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Journal Of A Journey - Book Two

Curt Bruch

Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Feb 24, 2016
Book Two

We've been talking more and much of what we've been discussing is exactly how to move forward while keeping her in her comfort zone.

To my relief, despite more time passing by, Suzanna's desires haven't changed. She admitted that she felt that she now truly wants to do this regardless of how long it may take for whatever events to happen.

She said that she still felt most comfortable if she could let Peter’s flirting maybe take a step further. From our experiences, that will probably be easier option. That is, rather than us wait for the sun and stars and the moon to be in perfect alignment so that a relative or complete stranger to sweep her off her feet.

Incidentally, this is very much the position we were in a few years ago after we'd visited 2 local swing-clubs. The ‘scene’ we found was very sexually stimulating but neither Suzanna nor I felt we could feel comfortable just ‘letting it happen’ there. After being at both clubs, we left feeling very hot and horny but also feeling that it was just too impersonal for our first times. There was one guy who seemed to catch her fancy at one of the clubs that even now, several years later, she will still bring him up and remind me of that night. If she had the experience from Boston under her belt back then I'm confident that she would have gone off with him at the club. But she didn't and we didn't.

I asked her again if she would be comfortable with sleeping with someone she works with. I told her that I thought she was fine about it 20+ years ago when I was that ‘guy’ at work (among others) but that I wasn't sure how she felt now so much later.

She said that she knew of a lot of other ‘fooling around’ that goes on between people who are even closer at work than she and Peter are (in terms of working together) and that she felt she'd be okay.

I told her that I did indeed remember Peter and that I thought he would be discrete enough to not be spreading it around about her or writing her number in the men’s’ room. She laughed at that.

We discussed other guys and she said to me honestly that since she's been back from Boston, that she's ‘had her eyes open’ and is surprised at how many guys she might actually be interested in once she stopped to look and think about them. Even caught the eye of guys in our local shops and other places she said and, as she put it, "I never even looked before".

Again, she said pretty clearly that she felt that with Peter, there was already a sort of spark that came from their playful banter and flirting. She said that now she's got her eyes open, that Peter may still represent (my interpretation) an easier way to start.

And that really is how we've felt all along, even from back when we checked out guys from the internet and checked out the swing-clubs. She and I both felt that those routes would have been easier and maybe even fun, if she (and I) already had some experience with all of this. I admitted that had she run off with that guy at the swing club years ago I wouldn't have run after them or try to interfere or stop it or to even be sure I wouldn't feel badly about it afterwards.

Even now, despite her fun in Boston and my confirmed lack of ill-will about it, I think she still needs more time and experience before we can be more cavalier about what we are considering doing and feel more comfortable about checking out other guys she/we don't know well.

Anyway, we're still moving ahead and I'm finding myself wishing spring and the warm weather would be here already so the whole ‘let’s go out after work’ stuff gets started.


She came home tonight and told me that the ‘opportunity’ may come this Friday. She said that the warm weather this week has encouraged a bunch of her work-mates to setup to go out for drinks and bar-food this Friday after work. I asked if Peter would be there and she smiled and said "yes" but she reminded me that he knows other people in her area. I asked her if she thought she might actually fuck him Friday and she said she wasn't sure it would go that far but that she planned on giving in to his teasing and flirting and that she hoped, if nothing else, that she might break the ice with at least some kissing.

So, who knows what will happen. All I told her was to have a good time and to take her time and not feel like she has to rush home if she doesn't want to.

I'm sort of on pins and needles now but I also don't want to push too much to talk about it; at least not just yet. Our daughter is just off to bed and our son will be saying his good-nights within the hour so that's when we may talk more.

Wish me luck with her on Friday. I know she's horny by how she was acting earlier. A part of me wants to say I have a headache or something as a way of saying no to her going tomorrow night. What am I thinking?!


Suzanna's busy downstairs but she's hinted about sex tonight and I’m sure we shall be talking about Friday; it's bound to mentioned in bed.

Last night we shared quite an interesting discussion. She brought up a mention of maybe just kissing Peter and perhaps not going much further than that. I listened and she continued by asking me how I felt about her having kissed Bill and now, maybe, Peter.

I wasn't sure what she was saying as I just never thought about it all that much. So she asked me if it upset me or if I was concerned about it. I still didn't get it and finally asked her what she was concerned about.

It turns out my wife has this interesting take on kissing, she believes her enjoyment of it is something that might be, to her, almost more personal and intimate than something more sexual.

I've seen her kiss other guys. As I said, we got pretty far one time with another guy. It turned me on like crazy and I remember thinking to myself, "what's the right answer here?". I finally just told her that it turned me on for her to be sensually kissing another guy. I think I just felt like it was better to just tell her. I told her that it turned me on to see her get excited as another guy kissed her.

She then shared with me that when we'd always talked about her with another guy, that she'd never thought much about anything other than how she'd be having sex with him; she'd never thought about kissing. She was actually worried that I wouldn't be okay about it.

Are all women this weird about all of this kind of stuff?

I finally just looked at her and told her that if she felt good about what she was doing that she should just go with it and not worry so much, that I just wanted her to have a great time. I then added something like I know that if she lets herself go that she doesn't have to worry about how I'll be as long as it's what she wanted to do at the time.


It was erotic last night watching her change for bed (she sleeps in just a long t-shirt) with me thinking that someone else could be seeing her like that tonight!

Anyway she did nuzzle up in bed which is her way of saying to me she wanted to mess around. I was nice about it. Although it was pretty late already and I said just that and then I added to it by telling her that if we didn't tonight, that she'd probably be more horny tonight when she's out.

She gave me that same giggle and told me I must really want her to be ‘naughty' to which I gave her a big smile and a hearty, "yeah".

I will say that she did put on some of her nicer undies this morning, certainly not the plain old boring white ones. Instead she put on a nice pair of high-cut light blue ones and a nice, very lacy bra, nothing too revealing but very sexy. I was quiet about my thoughts and simply told her she looked great.

The only bummer here is the horrible weather this evening; it may put a hold on her plans. She said she'd let me know if she was or wasn't going by about 4pm so I should know soon if she's going or not.


She called about 4:15 and said that she was going even if only a few people show up but she added that she wasn't sure that Peter was going to be there.

I told her to go and have a good time emphasizing that she hasn't been out after work in a while so she should just go and enjoy.

She had that same little giggle and said that she would and that she'd give me a call when she's on her way home later.

I couldn't resist it, I just told her that she DID NOT need to rush home at all. She giggled again and said that I should have fun with my imagination but then she added that I, "might want to wait till I get home.” That's her way of telling me that I shouldn't masturbate until later.

I didn't ask anything else I just told her to be safe and have fun.


She called and said she'd be home about 10ish. I asked her what, if anything, had happened and she only replied, “You'll have to wait till I get home to find out.” I was buoyant for a moment until she added, "I didn't fuck him if that's what you're thinking...". So I just asked if, she had fun and if ‘anything happened’. She gave me that giggle again and said I'd just have to wait.

She sounded really up and happy so I think she at least had some fun.


She came home horny as hell at about 10:15pm and within maybe 15 minutes we were naked in bed. It left no doubt that something had happened.

It wasn't until we were in the afterglow lying there that I said, "so, what happened?"

She played it a bit coy at first and then told me they'd gotten there about 5:45pm and there were actually quite a few people, men and women, that she worked with there. She said Peter didn't show till closer to 6:30pm and that she was all smiles when he got there. she said everything was just like any other after work get together until maybe about an hour later, about 8pm, when they started playing some music and dimmed the lights.

I loved the look in her eyes when she said that he'd asked her to dance a bit and she said he was very happy when she said yes! She said she played up her being a bit tipsy and played along with his flirting. At one point she said he said something about a bump-and-grind and she said she just said something like, "just say when" as they danced.

I asked her if he was surprised at her playfulness and that's when she said quietly, "well, I've been flirting back for a long time you know". Damn if that didn't get me hard a second time quickly.

Anyway, she said that they just danced and talked either alone or with her out there with some of her girlfriends doing line-dances or whatever until about 9pm when some of the crowd started to say they were going home.

Suzanna said she was going to be leaving about 9:15 and Peter immediately said that he'd walk her to her car. She turned to look at me and said, looking me right in the eyes, "when I got to the van, I turned and kissed him".

Damn, that look in her eyes said it all! She was ready to fuck him at that moment. I just could tell from how she said that to me, as if to tell me it WILL happen.

She said when he returned her kiss she opened the back doors of our minivan and they got in the back and closed the doors. She then told me how she felt like she was in high-school again making out in the backseat of a car in a parking lot.

I could tell from how she said it that she was horny.

She said she let him open her blouse and play with her tits and then she just said, "I would have let him go further but we saw people walking out towards us and we both sort of felt guilty.”

She reminded me how many people talked about the first night that she and I got together almost 25 years ago - also in the back-seat of a car - when we were fucking and how many had people commented on the rocking car and the steamed windows. I reminded her that the guys all slapped me on the back for finally getting back in the saddle after my divorce. She smiled at that and then went on to say she just wasn't ready to deal with that if it were to happen so they sort of stopped and lay low till the people went by. He took one last good feel of her tits, sucked on both nipples telling me he "kissed them goodnight" and then gave her such a passionate kiss that it left her literally WET! She almost never responds that way anymore so it was a definite turn-on to hear that.

It was then that was when she called me, about 9:45 or so, after he'd left. She said she straightened up as best as she could and then raced home to take her desires out on me! Lucky me!

I asked her then if it was a ‘done deal’ that she was going to fuck him sooner than later. She gave me that same giggle and nodded her head ‘yes’ I told her that I loved her, hugged her tightly and told her that I wanted her to have the best time she could.

I'm sure we're going to have one heck of a weekend! Seemed like a nice way to start a Mother’s Day weekend for her. I think I'll have flowers and a bottle of wine waiting for her later.

I keep waiting for this train to derail, it seems almost too easy or something for this to be happening like this. I won't say that there's not a part of me that is wondering how long she may have been interested in Peter but I think I'll wait to ask that question. I have to say that some of this seems almost too planned from her side but I certainly am not complaining.


A week later and she called me at work and said that she was going out with the same crew as last time and that she probably wouldn't be home till late.

I came home and our daughter was home from school and told me, "mommy came home, changed and left again". I asked her if she looked pretty for going out and my daughter said yes, and she described this tight sleeveless top and a pair of jeans as what she was wearing when she left.

I took the liberty to check the bathroom and her diaphragm is not there. She doesn't normally carry it in her pocketbook so I'm assuming she took it when she came home to change.

I think tonight may finally be the night she lets herself go.

We've talked on and off over the past few days/weeks and I've continued to encourage her and to emphasize that I want this to be fun for her and that seeing her having "fun" is what gets me turned on.


She Did It! Holy crap, she did it. I didn't hear from her all night until she texted about 11:30pm so that was about 6 hours after they'd all left work saying "On my way home now. Stay up for me."

I couldn't tell what that meant; did she or didn't she? I swear my cock was hard for the entire 20+ minutes until I saw the headlights in our driveway. From the moment she got out of the van I knew she'd fucked him. When you're with someone for 25+ years now you can look at them and know certain things (like I can usually tell when she's been masturbating; she just has this different way of moving and holding herself and how her face and body look more relaxed).

I almost ran down to the door but waited for her upstairs in our bedroom. A moment later she opened the door and I looked at her closely. From her hair, which looked like she'd been riding in a convertible for a while; to her bra-less breasts (it was sticking out of her pocketbook); to her tight jeans, she just had this look of being incredibly sexually aroused and very content about it. I can't explain it but I loved how she looked, almost like the smile she gets licking the last of the icing off the cake-knife.

What's beyond horny to describe how I felt at that moment. I took her in my arms and as we kissed I pulled her down onto the bed and we rolled around. I wasn't in the mood for a lot of foreplay and fortunately, neither was she as there was no resistance when I pulled up her top to ****** her breasts.

We still hadn't talked but I knew she'd fucked him. I knew from how her tits felt, taut just like, her upper body felt taut, like she'd been breathing heavily for a while. I kissed her neck and she tasted salty. I guessed from perspiring either from dancing in the bar or dancing with Peter somewhere else.

I licked down towards her tits and it just struck me that maybe not even 30 minutes earlier Peter was sucking on them and pawing them just as I was. That thought was like a jolt to me and as I licked and sucked at her myself I eagerly pulled down her jeans.

I wasn't at all surprised to find she hadn't put her panties on under her jeans and even less surprised that the crotch of her jeans was very damp, even a bit wet. I could not get them off her fast enough. I swear if I'd had a knife I would have cut them off her.

The moment I had them off I turned to kneel between her legs and all I could do was just stare for a second. It was as if time had stopped still as I gazed at my beautiful wife and the body that she'd just shared with another guy. I swear my cock felt as if it would burst as I thought of her lying naked like that with him where ever they'd been. But the sight between her legs was the ultimate for me.

I cannot explain it but seeing Peter's cum leaking out of Suzanna's pussy as she just lay back with her body up on her elbows. The sight of that was just my ultimate fantasy; I swear if I would have touched my cock or it would have rubbed on the bed I would have let loose without even touching it.

It wasn't creamy - I knew it wouldn't be - but just knowing Peter had cum inside her just fucking turned me on like nothing ever before. I was always confident that the sight would have that effect on me but the reality of that moment was just incredible.

You could tell she'd been fucked! Her whole pussy mound was reddened and everything was swollen, her clit; pussy-lips; the whole area! And, my god, when she'd breathed in deep it opened up a little and another dribble of wetness would appear. I must have stared like that for at least a minute or more until she made a noise and I finally looked up at her face to see her huge smile.

We still hadn't spoken other than groans and half-sentences but I honestly didn't care; at that moment I needed to be in her. It was almost like it wasn't a choice, I actually needed to be in her. I think I mumbled something like ‘my turn’ or something; she responded to with ‘mmmm hmmmm’, a definite yes!.

I didn't think about it but I squirted a bit of Astroglide on my rigid cock out of habit and then realized I probably didn't need it.

I will never forget the next 30 seconds or so. Feeling how hot her pussy felt as I slid the tip of my cock between her very swollen pussy lips. I rubbed it up to her clit and then pulled back and started out at the bottom again. This time though there was no hesitation, I pushed into her.

That is a feeling I will never forget. I slipped right into her and she just felt incredible. It immediately struck me that she felt now like how she normally does when we're done and, oh my god, I loved it and she knew it!

She looked at me with these wide open eyes and smiled and said something that sounded like ‘you weren't kidding’ but I was honestly too lost in the feeling of this warm wet velvet that I was slipping my cock in and out of.

A million thoughts ran through my head as I just let myself go wild thinking everything I ever could. All sorts of thoughts from stories and videos; it was incredible.

Perhaps it was just the intensity of the moment but even now, 24 hours later looking back, I will say that was probably the most mentally intense fuck I've ever had. As intense as it was mentally, as I looked down at our bodies meshed together at the moment I thought about Peter being in her as I was then, that was it for me, I let loose like a geyser. I think she felt it for it seemed to me that even her own eyes bulged out a bit as I shot my load inside her.

The next few minutes were lost to both of us for I think we both fell asleep for like a 5 minute catnap. The next thing I really remember is kissing Suzanna as she lay on top of me at an angle. I held her tight and kissed her back and whispered, "Thank you, you were incredible".

She gave me that giggle again and thanked me for staying ‘up’ and with a huge kiss and hug, she thanked me back for everything.

We lay there and I finally asked her if he was any good and what made her come home and change and what happened.

She said that one of her girlfriends at work called her and asked if she wanted to join the rest of the group for drinks again. She actually said no at first. Then she later thought about the possibility of Peter being there and decided to go.

I listened for more info as there was still something missing about what made her come home to change and get her diaphragm. She said that later in the afternoon she'd run into some people who heard that she was now coming and that was when she heard for sure that Peter was going.

She told me that it was the hardest moment in her life to decide to put her diaphragm in her pocketbook and take it with her along with the contraceptive jelly. She hadn’t given it a thought beforehand but after she changed and then looked at herself in the mirror she said she didn't think twice about it. When she saw how hot she looked she just told herself that it was obvious she wanted Peter, so why fight it?

I have to say I was getting hard again listening to her tell me this.

She said that after they'd been at the bar for a few hours that she said she was just feeling good about Peter and it was obvious to her that he wanted her and that, she said, was when she went to the bathroom and put in her diaphragm, ".. just in case".

She said that by about 10:45pm or so that she was going to start to say her goodbyes and that would include Peter but she saved him for last.

She looked at me and asked me again if I was sure I was okay with hearing all of this. All I could do was say "yes" over and over again. She continued, “That's when I asked him to walk me out to my car as it's dark out.”

Even now the next day I'm still surprised that she took the lead like that but I'm so glad she did.

She drives a mini-van and when they got to it, she said the driver’s door was facing away from the bar-entrance. He opened it for her and as she turned to get in he grabbed her, pulled her towards him and then kissed her deeply.

My cock was now at half-mast again.

She says that the next 30 minutes or so was a frenzy of back-seat sex like she said she hasn't had since she was a teenager. She said they got naked in the back of the van (it has tinted windows) and there wasn't anything they didn’t do or try. (Well, maybe there is one thing; she is NOT into anal-sex).

She sucked his cock and licked and held his balls. She said he licked her pussy and that he had a very talented tongue. Then she said she knew the big moment was approaching. She said she felt calm though and said once they were naked that she didn't feel any anxiety related to the circumstances. Actually she said that she almost felt the opposite, like she'd somehow let herself accept that at that moment it was her that wanted to have sex with him. It wasn't me wanting her to do it; at that moment she said she wanted to have sex with him for her own self.

She held me tightly and said that she hadn't let herself go that far in Boston with Bill; then she just couldn't let herself feel that wanton or whatever.

I told her that I was so glad that she did finally do it and that I was very proud of her for letting her finally accept that she has desires and things of her own that she wants to do, this being one of them.

I held her close and told her how it turned me on incredibly that she shared herself with Peter as she did and I even told her that it really turned me on that she'd let him cum inside her! I told her that I thought she might want to be more careful about that next time.


She’s been very horny and I do mean VERY horny.

We talked about everything last Saturday. She said that now she really felt okay about what she was doing. That there were no uncertainties like she'd felt in Boston. She said that Peter was in a very happy mood because his week-long vacation started. I hadn't even thought anything about Peter's circumstances; turns out he is married! It just never occurred to me. She said that he had said that this was the first time he'd ever gone this far with another woman although he had been married for years. This being the case we’re counting on him being discrete

I kind of questioned that but Suzanna said that he did seem to be quite hesitant once they got beyond the flirt-stage. That made me feel better as I don't think I'd yet expressed my concern about his health-status but if he's been married for a while and if Suzanna's his first new partner, well, I guess it's better.

Anyway, I asked her how she liked it seducing a younger guy. She said she loved it but then quickly added, "If you're okay, that is". I reminded her that as long as she was happy with it and that she and I were still good with each other that I was okay.

I can't say that we really talked too much more about it other than when we were messing around and she'd tell me little things like, "Peter kissed me there too," and, "He sucked my breasts like that". Damn, hearing that stuff gets me hot.

We did talk about birth-control and she said that Peter was cool with her using a diaphragm as he liked that far better than condoms. Personally I'd like her to go on the pill so I could go down on her afterwards; spermicide tastes just plain nasty! I remember joking with her asking if his wife made him use condoms with her.


I'm not sure what next week will bring. I asked Suzanna if she thought this was going to happen again or be anything more than a once in a blue-moon thing and she just said she hadn't really thought about it. That, for now, she was very satisfied and that sometimes, when you know you can have something whenever you want it, that you don't want it all the time, just when the mood strikes.

I have to say that it is still incredibly arousing to me to think about her with another man. Every time I’ve had sex with her since Boston and now (especially this week) if I just let my mind wander to imagine them together - I just go wild.

And she knows it....


My wife had finally fucked her friend from work. Suzanna's been literally on-fire since her romp with Peter. It's almost funny because she is now, in many ways, like she was when we first started together. It seems now that anytime I'm hard she's ready for me. I had found myself masturbating more in recent years as we fell into a husband/wife rhythm but now, actually ever since her first step over the line in Boston, she's simply always horny and seemingly, always ready.

She's been with Peter several times since that first time when she was very tentative about it as if she was scared or embarrassed to let me see her wanting sex with him. I was totally turned on by it and told her so many times in very certain terms.

I will never forget how I felt that next time she called me, maybe 2 weeks later, and asked if I'd be okay with her going out after work again. I asked if she'd be late but never asked about Peter. She said she didn't think she'd be home before midnight. I just told her to have a good time and have fun.

Since this all started the moment that I remember most from that night isn't when she came home from her ‘date’, no, it was when I got home from work and checked the drawer in the bathroom and saw that her diaphragm and jelly weren't there. That was the moment that really hit me, that she’d probably hoped to and planned she was truly going to fuck him and that she'd taken her protection with her to work that morning.

I don't recall the specifics right now but I do recall her coming home late and looking positively beautiful. The look in her eyes and just the way she seemed to carry herself. Feeling her wetness between her legs as we kissed; I just wanted to share that moment forever with her; only to be surpassed by the moment when we'd be in bed a few minutes later.

I can't find the words other than maybe pride at how I felt looking down at her naked body. Knowing Peter had just been in her and seeing his semen slowly dripping out of her. That was only surpassed by feeling her warm wetness as I entered her.

We talked a lot in the days after that and Suzanna said that she felt good about things and that while she may not understand why I feel as I do, she did say she'd try to stop questioning it and to try to just accept it.

She fucked Peter one more Friday after work 3 weeks ago but beforehand she came to ask me whether she needed to always check with me if she wanted to be with him. I was surprised by her asking but then the thought of her being spontaneous and perhaps wanting him just on a whim seemed to arouse me. She asked me again and I just said that she didn't have to necessarily tell me in advance but that she did have to promise to share with me in such a way that I could feel somehow a part of that moment, even afterwards.

I'm not sure what I meant by what I said but we haven't really talked that much about it. We've been off this week and she's been extremely fun to be with and very sexy so I'm not complaining.

Still, after writing this, I am now thinking that maybe I will ask her a bit more about just what she's thinking, if she's thinking anything at all. All I know is that I love the change in her and I love how open and responsive she is sexually. If this is the result of another guy fucking her 3 or 4 times then I'm sold on this.


I've been busy mainly because of work but also because of my Suzanna’s increasing requests to have some fun with Peter. Most of these rendezvous have been in the evening which puts me in the position of getting home earlier and getting dinner for our kids. They believe she's working on a big project at work which she is but it doesn't demand overtime or extra hours. No matter, for the time being it’s a good excuse.

In the past 3 weeks, skipping a few days for her period, she's been with him four times. The last two times she's let me know the night before that she'll be late the next day and that has added a new dimension that I'm getting used to. It's definitely something new to know as we're getting dressed in the morning what she'll be doing in the evening. I had a bit of angst the first time but this last time this past Tuesday, I found it actually to be very erotic. I didn't feel right asking her anything about it though, she just said that she was going to be late the next night and I didn't ask more.

She did once again ask me if I was going to be okay if she didn't tell me ahead of time that she was going to be with Peter. So I asked finally exactly what she meant by that and I was a little surprised when she said that before summer was over that she wanted to do it with him at lunch one day!

The reason I said not totally surprised is that when we first got together at work one of the things she always thought was fun was when we'd have sex during lunchtime and then we'd be back in the office for the rest of the afternoon. I think I'd remembered this in the back of my mind but never really thought it'd happen for her again until now.

I told her that I loved her and that I was really enjoying her newfound sexuality and especially the sex we were having afterwards, both right away as well as the days after. We talked for a while and I just told her that I wasn't threatened just as long as she kept it physical with him and didn't start falling for him. She looked at me dead in the eyes and told me she was just having fun, a LOT of fun.

How could I say anything? I have to say that I do believe her and I don't really think I'm all that worried, at least not right now. The look in her eye lately and the spring in her step just say to me that she's really enjoying herself and to be honest I like supporting her in that fun. She did add that afternoons would be easier for Peter so his wife doesn't get suspicious. That sort of made sense to me too.

I had always told her that it turned me on to know she's having sex with another guy. I still can't explain it but when I'm with her afterwards knowing Peter was in her just drives me wild with desire for her. She's even commented to me that she feels that my own lovemaking with her is even more physical now. The nights after she's been with Peter have been just electrifying for us; I can’t remember the two of us ever having better sex or seeming to be more in tune with each other. It's sort of weird that this is what's happened.

I'm now on tenterhooks waiting for when/if she goes for an ‘afternooner’. In the meanwhile, if she's not going to tell me in advance, I'll just have to keep checking the bathroom drawer where her diaphragm is; that should tell me what I want to know if she isn’t going let me know herself.


She just left for work and I’ve just checked the bathroom drawer and her diaphragm is missing.

Part of me wants to call her or text her; another part of me wants to give her the freedom to do what she wants. I just hope she shares with me tonight if she does do anything during the day.


As normal I called her at work about 11am and asked her what she was doing for lunch. She answered that she didn't have anything special planned and might just go out for a some fresh air as it's nice today.

I won't say she sounded any different than normal but I was trying to read into anything she said that might indicate anything.

I just tried her office at 1pm and she's not back yet. She's normally at lunch from 12 to 1 but usually comes back early. Not today.

So, I'm sitting here trying to not to think about her; think about if she's doing anything at all, that is.

I hope she'll be open and honest with me later tonight. It would be such a turn on for me if it's true that she's hooked up with him at lunch.

I honestly don't know where she'd go for a quickie during lunch. For all I know, Peter may live near work.


She was changed already by the time I got home from work. I quickly checked but there are no signs of anything on her work-clothes and no new panties in the hamper but the contraceptive cream is now back in the drawer as is the empty diaphragm case so there's only one place where the diaphragm can be!

I'm trying to be nice about everything and helped out with dinner to see if I can woo her later for sex but Monday night sex is definitely a rarity so I'm stuck trying to figure out what or how to ask her without making it seem like I'm spying on her when I really am. I know she'd feel weird knowing I was checking her diaphragm every day before work.

I am writing about it with a wicked hard-on and actually hoping she did it.


After her shower last night before bed miraculously the diaphragm re-appeared in its case in the bathroom drawer. It's there this morning too so I guess I’m left with my imagination until I get the time/place to bring it up with her.

Still, just knowing what she MAY have done yesterday is just amazing! I am like totally horny for her now and I think I actually love her even more for finally letting her do what she's wanted!


It’s Wednesday evening and Suzanna's hinted that she's ‘frisky’ tonight so maybe I'll hear something. She knows it's a turn-on for me when she talks to me a bit about her and Peter. She's not totally into the whole dirty-talk thing but at times she'll say things like, "Peter likes to lick me like that" and stuff like that. She knows that if we're fucking and she talks to me about Peter being in her that I get really aroused quickly and she knows if she talks too much I’ll cum pretty quickly. Usually she finds a nice mix that gets her and me off nicely.


I didn't have a chance to see or do anything with her on Monday night after my discovery of the missing diaphragm. However sex Wednesday night was incredible.

Watching her undress, knowing Peter's been seeing her that way too, she even commented on how ‘big’ I looked lying there on the bed gazing at her. I just couldn't hide how aroused I was. She gave me that giggle of hers again and I just told her that lately she was really turning me on. Then I added something to the effect of, "... knowing you've been with Peter really turns me on.”

She didn't take the bait right away but later as we kissed and I made my way down her body she did start to tease me. It was once we started fucking that the conversation ramped up a bit. I started it by asking her if she liked sex with Peter. She could feel me get harder and bigger when she said she did enjoy it and was happy that I'd gotten her started.

It was when we were in the heat of things that she began to initiate the talk. She just said a few things at first like, "...mmm Peter likes this position..." and other comments about how she likes his cock and how she likes to suck him too.

Between her talk and my brain going crazy thinking about a mid-day rendezvous between her and Peter, it was getting pretty intense. I asked her when she'd be seeing him again and that I wanted her afterwards. I don't recall everything we said but at one point when she told me that she really loved feeling him in her, damn, I nearly let loose. We changed positions and she really wrapped her legs around me and I felt her orgasming several times before she apparently was ready for us both to blow.

She started to tell me how the position we were in was Peter’s favourite and as she told me how much she liked to feel him as they both climaxed together. That was it, I started to pound away at her and a moment later with images of Peter on top of her flooding my brain, I let loose and she followed a moment later. I thought we'd maybe have woken the kids up with the noise we were making.

She was a mess afterwards and she gave me that same giggle as she lay next to me and we caught our breath.

I asked her when she'd be seeing Peter again and she smiled at me and said they'd talked about going out for some dinner after work on Friday and then going somewhere afterwards for some fun. She said that Peter had arranged to ‘work late’ that night and that she wanted to know if she could be out later than usual as they might get a motel room after dinner.

She asked me so nicely and politely telling me what I could do with the kids for dinner and such that it was hard to even think of a reason to say no to her. I asked when they'd talked about this and she said that they'd met for lunch a few times this week and that Peter had suggested it.

I held her close and pulled her onto me and I could feel her wetness against my thigh. I just kissed her and told her that as long as it was just fun between them then I was okay with her going with him. She turned her head up to me and just said, "I love you" and a second later, "You don't have to worry about anything".

Last night we just were watching some TV and I pulled her next to me and we just had one of those ‘close moments’ and during that time I asked her if she'd told Peter that I knew about them. She giggled once again and said that she hadn't said anything to him yet, that she was enjoying how he was treating her with him thinking she's cheating on me and giving him a treat. I asked her if she thought he was falling for her and that concerned me.

She said that she didn't think he was looking at her that way but I said that getting a motel room was as big step up from just a quickie in the back-seat of a car or if his family was out, a quickie at his place. She said that she herself didn't feel any attachment to him but I warned her that guys can read into things more and that she ought to be sure of how he was feeling. I told her that maybe if she told him about my knowing about them, that it might keep Peter from getting attached to her; if he knew this was something she's doing for me and not just for/with him.

She said she'd think about it and I just told her to be safe about things and that I wouldn't want to see her or us getting hurt.

I thought we might have some fun together again after that hot conversation as by the end of it we were quite hot for each other. Just thinking about it, she knew, had gotten me aroused but she just said she wanted a good night’s sleep and asked me if I could wait.

I didn't ask her but in the back of my mind I was so turned on thinking she wanted to wait for Peter today and that she wanted to be horny for him! I also thought that I too would want to wait for her tonight and for me to be that much hornier for her. Believe me; it took a lot to resist jerking off last night with images of her in my head.

She's downstairs with the kids and thinks I'm doing some work quickly before I go into the office. What she doesn't know is that I already checked and know that her diaphragm is already gone from the bathroom and probably in her purse.

Now if I can just wait till later tonight. She said she'd be home before 11pm so that we'd have time together and she did say she'd come home ‘messy’ for me if that's what I really wanted. There still hasn’t been any mention of anything this past Monday and I just couldn't figure out how to ask so I didn't. It'll come out eventually, maybe later tonight!


I haven't heard from Suzanna since early this afternoon when she called and gently reminded me she'd be out tonight. Pizza with the kids was nice and they're down watching TV and I’m sitting here by the computer totally taken by the idea of Suzanna in bed with Peter right now!

Seeing the empty spot in the bathroom drawer gave me the most incredible rush of angst and desire at the same time. I hope she's not too tired when she gets home. Hopefully she'll be home shortly after their last moment in bed together and the thought that I might get to feel her that close to when she had sex with him is just totally arousing. It might be my first true creampie! I didn't tell her that but she KNOWS I'm eagerly awaiting her return tonight.

I thought about discussing alibi's with Suzanna and having her suggest to Peter that he should be careful that his wife doesn’t find out. I suspect that he must have a cell-phone and I know from my own late night conference calls with overseas divisions that you're not always at your desk when you're working late. Still caution is a good thing. I seriously doubt that Peter has his wife's blessings as Suzanna does from me. I suspect that if he did, that he'd be bothering Suzanna to get together more than they already do.

Regarding the idea that Suzanna might know I am spying on her via her diaphragm, I'm not sure she's all that aware that I check the drawer and look inside the little zippered-compartment she keeps it in. The pink case is inside the zipper-thing and I get such a rush finding the compartment is empty. Seeing the tube of contraceptive cream missing too is also arousing. Best of all is seeing the applicator next to the tube of cream knowing she used it to let Peter have her.

Maybe it's my rose-colored glasses but I don't see any of the signs that I worried about and read about in the ‘horror stories’ of people losing their wives or losing control of the situation,at least not just yet. Perhaps not considering what we are doing is some sort of taboo, maybe that's taking some of that edge off.

Just had a bizarre thought about Peter claiming Suzanna as his second wife and her taking him as her second husband. I don't see that happening but, to be honest, if I was Peter, I'd be very happy with what I had and not become greedy about it. After all, it's not every day that you get to have some truly no-strings-attached sex with a willing woman!


It’s Sunday morning and Suzanna has been just incredibly sexually aroused since last week when she made her plans for Friday.

I do not know how I resisted - but I did and dutifully waited for her to return. I guess she came in about 11:30pm and from the look on her face and how she appeared I knew she'd been very intimate with Peter.

We didn't talk much as she had as much desire to be with me as I did for her and it was incredible. Knowing she'd left his arms maybe 30 minutes earlier just did something to me. I just couldn't get enough of her, nor her get enough of me. She said she'd sped the whole way home knowing I was there waiting.

It may not have been creamy but, my god, it was good enough. The moment I slipped my cock into her all I could feel was warm wetness. If this is what a creampie is truly like I will have to find a way to be with her next time!

We rolled around on the bed and she took advantage of my extreme hardness by getting on top. It was the most exquisite feeling in the world to feel her slip down onto me. When we'd both reached our limits she eagerly rolled onto her back and let me enjoy her. Just as I was pounding away and right at the brink of exploding she teased me and just said, "it turns you on knowing Peter was in me earlier doesn't it?”

That was it for me. I couldn’t give her any more clear a sign that her sexual antics turned me on for as soon as she said that I plunged deep into her one more time and let loose with my own load inside her. She squealed as she too climaxed and as we lay together catching our breath we could both feel the spreading wet-spot underneath us.

I simply cannot say enough of how much my love and admiration for her has grown in these past few weeks. I love seeing this sexual side of her that's been hidden for far too long.

We awoke early Saturday morning with her in the bathroom fishing out her diaphragm. Her putting it in and taking it out has always been a fascination for me; can't really explain it other than knowing what it's preventing. Still, watching her pull it out and seeing the remains of our sperm come out along with it was terribly arousing. She smiled, gave me that same sexy giggle and came back into bed with me. I suspect she'd had enough sex for a while but she was so so kind to me and almost effortlessly and certainly without much coaxing from me she gave me one of the nicest, most sensual blow-jobs that I've gotten in a long time.

I asked her if she sucked Peter and she popped her head off my cock long enough to say, "of course" and then went back to sucking me. Just thinking of the night before was all I needed to start to orgasm.

Last night she was equally horny again. I was surprised to be honest thinking she might have had enough from both of us on Friday but I was mistaken for sure.

We talked a lot about Friday night of how they'd had some dinner at a bar/restaurant near her work and then how they'd checked into the motel about 8:30pm. She told me how he'd left some wine and cheese/crackers in the room earlier and how that really made her feel good, that he'd thought about her and prepared for a nice evening.

She didn't tell me every excruciating detail, at least not in a way that I could put together into a chronology, but she did share that he'd spent quite a while between her legs licking and sucking at her pussy. I know that if she's letting him do that then she feels very comfortable with him. She's always told me that she really needed to feel good with her guy to let him go down on her and that she always felt that was even more personal than having sex with a guy. She didn't have to tell me how she orgasmed; I know how she is when she's into being licked/eaten and she cums very easily if she's in the right mood.

She told me how once they'd gotten well into foreplay that she excused herself to the bathroom to put in her diaphragm. I know from our own times together that she waits as long as she can before putting it in as the cream tastes nasty and that marks the end of when me (and Peter apparently) will go down on her.

I also know what it means in another way. The cream is a nice lubricant and once it's in her there's little more that’s needed in terms of foreplay. She did tell me how they'd changed positions many times, even commenting that he seemed to like ‘doggy’ the best. I asked what position they were in when he finally finished. She just said, "missionary silly, you know that's my favourite".

Damn if that didn't spur me on again last night and as I took my place on top;all I needed to do was to think of it being Peter in the same position and that was it for me. I managed to stay long enough to get her to cum along with me (even if she did help along by rubbing herself at the same time) but, nevertheless, feeling her pussy around my cock and feeling how hot and wet she was just set me off.

We lay there together again last night with her head against my chest as we listened to the crickets in the yard and all I could do was hug her deeply and tell her that I loved her. Feeling her slide up next to me and then kissing her deeply was all we needed to tell each other that nothing had changed for us other than perhaps loving each other even more.

It's weird to think this way but in some ways, I want her to fuck Peter even more, especially if it's going to trigger these kinds of reactions. Even the kids are kidding with us that we're so ‘kissy-wissy’ these days. If they only knew the reasons why!


It wasn't so much a confession as an admission. She knew she had nothing to confess to because she'd done nothing wrong. I had to remind her of that.

Anyway, it started last night. I'd noticed the diaphragm had disappeared again Tuesday morning. Fortunately it was busy at work and I had sort of forgotten about that until driving home. When I pulled in Suzanna wasn't home yet and that turned me on even more thinking about her driving home maybe after having been with Peter at lunch but I didn't say anything about it at all.

After she got busy with something after dinner, I opted to say I too had work to do and went to my ‘den’ where instead of work on the computer I let my imagination go and along with some videos from one of the streaming sites I enjoyed masturbating instead of fucking her. I let my mind really go and just enjoyed myself.

Fast forward to last night and she's telling me she needs to get into work a little early today which is nothing new. So she starts to lay out what she's going to wear and I notice she's got some nicer panties on her dresser as well as a basic knee-length skirt and some thigh-highs which she chooses to wear when it's hot out instead of panty hose. I'm in the bathroom now brushing my teeth when she comes in and starts to look at me and I can tell she wants something so I move to one side and motion for her to get what she wants from the drawers in the vanity but she says she'll wait as she wants to use the bathroom anyway.

At that moment I realized she probably wanted to grab her diaphragm and put it in her purse. I fought off a hard-on at that thought and rinsed my mouth and let her have the bathroom. Sure enough, a minute later when I went back in, the drawer was empty.

I let it go and didn't say a word but damn it was hard to not try something with her in bed.

This morning she'd left her purse on the bed as she was getting ready in the bathroom and she yelled out to me to give it to her. Without thinking about it I brought it to her and she put it down on the vanity and opened it as I stood there.

There it was, sitting right on top, the pink diaphragm case. She turned to look at me and saw that I was staring right at it. She made some weird noise like "owwwww" and I just looked at her and said, "it's okay" and I kissed her.

She asked what I meant by that and I just said, "I figured it would get to this sooner or later; you did say he's married, right?". I continued by telling her I figured sooner or later they'd start to go for ‘quickies’ as we call them from time to time. She still didn't say anything so I just kissed her and said I loved her and told her I was totally turned on by what she was doing. I put her hand on my hardening cock to prove it!

She was totally dumbfounded. So I just said, "Whatever you do, just be careful" and then I quickly added that I was going to try to get home earlier this afternoon and to maybe take Friday off. She still didn't say anything so I just added ,"come right home as soon as you can after work, I'll be here".

Finally all she could say was, "Wow, I didn't expect this".

So here I am, waiting for her to get here in about another 30 minutes. I deliberately didn't call or text her this afternoon.

I would just love for her to come in and be honest with me about what she'd done, if she did it with him at lunch. I'd love for her to just say that. It'd be very hot if she'd start admitting some of her desires instead of my having to be a detective about it all.


She did get home Thursday afternoon a bit late. The kids were out doing stuff in the yard when she came in about 5:30. I sprung up from the couch to meet her at the door and I could tell immediately that she'd just been with Peter but after work and not at lunch time.

Before I could get to her she turned and headed up the stairs and crooked her finger at me to motion me to follow her, - as if she needed to ask.

We fell into the most intensely passionate kissing session we've had in ages. I swore I could taste him on her breath and we quickly fell into the bed and continued.

I swear I felt excitement like I hadn't felt since we first started dating. I unbuttoned her blouse and felt like a kid seeing her bra underneath and thinking that Peter must have had it undone not more than an hour earlier! Her nipples were just so suckable and stiff.

She rolled to one side and unzipped her skirt and I pulled it down to reveal her lace-edged panties. I went to pull them off her legs with her skirt but she resisted and told me to slow down and, "we'll get to that". I just wanted to slip my hand down and feel her but she clamped her legs together and told me, “wait a minute” and with that she pushed me back and started undressing me.

Finally after her kissing sucking my hugely stiff cock she lay back and seemed to give me the signal that I could unwrap the last of my present.

She was giggling that same giggle the entire time as she stared at my cock bouncing away stiff as could be. Finally I pulled the panties down past her hips and then down her legs. As she slid one foot and then the other out of it she just spread her legs and I just looked up at her very wet pussy!

It's summer so she's almost bare with just a little fuzzy hair on top but it bare around her pussy; she says it so no hair sticks out of her bathing suit bottoms. There it was, her pussy right there, wet, swollen and almost like it was winking at me, open just enough that I could see just how wet she was! I let my mind and almost came at the realisation that it's Peter’s cum I’m seeing in her there.

She knew I wanted her so badly at that moment and we forgot any more foreplay, she was obviously wet enough for me and, obviously, open enough for me too.

It wasn't creamy, I knew not to expect that but it was so so wet and so so open inside her that I just was amazed. It was like the other times I'd been with her afterwards but just so much wetter. I slid right in, all the way in, on the first gentle thrust. There was NO resistance at all in her. I do not know how I didn't cum right then and there but as I slid in and out of her she started to moan along with me. I couldn't believe that she could still cum more but here she was meeting my thrusts with her hips.

I really wanted to fuck her for hours and hours but all I could think was that Peter had just been in her and it was his cum in her as well as all the spermicide that was making her so wet! When I let my mind go to the fact that she was so totally open, that there was just no resistance at all and that it was Peter’s cock that had opened her up.

That was it, in one huge gush I just exploded in her. I swear it almost felt like I was peeing in her, it just gushed out of me like someone had wrung a sponge out in one big squeeze. She squealed too as I pounded into her and the most obscene squishing noises came out of us where we were coupled together. It felt like we'd peed all over each other from how wet our crotches were but all I could do was grind into her over and over and over even as my cock shrunk inside her it was just hanging there in the gaping depths of her pussy and I still couldn’t get enough of her!

Finally, after I just couldn't move any longer, I rolled to her side and we both lay there. She giggled at me again and said, "I guess you enjoyed that!” All I could do was lie there and nod my head yes and just moan, "mmmmmm".

Other than maybe our first fuck ever together, this one will be forever burned in my memory! I leaned up on one elbow and just looked at her, my little hotwife had arrived! Seeing the mess between her legs wasn't a turn-off at all in fact, at that moment, seeing all of our cum all over us all I wanted to do was re-live that moment over and over and over.

Now, this all took maybe 20 minutes and we became aware of noise downstairs in the house and suddenly came back to earth and that we needed to think about dinner. All we could do was laugh at how we both looked when we went into the bathroom to clean up.


We had our first true argument about all of this earlier tonight. I'm sort of frustrated by where we left it so I'm here in our office while she's watching the end of something on TV.

So, after the kids are in bed and we're watching TV in our bedroom she moves over next to me and tells me she needs to ask me a question. I click mute and say, “what's up?”

She said something about not beating around the bush and then she just asks me if she can go out on a date with Peter? It wasn't just what she asked but it was how she asked. I just got really spooked by how she sounded.

I was speechless for a second and then I just said, "what do you mean?".

So she says, "you know, we'd go to dinner and then have some fun and then I'd come home.”

I don't know why I felt like I did but I just sort of freaked out by it at the time. I just said that I thought that was a bit too much and then I added, "Too soon". I just kept on going on though like I was trying to convince her that I was right and that I wasn't just over-reacting or being surprised and then she started to get her back up about it and saying I was acting stupid.

That was about an hour ago now and I guess I've cooled off about it a bit but I still have this uneasy feeling about this situation. This just seems kind of soon for me for them to want to plan an evening out like this and then whatever afterwards. I mean part of me wants to say okay and for her to just share some of the details with me later but another part of me wants to scream that this seems like it's more than just physical sex. I mean I do want her to enjoy what she's doing and who she's doing it with but, on the other hand, there's something about a romantic seduction evening that just says to me that it's too much right now.

Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel and to be honest, I don't know that she really knows what she's feeling right now either as we both said a few things that weren't too nice. I'm going to tell her we just put the whole subject on ice till tomorrow evening when we talk about it earlier instead of just before bed.


We talked for quite a while tonight and I did feel like I owed it to her to at least hear her out but I wanted to at least get my concerns out first before she gave me her side. So I just explained it plainly that my enjoyment of her activity didn't really cross over to the submissive or to what I consider a true cuckold where the husband plays a secondary role. I told her that my enjoyment came from sharing in the sexual excitement that she experienced and shared with me and also from the "residual" arousal that she clearly has and my enjoyment of that part too!

She blushed at some of that then I explained that her going on a date made me feel threatened and gave me an uncomfortable feeling. Not because I don't trust her but because if this turning into a romantic-date thing then there's other issues going on.

I also confessed to her that I found her somewhat secretive behaviour to have been very arousing and then I thanked her for being honest with me about this new step but before I let her have her turn I conveyed the other thoughts here about Peter and how his wife would view things and why things seemed to have changed from this somewhat spontaneous clandestine meetings to something that, to me seemed a bit more than just a good fucking from time to time.

I was actually surprised that I kept pretty calm and was able to articulate all of that without stumbling or saying something that just came out wrong. I don't think the parts about my concerns about her emotional involvement came out right, but she understood what I was getting at.

Then it was her turn and she too didn't hold back. She told me how she stressed she’d been over the thoughts of taking her diaphragm in the morning and not telling me when she'd been with Peter. Then she told me how the excitement and sheer pleasure she got from the semi-illicit behaviour was so good. She told me she re-lived moment from when she was younger of sneaking into motel rooms, of worrying about getting caught in the backseat of a car but she also told me that she felt so empowered by it all too, that she was there for her pleasure primarily.

All I could say was "yes" over and over in agreement.

Then she got to the date part. She explained that Peter's wife was going to be going away next week with their kids to visit someone somewhere and he was going to be home alone for the week before he goes to join them for Labor Day weekend. She explained that the ‘date’ was going to be dinner out next week and, yes, while it might be something romantic that night, that was going to be all it was and, then she emphasized, "all it will ever be".

I started to think at that moment that maybe I'd over-reacted last night.

She kept looking at me and kept talking, saying how she loved me for what I was encouraging and she used the word ‘allowing’ her to do and she kept emphasizing that she held no romantic aspirations for Peter. He was a ‘friend with benefits’ and she didn't consider him anything else.

I asked her if she could understand how I felt and she said she could given what I told her and where my mind went to and all that but she emphasized that I should have given her a chance to explain further.

She did say that she was looking forward to this being a ‘romantic date’ but only in the context of being a prelude for some very good sex without having to feel like they're under a time-clock. She did say that she did expect her to let herself go a bit and let him woo her and seduce her but she swore to me that it's nothing more than that! And she said that if I was really uncomfortable about it, even after hearing all of this from her, that she'd cancel it.

She then paused for a second and then looked at me and asked if it was really that meaningful, that I am okay with them going to a motel together but that dinner beforehand is too much? At that she sort of started to get a bit adamant about the whole thing, questioning my feelings and trying to see why I felt threatened by them being in a romantic dinner vs. them being romantic in a motel room.

I really couldn't answer. I mean there's the whole public-appearance thing but that's not it and, to be honest, in thinking about it then and since then, I'm not sure why a dinner-date makes me feel like I do when them going to a motel to fuck doesn't! I gave her a moment to calm down and then I just told her that, not in those words, but more that I don't understand why I felt like I did and that she'd just have to accept that for now.

We then talked about whether we should have any rules about how things will work out in the future. I said that we should but, to be honest, we'd been talking for almost an hour by that point and the kids needed to be pushed in the direction of bed and whatever so we just gave each other a passionate kiss, looked in each other’s eyes and said we loved each other and that we'd find a way to make it work and that we'd either talk again later or tomorrow.

I thought it might have been later tonight but then her sister called and there could be a bomb exploding outside that wouldn't pull her away.


The past two days have been filled with more talking between us and I've come to see her side and understand how she looks at things a bit more.

She kept on asking me why it wasn't okay for her to go to a restaurant or bar with Peter but it was going to be okay to go to a hotel room.

I told her that I viewed Peter as a ‘fuck buddy’ or a ‘friend with privileges’ but not a potential emotional partner and that I just associated a romantic dinner as being more of something that would imply more than an FB.

So she said, “Well, what if we had candle-light and music and room-service in the room; why is it different?”

I had to reluctantly agree with her the more I thought about it. So, instead I asked her to tell me how she was feeling emotionally. I know that romance adds depth and meaning to bumping private parts and I wanted to hear her tell me how she felt and hopefully, make me less anxious about it.

She just told me that she looked at having a dinner beforehand mainly as being extended foreplay. In her own words she pretty much said that so far it's been this physical horniness that they've felt and it's pretty much, "wham, bam, thank you, Maam". Well, obviously a bit more pleasure than that but I figured out that she was saying that they felt this urgency that they skimmed by the foreplay a bit too fast and having a dinner to let things heat up over she felt would be fun and enjoyable. I did find it a bit hard to listen to at times; it's not easy hearing your wife say she wants her lover to turn her on over dinner so they can have a good fuck afterwards.

She reminded me when we'd talked about our fantasies, how I had at times told her that I was excited by her being attracted to another guy and her wanting him. So she asked, “Is the reality as good as the fantasy?”

My answer was simple that in my fantasy, there is never a chance at losing her even if she did get more deeply involved.

Well, we went back and forth but ultimately it came down to her simply asking me if I trusted her. I obviously told her that I did.

She just said that I need to trust her on this and that I didn't have anything to worry about. She then held my face in her hands and looked me straight in the eye and said, “I’ve got no desires to have anyone else in my heart.”

I think after over 20 years together, I know when she's being honest with me and I'm sure this is one of those times.

I know I should tell her this or tell her that but, truth be known, I guess it's the cuckold in me that makes me aroused to think of her actually desiring him more than just physically. Of course, I dared not let her even think that but I can't say that it didn't influence my answers to her. After much hemming and hawing and me trying to find other reasons to be concerned, in the end I told her okay but that she needs to be really careful about what she's doing.

It's only next week while his wife and kids are away so in that sense, there's a finite end to what can happen.


It's Friday evening and she's out shopping for school stuff with the kids and I'm letting my mind go. Picturing her and him in a restaurant, him pulling her chair out when she goes to sit down; playfully feeding each other a taste of the others food; trying to decide which bottle of wine to have; all the while knowing she's getting steamed up, knowing what they'll be doing after dinner.

I know it’s crazy to let this happen but I'm also very turned on by the thought too. It may not be just an innocent dinner but after all our talking (and the explosive sex we've had too!) I think I'm okay with seeing how it goes. She told me she thinks they'll be going out either Tuesday or Wednesday but she hasn't told me where. There’s no doubt I am very tempted to try to see them but I haven’t a clue where they are planning to go.


She came home from work all bubbly and gave me this huge hug and kiss and told me excitedly told me that they were going out on Wednesday night right after work.

As she got changed out of her work clothes she told me how she felt like she'd been asked to go to the prom all over again. She seemed on such an up that I just couldn't come down hard on her and ruin it so I just went along and asked what her plans were. She said they were going to leave straight from work and that she probably wouldn't be home till pretty late. I wanted to talk some more but we needed to get dinner going. I stood there and watched her undress until she saw me staring and jokingly shooed me out of the room.

It about 10:30pm that we finally said goodnight to our 16 year old son who retreated to his basement lair where he's oblivious to the world. Finally, laying side-by-side on the bed we were able to talk again.

I asked her again what she is thinking and then she surprised me and said, “Uh uh; you tell me what YOU are thinking; what are you frightened about; what turns you on? We need to sort through this.”

I told her my fears were just that she was going to begin to feel something for Peter that was previously reserved for just us. I told her I feared she'd fall in love with him in some way even if it was only for the moment.

She waited for me to tell her what turned me on about it. When I didn't start right away she prodded me to tell her whether what she's done so far still turned me on. All I could say to that was, "Oh my God yes, absolutely." With that she reached over and felt that I was pretty hard just saying it to her.

So I just continued and I told her that, yes, so far I was very very happy with her fulfilling my (and seemingly, hers too) long-time fantasy. I told her that just thinking about her being with another guy still turned me on incredibly and now to know she's truly been fucked by another guys is totally thrilling to me. I told her that seeing her sexual excitement at the time and then experiencing her desires for days and days afterwards was just, well, incredible.

I thought I was done but she said, "so, what are you thinking about for me for Wednesday night?”

It took me a moment to answer but I really didn’t have an answer so, what-the-hell, I told her that if she was going to do it that she might as well get everything she could out of it as it was a unique opportunity.

I swear I don't know why I said that but I did and once I started, I just kept going and told her how I sometimes fantasize about her being seduced in a dark booth in a restaurant and how she longed to go up to his hotel-room and how once she was there, that she'd go wild on him and exhaust him before returning home to me. I then added, "... when I then get my turn".

It felt good to say it. I mean I'd been fighting it for a while but what the heck, let her go out this time and get what she wants out of a night. Yes, I know it might be like lighting a fuse on something but, hey, I suspect she's already doing more than she's telling me. (Although I'm not so sure about that; she just hasn’t got that much free time right now.)

I have to say that it is incredibly arousing to me to just think about what she'll be doing on Wednesday. There's something about the idea of her planning this in advance that is just keeping me hard thinking about it. My mind was racing at all sorts of thoughts along the lines of; my little wifey becoming a bit of a wild-woman. Never would have thought this a few years ago.


New book time ....

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Reactions: dutch12 and Sandy Row
Well done Curt!
For my own use I will rename book 1, book 2 etcetera in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and so on.
I am going to print doublesided on A4 format (21x29.7 cm) common used in the EU. Just a little different from your Letter format.
Of course I will use the 12 points Times-New Roman font. Still the best nice readable font, the types look connected forming the words.
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Reactions: Curt Bruch
Hahaha isnt it a nice fantasy?! Who would be that insane to pimp out his own wife in real life and get excited by it - only idiots!! But it was a nice read!! Thanks for that!!!

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