns him on to have sex with her after she's been with me!

That sort of eased our conversation a bit because as we talked, he seemed to understand a bit more of what's going on. As I said, Sue had been "coaching" him to not think it's so weird what's going on and to give him an idea of how it turned me on. I also saw from what he shared with me - that Sue hadn't told him of her panty-denial thing or anything beyond that. It was interesting because as he talked, I could hear him say this or that about Sue and it rang true to what we've all shared earlier about her controlling all of this.

He seemed a bit surprised and concerned when I told him that I didn't leave the last time I was there like he thought and that I'd stayed and spied on them a bit. That was where the conversation got a little awkward and Frank admitted to me that was also where he wasn't so sure of things. He seemed to struggle for how to explain things so I kind of took the lead and said that I knew that sometimes Sue really wanted him to fuck the hell out of her and I told him that I knew that last time was one of those times. He was quiet and then told me that he was surprised that I was okay with it all but then he also said that Sue had kind of gotten him a little more comfortable with it.

I kind of gave him some of our history - I didn't come out and say that we've/she's done this before - instead I told him how we'd fantasized for a long time, loved Penthouse Letters, done role-playing stuff, had gone to bars where she'd get hit on and that I'd even encouraged her to have fun while she was on that business trip. I 'fessed up and told him that I liked having a "naughty wife" and that I felt comfortable with him as her partner. I then asked him if I had anything to worry about!

Before he could answer me I told him that I was cool with them having sex and all that came with that - and I told him - including the type of sex I saw between them the last time - that I knew she wanted to give herself totally to him that time - and I again asked him if I had anything to worry about. He asked me - what was I concerned about and I just said to him "that you'll get too carried away or begin to feel that you want more". And - at that moment I also said to him "like this wedding thing" and I basically asked him if I was going to regret it.

He surprised me by saying he wasn't even sure if she was going to go with him, that he didn't think she and I had come to a decision. That was like the perfect segue for me to ask him what he was thinking - and it also let me ask him what he'd shared with his friends and family about Sue in general.

I was very happy with what Frank said in response. He made it clear to me that he would never put Sue in any jeopardy reputation-wise and that he hasn't told anyone about her including his brother and friends. The only thing he'd shared is that he'd "gotten lucky" a few times but that nothing was serious and he immediately added that if Sue did go to the wedding with him, that he'd do everything to simply say she's a friend of the family and nothing more.

That was when he looked at me and said that he didn't want anything, including the wedding, to be something that caused any problems and that if I/we were concerned, that she shouldn't go with him. My response was pretty simple - that I wasn't worried about us (Sue and I) as much as him and what he was feeling now and then. And I pretty much said to him that they'll be doing more than just dancing together.

He was quiet at that point for a minute and I have to say that I was worried as he started to speak - the first thing he said was that he liked Sue, liked her a lot. And I was dreading this at that point but he continued by saying that this was where he was really conflicted - that he's torn between (and he hesitated at this) "the great sex" and how he feels like it's not matching up with him liking her but not loving her. And he said that he feels like he's using her, and that he's told her the same, that it's not more than just sex in terms of emotions and such. He said several times that he's not looking for a relationship and in a totally serious voice he said he's surely not looking at one with Sue and he added that he hoped I knew that.

We'd had a few beers and slowly, the conversation became more eased. At one point I shared with him how it feels like a "first date" every time she comes home. I told him how exciting it is to kiss her and not yet know what she'd done all night, only that she was incredibly sexy. That as I would undress her - seeing her body and sexy undies - that it turned me on not knowing what I'd find her wearing and what may be underneath. And I think I put him at ease when I said something like "you know how that feels".

Like I said, the conversation became more eased and at one point Frank looked at me and said he was still uneasy when he thinks about me and then thinks about Sue. He actually said that the times it'd been the 3 of us that it'd actually been easier for him. He even said that "seeing the look on my face" made him feel okay - and he also shared that back-in-the-day that he'd had some 3-somes before. It's the times he's been alone with Sue that have given him all the concern. He said Sue's been coaching him on trying to understand me/us and that hearing me tell him that I wanted her to have the freedom to do what she wants did make him feel a lot better.

I told him that the 3-somes had been a lot of fun and that I liked sharing that with him, but I also told him that I knew Sue really enjoyed sex with him and I repeatedly told him that it was okay with me as long as they weren't getting carried away emotionally to which he assured me they weren't. What came out was that he'd never thought or even fantasized about anything like this with Joanne or anyone before him and that it's all a bit strange for him.

I went for broke and I let him know that I liked the excitement that the openness of them being together gave me. I didn't want to say that I liked Sue denying me and that sort of stuff, so I kind of beat around the bush a bit and said that hearing her talk about having sex with him turned me on and that she'd tease me and turn me on during sex about stuff with him. He said that she'd told him this stuff before but that hearing it from me did make him feel a bit more at ease. Then he sort of came out with more of his concerns. Basically he was, in some ways, concerned that I knew just how sexual she was with him. At one point he said "it's like it's more than just fucking".

I told him I knew that and I spent a few minutes telling him how crazy she and I have gotten in the past when she's been able to feel like she can truly let go of the everyday - I told him of how she'd get at the nude beach and how horny she'd be afterwards - I told him of the times we checked out the swing-clubs - and how intense she can be when I can get her away from home on vacation or just a night or weekend. And I said to him "so I know what's going to happen if she goes with you to the wedding". He basically came out and said he'd never been with someone so openly sexual as Sue is with him. He seemed to think he'd surprise me when he said "like do you know she likes to be naked all the time when she's here?". I told him I knew that, and that she'd told me so, which surprised him back. To which I added that I know how she is with him, more than just the nakedness, that I know that just like when she's been crazy with me - that she wants to have and do it all.
Now mind you, this was all over the time of an hour or more and we'd been drinking several beers which accounted for some of the directions the conversation went in. I can't say we were totally comfortable talking about everything - it's not like we talked about what sex positions were best or that it turned me on knowing he's given and felt her orgasm with him - but we talked around all of that and I think it made things better. In the end he said that he thought it was cool that I felt like I did and that he was lucky to be the guy Sue picked out. I thought we were just about done when he asked me "so, are you okay with her going to the wedding with me?". I said what I'd said earlier that as long as he didn't think more of it than it was - 2 friends (with-benefits) going to a wedding together and having some fun while they're there, that I was okay. He assured me that we were good and again, that he'd never want to do anything that would cause us any problems as he thought we were a great couple.

Before I left I told him that it might be good if the 3 of us got together before the wedding and talked again. He smiled and said that'd be a great idea. We made some idle talk about a lot of nothing as I finished the last beer - we shook hands and he said "you're a great guy, Sue's lucky" and I told him back "you're a good friend, we're just as lucky".

I'm sure I left things out or put them down out of sequence but I think I covered all that I could remember. Suffice to say - we're good here. Unless Frank is acting or BS-ing me, he seems to be letting Sue guide him along and I think I hopefully eased some of the concerns he had. I know that I left there feeling much better about everything.

Now, of course Sue was all questions when I got home. But I think this is enough for now as I have a 2pm conference call to join into.
sounds like you and frank may have it worked out i guess time will tell the wedding thing
would still make me alittle uncool becouse when they get away togather how frank may act then wait and see how it goes.
Dana007 - I think it's about as good as it can be in terms of us all not feeling quite so uneasy about things. I left feeling good about Frank and I - but you are correct, much can happen when they're away together as may happen.

Still, I have to say that as the time has gone by since it first came up - that I now more than ever want her to go with him. As I said to others in PM's, I hope I have the courage to suggest/tell he to leave her rings at home. But the thought of her spending a night with Frank and the hearing about it when she comes home is just intense to even think about now, I cannot imagine how I'll be when the time comes.
She just called me at 4:45pm and said she was going to stop off at Franks on the way home. She said she wants to make sure he's okay after my meeting with him - but I know better!!!!

And yes - she's denied me so far this week - each time teasing me that "you'll just have to wait till Friday!".
STB what did she say happened when she went to check up on frank today.
Get a good reclaiming in Stb? Do you notice anything different with Sur after. It being in her for a couple of days or does everything seem normal? Gotta love that she isnt sharing her pussy with you during the week. I can't wait to see what twists she has for you in the future. I bet as the wedding approaches things will totally heat up! I wonder if she makes you wait 2 weeks assuming the weeding is over your weekend time? Hmmm!
as you put in some of your posts that frank did not want a wife now but allso in the wording of the post he asked her if she was fertile now and did thank sue for letting him have her unproected. and i think now that you will let her go to the wedding with him i think he will ask her to leave the rings at home and they will go as boyfriend and girlfriend not as a friend. imay be wrong about this but i think frank has a end game in mind and he as not let you in on it i think he has told sue some of it but all of it will come out when they are at the wedding and if you let her go you sould ask for the rings if she does not hand them to you first if that as you say is what you want her to do.
I was going to post an update earlier today but got tied up and I now see Dana has just asked more questions.

Let me go back to last Thursday for a moment though. Our daughter was staying late at school as she's working on the school-play so there was no urgency on her coming home after seeing Frank but sure enough about 6:45pm she pulled in the driveway. I was all turned on from knowing about her spur-of-the-moment visit with him but also knew she'd told me I'd be waiting so I assumed I'd endure an evening of teasing - and I definitely didn't want to jerk-off if I was going to have her the next day, I wanted to be as horny as I could be.

Anyway - she surprised me totally by crooking her finger and teasing/telling me to follow her up to the bedroom. I sat there at the edge of the bed while she undressed. For some reason it turns me on to see her get undressed - seeing her bra and then panties come into view - knowing she'd put them back on just a short while before. She stood in front of me and unclipped her bra and I could see her nipples and breasts were reddened and flushed with excitement. My cock throbbed in my pants as she had just her panties on and I could see a wet-spot in the crotch.

She sat down next to me and kissed me and told me she was so happy with me and that she'd come from Franks feeling great. She told me that he'd shared some of what we'd spoken about and she told me I'd made him feel much more at ease about things. I told her that I'd found him easy to talk to and that he had made me feel more at ease too - I added that his assurances were welcomed. She giggled and said "see, I told you you had nothing to worry about".

Then she did something I wasn't expecting. She stood up and slipped off her panties and then said something like "you were so good with Frank - I think you deserve me today".

I know at other times I've skipped it - but as she lay back on the bed she seemed so sexy as she raised her knees and spread them apart - I felt the need and urge to go down on her. No, she wasn't all creamy, it was more loose and runny but there was no mistaking the taste and the feeling of her pussy as I spread it apart with my fingers and tongue. I slid off the bed and worked to slip off my pants and underwear while never missing a lick.

She began to moan and pull her knees back - all the while telling me "this is how Frank just had me" as I licked her from down by her ass up all the way up to her clit and back again. Each time I passed by her vagina, more of their juices would seep out. Finally one last time I licked upwards and kept going. As I made my way to her breasts, my cock lay between her spread pussy lips. I swear I could feel the heat from inside her.

By the time I pushed into her she had me on edge from her teasing about "what Frank did" and ".. how much he came in me..." - and between the teasing and the surprise of a Thursday night - I fucked her violently for as long as I could. I know she came at least once more if not a second time before I finally let loose. I know that as I did let go in her that the thought that I was her second lover to cum in her went through my mind (I know, tame thought but enough to send me over the edge) and that as I squirted away in her that she definitely squealed one last time in her own last orgasm that didn't end until I'd stopped moving in and out of her.

I asked her what came over her (a pun at the time!) that she'd given in and relented on my weekend-only status. She laughed and said that it wasn't meant to mean that I could never have sex with her during the week, but that she'd rather not feel so obligated at times about it. And then she added that I'd treated Frank so nicely that I "deserved it"!.

Posting this now - maybe more in a bit.
Okay - back for a bit till everyone gets home....

I will say that Thursday night was a great lead into the beautiful weekend. Sue did go see Frank once more over the weekend on Saturday afternoon while I was up at the high-school helping out with set construction for the school play (good PR with the school administration!!). She was already home by the time I returned with our daughter in tow. I had to bide my time and hide my horniness until we were able to find time alone - and of course that was only made worse by my finding her clothes in the bathroom hamper when she'd showered after coming home from Franks (she said that she "smelled like sex" and felt like she needed to freshen up).

Needless to say, I was on her in an instant when we finally had time on Saturday night. I was actually hoping for a repeat last night when the evening got away from us and it was kind of late when we first had time. She asked me if I "really needed to fuck"? I kind of hemmed and hawed, I didn't want to give her the obligated-feeling. She said she didn't have the energy (or desire) but that if I wanted to jerk-off, she'd help me along. When I agreed, she pushed the covers down and reached up under her night-shirt and pulled off her panties and then pulled the shirt up. I slid off my boxers and started to stroke my already hard cock.

She knew if I was going to masturbate for her like that, that I would want her to tease me so she turned the volume down on the TV and started to talk to me. She told me all sorts of stuff - what I remember most distinctly was her telling me how much she likes Frank to cum in her - including her spreading herself open and showing everything - and then her teasing about how I like her "wet and used". She told me how she comfortable she and Frank are now that most everything is out in the open and she told me how she loves being nude around him and how he too likes "seeing all of her!". It was when she started telling me how she's going to enjoy spending some time with him at the wedding that I started to get close. She must have seen my response (because all I could do was moan and groan) because she ran her fingers down to her pussy and I could tell it wasn't just for show. She teased about "fucking Frank a lot" at the wedding which just about put me over the edge.

I was content to jerk myself till I came all over and had my eyes closed when I was just about there - when she surprised me again. I felt motion on the bed and then felt her lips lock down over my cock and felt her gently suck me. When she didn't resist, in fact moaned loudly, at my thrusts - I put one hand behind her head and gently guided her to take me deeply. A moment later and I let loose in her mouth. She squealed as I came - I suspect her own fingers did their magic on her - and took all I had in her mouth and then slid her mouth off of me. I was still kind of coming down when she moved up next to me and kissed me - it took me a second to realize she still had my load and was snowballing me. It was so erotic to feel our tongues slippery against each other and share what she'd sucked out of me.

More in a bit.
Dana and others. The whole lack-of-birth-control thing hasn't come up again - at least not in our discussions and not when I spoke with Frank. I mean he did say "thanks" for the time with Sue. I am sure that the 2 of them may have had some fun with it - but in all reality, she is past her mommy-days for sure - so if it's a turn-on for them, then that's okay. Between Sue and I she knows it was and is a turn-on but it's also the kind of thing that once it's been done, the shock value of it seems to have waned a bit.

Dana - I don't think Frank would ever ask that of Sue - for her to leave her rings home. Again, unless he's bs-ing me, he is planning on being respectful and not making Sue seem like a harlot or whatever. I think I've posted here already that the thought of it does turn me on a lot - and unless something changes or gives me a cause to reconsider - I will definitely ask her to leave them home when she goes. Every time I think about it - I am more convinced that I want that experience - I want to feel how it will be to truly give her to him for a weekend - and I want them to both know it's what I want by her leaving her rings home. That said - if Frank and Sue want to play it up that she is more than just a married friend - then that will be up to them to decide and to certainly share with me afterwards. It is still almost a month away so by then, unless something's changed with me it will all but a done-deal by then.

Far2 - as I conveyed in my earlier post today - she isn't nearly as insistent on the 'weekend only' status for me so I'm not sure what that means when the time comes. Then again, the only reason she said she gave in last Thursday was because I'd treated Frank so nicely - so who knows.

To be honest, in a way, I would like to have her say no to me before she goes off to the wedding knowing I'll be waiting for her to return. I also can say that if she pushed it and wanted me to wait, that there is nothing I would do about it other than sit back and marvel at the intense feelings and emotions I know I'll be dealing with.

I think, in a way, I maybe do miss Don and his forcefulness with Sue. I believe I felt more cuck-ish back then where now, I seem to feel like she's more of a hotwife than anything. Not complaining but perhaps this is the next step or that maybe she's slowly allowing her own dominant side to emerge with me. Just thinking out loud on that one as I'm still undecided on how much enjoyment she gets out of the whole denial thing when it's just her that is insisting on it. Personally, I think she's too horny and likes fucking me too much, but that may be for another day to explore.
  • #100
sounds great to me and it sounds like you have it all set up. looking for any more updates.

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