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The Real Story I Have To Tell -1

  • Thread starterdevavu2009
  • Start date
  • #161
D, Aron is a liar.
He is clever. He is manipulative. But he told the truth about his feelings to Annie.
He will beat you.
He will push you.
He will take Annie away from you bit by bit.
You will never be happy on Aaron's terms.
Annie said she knows you.
She should know you wont go with this.
But Aaron is also scared of loosing Annie.
He knows that he needs to push you out first when Annie is completely submissive to him.
She is becoming that too.
But his ultimatum went a step too far. I think Annie will know this and resent Aaron for this. She wanted both, but Aaron made demands that Annie did not like.
He needs you back to keep Annie happy. He otherwise doesn't give a shit about you.

But do you want Annie if she really did ask him to marry her?
Call her, ask her how much of it is true.
But stick to your guns D. You are becoming more self confident and comfortable with your assertive side. Stick with it D. You need that side now more than ever before.
  • #162
Anglebaby, I don't comment here much. Much of what I write is completely misunderstood. I blame myself for that. Then again. I was really just looking for a place to put it down - outside my own computer.

Aaron has never beat Annie, notr raised a hand towards her. He is a much better person than I have apparently made him seem here. It doesn't please me to say that, but it is the truth. The truth is just so fucking messy.

As crazy as all of this is....and I don't know how to explain this....it is not as crazy as most of the people here think it is.

Think of your lives over a decade. Tell me what's crazy. We all didn't just meet each other. We know each other like family. Warts and all.

I had to say that.
  • #163
But he raised a hand to you and I know better than most, you do not need to ever raise a hand to abuse someone.

D. The circumstances that Aaron has created for you are not what Annie might have planned. To say no is not to leave Annie at all. But Annie will need to make a choice here.

My best advice is not to respond to Aaron. Instead, write an email to Annie, the first part forgiving her for falling in love with Aaron and for all the anguish you have gone through and express what regrets you have. The second part explaining what lines you have and where Aaron has crossed them and explain what your relation to Aaron is. What your feelings are towards him are and what you are willing to do for him.

After that, Annie will need to decide if she will redraw the lines and force Aaron to accept them or to leave you.
  • #164
Wow, I have always wondered how often this happens. I'm sure it does quite frequently but we do not hear about it. My wife and I are swingers and we include single men and women in our lifestyle. I am a voyeur and I do enjoy watching her with other men and women. However, when I am in the room with her and anothr man I am the aplpha male and they both know it. The men always thank her and me for a wonderful time. I'm sorry to say that women in general want a strong man they can depend on in their life. This doesn't mean she can't fuck someone with a bigger cock and enjoy it. But evn the so called "bulls" know it is only because I gave them permisson thay theyare fucking my very hot wife. Guys don't be sissy cucks, I really think there is a deeply rooted homosexual at the core of many (not all) of these types of guys. Do yourself and your wife a favor and find a male lover to whom you can be submissive. If you think you need a woman to humiliate you because you have a small cock get some therapy and deal with your issues you have with your mother whether she be dead or alive.

  • #165
And holy shit 17 pages of this saga? My God people move on......WTF?? Go ahead all of you "experts" and tell me I'm full of shit and all that talk about being humiliated is wrong blah, blah, blah. Fucking unbelievable.... you guys do you know what fools you have become when you beg your woman to find a lover because you think you are a piece of shit and then she does it and you cry the blues? For the most part women do NOT have fuck toys like men. Women need an emotional connection to fuck anyone more than once for sure. Forget Annie and Aaron and all the drama. Start your life over dude....you deserve better than this.
  • #166
Phillerup said:
And holy shit 17 pages of this saga? My God people move on......WTF?? Go ahead all of you "experts" and tell me I'm full of shit and all that talk about being humiliated is wrong blah, blah, blah. Fucking unbelievable.... you guys do you know what fools you have become when you beg your woman to find a lover because you think you are a piece of shit and then she does it and you cry the blues? For the most part women do NOT have fuck toys like men. Women need an emotional connection to fuck anyone more than once for sure. Forget Annie and Aaron and all the drama. Start your life over dude....you deserve better than this.

I am interested why you would read all 17 pages, then call it shit. I hope you keep returning to this website, because you will eventually begin to understand the roles Aaron, Annie and D are playing in this "love triangle".

Annie "wants both men", she would be upset to lose either - she is addicted to the lifestyle, and will eventually become de-sensitised to D being whipped, and will allow 30-50 strokes as time passes, even though in her heart she does not want D to be hurt too much. She knows that Aaron owns her, and she can't break off with him even though she has tried to. Even the long separation from him, simply "allowed him back stronger than ever".

Annie has said, it is not a game, it is reality for her. D knows he is being taken for a ride, but loves Annie too much to walk out on his marriage. D said, 'it is up to Annie, what she wants'. D just hopes Annie makes a decision for D's higher good.

Aaron is in charge big time, and he will get his way in the end, simply because Annie is his submissive slut wife.

If D called Annie's bluff and moved out, and stood his ground for a few months, Annie and Aaron would not have a lap dog any more - the result would be interesting. BUT I DOUBT THAT HE WILL.

Word will soon pass around the community now that it is becoming public about the impending divorce, and Aaron and Annie getting married.
  • #167
Warning ...

Phillerup said:
And holy shit 17 pages of this saga? My God people move on......WTF?? Go ahead all of you "experts" and tell me I'm full of shit and all that talk about being humiliated is wrong blah, blah, blah. Fucking unbelievable.... you guys do you know what fools you have become when you beg your woman to find a lover because you think you are a piece of shit and then she does it and you cry the blues? For the most part women do NOT have fuck toys like men. Women need an emotional connection to fuck anyone more than once for sure. Forget Annie and Aaron and all the drama. Start your life over dude....you deserve better than this.

If I was you, I would start by reading The Rules. And act by them.
I find no apparent reason for such language... Next time you'll use it, you'll get few days-off to think it over... Warning issued.
  • #168
Fright in the Light

Last night I couldn't sleep. I woke up at 3 in the morning, and my mind raced. I finally got up and went into the kitchen. To my surprise, Annie was up, sitting at the table. She was drinking a cup of coffee, writing something on a pad of paper.

"Good morning," I said. "You're up early."

"So are you," she replied.

I poured a cup of coffee for myself and sat down.

"What are you writing?"

"I was writing you a note," she said. "But since you're up, we can talk instead."

She looked tired and worried, like something was wrong. It was almost a look of resignation. I can't describe it, but I've seen that look before, a mixture of regret and disappointment.

"I'm not going to work today, D. I've decided to drive to my sister's to spend the weekend. I need some time alone, to think."

Her sister lives in Savannah, about 6 hours north of here.

"I suppose you're due an explanation, D. You probably feel like you've been flying in the dark."

"Yes, I do. It's scary, flying in the dark."

"The light can be just as frightening, D."

I decided not to explore that comment any further. I had the feeling I would find our what she meant anyway.

"You asked him to marry you?" I asked.

She sighed, as if she were sick if thinking about it.

"That's not really correct. When we finally broke up four years ago, he'd asked me to marry him dozens of times. I declined for many reasons, like the fact that we were both already married. You two are a lot alike in a strange way. One track minds. You're always begging for abuse, he's always begging for security. Anyway, he said he never wanted to see me again unless I agreed to marry him. That was his condition. An open take it or leave it proposal. So I didn't ask him to marry me. I agreed to be his wife."

"Four years later...."

"Yes," she continued. "But I had my own condition."



"And what if I refused to go along?" I asked.

"Then there is no marriage."

"To him?"

"To either one of you."

Oh, boy. Ann's plan was not quite what I thought it would be. My stomach was starting cartwheels. Now I knew what she meant about fright in the light.

"Do you still feel the same way?" I asked.


"And he knows this?"

"Yes. Now you both know it. And I am having my doubts about the whole damned thing. This is my plan, D. My crazy plan. I've got to get ready to go. I need to get out of here for awhile."

She was on the road by 5 am.
  • #169
Go talk with Aaron and get him to understand, that without you, he will never have Annie and that he is not in control, Annie is.
If you want to keep her, Aaron has to accept, she will not be exclusive to him, ever.
  • #170
That seems encouraging, D. Some time by herself to gain perspective on everything can be a very good thing, in my humble opinion. Best wishes, always, maid madeleine x
  • #171
AngleBaby said:
Go talk with Aaron and get him to understand, that without you, he will never have Annie and that he is not in control, Annie is.
If you want to keep her, Aaron has to accept, she will not be exclusive to him, ever.

Not to be contradictory, but I wouldn't talk to Aaron, D. There's no reasoning with him, it seems. If you really want to save your marriage (and it seems like you really do) reform a bond with Annie and leave Aaron out of it.
  • #172
I would agree with the maid, but if Annie has her mind set on this, and D is the only one who can judge if she is going for all or broke here, then the only way is with Aaron. But Aaron cannot be the one who decides anything in the relationship.
If Annie is willing to let you woo her again, then it will be from the very start, again. That is, you two need to reset the relationship to 0 and work from there.
  • #173
If you really want to save your marriage (and it seems like you really do) reform a bond with Annie and leave Aaron out of it.

Re-read his last post, with or without Aaron, Annie says the marriage is OVER. And, let me ask you this, outside the romantic notion of marriage, what is left to save?
  • #174
Kevin is partly right.
If Aaron can get over his insecurities, it wouldn't be needed to divorce D. But too late now. Question is, would Aaron be okay with her wearing both wedding bands?
  • #175
Aaron Outed D

It's not the beatings, country music or church that's a show stopper - it's being humiliated in front of your friends. Humiliation in place of love is ok in a private relationship. But Aaron's behavior at church to invite D's friends over for dinner is crossing the line. He's not just taking your wife, he's trying to take your life.

This might work if you all moved into Aaron's house in a new city. I can't imagine it working without moving away from your old life.
  • #176
The only showstopper, femdude, is what people really want and need, and what they are willing to accept in return. I don't want my life broadcast to my in laws or parents - that is one reason i picked this forum. I can't imagine they would be here.

On the other hand, the only thing worse than being humiliated in front of your friends is thinking what's natural for you is somehow bad, and humiliating.

I always realize these things too late.
  • #177
On the other hand, the only thing worse than being humiliated in front of your friends is thinking what's natural for you is somehow bad, and humiliating.

It is humiliating to do certain things, but, isn't that the turn on? Listen, you just need to accept that you want the humiliation and submission and move forward with it. Make sure there are boundaries and the lines of communication between you and Annie and Aaron are always open. Oh, and enjoy it. It is your fantasy, so run with it.
  • #178

When I use the word humiliate, I mean " to reduce to a lower position in one's own eyes or others' eyes." I don't mean to say this is "bad."

I seek humiliation because it feels like love and nurture to me. It's because of my false core beliefs created in my family of origin.

Yet even though humiliation excites me, I still have boundaries. I think you need to define those boundaries carefully if you stay with your former wife. I felt that humiliation in front of your friends was potentially crossing over a boundary.

Best wishes,
  • #180
The story is over I think. Last bit we know, is that the wife left for her sister's house and said if she can't have both, she will have neither. We also saw what can be seen as Aaron cornering Annie off from D a bit at a time and rewriting the rules in a manner that D cannot accept.
Aaron screwed up because of his insecurities.

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