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Riots on Election Night

  • Thread startermissouri_hubby
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It's over and now it's time for a new generation to take over and try to fix the mess that the conservatives left us. Congratulations to everyone...it certainly means so much to so many, regardless of race.
cockbag said:
I didn't see him say anything racist. YOU assume he's racist because he obviously doesn't like Obama.

Voting for Obama or not just because he's black is racist.


That being said..when did I call him a racist?
It must be a terrible feeling to be so afraid of the black man and love him at the same time.

For those of you who always go around saying that black people are taking over the world: Let me explain it to you.

It's very hard for a black man to get his foot in the door. Organizations tend to set the bar unreasonably high for black people. The thing is that in every race, there are people that actually meet this high criteria; so what you are doing is selecting the best of the best and what else would the best do ut exceed beyound expectations...Tiger Woods for example.

So for those rednecks that this message is for, it's you who have elected the first black president and you who letonly the best black players into your sports. We don't want to take ove shit; we just want to live and support our family just like you.

missouri_hubby said:
Anyone willing to wager that there will be riots on election night?

I think it's a forgone conclusion that cities will burn if McCain wins, because the black population will feel they've once again been shafted by "Whitey" and they'll be out to take their revenge.

But I'm almost certain they'll riot even if Obama wins, because they'll be so happy they won't be able to contain themselves and they'll want to flex their newfound muscle. In addition, rednecks will burn the woods, enraged by the prospect of a Black president.

Either way, I'll be watching the news with a loaded gun close by.
well as some have said it is over now and it will be fun to see the backpeddleing that the dem's do and fun to point out the things that they fuck up as they now control the house and senate and the president let see the great changes they have talked about it will do them a lot of harm as they will have no one to blame it on going to be fun to hear them squeel about it being someone else's fault and than relise that they are the one that have the control and fucked up
well fuck, I guess I can't use the race card anymore
now why the hell would you come to this site? why not join a racial purity site where such rhetoric belongs????
missouri_hubby said:
Anyone willing to wager that there will be riots on election night?

I think it's a forgone conclusion that cities will burn if McCain wins, because the black population will feel they've once again been shafted by "Whitey" and they'll be out to take their revenge.

But I'm almost certain they'll riot even if Obama wins, because they'll be so happy they won't be able to contain themselves and they'll want to flex their newfound muscle. In addition, rednecks will burn the woods, enraged by the prospect of a Black president.

Either way, I'll be watching the news with a loaded gun close by.
missouri_hubby said:
Anyone willing to wager that there will be riots on election night?

I think it's a forgone conclusion that cities will burn if McCain wins, because the black population will feel they've once again been shafted by "Whitey" and they'll be out to take their revenge.

But I'm almost certain they'll riot even if Obama wins, because they'll be so happy they won't be able to contain themselves and they'll want to flex their newfound muscle. In addition, rednecks will burn the woods, enraged by the prospect of a Black president.

Either way, I'll be watching the news with a loaded gun close by.

Wow. Just. Wow.
fun50scpl said:
well as some have said it is over now and it will be fun to see the backpeddleing that the dem's do and fun to point out the things that they fuck up as they now control the house and senate and the president let see the great changes they have talked about it will do them a lot of harm as they will have no one to blame it on going to be fun to hear them squeel about it being someone else's fault and than relise that they are the one that have the control and fucked up

Kinda like the Republican's right now huh?:clap:

missouri_hubby said:
Anyone willing to wager that there will be riots on election night?

I think it's a forgone conclusion that cities will burn if McCain wins, because the black population will feel they've once again been shafted by "Whitey" and they'll be out to take their revenge.

But I'm almost certain they'll riot even if Obama wins, because they'll be so happy they won't be able to contain themselves and they'll want to flex their newfound muscle. In addition, rednecks will burn the woods, enraged by the prospect of a Black president.

Either way, I'll be watching the news with a loaded gun close by.

Guess that puts to bed any question of your cognitive and predictive abilities.

Oh well.
fun50scpl said:
well as some have said it is over now and it will be fun to see the backpeddleing that the dem's do and fun to point out the things that they fuck up as they now control the house and senate and the president let see the great changes they have talked about it will do them a lot of harm as they will have no one to blame it on going to be fun to hear them squeel about it being someone else's fault and than relise that they are the one that have the control and fucked up

I bet you're one of those guys that was shouting for 8 years that we should support our president in this time of war, bla bla bla.
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As a black man of quite a few years. I am awaiting the Destruction of United States. I can tell Obama had to have been a psych major cause he use a lot of brainwashing to wins this election. I am neither Republican nor Democrat so I watch this as it was . Change is an action doesn't mean good or bad. Change would have been brought about whether it was McCain or Obama.

This election did show how weak America has become now we are left to see what change will occur. Change mean some will be bad and some will be good but in all case not for everyone.

I do believe something should be done about the campaigning on commercial advertising
one candidate should not have that much overpowering of the airwave.

It takes 28 days to form a habit Obama blasted the airwaves for 29 days prior to election. As the education of the national slides below some 3rd world nation made it completely easy to manipulate the masses. As a black I know easy it is to get a a few hundred urban low/middle class people to follow you like zombies.

As a former criminal (never jailed) had a life altering event happen. I got tons of simple minded people to do my bidding. 28 days is all it takes. Now we had 4yrs to feel to effects.

Jan 20th begins the countdown to what ???.. Will there be a 2012 election?
yes some black people will riot. heck white people do it also. In both races we have some dumbasses. so see we are not that different. as a white man there are many white people I don't want to claim, I am sure as a black man there are many blacks you don't want to claim. Just remember most of us, black and white, are intelligent human beings. Just the stupid ones always get their 15 min. of fame on TV somewhere.

Just my 2 cents
Laine said:
Just curious, MO Hubby, what part of the state do you live in? I live in the city of St. Louis with my boyfriend, we're liberals, don't own any guns nor want them, and we feel perfectly safe. I don't remember it because I'm too young, but my boyfriend remembers the voters of Missouri voting down conceal and carry only to see that overturned by our legislature a few years later, a decision that was spearheaded by representatives from rural out-state counties that don't seem to have much population of the "evil" minorities whom they all are scared to death of. Ya really need to carry a gun to feel safe walking down the crime-infested streets of Kingdom City do ya? Or the AK-47 to go hunt deer? I'm all for someone owning a gun to defend their home, but no one needs to carry them around...especially those who live in rural areas and are the exact people who screamed the loudest about wanting it. As I said, I'm just curious as to where you live, for all I know you might live down the street from me.

If you live in St Louis you need not worry. I do not live anywhere near you. But you may be surprised to learn that I actually don't even own a gun. I am a proud shit-stirrer and I love invoking reactions from people over stupid things like politics. I find the responses mostly amusing, and although I admit I do occasionally become miffed when people show their true colors, I get over it quickly.

I have voted in every election since 1980, seen Republicans and Democrats both come and go, and nothing ever changes. I watched Jimmy Carter walk from the Capitol to the White House on national TV -- unheard of in that day -- and I remember selling soybeans on the day Reagan was inaugurated because the market absolutely exploded. I've seen them make every promise known to man to get elected... only to forget they ever made them the day after. If you think Mr Obama will effect the radical changes everyone thinks they want, think again. He's a politician. Period. I expect no great change. Tomorrow the troops will still be in Iraq and the economy will still be in the gutter.

Yes, I did vote McCain, but I honestly didn't expect him to win. My world didn't end last night; I see four years of pissing people off coming, and quite honestly, I'm ready. I haven't had such fun since Clinton was in office! The only thing I see remotely concerning is the fact that with the presidency and the congress both in the hands of Democrats, radicals like Nancy Polosi and Harry Reed have little restraint... although I also believe that if they go too far off base, true Democrats will reign them in. After all, the pendulum swings both ways, and there's another election coming.

I plan to taunt the Hell out of people in the coming months over this election, and I'm sure a lot of them will get pissed off. But it's all in fun. When the shit hits the fan and it's time to revolt we'll be Americans, not Republicans or Democrats, and I'll be right there with them. So if you'll excuse me I have some stuff to post that I'm sure will invoke a reaction, and I can hardly wait.
We FINALLY have the superior race as our President - elect.
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starved4blackc0ck said:
We FINALLY have the superior race as our President - elect.
Superior Race maybe Superior Man is a different case...I am speaking as a black man that would have rather we waited 4yrs then rush into a rash decision to put a unexperienced BLACK MAN to lead this national.

Race does not make you qualified
Laine said:
Ya really need to carry a gun to feel safe walking down the crime-infested streets of Kingdom City do ya? Or the AK-47 to go hunt deer? I'm all for someone owning a gun to defend their home, but no one needs to carry them around...especially those who live in rural areas and are the exact people who screamed the loudest about wanting it.

Yeah, well, I don't think you can carry as AK-47 even with a concealed carry permit. In fact I'm pretty sure of it. But I am curious why you're concerned. You do realize that applying for a permit entails extensive background checks, registration with the sheriff's office and, I'm pretty sure, gun safety classes. I'd be more afraid of the guy who isn't willing to do this! If they're not willing to go through the process, it's because there's something bad in their background. And unfortunately, those guys will carry whether we have a concealed carry law or not.

If you don't want to own or carry a gun... don't. I don't, and quite honestly, I don't know of anyone around here that does, except for first responders and perhaps a few others indirectly connected to law enforcement.
Just a little ditty that came to me as I was watching Obama's acceptance speech last night...

Sing to the tune of "Thriller"

(verse one)
It's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark
You turn on the TV, and see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it
He's beat McCain, you see the evil as he rolls his eyes
And you realize...

That it's Obama, Obama's night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
Yes it's Obama, Obama's night
You'll soon fight for your life inside this Obama drama tonight...

(verse two)
You hear the door slam and realize that freedom's on the run
You feel their cold hand as a Democratic cloud covers the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination
But all the while, you hear Polosi creeping up behind
You're paralyzed...

Cause it's Obama, Obama's night
There ain't no second chance cause Biden's standin' on his right
Yes it's Obama, Obama's night
You'll soon fight for your life inside this Obama drama tonight...

Your freedoms fall
As the Dems start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escaping the hands of the taxman this time
(their open wide)
This is the end of your life

(third verse)
They're out to get you, the demons sitting left side of the aisle
They will possess you, and stamp six-sixty-six on man woman and child
Now is the time, for Americans to huddle close together
Hold their feet to the fire, and watch their "change" evaporate like steam
They're not what they seem...

But it's Obama, Obama's night
And Sarah could have thrilled you more than Michelle ever might
Obama, Obama's night
In four years we'll be waiting when the sun rise will end this night...

(rap- should be done by someone that sounds like Vincent Price)
Darkness falls across the land
Inauguration Day is close at hand
Democrats crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'all's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
That disagrees and puts him down
Will disappear in dark of night
For Communism you must not fight.

The foulest stench is in the air
as Liberals gather from everywhere
Castro, Chavez, and Putin too
are closing in to seal your doom.
And as they coronate him as King
your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of OBAMA!

(maniacal laughter)
missouri_hubby said:
If you live in St Louis you need not worry. I do not live anywhere near you. But you may be surprised to learn that I actually don't even own a gun. I am a proud shit-stirrer and I love invoking reactions from people over stupid things like politics. I find the responses mostly amusing, and although I admit I do occasionally become miffed when people show their true colors, I get over it quickly.

I have voted in every election since 1980, seen Republicans and Democrats both come and go, and nothing ever changes. I watched Jimmy Carter walk from the Capitol to the White House on national TV -- unheard of in that day -- and I remember selling soybeans on the day Reagan was inaugurated because the market absolutely exploded. I've seen them make every promise known to man to get elected... only to forget they ever made them the day after. If you think Mr Obama will effect the radical changes everyone thinks they want, think again. He's a politician. Period. I expect no great change. Tomorrow the troops will still be in Iraq and the economy will still be in the gutter.

Yes, I did vote McCain, but I honestly didn't expect him to win. My world didn't end last night; I see four years of pissing people off coming, and quite honestly, I'm ready. I haven't had such fun since Clinton was in office! The only thing I see remotely concerning is the fact that with the presidency and the congress both in the hands of Democrats, radicals like Nancy Polosi and Harry Reed have little restraint... although I also believe that if they go too far off base, true Democrats will reign them in. After all, the pendulum swings both ways, and there's another election coming.

I plan to taunt the Hell out of people in the coming months over this election, and I'm sure a lot of them will get pissed off. But it's all in fun. When the shit hits the fan and it's time to revolt we'll be Americans, not Republicans or Democrats, and I'll be right there with them. So if you'll excuse me I have some stuff to post that I'm sure will invoke a reaction, and I can hardly wait.

LOL Comedians far and wide are lamenting the end of the W era since he and his administration were such easy targets due to the never-ending string of giant, retarded fuck-ups they've committed in the past eight years. :)

Now, we have a true statesman in office. For the first time in perhaps a generation. It is possible to make fun of anyone, but I promise you that the lunatic fringe of the Republican party won't have nearly the "material" to work with during Obama's tenure that the rest of America had in the past two terms.

Aside from jokes, however, is the fact that your fatalistic attitude is actually quite sad. Most of my Republican friends are relieved W is out of office and have been congratulatory about "my candidate" as well as outwardly hopeful that we can all get to work working together to make things better in this country. People with your attitude are just sad, bitter old men who would rather win than make this country a better place, who would rather die than ever admit you were wrong or that you might have any responsibility for making this country a better place. Hell, I voted for Bush in 2000 and gave him about 3 years into his first term before I realized his administration was one giant fuck-up. But most of us independents (or even those on the left) at least gave him a chance. It's just that he failed miserably, so miserably he changed the definition of miserable for Presidents.
sexycouple2011 said:
Now, we have a true statesman in office.

Perhaps. And when he solves some huge crisis with diplomacy, I'll give him that. According to Joe Biden, we should see the proof within six months. But right now he's a junior senator from Illinois that has accomplished virtually nothing. He made it to where he is because he's an eloquent talker and people are hungry for change. Not saying he doesn't have it in him... just saying he hasn't done it yet. But when I think "statesman," I think Winston Churchill. No comparison... yet.

BTW, I'm not nearly as big a fan of W as you presume. Oh yeah, congratulations on the win. Of course it didn't help our side had a tired old man who's heart wasn't in it and an airhead babe who sat on her best asset.
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