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Sexy IR couples & IR Pregs

  • Thread starterpassive_hotwife
  • Start date
  • #101
QUOTE=passive_hotwife;150900]The point of all this is as plan as the nose on your face…. That IR pregnancy is real, main stream and growing.

Just look at the number of posts on the topic, the number of related posts, and how many times they have been viewed.  Maybe not everyone posts a reply, but the posts are viewed a lot, because they are hot and people want to see it and read about it. It does not matter if the posts have pics or not, they are still viewed a lot.

You should know. YOU are the one posting them all.
  • #102
Not True!

allenandpam said:
QUOTE=passive_hotwife;150900]The point of all this is as plan as the nose on your face…. That IR pregnancy is real, main stream and growing.

Just look at the number of posts on the topic, the number of related posts, and how many times they have been viewed.  Maybe not everyone posts a reply, but the posts are viewed a lot, because they are hot and people want to see it and read about it. It does not matter if the posts have pics or not, they are still viewed a lot.

You should know. YOU are the one posting them all.

Thats so not true... all you have to do is follow the links above. Only 2 of them are mine, that I started... all the others i may of posted to, but i did not start them.

I hope everyone will check out the links and see what this is all about and why you should support them.
  • #103
Im just an old fart but!

I have been reading and checking out this place for a long time now, and for the most part I enjoy it and the things people post here. I’m maybe an old fart to some at 55. But I have been married for 37 to the same woman. We have had many ups and downs, and where very much into swinging for many years when we where in our 20’s and 30’s. My wife and I are both white. My wife had a thing for big cock like many women do, and we both thought she should try black. She did and loved it and I loved seeing hre with black guys. So it was a win win for both of us.

We had 6 kids over the years, all mine, 2 boys 4 girls. We hid our sex life, swinging and her love of black cocks from our kids. It was a very different time then now. White girls did not openly date or have sex with black men. If they did they where shunned, by friends and family alike, you could lose your job and or housing, and it was a big scandal if others found out.

I bring this up, because over the years as our children grew, all our girls dated both white and black boys in high school. 2 of our daughters ended up marring black men, and have had mixed babies. 1 of our daughters got black preg and had 2 kids before getting married to a white guy. Our other daughter married a white guys and as far as we know never got onto black guys. But, we really don’t know.

So here we are now, with 11 grandchildren, 7 are mixed for are white. We love them all the same, they all have mothers and fathers who love them, care for them, and live in a happy health home. My wife and I would not of picked black men for our girls nor would we have thought it a good idea for them to have mixed babies.

But, now that they are here, I love them all the same, and would not wish they where any different. I have sent he world changing, and I think it is changing for the best in this area. In all the years since they where born, there has only been one incident where someone said or did anything inappropriate in front of the children. But the police where called and the man was charged with a hate crime and went to jail for his actions.

That’s very different from when my wife and I where young. I think it’s a shame that so many people here are still give the girls and young couples so much heartache and grief over wanting to have a mixed baby. I don’t fully understand why they want to do that…. But it seems the time for hating others for this kind of thing has long past in American.

Even today my wife and I still feel some shame over the things we did when we where younger, but we don’t regret any of it. But, we also do not make a show of it, nor have we ever told our kids, and never will. But, we don’t let our generations hang ups, affect our children or grandchildren.

Ok, I know I’m going to get flack for this post, and I guess I brought it on my self for even posting. But I got so mad reading some of this crap and wondered if the people who post it would say this to people with mixed kids or grandkids face to face, If not, don’t post it here either.

This old fart is going to bed now.
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  • #104
I cant Win!

Old Fart said:
I have been reading and checking out this place for a long time now, and for the most part I enjoy it and the things people post here. I’m maybe an old fart to some at 55. But I have been married for 37 to the same woman. We have had many ups and downs, and where very much into swinging for many years when we where in our 20’s and 30’s. My wife and I are both white. My wife had a thing for big cock like many women do, and we both thought she should try black. She did and loved it and I loved seeing hre with black guys. So it was a win win for both of us.

We had 6 kids over the years, all mine, 2 boys 4 girls. We hid our sex life, swinging and her love of black cocks from our kids. It was a very different time then now. White girls did not openly date or have sex with black men. If they did they where shunned, by friends and family alike, you could lose your job and or housing, and it was a big scandal if others found out.

I bring this up, because over the years as our children grew, all our girls dated both white and black boys in high school. 2 of our daughters ended up marring black men, and have had mixed babies. 1 of our daughters got black preg and had 2 kids before getting married to a white guy. Our other daughter married a white guys and as far as we know never got onto black guys. But, we really don’t know.

So here we are now, with 11 grandchildren, 7 are mixed for are white. We love them all the same, they all have mothers and fathers who love them, care for them, and live in a happy health home. My wife and I would not of picked black men for our girls nor would we have thought it a good idea for them to have mixed babies.

But, now that they are here, I love them all the same, and would not wish they where any different. I have sent he world changing, and I think it is changing for the best in this area. In all the years since they where born, there has only been one incident where someone said or did anything inappropriate in front of the children. But the police where called and the man was charged with a hate crime and went to jail for his actions.

That’s very different from when my wife and I where young. I think it’s a shame that so many people here are still give the girls and young couples so much heartache and grief over wanting to have a mixed baby. I don’t fully understand why they want to do that…. But it seems the time for hating others for this kind of thing has long past in American.

Even today my wife and I still feel some shame over the things we did when we where younger, but we don’t regret any of it. But, we also do not make a show of it, nor have we ever told our kids, and never will. But, we don’t let our generations hang ups, affect our children or grandchildren.

Ok, I know I’m going to get flack for this post, and I guess I brought it on my self for even posting. But I got so mad reading some of this crap and wondered if the people who post it would say this to people with mixed kids or grandkids face to face, If not, don’t post it here either.

This old fart is going to bed now.

First, thank you so much for your kind and understanding words. I wish more pople felt as you do. Maybe with age comes some wisdom... smile.

I can win with all the people who bash me for this.... I just dont get it. I went to a friends apartment building the other day, and in th eparkinglot where kids playing and some in the pool area... and it looked like about half where mixed.

It just seems every where you look, you see mixed kids.... most look happy and health and i just dont get all the hate for this.

I also geta lot of email every day from people who thak me for my posts, and want to see more pics.... but are scared to post for fear of being bashed with me.

I guess thats the goal of the bashers, to scared off anyone who is not like them or share their views. Well heres to you... you seem to be doing a good job.

Thanks again to all of you who have been nice to me and enjoy this.
  • #105
If only I were God and had such power. You and all the sick minded fucks like you would be gone. In a fucking heartbeat. And you aren't fooling ANYONE as to your gender....DUDE!
  • #106
I'm All female!

pimpology101 said:
If only I were God and had such power. You and all the sick minded fucks like you would be gone. In a fucking heartbeat. And you aren't fooling ANYONE as to your gender....DUDE!

I'm all female... 100% born that way. But, I'm still more of a man then a sick want to be stud like you.. whos only sex life is on line. Your littel white dick makes you feel like less of a man so you dump shit on everyone around you.

What a sad littel life you have made for your self.:lame:
  • #107
If you're a female then I'm the king of fucking England. There is no way in hell you are a woman and everyone knows it. All the tale-tell signs are there; interests 90% of women would cringe at, the way you "talk," your inability to spell (women are much more conscientious of how they present themselves).

I can't help it you're a self-hating little-dicked faggot with an inferiority complex and esteem issues. I dump shit on those who deserve it, who lie, who spread sickness like a disease and who try to pull the wool over people's eyes. There are countless instances of my positive posts too but the people who get those are the ones who warrant and DESERVE them. Not some fake, sad-ass little boy living his twisted fantasies out on a forum board.

I keep it real and if you don't like your life tinged with a dose of realism don't step to me. Go somewhere else like faghag.com
  • #108
Smile ... poor little white boy!

pimpology101 said:
If you're a female then I'm the king of fucking England. There is no way in hell you are a woman and everyone knows it. All the tale-tell signs are there; interests 90% of women would cringe at, the way you "talk," your inability to spell (women are much more conscientious of how they present themselves).

I can't help it you're a self-hating little-dicked faggot with an inferiority complex and esteem issues. I dump shit on those who deserve it, who lie, who spread sickness like a disease and who try to pull the wool over people's eyes. There are countless instances of my positive posts too but the people who get those are the ones who warrant and DESERVE them. Not some fake, sad-ass little boy living his twisted fantasies out on a forum board.

I keep it real and if you don't like your life tinged with a dose of realism don't step to me. Go somewhere else like faghag.com

First lets get it right now. You are not the King of fucking England. England does not have a king right now. It does have a queen so maybe you are the fag here. No your real title is now, "God and Lord of Dark Cavern!"

All most bow to you hate and share tactics. Lets face it I have read what others have posted about you. sure there are some that agree with you hate and dump shit.... But, everyone comment i read about you says you are d dump fucking ass that is filled with hate. You need to take a good look in the mirror someday and wee what others see.

Maybe then you will know whay just seeing your id name on a post is a turn off, why you are alone in the world and you only chance of real life sex with with your own hand. And even then you hand is sick and tired of yoru shit to. :nutpunch:
  • #109
Then not only you are a sad little man but you're also an illiterate one. Invest in some remedial reading classes and some personality enhancement courses. Both will do you a world of good you sorry piece of human excrement.

I'd invite you to an OREO party to see how sad my life is and how small my dick is but you'd actually have to get a woman to come with you and we all know you're incapable of getting one.
  • #111
I agree.

gentleguy said:
passive keep up the good work

Please dont stop now....

Your posts are both hot and exciting and i love that you stand up for your self and others. :clap:

More Photos please!
  • #112
Hey Old Fart. I see you joined just three days ago. Just in time to get involved in this discussion. I bet you are really passsive hotwife, signing in with an alias and pretending to be yourself, a MAN!!!!

Just my 2 cents for what its worth.
  • #113
Wow another pearl of wisdon!

allenandpam said:
Hey Old Fart. I see you joined just three days ago. Just in time to get involved in this discussion. I bet you are really passsive hotwife, signing in with an alias and pretending to be yourself, a MAN!!!!

Just my 2 cents for what its worth.

Wow another priceless pearl of wisdom from another jerk off who thinks he knows it all.

Why post at all if you have nothing of value to say. You don’t know anything more about anyone here then anyone else does. Just another cheap shot in a line of cheap shots!

If you cant win a discussion on merit you resort to name calling and innuendo to discreet the poster. How lame is that. :lame: How intellectual impotent do you have to be to think that helps your point of view.
  • #114
I think this is a hot thread and totally erotic.
Anybody who's causing trouble is just a troll.

Nothing wrong with interracial babies of any mix.

Stuff like that gave us Tiger woods, Mariah Carey, etc.

I think it's a beautiful thing and I wouldn't have any problem marrying a white woman and having babies with her.

In fact... sounds like a great idea... any volunteers, ladies? :call:
  • #115
Such crap!

So many folks are angry and have agendas. This is supposed to:clap: be fun! If you don't like it don't look at it!
  • #116
passive_hotwife said:
Sorry I thought the guys here would enjoy this.

Ok I wont post any more. :(

wooooooooooooooww,,,,,,hold on now. I love your pictures,,,there is nothing more concrete than a black preg white woman....thats as real as it gets, it about a young fertile white female showing the ulitmate devotion to black cock and black men. Please don't stop because some asshole shows his lack of beautiful black-preg white women.

show more esp with the black man in the picture.
  • #117
I give up... I quite!

I want to point out before I go... i do not take getting preg lightly, nor do i think children are ever 2nd to anything. Maybe I find this such a turn on because I lost my change to be a mother forever when I was younger after losing my one and only baby. I see so many girls who get preg so easy and I wish it was me. I see so many people enjoying life in a way I never will. And in many ways it hurts to know I can change that. And it hurts all th more when because I try to support the girls who want to get IR preg I am hated, called names, told I must be a man… or that I’m sick. It maybe be all word games to many of you… but your words do hurt me… and I know they hurt others.

But, I never, never , never wanted anyone to think that getting preg black or white was all I cared about, for nothing more then a thrill or kink of it... That’s would be tragic… I think and I hope most girls who get preg to any one, even if ***** god forbid would love the baby.

I have to say for the most part I regret even coming here. I came for fun and games… and all I have gotten is based from my first post.

Thank all of you who have supported me here or via email. I know it was not easy… and I know you all where bashed for your visible support of me. Sorry you had to deal with that.

I think I’m going to take some time and look for someplace more friendly to play.
  • #118
why don't you just Ignore the people you don't like in the bulletin board? I'm sure you can, and then you can just listen to your friends and ignore the trolls.
  • #119
Maybe it would be a good idea, and I don't know how they would/could do so, if mods could create a way to completely ignore entire topics that someone finds sickening. Now there's an idea.
  • #120
We need answers

Hay buzzy I see you are an admin person here and you deleted the people who left Dark Cavern as a result of the stuff this poll is about.

pimpology and others here keep implying that passive_hotwife, old_fart, chelesarae, hotfirea142, big black cock and others who supported passive_hotwife and her views and who all quite are all the same people.

Can you look into this and post what you find?

It might help answer a lot of questions one way or the other and shut some people up on the topic.

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