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To ALL Memebers: READ THIS!

  • Thread starterpimpology101
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Beloved Member
May 27, 2006
I noticed that in the link the comment was made to the effect that it was your opinion this site could grow to become THE giant among ir sites but that it could not if bickering does not stop.

Well here's a dose of reality and something to consider Will. In this brave new world you hope to create, you are being idealistic if you think all of these different "interest" groups can cohabitate peacefully. If you allow this forum to become a haven for any expression of deviant ideas (and not even by my definition of deviant) then you are going to create more problems than you solve. Before I was made a mod I was getting upwards of a dozen e-mails a day from people begging to have this site saved from the cesspool it was becoming and were threatening to leave if it wasn't. Now, for all those steps forward we'd taken, we're taking two back. I am getting inundated with mail again from people cringing at the thought of it reverting back to what it was.

The bottom line is this....members are going to be lost rather than gained with this new love everybody and accept it all with a smile routine. You will either have to ban members for breaking rule number one or they will just leave of their own accord when the site sinks into a deeper morass of ugly fetishes. You know what it was like before and from all indications it's headed there and worse. I wish you the best of luck in your quest to better the site but I feel, personally, that you're seeing things through rose-colored glasses.
Inundated with mail? How do you think those other sites came into being? They all left here because of the "Old Pimp" and your first 3000 moralizing posts! Thats where members were lost. Go to Wanda's. None of them come here because they hate your guts so much. I was telling them that since you had made Mod that you had become much more bearable. Now what do I tell them?

Tell them I personally don't give a shit. And you can easily look at the numbers......DC is up in membership since the time I became mod.

And as far as your response, Will. I agree with it 100% and like the vision. I like the agenda and I like the want to. I'm just saying that I believe that, without the backing you'll need, those things will be next to impossible to accomplish or implement. The site was running much better with the basement in place and there wasn't nearly the friction as has been the case the last two weeks and that's because their place was taken away and more migrated into other areas. You know as well as I do that when I was moderator that I stayed out of those areas and allowed you, buzzy or dig or thawks or kdawg to handle the issues. That was best.

I'm not trying to eradicate cucks or people with what I consider extremist interests. That would be like trying to eliminate cockroaches. I'm merely hopeful that if those of us who hate that kind of junk (and we are by far the majority given the feedback I get and that's why I get the emails--people know where I stand and feel comfortable voicing their displeasure to me because they know I share it--no offense but they aren't sure where you stand as you have to be all inclusive) can keep it corralled to a specific area where we're not subjected to it.
From a person who has been using the site for a while, but a rare poster, I think the change is personally in the right direction. While it may not accomplish everything Will has envisioned for the site, it's definitely a change for the better. I read the posts frequently and altough I don't reply because some of the topics I have no use for, I'd like to see this site get better. What we got is the start of a blueprint and if people like Pimp, Will, and everyone can abide by it, then everyone can make this site truly something. It's not going to be easy, change never is...history has proved that. But it is a good start. Sorry Will for going off on you like that in the other thread btw.

I know I've been here a year and haven't posted that much, (that will change now that I'm done with college) but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I'd like to see what good can come of this.
Will & Eve said:
... I simply don't have a vision for a board who's primary mission is the eradication of all deviancy - especially in a place where the the prime fetish is one that most of the population would consider (rightfully so) deviant in itself.

It is, in my humble opinion, a fools errand to say as a matter of policy "we will tolerate THIS level of deviancy but not THAT level" because every last person here will draw the line at a different place.


I support the effort Will is putting into the board, and the direction he wants to lead it towards. I believe that, if we provide support to him (if only by minimizing the incessant bickering), much can be accomplished. Everyone needs to 'stand down' a bit, and allow cooler, your more logical/practical impulses to take the lead right now.

I believe the portion of his post which I've quoted pretty much addresses the impracticality of doing more anything more than he envisions with respect to tolerance for others 'choices.'

Will provided a section (IR Extremes) for the more controversial topics. I suggest that if you find the topics there distasteful, you simply refrain from viewing that section.

Let's let this debate cool a bit (perhaps Christmas, through New Years Day??); maybe some of us will have re-thought what we so fervently projected here and in the 'I'm Normal, and You're NOT(??) thread.
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pimpology101 said:
I'm not trying to eradicate cucks or people with what I consider extremist interests. That would be like trying to eliminate cockroaches. .

Hey careful Pimp !, without some of us cucks (who do not consider ourselves cockroaches) there would be a lot less ladies to play with. lol
Well by own admission I can't take credit for any changes, positive or negative, to the chatroom. I had no authority there (that I know of) and have never used it. I did try to eradicate those things from the message board and was successful to a degree.
Victoria and Dan said:
I'll expand....everytime I went into the chat room, without fail, I got offers from k-9 freaks or someone wanting to discuss his daughter. This is what you get when you pander to that ilk.
Hopefully this will be an epiphany for you since apparently you never have visited the chatroom.

I see, you are right, I don't do the chatroom. But we can take it a step further. That "ilk" begins with porn sites and this is a porn site. As long as they know what is not accepted here there should be no problem. Otherwise you should report them.

I realize that you are an admirer of Pimp but he has to realize that just because he is no longer a Mod, that doesn't free him now to make members uneasy and feel unwelcome just because they don't share his strict beliefs in what is acceptable or unacceptable in the IR lifestyle on this board.

The reason that Pimp and I are kind of going back and forth now is kind of pre-emptive on my part. I know that he believes that since he is no longer a Mod that the "gloves are now off" again but I don't want to see the old pre-Mod Pimp come back discouraging folks from posting, ruining threads with bickering and making perfectly good members feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.

There are now rules, in writing and people to enforce those rules at their discretion. You may not agree with the changes. Give it a chance. We can all have what we like within reason. Take what you want from these boards and ignore the rest. Report things you feel are outside board policy. Like it or not you must now "live and let live."

Glad to see you back Victoria and Dan. Your posts are usually thoughtful and informative. You seem like very nice folks. Please don't get the idea that I dislike Pimp. Even he knows better. We were actually friendly while he was Mod. Its just this one little thing about his personality that gets to me. I am an extremely freedom and independence loving person and there are enough soapbox moralizers out there as it is wanting to force their beliefs on the rest of us. I don't want to come to a porn site and find them here too.

Just an fyi, Norm. When I was removed as moderator one of the reasons given was so that I could "mix it up" again with members. Buzzy said as much publicly in a thread. He even outweighs Will when it comes to the forum and he gave me his "blessing" to speak out and up. In essence he was taking off my muzzle. If that means speaking out against something I find distasteful I am damn well going to do just that as I've already made clear to you and everyone else.

Victoria nor Dan or anyone else has to sit back and take crap that offends them no matter how much you think it is incumbent on me, them or anyone else to live and let live. The quirk of your personality that bugs me is your blanket tolerance for any junk a person feels like posting. You arguments are hypocritical; you say simply because I don't endorse something that's too bad, it's fair game. Yet that implies because you do endorse these things that no one else has the right to object. Your doing exactly what you accuse me of: intimidating or discouraging people from voicing their objections to material they find personally offensive.

As long as I am here there will always be a voice for those people and I'll always point out what I and we find unacceptable. I get enough of this kind of over-the-top distasteful and sick crap at other sites which specifically cater to such interests. I nor anyone else has to accept it at our home board where it's not mandated we do so by the sites clearly outlined agenda.
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I don't endorse nor do I denigrate any particular (legal) lifestyle. All I say is that there are rules set up now in essence saying that certain groups whom you use to chase off on a regular basis are now welcome here. I am sure Buzzy wants you to obey the rules of the board. I don't care if you start a thread and yell your beliefs to the rooftops. But you can no longer bust into threads and chase people off.
If I happen into a particular thread by accident, not going into it expecting to find something against my core set of values nor to troll for the purpose of argument, but find something offensive to me personally, I will say so. If you expect otherwise you will be disappointed. And the new "rules" also do not give free reign to "certain groups" either. They still must exercise restraint and post messages in thread appropriate sections. I guess venturing out of said areas and infringing upon others elsewhere makes them fair game.
All I or anyone else opposed to such things ever wanted and what the basement area was meant to establish. Now they have their corner with the extreme room which, I can tell you here and now, I will not be frequenting.
pimpology101 said:
All I or anyone else opposed to such things ever wanted and what the basement area was meant to establish. Now they have their corner with the extreme room which, I can tell you here and now, I will not be frequenting.

Thanks, pimpology. I (and others) WILL LOOK to see if you keep YOUR WORD... Becauz you certainly took literary license with my IR EXTREME thread (I'm Normal, and You're NOT(?); in fact you've held it hostage for the past few days, even contributing to turning it into 'your sports thread.'

To quote (part of) Will's thread...

Okay folks, I took it upon myself to try to set a middle ground in the running conflict here, and I recreated this forum. This forum is intended to be the all purpose forum for any of the stuff that you might reasonably expect other posters to be disturbed by.



I'm real sure there are others. Still no illegal stuff allowed, but for the rest...put it here. Over the coming days I will be moving a lot of threads into this forum which suit it's purpose and it will have a running start.

But be advised, all you "freaks" have to tolerate each other. I don't want to hear no "I like my breeding stuff but that B&D stuff makes me sick"

Sorry, you guys are gonna have to live together.


As a Dominant, I'm comfortable with 'some of the stuff' in this section, and open-minded enuff to be tolerant of that which I don't agree with. Since Will's called the shots, there is certainly NO REASON for any 100 LB Gorilla to start throwing his weight around in this room. If you must rant, I hope you'll do it in the other sections of the Forum. CAPICHE?
RaunchyRandy said:
Thanks, pimpology. I (and others) WILL LOOK to see if you keep YOUR WORD... Becauz you certainly took literary license with my IR EXTREME thread (I'm Normal, and You're NOT(?); in fact you've held it hostage for the past few days, even contributing to turning it into 'your sports thread.'
Randy, that was much more my fault than Pimps. The "I'm normal and you're not" thread was just the perfect thread for me to preach Pimp with since he figures he's the normal one and the rest of us are freaks. And for that I must both thank you for the thread and apologize to you for monopolizing it to beat Pimp over the head. But I don't think we were off the thread topic at all. After all, that could very well be Pimp's signature saying. "I'm normal and you're not."

Will & Eve said:
Yes indeed, that's the trade off.

If you blunder into the general forum and start blathering about your sissy ways, I'm NOT coming down on Pimp for ragging on you. Likewise, if you post your sissy (or whatever fetish) remarks in the Cuck room, I will be harsh with him if he goes in there ragging on you.

That's not to say the cuck or the breeder can't post in general areas, but when they put their fetish out in the open for everyone to have to see by the CONTENT of their post, they give up their protected status.

I'm certainly happy with that and also with Pimps answer. May take a little getting used to by board members with a little "stepping on peoples toes" here and there but it should work in the long run.
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Well if it were to be my signature I'd certainly have to share it with a multitude of other people who not only have no interest in the subjects the extreme section will hold but also despises them. And, for the record (and even Norm must admit this) did I make life a living hell for these type enthusiasts when the basement section was implemented and I was a mod? I thought not......
pimpology101 said:
And, for the record (and even Norm must admit this) did I make life a living hell for these type enthusiasts when the basement section was implemented and I was a mod? I thought not......

I agree. But that was because you were made a Mod at about that same time and you couldn't. The question should be "Did I make life a living hell for these type enthusiasts BEFORE the basement section was implemented and I was made a Mod? The answer is yes and the fear is now that you are no longer a Mod that you would revert back to the "old Pimp" and start chasing members away again. But you have said you won't go to the "basement" and Will and Eve will enforce the rules I'm sure, so everything should be okay.

See ya in your sports thread Pimp

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Don't forget one of the stated reasons for removal as mod was "to mix it up" with members. Peerhaps that is what they want. But you needn't worry about me going into the extreme thread. I didn't go in the basement unless I had to and I won't go in the new room either. Members won't be "chased" away by me or the multitudes who share my beliefs about such subjects if they keep them where they're supposed to.
Interracial_Voyeur101 said:
who cares about your shitty ass thoughts

I see you posted this today. Even though he is banned I caution you about your post. This is the second time I have warned you about your remarks.
This site

Was for black men and white women to get together and enjoy the interracial sex that we all love. Not for white boys to be arguing all the time.
i'll be taking a little break from here to work on KaylaBlackMansCumBag.com
and get back to my primary focus: finding some BBC to service.

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