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New feelings to deal with

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #241
Jaxunman said:
Given the chance, I would feel like a lottery winner if I were in Frank's shoes!!!!

Damm Strait!!!!!!!!
  • #242
did you and sue have fun after she got home from frank's and did he do her three again.
keep us posted
  • #243
I only have a few minutes while the coffee finishes brewing before I head off to work.

I didn't read all of the posts since yesterday in detail.

Briefly, yes, last night she did come home from Franks and we managed some alone time just after dinner as our daughter was busy already with homework.

I know it's Franks cum in her but it is incredibly erotic to experience my wife's pussy this way - I was definitely turned on but still "well drained" from Wednesday. Yesterday she knelt at the edge of the bed and I knelt on the floor behind her as I pulled her panties off. I wish I would have taken a picture - in that position, as I slid her panties down, her pussy seemed to stay open on it's own and my tongue was greeted with the warm stickyness that I expected.

I've been close enough at times that I know how they looked and how Frank was during their passion - I have no desire to interact with him or his cock - but it doesn't seem to phase either Sue or I that it is his semen in her. When I think about it that way - I do get a bit of uneasiness, but when I think of it as my experiencing some of what she had earlier, it's actually quite enjoyable.

What I did want to post was that after she'd orgasmed with me last night, as I cleaned up a bit in the bathroom I asked her casually and openly if she was going to see more of Frank now that she's had her new revelations. She answered as I returned with a washcloth for her to clean up with if she wanted. She said "no, nothings changed about Frank, I don't plan on seeing more of him". I didn't push it any further and when I came back in the room from putting the washcloth and towel back in the bathroom, Sue was pulling up her panties and looked over at me and said "you have to wait till tomorrow" in a calm tone of voice as if she was telling me the weather.

This morning she came out of the shower with the towel around her waist and shimmied panties up underneath. I watched as she pulled off the towel and she giggled and said "tonight...." and then she added "and remember, I have plans for you this weekend too".

So - now I'm sitting here about to head to work with a building hard-on thinking about what she might be planning.
  • #244
great post keep us posted about this weekend.

also i am glad sue is not going to see frank more now. do you think she is trying to keep him in check. becouse he may be in love with her.
  • #245
Steve, great to hear of your continuing adventure. Through the few photos you have shared and your way with words describing your experiences, everyone here, be it cuck, bull or average Joe is in lust with your awesome Sue! Is good that at least for the time being she is choosing to keep your new denial game between you. Of course, is always possible she could simply be saving herself up so she will be horny for Frank on the upcoming trip. There is no predicting what will happen if you handle the longer denial well and Sue's enjoyment if it continues to grow.

You haven't mentioned it as of late, but has your relationship with Frank taken a turn? Do you two still talk fairly often or does he mainly just communicate through Sue. I only ask since it has been quite a while since any threesome activity and since you have mentioned being invited to his place. Summer and having the kids around more I realize could have affected such plans too.

Any ideas what special plans Sue has in store for you this week-end?
  • #247

As far as I can remember you have always known in advance when your denial
period is going to end. What if it was open-ended, and completely up to Sue?
Would this increase the intensity of her denial? I could imagine the anxiety
level would increase quite a bit not knowing when (if ever) you were going
to get into her pants. Although being such a wonderful and considerate wife,
she would probably let you in her pants by Sunday at the latest. But there
would always be the chance that you would have to wait until the following
weekend :-O

It seems that you two are looking for ways to intensify the "play" from
time to time, and this might be a way to do it without significantly
lengthening the periods of denial. What do you think?

  • #248
well it is your last weekend with sue for awhile and she is hoplfuly going to give you one that you will not foget. for a long time to come.

so all i can say is i wish it was me and that said you have fun and keep us posted.
  • #249
Hey all - had some time while Sue's visiting with her dad. Things are always up in the air regarding where he will be in the future but for now, she's happy he's made good progress and that's certainly helping alleviate a lot of burden.

Our daughter has again conveniently made plans to stay at a friends house tomorrow night - so I'm unsure of what the plans for this evening are - hoping for a pleasant surprise when she gets home.

I guess I should answer the questions and thoughts since they clearly echo what is going on in my head. I will say that it still seems crazy that I want her to go with Frank like this. And to answer that question - I don't know that we're not okay with each other but, I guess, since Sue's become a bit more demanding with me, that it's put a little distance between Frank and I. I am sure it's my doing, I guess I do feel a little odd knowing what's happening between them and I think it's just easier to avoid it by avoiding him. In my head, it's one thing that he was fucking her, but now, she's shared some of what we're doing with him including her telling him about some of our denial-play.

Dana - I don't think Frank is in love with Sue. I don't see it. We've been away several times, alone and with family, and when we get back - I don't see any kind of urgency from either of them to rush back together. Maybe I'm naive but I would think there would be some increased desire - I know on my and Sue's part there sure is.

Hiki - I think I'd need to ease into this a bit more and see how I feel. I know we'd done things in the past where I'd waited two and I think even three weeks to have sex with her all the while she was seeing Don - but this time, it's different, she'll be away with him for part of the time. I want to see how it feels to know that. In a way - maybe it's what I need to experience to be sure I want her to take this kind of control. In the past - with Don - anytime other than when she went to the wedding with Frank - I've always had that knowledge that if I really needed to have sex with her, that I always felt she would. This time, for 5 days, if I have that need or desire I can't have her. It's crazy but I want to know that feeeling.

If it feels right to me to wait for her - if it gives me the feeling I want and the strange satisfaction I seem to need - then maybe, it might be something I would let go of and let her control. It's partly why her newfound interest in me not cumming in her scares me.

For Dana's earlier post's questions... I don't know what Sue expects from Frank on this trip. I don't think Frank will ever be the dominant type that Sue may truly desire, I just don't think he's that kind of guy. As others have said her, I think he's just a lucky guy - I'm not sure he's what we used to call cunt-hounds where he always needed to have a girlfriend - so it's not so surprising to me that he waits for her as she says he does. I'm quite sure that the weeks we're away, his right hand gets plenty of exercise - I just get that feeling, not bad or good but that he's content with what he's got and as he's said to me, he's going to enjoy it as long as it's working for both Sue and I. I have not yet suggested or asked her about her rings but I suspect she will leave them home again based on how she said it affected her ability to let go of things.

Anyway - I'm now going to go open a bottle of wine and find out when she'll be getting home.
  • #250
You know, the way your sex life continues in development, the more your tag here rings true. Soon To Be, remains true it seems. But what next ..

Just one small point, whilst I would hesitate to class my fellow followers as monkeys, sometimes the cap fits. If an infinite number of monkeys started typing, one of them would predict exactly your future over the next few weeks. It does seem a little strange though, that thoughts and suggestions here about not coming before the weekend away now seem to be on Sue's mind. Somehow, and it may be non verbal stuff on your part, Sue seems to be very wired into this thread. It's almost as if she is reading it, or Frank is. If only you could check his browsing history ... but then now he would have wiped it!

I've said it before, you are very lucky that you and Sue have traversed this path together, at the same pace, without drag. If I had any worries it is that up to now, you have been marginally leading developments even though doing so from a slightly submissive stand point. What is starting now is that Sue is starting to lead, carefully at first, but she has already defined where she sees herself going. I am sure you will follow but the dynamic will feel different - more angst for sure. Exciting but worrying at times too. You need to steel yourself for how you will communicate your wanting to apply the brakes if you feel the need. Especially when your mind may be clouded by longer term denial.

Sue was clear that she sees no future in more time for Frank. Logical, as she has already said that she doesn't think he can deliver the dominant role she requires from her lover from time to time. She has not said she wants less sex overall, yet she sees less for you. I think that leaves a vacancy. She might be filling it sooner than you think.

Soon To Be .. what?
  • #251
STEVE, I think PEAK may have given you a couple good points to ponder. I has been strange that Sue has followed your 'lead' so closely, and when she suggested a week 'denial' before she goes with Frank, It came from her not many days after, you told us that you were going to suggest the very same thing.

Compare what I posted on Sep. 4th: "Looks like Sue has a 'KINK' TOO. One that dates back to her early years. That of loving to leave the 'cum' from the men she fucks in her for the rest of the day, and NOW, for you to discover and 'clean it out'.
But, now it's a 'kink' with 'twist' in that, as much as she .Loves to have men's 'cum' in her, she also loves denying having your 'cum' in her 'sometimes', and prefers for you to "waste it" to her exceeding pleasure. Even that it makes her 'cum' to see that."

With what you wrote of Sue's thoughts on the 6th.

SoonToBe said:
I know I should have been speechless - but instead, I can't explain it but at that moment, I would have bared my soul to her - I just felt so safe from how she sounded that I simply said "Is it something YOU want?" and I emphasized the word 'you'. She smiled and moved up to give me a kiss, even to the point of holding my cheek as she did so (with the hand that had my cum on her fingers) and looked at me up close and said "Yes" and she kissed me again. When she pulled back she said again something to the effect of "... I'll never hurt you..." but she used some other word(s) and then she said "but it's something that I think I've been scared to accept that I'd want" she waited a second and she said "it's weird to be turned on by you not cumming in me". She kissed me again before I could say anything and then went back to collecting up my cum and like a second later she was saying "now open up and help me here" and she fed me a finger-full of cum.
"Kink" and "Weird" are very similar in meaning, Sue would not want to refer to herself as "kinky", weird would sound more acceptable.

I know there are other times that you (or someone else on this site) has speculated on an 'escalation' then, not much later, Sue is asking you, saying, "I don't want to hurt you" ... "I think it Would it 'turn you on' for me to do.....".

You have been writing on this site for 4 years now. Somewhere along the way, you lost your anonymity when your real name was mentioned. (I think it was in the "E Mail letter Sue wrote to you") If you have not been discovered by someone close, it would only be that they are not looking. You say that Sue is not one to spend a lot of time searching on the computer, but then You don't know what Frank and Sue do in their "Spare time" between fucking.
Cheers, Harry
  • #252
So if my calculations are correct you will not slide inside Sue for 20 days! From what I remember the is about twice as long as when she denied you with Don, correct? Obviously, she is expecting you to masturbate for her during this time, but since you aren't saving it up for Friday, do you think she/ you will just jerk off every night to keep your desire in check. Wouldn't that make Sue happy! Seeing you do that every night. How would you feel if she didnt drain you anymore on Wednesday's. Maybe you don't need that now?
  • #253
far i think you are right about the time. i guess we will wait and see what happen's.
keep us posted.

ps did sue turn you inside out this weekend or not.
  • #254
Well, it's been an awesome weekend - with our daughter gone for most of the day on Saturday and not returning till late yesterday afternoon Sue and I had the house to ourselves. We actually started getting into the weekend-mode on Friday evening when I was waiting out on our deck with a bottle of wine.

But before I go into more of the weekend and all of that, I did want to comment on Peak's posting. You observed that Sue seems to be following this thread - but the reality is more like this thread is following Sue's (and my) fun. So for the past, you can now see why I am and have long been thinking that my thoughts and desires are what Sue's been following and learning from. Learning about herself, me and mostly US.

Your comment that Sue is now taking the lead and the suggestions that I/we communicate - especially about applying the brakes is something I shall surely heed in the coming weeks.

I will openly admit that I am a bit scared and hesitant about what I may have unleashed in Sue - but at the same time, I still feel I love her and can trust her regarding "us". Whether she can (or will try) to mold/change Frank into someone who can be a bit more aggressive remains to be seen. But in this sense, I'm also happy/content that she isn't out looking for someone who would be more dominant with her - at least not yet.

One last thing - from what I've seen - Frank isn't married to his computer. If he were I'd expect to see/know-about more Email between him and Sue, etc. I suppose it's possible that he's found this thread and earlier ones - but then wouldn't his behavior maybe be a bit different around Sue? I mean if he knows what I'm wanting - wouldn't he be more likely to at least try to push Sue a bit more knowing that's what both she and I seem to want?

For Harry - the email address I've given out and used here inadvertently in the past is NOT my main Email address. I'm not sure Sue knows (or cares about) that address. And, I hate to burst any bubbles here - but as they used to say on an old TV show "names have been changed to protect the innocent".

Also - for Harry - Sue hasn't yet officially come out and told me that she is cutting me off next week. I'm not sure if I misstated that or mixed in some of my desires - she has teased and suggested it, but she hasn't yet come out with a definitive statement that as of xx/xx/xx I'll just have to wait for her. Even after this past weekend, she's remained a bit ambivalent about committing to a hard-stop date and has only said to me that she "wants to be horny for her trip".

What I can share is details from this weekend which - obviously - without our daughter at home - included quite a lot of sex (even for us) as well as a lot of open discussion. This time the discussions were mainly pushed by Sue and my immediate thoughts are that she is as cautious and even as hesitant as I am about all of this - and that she's far from certain about her desires, likes and dislikes.

As I'd mentioned, I was waiting for her - horny as hell - to get home on Friday. I'd already started my first glass when she arrived and seemed quite pleased to have our weekend start that way. Rather than focus on the small talk - suffice to say that the bottle of wine was soon gone and my horniness had erupted in my desire to drag Sue off to bed - but that wasn't to be. We did go upstairs - I observed while she got changed - only this time she stripped naked for me before pulling on some new panties and then just a pair of jeans and a top. Her stiff nipples couldn't hide that she was horny.

We talked briefly about other things while we had some dinner and it wasn't until about 9:30pm that I was able to get her back up to the bedroom with no expectations of interruptions. I teased her asking her "so what's up for the weekend" and she just smiled and said that "you'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out". After the deep kiss that followed, she revealed that "we can have a quickie tonight - but tomorrow will be a long-ie". With our daughter engrossed in both a combination of homework and Facebook, we knew we had some alone time. As we started Sue looked at me and asked/reminded me that she was hoping for a quickie - to alleviate my desires but not totally satisfy either of us - so it didn't surprise me much when she put the lubricant on the headboard and suggested I use some so we can "get started". I still had images of her at the edge of the bed and I asked her if she'd mind if we started there again. She giggled and said "ok" and that was basically the last time we spoke clearly for the next hour or so. She jokingly asked me if I missed "tasting Frank in me" as I licked and ate her pussy.

I was pleasantly surprised when she responded VERY quickly to my attention and her pussy became quite wet. I joked with her about whether she'd "already had a quickie" and she laughed back and said that she was probably still wet from the night before! Nonetheless, the wine and the work-week (why do the short-weeks at work always take so much more out of you?) were both having their effects on both of us such that within just a few minutes (and some lubricant to be sure) I was pushing my way into her pussy with my cock. She was very responsive and I knew that we both wanted this to be quick so I didn't waste too much time. When I felt her own orgasm beginning, I re-doubled my own efforts and I actually found myself lost in the thought of Frank having been in her just the night before. When I felt her begin to climax, my own desires also peaked and my own orgasm kept hers going for a few moments longer - ending with her wrapping her arms and legs around me as we ground away through the ends of both or our passion. All the while she kept teasing and saying "save some of me for tomorrow night you know...." - when we were finally done and I was laying there on top of her with my cock still buried in her I managed to finally ask her "how about you? did you save anything for tomorrow?" She giggled and said she'd always be horny for me. She hadn't coughed or laughed or anything and as I pulled myself away from her my cock hadn't yet totally deflated and she actually lay there holding her legs back and let me gently continue to fuck her now wet and cum-filled pussy. I would say that I even felt my cock start to grow and throb again and she looked up at me and said "if you get me started up again you're just going to have to take care of me" - it felt awesome fucking her wet/open pussy but I also knew in the back of my mind that she had something planned for Saturday so I didn't push to get my cock back up to full hardness or to try to go for 2nds.

As I've said - she's become very open about her sexuality now and after I pulled out of her pussy - she had no qualms about just lying there like that - totally naked - legs spread - pussy also spread and now dribbling my cum out of it. She seemed totally comfortable like that and I have to say, I loved looking at her afterwards.

It had been pretty quick so there hadn't been all that much time for sexy talk, teasing, etc. Afterwards we sort of just lay there holding hands until we heard some noises downstairs and that broke our post-fuck mood. We yelled out for our daughter to see what was going on and she said she'd broken something in the kitchen (a bottle of something ) and was working on cleaning it up. Sue quickly pulled on her night-t-shirt and a threw on a robe over it to go help clean up in the kitchen. When I went down a few minutes later I was greeted by Sue on her hands and knees looking for any more broken glass. Our daughter was on the other side of the room doing the same. I had to say a loud "ahem" as I walked into the room because from where I was, when I knelt down to try to help, Sue's pussy was totally visible and some of my sperm was starting to run out. Sue turned to look at me - saw my facial expression - and then stood up quickly and said "I'll be right back". When she came back a moment later, she'd put on panties, much to my chagrin.

Once the kitchen was cleaned up and our daughter chastised a bit for being so careless - we headed back up to the bedroom, but by then, the mood had been broken and we both lay down and watched whatever we could find on TV. Mentally I said to myself that we need to get our daughter out of the house the next day so that we would have no interruptions of any sort....
  • #255
great update can't wait to hear about all the reat of the weekend you and sue had.
keep us posted.
  • #256
So - as I've said, perhaps our daughter is more in-tune than we think at times to mom and dad's sexual needs. Come Saturday morning, Sue and I had been up for no longer than an hour or so did our daughter come bounding into the room to announce she's going over her friend Stephanie's house for the day and to stay through the night. She was going to be picked up just before noon and not be back till perhaps dinner-time on Sunday! As we both told her to go and have a good time, when she left the room, Sue had this grin on her face and I asked her "you knew?".

I was busy in the garage when my daughter came out of the house with her overnight bag and said goodbye to me. I reminded her to call or text us and let us know she's okay and what time to expect her on Sunday - she laughed and said "mom just said the same thing".

And here's where our weekend began - I put away the stuff I was working on and closed the garage door. When I went upstairs to find Sue - I found her sitting in the living room reading a magazine having a cup of coffee. It would have been nothing to comment on but she was naked. She looked up at me, put the coffee and magazine down and then came up to me and said "I thought you might like to be 'my lover' for the weekend" and it took me a second to understood what she was doing - that she was going to do with me whatever she does with Frank - starting with her being naked. She said "we have all weekend, lets get comfortable and then sexy...." and a second later she said "you ought to go get comfy yourself...". It was sooo sexy seeing her standing there naked talking to me so openly and comfortably.

I will say that as I was getting changed in the bedroom the reality was that not only was I going to get to her lover, but also that I was going to get to experience her openness that she shared with Frank. It took me a second to get used to this. I know I consciously decided to not think about the things that gave me a queasy feeling and to instead focus on how hot she'd looked and I pulled on my boxers and a clean shirt and went back downstairs. I have to say, it was a wild feeling as I walked down the hallway and I could see her sitting there naked on the couch as if it was the most normal thing. I felt very powerful being dressed (if you call it that) and seeing her sitting there knowing she was waiting for me.

I came down the steps and she put the magazine down and patted the couch and asked me to sit next to her. As I sat there I looked at her and she said "you can touch me - I'm yours today... and tomorrow....".

I kissed her and she didn't resist - instead she went along with anything and everything I did. It was crazy - I asked her if this was truly how she was with Frank and she said quietly "yes". I wanted to test her to see if she meant it so I did something that she normally wouldn't like - she likes a little build up - but this time I knelt on the floor in front of her on the couch and without any warning I took her coffee cup and put it on the end-table - then I just pulled her butt to the edge of the couch and I leaned in, spread her pussy and started to lick away. Normally if I'd just dive into her pussy, she'd be a bit taken aback with her typically liking a bit of foreplay of some sort! But not this time - she took a deep breath and actually pulled her legs back for me.

I guess what struck me most is that it almost seemed like she was going to be my "slave" - we'd long played these kinds of games when the kids were younger and were in bed earlier where I'd be the master and she'd be the slave. Indeed, I even suspect most of her demeanor both with me and with Frank (and the others) started back then - back then, as master, I'd always insisted she not wear panties and that when she would sit or lie down when we were together, that her pussy was to be visible and, if possible, spread for me. It actually turned me on a lot to see that this had all connected with her way back when - and certainly led to (and helped) where we are today.

She told me that she was "all mine" sexually and then teased me several times saying this is how she behaves with all of her lovers.

I can't tell you everything that went on as it wasn't so much individual acts as more the entire journey but after I knew she was quite worked up (evidenced by how her pussy was wet and seemingly swollen) she took her turn to suck me to hardness. She looked up at me and said I could cum in her mouth if I wanted. I told her no, that by the time I was going to cum, that she would be begging for it to be in her pussy.

It took a little bit for us to fully immerse in our roles. Me more than her for sure. But soon, I found the line she wanted to follow - not quite my slave-girl as she still wanted pleasure - but perhaps 'slutty' would be more appropriate. At one point I sat on the couch and stroked my cock to fullness - I applied some lubricant to it and I called her over and told her to climb onto me reverse-cowgirl position with her back to me. It was so erotic seeing her hold and guide my cock into her waiting pussy - even more so to feel her fuck herself on me almost to the point of cumming.

We played like that for a while - and eventually it did lead to her begging me to finally make her cum. That was another "rule" I'd introduced long ago that still seemed to apply - that she was forbidden from masturbating unless I said okay - so when I pushed her off of me before she orgasmed, she squealed but acquiesced and the look in her eyes grew deeper and deeper. Somehow we made it through dinner - I was getting hornier and hornier seeing her prancing around naked for so long - and from being quite the exhibitionist too!

It was dark out Saturday night - it had rained a little bit and then stopped but it was overcast and dark. About 9:30pm I told her to come to the sliding door off our den out to our backyard with the excuse to "look at the moonlight through the clouds". She tried to look but couldn't see anything so I simply told her "lets go outside". I know she's gone out on Franks balcony at night naked with him and I know that at points in time with the other guys that she's done similar - and long ago I think I even posted here how during a slave-night I paraded her into the backyard and left her there naked. So Saturday wasn't a total surprise for her - but it has been a long time since I made her do such a thing.

I still hadn't cum yet and I planned to remedy that. I told her to lie in our lounge chair and to look up at the clouds hiding the moon and to relax. I think she knew what was happening as I went down on her as she lay there. She started to push me off until I was a bit more forceful and pushed her legs back and again went down on her. It was quiet with no neighbors around so she didn't quite have to worry. When I knew I had her wet enough her eyes grew wide as I slid off my boxers and went to mount her. I think she might have said no if I wasn't "her lover" - but at that moment we were both caught up in the game that she didn't flinch at all and instead, held herself there and allowed me to push right into her. She closed her eyes and her head sort of rolled back and forth as I rode her. All the teasing and all of the preliminary fucking had gotten to me and as we went at it on the lounge chair, she pulled her knees back and looked up at me and said "fuck me". With no further encouragement needed - I started to slam into her harder and harder until I finally let loose with a long-overdue load of cum. She squealed out loud - loud enough that neighbors could easily hear if their windows were open - as she felt me cum in her and that triggered her own long overdue orgasm. The arms on the lounge chair kept us both in place and prevented us from rolling right off the lounge. She immediately put her fingers in her mouth after the first squeal as her own climax followed and lasted well past when my own ended. Again, at the end she lay there spread and let me continue to fuck her as long as my cock stayed hard enough to do so.

When I finally pulled free of her she just lay there. It took me a moment to realize that this is how she is when she's with Frank. Not only had she been naked for hours now, but she just seemed so comfortable laying there without a care in the world including without caring about the dribble of cum that had run out of her pussy and down her ass. We both started laughing and as I stood up she sat up on the lounge and said "come here". I didn't even realize what she was doing until she sucked my softened cock into her mouth and licked all around the base of it to clean me off.
  • #257
Now, I don't know if she did all of this as a tease to me to 'show me' what she does and how she is with Frank or if she did it to truly give me my turn and time with her - or, more appropriately, a combination of both. But as she sucked my cock clean, I realized that she's probably now done this exact same thing with Frank, by now, probably hundreds of times. Feeling her suck out the last of my cum while thinking about that started to make me hard again and she even giggled and looked up at me and said "Frank is like this too - sometimes this gets him hard again" so matter-of-factly. I pulled out of her mouth and said that we should go back in and up to the bedroom. Again, she surprised me by just standing up and walking back inside. From behind her on the steps I could see the dribble of my cum from her inflamed pussy grow more and more. When we got into the bedroom - again, where she probably by now would have reached for the washcloth to clean up, she now just lay back on the bed and looked up at me and said "want more?".

I smiled at her and immediately took the opportunity to push back into her - my own sloppy-seconds! As I started to get into it I decided to push things a bit and I pulled out of her. She had a look of disappointment for a second until I got her dildo out and told her that I wanted to watch and joked with her that I wanted sloppy-thirds!

She remained naked with me through Sunday afternoon - including us falling asleep together after our last-fuck Saturday night and waking Sunday morning with a shared-shower followed by more fun. I managed to cum in her twice again yesterday giving a total of 5 times in her between Friday night and Sunday night and today I'm still quite satisfied as well a quite content in what we shared over the weekend. I know she played it up mostly as she would with Frank, but I also know that the post-fuck closeness and the way we felt together at night together included a realm of emotions and feelings that she assures me are not shared with Frank.

I"m going to break it here because it's a bit late now and I don't want to be interrupted when I start to post my next thoughts. In between the sex, we did spend a while with some pillow-talk including some conversations yesterday afternoon that I am still thinking out and sorting out in my head. She's promised me that this week we'll be together - and started out this morning without her worrying about panties. But she/we did talk about what will happen next week and the following. I'm okay with it but nervous nonetheless.
  • #258
Now Your seeing just what sharing your Wife is like with another man really means. This is how she feels and acts while she is with him. Is it unsettling your cuckold heart and soul a little?
  • #259
well said Will and we will see if it get's to steve or not. looking forward to read the rest of. your throught's
hope sue's dad is doing well to.
keep us posted on you weekend with sue as her lover.
  • #260
Will, I've known what sharing her means. And I know that she's taking steps that she's going to be taking alone without me. I think that's partly what I'm feeling, not that I'm sharing her but that she's wanting new things.

Don't get me wrong - I wanted this. Obviously some of what we talked about was the pink-elephant in the room, her new penchant for enjoying me not cumming in her. By the time our daughter returned Sunday evening, I was quite well satisfied and I was also quite sure that Sue was. She even commented tonight that she knows how I must feel on Thursdays as she had little desire for sex tonight right along with me.

I know I may put forth some aire of concern or uncertainty at times. I think it's good as it makes me question myself. But I am actually quite certain this time about her going with him. It sounds crazy but knowing she wants to go with him as opposed to her going with him - I know it's the same thing, but I know she really wants this. She's told me so now quite explicitly.

I guess I should frame the conversation a bit more. We'd actually been talking about it the whole time with Sue occasionally telling me I should enjoy her and at other times that I "might be waiting a little while for more". I looked at it as her teasing me much in the same vein as her other comments about how she was acting - and how she remained naked as much as possible - but I also know that she wasn't lying.

Now, I don't know if I'd said this here or just in a PM - I didn't go back and check, but we had already had the discussion about her leaving her rings home. It came up again and I reassured her that if she felt leaving them home would give her what she wanted that she should do it. She asked me again about them only this time she asked me what I wanted. I steeled up my courage and I told her that it turned me on that my wife would want to step out of her day-to-day life for a while. I am sure she's looking for reassurance when she asked me what I'm going to think seeing them and I simply told her that it'd make me think she wasn't mine till she put them back on.

Well, that was when she said that she felt sort of the same way and I was confused till she said "about you not cumming in me". I was still confused until she tried to explain how me not cumming in her did the same for her - turned her on to make her think and see that she's not mine when I don't cum in her. She held my hand and said that it turned her on to think about how she'll only be having sex with Frank for 2 weeks. I started to say something and she said "I promised you we'd have fun all of this week, but then, starting next week...." and she took a breath and held my hand tighter and said "starting next week, I want it to just be Frank till we get back".

I have to be honest with everyone here. It wasn't that she'd just said that she'd cut me off for 2 weeks - no - as weird and crazy as it sounds - it was the last part of what she said that turned me on "...till we get back.". I didn't tell her that specifically but I did give out a groan at the thought of it. I think she mistook it as a groan of dissatisfaction because she rolled over to me and said in a sexy voice "but it'll be worth your wait". I turned to her and kissed her and said she was crazy and she immediately said "so, are you okay with that or not?" she continued "I'm serious here, you said..." and I cut her off and said "if you want to hear it again, I am okay with it". She hugged me and kissed me again and when she felt the swelling in my pants, knowing how fucked-out we were, she didn't think I saw it but she had a smile on her face.

It's now after midnight and I am wired after tonights conversation. About 2 hours ago she turned the volume down on the TV in the bedroom and sat next to me and said "Are you still okay with all of this?", she paused and then said "After this past weekend? Knowing that's how I am with him - are you still okay with this?". I sat up and said "if you aren't sure of yourself then it's okay to say so" - she immediately said "that's not what I asked you" and I immediately responded "no, but it is what is equally important". She leaned over and held me tightly and said she felt very torn about everything. She looked at me straight on and said that the past few years have made her want to feel and do more and then she said "and I don't want to do anything that will hurt us".

I knew that an hour an a half ago, had I answered her concerns in one way, that she'd have canceled the trip in a heartbeat and perhaps even more. But I also knew that if I squashed this, that it may end the journey or at least derail it for a while. But what I also knew is that at that moment if I had to make a decision, I truly did and do want her to go.

I held her and I said that I will be okay and I even joked that "you made me wait longer sometimes when you were seeing Don". She countered immediately that she came home every night to me and that's what makes this different. She turned to me and said "you saw how I was with you this weekend - that IS how I will be with him". I held her again and I said "I know. You were beautiful". And with that reply I felt her breath out deeply and her breath slow down as she hugged me back. She kissed me and as she pulled away she looked at me and said "you want me to go, don't you?"., and before I could answer, she said "it's okay. I sort of get it." I smiled and I said that it seemed crazy but that after almost 30 years of us together, that this whole thing made me want her even more. And I openly told her that yeah, I will be going crazy the whole time, but that at the same time, just knowing what she'll be doing will equally turn me on. She giggled at how explicitly I worded it including that my right arm will be getting quite the workout and she teased back that she'll have to leave a bottle of lubricant home for me to use.

I held her hand tightly afterwards as we watched a little more TV. She rolled over towards me and said "I never dreamed I could have so much fun with you like this" and a second later she said in this angelic voice "I'll never hurt you, promise" and she gently kissed my cheek. I rolled over towards her for another kiss and as I did so she took my hand and pulled it under the covers and then under her night-shirt. I felt her pussy while we kissed and then she smiled, pulled my hand away and said "just a reminder that I'm not off limits this week" and then quickly added "well, tonight not included". When I sat there staring at the TV as she turned over to go to sleep she said "you can watch in the other room you know...." and as I started to get up she said something quietly that sounded like "... take care of yourself too ..." and she then moaned that I should "go and turn the lights out".

So here I am at 12:30 pouring out my thoughts. Yes, I'm scared. I'm scared that she's going to spend 5 days or just about with him alone. I think she did this weekend maybe as a test for me to see if I really want her to go? But I have to say - it's weird and crazy to say it - but I want to see how it feels to let her go and to know what she's going to be doing. And Frank - on one hand, I want to go to him and tell him to have a good time and to fuck her till she can't take it - but on the other hand - he's going to have my wife for 5 days - all of her - just the way I had her for the weekend - naked at times and openly sexual for him. I know I'm going to be miserable at times without her - as Will aptly states - knowing how she'll be with him. But I also know that even now as I finish typing this that my cock is throbbing at the thought of it.

And now, it's time to go relieve the tension before crawling into bed w/Sue.

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