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Trophy Wife Mounted and Stuffed

  • Thread startertwerpedbyjulie
  • Start date


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Feb 6, 2006
We've moved on in our stimulating relationship, and although awhile back I determined that there was nothing really new or unusual to recount...I was mistaken.

Halloween was celebrated last night at my favorite pub. Melissa left at nine in normal clothes. I was to wait an hour before following.

I was to find out that my wife had chosen to dress as a Muslim. Hijab and burka. Think I got that right.

Details to follow.
Animal Kingdom

In the animal kingdom the dominant male picks the female trophy he's going to breed right? The lesser males are content with his left overs. After he picks the bitch he mounts her and stuffs her full of his cock. She takes it while he ties and fills her full of his sperm.

The male who used to breed the female probably hates the fucker, but there isn't anything he can do about it because he’s weak.

On Halloween party night at the lounge I frequent and everybody knows my name, a male who hates my ass (hard as that is to believe) fucked my wife in a storage closet while I listened on my cell sitting in my truck next to the bar, and jacked off.

He was the dominant male, and he had claimed his trophy. My wife. I had never felt more like a cuckold than I did that Friday night. He used the word while Melissa sat on his lap, and he played with her thighs. Five other people at the table watched and listened as he destroyed me.

I’ll get the details as soon as possible. A couple of other new items have been introduced into our relationship.

The picture mounted on the wall in front of my home office has been replaced with eight; eight and half by eleven framed pictures. The first two simply say, “Picture Not Available.” Those would be the major, and his buddy. The next five are pictures of fully erect cocks. I recognize the first two photos as K.C. and Kyle. I have no idea who the other three belong to, but they all have one thing in common. According to Melissa they have all been buried in her married pussy.

The last picture sits below all by itself. That is a picture of my inadequate erect penis.

Mel has positioned the pictures so she could easily add another twenty.

The second item. Arriving home at about two in the morning she turned our bedroom light on, and awakened me. Melissa was already naked, and carrying the awful training chair. She ordered me into the master bathroom, and had me lie down on the cold tile in the shower. She placed the chair over my head, sat down, and ordered me to clean her pussy. I knew what to expect, and lapped with vigor to clean some other man’s cum from her pussy. Melissa climaxed, and I dropped my head back onto the tile. With no warning she drenched me with her hot pee. She pissed on my face.

When she was finished she asked me if I’d enjoyed it.

“Yes Mistress. If it makes you happy then I’m happy.”

“You are such a good little bitch. Need to shower before you come to bed.”

With that she turned on the shower having first turned it to straight cold water.

Her favorite place to have sex with me is currently the home office. I sit in my chair while she does a reverse cowboy so she can look at her cock wall of fame. Mel has told me that I know all three owners of the mystery cocks. The torture of knowing that I might be talking or drinking with a guy who has had his cock in my wife’s pussy drives me fucking crazy. Two appear to be young guys while the other obviously belongs to someone closer to my age.

I continue to get laid whenever I ask or she demands.

Melissa is making plans for us to vacation in Cabo. A resort of some sort, but she hasn’t shared the destination with me yet.
twerpedbyjulie said:
Melissa is making plans for us to vacation in Cabo. A resort of some sort, but she hasn’t shared the destination with me yet.

Nice. At the risk of incurring the wrath of your boss-wife for giving this away, Cabo is Cabo San Lucas at the southern tip of Baja California. It's a good place to go, I'm sure both of you will enjoy it...

twerpedbyjulie said:
In the animal kingdom the dominant male picks the female trophy he's going to breed, right?

So they say...

twerpedbyjulie said:
The lesser males are content with his left-overs. After he picks the bitch he mounts her and stuffs her full of his cock; she takes it while he fills her up with his sperm.

Sometimes the harem females cuckold the dominant male by fucking the lesser males when he isn't looking or there's a rock (or something) to hide behind...

twerpedbyjulie said:
The male who used to breed the females probably hates the [now-more-dominant] fucker, but there isn't anything he can do about it because he’s [no-longer the strongest male].

Hard to say. It probably is not justified, for the most part, to "anthropomorphize" other species by assuming they have the same emotional responses to events that we have. Maybe the now-no-longer-dominant male doesn't worry about it, but "cuckolds" the new dominant male whenever the opportunity presents itself — avoiding head-to-head fights in the process in the same style, essentially, as we humans...

twerpedbyjulie said:
On Halloween party night at the lounge I frequent and everybody knows my name, a male who hates my ass (hard as that is to believe)...

That is hard to believe. Why would anyone hate the ass of such a reasonable nice guy as you...?

twerpedbyjulie said:
...fucked my wife in a storage closet while I listened on my cell sitting in my truck next to the bar and jacked off.

And, why would any of your drinking buddies NOT want to fuck your wife at a time when you were not there (apparently) but she was, even those who don't hate your ass...?

Anyway, your "hates your ass" drinking buddy was at least considerate enough to fuck your wife in the privacy of a storage closet, instead of in front of all your other drinking buddies (say, with your wife riding his cock while he sat in a booth simultaneously enjoying your wife and a beer)...

twerpedbyjulie said:
He was the dominant male, and he had claimed his trophy. My wife. I had never felt more like a cuckold than I did that Friday night. He used the word while Melissa sat on his lap, and he played with her thighs.

That sounds really hot...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Five other people at the table watched and listened as he destroyed me.

This seems slightly confusing. I gather your wife fucked your "hates your ass" drinking buddy in the privacy of a storage closet, then afterwards sat on his lap at a table while he felt up her thighs and made disparaging remarks about you to your other drinking buddies (but she didn't actually fuck him again while sitting on his lap at the table)...?

twerpedbyjulie said:
I’ll get the details as soon as possible. A couple of other new items have been introduced into our relationship.


twerpedbyjulie said:
The picture mounted on the wall in front of my home office has been replaced with eight 8-1/2 x 11-in. framed pictures. The first two simply say, “Picture Not Available.” Those would be the major and his buddy. The next five are pictures of fully erect cocks. I recognize the first two photos as K.C. and Kyle. I have no idea who the other three belong to, but they all have one thing in common. According to Melissa they have all been buried in her married pussy.

Nice. From time to time I think it would be most appropriate if the photos of men taken by women were always taken with the man in the nude, lying on his back, with the photo taken from between his legs, showing a close-up of his erect cock in the foreground and, farther away, his smiling face also looking at her camera. But, your wife has the right idea. I would imagine "the other three" erect cocks also have something else in common — i.e., they're all much larger than your cock...

twerpedbyjulie said:
The last picture sits below all by itself. That is a picture of my inadequate erect penis.

Well, at least your wife was generous enough to include a photo of your "inadequate erect penis," if only for comparative purposes...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Mel has positioned the pictures so she can easily add another twenty.

Very good. Your wife is thinking ahead. No doubt her photos of the erect cocks of the men she has fucked will eventually number much more than twenty, so perhaps she can selectively mount photos of only her 20-or-so largest prize cocks...

twerpedbyjulie said:
The second item. Arriving home at about two in the morning she turned our bedroom light on, and awakened me. Melissa was already naked, and carrying the awful training chair. She ordered me into the master bathroom, and had me lie down on the cold tile in the shower. She placed the chair over my head, sat down, and ordered me to clean her pussy. I knew what to expect, and lapped with vigor to clean some other man’s cum from her pussy. Melissa climaxed, and I dropped my head back onto the tile. With no warning she drenched me with her hot pee. She pissed on my face. When she was finished, she asked me if I’d enjoyed it.

That was a nice touch. I like it...

twerpedbyjulie said:
“Yes Mistress. If it makes you happy then I’m happy.” “You are such a good little bitch [she replied]. "You will need to shower before you come to bed [she informed me helpfully].”

Very good, cuckold Ron. You responded appropriately...

twerpedbyjulie said:
With that she turned on the shower having first turned it to straight cold water.

Youch! That wasn't very nice of your mistress...

twerpedbyjulie said:
Her favorite place to have sex with me is currently the home office. I sit in my chair while she does a reverse cowboy so she can look at her cock wall of fame. Mel has told me that I know all three owners of the mystery cocks. The torture of knowing that I might be talking or drinking with [an as-yet-unknown] guy who has had his cock in my wife’s pussy drives me fucking crazy. Two appear to be young guys while the other obviously belongs to someone closer to my age.

Maybe the "closer to your age" man who is fucking your wife is your "drinking buddy who hates your guts"...

twerpedbyjulie said:
I continue to get laid whenever I ask or she demands.

You're a fortunate cuckold.

It sounds like your boss-wife is doing well as your cuckoldress, continuing to expand her sexual horizons...
excellent outline for a great story guys ..pray
Any pictures of the whole of "cock wall of fame" ?

Just the wall :D

I figured if I didn't get something down before the election I might never post depending upon the out come. I apologize in advance for any racial slurs in the following.

I don't talk politics in a bar. It's an unwritten rule. They bring the shit up, and sometimes however I get a belly full and unload.

I am, and always have been an unrepentant liberal, which makes me an oddity at a bar full of rednecks. We historically have flipped each other good-natured shit until the last presidential election when the hate spilled over from time to time. The guy who nailed Melissa quit coming in on Saturdays. He never said as much to me, but I knew he wanted to kick my ass. Being a conservative is not in of itself a bad thing. Being a racist is another matter entirely. I’ve walked out on more than one occasion because I just couldn’t listen to his shit anymore. Melissa was not aware of our relationship.

He's right at my age, but with a full head of black hair, and he's in really good shape. He added some gray highlights, wore a suit, and was passing out Romney buttons. Melissa is also liberal although a bit more moderate.

It was standing room only by the time I got to the bar, and I'm too old to enjoy standing, but I was trying to find Mel, and couldn't. I dressed as an OBGYN with a kid’s stethoscope, latex gloves, and had a mini flashlight in my pocket. Dr. Peekaboob. Hey it was easy, and fun. I’d printed up some cards to hand out. Free breast exam, no appointment necessary. You never know.

My cell went off, and I had a text from Mel. "Look for the Muslim."

I'd already seen her from a distance but hadn't recognized her because only her eyes and the top of her nose were showing. She'd applied make up on those ******* areas that darkened her white skin. She was sitting at a round table for six. Four guys and two girls. Clown on one side of her, and Mitt on the other. Melissa must have decided that avoidance of alcohol didn't apply to Halloween because she was drinking martinis.

I recognized Mitt immediately, and my blood did a slow boil. Couldn't decide what to do at that point. Finally decided to approach, and Mitt saw me coming. "We don't need any goddamn Obama care bullshit here." That got a laugh. "Funny stuff Mitt, changed your tune a bit since you were governor on that issue haven't you? For that matter everything else changes from one day to the next."

"You know what? I have changed my mind about Muslims. If they’re all as hot as this babe they can send over as many as they want. Then we could deport all the limp-dicked liberals."

By now I was close enough to see Melissa below the waist, and all I could see was legs, and what appeared to be a pair of stilettos. The hose she was wearing matched the color of her make up, but they were sheer. Booze wasn't the only thing she was ignoring in her tribute.

"You guys are all about spending so why don't you buy a round?"

"Geez Mitt, I'd need some federal assistance if I was gonna spring for the whole round, and then you wouldn't want to drink it right?"

Not speaking because I guess Muslim women aren’t supposed to in company of males unless they’re asked a question Melissa got up without a word, and headed to the restroom. I got the full effect. Maybe six inches of cover below her ass, and I knew when she took her first few steps that she was without a bra, and had consumed more than a couple martinis.

I sat in her chair which didn’t please Mitt, whose real name is Greg. The cheap shit continued but I was more than holding my own. I was clearly winning when he changed the evening.

“Trying a different look because you’re tired of coming in as a cuckold?”

Silenced the entire table.

“How does that work? Do you get a vote like for president or does your wife just appoint the next guy she’s gonna let fuck her? You watch or beat off in the bathroom? Does she even let you fuck her? You can’t even get it up anymore can you limp dick?”

“Knock it off Greg.”

“What you gonna do? Hit me? You guys don’t believe in fighting. Gonna kill me with kindness?”

“It’s not funny.”

“I think it’s funny. Looks like everybody else thinks it’s kinda funny. Hey guess what doc? The sand-bunny doesn’t need a free tit exam. She’s already had one, and I couldn’t find one lump in those big soft fucking jugs. Did find a couple of really stiff points on the top of them though.” He laughed.

I didn’t know two of the guys at the table. Seen them, but just to say hello. Knew the guy dressed as a clown he was a realtor who worked for Greg. The lone women, Joanie, I knew pretty well, and liked. Elegant best describes her, and she still gets looks as she approaches seventy. Melissa has met her a time or two, but no real connection.

I managed a quick glance, and her look would best be described as stunned. The clown didn’t need the make up to indicate he was smiling. The other two guys appeared as if maybe they didn’t know what a cuckold was, but were picking up on the meaning rapidly.

I was shrinking. I wanted to disappear. This was a bad dream, and I’d wake up soon. He had me on the ropes, and he knew it.

“I did that rag-headed bitch a favor y’know. They aren’t supposed to be alone in public. Might have gotten stoned if I hadn’t found her in time. She gonna vote for that black fucker too? She gonna do that because he’s a Muslim too or because she likes black cock?”


“No she’s not gonna vote for him or no she doesn’t like nigger cock?”

“She’s gonna vote for him because he’s the right guy.” So fucking lame.

“You keep your mouth shut when she comes back, and lets see where the sand bunny sits okay?”

“We’re gonna go when she gets back.”

“You better check with her cuckold boy. I don’t think you get to make that call.”

My cell vibrated. Text message. “U need to leave and go to truck.”

On cue Melissa exited the restroom, and headed towards our table. My heart threatened to burst from my chest as I watched her breasts bounce. Had she really let him touch her? If he had, did he do it in front of these people or did he get her off in a corner somewhere? Regardless of the text message I wasn’t gonna wait for her to decide where to sit I was going to get up, and ****** her out of the bar.

“Hey Ron…her tits aren’t as big as Julie’s. Is her pussy as tight? I fucking hope so. Hope she’s a moaner too?”

No fucking way. One look at his face told me otherwise. He’d fucked my first wife. She’d made me a cuckold with Greg, and hadn’t told me. He barely fucking knew her, or so I thought. Who had he told? He was married so he had to be careful. He fucked Julie. Jesus. I wasn’t red in the face anymore I was white as a sheet. What had she told him? Surely not everything or he’d have dumped that on me. Or was he just waiting until Melissa came back to drive the stake through my heart.

I did nothing as he pulled my wife onto his lap and facing me she crossed her legs. Pantyhose. No panties. His hand rested on her upper thigh.

“We were just talking about cuckolds. Do they have those in sand-land?”

Melissa looked at me knowing in an instant that we had indeed been talking about cuckoldry. She nodded, as Joanie excused herself and left the table. The clown laughed out loud.

“I told the doctor you’d already had your breast exam so you don’t need him do you?”

“No, he can leave.”

Greg’s hand moved hand further up her thigh ******** what little bit of her thigh that wasn’t already *******. Claiming, marking territory, owning her, and by extension myself. Fuck he had owned me much earlier. How much earlier I wondered? How many times? Where? Had Julie told him about me sucking cock. My brother? She wouldn’t have done that to me. I decided I wasn’t going to stick around and find out or watch him continue to maul my second, and current wife.

“I’m going to take off.”

“Ah that’s a shame. You didn’t buy yet so drop thirty, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…we’ll take care of the little sand bunny you fucking Obama lover.”

I peeled off a couple of twenties, and left for my truck. Laughter followed me to the door.
twerpedbyjulie said:
I peeled off a couple of twenties, and left for my truck. Laughter followed me to the door.

Ouch. But, at least you did what your wife told you to do.

Maybe it would have been slightly less painful if, on receiving your wife's text message, you had got up and left... as she requested... without explanation and without peeling off any twenties.

BTW, I live in a state that's going to vote for Mittens by such a heavy margin we've only been polled once, about a year ago (and the polling co. didn't ask for my opinion).

Maybe you could exact vengence (sort of) by giving your enemy (I guess that's the right word) who has fucked your wife (Mel, that is, as well as your former wife Julie) a hard time after Obama is re-elected, as now appears highly likely. You could point out, for instance, it's obvious that among U.S. voters his intelligence falls below, and probably well below, the 50th percentile...
Custer Laststand said:
Ouch. But, at least you did what your wife told you to do.

Maybe it would have been slightly less painful if, on receiving your wife's text message, you had got up and left... as she requested... without explanation and without peeling off any twenties.

BTW, I live in a state that's going to vote for Mittens by such a heavy margin we've only been polled once, about a year ago (and the polling co. didn't ask for my opinion).

Maybe you could exact vengence (sort of) by giving your enemy (I guess that's the right word) who has fucked your wife (Mel, that is, as well as your former wife Julie) a hard time after Obama is re-elected, as now appears highly likely. You could point out, for instance, it's obvious that among U.S. voters his intelligence falls below, and probably well below, the 50th percentile...


Mittens? i hate guys who make up little funny jokes
out of a guy's name

The polls here in the US look to be a dead-heat
1 day before the final and only poll that will count Nov 6th

if he wins Obama will be the only president who had two terms
or more to have garnered less votes the 2nd time around than
the 1st ...............not a good omen for a 2nd term of legislative
success :(
God I Hope You're Right

Custer Laststand said:
Ouch. But, at least you did what your wife told you to do.

Maybe it would have been slightly less painful if, on receiving your wife's text message, you had got up and left... as she requested... without explanation and without peeling off any twenties.

BTW, I live in a state that's going to vote for Mittens by such a heavy margin we've only been polled once, about a year ago (and the polling co. didn't ask for my opinion).

Maybe you could exact vengence (sort of) by giving your enemy (I guess that's the right word) who has fucked your wife (Mel, that is, as well as your former wife Julie) a hard time after Obama is re-elected, as now appears highly likely. You could point out, for instance, it's obvious that among U.S. voters his intelligence falls below, and probably well below, the 50th percentile...

Custer my friend if I was going to pick one thing for you to be right about out of all the things you've told me...I'd pick this one by a fucking mile. Pretty close to the same in my state. The vengence I suspect would be quickly turned into a discussion about Melissa.

Greg has a nude picture of Julie. He hasn't shared this little titbit with Mel. He evidently has his own wall of fame. He is not currently hanging in front of me. Picture I mean. No picture of his cock unless he gets a picture of Melissa first. At least he doesn't already have one. Gonna be a long day tomorrow.
Ah Man

duke9555 said:

Mittens? i hate guys who make up little funny jokes
out of a guy's name

The polls here in the US look to be a dead-heat
1 day before the final and only poll that will count Nov 6th

if he wins Obama will be the only president who had two terms
or more to have garnered less votes the 2nd time around than
the 1st ...............not a good omen for a 2nd term of legislative
success :(

Well he's had a lot of firsts. I'd settle for another here.

Support for my suggestion that giving your less-than-friendly drinking buddy Greg who fucked your wife a hard time about his support for the losing presidential candidate (Mittens) if Obama wins re-election (as is likely) may be a good strategy is provided by an article published in the New York Times on 6 Oct. 2012, entitled:

“Is America Man Enough to Vote?”

Is America Man Enough to Vote? - NYTimes.com

As you will see, the article — which begins with a great drawing of a testosterone-fueled voter, and his collapsed state on reading a headline that his candidate lost — summarizes a study which found that men, but not women, actually are testosterone-fueled voters in the sense that when their candidate loses it’s as if they personally have lost a “contest for dominance” (as noted below). It includes the following.

“In 2008, scientists from Duke University and the University of Michigan analyzed the biological effects of voting on more than 150 voters. On Election Day, more than 150 test subjects chewed sugar-free gum after they’d voted and again at regular intervals after learning the election results.”

“When the scientists analyzed the testosterone in the saliva generated by all that gum chewing, they noted a dramatic pattern: men who had voted for the losing presidential candidate, John McCain, suffered a big drop in their testosterone after hearing of his defeat.”

“The scientists reported that the male McCain voters ‘felt significantly more controlled, submissive, unhappy and unpleasant.’ The testosterone effect was ‘as if they directly engaged head-to-head in a contest for dominance and lost,' one researcher told a reporter when the study was published in 2009. The men who voted for Obama fared better. The researchers speculated that there might be an Obama baby boom.”

(The study did not include measurements of whether a woman’s estrogen level increases or decreases as a function of whether a candidate she votes for wins or loses.)

11/5/12 election forecasts for 11/6/12 (off-topic, but here they are anyway...)



twerpedbyjulie said:
Custer my friend if I was going to pick one thing for you to be right about out of all the things you've told me...I'd pick this one by a fucking mile.

I guess you mean my comment that it’s likely Obama will be re-elected. That’s based on Nate Silver’s 538 column in the New York Times, and a web site called “electoral-vote.com” run by an anonymous dude who describes himself as an American professor of computer science working at a university in Germany. He calls himself “The Votemaster.” The current page of his web site, which is updated every day, is here:


Background: Nate Silver is a statistical analyst; 538, the title of his column, is — as you may recognize — the electoral vote total for all U.S. states. Ergo, the majority required to win the presidency is (1/2)(538) + 1 = 270 electoral votes. Silver rose to prominence when he correctly called every state but one (Indiana, which voted for Obama by 1%) prior to the 2008 presidential election and, as well, successfully predicted the winners of all Senate elections that year. Conservatives complain about Silver because, with his model based on polling statistics and other relevant factors, he’s been forecasting a probable win for Obama for some time. They forget that he correctly forecast the Republican takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010.

Silver’s current (5 Nov. 2012) “day before the election” estimates from Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com are:

Obama’s most-likely percentage of the popular vote nationwide: 50.9%
Romney’s most-likely percentage of the popular vote nationwide: 48.2%

Most probable no. of electoral votes to Obama: 315
Most probable no. of electoral votes to Romney: 223

Probability of Obama winning re-election: 92%
Probability of Romney winning election: 8%

“The Votemaster’s” current (5 Nov. 2012) “day before the election” estimates are slightly less optimistic for Obama. (He subscribes to 6 nonpartisan polls which he pays for out-of-pocket plus with contributions to his web site. Silver subscribes to a much larger number of nonpartisan polls that are paid for, presumably, by the NY Times.)

According to ElectoralVote the probable no. of electoral votes to Obama, including from states where he is leading in the polls by 1 to 4 percentage points (within the margin of error), is 294.

The probable no. of electoral votes to Romney, including from states where he is leading in the polls by 1 to 4 percentage points (similarly within the margin of error), is 220.

The number of electoral votes from states that are exactly tied (i.e., 50% / 50%) in the polls, using “The Votemaster’s” method of poll-averaging, is 24.

According to this analysis, if all the states that are exactly tied in the polls vote for Romney, Obama will still win re-election with 294 electoral votes.

When “The Votemaster” eliminates Rasmussen polls from his electoral vote maps and tabulations (click “Rasmussen-free maps” on the left side of his main page) — which Silver has determined are biased by 3 percentage points, on average, toward Republican candidates [in close elections, that’s a lot] — he finds Obama is likely to receive 303 electoral votes, Romney is likely to receive 220 electoral votes (both similar to Silver’s estimates), and 15 electoral votes are “tied in the polls.” Using these numbers, even if Romney wins all the “tied” electoral votes Obama will win re-election with 303 electoral votes.

According to “The Votemaster’s” state-by-state mapping and tabulation of Senate polling results, the Democrats are likely to retain 51 Senate seats, the Republicans are likely to retain 45, and 4 Senate races are exactly tied in the polls. Thus, the Democrats seem likely to retain their thin majority in the Senate with 51 to 55 seats (= 51 to 55% of the 100 Senate seats), depending on the breakdown of the “tied in the polls” Senate races.

The Intrade gamblers give the Republicans a 96% probability of retaining their majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Democrats a 72% probability of retaining their majority in the U.S. Senate, Obama a 68% probability of being re-elected President, and Romney a 32% chance of being elected President. See:

Intrade - Home

It’s hard to have any feeling for what the outcome of the House elections is likely to be, because I’m not aware of anyone being willing to put up the money to poll all of the 435 House districts effectively and repeatedly nationwide [which, of course, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been done].)


And I thought you were one dimensional. I read a great deal, and not just porn, but I don't believe I've ever heard of this man previously, or have forgotten. It's very interesting, and if nothing else will help me get through the day.

The shrinking violet (penis) information if your candidate lose's the election does put the Greggie number in a different perspective. In his case a double damn number because more than other males he does most of his thinking with Greg Jr. He has a son named Greg Jr. so that probably wasn't very nice.

In any event thank you for the information, and your time.

so it appears the legislature will be able
to throttle president Obama's policies
in his 2nd term ...but he'll most likely get
his USSC choices sustained
Mitt and Greg are Out...I'm In

I ended up telling Mel about my history with Greg after Obama was declared the winner. She was pissed that I hadn't told her before. He and Mitt have something in common...they are both out. She said it was up to me as to who told him he better keep his mouth shut or she'd make it a point to share with his wife. She can be a wee bit vindictive. Also said to tell him he was a lousy lay. I on the other hand got some outstanding pussy last night.

Still more than a little miffed that he nailed my first wife sooooo I decided to share a picture of Julie at eighteen on the night she lost her cherry. Just won a local beauty contest, and decided to give her boy friend his trophy. One time deal (or maybe she lied) because it hurt. She was tight.

I will go ahead and post the rest of Mel and Greg on their Halloween fright, I meant fuck night.

yeah...these stories just confirm one thing...no way am I a cuckold. Have fun though.
Four more years!


twerpedbyjulie said:
And I thought you were one dimensional.

Well, this is sort of a one-dimensional forum. Sometimes, though — at the risk of incurring scathing criticism — I yield to the temptation to comment on topics that are... well... sort of off-topic.

twerpedbyjulie said:
I read a great deal, and not just porn...

Hey, it's OK to read — and it's even OK to read stuff other than porn sometimes. I wouldn't suggest mentioning that to your beer-drinking buddies, though. A stunned silence might fall over the bar, as might happen if you were to say you don't care much for football.

twerpedbyjulie said:
...but I don't believe I've ever heard of this man [Nate Silver] previously.

Silver has become famous (he's a young dude, early thirties). "How famous," you ask? Well... Jon Steward invited him to appear on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" earlier this evening, and he did.

twerpedbyjulie said:
It's very interesting, and if nothing else will help me get through the day.

Good. And yes, it is interesting. It's also refreshing to see someone using for-real statistical analysis to forecast election outcomes instead of just quoting current poll data (which yields very little insight) — and is a good writer, as well. Silver pointed out, for instance, that even if the nationwide popular vote were to split exactly 50/50, Obama would have a high probability (about 80%, as I recall) of winning the electoral vote count decisively. That being, of course, all that matters. That kind of insight, based on data analysis, was quite different from all the commentators who kept saying: "it's a horse race;" "it's dead even;" etc., etc.

twerpedbyjulie said:
The shrinking violet (penis) information if your candidate lose's the election does put [my problem with Greg] in a different perspective. .... In any event, thank you for the information and your time. —Ron

Yes, that could form a basis for giving Greg something of a hard time long into the future, I would think. And, you're welcome.

twerpedbyjulie said:
I ended up telling Mel about my history with Greg after Obama was declared the winner. She was pissed that I hadn't told her before. [Now,] Greg and Mitt have something in common... they are both out. She said it was up to me as to who told him he better keep his mouth shut or she'd make it a point to share with his wife. She can be a wee bit vindictive.

I suggest it would be most appropriate for you to point that out to Greg.

twerpedbyjulie said:
Also Mel said to tell him he was a lousy lay.

Perfect. Since all your drinking buddies know Greg fucked your wife (I gather, from your description), there's nothing for you to try to keep secret — so you could tell Greg both of the above, bluntly, in front of all of them next time you go out drinking with that crowd. If he tries to turn it around on you and "crow" about fucking Mel, you could reply with something like: "Hey, my wife is her own person — she isn't like my TV or my refrigerator — she fucks whomever she wants to fuck, although she doesn't always find it a good experience as in your case. Anyway, since you take the liberty of fucking other men's wives, I assume you encourage your wife to fuck other men she finds attractive — right?"

That will probably terminate further conversation on that subject, because (i) Greg won't want to admit he's too insecure to encourage his wife to fuck other men; and (ii) he certainly won't want Mel or you to bring it to the attention of his wife that Mel fucked him; and (iii) all your other drinking buddies will feel awkward about it as well, because they won't want the word to get around among their wives that you fully acquiesce in Mel fucking whomever she pleases.

twerpedbyjulie said:
I on the other hand got some outstanding pussy last night.

Cool. It sounds like Mel was turned on by Obama's re-election. Maybe she secretly fantasized about fucking him, now that he's the chief alpha-male in the U.S. once again...

twerpedbyjulie said:
I'm still more than a little miffed that Greg nailed my first wife, sooooo I decided to share a picture of Julie at eighteen on the night she lost her cherry. [She had] just won a local beauty contest, and decided to give her boy friend his trophy. It was a one-time deal [or so she said, because it hurt].

Thanks for posting the photo; Julie is definitely an attractive woman. Maybe she had secret doubts about herself at that age, but being "certified beautiful" gave her the confidence she needed to express her sexuality.

twerpedbyjulie said:
I will go ahead and post the rest of Mel and Greg on their Halloween fright, I meant fuck night. Cheers — Ron

I'll look forward to that.

Four more years!

Nate Silver

I'm loosing it. Names have never been my strong point. I saw him on The Daily Show not just last night, but before, and I've seen him on The Rachael Maddow(sp) show. He was on her show yesterday as well I belive.

Stewart gave him a bad time about missing the senate election in North Dakota.

Bullshit Mountain indeed.
Captured on Camera?


"Perfect. Since all your drinking buddies know Greg fucked your wife (I gather, from your description), there's nothing for you to try to keep secret — so you could tell Greg both of the above, bluntly, in front of all of them next time you go out drinking with that crowd. If he tries to turn it around on you and "crow" about fucking Mel, you could reply with something like: "Hey, my wife is her own person — she isn't like my TV or my refrigerator — she fucks whomever she wants to fuck, although she doesn't always find it a good experience as in your case. Anyway, since you take the liberty of fucking other men's wives, I assume you encourage your wife to fuck other men she finds attractive — right?"

Melissa may also have been captured on the bar's close circuit security camera. A single camera trained on the "Smoking Area," outside the bar. Not engaging in anything sexual, but her breasts were *******. Don't know if they save or even review the recordings. Melissa wasn't aware of the camera, but Greg certainly was, and he stayed off view as did the other three guys who were out there at the time. I saw this take place from a safe distance after Mel texted me that they were going out to "smoke."

"That will probably terminate further conversation on that subject, because (i) Greg won't want to admit he's too insecure to encourage his wife to fuck other men; and (ii) he certainly won't want Mel or you to bring it to the attention of his wife that Mel fucked him; and (iii) all your other drinking buddies will feel awkward about it as well, because they won't want the word to get around among their wives that you fully acquiesce in Mel fucking whomever she pleases.

I don't know how many people know. She did have her face covered, but yeah Greg no doubt has had a field day after scoring with that "hot bitch."

Turning it on him would be interesting. His wife isn't all that good looking. I believe her families money may have had something to do with the marriage. I'm not too concerned about the other guys bringing it up to me.
Uncomfortable for one thing, and honestly I'm not the only one in there that thinks Greg's a grade A prick.

"Cool. It sounds like Mel was turned on by Obama's re-election. Maybe she secretly fantasized about fucking him, now that he's the chief alpha-male in the U.S. once again..."

It's no secret. Melissa would just die if he walked into the same room. She's got it so bad for him that if she decided she wanted children he'd be at the top of her list of potential sperm donors...directly into her pussy of course.

"Thanks for posting the photo; Julie is definitely an attractive woman. Maybe she had secret doubts about herself at that age, but being "certified beautiful" gave her the confidence she needed to express her sexuality."

She truly was, and still is very attractive. Might have been a bit better if she had retained just a little more doubt about herself, and the beauty. I may have mentioned that I still would not want to put myself in a position where we were alone together. She knows how to trip all of my buttons.

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