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  • Thread starter2wheel
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Beloved Member
Nov 21, 2010
South Carolina
Here's the deal. I was cleaning her car for her and in the trunk, in a plastic bag buried in the bottom of a box of stuff she has, was a tube of lube. I had given her permission to fuck/suck anyone she wanted with the caveat that if I ask she tell me what I want to know. So I asked her, denial. This was about 6 years or so ago. I asked many times and told her she wasn't being honest. The more insistent I become the more firm the denial.

At that time I was sure she fucked someone else, and that's OK, the denial, albeit the lie isn't. It became a trust issue, not about fidelity but truth. I don't care if she sucks and fucks the entire eastern seaboard, just be straight with me.

Then about 3 years ago she she said she did. I kinda of remember the time frame. She was going to her chiropractor 2-3 times a week. Then she says he wants to see her everyday as her back is in bad shape. At the time I didn't think anything of it. So during the 'confession' she asks me if I remember that time period, I say yes. Then she said she started to play with another patient. How often? She said not often enough but several times a week. A few times, several times in one day. I had no idea! How clueless I was. I asked her why she stopped, she said cause I found out. She said if I didn't say anything she would have continued. She added that they were getting ready to include his friends to their playtime. Holy shit! I asked why she wouldn't consider the 'friends' thing with us, she said I live with you. I never understood that answer. I asked why she even did it, she said I did something at the time to piss her off, but couldn't remember what.

Since that time my wife has had several traumatic brain incidents that has affected her short term memory. Sometimes severly sometimes not.

3 weeks ago she stuffed up the toilet. Hey, shit happens, literally, and if you are taking certain meds as is she, you understand this. So I go to work with the regular plunger to no avail, then the heavy duty plunger, still to no avail. followed by a snake without success. I call the plumber, a weeks wait. OK, we have 2 other bathrooms. But I don't give up and plunge and snake each day without success.

Then 2 days before the plumber's arrival there is a change., the 6' snake pulls up a used condom.

I approach her ask if there anything she needs or want to tell me before showing it to her. She says no. I take her to the toilet and show her the 'evidence' and again ask her if there's anything she'd like to share with me. Again she says no. I ask her how she thinks it got there, she says she has no idea, that maybe it came from a neighbors pipes. I tell her it's impossible. She asks me how it got there I tell her that's my question. She again says she doesn't know. She says maybe I used it. I remind her that I found it and if it was me why would I be showing it to her. She says she doesn't know. I reminder that with my ED issues it'd be virtually impossible to make use of one.

Then some stuff pops into my feeble brain. Each on it's own has no meaning but when added together I see a pattern emerge:
1 Lately when I leave in the morning (neither of us work) she asks me where I'm going and when I'll be back.
2 Very often she goes into another room to 'play' on her cell phone.
3 Occasionally I hear her whisper, "I can't talk now."
4 Occasionally I get up in the middle of the night for a bathroom call and she's 'playing' with her cell phone.
5 She's been very distant of late.
6 She went on a diet and has lost 30 lbs.
7 She bought new clothing, more feminine clothing

I detail these things and tell her I see a pattern. She says I'm being paranoid. I remind her that just because someone is paranoid doesn't mean they aren't being followed.

I tell her than I understand her memory issues and that perhaps she's not remembering. She tells me she'd remember that. And beside who flushes a used condom anyway. I ask her what she would do with one she says throw it out. I add, so it can be found? She says she has no idea how it got there. I again give her the out. that perhaps she doesn't remember and 'her partner' didn't know the toilet was clogged and tried to flush the evidence away.

She again says she'd remember, so I ask here when the last time we had sex was. She can't remember, I tell her that shoots her theory of 'I'd remember'.

I ask her to give me a plausible scenario how a used condom got into our stuffed up toilet bowl. She says she hasn't the slightest idea. Maybe it was someone else. So I give her the scenario, someone came into our locked house had sex and used our bathroom toilet to dispose of their used condom, then left and locked the house behind them. And I ask her if that's what she really thinks happened. She says no, that is seems far fetched.

I tell her let's wait until the plumber gets here and ask him.

He can't free up the toilet either and needs to remove it. I tell him while snaking the toilet something came up, but not what came up, could it come from a neighbor or another's sewer line. He asked how long my snake is, I tell him 6'. He says impossible, I ask are you sure, he says absolutely impossible.

I tell her I may have been born at night but not last night. To please give me any plausible explanation.

She can't.

Do you really need our opinions?

As you've told it with the condom, the checking how long you're going to be out, the phone thing, etc... I can suggest two explanations:
1. She's fucking someone else
2. One of her friends is using your house for something that some or all of the time involves fucking

I would suggest some sort of CCTV system, but since this thread is called "Trust" you might consider it untrustworthy to set one up.
she cheats and that's her thing. stop investigating. have a talk with your self and see if you can live with this or not.
the more you think about her cheating, the more you will hurt yourself.
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I feel your pain, 2 wheel. Your stories of your life are some of the most frustrating details I've ever read.
It's been said the only two certainties in life are death and taxes, but there are two more to add:
People fuck.
People lie.

If I were to offer any advice, it would be to trust your instincts. This is a painful lesson life teaches us, and the times that I doubted my instincts, they were ultimately proven to be true. As far as I'm concerned, they are ALWAYS right.

I think it's certain she fucked. There's just too much evidence, and where there's smoke, there's fire.
Unfortunately, either she is lying, can't remember it, or may have learned how to use her condition to her advantage. The truth likely lies somewhere in the middle of all that.

The lying is what's hurtful and the inability to find out what the truth is what's so frustrating. Whether you find it or not may largely depend on how willing you are to do it. The most obvious example may be a spycam. If time and circumstances would allow, you may be able to do your own surveillance. Can you get a detailed bill from your phone service?

Good luck! Let us know what you find out, please.
Thank you all for your input. I am fairly certain she got laid.

I don't have a problem with that, especially since I've encouraged her on numerous occasions. BUT I need to know details when and if I ask, that is what I require that accompanied the encouragement. What I do have a problem with is 'untruthfulness'.

Once she's in denial mode, that's it. Like the saying goes 'you die with the lie'.

I gave her 'the out' several times. just tell me and we'll move on. The lie makes me wanna move out, not move on.

It's her body and she's entitled to use to as she desires, and has proven that from her past. Honesty is a whole nother thing. If it was her allowing our house to be used by a playing friend, which I didn't think of as a possibility, that would be fine, just tell me. Can it be that she is throwing herself under the bus for a friend? Possible not probable.

It is much more difficult to live with her lying and deceit than with her infidelity. Her infidelity is OK, I want her to get her needed sexual satisfaction, if not from me than from others, it really is OK. It's the lying that isn't OK. When a dent shows up on her car, can I trust her from where it came, when she has a problem with the landscaper's work, can I trust her account of things. Ladies and gents the list of things we take as truthful everyday withoiut a seond thought is in jeopardy. This isn't about who's been inside her pussy.

You have received opinions and recommendations from others although you will find that my view point is not quite the same as others on the forum.

First off, let me put this out there | Trust and Communication is everything!!!

Some relationships are built upon physical attraction and sexual contact while other relationship are built upon trust and communication above all else.

Communication should always be open, honest, compassionate, understanding and without judgment. This should be the case within any lifestyle from a more traditional to our much more creative lifestyle selections, in either case trust and communication is critical.

Let me get this straight, this has been an ongoing issue and she has had your permission, encouragement and support to fuck/suck anyone she wanted with the only caveat being that if you asked her that she would openly share with you the details that you requested.

So you believed your wife’s cheating started about 6 years ago when you found a tube of lube during a general cleaning of her car. Based on where you located it, she was clearly hiding it although was she truly hiding it as a result of having an affair? I could see were this would be frustrating to go through especially if you were convinced that she was having an affair. Could there have been any other explanation?

So when you spoke about 3 years ago in reference to she said that she did it; was this another affair OR was she referencing the incident that you spoke about which had take place 6 years ago? Either way, you are saying that your wife finally admitted to having an affair with a man (another patient) that she met through her chiropractor visits. It would sound as if she was really into this guy if she was seeing him at the level you described (How often? She said not often enough but several times a week. A few times, several times in one day) and saying that she would have continued if you had not caught her. To top that off, you mentioned that she indicated that they were getting ready to include his friends in their playtime. As to why she did not share all this with you when it was happening; was the guy someone that you might have known? As far as why she never would consider the inclusion of your friends; couples or more specifically some women do not like to include playmate from their own social circles. It can also be said in many cases that women will do things with playmates that they will not do with their own husbands.

As to your direct question to her; “I asked why she even did it, she said I did something at the time to piss her off, but couldn't remember what.” I have never heard of women developing an extended physical affair simply because her husband pissed her off although with that said I have known women to have very short term affairs just to piss off the husband although she would typically not hide it, she would make sure it was in his face.

As to the most recent incident that you have stumbled onto! There is not much of any rational way to explain away the used condom(s). Not as if it belongs to you considering your long standing ED issues and not like you have anyone living with you which might have used them. As to your other 7 points, these are all signs of a person (man/woman) having an affair on some level.

It is amazing how people will still have hidden affairs (cheating) even when they are provided the freedom, the encouragement, and the support to enjoy others as they may desire. There is absolutely no reason not to be truthful and honest unless there is something about the guy that would cause you to not approve. As to your theory that she could be throwing herself under the bus for a friend; I would not think so as she would have simply told you that.

In my case, I have been married three times including my current wife. My first wife (ExW1) was open about most of her playmates with one exception, and that exception was when she was fucking my than best friend. Just as with your wife, she was with him as often as she could be! They actually were working for the same company when this was going on so it allowed for both of them to keep it hidden from me for a very long time. One of her pregnancies was thought to have been his! With my second wife (ExW2), it was always out in the open (brutally honest)!

As were you are at today, as another poster put it, “Do you really need our opinions?”

When someone has broken the “TRUST” within a relationship through the failure to communicate or through communication which is misleading, you need a way to verify! There are apps that you can install on cellular devices, tablets, and other electronic devices. As other post indicated you can use some form of CCTV or IP based webcam.

At some point you have to decide, are you doing to continue to stay married or are you going to get a divorce. Just remember this is not a lifestyle issue, this is a relationship issues. This is something that only you can answer!

Safe journey in your reflect and decisions.

You have received opinions and recommendations from others although you will find that my view point is not quite the same as others on the forum.

First off, let me put this out there | Trust and Communication is everything!!!
I agree completely.

Some relationships are built upon physical attraction and sexual contact while other relationship are built upon trust and communication above all else.
We started on a physical basis which included trust and communication.

Communication should always be open, honest, compassionate, understanding and without judgment. This should be the case within any lifestyle from a more traditional to our much more creative lifestyle selections, in either case trust and communication is critical.
Again I agree completely.

Let me get this straight, this has been an ongoing issue and she has had your permission, encouragement and support to fuck/suck anyone she wanted with the only caveat being that if you asked her that she would openly share with you the details that you requested.
That is correct.

So you believed your wife’s cheating started about 6 years ago when you found a tube of lube during a general cleaning of her car. Based on where you located it, she was clearly hiding it although was she truly hiding it as a result of having an affair? I could see were this would be frustrating to go through especially if you were convinced that she was having an affair. Could there have been any other explanation?
Her response was to remind me that I disposed of some outdated sex paraphernalia and that perhaps I forgot to throw that out.

So when you spoke about 3 years ago in reference to she said that she did it; was this another affair OR was she referencing the incident that you spoke about which had take place 6 years ago? Either way, you are saying that your wife finally admitted to having an affair with a man (another patient) that she met through her chiropractor visits. It would sound as if she was really into this guy if she was seeing him at the level you described (How often? She said not often enough but several times a week. A few times, several times in one day) and saying that she would have continued if you had not caught her. To top that off, you mentioned that she indicated that they were getting ready to include his friends in their playtime. As to why she did not share all this with you when it was happening; was the guy someone that you might have known? As far as why she never would consider the inclusion of your friends; couples or more specifically some women do not like to include playmate from their own social circles. It can also be said in many cases that women will do things with playmates that they will not do with their own husbands.
That incident. I think using the term 'affair' adds an emotional component that may not be there. I might have known him, though it is unlikely, of course it could have been the Doc himself, who I do know. When I have asked why we she wouldn't consider a 3rd with us, she cause I know you which supports your viewpoint.

Why she didn't share, in my opinion is simple but complex. She always jumps into denial mode. As an example; I came home and the car had a dent in the right rear quarter panel. I asked her what happened. She has no idea what I'm talking about. I took her to the car to show her and said obviously you backed up into something. Immediately "no I didn't". So I asked how it happened, she has no idea. After a lengthy 'discussion' she said maybe I backed into something, I asked what she means, She said the entry gate (gated community) didn't open so she had to backup to rescan the entry bar code and she had trouble seeing out the rear. So I may have hit the guide pole.

As to your direct question to her; “I asked why she even did it, she said I did something at the time to piss her off, but couldn't remember what.” I have never heard of women developing an extended physical affair simply because her husband pissed her off although with that said I have known women to have very short term affairs just to piss off the husband although she would typically not hide it, she would make sure it was in his face.

She always believes in getting her 'pound of flesh'. I've seen with others, most times the other people don't know, for her it's about her feeling that she has settled the score. More than once?. Sex is fun, and if it's fun why stop?, it can easily become habit. (what do I do Tuesday's? I go the supermarket, I got to the Chiropractor, I get laid, I get the car washed)

As to the most recent incident that you have stumbled onto! There is not much of any rational way to explain away the used condom(s). Not as if it belongs to you considering your long standing ED issues and not like you have anyone living with you which might have used them. As to your other 7 points, these are all signs of a person (man/woman) having an affair on some level.

I have no need for a condom, I have gotten laid in years, can't fuck with a limp dick. All the signs are there. If it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's pretty reasonable to conclude it's a duck.

It is amazing how people will still have hidden affairs (cheating) even when they are provided the freedom, the encouragement, and the support to enjoy others as they may desire. There is absolutely no reason not to be truthful and honest unless there is something about the guy that would cause you to not approve. As to your theory that she could be throwing herself under the bus for a friend; I would not think so as she would have simply told you that.

I agree completely. All she had to say for example: The TV guy was here, he was so hot and I was so horny and I needed to get laid so bad I couldn't resist, I just couldn't resist. I would have asked for details used a vibe on my dick while she told me and move on with life treating it as an everyday event akin to watching TV.

In my case, I have been married three times including my current wife. My first wife (ExW1) was open about most of her playmates with one exception, and that exception was when she was fucking my than best friend. Just as with your wife, she was with him as often as she could be! They actually were working for the same company when this was going on so it allowed for both of them to keep it hidden from me for a very long time. One of her pregnancies was thought to have been his! With my second wife (ExW2), it was always out in the open (brutally honest)!

You're a lucky guy to find 2 women who embrace the lifestyle as do you.

As were you are at today, as another poster put it, “Do you really need our opinions?”

Sometimes misery loves company. Yes I do, probably looking for a plausible explanation in an effort to give her the benefit of the doubt.

When someone has broken the “TRUST” within a relationship through the failure to communicate or through communication which is misleading, you need a way to verify! There are apps that you can install on cellular devices, tablets, and other electronic devices. As other post indicated you can use some form of CCTV or IP based webcam.

Yeah, I had a unseen CCTV setup in the BR, started as a medical 'device' but turned into someting else, however, since work on my network it won't connect.

At some point you have to decide, are you doing to continue to stay married or are you going to get a divorce. Just remember this is not a lifestyle issue, this is a relationship issues. This is something that only you can answer!

Divorce is a big step, especially for something I can't 'prove'. And without proof of her actual participation the trust issue remains unresolved, which for me would be the reason for divorce, not the sex.

Safe journey in your reflect and decisions.

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