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Sue's new life

  • Thread starterbobbyjones86mm
  • Start date
  • #141
Sorry Harry. i meant it was positive news. I didn't mean to mislead.

The doctor was pretty clear it wasn't from frustration. She gave us a strong lean to physical reasoning.

Also, I'm happy with the current situation. Toook a little while to get to that place but Im there now. Odd peace with everything.

Dr. S mentioned a couple of drugs but i cant remember what they were. She wants to wait on them till she is sure nothing else will work. We are both on board with that. Especially me.
  • #142
Still confused!

Sorry Harry. i meant it was positive news. I didn't mean to mislead.

The doctor was pretty clear it wasn't from frustration. She gave us a strong lean to physical reasoning.

Also, I'm happy with the current situation. Took a little while to get to that place but Im there now. Odd peace with everything.

Dr. S mentioned a couple of drugs but i cant remember what they were. She wants to wait on them till she is sure nothing else will work. We are both on board with that. Especially me.

Bobby Jones: Thank you for the complete description of your Dr. Visit and conversation with Sue. That helps a lot and explain some of where you are coming from.
Above all, I am ecstatic that you were NOT diagnosed with Prostate cancer. I've been there and it's very scary. I had wonderful care and am fine now with most of my function restored.
I assume you to be 30 Years of age (or less) and Sue a little younger than you, based on what you have said in your posts.
There are still some nagging questions for me as to why as a young man you are so ‘bent’ on your wife ‘fucking’ other men even to the ‘exclusion' of you. You now give your potential erect size as 4”. That puts you ‘statistically’ in the company of a lot of men. Many of them married to wives that are happy with their sex life at home. Even you quote Sue as saying she “likes sex with you” and “does not want to exclude you from her sex life”. "I love you more than anything and I'm not going to lose you because you think you are to manly do take a drug like that. I don't care if we ever have sex again. Or even with other guys for me. I would rather have you. That is the bottom line. You are more important” .... “Well sex is out for now. Till they get a solution. I'm sorry and if you want me to stop what Im doing I will.” No never. I want you to be happy.
“Ok, so when you said you would be ok with us never having sex again if that is what I wanted right.” Yes. ..... “So then only my boyfriend or lovers would take me like that.” Yes
Now you are diagnosed with abnormally high Testosterone. On a hormonal level, Your sex drive and virility should be high enough that you would be wanting as much sex as you could get. However you practically insist that your wife should find sexual 'happiness’ with other men.
“I want that for you too.” Then the only way to make me happy is for you to be happy. So please don't stop. I also want you to know that if I can't ever get hard again that I want you to keep doing this. You shouldn't have to stop having sex if I can't.

She even said that she wants to have your children, but you appear to believe that she would be more “turned on” if it were another man’s baby.
I am surprised that you did not take the opportunity, while Sue was being so open with you, and willing to stop having sex with her boyfriends, that you didn’t request that you be present with them (or at least have Sue invite one or more to have sex at your home where you could see and be part of it). This is what you were telling us in the beginning, that it frustrated you that she would not even reveal the ‘details’ to you. Now when the opportunity is ‘open’ you don’t even ask.

Is there something you are not telling us that causes you to prefer that other men fuck your wife. Are you seriously overweight? Do you have Diabetes? Do you just think of yourself as a “wimp” of a man? Maybe you should read the link that ‘Custer’ provides in another post: http://www.cuckolds.com/forums/general-cuckoldry/18500-confused-wife-but-idea-makes-me-superrr-hottt-4.html!

You intimate that Sue told the doctor (a female) that she was having sex with other men with your knowledge. How actually did she tell the Dr. And what was the Dr.’s response?
Bobby, Don’t discount the power of the mind. I assure you that if you concentrated on it, you could give your wife all the fine children she wants.

Lastly, The drug of choice for lowering Testosterone, is LUPRON. There are ‘generic’s’ that will do the same. I personally was on LUPRON for 6 months. Since prostate cancer will ‘live’ on Testosterone, Lupron takes away it’s food. After 6 months I went off Lupron and my Testosterone level slowly went back to normal, and my desire for sex returned. However my Urologist prescribed TRI-MIX for me which gives me a good firm and large erection for 1-2 hours. Actually larger than before my cancer treatment. Note: if my assumption of your age is correct, I am 2-3 times your age, and our sex live, me and my wife, is better now than ever in our 15 year marriage. If you want to know more about ‘TRI-MIX’ I can tell you.
Cheers, and the best to you and Sue. I don’t want to be judgmental, just don’t understand a man just giving his wife up to other men without even requesting the privilege of your presence.
  • #143
So last Friday we went to the Christmas party at my work. Pretty boring compared to Sue's law firm party. Saturday morning I had a little setback. I woke up hurting really bad. My prostate was swelled. I called the doctor at home and hit the frozen peas. I had just over done it the night before.

That night we had Sue's party at her work. I wound up sitting in the corner after they gave out all the prizes. Brandy was keeping me company every time Sue got called away by one of the lawyers to talk to a rep or client. About half way through the lights went down and the dancing started. It was a big hall so I couldn't always see Sue. I started hurting again and had to go.

Brandy tried to keep my mind off of things. She asked me about the procedure and everything that has been going on. Then she gave me a little heads up.

“So Sue told me she is having fun and has a couple of things she wants to try.” What?

“She told me she wanted to try and be more aggressive. She knows you have said before you wanted that.” I do for sure.

“Jill and I can help her with that.” I would like to see her do that. It is obvious it will take some time.

“What did you get Jill for Christmas.” I got her Tennis bracelet that she wanted. I have had it for 6 months. I'm also going to get her some new lingerie. She has been asking for some since the surgery. I may just get her a big gift certificate.

“Well don't take this the wrong way, but you cant do the gift card. It looks like you didn't put any thought into it.” I don't really know what to get her in that area for everyday use you know.

“Well if you want to go Monday after work, I can meet you.” That would be great. I also thought about giving her little coupons.

“I think that would be great. What are they going to say?” Not sure yet. Maybe you could send me some stuff.

“No problem. You know if you weren't here tonight Sue would probably be spending more time with her rep friend over there and the Lawyer she has a huge crush on.” I then told her if she would give her a ride home, I would leave.

“well I think I can get her home ok. I might could talk to the lawyer and see if he is interested.” Ok I will let her know Im hurting and go home. I actually could use the rest. Let me know what is going on though.

“I promise.”

I found Sue and she was talking to the rep she had been seeing.It felt weird seeing them together talking. She came over and I told her I was leaving. She was going to go with me but I told her she needed to be here. I would just go home and get in bed and see her in the morning.

When I got home I got a text from Brandy that she had talked to the lawyer. I asked What. Here is the jist of her text in one.

“I told him she had a huge crush on him. When he mentioned her being married and that was a huge problem for him, I told him that yall had separated and she was seeing other guys. He had a huge smile and said he was open to her now. I will see what I can do.”

Around midnight I took my medicine and went to bed. Around three, I woke up in a haze to hear Sue come in. She was giggling. I then heard Brandy with her. A little later the door closed and Sue came in. She got a shower and then crawled in to bed. I could smell the liquor when she gave me a kiss good night.

The next morning I asked her about the party after I left. She said one of her secretaries got caught in the copier room basically with one of the lawyers. Also one of the lawyers got caught in an office with one of the escorts pretty much.

I asked her if she got caught in one of the rooms. She said no one caught her and laughed.

Monday I went back to work. I talked to Brandy and she told me She talked with John the lawyer they think is hot. He admitted he liked Sue, but also knew she was married. Here is what Brandy said after that.

“What if she wasn't married.” Yah I would go for her then. She is hot.

“What if she was separated from her husband.” What do you mean?

“Well they are seperated right now. She is kinda seeing other guys.” I thought her husband was here tonight.

“Ya, they are just keeping up appearances for their jobs. You should know she is really interested, but you will have to make the first move.” Are you lying to me. If you are and I do something I will be pissed.

“I promise she will not turn you away. She will let you know she is happy.” Ok

Later that evening she was alone going back to her office to get something. He walked with her. When they got there, he told her what Brandy had said about her being separated. She didn't say anything. He then took her by the chin and laid a huge kiss on her. When he pulled away, she got on her tip toes and kissed him again.

He took her hand and they walked back out. He told her that she didn't need to pretend at work anymore. He also asked her to go out after she got back from Christmas. She said yes and he kissed her just outside of the main hall. She didn't know what to do Brandy said. It was also the talk of te office Monday and that night. They danced a lot and he kissed her a few times in front of everyone. She said the girls all told her they thought something was wrong for a while an were happy to see her happy. So basically they all hate me now.

Brandy and I also went to get the lingerie for Sue. I told her I wanted to do the individual pieces for her boyfriends too. She said that was what she thought too. We got her one for Matt, John, and the rep. Brandy also picked out a few sets of just everyday stuff for her. By the end I had racked up over 300 dollars in lingerie. She did need new stuff so I was ok with that.

Brandy also gave me a box to give Sue. It had the cards I wanted her to make. She is good with the graphics programs. The cards I came up with had four for no sex for three months. Four for a week away from home no questions asked. One for a vacation where ever and with who ever she wanted to go with. Brandy said she would take that one. She also got five for a free night with no questions asked.

Brandy told me she had added a few that would just be a surprise. She also did a card that showed a link to youtube and jinxypie's Cuckolding 101. It read that I wanted her to watch all of them.

That is all the time I have for now. Things are going good and doctors visits are going well. More on that later. I hope to here any advice you have. Thanks!
  • #144
Harry2614 said:
Sorry Harry. i meant it was positive news. I didn't mean to mislead.

The doctor was pretty clear it wasn't from frustration. She gave us a strong lean to physical reasoning.

Also, I'm happy with the current situation. Took a little while to get to that place but Im there now. Odd peace with everything.

Dr. S mentioned a couple of drugs but i cant remember what they were. She wants to wait on them till she is sure nothing else will work. We are both on board with that. Especially me.

Bobby Jones: Thank you for the complete description of your Dr. Visit and conversation with Sue. That helps a lot and explain some of where you are coming from.
Above all, I am ecstatic that you were NOT diagnosed with Prostate cancer. I've been there and it's very scary. I had wonderful care and am fine now with most of my function restored.
I assume you to be 30 Years of age (or less) and Sue a little younger than you, based on what you have said in your posts.
There are still some nagging questions for me as to why as a young man you are so ‘bent’ on your wife ‘fucking’ other men even to the ‘exclusion' of you. You now give your potential erect size as 4”. That puts you ‘statistically’ in the company of a lot of men. Many of them married to wives that are happy with their sex life at home. Even you quote Sue as saying she “likes sex with you” and “does not want to exclude you from her sex life”. "I love you more than anything and I'm not going to lose you because you think you are to manly do take a drug like that. I don't care if we ever have sex again. Or even with other guys for me. I would rather have you. That is the bottom line. You are more important” .... “Well sex is out for now. Till they get a solution. I'm sorry and if you want me to stop what Im doing I will.” No never. I want you to be happy.
“Ok, so when you said you would be ok with us never having sex again if that is what I wanted right.” Yes. ..... “So then only my boyfriend or lovers would take me like that.” Yes
Now you are diagnosed with abnormally high Testosterone. On a hormonal level, Your sex drive and virility should be high enough that you would be wanting as much sex as you could get. However you practically insist that your wife should find sexual 'happiness’ with other men.
“I want that for you too.” Then the only way to make me happy is for you to be happy. So please don't stop. I also want you to know that if I can't ever get hard again that I want you to keep doing this. You shouldn't have to stop having sex if I can't.

She even said that she wants to have your children, but you appear to believe that she would be more “turned on” if it were another man’s baby.
I am surprised that you did not take the opportunity, while Sue was being so open with you, and willing to stop having sex with her boyfriends, that you didn’t request that you be present with them (or at least have Sue invite one or more to have sex at your home where you could see and be part of it). This is what you were telling us in the beginning, that it frustrated you that she would not even reveal the ‘details’ to you. Now when the opportunity is ‘open’ you don’t even ask.

Is there something you are not telling us that causes you to prefer that other men fuck your wife. Are you seriously overweight? Do you have Diabetes? Do you just think of yourself as a “wimp” of a man? Maybe you should read the link that ‘Custer’ provides in another post: http://www.cuckolds.com/forums/general-cuckoldry/18500-confused-wife-but-idea-makes-me-superrr-hottt-4.html!

You intimate that Sue told the doctor (a female) that she was having sex with other men with your knowledge. How actually did she tell the Dr. And what was the Dr.’s response?
Bobby, Don’t discount the power of the mind. I assure you that if you concentrated on it, you could give your wife all the fine children she wants.

Lastly, The drug of choice for lowering Testosterone, is LUPRON. There are ‘generic’s’ that will do the same. I personally was on LUPRON for 6 months. Since prostate cancer will ‘live’ on Testosterone, Lupron takes away it’s food. After 6 months I went off Lupron and my Testosterone level slowly went back to normal, and my desire for sex returned. However my Urologist prescribed TRI-MIX for me which gives me a good firm and large erection for 1-2 hours. Actually larger than before my cancer treatment. Note: if my assumption of your age is correct, I am 2-3 times your age, and our sex live, me and my wife, is better now than ever in our 15 year marriage. If you want to know more about ‘TRI-MIX’ I can tell you.
Cheers, and the best to you and Sue. I don’t want to be judgmental, just don’t understand a man just giving his wife up to other men without even requesting the privilege of your presence.
First, thank you for your kind words. Now to answer some of the things you asked. Not sure about other wives, but Sue has a problem with my size. She enjoys that it is me.

I do want her to be satisfied with and if other men can do that, I'm ok with it. I want her to be happy.

Jill said the high counts could be why I'm so excited with her going to do this. Not sure how the testosterone is suppose to affect me other than aggression which i have experienced.

I guess it is like alcohol. Some people get agressive and some laid back.

I dont want to be there. Not sure how I would take it and like I said the aggresion is something that I dont want to come out. Especially in that situation.

Im not any of those things. But, I am submissive in the sex department. maybe that has something to do with it.

Sue didnt tell the doctor what she was doing on the side. Not going to come up.

I would like to know more about both of those drugs.
  • #145
Is it just me,or does it sound like the girlfriends are running this whole show???And it looks/sounds like they are doing their best to keep Sue away from you as much as possible!!!Just an observation!!Hope everything works out for you!!!It seems like the nice,good guys are always the ones that end up empty handed in the end!!!
  • #146
About the Drugs

Bobby, I don't know how much I can help because it is clear that you want what is happening with Sue and her boyfriends. I agree with the previous poster that 'you are allowing the girlfriends to run your's and Sue's life. I don't see that being a good outcome for you.
The TRI-MIX formula is like CAVERJECT, in that it is injected into the penile cavernosa. This link will explain a personal experience: <http://www.phoenix5.org/sexaids/injections/persoren.html> My experience is similar, except that my recovery is such that I only use 0.05CC of the fluid for an erection that lasts a full 3 hours.

LUPRON is a Testosterone blocker. I fools you system into thinking that it has enough Testosterone, therefore the testicles stop production. It is effective in that regard, but if you take it for a year or more, your testicles and penis WILL atrophy (get smaller) you can simply do a Google search for Lupron for more information. I don't recommend taking it for more than 6 months.
I do wish you were more willing to 'be a MAN about this. You are not only placing Sue's perceived need for bigger and better sex above a normal married life, but are letting two questionable women 'friends' dictate the progress of your own demise as a man.
I wish I could see it in a better light, but this is what I am reading here.
  • #147
interesting story, obviously fiction.
  • #148
Christmas eve morning we got up and exchanged gifts. We started with her opening her tennis bracelet. She had wanted it for a while. She gave me a huge kiss. She gave me mine and it was a Theater package for our basement/man room.

We agreed to do some smaller gifts. At least one sexy and one gag type gift. I gave her a box with a bunch of little boxes with the bras and panties. She loved them. She told me she would model some of them later. She has loved to model her christmas clothes since she was little. Granted most weren't thongs. She was a little amazed how good I did on picking them out. I just kept my mouth shut.

Then I gave her two boxes with lingerie for the two guys she was seeing on the side. I told her I would get one for her lawyer friend later if she wanted. She loved them and gave me a big hug. She said it was a little weird, but loved the two outfits.

She also liked the cards and said she would find a use for them.

I opened the one she had gotten me and she was bubbling. I pulled out a strapon. I was shocked. It had a big black dildo attached to it. I pulled out the rest. There was two other dildos. One was about seven inches and white. The last was bigger than the one attached. It was a dark brown and was 12 inches. It looked as big as a coke can. There was a bottle of lube and some message oils. She asked me what I thought. I told her I was shocked. She asked if I was willing to try it with her. I said yes, but there was no way I could take that biggest one. It was way to big, but I would at least try the others.

She had this look that said it all. What the hell are you talking about.

She said what? She then started laughing and said they were for me to use on her. The doctor had told us to use some toys and get Sue use to them so if I went on the medicine. I laughed with her and told her she had scared the hell out of me with that. She explained that it would be nice for me to give her that size as well. She said the biggest would be a huge challenge for her.

I gave her a gag gift. It was from personal joke between us. It was horse blinders. She looks every where when she is driving. So I got her those.

I opened mine and it was an old toy that I had been wanting. I had one when I was little. It was still in the box and I couldn't believe she was able to find it. It took her a full year of looking. It obviously meant a lot to me knowing what she went through.

I thought we were all through and went to get my luggage ready for the car. When I did I noticed a little box in Sue's bag. It had my name on it. I called her and asked her what it was. She said it was for the ride home. I could tell she was upset I had found it. I kept on her about opening it and this is how I remember it going. Did get a little fuzzy.

“Come sit on the couch with me and bring the gift then.” I got it and went to the couch.

“I didn't want to talk about this till after we got through at my mom's. I was afraid it might not go good even after what you said.” What are you talking about.

“Just open it and I will explain.” I opened it to find a little pacifier and a bib that read world's greatest dad. I asked if she was serious. She just looked like she was about to bust out crying. I hugged her and pulled away looking in her eyes and told her I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. I kissed her and told her I wasn't mad.

“So you are ok with this, even though it isn't yours.” Yes. I told you I would be. I asked if she knew whos it was.

That was as long as she could hold it in. She busted out laughing.

“I'm just messing with you. This was your gag gift. I didn't really think you would be ok. I guess I owe Jill. She said you would, I told her there was no way.” I was still in a fog and she gave me a kiss and told me to snap out of it.

The whole way to her parents I was thinking about it. I had time since she was on her iphone watching clips form Jinxypie's cuckolding 101 on youtube. She was working on her work papers and watching them. I saw her make a few faces and even give a little laugh.

She had watched pretty much all of them by the time we got to her mom's. She told me we needed to talk on the way home. It drug by till we left the next day. Once we got out of the driveway I asked what she wanted to talk about. She had a sheet of questions concerning what she had seen and wanted to know.

“Do you consider yourself a cuckold and do you like that?” Yes I do and yes.

“Why” Because I know you like seeing other guys and getting the sex that satisfies you. It is you being satisfied that makes this worth it for me. I would do anything to make sure you are happy.

“How far would you let things go?” I don't know. You really haven't pushed anything to new. Where you have I was comfortable.

“Would you be ok with others knowing other than my friends and sisters that is?” This was the first I heard of her sisters. Your sisters know?

“Not yet, but I plan on tell them. Not that you know, just that I'm doing this. You know the two I want to tell. The others maybe later. Is that ok.” Yes I know you are close to them and as long as they don't know I know. It is no worse than the people at your work.

“Are you ok with people thinking we are separated.” Well no I don't like it, but I think it will work its self out in the long run. As long as we aren't then I'm pretty happy.

“me too. I want you to know this means the world to me that you have given me this opportunity. Do you ever want to be involved with me having sex with other guys?” No I don't think I could handle that. I do want you to be more open with me.

“Good, because I don't think I could do that. It wouldn't bother me for you to be in the same building just not watching. That brings me to another question. Would you care if I had guys over?” How would we do that and them not know that I know.

“Well you sleep in the basement half the time. You could just stay down there when I have someone over or can make my room down there. It is up to you. I just know that it would be easier and if I'm going to have a boyfriend or two, then I would like that option.” Would you care if we just try this and see how it goes the first time. Then make a decision on continuing.

“So what are my limits with the guys I see?” I don't really know. I guess when you think of something new and think I might not like it you can bring it up.

“What about my boyfriends and how many can I have at once?” With your boyfriends I would say it is your call within reason. Laughing. I guess up to you how many you have. I would think one or two though.

We discussed a few other items but that was the jist of it. So far no one has stayed over. I know it is weird, but I actually want her to have someone over. I just don't know if I should tell her.

Also Sue went with the lawyer to the New years eve party. They had a good time. Nothing more happened. She has been seeing all the guys except the rep. I think that is on hold while she sees the lawyer. Little conflict in interest.

Well any advice is great. Things are getting back to normal. On my health issue things are still progressing. I go tomorrow to discuss options. My levels are still way to high and they think some of the other problems I started having are related. I also made a deposit last week into a cup. That was weird. Sue said she would try to go next time to help.

Sorry it has been so long but the holidays and work stuff has gotten all my attention.
  • #149
Thanks for taking your time to update us who are following your adventure. It really sounds like your wife is getting everything worked out which is wonderful. Looks like smooth and very erotic sailing for you two in the future. Plus the lucky men that are getting to fuck your now very HOT WIFE. I wish you the best of success with your medical condition, will be pulling for you in all respects. On the sexy side i find myself wanting to hear that yor little lady is getting copious amounts of very good fucking from her men. Best Wishes. okdeacon
  • #150
Question - you asked Sue to be more open with you, but you did not tell us if she has began to share more with you and the details?

I am with okdeacon, thanks for catching us up. I do enjoy following your updates
  • #151
Tuesday I had lunch with Jill. She was telling me about what she knew and I told her some of the things she had missed. The biggest topic was guys staying over.

“You know Sue is nervous about having guys over. She said she wants it, but wasn't sure you did and is now a little nervous about bringing it up.” I want her to feel comfortable and I think it is something we will need to talk about again.

“I agree. You need to make sure it is something you want. If she starts bringing guys over then she will always do it. I know you said you are ok with it but you need to be sure it is what you want.” It is because I know she wants it. I know she wants guys to be with her in our room. I know she hasn't been comfortable every time she goes out. I don't mind giving that up since I know she really wants it.

“Well you should show her that if it is truly how you feel.” I know and I have a few things I am thinking about.

After lunch I went to the clinic and Sue came too. I did my deposit and we went home. It was much easier with her there jacking me.

That night I slept like a baby. I woke up and went to work. At lunch the nurse from the clinic told me to come in to the office on my way home. I actually had to run some errands so I just went by after lunch. Doctor S came in and we made some small talk. She said to sit down and she was behind her desk. She laid out two options.

The first was to start a six month most likely year long treatment to stop the testosterone that was hurting me. She explained that it would be a form of chemical castration and would only have some temporary effects if I was only on it for 6 months. She explained that after the six months some of the effects would be permanent and they couldn't tell me how much at this point. Some people go through a cycle and nothing permanent. Some lose a majority of their abilities in that area.

I want to start here, but we are 90 percent sure that this will not be a cure. After three and six months we will do a test. Then after a year if the first two are fails we will test again. My experience tells me that after a year we will have to move on to step two.

Step two would be to remove my testicles and start me on hormones. I would possible be able to get an erection with the help of drugs. But having children would be impossible. That being said, we are pretty sure that you won't be able to have kids now. The two samples you left were both sterile. There is a possibility that because your hormones are so off balance that is why, but usually it isn't. I know you didn't want to here this, but I'm afraid it is not going to be easy either way we go.

I then asked what she thought the plan should be. I think we should get you on the medicines to stop the testosterone. From the test we have it is crucial we get the levels down right away. We will do that for three months and do a test. If the level doesn't go back up, then we will stop the medicine. If it does then we will start again or go to removing the source. Or we can go to removing right now. I give this an option because the drugs can have some major side effects.

Monday I go back with a decision. I still have to talk to Sue. I didn't want to tell her before this weekend. Here is why.

On the way home, I thought about everything. I got home early and checked the answer machine. Sue was going out and wouldn't be back till the next day. So, I decided to do something to prove to her I was ok with her bringing guys over. So I went and got my clothes and took them to the basement bedroom. I got all my bathroom stuff and moved it down there too. I put the basics I would need each day in our bathroom but in the cabinet below the sink. I also took down our pictures around the house. We didn't have a bunch because neither of us like pictures of ourselves up.

Then I took set the bedroom downstairs up for me. The master bed room looked like only Sue stayed in it.

Thursday I got off early and met Sue at the door with dinner cooked. I took her bag and threw it on the couch. I had gotten take out and we ate over candle light. She asked what the special occasion was and I told her I would show her later. After we ate I took her by the hand and took her upstairs. I opened the closet and she just had a blank look on her face. I told her I took all mine down stair to the spare room and now she could have guys over without having to worry if I needed something or them finding us out.

She had this really happy look, but it was for a different reason. She said I have room for all my clothes now and more. I just shook my head. She said thanks and she knew it was a big step for us and especially me. She assured me that she wanted me up here when her boyfriends weren't over. It was the first time she had really accepted having boyfriends over. I was so happy seeing her smile like that. I asked her who she wanted to have over first. She just looked me in the eyes and said Kobe. She explained that his place was ok, but she would feel more comfortable here. She also announced he was her first boyfriend.

That night we stayed in watching a movie and snuggling in bed. Fell asleep in each others arms. It was really nice.

The next day I got home and had a note from Sue that she would see me tomorrow. She wound up going out with the girls. She wound up going home with Kobe when he picked her up.

Saturday she came in and got ready and went out with Mike. I thought they would come back to the house, but no. She got in around three and came down to my new room downstairs and wondered what I was doing there. I told her it was for to bring him back if she wanted. She smiled and said thanks and got under the covers and slept with me.

Sunday we had the conversation.

“Did you go to the doctor” Yes and I guess we need to talk. (I told her everything)

She cried for a while, but I got her talking and she didn't want to answer. So we started off on the other.

“What are the side effects.” We went through the brochure.

“That is crazy. It is like a bad list of symptoms.” Ya that is kinda what side effects are. We both laughed.

“So if we can't have children why wait on having them removed.” Uhm I can think of quite a few lol.

“I know, Im just saying” We can talk to the doctor, but I want things to get better without losing them.

“I don't want it either but I don't want to lose you because you didn't do it or the drugs killed you.” Baby it is not that bad. The doctor will go over everything tomorrow if you want to come.

“I do.”

So we went the next day, but I will have to tell it tomorrow night if I have time. May be in my room a lot. Any advice is great.
  • #152

Do you have any 'update' on your medical condition and how you are deciding to proceed?

Cheers, Harry
  • #153
It has been several days since you have posted an update. Perhaps others here have moved on, and some have considered that this is just a well contrived 'story'.
I choose to think you are telling your life. As weird as it may seem, there are conditions such as 'Cysts on the Prostate', and 'over production of testosterone'. I have done the research. I am not sure they would cause the situation you find yourself in, but then, add up the combinations of You & Sue and the other people in your life and the mental abnormalities far outweigh the physical conditions.
I hear what the physicians have recommended. I would advise to stay conservative as possible. That is to avoid removal of your testicles if at all possible. They produce more than just testosterone. and their presence will always help you to feel a man.
Lately Sue has considered having one of her boyfriends sleep in. I think you should allow that only if you are allowed to be a participant in their lovemaking. (at least an observer) This was your wish from the beginning. You now have a chance to make it happen. At least one of the men she is having sex with would not be 'put off' by your presence.
Please fill us in on your medical prognosis and what treatment you are preferring to follow. Updates on your lifestyle and Sue's exploits are exciting to read, but your health is most important at this time.
Cheers, Harry
  • #154
I wanted to let you know, there are immunotherapy treatments that can help. Look up Dr. Cassian Yee. He is arguable at the leading edge of immunotherapy for cancers since his treatment was used on a 52 year old with advanced cancer with a full recovery, as cancer has been gone for two years and counting. I suggest you hurry though before it is too late.

What about IVF before it is too late?
  • #155
Staying over

"Since then Kobe and Mike have both stayed over. For the most part nothing big has happened. Our relationship is still great. When the guys aren't there, we sleep together. The only thing so far to come up was me walking in on her getting screwed by Kobe on the washing machine I thought I heard it making a noise and opened the door to see him cumming in her as she screamed. I walked right out and neither noticed."

Well now it has happened. LOL Have you told Sue that you saw them in the laundry room with Kolbe ravishing her and implanting his fertile seed in her with his thick black cock?
Interesting that you took that moment to open the door. We know you wanted desperately to see sue getting fucked by one of her lovers. Now you at least have that image in your mind to ponder.

The reaction to the 'hormone blocker' is as I told you. You get a quick 'boost' in virility before it goes away. It's a shame that you two didn't have sex then instead of waisting your sperm on a 'hand job' you could have at least tried to impregnate her.

Now that the ice is broken, you should see Sue and her lovers go about the house naked and passionately kissing as though you are not even there.
Cheers, Harry
  • #156
No response !

I guess this thread will fade into the archives if Bobby don't come back on and give us an update.
We don't know if Bobby is loosing his 'balls', or loosing the balls to continue posting here.
He has been in our concern's now for a while, many of us hoping all would be well with him.
I, for one would like at least one last post to let us know what is happening with his health. I know that the 'Testosterone blocker' will shut down his interest in sex. Maybe he just don't have any desire to post here anymore, but I'd like him to tell us if that is the case, instead of us wondering and speculating on our own.
How about it Bobby???? Let us know the latest with you!
Cheers, Harry
  • #157
You can only make so much up... I imagine he has lost interest and has moved on to other stuff
  • #158
I would think it would be easier to make stuff up than to come up with true stories that would please all the readers every single day.
  • #159
I would agree, except the OP insisted it was all real...

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