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Testing my wife's fidelity

  • Thread starterAnshu69
  • Start date
  • #122
Simply Awesome, still wondering about that "can't happen again" comment sarah made. Are you trying to hint that this isn't the first time Daniel has fucked sarah?
  • #124
A dynamite narrative Anshu. Where do they go from here?
  • #126
I love to see Sarah doing it for the money, small money.
  • #127
If I Ever Can.

Man you are the best writer of sexy stories i have ever read. I would like to say more and maybe i can later on. But right now i just dont have the words. I have never and i mean NEVER read a better seduction story in my lifetime. Plus i find myself dreaming and lusting for Sarah constantly. My question today, can there be the possibility that Sarah has done or will do more? :p:p:p okdeacon
  • #128
Thanks to all of you !

I can't begin to tell you how moved I am reading your comments. Like some of you, I also come online whenever I can to check out if anybody has read the story and posted some comments. Unfortunately I am often disappointed because most people seem to read without posting, may be out of shyness. As a writer, for all the sacrifice and hard work, my only source of satisfaction is the appreciation and suggestions from readers, specially from those who take time to give a thorough comment, not just one line of text... Let me end by saying that it's a privilege for me to be read by you.
  • #129
One of the Few

I cannot sit through horror flickS because without fail, the principles make choices that insult one's intelligence. I prefer true stories over fiction because rarely is there a writer who writes believable fiction.

This thread is a refreshing exception to this trend. I eagerly anticipate each successive chapter to this story because every emotion, action, thought, event, etc. is realistic. Having lived this lifestyle since the early 70s, I personally relate to much of what you describe.

This is a great story and so believable, I can mentally be there living it while remembering my thoughts during my wife's transition to this lifestyle. Keep it up!
  • #130
Anshu, I am one who has read and hung on every detail of your posts here. You are right that those of us reading should offer you feedback. I very much see my wife in the personality you have created for Sarah. Great story!!!!

Like everyone else, I am very interested in the can't happen again reference!!!!!
  • #131
Anshu, most people dont reply out of shyness, unable to express themselves on "paper". or feel that has been said before. Many lurkers would not want to have to think of a psuedonym that will keep them anonymous. You write well and whether this is true or false it is an amazing read. Thank you for posting.
  • #132
Anshu, I just want to say again thank you. By far you are one of my utmost favorite erotic authors and your story had me frustrated and excited for the next installment. Some days I would check twice for a new chapter.
  • #133
I slowly woke as a soft hand gently nudged me. I turned to see my wife Sarah snuggled against me in bed. It was 2:30am. We must have slept for three hours. She opened her eyes, looked at me, smiled, and just lay there for awhile.

Suddenly a light went off in my head! Deciding this could be a good time to talk about it, I said the first thing that came into my mind, "Daniel’s car didn’t have a breakdown, right?"

I believe I was more surprised by the directness of the question that Sarah was. She froze for a moment and then put her hand up to her face.

"No, I lied to you" she said.

"It's time you tell me the truth. You understand that I happened between you two that day."

"David, I will tell you everything. I promise that I will answer truthfully."

As annoyed as I was feeling toward her I couldn't help but admire her strength at that moment. She held my eyes with hers. Her looking at me that way was not an act of defiance; she wanted me to know that she was prepared to tell me the truth. There was no deception in her eyes.

“I want you to know that I am sorry for what I did," Sarah said.

"So are you ready to tell me about what all happened?" I asked.

"That day when we were going to the Dyson party, I knew that if I went into Daniel’s car, something was going to happen. And it made me feel terribly excited. I agreed without much thought about you. I was finally getting my chance to be with him. I didn't care that he is your boss.”

"What do you mean ‘finally’? Was there something going on between you two before?" I said.

"No, nothing really. Actually it was only the third time I was meeting him."

"Then?" I said.

"But all these three times, every time we met the attraction kept building up. It was like nothing I ever felt before. The pure magnetism and vibes were thick and stifling when we were in the same room. Whatever we did not say with our mouths, we spoke with our eyes. It was obvious, there was a connection. I wouldn't have been surprised if you could feel it."

"So, are you trying to tell me that Daniel seduced you? That his charms were just too much for you to resist?" I asked.

"No. He didn't seduce me."

"Okay, Sarah. I don't know what you are playing at but you are confusing the hell out of me," I said.

"It started the day we met him in the shopping centre," Sarah started. "I saw this very attractive man and noticed he kept looking at me. I would catch him out of the corner of my eye watching me while I was trying out shoes. He couldn't keep his eyes off of me and was eyeing me up whilst a saleswoman was talking to him, in fact he was staring at me whilst talking to her! I looked back and he wouldn't take his eyes off of mine. There was a mirror on one side of the room and he kept passing glances at me through the reflection. At that time you were outside. Later when I came up looking for you, I was surprised to see him talking to you. I was further shocked to hear you introduce him as your boss. I felt a sudden flush. From guilt or excitement, I couldn't say. He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen, I thought to myself.”

"So, you I was a fool, not even aware that you two were playing games behind my back all this time?"

Sarah didn't look away from me. "You are not a fool and never have been one. Nothing further happened that day, and I even convinced you not to invite him for dinner. I didn’t want him to start getting ideas."

"Then how did it get to you getting into his car? “

“The days after that, you kept bringing him into our conversation. You would often say ‘Daniel will be angry’ when your projects were not turning out well. I often wondered what type of man he was who could cause such trepidation in another man. As you talked, I found myself becoming growingly interested in knowing about him and what in him held my own husband in so much fascination.”

At that moment, I was completely oblivious to anything around me. "You mean that’s why you kept taking his sides."

“No… I was impressed with him, with the way you seemed in awe of him. I thought he was highly intelligent... Then the day of the party at his house, we talked as if we knew each other for a long time. As we stood there chatting, he kept praising me and made me feel incredibly special. He told me that he found me very attractive on the night and didn’t even want to go to the bathroom because he was afraid he wouldn't find me again. It was so refreshing to have a man that actually made me feel so beautiful. I felt bad when the time came to leave the party and go back home. I thought this guy is a completely different person to the man he is made to be. I also overheard some women praising his bedroom abilities.”

I suddenly felt my cock stiffened. She totally had my full attention now.

“Who said that?” I asked.

Sarah continued. "I thin it was some woman called Laura. She said excitedly, ‘Guess who I saw at the pool yesterday? Daniel!’ And she leaned over the table, and whispered ’Guess what he was wearing?’
‘What?’ everybody said, leaning conspiratorially over the table.

‘That new bathing suit -- the one that's like a tight boxer. And –‘ she paused dramatically. ‘His thing was outlined in the suit.’

"His thing?" the girls laughed.

Laura playfully scowled at us. ‘You know what I'm talking about. His penis, his pole, his cock,’ looking around to see if anyone had heard. She was obviously worked up about it when she told us about it. I have to admit, as she described him, I got a bit aroused myself!" confessed Sarah.
  • #134
"You're kidding," I exclaimed, completely amazed at the idea of the wives of my colleagues would openly talk and fancy their boss’s cock.

Sarah nodded. "Yeah, they did …… I learned from the girls that Daniel had slept with one of the guy's lovely wife. Her name is Rachel.”

"Was it when he asked you to pose for the photo shoot for the calendar project?"

“No, he did nothing of that sort. But he told me he had to know more about me and wished he could scheme a way to meet him again later.”

“So he told me about this just so I come straight away and talk it out with you.”

“Yes, he told me when he called me the following day.”

“He called you here?”

Sarah nodded. “Yes, he told me he had enjoyed my company very much the night before. I told him I felt the same way. My heart was pounding a mile a minute. I felt that hot flash you get when you are nervous. He then told me he was with other people and would call me later. I suspected you were the ‘other people’.

I was unable to contain my anticipation of his call. Thirty minutes later, to my amazement, he called me and we talked. Once again I felt tongue tied. I knew I had no right to be talking to him without your consent, yet his words to me made me tingle inside like a teenage girl. After that, everyday I had thought about Daniel. Everyday as you left for work, I longed to be alone with my thoughts. ”

I was on the edge of myself taking in Sarah’s every word. "I can't believe you kept that from me." I said. "Then how did it progress from that?"

"I didn't meet him in person until several weeks later. That was the day when I came to meet you at the office before going to the Dyson party. That day, when I called, Daniel asked me if I was wearing a perfume which was his favorite. My reply was "Of course." In the back of my mind I knew this was so wrong. But I'd never had anyone treat me this way. It was such a great experience, knowing that a man's face would light up just at the thought of seeing you. It gave me so much confidence. I felt a little tinge of excitement imagining the way that Daniel looked at me, always in a seductive and playful manner. It would be nice to have him look at me again, with his expression of admiration tinged with some kind of amusement. I was already tingling in anticipation of a secret encounter with this man. I kept telling myself, ‘Its innocent fun and nothing else.’

Hanging on my wife's every syllable, I listened in fascination as Sarah recounted the details of what had happened that day.

“When I showed up in the reception, Daniel was there waiting for me. He looked so good standing there. I thought he had to be aware of how he looked: the perfect proportions of his body, the fine autocratic features, the way every physical element had been put together with a degree of care about the appearance of the finished product. He was perfect. Yes he had to be conscious of what he was. And yet there was some aloofness about him, a way of making me feel he had never been enslaved by his beauty nor would be.

Modesty told me that I should really cover it back up but I didn't want to. I wanted Daniel to notice me. He turned and drew in a breath, his eyes widening slightly as he saw me. We stared at each other in silence, both nervous about the situation.”

"So Daniel also harbored a liking for you?" I asked, correctly guessing what it was all about.

Sarah looked closely at me and continued, deeply debating whether or not to fill me in.

“Gazing into my eyes, Daniel took me by the hand and said, half whispering, ‘That's a beautiful dress.’ I quite liked the dress I was wearing that evening. But hearing it from him was flattering. ‘You are really attractive, Sarah, a really stunning beauty’.

Despite his obvious come on, I found myself almost at a loss what to answer back. "Well Daniel, you're not so bad looking yourself."

This actually gave me quite the rush. "Wow, so you really were into him," I said.

Sarah continued, "He had a look in his eyes, as though he was saying 'I'm the man for you. I am the one who can make you happy.' Very quickly it was just him talking and me eating up his every word. When you came in the reception to meet me, it caused a sense of guilt. I don't think you suspected anything.“

"Yeah, I did not catch anything," I said, remembering the encounter in the reception room.

"I should have seen this coming at this point, I should have recognized where it was all going, but I was so excited I accepted to go with him in his car before thinking twice!" Sarah said.

I definitely knew this story was going to be interesting now. All this time, I had wondered and fantasized about what had happened between my wife and my boss, on the day of the party. I couldn't have imagined a better scenario in my wildest dreams!
  • #135
This is something else. It kills me the way you keep leaving me hanging wanting more. What a tease. Great story, can't wait for each installment. Thank you. Love it
  • #136
WOW..I think what Indy Hubby said just about covers my thoughts on your writing in fact it was the first thing I read when I came upon this site and the very reason I have been coming back time and again
  • #139
hi,anshu, i take this oppurtunity to say THANK YOU,great writing piece, u deserve an award, sorry dont know how to do that but, when ever there is n chance , i would vote for u, yes i would like to meet any couple who want an third person in there sex life, may be some one would like to have my services,

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