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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #181
Normal Guy

Lot's of 'Normal' Guy's get involved with a woman he met at work. Guy's that started a marriage, had children, then hit a plateau in their sex life at home. He meets a woman who says sex at home is no longer exciting, or her husband has an erection problem etc. and an affair begins. Happens all the time! true, It don't usually last a year, more often it transitions after 6-12 months to divorce and a marriage to the new partner.

What we don't have the privilege to read here, is what Sue really thinks about all this. Steve does the best he can at relaying her thoughts, while making it interesting reading on a 'Cuckold site'. But Steve admits that after nearly 2 years, he don't know what Sue wants him to tell Frank, so there are some things he still don't know about his wife, and when he thinks he knows, she moves the goal posts. [Welcome to marriage, Steve]

We don't know how 'enticing' Sue can be to a man she meets at a party, or at work, or at a seminar. But we have a good idea, because she is very successful. How many times has she 'struck out' ? We don't know. We do know that when she wants a man, she finds him, and keeps his interest, long term.

Although most of us agree that Sue is a 'submissive', she may not be looking for a dominate man right now. (if she was, she would go to the sites that provide) She found Brad at work. She found Don at work. Now she is looking again, 'at work', but a little more on the 'wild side'.

From all that I have read, It appears to me that Sue would be delighted to find a man a little more "possessive" than Brad, but less "egotistical" than Don. A man that clearly lets her know that he, WANTS HER, but doesn't obsess at, CONTROLLING HER.

IMHO, Harry
  • #182
Harry2614 said:
Lot's of 'Normal' Guy's get involved with a woman he met at work. Guy's that started a marriage, had children, then hit a plateau in their sex life at home. He meets a woman who says sex at home is no longer exciting, or her husband has an erection problem etc. and an affair begins. Happens all the time! true, It don't usually last a year, more often it transitions after 6-12 months to divorce and a marriage to the new partner.

What we don't have the privilege to read here, is what Sue thinks about all this. Steve does the best he can at portraying her thoughts, while making it interesting reading on a 'Cuckold site'. But Steve admits that after nearly 2 years, he don't know what Sue wants him to tell Frank, so there are some things he still don't know about his wife, and when he thinks he knows, she moves the goal posts. [Welcome to marriage, Steve]

We don't know how 'enticing' Sue can be to a man she meets at a party, or at work, or at a seminar. But we have a good idea, because she is very successful. How many times has she 'struck out' ? We don't know. We do know that when she wants a man, she finds him, and keeps him long term.

Although most of us agree that Sue is a 'submissive', she may not be looking for a dominate man right now. (if she was, she would go to the sites that provide) She found Brad at work. She found Don at work. Now she is looking again, 'at work', but a little more on the 'wild side'.

From all that I have read, It appears to me that Sue would be delighted to find a man a little more "possessive" than Brad, but less "egotistical" than Don. A man that definitely shows that he WANTS HER, but doesn't obsess at CONTROLLING HER.

IMHO, Harry

I don't disagree with one word You said Harry. Infact I would almost say its almost not normal to get involved with that woman "At Work". But when You add the word "Moral"???? I raise an eyebrow. As I understand "Moral". You will not be get involved with married women.

These Affairs go on for 6 months to a Year on average. Then the people move on. But 2 Years???? Like I said I gotta wonder about Frank. Is there anyone reading this that woudn't want a woman of their own? It just seems natural. Hell, sure I would still want My booty call with Sue. But I want My own Girlfriend.

Sue is looking for something at this point. Something that she is not getting from Frank. Sue is a Sub. Sub's have needs. Hers are not being met. So She is going to find someone who will meet those needs. More power to Her!!!! I would love to know whats She is thinking. We may all be very surprised.
  • #183
Calm down Will. I try my best to communicate with Steve and you keep interpreting it as an attack on your opinion. I think I understand by now that our life experiences may mean we rarely agree. That's why juries have 12 members. So that they can all look at the same facts and come with an agreed opinion after rational argument. I am not wrong just because you say so and visa versa. Chill.
  • #184
peakmb said:
Calm down Will. I try my best to communicate with Steve and you keep interpreting it as an attack on your opinion. I think I understand by now that our life experiences may mean we rarely agree. That's why juries have 12 members. So that they can all look at the same facts and come with an agreed opinion after rational argument. I am not wrong just because you say so and visa versa. Chill.


You like Dead U.S President Quote. Like Ronald Reagan Said
"There You Go Again"

All I did was ask for You to define two words You used. Nothing More.

I thought You didn't have to piss????
  • #185
Wow now Im depressed Quoting Reagan...the devil and creator of all that is evil...

Save me......:)
  • #186
Yeesh - not sure why you are all like oil and water but gotta suggest that you take your disagreements elsewhere - as to be honest, I'm tired of reading about them - sorry guys.

Anyway - the last day or two of postings have gotten me thinking about 2 things. Obviously is that I'd under-thought the conversation I am supposed to have with Frank and now I see that I need to truly know more of what Sue wants me to say to him - but also now that I see that I may need to be concerned about what his perceptions are of me. I hadn't truly looked at all sides of this.

But the other thing that I guess I need to start to be clearer on is what Sue wants and what she is thinking. You all gave her more credit than I did with possibly laying out her strategy/story with Robert. I'm not so much nervous or apprehensive - but I guess I need to accept that she may want things that - in the future - may or may not sync up with what's in my head.

I hadn't really thought all that much about her comment about my health - but now seeing where you all see that comment going - I am truly wondering just how shy and naive she may be - and whether she is truly putting things in place where she's thought out her future/story for him - and what that may mean for me.

I have to tell you all though - that she even MIGHT be thinking like this, so far ahead and so much in terms of putting things in place for what she may want - it's an awesome thing to experience. It's weird but I feel proud of her that she's able to even think like this now much less have sexual desires that she's plotting away about.

I guess we'll see what happens - but she won't be out with Robert again until maybe next Friday - unless she happens to see him around work (unlikely and she hasn't mentioned it).

Gotta run.
  • #187
With Conflict Comes Change And New Thoughts.
  • #188
dargirl said:
Wow now Im depressed Quoting Reagan...the devil and creator of all that is evil...

Save me......:)

Not My Proudest Moment.
  • #189

i was just thinking it is wedensday are you and sue going to play any games tonight.

also has told you if robert is a white guy are not.

well what ever you and sue do have fun.

keep us posted.
  • #190
Okay - so I did ask Sue a bunch of stuff - why and what she wants me to tell Frank, etc.

She was honest and said that she wasn't totally comfortable in trying to express her feelings to Frank. In essence she's not comfortable coming out and saying this sort of stuff to Frank - she's only just becoming comfortable with me. She also added that if she started to feel bad or sorry for him, that she didn't want to somehow "fall into bed" (as she put it) with him to ease the situation or emotions.

I guess I didn't totally think about how she feels - when she said that she was first getting okay with talking with me about it all, it made me realize that while she has sex with Frank and all that, that she still doesn't feel totally free with him as she does with me (rightly so). And she added that she thought if it came from me, that he would perhaps be more accepting of it and could use me as an excuse in his head rather than thinking that yet another woman has run off on him.

I ran this by Sue and she liked how it sounded in general. I told her that I was going to tell Frank that Sue is merely trying to find herself and trying to assuage her feelings of getting older what with menopause and all of that. I will tell him that while she still has feelings for him (and will add that she'd probably always sleep with him - she's just like that about guys she's liked/loved) - that she needs a bit more distance between them (him and her) as well as maybe a bit more time between them getting together.

It will be weird to talk to him though - and while I didn't say it to Sue, I am probably as uneasy about it as she is. It has been a while since it was just me and him hanging around talking so it'll be awkward but hopefully will be okay.

On the Robert-front - there's really been little talking this week thus far about him. She's being very coy about it all and playing down that he might be her next guy. What I do think is that she is going to want him to make the next/first move - it's more how she's described things that makes me think this. We have not talked at all about what she would be wanting in her next guy either. It's not that we won't talk - but there hasn't been a real opportunity yet this week, but there's also the lack of a "reason" to talk about it since we have plans for tomorrow evening. Other than this sort of stuff though, and aside of a bit of erotic teasing, we're moving more towards vanilla-ish sex for the time being. It's good though - not a complaint - very nice to truly make-love with my wife.

Not a whole lot more to share right now.
  • #191
SoonToBe said:
Okay - so I did ask Sue a bunch of stuff - why and what she wants me to tell Frank, etc.

She was honest and said that she wasn't totally comfortable in trying to express her feelings to Frank. In essence she's not comfortable coming out and saying this sort of stuff to Frank - she's only just becoming comfortable with me. She also added that if she started to feel bad or sorry for him, that she didn't want to somehow "fall into bed" (as she put it) with him to ease the situation or emotions.

I guess I didn't totally think about how she feels - when she said that she was first getting okay with talking with me about it all, it made me realize that while she has sex with Frank and all that, that she still doesn't feel totally free with him as she does with me (rightly so). And she added that she thought if it came from me, that he would perhaps be more accepting of it and could use me as an excuse in his head rather than thinking that yet another woman has run off on him.

I ran this by Sue and she liked how it sounded in general. I told her that I was going to tell Frank that Sue is merely trying to find herself and trying to assuage her feelings of getting older what with menopause and all of that. I will tell him that while she still has feelings for him (and will add that she'd probably always sleep with him - she's just like that about guys she's liked/loved) - that she needs a bit more distance between them (him and her) as well as maybe a bit more time between them getting together.

It will be weird to talk to him though - and while I didn't say it to Sue, I am probably as uneasy about it as she is. It has been a while since it was just me and him hanging around talking so it'll be awkward but hopefully will be okay.

You know I really believe nothing in life is free. I guess here is where You have to pay for Both Your's and Sue's Sexual Thrills. Looks like its all going on Your Credit Card. I do wish You Good Luck. Even though I think Frankie made out very well in this deal.
  • #192
Just to add something. You should send Sue some Flower Tomorrow. You will be a Hero in Her Eyes!!! :cool:
  • #193
SoonToBe said:
I have to tell you all though - that she even MIGHT be thinking like this, so far ahead and so much in terms of putting things in place for what she may want - it's an awesome thing to experience. It's weird but I feel proud of her that she's able to even think like this now much less have sexual desires that she's plotting away about.

I take it as a given that Sue not only MIGHT be thinking along those lines, but IS. Women always think these things through much further than men do. Our dicks get hard along the way, and we get distracted.
  • #195
First, on the annoying issue, I‘ll do my best. I try to address you and others answer.

On the talk, I still think you are in danger of being unclear with Frank. If you explain that Sue will be seeing less of him, whatever else you say, he will think you are reclaiming her from him. He won't fight you, he will probably thank you for the time he had. If you tell him you are both making space for a new stud he will have reassess his whole time with her. I'm sure he won't have that mental picture from what he knows so far. Either way, he will want to talk it though with Sue anyway but you will have started that process well. I would ask him what he plans to do now in any case. He needs to know its the start of moving on. That is definitely better coming from you.
  • #196
peakmb said:
. He needs to know its the start of moving on. That is definitely better coming from you.

You See Peak We Can Agree On Things!!!!

As far as what Sue is doing from here on out. It really none of His concern. Just as whatever an exlover of Mine is with, or doing. Even if We still get togeather once and awhile. Just a thought, but I think the more information You give Frank. You give Him a False impression that He is still close to Sue. Or closer than He rally is. You have to start holding Him at arms length. Otherwise he will try to worm his way back in. As far as he knows Sue is "Finding Herself".
  • #197

hope all went well at your daughters thing last night.

hope all is well with you and sue .

have not heard in awhile how is sues dad doing.

keep us posted.
  • #198
I betcha can't wait to see what she has in store for you two! Do you think it's more of a just a boyfriend thing for dating or does she seem to still have a thing for a dominant bull/ cuckold mentality? Remember when she was doing denial, keeping herself clean, enjoying seeing you waste your seed like in the stories; does she still read those stories? Is it still her fantasy to cuckold you or more just hotwife? Then that brings me to what do you want? Like others have indicated, once she finds a regular lover and doesn't need to punish herself by cutting back her sex, if she is setting things in motion, have you two had more discussion of longer term denial of penetration after your last period denial. I think you told her you would be okay with it, right?
  • #199
I'm sure you had a good weekend with Sue. Both of your thoughts must already be enhanced a little by what is to come and for the rest there is always love. I wonder though if, in the quiet moments, do you ever have doubts. Not that you still want to be a cuckold but that it will all end in Sue leaving you? Across the internet on all the cuckold sites, your situation seems rare, and precious. You could be like the gambler in the casino has bet on red four times and won every time. As you push your chip out onto the red square again do you not hesitate a little?
  • #200
Always thinking on the bright side.

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