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On optimal cock size...

  • Thread starterCuster Laststand
  • Start date
these are the dildos my wife preferes because they most resemble her lovers cocks


  • little sissy.jpg
    little sissy.jpg
    58 KB · Views: 354
Yes, without a doubt, my wife, with a count 22 men since our wedding day, would agree. Her current main Bull is shorter than me ( cock wise ) but 30 % thicker and most importantly as hard as steel. While he can give her an average of 8 to 10 orgasms a session , on a really good day I might manage 2 or 3. But you must realize this is a woman who could cum 5 times on a hobby horse.
joey7890 said:
Yes, without a doubt, my wife, with a count 22 men since our wedding day, would agree. Her current main Bull is shorter than me ( cock wise ) but 30 % thicker and most importantly as hard as steel. While he can give her an average of 8 to 10 orgasms a session , on a really good day I might manage 2 or 3. But you must realize this is a woman who could cum 5 times on a hobby horse.

=============== - maker of lulz
Back to the original post, regarding the 2nd Gspot. If its nailing the cervix then I've done that with several ladies.

I am average just comes down to the positioning of the woman's torso/love canal. You can't spread it out like some positions do.
Scandalous social and sex survey.

Re’ The 2010 Scandalous social and sex survey.

I can understand how if this survey were available to a broader sampling of the female population, that the results would not be too much different.
Consider the pretty High School senior that marries the football JOCK. (not too unusual)
15-20 years and 2.5 kids later, She is still pretty, but her Jock is ‘Joe 6 pack’ Pre-diabetic shop worker. Tired every night and a ‘sot’ in bed. 15min. Tops. Nothing exciting for her. She is sexually frustrated.

She goes to work waitressing, ‘just to get out of the house’. She see’s that there are some good looking ‘real men’ out there.
Just give her that survey and see what answers she will choose!!

Cheers, Harry


Harry2614 said:
Re: The 2010 Scandalous social and sex survey.

I can understand how if this survey were available to a broader sampling of the female population, the results would [might?] not be too much different. ....

The wife goes to work waitressing, ‘just to get out of the house.’ She see’s there are some good looking ‘real men’ out there. Just give her that survey and see what answers she will choose!! Cheers, Harry

I'm inclined to agree with you.

Isn't that just where a percentage of our 'cuck' population come from?
It would be interesting to pool how our 'cucks' got to be cucks Could it be that many have good jobs, don't work out much, are 'out of shape' and don't care much about sex anymore (?)

Why do some but not all women cuckold their husbands? A proposed answer.


A question similar to yours was posed, in essence, by Son of John in one of his threads a while back. The subject line was, “Why do some women want to fuck men other than their husbands?” I proposed an answer that might be considered an hypothesis. Others may have proposed similar ideas, and for all I know it may have been proven (or disproven) elsewhere and/or published somewhere. If so, I don’t know who the others might be or where one might find it. In any case, since it has long since disappeared into the forum backlog I’ve reproduced it below, in edited form, on the chance it may be of interest to you and some other forum members. It is as follows.

Female sexuality, like essentially all other human characteristics, varies widely among individuals just as (for instance) athletic ability, musical talent, mathematical talent, outgoing vs. shy personality, and of course male sexuality, vary widely among individuals.

To see this in a simplified way, visualize female sexuality as distributed along a vertical line. At the lower end of the line are women who are asexual. They don't need it, they don't want it, and if they never have sex with another person their whole lives, that's fine with them. (Apparently there’s some evidence that roughly 1% of the population, female and male combined, may be in this cohort but that’s considered a weak statistic. See “asexual people” in Wikipedia.)

At the upper end of the line are women who are highly sexual. They need it, they want it, sex is always on or never far from their minds, they seek it constantly, and they find it successfully. Some prostitutes are in this catagory, as are (probably) the most sexually-active married cuckoldresses described — some by their cuckolds, others by themselves — in this forum. These women can be viewed as the sexual equivalent of talented athletes.

Between these extremes, female sexuality can be viewed as distributed along this vertical line. At the mid-point are women with average sexuality. Over a broad central segment are women with sexuality falling within the range average plus or minus 1 standard deviation. If the sexuality line is in the form of a bell-shaped curve — which may or may not be the case — average plus or minus one standard deviation would constitute about 68% of the female population. These are the women having more-or-less average sexuality. Above them are women with sexuality ranging from high to extremely high. Below them are women with sexuality ranging from low to extremely low.

Now, suppose a woman with high sexuality accepts a marriage proposal from a man with low sexuality. There are, of course, large numbers of such marriages. I suggest they might be called marriages with female-positive sexual offset. The woman may suspect or know this will be the case prior to marriage, from her pre-marital sexual experiences with her fiance.... but she accepts his proposal anyway, for any of the reasons other than sexual compatibility that form the basis of marriages.

At some point after marriage, the woman realizes she does not find her husband sexually satisfying for reasons that amount to her being a relatively more sexual women and him being a relatively less sexual man. Her situation can be considered roughly analogous to a talented varsity-level university basketball player (a woman, in this example) who marries then plays one-on-one basketball exclusively with a man whose basketball talents are, unfortunately, average or below-average. For the more talented player (the woman), it simply isn't very satisfying. In fact, it's probably quite boring — even though, off the court, they may be good friends who are compatible in other ways. The woman promised at the time of their marriage to play one-on-one basketball only with her husband, and he made the same promise to her, but after a while she begins playing one-on-one with other men having basketball talent comparable to her own. She finds this much more satisfying and at first does it secretly, but sooner or later her husband becomes aware of her extracurricular basketball. At first he feels crushed by this evidence of his basketball inadequacy, but recognizing he is incapable of satisfying his wife’s demands for high-end basketball he brings the subject up with her and, after a long conversation and many glasses of wine, convinces her it really is OK with him if she plays basketball with other men. She accepts what she now views, finally, as his generous offer, and their marriage continues on a much more satisfactory level.

Returning from basketball to sex and viewing it in terms of probability, a woman with high sexuality relative to her husband would be more likely to take a lover — and perhaps, over time, many lovers — thus making her husband her cuckold, than a woman married to a man whose position on the male-sexuality scale is similar to her position on the female-sexuality scale. The woman of the latter couple would, by hypothesis, be more likely to find her husband sexually satisfying over the long term; hence she would be less likely to take lovers.

There are, of course, also many marriages in which the man is more sexual than the woman. The man's situation in this case is essentially a mirror image of the above. Thinking again in terms of probability, such a man would be more likely to take a lover, and perhaps many lovers over time, than would be the case if his position on the male-sexuality scale were similar to his wife's position on the female-sexuality scale.

This is my proposed explanation for why some married women want to, and do, fuck men — in some cases many men — other than their husbands. The concept is simple and has the advantage of being symmetrical. That is, if “man” is substituted for “woman” and “husband” for “wife” (or vice-versa), above, the argument remains the same. Women are not treated as special cases. Also, it can be compared to the principle of Occam's razor, which is most commonly understood as: “Of several seemingly-acceptable explanations for a phenomenon, the simplest is preferable.” (From Wikipedia.) For simplicity, please note I’ve omitted the influences of cultural expectations which can range from important to very important in influencing the sexual behaviors of women and men.

For a deeper and much more fascinating answers to this question, see:

Baker, Robin, Ph.D. 1996. Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex. BasicBooks, 319 pp. (hardcover).


Ley, David J., 2009. “Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them.” Rowman and Littlefield, 291 pp. (hardcover).

I'm a cuckold because I always failed ot satisfy her

Harry2614 said:
Isn't that just where a percentage of our 'cuck' population come from?
It would be interesting to pool how our 'cucks' got to be cucks Could it be that many have good jobs, don't work out much, are 'out of shape' and don't care much about sex anymore (?)


In our case my wife cuckolded me from before we were married because she NEVER got any satifaction from my smaller than average cock and she made a decision early on in out relationship that she loved me enought o always want to be with me but that she woudl need to seek sexual satifaction from other lovers.

Through years of cheating, counselling, sexual therapy it boiled down to me beign too small and sexually inadequate for Julie and sex with me left her more frustrated than no sex at all with me. she admitted that she came often and easily with other men but that sex with me was alwasy a non event.

It took 10 years and special sexual therapy exercises for us to get to the point where I could manually stimlate her to orgasm, she has never cum with me giving her oral unless she's previously cum with someone else in a cuckold and of course the idea of her cumming with my cock inside her makes her laugh. She told the sexual therapist she didn't want or need me to arouse her before I entered her, she preferred to not be aroused as she could accommodate my small cock without being overly wet and that way she didn't feel cheated and frustrated after I came. That 99.9% of the time WE had sex, she just lay there waiting for me to cum and roll off.

The only compromise that we both could accept to stay married was that I had to give up penetrative sex with Julie and she in turn would occasionally allow me to be present while she cuckolded me. That the only time I would expect her to submit to oral sex was after a cuckold, although she could request it, if she so desired. I would never question her about the men she was seeing and would allow her to have them in our home without me being present and she could have brief vacations with them at our expense.

I don't know about other cuckoldresses on here but for Julie she fucks other men out of physical need and for sexual release. I know this isn't representative, just our actual life.

Thanks for your post, which brings out as an important cause of cuckolding married women feeling straight-out unsatisfied with their husbands due to their small cock sizes and/or, perhaps, a spectrum of other reasons, and see no prospect of that situation ever improving. Ergo, they fuck other men.

4julie said:
In our case my wife cuckolded me from before we were married because she NEVER got any satifaction from my smaller than average cock and she made a decision early on in our relationship that she loved me enough to always want to be with me but she would need to seek sexual satifaction from other lovers. ... etc ...

If I may ask:

When your wife could fuck as often as she liked (I imagine she could and did with some lovers, or with combinations of lovers), how many times per week did she fuck, typically?

When you could bring yourself to orgasm as often as you liked via masturbation and/or some combination of masturbation by yourself and manually bringing your wife to orgasm (between her trysts with lovers), how many times per week or per month did you do that, typically?

I hope this what you wanted to know Custer?

Custer Laststand said:

If I may ask:

When your wife could fuck as often as she liked (I imagine she could and did with some lovers, or with combinations of lovers), how many times per week did she fuck, typically?

When you could bring yourself to orgasm as often as you liked via masturbation and/or some combination of masturbation by yourself and manually bringing your wife to orgasm (between her trysts with lovers), how many times per week or per month did you do that, typically?


There were three stages in my cuckoldry so I’ll answer both of your areas of interest in the three stages:-
First stage was prior to marriage – from her 5 year diary I found out she was seeing her ex about once per week. She never allowed me to make her cum as she told me for the first 18 months she was still a virgin. We were engaged at 15 months and it was another 3 months before she had sex with me. I never saw her masturbate before we were married and she never allowed me to make her cum. I would typically masturbate after every date about 3 times a week.
Second stage was after we were married but I didn’t know I was a cuck. I was married for 5 years before I discovered her with my best friend. Later in counselling and sex therapy she admitted she had always cucked me from the first few weeks after we met right through to that point in time. She said she’d always had sex 4-5 times a month. Seems I made a mistake on our first date of taking my cock out and asking her to stroke it. She said she knew from that first date that I would never be able to satisfy her. During the first 5 years of marriage I was jerking off 3-4 times a week. A few times during those 5 years I tried to really excite her before having sex, in the end she would push my hand aside and finish herself off as I watched and jerked off, cumming over her. Other than a few sucks or licks while playing strip poker we never had oral sex and she would never let me go down on her before or after our sex.
For 5 years we struggled through me knowing I was a cuckold and by then Julie no longer tried to hide her cuckolding of me but also excluded me from her sex life. At 10 years married we started the counselling and then sex therapy. As part of that Julie had to teach me to make her cum and give me enough time to be successful in making her achieve orgasm. Once she was openly dating others she was dating about 5-6 times a month, every so often she’d pull an overnighter and I wouldn’t see her until she came home from work the next night. About 2-3 times a year she’d go away with a ‘friend’ for a vacation, sometimes it was a single woman for them to have fun, maybe in Vegas or at other times with a regular B/F. At this stage I was jerking off maybe once or twice a month, getting softer and softer and for quite a few years I could still cum but without a real erection, maybe a few seconds before I shot my load. I have suffered from ED all my life, one of the reasons I was still a virgin when I met Julie. A couple of times I got close to losing my virginity I ether shot my load before I got inside her or I lost my erection. I’ve only ever had successful sex with one other woman, a close friend of Julie’s who after a few minutes asked me to stop as she was getting nothing from it.
Wow! That's quite a history.
Obviously that is one reason for Cuckoldry. Lack of size and ED combined. Some would site one or the other, you have both.

I am wondering how many other reasons there are, for instance. Ed caused by Prostate cancer and subsequent radical prostatectomy. Diabetes or other debilitating conditions.

Cheers, Harry
Harry2614 said:
Wow! That's quite a history.
Obviously that is one reason for Cuckoldry. Lack of size and ED combined. Some would site one or the other, you have both.

I am wondering how many other reasons there are, for instance. Ed caused by Prostate cancer and subsequent radical prostatectomy. Diabetes or other debilitating conditions.

Cheers, Harry


sometimes no hardons is a result of being a simpering wimp
whose balls just ain't big enough ( metaphorically speaking )
Most women want a 15" cock to ride. Damn sluts!
Only one small ball

duke9555 said:

sometimes no hardons is a result of being a simpering wimp
whose balls just ain't big enough ( metaphorically speaking )

Most of my ED problems and my smaller than average cock size is due to me only having one small ball, it's about the size of a shelled almond. The other just feels like a little bit of thickening on the tube!
I have always produced less testosterone than is optimal for a healthy male.

I do have a friend who as a result of heart problems takes various medications which leaves him impotent and another who takes prostate medication that reduces his free testosterone giving him ED too.
I have that

sharky20 said:
Most women want a 15" cock to ride. Damn sluts!

I have a 1.5" cock will I do? Oops think there's no point in yours!
4julie said:
Most of my ED problems and my smaller than average cock size is due to me only having one small ball, it's about the size of a shelled almond. The other just feels like a little bit of thickening on the tube!
I have always produced less testosterone than is optimal for a healthy male.

I do have a friend who as a result of heart problems takes various medications which leaves him impotent and another who takes prostate medication that reduces his free testosterone giving him ED too.


for a nominal male your muliebrity quotient
is off the charts .........ab initio Julie meant to
use you play you and fuck around on you as she
instantly knew you were no real 'man' in the truest
sense of the word ....

i got married with full expectations
of being that real MAN ......but alas that was not to be
as my lady commenced to have dalliances with all
the guys she found that were more masculine than i
..she found a lot ..........and i soon discovered my skant
penis wasn't up to the task of male competition at the
highest levels ..........i was consigned to cuckoldness
and soon grew to revel in it ............ i am the very best of cucks
quite 'normal' appearing on the surface but scratch that
thin veneer and out pops a giant trembling cuck of the 1st
order ......fully capable of eating cream pies and quivering
at the booming voice of my wife's bull :(
4julie said:
I have a 1.5" cock will I do? Oops think there's no point in yours!

Youre woman will want your centimeter peter! Get out the tweezers and jerk it off.
sharky20 said:
Youre woman will want your centimeter peter! Get out the tweezers and jerk it off.


i wonder if sharky knows the pleasure he gives
us under-endowed cucky types?
The but even more so!

duke9555 said:

for a nominal male your muliebrity quotient
is off the charts .........ab initio Julie meant to
use you play you and fuck around on you as she
instantly knew you were no real 'man' in the truest
sense of the word ....

i got married with full expectations
of being that real MAN ......but alas that was not to be
as my lady commenced to have dalliances with all
the guys she found that were more masculine than i
..she found a lot ..........and i soon discovered my skant
penis wasn't up to the task of male competition at the
highest levels ..........i was consigned to cuckoldness
and soon grew to revel in it ............ i am the very best of cucks
quite 'normal' appearing on the surface but scratch that
thin veneer and out pops a giant trembling cuck of the 1st
order ......fully capable of eating cream pies and quivering
at the booming voice of my wife's bull :(

Well I married thinking I was the ONE for her and was gutted 5 years later to see her fucked by my best friend, gutted even more to learn later that she came through fucking with most guys but never with me and she wiped the floor with me by telling me in front of another woman (our sex therapist) that 99.9% of th etime I was between her legs she just wanted me to cum asap and roll off.

Scratch the surface of this ex jock and you have this big alpha male with a very small dick who is more of a pussy than what my wife has between her legs - but just like it - I get fucked very regulary!

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