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My first black experience (Pictures Included)

  • Thread starterAdventurousAngie
  • Start date
  • #101
Interracialicious Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Posts: 53

Angie here..New to the board and the lifestyle


Hello everyone! My name is Angie. This is my first post on here. Me and my husband are about to take on the interracial lifestyle. We have been talking about it for awhile and we are finally gonna go through with it. We live in Ft. Lauderdale. We are looking for black men that want to give us our first experience! We are looking for dark skinned black men with cock size bigger the better. We are hoping to have our first experience this weekend! Any advice to the veterans of this lifestyle?

Here are a few pictures of me and my husband. If you are interested and close to us please get in touch. Please dont waste our time with game players and fakes!! We will document our first experience and post pictures on here

Gee, I must be blind: I could have sworn I read she was actively seeking black men. Even went so far as to have the audacity to say "no fakes." Must have been a vain attempt to camoflauge their own lack of sincerity and realness.

And Pooch, your obtuse stance that this a life-altering experience for all white women and that they are so dramatically changed would be a great source of comedic relief if it weren't so obvious you believe it as a gospel fact for every white woman ever gone black. Do you really need your ego stroked so badly as to believe the self-perpetuated hype you and some other black men try to carry on? Even Mule and several other black men on this very site have said what a crock of shit that mentality is most of the time. If you're so desperate to believe it then go ahead but quit sticking it down the throats of folks who actually know better!

And fyi.......this poster is a man and a fake whether you want to believe it or not. Keep your head in the sand and keep hoping, praying and crossing your fingers that your dream slut really exists right here in this thread. She doesn't but you're to blind and stubborn to accept facts. Go right on deceiving yourself......
  • #102
That's a very plausible scenario if not for one thing: she's not legit!

And "Angie" has a digital camera (several of them in fact if we're to believe the photos) so I have a way to rectify this entire debate.

Seeing as how she's said no white man will ever fuck her again and that she's going black for more and more and more........the next time she indeed does have a bbc experience, her husband can take a photo of her with a black dick in one hand and a sign in the other saying, "fuck you pimp, you asshole!"

If she'd do that I would GLADLY come back into this thread and publicly apologize until I was blue in the face, relishing all the crow I would then have to eat.
  • #104
hey pimp....I have backed you before so don't come down too hard on me, but if you're so against this behaviour, why are you here? You have to believe that 90% of the people here are full of shit and this is a predominantly black/cuckold site where men get off on the idea of white women/wives being used by black men even if most will never experience it.

You have made some valid points but it seems that most people realy dont care if shes real or not, they just like what they see.
  • #106

Need not worry about lil pimpy! His posts are always negative and they show a pattern. He is full of envy knowing that he can never get any kind of decent woman and it eats him from the inside seeing another beautiful white woman like you going to the dark side!

He is a simple raciest bald white guy in the clothing of a geeky nerd!

Don't mind him and welcome to the dark side :jerry:
  • #108
Very, Very Real?

pimpology101 said:
See? I'm not an unreasonable man nor an asshole. Just one that keeps things very, very real.

You know, I used think you were okay but I now think that you are just one of them many people in this nation who have no "real" life experiences and someone who thinks they know it all. You have a, part the pun, black and white answer for everything. You see no gray on issues. You are the typical liberal asshole! A person who thinks they have life and beyond all figured out. Guess what asshole, you don't! I don't know if this woman is fake or not or that the cancer thing is fake or not and don't really care but your fucking constant judging of everything is more than annoying you little piece of Northern shit! You are probably some little skinny piece of shit with a big dick who thinks you are somebody! I've had shits bigger than you little yankee prickhead! Go to hell with your judgements on everything and erverybody! Who in the hell died and made you Lord of DC? You are a gnat! Get away from my ears, eyes and nose before I squash you asshole!
  • #109
You Speak For All?

pimpology101 said:
I should qualify my last post by saying this (before you misconstrue it and get defensive or upset); you are certainly attractive, we all can see that. The photos are arousing and we're all thankful, I'm sure, that you chose to share them with everyone because you didn't have to do that.

But my issue is this: the mentality that you belittle your husband (even if he's okay with it which I'm sure he must be) by calling him nothing more than a cuckold slave who won't ever get to have sex with you again, and that you "belong" to black men now, is just not something that I, or most self-respecting white men, appreciate. It implies an already disproven myth that black males are inherently better sexually than their white male counterparts and it derides your husband (and all white men) as inadequate.

I just never could understand, and still don't, why people just simply can't enjoy this activity for the mutual enhancement it could bring a marriage and a couple's sexual lives. The idea of superiority, ownership and white male bashing is ugly and unattractive. Just not to myself but a horde of others. That being said it is not my right to infringe upon your sexual practices nor would I want to. I'm merely stating a personal opinion that is shared by a great deal of others. I wish you nothing but happiness and future success in your interracial swinging pursuits. Just know that with a different mentality behind it you would greatly expand your "fan base."

I just love how you speak for all of us. Oh thank you great liberal piece of shit asshole that you are. Oh thank you from the rest of us who can not think or speak for ourselves. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU YANKEE PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!! You talk like you have been appointed to some position just like most liberal yankee pieces of shit! If the woman wants to express her opinion then let her you liberal piece of shit! Folks, take note of how a self proclaimed liberal speaks to people here. They look down on people as if they were superior. Fuck YOU asshole! She just had a different opinion on an issue and it bent your liberal ego asshole! I am white as well but if this is how she feels then it is okay. What's wrong Mr. Liberal asshole? It seems you can not TOLERATE different opinions. Go to hell you piece of fucking liberal shit! Go suck John Edwards's dick you fucking liberal! You are all contradiction just like what you preach, you know what I am talking about. FUCK YOU PRICK!
  • #110
First of all.........watchwife you matter less to me than do tits on a boar hog so I won't even deal with you.

Secondly, why would anyone put stock in a word Blackdud says seeing as how all he wants to do is stab a friend in the back over pussy (and fyi pal: I've walked over better looking pieces of ass than you've ever had just looking for a place to beat off).

And to answer you iexport........I guess I'm here for that 10% then who aren't just fanatical daydreamers and wishful thinkers. I'm here for the prospects of meeting people in real life, to occasionally enjoy real photos from real people and indulge my interest in bm/wf sex. Nothing more, nothing less.

And this site was never intended to be a haven for all kinds of fakes, cuckolds and wackos. I quote the statement from the Dark Cavern homepage: "Dedicated to lovers of interracial lust: specifically white wives with black lovers."

Anyone read the word cuckold, breeding, emasculation, sissification, black superiority, incest or anything other than the 12 words I see? I didn't think so!
  • #111
Uh, I need some more proof. Angie can you please post more pictures so I can make an informed decision about this raging controversy.Thanks.
  • #113
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
I just love how you speak for all of us. Oh thank you great liberal piece of shit asshole that you are. Oh thank you from the rest of us who can not think or speak for ourselves. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU YANKEE PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!! You talk like you have been appointed to some position just like most liberal yankee pieces of shit! If the woman wants to express her opinion then let her you liberal piece of shit! Folks, take note of how a self proclaimed liberal speaks to people here. They look down on people as if they were superior. Fuck YOU asshole! She just had a different opinion on an issue and it bent your liberal ego asshole! I am white as well but if this is how she feels then it is okay. What's wrong Mr. Liberal asshole? It seems you can not TOLERATE different opinions. Go to hell you piece of fucking liberal shit! Go suck John Edwards's dick you fucking liberal! You are all contradiction just like what you preach, you know what I am talking about. FUCK YOU PRICK!

I just walked into this one... you need to watch your fucking mouth about yankees. I'm from the north and I get offended when this word gets thrown around like this. Do you have to use this term? no. shut your mouth and leave this word out of it. Other than that, I notice about 90% of the (spineless) people here seem to misunderstand the Pimp. You need to read what he says and GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEADS before you post. Now, I didn't read ALL of this post, but what I read on the first page that Pimp wrote made sence... and of course... the weak minded had to blabber their two cents. Ok, I'm out.
  • #114
by the very nature if a whute wife taking a black lover a cuckold is born pimp. you should know that. if as you say you are here to enjoy this type of fetish, why not just appreciate the photos and leave it at that, if you spend all your time ferretting out the fakes here you'll forget why you are here in the first place. i dont waste my energy to determine whats fake or real, i just share with my wife the images and content that nake our situation a reality..real for us
  • #115
holy shit muffin...i thought the civil war was over....arent we all yankees now?
  • #116
Thanks For Proving My Point!

Shadowmuffin said:
I just walked into this one... you need to watch your fucking mouth about yankees. I'm from the north and I get offended when this word gets thrown around like this. Do you have to use this term? no. shut your mouth and leave this word out of it. Other than that, I notice about 90% of the (spineless) people here seem to misunderstand the Pimp. You need to read what he says and GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEADS before you post. Now, I didn't read ALL of this post, but what I read on the first page that Pimp wrote made sence... and of course... the weak minded had to blabber their two cents. Ok, I'm out.

First you Yankee bitch, what you do not know, no fault of your own. is that the great Pimp went off on me on another issue, calling me some southern hick and some small town idiot. So, you first need to realize that. So, so sorry to offend you using the word Yankee, HA! I did not know that word was on the same list as others. I guess you really get offensive each time the New York Yankees are said on ESPN. Please don't bring your little uneducated ass in here. By the way when spelling a word please spell it SENSE not sence. Guess they did not teach you that in your Yankee piece of shit school you were passed through, huh? So if Pimp will talk crap about where he thinks I am from then I will talk crap about you Yankees right Pimp? Spineless? My dear, I am so far from spineless. You need to go back to sleep in your little northern town and be a good little yankee dumbass okay?
  • #117
I detest the term cuckoldry simply because it, by the definition I have read, reads that a man "surrenders" sexual rights to his partner. I don't surrender anything nor do many of the husbands and boyfriends involved. They simply allow their wives the extra-marital pleasure of black cock and the black man the chance and privilege to have sex with his woman. Beyond that, the connotation of weakness, emasculation and sissification which have become common attributes of the "new" cuckold sicken me even further.
  • #118
Don't misconstrue facts, watchwife. I have called you many things (all of them appropriate) but none were used because of where you are from. You'd be a boil on the ass of humanity no matter the state you reside in.
  • #119
i agree with you 100% on that issue...i am by no means a sissy but if you really think about it there is an element of "surrendering" involved by simply allowing your wife to experience what you believe will make her happy. in a sense we are admitting that perhaps she will derive pleasure with another man and that in and of itsels is a bit weak...dont you think? I am of the belief that cuckoldry means different things to different people but the one theme that is constant is another man fucking your woman and that goes against everything a "man" is taught to accept.
  • #120
Well, well...

pimpology101 said:
I detest the term cuckoldry simply because it, by the definition I have read, reads that a man "surrenders" sexual rights to his partner. I don't surrender anything nor do many of the husbands and boyfriends involved. They simply allow their wives the extra-marital pleasure of black cock and the black man the chance and privilege to have sex with his woman. Beyond that, the connotation of weakness, emasculation and sissification which have become common attributes of the "new" cuckold sicken me even further.

I guess you have missed the boat on where this website is headed my little liberal piece of excrement. Look around dumbass!

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