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Sue and Robert

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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what a great post i would like to know as well.

and yes stb has posted that sue has read the book he did not say if he has or not.

keep us posted.
Glad I finaly found my way in here, I was anxious to find out what was going on with Sue & Robert

what would you think if robert got a hold of sue today and asked her out for dinner tonight.

i know you said that they were not going to see each other this week.

but as you posted sue wants him to make the next move and if he did that what do you think sue would do.
would she take it to the next level and have sex with him or would she still play it out somemore before she did it with him.

i was just thunking if that happened today what would you think about it now.

keep us posted.
Good evening all - a quick check in after putting some candy out for the kids in the morning. Like still making them feel like kids.

Regarding the question about last Thursday - it was her choice so he'd have to change her mind. I don't know what she would have done. She's been talking about how she'd like their "first time" to be something nicer than a quickie in the backseat of a car or some drunken blur. I suspect he's going to want to start talking about it this week so perhaps that will be a clue as to when/how. He seems to be pretty good at getting her aroused in terms of how he's behaving with her and being gentlemanly.

From how she's talked - other than when she's teasing me - but from what we've talked about - he's told her that he wants to take this slowly so that she doesn't have bad-feelings or memories about doing something rash. Apparently he's said that he wants her to "be sure" of what is happening and has also repeated what she's said, that she wants to want-it to happen.

I did find out more about him too. Other than that he has a big cock, that is. As I'd said he's 38 and he's acquainted with several people who work either in Sue's area or just nearby, not sure how, but he's in a different building and has a somewhat managerial job unrelated to what Sue does so it'd raise questions as he'd never have reason to be there, etc. I told her that she'd need to be careful when she's out with mutual people after work. He is looking to have kids - he's told her that already - so that is surely a natural limitation on what may ever happen between them.

I asked her about what she thinks he wants from her - and vice-versa. With some thought, she said that - essentially - he's looking for a rebound-relationship of sorts. Someone he can feel good with and let him sort out his emotions with and that was when she re-emphasized the kids thing. I asked her if that was what she wanted to be - to be that person for him? She said she wasn't totally sure yet and again said that she wanted and was enjoying him wooing her. Maybe I had a concerned look on my face because she leaned over and kissed me and told me again what I'd also mentioned, that it wasn't a done-deal yet - or as she put it - "he hasn't charmed me out of my panties just yet" and she promised me that we'd continue talking about it more if she was closer to that decision.

That said - our son has been virtually non-existent since spring break began and equally, our daughter has spent several nights at girlfriends such that Sue and I have had quite a bit of alone-time. While she may profess uncertainty when we talk about it in seriousness, in bed, there is no doubt that she is aroused by him and that - when/if the time does come - that she wants it to be something special as I'd mentioned earlier. But in bed - there have been several times when during foreplay, she's laid back and spread her pussy and teased me about how Robert is going to fuck her - or how she hopes she can feel as open and comfortable with him as with the other guys so that she'll still enjoy being naked with him. Of course I teased her back "as if that's even a question". But she's also told me equally as many times about how big he is and how she "hopes he knows how to use it". I do have to say that seeing her lie there with one finger gently teasing her clit as she tells me how he's going to feel in her - it's such an erotic moment - by the time I crawl up between her legs and let her feel me push into her, my cock is dripping away just listening and thinking about her.

There are times when I think I have second-thoughts about wanting to be a cuckold. I admit it. I do worry about losing her - even if it's only a bit of her - to him in some way. And I do worry about what difference it will be with a bigger guy - yeah - who wouldn't? And I admit that I am concerned about what will happen when she feels emotionally for him. But in the next moment - the most intense desire and arousal sweeps over me as I push into her and in my mind it's him that's gotten her this aroused and this wet for me - and all I want is to feel that moment for real and to experience sharing it with her. And by the time I push all the way into her, I know that I am most definitely a cuckold. I find myself, at times, focusing on and remembering that feeling as I know it seems to make me feel so alive in wanting that with her.

Anyway - I think I've rambled on enough. Happy Easter everyone.
Quote: “She's been talking about how she'd like their, "First time" to be something nicer than a quickie in the backseat of a car, or some drunken blur.”

Do you think/know if Robert is a ‘non-drinker’ (or like 1-2 drink/night)
If so, It may be part of the reason for the above quote by Sue.

Quote: “..... he's in a different building and has a ..... managerial job unrelated to what Sue does.....”

I asked this before, so now we know! Men in authority, have a tendency to be authoritative in their, ‘personal life.’
In the book, 50 Shades of Grey, Christian was careful to be gentlemanly and patient, until he got Anna to ‘love him.

Quote: “I asked her, ..... what she thinks he wants from her. ...... With some thought, she said that, ..... he's looking for a rebound-relationship. Someone he can feel good with, and [help] him sort out his emotions."

“I asked her if that was what she wanted to be - to be that [kind of] person for him? She said she wasn't totally sure yet, and again said that she wanted and was enjoying him wooing her.”

Rebound relationships are often, ‘very volatile.’ Often Same person-different name-same results, but always very emotionally charged.

It is becoming clear that Sue is liking the feeling of being ‘romanced’.
She sorta had it with Brad, and she could have had it with Frank, but they were already sexually involved when she started to “want more”. This may be her first, and only chance to have the ‘romance’ before the sex, so that the physical pleasure will then rise above, ‘just sex.’

Quote: “There are times when I think I have second-thoughts about wanting to be a cuckold. I admit it. I do worry about losing her, (even if it's only a bit of her) to him in some way.”

As well you should!!!

Cheers, Harry
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Harry - I think Sue's comments on her desires for the first-time with Robert are more that she wants it to be something that happens when they both want it to and not something that just-happens one night when either alcohol or the circumstances may lower their inhibitions. I don't think Sue was implying that either of them were fall-down drunks or whatever - but more that she'd like it to be a bit of a romantic type of situation rather than a furtive "go for it" romp in a back-seat. From what I've heard of him, Robert will drink along with the rest of them socially. I suspect that 1-2 drinks would be the low-end - it is for Sue - and that 3-4 might be the high-end for both of them. Usually by the 4th drink, Sue is quite relaxed and animated.

I didn't read 50-Shades but I know that Sue did and she found some of it quite amusing but in general, found it slow-moving and while arousing, not quite as stimulating as some of the Penthouse Letters we've/she's read over the years. She described it more like a Penthouse-Letter in a book-form. She hasn't really mentioned similarities or parallels between her and Robert and the leading characters in the book but from how you describe it (I did not read it), perhaps it's influenced her desires for how she'd like this to start or work with her and Robert.

I was actually a bit more comfortable hearing Sue accept her place as a "rebound lover" in that I think it will by its own nature, provide some limits to what could happen. And she's mentioned his desire for children more than once so unless he's willing to change that stance, there is no way that this could go beyond being passionate-lovers - as there is just no way that Sue would want anything to do with young kids again unless they're our grand-kids!

She told me last night that they will be going out together with the rest of the group this Friday. I asked when she thought they might take the next steps and she giggled last night and said that "it could happen soon - maybe next week" and then added that "it's something we're going to talk about on Friday". I may not be conveying it fully, but there is something in the way she says all of this that leaves me feeling very calm and confident about her. Maybe its something she's intentionally doing to calm my concerns - it's working because I do feel more relaxed about it all, including knowing that she is developing feelings for him.

I haven't told her yet but this will be the first time (well, except her 1-night-stand in Boston that started it all) that I won't know who her lover is. I've been thinking about this for a while now and it gets me very aroused to think that there may be a guy who's fucking her and more and who I haven't ever met or know of personally. Kind of an exciting arousing thought for me - when and if it finally does happen.

So - other than the teasing and comments during foreplay/sex that leave no doubt she's horny for him, there's not a lot more to tell about it right now. It is such a hoot though to see her being aroused like she is about him and her not feeling like she has to hide it from me. I love it and I love her.

Now - lets hope this update works as this website/forum has become seemingly unstable lately with me, at many times, being unable to get pages to load or see my updates.
Seeing if this post gets the main index to update.
If not - I think I'm outta here as this new Forum site is just too unstable and erratic for me.
Soon. I am with you. This site has many problems and is not enjoyable to try and make it work. I get kicked out often and am told my server cannot display this content. Its slow and is full of problems. I hope it gets corrected as i have enjoyed Cuckolds.Com for years. I even had to reregister totally to get on here. Soon, please let me know when you go as i do wish to keep up with your sexy Sue. Yesterday it would not even let me post, so here goes nothing. OKDEACON
Yes, STB, please let us know if you find a new forum so that we can continue to follow your extraordinary life.
I have posted this same message 4 times today. ..... Agree'd here too! #1 Very poor choice for a name. #2 the glaringly blatant "RED" display. and #3 does not even to 'pretend to like' Safari, My Mac browser.
I suggest che"our hot wives.org"

Cheers, Harry
Wow!!! Now it not only posted mine but Stanwelilk's post that was indexed this morning, and never showed till now along with the one I wrote thias morning.

Go Figure, Harry
This has been very frustrating for sure.
I Finally found you guys LOL....I understand that anything new will have glitches (why does my small g looks like a q?),but should you decide to bail,please do me a favor and let me know where you will be going to as I also "feel the need" (and I don't mean that in a sexual way,more like a "caring" kind of way!) to keep up with you and Sue!!!
As for my tho
Harry2614 said:
Agree'd here too! #1 Very poor choice for a name. #2 the glaringly blatant "RED" display. and #3 does not even to 'pretend to like' Safari, My Mac browser.
I suggest che"our hot wives.org"

Cheers, Harry
I agree with Harry OurHotwives.org
And- magically - this site/forum now seems to be working better! I see updates in the index pages and all of a sudden, things seem to be working.
So - I'll stick here for a while longer. I'm not one for advertising other sites - I've been to the one Harry identified - I don't know, it doesn't have the same warm-fuzzy feeling that this site had (and hopefully still does) - so for a little longer, I'll stay here.
And there's a perfect example - I clicked on submit and immediately it appeared, and it all worked.
The admin here did say that they were changing their DASD that the site runs from - perhaps all that work is now done.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Regarding news about Sue, Robert and I - there's not a lot to tell since Friday's not here yet.

We've been talking - both before and after having sex as well as at other times - and I will say that it is very arousing and exciting to see her as "up" as she is about Robert. And yet, I will also say that at other times, when I think about it, that I do have mixed thoughts. Like last night, I knew from how she was acting when I got home from work that she was horny. Just the greeting I got, the eye-contact, body-language, etc. And sure enough, in bed last night she rolled towards me and said "any interest?" I joked back that "I'll bet you'll be busy even if I said I was tired" - alluding to her most likely lying there masturbating if I wasn't going to have sex with her. She giggled back and said "I'd try to be quiet". Of course it turned me on to see her so horny - but at the same time, well, like I've said - it's kind of an eerie/odd feeling to know she's all worked up about someone else, someone I've never met on top of it....

When we've talked, she's been very open about how sexually aroused she is by Robert and his "smooth approach". But at the same time she's continuously telling me that he's very aware of our relationship (her's and mine) and that he is also very respectful of it. She says that at times he's said that he wants to "make sure she's satisfied" - which has prompted me to ask more about what she's said about me. And it also made me ask when they've been doing all this talking.

She said that she's seen Robert at times at work - especially in the nicer weather when she's gone out for a walk at lunch, that they've run-into each other and that the two of them have taken walks together at lunch - both the 2 of them as well as with others. She says that she's never told him anything bad about me - and actually that she's said that when I'm able to - that I satisfy her quite well. Of course in the next breath she says that she's also told him that there have been times when she's wanted-to and that I've been unable to. And that's when she's made her comments to him that "that's when he (meaning me) suggests that I should have a lover".

Anyway - last night she teased me and then told me that she's very horny for him. It was obvious from how wet she felt when I put my fingers in her pussy - it is just so arousing to me to feel her like that - to feel her body unable to hide her desires! And again, as I climbed up on top of her and nudged my cock into her wet pussy she didn't hide anything when she said that she "hoped he was big". I really can't explain how turned on that made me feel - but she knew it from how I felt -she even commented on how hard and thick my cock felt as I pushed into her. As we got into a nice rhythm she started to tell me how she hoped he's going to be good in bed and at one point said to me that she "can't wait to feel him where you are right now!". I know it sounds crazy but at that moment - it was just so intoxicating to hear - that she wants him in her.

I know we both talked more trash stuff which got us both even hotter until finally I felt her just let loose. It is just so beautiful to see her let an intense orgasm sweep over her - to feel her pussy clench down and at the same time almost gush with wetness - to see her body flush with desire - her nipples like little pebbles atop her breasts and to see her head thrash back and forth while uttering a deep moan. I followed suit and a moment later - after her pussy relaxed and I plunged balls-deep into her - it became too much for me and I let loose with what felt like a huge load of cum in her - enough that she squealed again as another mini-orgasm swept over her.

It was afterwards when we lay there that she said that she said that she wasn't going to have sex with me tomorrow (tonight - Thursday) and said to me "in case anything happens on Friday". I asked her if she thought that was likely and she coyly said "hmmm, maybe" but then she added "but I don't think so" and she turned to me to continue talking. She looked so cute lying next to me with the sheet down at her waist and her breasts still looking aroused and flushed. She said that she thought that they would most likely be planning for their "first time" to be maybe next week. I asked her what she meant and she said that he'd said that he wanted to talk to her more about "things" when they're out tomorrow (Friday) after work, and said that in the past, his reference to "things" has been to sex - he's asked how "things" are between her and I and that he's "seen 'things' in their future" which have obviously related to sex. She leaned up and kissed me and said that she was happy that I was being okay about all of this and that it's letting her feel good about wanting this for herself. I know in the back of her mind that she's probably associating this with the whole "affair" thing but I didn't really ask more.

Anyway - enough rambling here - I'm pleasantly satisfied right now, bringing back fond memories of our former Wednesday night fun - and yes, wondering what the future may bring.

More later.
Wow - a post that showed up right away? I"m so not-used to this...

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