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Seduction of a Wife


New around here...
Beloved Member
Nov 26, 2004
North Burbs of Chicago
Hi.... this is an old story..I didnt write it.. but its been one of my favorites... I dont know who the author is, would like to see more of their work...


Janie was in her early thirties. She had been married for 10 years and . Her
husband Don was a salesman and traveled quite a bit. He was out of town at
least one day a week and sometimes longer. They had two daughters aged 6 and

Janie was 5'7", slim and with long, blonde hair. She had large soft breasts
with very little sag for a woman of her age and very long shapely legs.
They had only recently moved to this area when her husband had been
transferred. She got a job where I worked. We worked for a construction
company and were in adjoining offices. Seeing each other every day we had
become very good friends. She said it was nice to have me as a friend, as
being new in the area she hadn't got to know anyone, and missed the
association with her friends at her previous home.

I had been married but it didn't work out and we divorced. I was happy with my
free life and had a number of girl friends. Janie appealed to me very much and
I decided to make her a long term seduction project. I say long term because
it was obvious that she was devoted to her husband and had no thought of
cheating on him. I was very much attracted to her and willing to make the
effort. Even if I didn't succeed, it was nice just being around her..
Knowing that her husband was away so much I offered my services if an
emergency came up. Either repair work or transportation, or whatever. She told
her husband of my offer, and that it pleased him. She said he had been
concerned with her being alone so much as to what she could do if an emergency
arose. He told her to thank me and said he would be much more at ease knowing
I was available.

Although it was obvious that she had a great body she always wore loose
fitting clothes at work. One day we were kidding around and I complimented her
on her fine figure. She thanked me and said that she belonged to a health club
and worked out frequently. As she spoke she smoothed down her sweater over her
flat stomach which accented the shape of her breasts. I said, "Well you
certainly have great breasts, your husband must really be proud of them." She
blushed at this compliment, and replied "He thinks they're close to my best
feature" as she again tugged her sweater down, giving me another nice view of
their lush contours. "Oh", I said "what does he think gives them competition?"
"My butt", she replied, "which I think is way too big. I keep telling him I'm
going to have surgery to have them reduced, and he gets very angry. "Don't you
dare mess with my love handles he told me" and she started to blush at this
intimate revelation. Turn around" I said and let me check." "I will not" she
retorted angrily, but then tempered it with a smile. She still would not turn
for me though. "With such a great figure, how come you don't dress to show
it?" I asked. "Not working for a construction company full of men." was her

I asked her to lunch a number ot times but she always said it wouldn't be
right. Finally one day she said she had told Dan about my lunch invitations
and he told her to accept. He said he often had lunches with female co-workers
or clients and a lot of business could be conducted at lunch. Business lunches
were not what I had in mind but if that was what it took to get our
relationship to progress, then I was all for it. After this talk with her
husband she finally agreed and we went out and really enjoyed each others
company away from work. We learned a lot more of each other than we could at
work and agreed to do it more often.

After a number of very enjoyable lunches, I asked to go to dinner with me when
her husband was out of town. She told me this was out of the question,
although her husband had suggested a number times that she should get a sitter
and go out with a friend when he was away. I told her that I was a friend and
should qualify. She said she doubted that I was the kind of friend he had in

I persisted in asking over a period of time and she finally agreed, saying
that she enjoyed our lunches together so much that she'd do it. It turned out
that her husband would be out of town the next night so we agreed to do it
then. She said I told him about our lunches, but don't think I'll tell him
about dinner. I'll tell him I found a divorced health club member who wanted
to dine out occasionally.

At work the next day she told me she had arranged for a sitter but that we
would have to meet a the restaurant. She also selected a place in an adjoining
town where no one would be likely to recognize her. We agreed to meet in the
parking lot at 8:00 and she said that now that she had decided to do it that
she was looking forward to our "date".

We had a long leisurely dinner with two glasses of wine each. She didn't want
to drive with any more alcohol in her system than that. Even the two glasses
loosened her up appreciably and she became very animated and obviously was
enjoying herself. She looked even more desirable than usual,wearing more make
up than I was used to seeing on her at work, which made her look lovlier than
ever. She was wearing a light blue dress with a rounded neckline. It fitted
her body loosely, with a full flared skirt and with a hemline modestly just
above her knees. When she leaned slightly towards me the neckline would fall
away slightly and give me just a glimpse of the deep cleft between her full
breasts. Later as she bent over the table to tell me something in a low voice
the neckline fell away enough to provide me with a view of her white bra, and
more of her breast. I had to force myself not to stare at this delightful
view. Her loosely fitted dress did not outline her full breasts the way I
would have enjoyed. I pulled my eyes back to her face. I didn't want to take
any liberties with her at this point. I was prepared to take as long as
necessary to seduce this lovely wife. The fact that we were on a date at night
was encouraging.

She was seated in the chair at my right side. When she pushed her chair back,
excusing her self to go to the ladies room, I saw that her hemline was well up
on her shapely thighs. Her legs spread slightly as she arose and I got a peek
well up between her legs. I felt the familiar stirring in my groin at the
sight. When she returned to take her seat the view was repeated. We finished
our meal, but neither of was in a hurry to end this evening. I knew nothing
was about to happen between us and was willing to let it go at that. "I
shouldn't be with you like this, you know, but you are so nice and I'm having
a wonderful time." she said putting her hand on my arm. "I'm so glad you
agreed to come" I replied, putting my hand briefly on hers as it rested on my
arm. "We must do it again, it's not fair for you to be stuck at home with your
husband gone." "We'll see" she said with a smile, giving my arm a squeeze
before removing her hand. She finally said she'd have to get home as it was a
school night and the sitter couldn't be out too late.

We got up, I paid the bill, and walked to her car where we stood almost
touching while we said our goodnights. "Thanks so much for talking me into
doing" this she said "and yes I do think we should do it again". with that she
impulsively leaned into me and gave me a kiss full on the lips. "What a
delightful goodnight" I said as she pulled away and gave me one of her sweet
smiles. "See you tomorrow" she said as she got in her car and drove off. Well,
I thought, that worked out even better than I hoped.

Now that the ice was broken she readily accepted my invitations to dinner.
Whenever her husband was going to be away she would tell me. Although she
would never ask me if we could go out I knew that was why she would tell me
when he was going to be away. She was obviously still very conscious of the
illicit nature of our outings. She would often relate her guilt to me and tell
me how much she loved her husband. I kept working on her and assuring her that
she deserved to do something to alleviate her lonelyness. I apparantly got
through to her because she never again turned down the opportunity to dine out
with me.

I was pleased to note that as our relationship progressed she stopped wearing
the loose clothing she normally wore. Her tops were now outling her breasts,
and her skirts and dresses now had more fashionable hemlines, a few inches
above her knees. She still wore the loose clothing at work, but with me she
was getting, for her, more daring. I took every opportunity to compliment her
on her new appearance and how great her figure looked. She told me that she
liked my compliments.

Each night out increased our intimacy. We would hold hands on the way to her
car and she would lean into me and hold her face up for our goodnight kiss,
and each good night kiss became increasingly more passionate. I could now hold
her pressed tightly to my body as we kissed, with my hands rubbing her lower
back just above her buttocks, with no protests, and with her arms wrapped
tightly around my neck. We never exchanged tongues and I didn't even attempt
at this point. We just stood there holding each other with wonderful, wet open
mouths, working our lips as though we would inhale each other. I would get an
immense erection, which I'm sure she must have been aware of, but she never
pulled away from it. She told me one night that I was the only man other than
her husband that had gotten more than a friendly peck from her. "I don't know
how I got so lucky" I said, "but I'm delighted to have you choose me to share
your kisses with." I didn't push for anything more than this and I still
retained my patience, growing more confident that I had her on the right track
for seduction.

On one date she started pressing me about my love life. She said that she
found it strange that I was always available for her even though she sometimes
didn't now until the day before when her husband had to go away. She wanted
details about my relationship with my ex wife, was our sex good, what caused
the breakup etc. Then she wanted to now about any girl friends, did I have sex
with them and did I live with any of them. I answered all her questions and
then asked her about her sex life with her husband. At first she was reticent,
but I kept after her saying that I had answered all her questions about my
love life and now she should answer mine about hers. She paused for awhile
looking me in the eyes then said sex with her husband was great. She had been
a virgin when they married, that she loved sex and missed it greatly when her
husband was away. She had heard that couples lost interest in each other after
being married awhile, but that was not the case with them. She said that even
on the nights they did not make love that she enjoyed just cuddling with him
in their bed. I then asked if she had ever gone to bed with another man after
marriage. She got extremely indignant and said "of course not, I love Dan too
much to do that." "Don't get angry", I said, "you started this conversation."
She didn't speak for awhile but then said "you're right, I did start it, I but
I don't want to discuss it any more." I was afraid I had blown it, but soon
her smile broke out again, and our goodnight kiss seemed even more passionate
than before.

One day she told me that her husband was going out of town again and would be
gone over the weekend. Her children had asked to sleep over on Saturday with
friends, and she had agreed. She said she wouldn't have to be home as early as
usual and asked me if I wanted to go out Saturday. This was the first time
that she had taken the initiative to make a date, and I was delighted to
agree. I knew that she liked to dance so I suggested going to a place in the
country that served meals and also had a dance bar. Her eyes brightened at
this idea. "Oh yes" she said, "I haven't danced for a long time. I'd love it."
The place I was planning to take her was Ernie's, a place notorious to it's
regulars as make out heaven. The lighting is dim, the booths small and
intimate. On any give night the crowd was at least half wives or husbands
there with another partner. The rest would be single men and women looking to
hook up with the opposite sex, and usually succeeding. The dance floor was
always crowded when they played a slow set. Sort of ass to ass with the
couples around you, and most of them just swaying to the music, in their own
private little horny worlds.

"This is going to be our first real date" I said, "how about wearing something
sexy". "Well aren't we bold today" she said with a big smile, "I'll have to
give that some thought. I'm an old married woman and I don't usually try to
look sexy when I go out." I wouldn't have chanced that suggestion not too long
ago but felt our relationship had progressed to the point of more familiarity,
especially considering the eager sensuality of our last goodnight kiss when I
went for a little more from her and speared my tongue between her open lips
into her mouth. I held it still waiting for her reaction. Instead of pulling
back in anger she let her tongue meet mine. With this encouragement I had
swirled my tongue around hers as she kept hers moving against mine. The kiss
went on and on and she started moaning softly and moved her body even closer
to mine. I was rubbing her back and sides and let my hand move against the
side of her breast. My heart leaped as I got no resistance to this either.
Getting a little more daring I moved my hand over the fullness of her breast
and she moved back from me slightly to give me more room. One of her hands
came down from my neck and covered mine pushing my hand into the soft firmness
of her breast. She had held it there briefly then pulled away suddenly saying
"whoa, I'd better get out of here. I enjoyed that much more than a happily
married woman should" she had said, "I don't know what's happening to me
lately. "

"What time should we arrange for" she asked . "How about us meeting at 7:00,
and I'll make a reservation for 7:30, this place gets real crowded on a
Saturday night ." "Why don't you pick me up, since the kids will be away ?"
"That will be nice change from meeting you in a parking lot somewhere" I
replied. "Hope you don't mind riding in a pick-up" I said. "Oh no, not at all,
my husband has a pick-up which we go out in often. She gave me directions to
her house and went back to her office. I saw her again as we were leaving work
and she said "I can't wait until tomorrow night."
The next afternoon I had a call from her. My heart sank as I heard her voice,
expecting she was calling to cancel. "Look" she said, "I can be ready a little
early, why don't you get here about 6:15 and we can have a glass of wine
before we leave." "That would be great, I'll pick up a bottle on the way", I
answered. "Make it white" she said , "I don't care for red."
As I drove to her house Saturday after getting the wine I had a feeling of
great anticipation. Could this be the night I thought. Things had been moving
slowly but with definite progress with each meeting. If she seems in a
receptive mood give it a shot I thought, but don't do anything stupid to screw
things up with her. She had really gotten to me, to the point that I hadn't
bothered with any other women for quite awhile. My encounters with her had
spoiled other women for me.

As I turned into her driveway. I noted that the house stood by itself in a
grove of trees. There was no chance that neighbors would see me arrive or
leave with her in the truck.

I rang the front doorbell and it was answered almost immediately. The sight of
her standing before me took my breath away. "What do you think" she said
pirouetting for my approval. "I went shopping this morning and bought this
outfit just for you." It's probably not as sexy as you hoped, but I don't
consider myself the sexy type." She stood there in a tight. mid- thigh red
skirt with a snow white clinging blouse with a very low cut scalloped neckline
which revealed the upper curves and the cleft between her full breasts. The
blouse was sheer enough that you could see the lacy red bra underneath. The
bra also appeared to be sheer and I thought if she gets excited her nipples
will be visible. Her gorgeous legs were encased in dark colored hose and for
the first time with me she had on high heels. The effect on her legs was
amazing. Her hair had been done over and surrounded her face with soft
curls. Dark red lipstick and eyeshadow had a dramatic effect on her face. "Wow.
Wow, You are the sexiest picture I ever had before me" I said in wonder. "You
are absolutely incredible, I can't believe how beautiful you look". "Oh thank
you" she said, "I've been worried that you wouldn't like the way I look." She
looked elated at my approval and pulled me into the hall and shut the door.
She came up to me and gave me a kiss. "Let's go into the kitchen and open the
wine" she said taking the bottle from me. "You better watch out, I don't have
to drive home tonight so I can have more than my usual two glasses" "You have
as much as you want, I'll take good care of you" "I'll bet you will" she

In the kitchen she gave me the bottle and an opener. I pulled the cork while
she got the glasses. I filled both glasses and she led me into the living
room. I sat on the couch while she sat in a chair across from me. I had hoped
that she would sit next to me, but felt better when I realized what a good
view I had. "This is so nice" she said. "I've been looking forward to it since
Friday" I hope we can have a long evening." "It will be just as long as you
want it to be" I replied. I'm here to see that you enjoy yourself." We sat
drinking our wine, making small talk, while I enjoyed the wonderful sight of
her beautiful legs, in dark hose, displayed before me. Her skirt was short
enough so that while sitting, the hem was just inches below her crotch. As she
talked and moved in the chair I got glimpses of her panties. I was pleased to
see that they matched the red of her bra and skirt. I felt myself getting hard
and tried to keep it from becoming obvious to her. She finished her wine and
said "that was good and we have time for another, let me get us a
refill."Okay" I said but I"ve got to drive tonight so I won"t be drinking too
much." Well, I don't have to hold back tonight", she said. "I haven't gotten a
little tipsy for a long time and I may let myself go tonight" She added,
"after all you said you'd take care of me".The latter accompanied by a sly
smile that if I didn't know her better would have read a double meaning into
the statement. who knows I thought, maybe there is a double meaning there, at
least I hope so. My hopes were high for this night. As she got up to get my
glass her tight skirt rode up almost to her hips, giving me an almost
unobsdtructed view of her sheer red pantied crotch. She leaned down to take my
glass and the low cut blouse fell away from her breasts letting me look at
both bra encased breasts. "That was a wonderful view" I said as she stood up.
"Thank you so much". I got a nice smile and a touch on my cheek as she said,
"Maybe this outfit is too daring". "No" I replied "it's perfect. "I could
change if it's bothering you too much." "Don't you dare" was my response.
She returned with the wine and this time sat next to me on the couch. This
took away my view but I enjoyed seeing her long nylon clad legs stretched out
in front of her as she reclined a bit. "I haven't danced in ages" she said,
and I used to love it so. What kind of music do they play at this place?" "All
kinds" I said "they have a five piece combo and play fast and slow,
contemporary, western, you name it." "Dan and I used to love dancing the slow
dreamy numbers," she said. "It will seem strange to dance like that with
someone else." "I'll try to make it as comfortable for you as I can," I told
her. "I know you will" she said, "that's why I am so at ease with you."
Janie cleaned up the wine glasses and said, "there is enough wine left for us
to have a drink when we get back if we want. If we don't, please take the
bottle with you when you go. I don't want Don to see a partially consumed
bottle when he gets home."

I Held the truck door for her while she got in, seating herself and trying
ineffectively to bring her skirt further down her thighs. As I got in my side,
she slid a little closer to me. Not next to me but not by her door either. She
put her left arm through mine and said, "let's go James, and see what the
night brings."

As we rode she was very animated from her excitement. She kept squirming in
her seat as she turned to talk to me. Her skirt kept riding up and she kept
smoothing it back down giving me delicious views of her gorgeous legs. I was
hard to believe that this lovely creature was in her thirties.

We arrived at the Ernie's just at 7:30 and were shown to a booth. It was in a
corner of the room, not close enough to the stage for the music to be
overpowering in its loudness, and remote enough to give us a little privacy.
"This place is great" said Janie as I slid into the semi-circular booth which
was obviously designed for couples. "How did you ever find it?" she asked as
she seated herself by my side,"This dim light is just right for dancing. I'll
bet it's where you take all your girlfriends." "Only this girl friend" I
answered, which got my hand a pat. A little white lie I thought.
We ordered dinner and had some more wine. I had just one glass while Janie had
two. I offered her something stronger but she said she didn't like liquor.
Besides she could get plenty tipsy on wine.:Go to it" I said, "your protector
is here". Again a sweet smile as she placed her hand on my arm and left it

About nine o'clock the band started playing. We had finished our dinner and
Janie pulled me to the dance floor immediately. The first set was all fast
numbers and she loved it. she was a marvelous dancer. Between songs she didn't
want to leave the floor, so we would stand there with our arms around each
other until the next song started.
After the first set we returned to our booth. This time as Janie got in she
came right up to my side with her thigh pressing warmly against mine. "I need
another glass of wine" she said, "all that exercise made me thirsty. and I'm
not quite tipsy enough yet. I called the waitress over and ordered a wine for
her and a coke for me. She kept her thigh in firm contact with mine. I looked
down at her legs, and although the light was dim I could see her thighs
clearly. Her skirt was almost to her hips and now she was making no effort to
pull it down. Her sheer stockings were thigh high, the type that are held in
place by elastic tops. The view went all the way up to the darker band of
their tops. The impulse to put my hand on her full thigh was almost
overwhelming. I ****** myself to hold back realizing that the time was not yet
right. I contented myself with viewing her legs.

Soon the band started playing, a slow set this time. Janie gulped down the
rest of her wine and said "times a-wasting". I got up and as Janie slid over
to get up I received a full on glimpse of the juncture between her thighs. The
red pantie'd mound looked very inciting. It keeps getting better and better I
thought, as she took my hand and led me to the dance floor. She came full into
my arms with her body pressed tightly to mine. "Ah", she breathed against my
neck, " this is what I've been waiting for. "Me too" I replied, "It feels so
good holding you like this." The lights were much lower for the slow set. We
danced slowly around the floor with first my thigh sliding between hers then
hers between mine. I had an unbelievable hard-on, and I started to pull my
lower body away from her so she wouldn't feel it. She would have none of it.
"I know what happens to normal men when they are this close to a woman " she
whispered in my ear. You can't help it and I like knowing that an old married
woman can still have that effect on an attractive man." With that she pressed
even harder against me than before with her thigh wedged between mine. I knew
that she was feeling the full length of my erection against her belly.
I figured that with her response to my hard-on that I could get a little
bolder. I slid my right hand which had been low on her waist down onto her
butt. I clasped that delightful orb and squeezed gently, waiting for a
reaction. I got one, but not what I expected. She put her lips to my ear and
murmured, "Oh James, you are a very, very naughty man". With that she pressed
even closer to me, if that was possible, tightened her left arm around my neck
and squeezed my left hand. Her lips moved over my ear and clasped my lobe and
started nibbling gently on it. "Janie, you are a very, very naughty woman" I
said as I started my own nibbling on her lobe, blowing my breath into the
cavity, as she started breathing heavily. "I haven't danced with a hand on my
butt since I was a teenager and my partner was a fresh kid." she said" Well, I
am no teenager but am I fresh?" I asked. "Definitely fresh", she replied and
much more of a threat to my wedding vows than any teenager." "Should I remove
my hand?" I asked? "No it feels good, but the other cheek feels neglected."
With that she unclasped her right hand and and put both arms tightly around my
neck. With this plain invitation to continue my probing, I moved my other hand
down and now had an ass cheek in each hand. I rolled them each around,
reveling in their soft firmness. As I gripped them tightly I moved her side to
side against my erection. She was breathing very heavily now and sensing that
the time was right I removed one hand from her cheek. I took her chin and
brought her face to mine and tentatively pressed my lips to hers. My concern
about spooking her was unfounded as she parted her lips and ran her tongue
into my mouth, swirling it around mine.

As the dance set came to an end and the lights brightened, as bright as they
ever got , which was still pretty dim, and we reluctantly parted. As we got
back to our booth I could see that her face was flushed and her lipstick
smeared. As I sat and she slid in next to me I look down at her chest and saw
that her nipples were now very erect and were pressing against the cloth of
her bra, pushing through to prominence through her thin blouse. I put my arm
around her and she cuddled close, putting her hand upon my thigh to pull our
legs together. With her head on my shoulder I got bolder and reached up and
clasped her breast. I ran my finger over her erect nipple as I squeezed and
rubbed her breast. No resistance. Instead she clasped my thigh tighter and ran
her hand up and down my leg. "I think I've had too much wine" she whispered
"otherwise why am I enjoying this so much". As I caressed her breasts I looked
down at her thighs now ******* so beautifully up to her stocking tops. She
looked up into my face and then down to see what I was looking at so intently.
When she saw where her hemline was she made a half halfhearted and unsuccessful
attempt to pull it down.

"I think I may have dressed too provocatively" she said, "I' m displaying much
more than I intended." However she made no effort to remove my hand from her
breast. I said that I would have liked too see much more." I'm with the most
desirable woman in the room, and all the men here are checking you out, and
are jealous of me." "What do you mean" she said. "Take a look around" I
replied. She looked out over the room and even in the dim light could see that
a number of men were looking in our direction. Seeing this she removed my hand
from her breast and straightened up, this time pulling her skirt down as much
as possible. "Oh my, I'm so embarrassed" she said blushing. "Don't be" I said
"be proud that you are so desirable that so many men want you." "I'm not used
to having so many strange men looking at me" she said, but your right I'll
take it as a compliment. "Look around at some of the other couples, they're
all making out just like we were." She did and said "Yes, but I'll bet I'm the
only married woman here with another man." "I would be very surprised if that
were the case" I replied. It is much more common for married women and married
men to fool around than you realize." I could sense the evening getting away
from me as she was obviously was suddenly having quilt feelings.

Fortunately the band started playing a fast set so I jumped up and pulled her
to the dance floor. After dancing the whole set I could feel her previous mood
returning as she held my hand tightly as we returned to our booth. Sure enough
she slid in up tight to my thigh again, pulling her tight skirt up as she sat.
This time I could see a glimpse of white above her stocking tops. She again
clasped my thigh and turned her face up and leaned towards me for a kiss. We
kissed very deeply, tongues entwined for several minutes. She kept squeezing
my thigh which I hoped was a sign for me to reciprocate. In any event, I
decided to take a chance and placed my hand on her stocking clad inner thigh
midway between knee and crotch. The warmth emanating from her flesh was
intoxicating. I held my breath expecting to be rebuffed. Instead she gave me
her approval by increasing the pressure of her soft lips on mine. I
tentatively stroked up and down her thigh and felt them part slightly. I ran
my hand down to her knee and then very slowly back up until I felt the heavier
band of her stocking tops. The sensation of stroking her warm thigh was
intensely exciting. I was turned on like never before, my cock throbbing with
its hardness. I held my hand there for awhile, gently stroking with my finger
tips. She was breathing very heavily into my mouth and I felt that she was as
turned on as I.

Just as my fingers touched the bare flesh above her stocking top, my reverie
was broken by a voice saying, "Well hi there Jim" I broke away from Janie who
sat there with a dazed look on her face. It was my best buddy Johnny. "Great
timing Johnny," I said. "Meet Janie." "So this is the one you've been so
secretive about. Pleased to meet you Janie. Jim and I discuss everything but
he wouldn't discuss you." "Sit down and have a drink with us" I said now that
the mood was broken."I've got mine with me " he replied. Waitress a refill on
their glasses please." "I don't think I should have any more" Janie told him.
"Nonsense, he replied you've got to have a drink with your new friend." She
relented and let the waitress bring her another. As I was sitting at one end
of the small booth, Johnny slid in next to Janie. He immediately turned on the
charm and I could see that Janie liked him. I was not worried about him trying
to move in as we had an agreement that I don't move in on his women and he
doesn't move in on mine. Except a couple of times when we bedded the same
woman at the same time. As Janie's thigh was against mine I knew that her
other one had to be pressed tightly to Johnny's because of the smallness of
the booth. Although her skirt was now pulled down below her stocking tops, a
lot or her lovely legs were visible. I could see that his eyes were looking at
them and a her still erect nipples pushing so visibly against her blouse.

We talked through the next set, which I could see disappointed Janie. When
they started the next fast set Johnny stood up and said, "I don't know where
you found this delectable creature, but I've got to dance with her, then I"ll
leave two you alone." Janie looked at me for approval and I told them to go
ahead, I preferred the slow ones anyway.

I watched as they made there way to the dance floor. I knew how great she
looked from the front, but this was the first chance of the evening to see her
from the rear. Her tight skirt looked like it had been poured over her ass
cheeks, which protruded delightfully away from her body and rolled enticingly
as she walked. I was seeing what other men were seeing all night. I had a
feeling of satisfaction knowing that my hands had been holding those cheeks. I
caught an occasional glimpse of them dancing. Johnny was whirling her around
and she was laughing with delight. He kept her for the whole half hour or so
that a set lasted then brought her back, breathless, and laughing. He thanked
her for the dance and she said "I really enjoyed it, but you got me all pooped
out." "Well goodnight you two, have fun," he said giving me a wink as he left
and a thumbs up.

Janie slid in beside me saying that she liked my friend and wanting to know
all about him. I told her that we had known each other since 8th grade and had
been best friends since. "Anyway, I like your choice of friends" she told me,
as she snuggled up close and reached up to give me a kiss. I put my hand back
on her thigh, and she put her hand over it. "So your going to be naughty
again, are you?" she breathed into my mouth. "I can't think of many places I'd
rather have my hand" I said, as she removed her hand from over mine and put
her arm around my neck to pull me in for a deeper kiss. Tonight may not be the
night I thought, but it's going to be close, and if not tonight, soon.

We stayed tonguing each others mouths, with my hand moving gently over the
inside of her thigh. Her legs were slightly parted, but as my fingers reached
the bare skin above her stocking tops, just fractions from my goal, so close
that I felt I could feel the heat emanating from her pussy, she suddenly
closed them. This trapped my hand in a warm prison,but also prevented me from
exploring higher. Through it all she never let up from our kiss so I knew she
wasn't upset by my boldness. I moved my hand from her thighs to cup her
breast. The nipple was like a rock poking through her bra and blouse
Shortly the band started playing the slow set. Janie grabbed my hand pulling
me out of the booth onto the dance floor. When we reached a dark spot she
dropped my hand, leaned into me and wrapped both her arms around her neck. I
clasped her right ass cheek and started kneading it and the grabbed both
cheeks and pulled her lower body tight against my hard on.
Soon she pulled her lips from mine and whispered, "Let's go" I'm feeling a
little ***** and need some fresh air. We went back and got the bill which I
paid at the door. When we got outside she said, "That was wonderful, I can't
remember when I've had so much fun." It was 12:30 and she said she didn't want
the evening to end yet. "There is no reason why it has to" I said. We can go
to my place. "No she said, let's go to my house and we can finish the wine."

My heart pounded at this invitation. I helped her into the pick-up and got in
my side. She immediately snuggled up to me and put her hand very high up on my
thigh. Just a little bit higher I thought, but she left it there giving my
thigh occasional squeezes with her head on my shoulder. I drove as fast as I

When we reached her house she unlocked the door and led me into the kitchen.
"we can use these same glasses" she said as she got the wine from the fridge.
"Let's go in the living room" she said," leading me to the couch by the hand.
I sat down and she sat in my lap. As she did so her skirt reached above her
stockings, and as she leaned back to lower the light level, it came up to her
hips. I could see the swelling mound covered by the red panties. when she
settled back in my lap she must have known how high her hemline was, but made
no effort to pull it down. She turned to me and started giving me deep, wet
kisses with her tongue jabbing in and out of my mouth in little screwing
motions. I tugged on the back of her blouse and was able to pull it from her
skirt. Running my hand up the warm, smooth flesh of her back, encountering her
bra strap as I did, I toyed with the clasp for a moment then moved my hand
around to her stomach. As I rubbed I slipped my fingers inside the waist of
her skirt and got it under her panties and just made contact with pubic hairs
when her hand came down on top of mine and halted its journey. Undeterred I
brought it up under the front of her blouse and onto the bra covered breast.

As I stroked the deep cleft between them she started to moan softly into my
mouth. For the first time I was feeling the warm skin of her beauties. I
gently worked my fingers and the my whole hand under her bra cup and had the
entire sphere in my hand. As I rotated my hand over her breasts she started
squirming but never took her lips from mine. Taking the elongated nipple
between my fingers I rolled it around, pinching it, pushing it back into her
breast. Her breathing became more and more labored. I removed my hand and
brought it around to the buttons on her blouse. One by one I unbuttoned them
until I was able to part the material on both sides. Raising her up slightly I
started to remove her blouse. Her hands stopped me. "No" she said. "Yes" I
said slipping part of it down over her shoulders. Still experiencing some
resistance, I stopped momentarily, and leaned over and bit down gently on her
nipple through her now ******* bra. I rolled my tongue over it feeling the
material getting moist from my saliva.

She stopped resisting and did not protest as I finished stripping her blouse
from her. She lay there in the dim light, her firm breasts straining against
the red bra cups. I stopped all my movement just to feast my eyes on their
beauty. She lay back into me, looking up at me as I moved my hand over her
covered breast. Sliding my hand down under her I again encountered the clasp
on her bra. I slipped my other hand behind her and unhooked it. Taking both
ends of the unfastened bra I drew them around her body and slowly slipped the
straps down her arms. Now nothing was holding it to her breasts but her
nipples. I slowly slid it down over her nipples, wanting to prolong this eye
feast a little longer. Another little pull and the bra was free of her boobs.
I dropped it on the floor and I just looked. I couldn't believe that I had
this wife's beautiful breasts ******* to my view. I ran my hands all over
them, wanting to memorize their every contour. Her breathing was audibly
heavier,and she lay across my arms with her eyes closed."They are so perfect"
I said, and indeed they were. her breasts were somewhat large but perfectly
shaped, with large pinkish brown aureoles. There was a very visible swelling
of the aureole, almost like a tiny breast on top a large one, this topped by a
large nipple that was fully extended with her excitement. I bent to take my
first taste of her creamy breasts. As my mouth closed over the nipple her hand
came to the back of my head and stroked it lovingly. She pressed my head into
her breast and finally spoke. "Oh that feels so nice. I love having my breasts
kissed and a man's mouth around my nipple. Please suck on it. I was more that
happy to respond to this request. I took the nipple and the swelling under it
entirely in my mouth and sucked in as much more as I could. I sucked and
sucked. If she had been lactating I would have had a mouthful in no time. I
almost wished that she were.

The more I sucked the more she moaned. I could sense from her movements that
her head was rolling from side to side in ecstasy. This woman did like to have
her breasts attended to and was obviously very aroused. Sensing that her
resistance was now gone I put my hand back on her inner thigh and slowly moved
it up and up. Past the top of her stocking. I paused on the bare flesh for a
moment, but she made no move to stop me. I tentatively moved my hand higher
until my finger rested in the crease between her mound and thigh. I moved it
around this area for a bit then suddenly placed my whole hand over her panty
encased mound. Now she gave a little start as she realized where my hand was.

She started to sit up in protest but I quickly put my lips to hers and probed
deeply with my tongue, at the same time pushing her upper body back into my
arms and running my finger down against the moist outline of her slit. At this
contact with her pussy she let out a loud gasp, put her arm around my neck and
relaxed her thighs to give me complete access to her treasure.
Once again I couldn't believe what she was letting me do to her. She pulled my
head to hers and clamped her lips to mine once more. This woman really loved
to be kissed, and returned them with enthusiasm. She ran her tongue all over
the interior of my mouth as I continued rubbing my finger up and down her slit
still through her panties. As I rubbed, her panties became deeply imbedded in
her pussy completely outlining the lips. I gently eased my hand to the leg
band of her panties, and started slipping my hand underneath them. As I made
contact with her pussy hair, she let out a long moan into my mouth. When my
hand was in complete contact with her bare mound she gave a deep gasp. Still
no resistance. I now was sliding my finger over her clit and through her wet
pussy lips. I rubbed gently for awhile and then dipped my whole finger into
her moist slot. She grabbed me tightly by the shoulders and started bucking
her hips up to meet the thrusts of my finger.

"Let's find a bed", I whispered to her, removing my now dripping wet finger.
Without uttering a word she got up from my lap, took my hand and led me into
her "their" bedroom. I pulled back the covers and pushed her down to sit on
the edge of the bed. I knelt before her and she sat looking at me with glazed
eyes. She seemed overcome with desire. Her breasts were beautiful standing out
from her chest with just a hint of sag which seemed to add to their appeal.
Her nipples were erect and pointing at me. I ran my hands up her outer legs
and reached the hooks on the side of her skirt. When I unhooked them I started
to tug the tight skirt down over her hips. As it slid down she raised hips off
the bed and helped me take the skirt off.

She now sat before me nude except for her sheer red panties and dark hose. The
stocking tops were high on her thighs, coming to just below her panty legs. I
knelt taking in this erotic view for a few moments then ran both hands up her
inner thighs and onto her mound. She again started moaning as I rubbed her
pussy, and fell back onto the bed. I took the waistband of her panties and
started to side them down her hips when she suddenly sat up and pulled them
back up. "This is so wonderful," she whispered "but I can't let you do it to
me, I just can't, it's not right." "Do you like what I've been doing to you?"
I asked, sliding my finger under her panty leg again. "Oh yes, that feels so
good, but it's so wrong for me to be enjoying it so much."

"Let's just continue" I said, "I promise not to do anything to you that you
don't want me to. When you tell me to stop, I'll stop and we'll take it from
there, but don't deny us the pleasure we are both so obviously enjoying." "All
right", she said, as she pulled my head to her breast "I really don't want to
stop, but my conscience tells me I should." Forget your conscience, and let
your body tell you what it wants" I murmured into the softness of her mounds.
It looked like that crisis in my seduction of this delightful wife was over,
at least for the moment. I pushed her back flat on the bed with her legs over
the side and resumed my exploration of her pussy, under her panties. As I
probed her depths with my finger. she writhed and twisted and humped against
my hand. "Shall I stop?" I teased. "No," she moaned. "Do you like what I'm
doing to you?" "Oh yes!" she replied. I removed my hand from under her panties
to her protests. I once again took the elastic waistband of her panties in my
hands. "Shall it take them off now?" She did not respond, instead lifted her
hips from the bed in invitation.

I needed no further encouragement and slowly drew them over her hips,
gradually ******** her bare stomach, pubic hair and her pussy. I gasped in
delight as I saw her sparse blonde hair covering her mound but not hiding her
pussy lips at all. I pulled them the rest of the way down and off, and knelt
there observing the sight. She lay there nude except for the dark hose
encasing her legs. What an erotic sight, the dark stockings against the other
wise uncovered white skin. As I knelt there looking at her pussy I was
overcome with desire to possess it. The pink, fluted outer lips were very
prominent. She suddenly sat up. "Don't look at me down there," she said. "Why
not?" I asked. "Because its ugly," she replied. "I'ts not ugly, it's
beautiful, it' looks like a flower , and I want to memorize it. It's a real
treasure and you should be proud of it." was my response. She didn't answer
that, instead she reached for the buttons on my shirt. "Not fair for you to
get me naked while you still have on all your clothes" she smiled as she
started to unbutton my shirt. When it was undone I helped her remove it. I
stood up and removed my pants, standing right in front of her with the huge
bulge in my Jockey shorts. She looked at it and then leaned over to the lamp
on the bed stand to turn off the light. I stopped her saying "don't turn off
the light, I need to see your beautiful face and body while I caress you." "
We always have the light off when we're in bed fooling around" she said "Then
this will be another new experience for you" I said, as she reluctantly let me
pull her away from the lamp.

She stood up saying, "I want to feel my bare breasts against your chest," she
said as she came up tight against me mashing her breasts to my chest. Her
nipples felt like hot marbles pushing into me as we kised passionately. She
ground her lower body against my erection and started moaning into my mouth. I
gently pushed her down on her back on the bed, with her legs hanging to the
floor. Sliding my hands up the smooth warm skin of her inner thighs I rained
kisses all over them. I put my hands under her knees and pulled her so that
her hips were at the edge of the bed, With her pussy right in front of me. In
this position I started moving my lips up her thighs. My body had her legs
spread but she moved them even further apart which opened her right up for me.
I planted burning kisses on her lower belly and upper thighs, to just below
the juncture of her thighs and stopped for a moment to judge her reaction. I
could smell her sweet aroma and felt her pubic hair just grazing my nose. She
wasn't making a sound except for her heavy breathing.

When I felt no resistance to my being in this position I opened my mouth as
wide as I could and and took most of her mound in it. This got a strong
reaction from her as she put her hands on my head to push me away. "Don't do
that" she implored bucking her pelvis in an attempt to get away from my mouth,
"I't's not natural to kiss there." "Oh yes it is, it's the most natural thing
in the world for two lovers to do, Doesn't your husband do it to you?" "No, he
never has tried and I wouldn't let him if he did," she said. I put my mouth
back to her pussy and she said, "please stop,you promised you wouldn't do
anything to me that I didn't want," she begged. "Yes I did, and I won't break
my promise, but you won't really won't know whether you'd like it not if you
don't try. I tell you what, let me do it for two minutes and if you still
don't like it I'll stop," I said with my mouth within an inch of her pussy,
close enough for my warm breath to wash across it. Before she could answer I
blew directly into the ******* opening of her labia. She gave a sudden start.
As I did this, I looked up at her face to see her reaction. Her eyes were
tightly closed and her head was moving back and forth on the sheet.
She had not responded to my request, so I once again put my mouth over her
mound and ran my tongue up her slit, parting the lips as I went, and brought
it right to her clit. The contact of my tongue with her clit. Her legs spread
apart and her hips bucked up off the bed, and her soft moaning started again.
Little soft mewls that I could barely hear. No resistance was forthcoming, so
I continued my oral exploration of her jewel. I laved my tongue around her
little clit which had become rock hard. Each lash of my tongue increased the
thrashing of her hips. As I lifted my mouth off of her mound to view her face
her hips followed it up trying to maintain contact.

"Two minutes are up I said, do you want me to stop?" She did not reply or open
her eyes. Instead she grabbed both my ears in her hands and pulled my head
back to her loins. Got my answer I thought gleefully as I went back to my
delightful labor. I slid my tongue into the silken walls of her pussy. In and
out I worked it. It was totally lubricated with her juices and met no
resistance at all. As I plunged my tongue as deep as I could my nose would rub
against her aroused clit. I could sense that her climax was near so I worked
harder on her clit. When I slid my tongue back in her lips seemed to grasp it.
I could feel her stomach muscles tensing. She wrapped her thighs around my
neck and kept me locked against her pussy as the tremors of her body became
more intense. Her hips came well up off the bed and she moaned, "Oh my god, oh
my god" over and over as she came into my mouth.
Gradually her spasms subsided and her thighs relaxed their death grip on my
neck. As her legs dropped down on either side of me I rained gentle kisses on
her thighs. I got up and moved her so that she was now stretched out on the
bed. She was as limp as a rag doll, with her arms and legs sprawled out. She
looked up at me and smiled with contentment. "I can't believe how good that
was," she whispered. She held her arms up to me and I moved into them, beside
her. I kissed her mouth and her breasts running my hand down to her groin onto
her pubic hair. The hair was totally soaked with her fluids.
I had a raging hard on. I pulled myself from her arms and stood up. I still had
my briefs on and slid them off. My cock stuck stuck straight out from my
groin, pointing straight at her. She looked at it briefly then quickly turned
her head away. So she doesn't like Don to look at her pussy and she doesn't
like to look at his dick I thought. "Look at it," I commanded as she kept her
head turned away."Look at it!" She turned her head back to me, looked into my
eyes then dropped her eyes to my cock. As she gazed at it she suddenly seemed
mesmerized, and now couldn't take her eyes off it. "Don't you ever look at
your husband's?" I asked. She didn't reply, just shook her head. It's not that
bad, is it? Again she just shook her head. She continued to stare at my
erection and I made it bob up and down.
This got a giggle from her so I took her hand I drew it towards it. I could
feel her try to hold her hand back but I brought it up and clasped her fingers
around it. I took my hand from hers and she started to remove her hand from my
cock. I clasped it around my rod again and held it there, slowly sliding it up
and down. After a few moments of this I removed my hand, and hers stayed
wrapped around my hardness. She made a few tentative strokes and squeezed it.
The feeling was exquisite. My beautiful married lover was doing things, and
letting me do things that she didn't do with her husband.
She got used to it rapidly and slid over to the edge of the bed so she could
get both hands on my erection. "You like it now, don't you," I said. "My
yes.It's so smooth, and hot, and hard" she said, fingering the swollen
veins."And so big!" She was enthusiastically jacking it now and I had to stop
her. I didn't want to come yet.

I slid her over on the bed and started kissing her all over. I sucked her
nipples into mouth and ran my tongue over the tips. I kissed my way down her
body,stuck my tongue in her belly button, then continued down. I reached the
juncture of her thighs and again took her clit in mouth. As I sucked on it, it
started to get erect again. I continued down her legs to her feet, then spread
her legs and got between them. She was back in her familiar moaning mode and
did not seem to realize what I was doing. I took my cock in my hand and guided
it to the opening of her pussy. When it made contact and just started to
enter, she pulled her hips back from the contact and pleaded with me not to
enter her. "I want to but I just can"t she cried, please don't make me."
I dropped my chest on hers and kissed her. "Only if you want it, my sweet," I
said. "Oh I do want it" she whispered, "its not right. though". Then she said,
"Put your whole weight on me, I want to feel crushed by you." First I moved my
body down hers for a bit, and then I settled my entire weight on her. Her
breasts were crushed against my chest, the hard nipples boring into me. In
this position the lower part of my cock was laying in the crevice formed by
her parted pussy lips. The bulbous head was held between my belly and hers.
The sensation of the sides of my rod feeling the hot moistness of her pussy
lips was incredible. I hoped that she was experiencing a similar sensation. In
this position I could have easily lowered my body on hers slightly which would
bring the head to her slit.

I was taking no chances, however, of her then accusing me of breaking our
trust. I wanted this delightful woman in my life for a very long time, and
would do nothing to jeopardize our relationship.
Her arms were around my back, her hands caressing up and down, dropping to my
buttocks and clutching them with both hands. We were kissing hotly again. It
seemed that she would wear out my mouth. As our tongues entwined I ran my
hands down her sides, under her ass cheeks, and pulled her up firmly against
my erection. It was throbbing and pulsating against her belly as it was
trapped there.

We stayed like this for some time, enjoying the feel of each others bodies. I
sensed that my weight was becoming too much for. Not wanting to break the
contact of my shaft with her pussy lips, I put one arm under her shoulders and
the other one under her hips. Clutching her tightly to me I rolled over so that
she was now on top. My dick was still embraced by the folds of her outer lips.
We had lain like this for quite awhile when I sensed a slight movement of her
belly against my cock. "It feels so hot pressed against me like that" she
murmured. "It feels wonderful too, I replied. "Hmmmm," she sounded and she
moved her belly up mine just slightly. Contact was maintained with her pussy,
but this movement brought the head of my cock almost to her clit. She moved her
hips from side to side, moaning slightly, and looking me right in the eyes as
she did.

My heart started to race as my rod was rolled from side to side by her
movements, but never being released from the clasp of her pussy lips. Her
kisses increased in passion, and her tongue become like an active snake in my
mouth. Her hips continued their motion and she slid them up a little more.
Suddenly the head of my cock was pressed closely against her clit. She stopped
her movement with my cock pressing against her hard little button. She took
her mouth from mine and raised herself up slightly on her hands. Her eyes
locked on mine. I knew then that she was wrestling with her conscience, wanting
to take me within her, but also trying to resist the temptation and remain
faithful. If she succeed it would be a small triumph indeed, considering all
that we had done this night.

She started writhing against my shaft again, which caused her clit to rub back
and forth on the head of my cock. She gasped and I felt her belly spasm with
delight at the hot teasing contact of cock and clit. Then slowly almost
imperceptibly she moved her body further up on my stomach. She slid up my dick
until the head was poised directly at the entrance of her tunnel. It took all
of my self-control not to thrust up and in, but if it was done I wanted her to
do it.

She held herself there for a few moments, then staring into my eyes with a
totally abandoned look she lowered herself onto my cock. I think it was larger
than she was used to because as she increased the downward pressure nothing
happened at first. Then she gave a little surge and the head sank into her
blazing hot channel with a soft plop and she gave a delighted groan. She pushed
herself further up with her arms and bent to look between our bodies. I looked
down and saw what she was seeing. My thick cock was standing straight up from
my belly with the head completely hidden in her pussy. From our angle you
couldn't tell from whose body the shaft was originating from. It was like we
were one, joined together at the groin. It was a delightful sight which she
was obviously enjoying, as she continued to watch. She slowly rotated her hips
around and my shaft obediently followed her every movement.
Then looking intently into my eyes, she started lowering herself until I was
completely encased in the hot, slippery membrane of her vagina. She sat up and
just rotated her hips around my rod, her large, resilient, beautiful breasts
dancing and swaying as she moved. Her blonde pubic hair and my black were
mixed and tangled together. Her palpitating, pink pussy lips were clasping my
cock and I knew that the tight fit was allowing her to feel every ridge and
engorged vein. The hard, rubbery tip was deep in her vagina surrounded by her
fluids. The sensation was incredible

Janie was now softly moaning incessantly as she slowly raised up until the
flange of my cock head was just visible. Then she would drop down with enough
force to take my breath away, burying my shaft as deeply as she could. I kept
my hands on her breasts, rolling the nipples, increasing the intensity of her
emotions. Her eyes were now tightly shut and her hands were on my chest
supporting her weight as she continually repeated this cycle.
I found myself on the edge of my orgasm, which I did not want yet. I put my
hands on her hips and held her still. She smiled down at me, and I knew that
she realized why I was stopping her. when I got control again I removed my
hold on her hips and she immediately went back to work. She lowered herself so
her breasts were pressed to my chest and her lips at my neck, and started
pumping her hips up and down on my shaft very rapidly. Oh god, can this woman
fuck I thought, she pumps on my cock like a machine. Except no machine could
produce the hot slippery sensation on my cock that she did. Her movements
became faster and faster and she was groaning with her pleasure, when I had to
halt her again.

When my almost orgasm subsided, she whispered in my ear, "I want you on top
now, but try not to break our connection." I didn't want my organ out of that
hot, oily cavern either, so we very carefully rolled over. I started moving in
her and she put her arms around my neck to draw me down to her mouth. As we
kissed she wrapped her soft thighs around my hips and held me deep in her.
With slow movements I drew my cock out of her pussy until just the head was
in. With her legs she drew me back deep into her unresisting, fleece covered
little pussy.

My thrusts became faster and her body met each of my pounding lunges with a
rhythmic thrashing of her own. My balls were slapping in the crevice of her
soft yielding ass. Her pussy started contracting around my cock. Her face was
contorted with ecstasy. She was moaning continuously, now and her hands
clutched my arms. He body never stopped moving as she twisted about, meeting
my withdrawals with lunging upward thrusts as though fearful that I would take
the instrument of her intense pleasure from her.
I had made love to a number of women who enjoyed sex, but never one as
enthusiastic and active as Janie. I sat up on my knees which gave me an
unrestricted view of my cock working her pussy. When I withdrew my shaft, her
lips were pulled out with it, lovingly. As I pushed back into her her lips
went with it and almost disappeared.
I came back over her again and held myself immobile, feeling her quivering
body pump up and down on the piston within. I sensed that she was approaching
her second orgasm of the night. She had a mindless, ecstatic smile on her
face, her eyes screwed tightly closed. The tempo of her thrusts became more
urgent and I could feel her juices flowing, causing a wet sucking sound. Her
back arched up off the bed. She was now emitting soft mewling sounds mixed
with groans. Her whole body started quivering and I could feel them all the
way deep in her womb.

"Oh my god" she repeated over and over as her orgasm started. She pulled me
deep, her hot vagina walls milking my throbbing member. I was close myself but
held back while she climaxed continuously for a seemingly long time. Then as
it subsided her hands fell flat on the bed and her legs splayed out obscenely.
I made two or three deep thrusts and let my intense orgasm roll over me. I held
myself still, as deep in her as possible as the spurts of my hot sticky cum
started. I don't know what it is about my body but I am a cum machine, and I
had been storing it up ever since I became involved with Janie. As my first
strong spurts hit deep within her, her closed eyes opened with a start and her
mouth went slack. She became alive again, throwing her legs around my hips so I
could not move. "Yes, Yes," she chanted as my warm discharge flooded her
vagina and started seeping out between her pussy lips and my cock.
I collapsed on top of her in complete sexual exhaustion. We stayed clasped to
each other as my cock went limp. As I rolled over on my side beside her it
pulled free from her clasping lips with a plop. We stayed motionless like this
for a long time ,not talking, basking in the sexual afterglow. Finally Janie
nuzzled her lips to my ear. I can't believe how much cum you produced. I feel
like I'm flooded." "Do you want to take a shower and clean up?" I asked. "No"
she whispered, "I want to keep it in me." I slid my hand down to her mound.
There was sticky cum all over her. "That was so wonderful," she breathed in my
ear. " I guess I'm now a member of the cheating wives club." "Are you sorry?"
I asked. "No, I enjoyed it too much to feel regrets.
She ran her hand down my stomach and took my limp cock in her hand. "Poor
little thing" she said. "So big and strong just a little while ago, and now
all limp and tired. " she giggled.

"Do you realize we've been making love for almost three hours?" she said. I
don't think I can keep my eyes open much longer. I got up and started to reach
for my shorts. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked. I"m going home so
you can sleep," I said. "Come back to bed. I don't have to pick up the kids
until 10am. I want us to sleep together."
I climbed back in beside her and we snuggled together and fell asleep.
I had talked to her about threesomes and she didn't seem interested in trying
it. She was bashful about any one else seeing her naked body. One night we
were at Ernie's we often went to and she got pretty high and I figured this
might be my chance. Don was out of town and both of her children were
spending the night with friends. She had met my good friend Johnny on several
occasions, and she liked him and liked to dance with him. I suggested we call
him and have him meet us at the bar and she agreed.
Johnny had been my best friend since 8th grade and was like a brother to me. I
phoned him from the bar and told him to come over and see what happened. He
thought Janie was very sexy and had told me so several times. It took him
about 30 minutes to arrive.

When Johnny arrived, we each had more to drink. When the band started playing
a fast set Janie asked Johnny to dance with her, which he was more than happy
to do. They stayed on the floor the whole half hour of the set. When the
returned I could see that Janie was very animated and her face flushed. We
talked and had another drink which was unusual for Janie who usually only had
two or three.

As the started playing a slow romantic song, I excused myself and went to the
bathroom. Johnny seized the opportunity and asked Janie to dance again. When I
returned, they were dancing very closely. Janie had her soft tits pressed up
against Johnny's chest and I could see his thigh sliding between hers rubbing
against her pussy. Usually Janie an I dance all the slow numbers but this time
she made no effort to come back to the booth. When they came back I could see
that her lipstick was smeared and her face even more flushed than before. As
far as I knew her husband and I were the only men to kiss her since she was
married. I got a bittersweet feeling as I realized that was no longer the
case. Part of me was happy that the kiss had occurred and the other part felt a
twinge of jealousy.

When the song was over and they returned to the table, I suggested that we go
to Janie's house for another drink, since her house was empty for the night.
When we got to Janie's house, Johnny and I sat on the couch while she fixed us
a drink. When she returned to the den with the drinks, she looked beautiful.
She had on a white silk blouse and her rock hard nipples were showing ,
through as if they were trying to push their way out. She didn't have on a bra
tonight. She had started going bra-less when we were together after she did it
once and found out how much I liked it. She wore a full skirt and with her
good tan, she didn't wear hose at all. Tonight she was perky and in a great
mood. She sat on the couch between Johnny and myself.

After a few minutes we had soft music playing and Janie was sitting between us
with both arms across the top of the couch, one around each of us. I was
sitting on her right and Johnny on her left. I laid my head on her shoulder
and Johnny took my cue and did the same. She was laughing and bragging about
being with two good looking men. She was really feeling good tonight.
We both began telling her how beautiful she was and how lucky we were being
with such a woman. I began to rub her stomach with one hand and soon Johnny
was doing the same. Janie's breathing soon began to get slightly deeper. In
the process of rubbing her, I let my hand get closer and closer until my thumb
just barely touched the bottom of her breast. The next time by, my thumb
pressed up against her breast pushing it up just slightly. Her breathing
deepened. Johnny did the same touching her breast so slightly that it seemed
an accident.

She moaned very quietly then said, "No, please Johnny don't do that". We just
rubbed her stomach for a few more minutes and she settled back and relaxed
again. I moved forward slightly and her arm fell down between my back and the back of
the couch and I leaned back a little holding it firmly pinned against the back
of the couch. Johnny did the same. Now, we had both her arms pinned to the
couch where she couldn't use them and for the moment she didn't even realize

I then again let my thumb press slightly against her tit and again her
breathing slightly deepened. A few more times as I was rubbing her stomach, I
let my thumb press harder against her tit. After a few minutes I let my hand
slide all the way up over her tit and squeeze gently. Johnny immediately did
the same. Her tit felt very smooth through the thin silk blouse and my hand
slid very easily over the slick cloth.
Her breathing deepened slightly. She let this continue for about 30 seconds
then said, "Please don't Johnny". We ignored her protests and both continued
to knead her beautiful soft breasts with our trembling hands. She then
realized that both her hands were pinned behind us and she was helpless
against our advances. She struggled a little but I could tell it wasn't a
serious struggle.

My hand left her soft smooth tit only long enough to unbutton the top button
of her blouse and then move back to massage her soft firm breast. I gently
pinched her hard nipple between my fingers. Johnny then unbuttoned the next
button of her blouse. "Please stop. Please don't do this.", she pleaded.
I unbuttoned the third button and Johnny the fourth. Johnny couldn't stand it
any longer. He pulled back his side of her blouse to reveal her beautiful
naked left tit. I did the same with the right one.
"Please don't.... Stop Johnny... I don't want you to touch me like that..."
Janie was struggling and her breasts were both jiggling as she moved. Johnny
and I enjoyed the sight of the two magnificent naked breasts with their hard
pink nipples pointing slightly toward the ceiling. The soft white skin of her
breasts was a heavy contrast to the dark tan of her shoulders and stomach.
With his free hand, Johnny reached around his back to hold Janie's arm firmly
against the back of the couch. He then bent over and started to suck her round
left nipple. I liked that idea and did the same with the right one.

She started her familiar moaning that always signified that she was becoming
aroused. "Oooohhhhhh!" She lay her head back on the back of the couch and her
breathing really started getting deep now.
"Oooohhhh... ooooohhhhhh.... oooooooohhhhhh"
I was sitting on Janie's right and I moved my right leg over and slowly slid
it between her legs without her noticing it. Johnny did the same with his left
leg. Now we had her arms pinned and had her legs held apart. We stopped
sucking her breasts and started looking at her long tan legs. I reached down
and slid her skirt up to just a few inches above her knee.

"No..... Please I don't want him to see me" she whispered.
Johnny moved his hand up a few more inches revealing part of her soft tan
thigh. I caressed her right tit and rolled her nipple between my thumb and
forefinger, pulling it firmly. Johnny returned his hand to her left tit and
gave it a strong squeeze. I reached down and moved her skirt up a few more
inches, revealing more thigh and then moved back to her naked white breast.
"Jim please stop Johnny right..... now.... oooooohhhhh"
Johnny left her tit long enough to pull her skirt all the way up to her waist
revealing her silk white panties pressing tightly against her soft pussy. She
had slid down on the couch slightly and her panties were indented between her
pussy lips. She tried to put her legs together, but our legs held them apart.
"You guys..... please..... stop!"

She was struggling still and her tits heaved as she moved her body. I rubbed
the top of her thigh and Johnny did the same. We were all three breathing
pretty hard by this time. I had felt her soft pussy many times before, and was
well aware of her reaction but Johnny never had so he was getting impatient.
His hand soon slid up the inside of Martha's thigh and touched her pussy
through her thin panties.
I had that bittersweet feeling again as I watched Johnny's hand find her
beautiful pussy. I also had a moment where I hoped this wouldn't break up our
relationship, but I was so turned on by the events taking place that I
couldn't have stopped if I wanted.
"Ooooooooooohhhhhh!" Her desires were making themselves known and I could tell
that she was almost ready to go over the edge..Johnny's hand pressed softly
against her pussy lips, moving between them. They were already wet. He lifted
the elastic leg band and moved his hand inside her panties exploring every
part of her pussy. He caressed her rock hard clit. He slid his finger deep
into her wet hole, then moved back to her throbbing clit.
"Oooohhhhh!.... oooooooohhhhhh!..... ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!"

Janie's hips began moving slowly back and forth. I knew we had her now. Her
legs were not trying to close and her arms were not struggling.
"Oooohhhh!" Her moans were getting guttural now.
I bent over and sucked her tit again and Johnny sucked the other one. I ran my
tongue around her erect nipple and then flicked it a few times.
Janie was now getting both tits sucked and her pussy rubbed all at the same
time and it was overwhelming to her. She was really breathing hard now "If
we..... are.... oooohhhhhh..... going to do this.... let's do it.... right...
oooohhhhhh... Let's.... go to the bedroom." Janie uttered almost incoherently.
I didn't know whether she was serious or just trying to get free in order to
stop us. I figured that we may as well let her go and see how serious she was.
We both let her go at the same time. She pulled her blouse back over her tits
and pulled the bottom of her skirt back to her knees. She stood up and
hesitated a moment to regain her composure. She then started walking toward
the bedroom.

Johnny and I got up and followed her to the bedroom where we both wasted no
time undressed. Janie stood at the foot of the bed and we slowly removed her
blouse and she stood facing us for a few seconds with her shoulders back and
breasts sticking straight out. She then cupped a breast in each hand, squeezed
a little, held her head back as if to look at the ceiling and smiled. We
reached down and unfastened her skirt and let it fall to the floor. As She
stood up straight and let us enjoy the view. We slid down her panties,
revealing to Johnny for the first time the beautiful patch of thin blonde hair
that covered her sweet smelling pussy. There was no longer any sign of

Janie crawled up on the bed and sat between us on her knees and we each took
one of her hands and placed them on our cocks. She began to slowly pump up and
down. She then slid her hand down and cupped our balls.
We were both hard in just a few minutes. My dick is big but Johnny was at
least 10. It had taken me a long time to train her but she was now was great
at deep throating. I wondered about Johnny's dick. She decided to try. She
bent over Johnny and took just the purple head of his hard dick in her mouth.
While she was on her knees sucking Johnny, I reached over and massaged her wet
blond pussy from behind. She kept going deeper and deeper until she had all of
Johnny's 10 inch dick in her mouth. Once I saw her take him all in her mouth,
I moved my head under her pussy and began licking away. The both were
breathing very hard by this time. She sucked. I licked. Her head moved up and
down, my tongue explored her very wet familiar pussy. I let my mouth encircle
her enlarged clit and I sucked in. While her clit was in my mouth, I flicked
it with my tongue which she always loved.

I felt her body begin to quiver and Johnny's leg against my shoulder began to
quiver also. I knew they were both ready to climax. Which one would cum first?
They both came together, Janies mouth was filled to overflowing with cum.
Janie then turned around and put her full lips and cum filled mouth around my
rock hard dick and began pumping her head up and down sucking it into her
mouth. She pressed just the right spot and I came with such a force I thought
it would blow out the back of her head. She sat up and our combined cums began
streaming down her chin and onto her breasts.
Janie then laid between us while we all rested. Soon her hands were massaging
our tired dicks. Johnny couldn't resist exploring that patch of blonde fur
between her spread legs and soon they were both turned on again. Johnny turned
over and crawled on top of her and she gladly spread her long legs to welcome
him. He put his dick in her and began slowly pumping and her hips were moving
in rhythm with him. I could tell he was about to cum again and he didn't want
to yet, so he took his dick out and slid down on the bed and began exploring
her hot pussy with his tongue. He explored every crevice and stuck is tongue
as deep in her pussy as he could. Johnny was very experienced with women, and
not many turned him down. Janie was not one who did. She was going wild with
"Oooohhhhh.... !"

Johnny got back up and started fucking her again. By this time they were
laying across the bed with Janie's head near me. I got on my knees and put my
dick in her mouth again. Now for the first time she was getting fucked from
both ends. I could tell she was loving it. I reached down and cupped a breast
in each hand and kneaded them pretty roughly this time. She was really sucking
hard and Johnny was pumping her fast.
Johnny pulled her legs up around his shoulders and slid his dick out for just
a second. Janie made an indistinguishable sound and we couldn't understand
what she was saying as my dick was filling her mouth, but we both could tell
she was upset because Johnny's dick was not in her pussy. He reached down and
glided it gently around her pussy, teasing her. While sliding it around, he
slid it back to her ass hole and pressed, she tensed and tried to straighten
her legs but Johnny was putting too much pressure on them to allow that.
She pulled her mouth from my cock. "Noooooo! Oh no not there. Jim make him
stop. She'd never let me put in her ass. I wanted to see Johnny in her ass,
but also didn't want it. While I was vacillating, she moaned,

Johnny's dick slid into her ass and she screamed at him to stop, that it hurt.
Her pussy juice on his cock had well lubricated it, and pretty soon she stop
struggling and settled settled back down as Johnny's thrusts obviously began
to feel good. Her asshole was virgin no longer. I had a moment of regret that
I wasn't the first one in there, but the excitement of watching overcame it.
He began to massage her hard clit with his hand.
She had my dick back in her mouth, my hands on both tits, Johnny's 10 inch
dick in her ass, and his hand massaging her clit. The sensations were
"Oooohhhhh.... ooooohhhhhh..... ooooohhhhhhhh!"

I pulled my dick out of Janie's mouth and put my balls there so she could lick
them. She took each one into her mouth one at a time then both at the same
time. She then began to lick them. She reach around with her hands and began
massaging the cheeks of my ass and then to my surprise she spread my cheeks
and began licking my asshole. Her tongue swirled all around my sphincter. I
had never had that done to be before. We had both experienced something new
that night.

She then took my dick back into her mouth and began sucking hard again. We
soon all three came together. I shot my load in her mouth, Johnny in her ass.
Janie said it was the strongest orgasm she had ever had. We then settled into
a big pile in the center of the bed.
As I said earlier, Johnny had been my best friend for years and like a brother
and I had always wanted to share something special with him. Now I had done it
and I felt good.

This was only the beginning of Janie's education.
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