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Some new thoughts

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
I was looking for a reason to start a new thread while we are in a holding pattern till this Friday.

I was in a chatroom last night and during the conversation, I came across a thought that I feel is a good point to start this thread.

Here's what I'm curious about. I know people here and in other forums have expressed surprise at time at how well Sue and my arousal points have merged and meshed so well together. I'd long shared that at first I wondered if I was somehow telegraphing my own desires that she picked up on.

What I'm curious about now is whether she would have gone in this same direction in terms of denial and condoms if it wasn't something that turned me on. I'm thinking - what if it was anal-sex that really turned me on - would our relationship have evolved to be more focused on her sharing herself anally with her lover and restricting/eliminating that for me? Similarly, what if it where her sucking/swallowing cum - if that was what aroused me - would our relationship have evolved to where she may now only suck/swallow her lover excluding me?

Are we where we are because she's responded and followed my desires along the way and that these then became hers too?

I'm not sure we can ever answer this but the thought has captured me when I think about where we're going and whether it'll be a direction that I want us to go in - the answer may be "of course it will be" because she's still, consciously or subconsciously, influenced by what turns me on?

Just sharing my thoughts and taking advantage of an opportunity for a new thread.....
From your writings it appears Sue is very intuitive. I doubt that she has received or needs advice from sites such as this to decide what works for you. She is following your words and more importantly your reactions. She tests and titillates you and then takes your joint preferred direction. As for denial versus other games, Don started her on denial and you responded positively up to a point. If Don had started her on some other cuck aspect and you responded favorably to that then I suspect that other aspect would be a significant factor in your games. STB, it appears to me it is impossible for you to not top from the bottom because Sue is so lovingly aware of your needs and reactions to what she tries. A question is what else would you like to add? It is likely Sue would accommodate you.
George - that's the thing - right now, what we're doing seems to (finally) satisfy my apparent need to feel denied. So maybe this is why I'm feeling like we're at a crossroads of sorts - moving forward from here, I'm thinking that what happens almost has to come from her now. Its weird but I feel little desire or arousal at the thought of more extreme denial unless it's something that she wants - that's why it's been so exciting and arousing what we're doing now, because its something she wanted and that is now a part of my own motivation.

I guess time will tell - as I've said several times, I think much of what happens now for us is going to be tied to who she starts to date next and what happens there.

Hopefully more time later for more thoughts.
“Here's what I'm curious about. I know people here, and on other forums, have expressed surprise at how well Sue, and my ‘arousal points’ have merged, and meshed, so well together. I'd long shared that at first, I wondered if I was somehow ‘telegraphing’ my own desires, and that she picked up on them.

What I'm curious about now is whether she would have gone the same direction, in terms of denial, and condoms, if it wasn't something that turned me on.”

Steve, I think that your answer is simple. It is simply that your desires, and arousal have come from the same mind.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you have written this whole “saga” out of your own mind. - although even that is possible on the web, where no-one can really check the authenticity, of what is posted here.

[When I first ‘came on’ here, I thought that, “Highlander” was the ‘hottest’ thread on the ‘site.’ then, it got so repetitive that it was obviously ‘made up' for the titillation of his readers.]

What I am saying is. what you have said many times, that after 30 years together You & Sue, Say the same things, answer your children’s questions with the same words, think the same thoughts, as though you are reading each others minds. Then why not think the same thoughts on a sexual level. Sue knows what you like and what, ‘turns you on’ quickest. You know what will turn Sue on, and what to do to give her the best, hardest and most orgasm’s, even if you leave that for someone else to do.

Your minds have grown so used to “reading” what the other wants, that you each accommodate the other, without thinking much about it.

You have said that, “Sue knows me well.” She knows your “kinks” and needs, and you have learned hers. So, Yes, I think whatever direction you went, Sue would intuitively know how to, “Act it out for your and her most pleasure.” You have become, "of one mind."

Cheers, Harry
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Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is a cuckolding site the answer is clearly the Cock.

Steve, you have had so many Wednesday night talks and other conversations with Sue by now, I'd be amazed if there is much that borders on your points of arousal that Sue does not know about. Less so the other way round I suspect because it tends to be her teasing you and extracting information rather you asking her. Still, the questions themselves telegraph her thinking to you and by now you know well what is mostly behind them. There are some places you mutually won't go sexually and I suspect you also know her well enough to know that if one of her new lovers wanted to go there, she might do it for a time to please him but not because she secretly wanted to all along but couldn't think of way of telling you. So, the other options you mentioned didn't happen because neither of you wanted them enough.

In terms of your present denial, I think you should consider what driver it contains that gets you excited. The point is that a certain time of denial will eventually become commonplace, boring even. To get the same high, you need more, and with denial that can only mean more time. Unlike pain, where you can experience more if that gets you going, denial is simply that. The problem is that more denial has diminishing returns and could lead to a serious disconnect in your sex life. You seem ok at the moment because your condom use means the denial is limited. Still, Sue has only ever found two people who she has had sex with that have given her that special moment at the point of their coming in her. Robert and you. He is not available and you telling her you are thrilled to not wanting to be available. Sue is going to miss this high soon. She is about to be reminded of it at Christmas and if Tony (or whoever else) cannot replicate it, that could become a serious issue for her with your ever extending denial periods. Just as Robert helped shape the nature of this exciting phase for you both, it may be that another lover could act as a catalyst for a new kink to take hold between you. Maybe you can guess what that might be. I have absolutely no idea!

As you say, time will tell.
Steve sorry. But I go along with Harry on this. You are a very talented writer. I enjoyed you thread very much. But. All good things must come to an end. I'm afraid like Highlander. You have hit the wall. It all been said before. Even if Sue does get with Tony It will go the same way. She will see Him one or two nights a week. Weds night She will watch You Jerk off. Weekend you will make Love with a condom. This is the way its been since Robert. Yea and Frank except the condom. I'm not trying to be mean. Sorry. But We have Hit the wall here. Everything has a time and a place
Will2112001 said:
Steve sorry. But I go along with Harry on this. You are a very talented writer. I enjoyed you thread very much. But. All good things must come to an end. I'm afraid like Highlander. You have hit the wall. It all been said before. Even if Sue does get with Tony It will go the same way. She will see Him one or two nights a week. Weds night She will watch You Jerk off. Weekend you will make Love with a condom. This is the way its been since Robert. Yea and Frank except the condom. I'm not trying to be mean. Sorry. But We have Hit the wall here. Everything has a time and a place

As with all of this recent talk of "hitting the wall" I would like for you to review/reconsider some of what I was trying to point out in my last post (#285 Denial Discussion) as I not sure you gave total attention to what direction I was headed.
I was actually somewhat shocked to read that Sue (they call her Susan over there) has also now begun to talk about Cuckold relationships on their Chat forums, as here you have always previously maintained that Sue wasn't "computer savvy" and took no interest in Cuckold sites, Cuckold terminology, "posting" etc.
I was curious to know When/How this change happened with her, and will this mean that we can finally look forward to actually hearing from her on this site?? Has her (new???) discovery and openness to now go online and Chat about your experiences, fostered any other changes (as I would imagine this type of "sharing" between the two of you could now open up all sorts of new possibilities)?????

In mid November it was reported on your thread on another (Cuckold) site that Sue (Susan) had actually went "online" and into the "main" CHAT room of the site, where she openly discussed various aspects of being involved in a Cuckold marriage including the significance surrounding the condom-denial games the two of you play. After this experience it was reported that she had a great time and couldn't believe how friendly everyone was.

I simply can't believe that you omitted to post this fact here, as part of your main Thread, as, IMO this is a (shocking) NEW DEVELOPMENT which, as I posted above, could now open up ALL sorts of new/different/interesting/exciting possibilities.

Simply the fact that this previously uninterested/non computer savvy woman went onto a Cuckold site, entered the "main" Chat room and proceeded to have a wonderful time talking and providing (what was described as) (detailed, expert) advise on living in a Cuckold marriage is absolutely huge in terms of significance, and I can't believe anyone, including yourself, didn't bring this situation to light and make a bigger deal of it.

What was it like for her, what were her thoughts as she chatted, answered questions, what made her do it, could she be convinced to do it again, what points did she make,what did she learn, etc, etc, etc.
IMO this was the time for a new thread centering around her experience and what she got out of it.
Although I have read some threads/stories on here where both partners present their individual view(s), these are by far the exception rather than the rule. She surely must have had something to say, otherwise, what would have made her "chat' as she did.

In terms of "spicing up" posting that may be getting somewhat routine as is being suggested, I would probably get up extra early to read "Susan's" posts, describing Susan's thoughts, coming from Susan's head, typed by Susan's fingers.

I'm just saying!!!
CSC - I told Susan about the cuckoldmarriage site quite a while ago - I'd actually found it back in September and it was the site that I'd mentioned here when I posted about realizing my revelation about my desire to be a beta sexually for her - and I told her about it when we talked more about it. She didn't tell me immediately or really at all in context that she'd been to the site - it was actually people on that site in the chatroom there who said "hey someone named Susan was here last night (or whenever)". She'd let me know after that when she said something like "that was a nice website" - and as I'd explained - I found that sites approach and introduction/home-page to be more amenable to her senses than here.

Sue's not totally non-computer-savvy - I've posted that in the past, during our decade of working up to her with another man, that we'd explored a lot and she'd had many Email pen-pals who were potential lovers - we even met 2 of them in our attempts to find what would work for us. She's quite adept with Facebook (something I hate) - but to this day, even with the cuckold websites, she simply doesn't enjoy spending lots of time on the computer. She's not the type to sit in front of the computer for hours - or to sit in front of the computer and get horny or masturbate to what's going on - more that she'll spend time looking over/reading a website - and for the chatroom, that suprised me when she said she'd been in there - but again, I think it was something of fleeting interest to her vs. something she's going to spend time/effort on. But chatrooms aren't anything new to her - we'd looked at and had fun also during that decade of exploring - starting way back with AOL's chatrooms - she just never found the interest in talking to total strangers. I do know that she knows about online-story websites like Literotica and ASSTR - I also told her about some of the more mellower X-rated video-sites - she's admitted she's enjoyed *******.com - I even have the Email I sent her where I said "you have YouTube for the G-rated videos - and there's a ******* for X-rate".

But as tonight is Wednesday - and as Will has posted that he's bored with our routine - I'll simply say that I'll see if I can find out more info tonight I will, but I remain convinced that she will not become a regular online in any forum, here or elsewhere. And as I've already said - the appearance of more extreme graphic stuff on this site isn't something that will make her feel comfortable. If anything when she's alone, she perhaps becomes a bit more sensitive about it all. We have some porno DVD's - you can never tell what you're buying - and we have some that are pretty graphical and she isn't into them at all. Thats why the other site had some interest for her - it's all presented very calmly and not shockingly.

I will end with one thought - that perhaps with her latest feelings, that perhaps she would now or soon enjoy some of these forums. I think part of her conflict in the past was that I don't know that she truly espoused all of this for herself as she does not so she may now be willing to share things.
I'll try not to follow the recent USMC style tradition of starting a post by throwing in a hand grenade before resorting to dialog. Can't really see any evidence of boredom or invention myself. Seems odd really to get both attacks on the same day. Together they are pretty incongruous.

However. Chat rooms. You have said in the past you would be uncomfortable if Sue were to read all your posts here. Starting Sue on a new site may seem a safe route into the online world but there are many there that will know of your posts here. If Sue gets on line regularly she might find some of your quotes directed at her and this site mentioned as the source. Does that bother you?
Please provide a link as to which Chat Room Sue goes on. I have always wanted to get to know her better!!!
peakmb said:
However. Chat rooms. You have said in the past you would be uncomfortable if Sue were to read all your posts here. Starting Sue on a new site may seem a safe route into the online world but there are many there that will know of your posts here. If Sue gets on line regularly she might find some of your quotes directed at her and this site mentioned as the source. Does that bother you?

Steve, this has been a concern of mine too!
Will2112001 said:
Please provide a link as to which Chat Room Sue goes on. I have always wanted to get to know her better!!!

That is a great idea, Will!! Would be fun being able to interact with Sue and getting her perspective on things. I understand Steve not wanting her to know about this place. Really, there are some very rude and crude individuals from time to time on this site that I wouldn't want my wife around either. But on a safer site with a friendly chat room, wow! Would just be awesome to talk to Sue!!
Jaxunman said:
That is a great idea, Will!! Would be fun being able to interact with Sue and getting her perspective on things. I understand Steve not wanting her to know about this place. Really, there are some very rude and crude individuals from time to time on this site that I wouldn't want my wife around either. But on a safer site with a friendly chat room, wow! Would just be awesome to talk to Sue!!

I know. Right. Soft and gentle. Friendly and Loving.
Jaxunman said:
That is a great idea, Will!! Would be fun being able to interact with Sue and getting her perspective on things. I understand Steve not wanting her to know about this place. Really, there are some very rude and crude individuals from time to time on this site that I wouldn't want my wife around either. But on a safer site with a friendly chat room, wow! Would just be awesome to talk to Sue!!

I know.Right. Soft and gentle. Friendly and Loving.

Yea- it would be all fun and games until the chat room gets bombed......By Marines... and someone loses an eye!!!!
Folks - you could count on one hand the times Sue is online over the past 2 months or so.
I've posted the info many times - it's the chatroom at cuckoldmarriage.info - as I said, she checked out the site that I'd found helpful and shared with her.

Look - she's no dummy - she's known that I am posting stuff online - if she'd wanted to she could/would have already found this site.
She's respected my privacy on the cuckoldmarriage.info site and she says she's not read the thread I started. I have to believe her, or, well, I guess the alternative will be for her to have to read everything I've posted here for 6 years now. Either way, I don't have much control - other than blocking this site on our firewall.....
With that out of the way - I just thought that I'd add that last night left no doubt that Sue is missing Robert and what he added to our lives. She admitted that she missed him and was horny - and not just horny in general, but horny for him. She's become comfortable now telling me again how he was the first guy to be able to - as she said it - "release me". I told her I knew what she was saying and that it turned me on that she's been able to enjoy herself. I mentioned that she was reminding me more and more about when we first started dating - she said that I've said this many times in the past - and that she never understood what I was saying before but she now did.

She said she feels differently about things now than she did just a few months if not a few years ago. She held my hand and said that she recognizes that she and I share so much more than good sex - and she giggled and tried to say, to summarize it, that now that she's found/felt/had sex with another guy and felt much as she's felt with me in terms of orgasm and loss of control and such - that if anything - surprisingly, it's made her realize how much more we share than just good sex. She's said some of this before - that's why I'm paraphrasing - but she looked at me and said that she'd never really thought about what I'd said - and again to shorten a long explanation - she said that she remembers more and more the "wanting good sex" part of when she was single. It was a good conversation as I told her that I loved the changes I'd seen in how she was in general - always happy and 'up' - and how much more open and clear she was about sex in general - so I kept it going. I told her that I'd said these same things long ago - and she agreed that she couldn't relate to it then but now she could. I think I posted here several times about how when we were first dating - what impressed me was not just how good the sex was - but also how much she wanted it and how much she did to make it what she wanted (I think she was the first/only woman to ever say "I want to be on top" that I'd been with, etc.). We were just talking at this time and she turned to me and said that she thought I was right - and that she'd forgotten how good it felt to want sex for herself.

She asked me to tell her more and I simply said, also as I've stated here, that I thought things changed after we got married and especially after we had kids - where sex went more from her wanting to feel good, to her wanting me to feel good - almost as if her desire changed to making sure I was satisfied (and I'm now going to add - that maybe by simple nurture of family/kids and such, that she put me into the alpha-role in terms of her desire to please me). I am sharing this because while I've said it before, last night saying this brought a few moments of silence from her before she turned to me and kissed me passionately. When we broke the kiss she looked at me and said that she felt very lucky to have me and to have me able to think about and even try to understand her as I did - and then she said it - "you may be right".

We kissed and humped each other through our clothes for a few minutes - her admission seemed to make me really horny - that I was right and that she was recognizing things more. It wasn't long before she reached down and could feel my hard cock through my pants - and I could feel the damp warmth between her legs - and we were both horny. I hinted/suggested we could have some "real fun" and that was when she started the teasing - she looked at me and said "not tonight, I want to be horny for Friday baby" - and with that she reached into my lounge pants and said "but that's not true for you, is it....".

She lay against my stomach more talking to my cock than my face - but what she said - oh god - leaves no doubt what she wants for Friday. She told me how she can't wait to feel how big Tony is "after all this time" and how she wants to suck him deep in her and make sure he's horny for her. She told me she was going to wear a dress so it's easier to have fun and it really turned me on when she told me how she hopes he'll like the panties she's going to wear.

I was rock hard from her hand and what she was saying and that was when she took my hand in hers and stroked me together as she told me that she couldn't wait to feel him in her and that was when she started to say that she missed not just feeling Roberts cum in her but how she missed "... just feeling another .... different dick in me ...." (she doesn't like the word cock that much) - she giggled and said to tease me but perhaps also another sign of acceptance - she giggled and said "I guess I did sleep around a bit back then, didn't I?" And then she looked up at my face as I stroked away madly and she said "and I guess it turns you on that I let them all cum in me - doesn't it baby?" and for the next few moments she continued with that - in a teasing kind of sarcastic voice "awww baby, does that turn you on" as she could see my hand was a blur - "I always liked that, you know" ... and as she said it again "letting them all cum in me" - that was it and I burst all over the place - even bringing a moan from her as I kept stroking.

It wasn't until after I'd caught my breath that she kissed me gently on the cheek and then idly played with my cum as she said quite openly "mmm - I can't wait for Friday". I didn't ask but I was pretty sure that as she was playing with my cum, she was thinking of Tony's in her.
I'd also add a word of thanks for the thoughtful replies from Harry and Peak that may explain the synergy that seems to exist between Sue and I.
I suppose it makes sense - I've long described marriage as 2 trees planted next to each other. If they grow apart, then they are weaker and more likely to fail - as both of our first marriages did. But if you grow together and intertwine, then you grow stronger - so I guess it'd only be natural for us to follow a common path even if it's from 2 different approaches.

For CSC and Will and others - if I can broach the subject somehow to not reveal things too much - I'll see what her response is about the chatroom she's visited on the other site. Maybe if she acknowledges that she goes online when I'm turning in early or otherwise aren't home - that I can post it here and let you all know so maybe you can time it when she'll be there. But that's quite a leap - as I said, I don't think she spends any time on the computer under normal circumstances.
I may have missed something, but are you saying Sue intends to seduce Tony for the first time tomorrow and take him bare, while you are STILL waiting to have her bare again???? OMG!
SoonToBe said:
For CSC and Will and others - if I can broach the subject somehow to not reveal things too much - I'll see what her response is about the chatroom she's visited on the other site. Maybe if she acknowledges that she goes online when I'm turning in early or otherwise aren't home - that I can post it here and let you all know so maybe you can time it when she'll be there. But that's quite a leap - as I said, I don't think she spends any time on the computer under normal circumstances.

Steve. The last thing You have to worry about is Me talking about You. I learned a long time ago. Nothing Cools a Budding Relationship Like Talking About The Husband, BF, Or EX. In time I will talk Her in Chatting on a more private place like YIM.

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