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Innocent Cutie Compares My White Five Pound Cock To Black Six Pounder


Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Mar 26, 2013
Innocent Cutie Compares My White Five Pound Cock to Jim's Black Six Pounder



I was giving a black man the opportunity to have complete and total carnal knowledge of my lovely blonde wife, to touch and fondle her with his hands, to explore her mouth with his, to spread, go inside and learn the most intimate feel of her vagina with his black cock, and to explore my wife to a deeper depth inside than I had ever been able to go.

This is a TRUE Personal Story. Nothing exaggerated, exactly as things happened as best I can remember. That cock by the way, readers, that the girl is holding, it looks a lot like my cock. The head is almost an exact duplicate, and it has a foreskin just like mine. The length? Hard to tell from that angle as we can't see how much further down on the shaft her hand could go. I might be a little longer, but it's pretty close to my cock as I describe it in the story.

So as you read, you will know what I was seeing as I looked down at the young model I have named Trixie as she studied my cock in the bathroom. My wife was right there, watching. My model though did not have dirty nails like the gal in this photo.

Her face? Close to this gal. Her tits, an exact duplicate, except that Trixie was actually completely naked as she kneeled down before me. Shit, as I look at that photo, I can almost feel that cock as my cock, straining to be released, to cum a hot load and get it all over her face and tits.

The second part of this again saying it, TRUE story gets more into the sex including interracial.

Innocent Cutie Compares My White Five Pound Cock to Jim's Black Six Pounder

Readers, I remember way back when, when McDonald's came out with the quarter-pounder hamburger. (measured weight before cooking). And then later, they came out with the double-quarter pounder.

All that meat. Our cocks could be considered to be meat. So how much, actually, does a dick weigh? I remember one of the funniest things I ever pulled on a girl. Excuse me readers and wait a while as I tell you a TRUE story within this story. (The photo exactly depicts what happened.)

This cute little gal was at my house doing some posing in the bedroom and Jill, my wife was there in order to make my model feel more relaxed since she was brand new to modeling in the nude.

So you can picture her in your mind, I'll give you a short description of my model that I shall give the name of Trixie. Trixie was dishwater blonde with real short hair. Cut so short it was almost like a boy's. But her face was sooo cute, almost like those little sculptures you see made out of plaster that people buy and use to hold books in place.

Trixie was tiny, only a hundred pounds at most. Tiny all over, on the tits, barely a B, tiny but firm ass, and yes, that other part was tiny too, the way it looked in my camera lens.

We had already done the photography around the pool, and being different, I had taken Trixie into the bedroom for photos. But my wife was there. This was...business as usual.

As always, I was nude during the shooting. At my house, at the beach, the mountains, in the desert or the nudist park, I shot all my models while I was nude. A man claiming to shoot for nudist magazines needs to back up his words with action.

So while I was standing there naked and with my camera in hand, I had Trixie put on some lipstick in front of the bathroom mirror while I took photos of both her and that nice face and body being reflected in the mirror.

Those shots came out pretty well I might add, and we used three of them in a magazine.

Then came the fun. I placed my camera on the counter and got up onto the bathroom scale and told Trixie that I was going to weigh myself while she looked at the dial, and then I wanted her to lift up my dick with her hand and hold it so that she could again check the scale and see how much less it showed so that we could tell how much my dick weighs.

Strange request? Yes, and especially for a brand new little blonde model who had a boyfriend she said, over in Hollywood. I was asking Trixie to touch and hold my cock, and in front of my wife at that!

The bathroom was long and narrow, with a door at one end from the bedroom and a door at the other end that opens to the patio and pool. We three were wedged in between the counter and mirror on the left and the shower and toilet on the right.

“I've never touched anyone's dick,” Trixie said with a giggle, “except for my boyfriend's.”

Exactly what I wanted to hear, and what I wanted her to do.

Trixie was standing right in front of me. For reassurance, she looked around my shoulder at my wife behind me, who nodded go ahead, and then Trixie giggled and lifted my soft cock, and the weight showing on the scale went down!

Her voice showed her excitement as she continued to hold onto my cock. "It went down two pounds. That means that your cock weighs two pounds!

I wasn't planning on ending up with just a two pound cock, so I told her to do it again. "I don't think you're lifting it far enough to have all the weight in your hand. Raise it and look at the scale again..."

Trixie lifted slightly higher and looked again. "A little more than two pounds it weighs..."

"Yes," I replied, "and that isn't counting my balls. That's just my cock."

She didn't believe it and let go of my soft (but growing) cock. She saw it starting to elevate and maybe wanted to hold it in her hand again.

"Let's get your weight again!" This time Trixie had made the suggestion as she looked down at the scale while not holding my cock.

So we got my weight, and then I said, "Lift it up again. It weighs quite a bit more when it gets hard." I think that now she was getting pretty excited about this experiment.

I had said, 'when it gets hard.' That meant that Trixie was about to give me an hard on and with my wife present.

She lifted my cock, which was strange to do since now it was pointing almost straight up, and looked at the scale. "Now it reads five pounds less! Your hard cock weighs a whole five pounds!"

My wife's voice was soft as she asked Trixie from behind me. "My husband's cock is hard?"

Jill was playing the game because she was also watching our reflections in the mirror and could see everything in front of me.

"Yes Jill. I'm sorry," the model said with a voice that sounded like she was pleading. "I hope you're not mad."

"Oh no," my wife laughed. "It's personal but don't be sorry about knowing how much the man I married carries between his legs. You can share that secret with me. It's just that my husband usually doesn't get hard when he takes photos of his models."

The little cutie giggled. "Unless someone is holding it!" She frowned. "I wonder if I made a mistake. Let's weigh it again."

This was going even better than I had planned. Obviously our Trixie was getting some kind of thrill at getting to hold my hard cock in her hand.

So was I.

“First we weigh all of you...”

She let go of my rigid rod and checked the scale. "Now let's weigh this boner again," Trixie boldly said as she once again hoisted my meat, but in the process she finished what had been happening in nature as she finished pulling back the foreskin that had only came halfway back from my head.

Trixie excitedly kneeled down, putting my cock close to her face, or her face close to my cock, whichever. For a second I thought she was about to suck it. But she just wanted a closer look at that cock.


It was interesting to see how, when my skin had came back and ******* the head, she gave me a stroke forward, watched as my head was covered, and then retracted the foreskin once again.

My cock stiffened even further! That one stroke, dear readers, took me halfway to orgasm since I had already been naked with this lovely naked little girl for about two hours.

"It still shows five pounds difference!"

"Yes," I said proudly as I stepped off the scale and I think, she reluctantly let go of my hard cock and stood up again. "Soft, my cock weighs two pounds or more, and when it gets hard it weighs five pounds."

"Wow." Trixie's eyes were still big as she studied my hard prick. But business is business and we had work to do. I probably could have taken her right there in the bathroom, or onto the bed nearby, but I did want to get the shooting out of the way first.

We went back to shooting by the way and soon after the bathroom caper I handed Trixie a wash cloth and asked her to catch and wipe off my pre-fluid which had started dangling several inches down in a string as I was trying to take pictures.

My cock does that after getting an erection that does not end up being satisfied. It drips afterward.

Trixie knew that pre-fluid had been intended for her, but my wife was there, and that I think, scared her.

The shoot ended, I took Trixie home to some apartment in Hollywood and dropping her off, told her I planned to use her on another shoot in two days. I needed to do that, use her right away because, me being the first photographer to get her on film, I needed to get my photos submitted to magazines before other guys who would undoubtedly also get her photos since she was living in a Hollywood crash pad.

“Next time, would you mind posing by the pool with some guy,” I asked? “I plan to have another couple there and I'll probably have you posing with them around the pool and maybe some shots of just you and him.”

What I didn't tell her was, the couple I had in mind, who so far had never posed for me, was black.

“Can I bring my boyfriend,” she asked? “He said he'd like to watch, but doesn't want to model.”

Her boyfriend I did not want to be there because I planned to fuck this little Trixie. The first shoot, she had been shy, reluctant, her first time to be nude in front of someone besides her boyfriend, she had told me. I had decided that it was time Trixie experienced another man, and that man needed to be me.

“I'd rather not. He might get jealous or something when he sees you nude around other guys.”

“That's O.K.,” she said with a smile. “I think I'd rather he not be there too. I had fun today, and be sure to tell your wife I like her.”

I picked up an undercurrent of what she might be thinking. Like I with her, Trixie wanted to be alone with me for who knows what reason?

“Cool Trixie. We'll do the shoot day after tomorrow.”

“Call me. I'll be waiting.”

"Promise you won't model for anyone else tomorrow, O.K? I want to get your photos to the magazines first."

"I promise."

So later when I called her to set up the time I would be picking her up the next day, Trixie told me on the phone that she had told her boyfriend about how much my cock had weighed, and then she had tried it with her boyfriend, and her scale had showed no difference!

She said that she tried lifting his cock three times, and each time they saw no difference on the gauge, even after his dick got hard and 'it should have weighed more.' Finally, her boyfriend had gotten mad and told Trixie to stop it

He probably didn't like the idea of his girl-friend touching another man's cock while thinking his cock weighed a lot less then a man she had been posing nude for.

“You told him that? Did he get mad when you told him that you had...held my cock in your hand and see it get hard?”

“Yes. He got upset, but I told him your wife was right there and that you would never cheat on your wife in any case.”

“Good thinking Trixie.”

I didn't know if she would tell me, but I asked anyhow, since Trixie had brought up the subject of her boyfriend's cock. “His cock didn't weigh anything? Maybe it's his size. How big is he compared to me when it's soft and hard?”

That I wanted to know for obvious reasons, me planning on being her second man since she claimed to have been a virgin until this guy. It's a great feeling, ego-wise, to know you're feeding a woman more meat than she usually consumes.

She told me! “Jerry's about the same size as you soft, maybe not quite as large. And when he's hard, he definitely is smaller.”

I wanted to hear more, and used the weighing of a cock as an excuse to find out. “I'm still wondering about that weight. Strange that it wouldn't register on the scale. Jerry's cock is smaller in length, thickness, or both?”

“Both, I think. And Jerry doesn't have skin over the end like you.”

“He's circumcised then it sounds like.”

“Yes. Circumcised. That's it. It was kind of exciting when I was holding yours in my hand and when it started to grow the skin came back.”

I laughed. “It was exciting for me too, Trixie. Good thing for you my wife was there, or who knows what might have happened.” Actually, my wife being there would not have messed up anything. Jill had often seen me fucking my models, and though Jill was not inclined to make it with women, she had sometimes joined in and shared me with the woman.

I chose not to tell Trixie of that over the phone, how understanding my wife could be concerning me with other women, because I needed to get her into my home at least one more time, and my wife being there was serving as Trixie's 'safety valve' since she was still so sweet, innocent, and basically shy.

I don't know how much her boyfriend's cock weighed, and I suppose dear readers you are wondering how my cock happened to go from two pounds soft to five pounds hard. So I'll tell you. It was her, that cute girl named Trixie who had been holding it!

Actually, the truth must come out. Trixie had made my cock grow, but the weight change between soft and hard would have amounted only to the weight of the blood flow in ounces, not pounds.

Here's the real story.

My wife had been there when Trixie was hoisting my cock, and each time Trixie had done the lifting, which was being reflected in the mirror, Jill had standing been behind me, watching in the mirror, and lifting up on the edge of the foot scale with her big toe!

True story folks, with only name changes.

Want to hear more about the model that weighed my cock? More about Trixie coming up.

Mixing the Races.

The very next day, I photographed a black man named Jim with his lovely girlfriend Fern. By the pool, on the lounge chairs under the canopy, the usual stuff. Because this was advanced thinking, using a black couple for a nudist magazine, I kept their photos pretty clean and straight and made sure that any time Jim's cock showed signs of growing, I aimed elsewhere.

Not every time did I aim my camera away. Jim at one point became what I would call 'half-hard,' his longish looking dick gaining a full inch or more. I took some photos like that because though not useable now, they might be in the future. That's the nice thing about shooting people naked, the photos never go out of style as long as the hair-dos are standard, and you watch out for objects in the photos that might 'date' them.

A naked body photographed in the sixties is a naked photo that can still be used in the eighties, or nineties and look current.

Being out in the sun nude, even with no outside stimulation, can make a penis show signs of growth just by the very nature of being ******* to bright sunlight. Not the really up and ready kind of growth, thank goodness for that as we men are trying to keep it clean in the family-oriented nudist parks, but just a hint of growth. You know what I mean men, in the same way our cocks want to shrivel when cold.

There were reasons for that, me not showing photos of Jim with his penis in various stages of growth, and mainly it was the idea of putting a nude black couple in one or more of the magazines I worked for, and showing them nude at a private residence and not out in a legitimate nudist resort.

This was in the late 60s, and many of the photographers had been 'kicked out' of some of the nude resorts due to the incoming nude magazines from Europe pretending to be nudist magazines but showing a lot more than just lounging by the pool and playing volleyball.

The American publishers, needing to compete, had started placing couples photographed outside the camps and being a bit more 'frisky' or maybe showing women with their legs spread inside their magazines that also had real photos taken at nudist resorts.

Wanting to maintain the clean wholesome (and true) image of nudism being a family oriented thing and healthy, the owners of the resorts were refusing permission for photographers who worked for those publications to do shooting in their parks.

Some nudist resorts had banned all photographers, including me. The fact that my real nudist wife came with me to all the nudist resort shoots helped me to get permission to shoot in some parks that single men could not access.

Many of the magazines I worked for, so far, were still 'acceptable' to the park owners and I wanted to make sure that having a black couple in my magazine(s) would not upset that image.

I don't mean the fact that they were black would give a wrong impression, I just didn't want anyone thinking that blacks are any different than whites when it comes to being nude in front of others. Yes readers, I had people ask me why a black man or woman would want to sunbathe nude when they are already brown, (or black)? Answer: They enjoy being outdoor nude just like everybody else.

It just worked out that way, but Jim and Fern were light skinned blacks. Fern was extra special. She was one of those rare black women who besides being kind of light in tone, also had a tendency toward red hair, and she had freckles! Yes freckles, and she was not only lovely to look at, but cute!

Can 'cute' outrank 'lovely?' Yes, when it is combined with personality.

Side note here: Taking photos of a black woman, nude, outdoors in the sunlight, requires the use of flash photography in order to get good clear shots. I know that might sound stupid, but it's true. A black woman, especially if she is extra dark, is heavy or maybe has large breasts, her body will absorb light and even in full sunlight the detail can be lost in the photo if it is not enhanced with a flash gun.

Boob shadows on the stomach? No belly button shows, further down, the bush is lost in the darkness. Maybe our readers have never thought of that, and those guys taking photos of naked black women are usually doing so indoors with artificial lighting. Most likely, they have never photographed a black woman outdoors. So readers, now you know.

I takes skill to photograph women of any color outdoors in the sun and shade, and I am pretty good at it. Better than good, actually. Every skin tone, every shade of light, shadow, full sun, cloudy day, night, all different.

So we had fun, the four of us, my wife Jill, Jim and Fern. No, I did not have Jill model with them. Jill had modeled many the time, but each time I used her in one of my shoots, it identified me, and I was trying to keep my reputation as a family man photographer at the nudist parks intact.

So my models modeled, and my wife mingled some and at the appropriate times, provided snacks. Then I decided to invite Jim and Fern, since they were to model again tomorrow, to spend the night.

The next day I planed to shoot Jim with Trixie, but in moderation since 'mixing of the races' was still a no-no in many circles, and also some shots of Fern and Trixie together, and what a set of shots those would be. I knew that when the photos were published, not one person might complain about seeing a young lovely blonde female with an equally lovely and slightly older black woman.

The photos of Jim and Trixie? There might be some that wouldn't like it, but they had the option of buying those magazines on the stands, or not. I had the feeling that those magazines featuring Jim and Trixie, even though the shots would be 'innocent' in nature, would sell well.

I wanted those photo sets to be separate and unique for my magazines, so at no time did I plan to use all three people combined in a set.

Now for Jim. Jim had a nice body. Tall, slim, slightly muscular and a nice cock but not really big as in big black cock. It was nice, uncut, and appeared to be a little longer maybe, then me, soft.

Jim I knew, was very turned on to my wife Jill. I had seen his eyes rove over her any time she was out by the pool, and like me, nude.

Jill, on the other hand, showed no apparent interest in Jim, other than his just being another male model who was in our home, something that happened all the time, but not as frequently as women alone. Jill seemed to get on with Fern OK, but nothing like 'we will be friends forever,'

Jim and Fern, you see, had come out of the Hollywood area and we knew no one they knew, and vice-versa.

That night the two women, Jill and Fern were asleep in their beds, Fern in one of the two guest bedrooms, and Jim and I were in the living room and talking. Of course, having been nude together for hours with two naked women, we were talking about sex, and I had quietly told Jim about Trixie and what I planned to do with her tomorrow.

Shoot Trixie with Jim, and somewhere along the way, shoot my load into Trixie. (I had my eye on Fern too, of course, but I said not a word since I figured that would never fly).

Then Jim showed me his cock, hard! Giving it a few strokes while displaying it for me, he aasked, “It's really not that big, is it?”

He apparently knew that black men are supposed to have huge cocks and all that, and remember, this was before the internet and before porn movies were on tape and then disc to be brought home and viewed on players which did not yet exist.

His cock looked to be somewhat larger than mine, but not noticeably so. I'd say maybe seven and one half long, and thicker than me, but not way thicker. A nice cock, and I would have traded sizes with him gladly, but not traded the looks since I think my cock looks very nice in the way it is designed.

I knew though, no doubt, any woman would immediately feel the difference between his in size and mine once inserted.

Jim seemed to be insecure about his manhood. I know this might sound unbelievable today, with all the stuff online about BBC and white wives, etc. But this story is true. I tried to reassure Jim, that his cock is nice and most women would think it is big.

All the while this was going on, I was thinking, 'I'd kind of like to see Jill with Jim.'

And then Jill came into the living room to see what we were up to. I don't remember what all I said, but in a few minutes I had Jim standing behind Jill, who also was standing, her tall lean body looking so good, and Jim was reaching around her and had his hands on her nice full somewhere between B and C cups.

His cock came up, not all the way up since he was having to exert himself, but enough that my wife could feel his erection touching her on the backside.

Jill was kind of squirming around and trying to get away, but it didn't seem that she was trying all that hard. Jim sort of held on and as she tried to move forward, she ended up with her feet sort of swinging out forward, both off the floor and Jim, continuing to keep his hands on her breasts, actually lifted her off the floor.

When Jill's feet hit the carpet again, I was getting the message that Jill did not want to fuck Jim. She wasn't turning him down because of his color, or because he was...Jim. It was just that my wife picks who she wants, and no more. It almost always has to be her idea, you see.

I did notice though that Jill stole a couple of glances at his cock. Not all the way up now, but looking larger than when she had been seeing him all day around the pool.

My wife knew, I knew, that Jim has a larger cock than her husband.

So Jill went to bed, alone for now, and Jim and I kept talking. “I don't know Jim, I thought she might be curious enough to fuck you since she came out here to see what we are up to.”

That sort of ended the evening, but we had tomorrow, and Trixie, and I had maybe, I was thinking in the back of my mind, Fern as well.

The big day in quite some way.

I don't remember what we all had for breakfast, must have been something, and then I left Jill alone with Jim and Fern while I went into Hollywood to fetch Trixie. All the way there of course, I was hoping that Trixie would be there, and ready. You never knew about these recent from out of town imports to Hollywood how reliable they might be, especially when they have boyfriends.

Hippy boyfriends that freeload.

I'm going to cut out about two hours of modeling where I photographed Jim with Trixie, and then Trixie with Fern. Trixie was getting a bit more pay of course since she was doing a double shoot, but my shoots always were easy, relaxed, and fun. Especially when you have a nice pool and bamboo cabana to play around.

Sometime later in the afternoon, I was in the master bedroom, yes my marriage bed, and Fern was in bed with me. Yes, Fern and not Trixie, nor my wife.

Jim, my wife, and Trixie were all out by the pool and relaxing. I really don't remember if it was me that got Fern in there alone with me, or if she made it happen. But after making out for a few minutes Fern was on me and riding my hard cock. Taking it easy, making it last, no hurry to cum.

And her pussy felt snug. Really nice around my cock as I fondled her breasts. Breasts that are hard to put a letter on, like B or C, because they were the kind of breasts that spread out across her chest on both sides, nipples prominent, nice but breasts that do not stick way out in front.

Fern was really enjoying me, and showing no sign of her being aware, and of course I was aware, of my cock being smaller than Jim's.

And that was when Jim walked in. He didn't come in through the bathroom door that led to the pool, he came in through the bedroom door that went out into the hall and our combination living and dining room. I guess he had came in looking for Fern, and not finding her in the kitchen, had came looking.

“Fern! What the fuck are you doing?”

Silence. You could have heard a pin drop. Fern's movements over my cock came to a halt.

I spoke first. “Jim, she's doing what comes natural when two people are attracted, you know that.”

I'm not sure if that was exactly what I said, but something like that. Like I said readers, this is a true story so I'd rather tell it the way I remember than make things up.

Staying over along the wall by the bedroom door about ten feet away from us, Jim stared sort of angrily at her for another ten seconds maybe, then said: “Knock yourself out, Baby,” and started to move out.

I do remember that, exactly what he said. 'Knock yourself out, Baby."

“Jim!” I yelled. “Get back in here.”


“Jim, I know you want to see it, so come over here and join us and don't be spoiling it for your woman.”

Well, he did, reluctantly from the outside, but inwardly, he might have been pleased. Jim had nowhere near the experience at this stage that I had in dealing with and having other people's mates in bed, so he needed to learn.

“Jim, get down at our feet and look at how Fern looks with her lips all tight around me. That's right, take a look at what I feel.”

I waited for a few seconds, and without me saying anything though I looked into her eyes, Fern began to move, slowly, up and down on my cock.

“Look at it Jim. She feels good, and there's really no reason to be jealous Jim because we all three know that your cock is a little bigger than mine, so no need to be jealous of my cock.”

I saw Fern frown a bit at that, probably wondering how I knew Jim's cock is larger.

Jim seemed to be accepting of that, no reason to be jealous and as Fern started pumping a little faster I quickly shook my head 'No' at her. She slowed down.

“Now Jim. Take your fingers and feel all around her pussy lips how tight she is around me. That's it. Do you know I can actually feel the touch of your fingers even though you are not touching me?”

I spent the next few minutes like that, and at one stage even had Jim come up front and kiss Fern while she continued to pump. Then I said it.

“Jim, fun as this is, I think that Fern is feelling a little concerned that you are still jealous, so I'll make you a deal. Leave us for a few minutes so we can finish, and then I promise you that I'll give you a crack at Trixie. I can't promise she'll do anything with you, but I am pretty good at setting things up.”

“You'd do that? I didn't get the feeling that she would fuck me when she was modeling.”

“That's because Jim I kept everything nice and clean and never talked sex. But I am pretty sure I can get her on this bed and at the appropriate time, just like happened now, you can sort of walk in by accident. Get the picture?”

“Cool man.” He looked at Fern. “You OK with that?”

Fern nodded enthusiastically. “I like Trixie, and I think she'd like fucking you.”

I guess Fern had been seeing more response toward Jim from Trixie than I had, but I quickly agreed.

Jim was gone, and though Fern and I made a go at it, it was not quite the same as before. I'm being honest here, the excitement had waned some. Not quite as romantic, not quite as physical, because I think she was still worried about Jim and what he might say to her later.

It was obvious now. To ensure that things would be cool between her and Jim, we needed to get Jim laid.

Wanting to save this fuck, I rolled Fern over and loved on her. Kissing her a lot I think I got her back into the mood some, not as good as before, but close. I slipped into her, and she felt just as tight as the first time. We fucked, but made it quick. I made sure she came first, one time, but a good one I think.

I kept pumping and did not seem to be trying to cum. “Aren't you going to cum,” Fern asked softly while holding me by the ass?

“I'm debating that. I want to be sure to have a good boner for Trixie when I get her started so that Jim will get his chance.”

“Silly man,” Fern laughed. “You won't have any problem getting or keeping a boner, I'd bet on that!”

Well, OK. I pumped a little harder, and I came. A good load, and I tried to make it real romantic like rather than physical. I wanted Fern, when she left my home, to think highly of me, and fondly.

After a trip to the bathroom and a stop, yes, together and Fern did the trickle and drain bit on the toilet in front of me while she licked on my cock rather than me having to stick it over the edge of the sink and wash it.

I was planning on milking my shaft and maybe give her any cum that might still be lurking. She saved me the trouble, and surprised me, when she did it for me. I produced a small blob and she sucked it up.

"I've never done that for anyone except Jim and now you."

Cum still in her mouth maybe? I didn't care. I kissed her again.

Fuck this is nice, too bad we have to hurry, we both went on through and came out into the yard beside the pool. There they were, the three of them, my wife, Jim, and Trixie, and they all knew, I am sure, what Fern and I had been doing.

I saw that look in Trixie's eyes. She knew now. Jill did not seem to mind that I had fucked someone else. Two days ago Trixie had seen, handled and made my cock grow, in front of my wife, and she was curious. Curious about my two pound cock that can grow to five pounds.

We talked and played by the pool for a while, but the shooting was over. Now it was, get some action going because soon three people will be leaving, Jim and Fern in one car, and Trixie and I in mine, and maybe Jill will come along when I take Trixie home.

It needed to happen now because Trixie had a boyfriend in Hollywood and she had used up her excuses to be with me, two modeling sessions.

Trixie gets her second, larger cock, and her third and even larger cock.

“Oh that feels good.”

“You like it baby?” I had spent enough time now to be calling Trixie a pet name. “Am I really your second guy, ever?”

“Yes. My second guy, and bigger.” She giggled: “Your five pound cock feels really good I'll have you know!”

She was feeling pretty good about this, this little not from California small town girl, but two full days of modeling naked for one dirty older than her boyfriend had greatly changed her outlook on life.

“Sometimes...Uuh Uuh, I can really pound a woman with my five-pound-cock!” I was thrusting hard into her for just a few moments, and she was moaning. I let her cum. Sometimes I like to keep them hanging, so that when they finally let go, it is like a dam breaking. But I had someone else coming in, that was the plan.

For my ego, for my reputation, no way could I leave her hanging. I was expected to make her cum, and I did. Soon, I knew, another cock might be doing the job.

So I kept fucking, gently now, and wondering where in the Hell is Jim?

Turns out, he had been there for several minutes, sneaking in from the hallway, and now was down at the foot of the bed and staring up at our joined genitals. Jim had seen that view with me and his girlfriend, with Fern on top then and now was seeing Trixie with me on top of her.

I was about to make an excuse and go look for Jim before it is too late, and he 'made an appearance.”

“Mind if I join in?”

I felt Trixie suck in her breath under me upon realizing he is there. Nervous? Afraid? Shocked? Excited? I didn't know, but we, Jim and I, needed to find out.

“Sure Jim,” I said. “I made it with Fern, so it's only fair that you get some, that is...” I looked down at Trixie, 'If she doesn't mind.”

I kept pumping while Trixie thought about that. Is she turned on to Jim? I didn't know. They had modeled well together, seemingly compatible, but I knew that all the time Trixie had been shooting with Jim, she had been thinking of me and my five pound cock.

Nothing against Jim, but I had been given that head start, you see. And until she learned that I had fucked Fern, Trixie had been ruling out any hanky panky with Jim.

“I don't mind,” Trixie answered, but sounding a little uncertain about this.

I went right for it. “Jim? Are you hard?”

“Yes. Have been for some time.”

“Bring it up here so Trixie can see it.”

Jim did, oh how he did as he didn't even wait to go around the side of the mattress and instead got up onto the bed and walked forward on his knees, his hard cock leading the way.

Trixie stared at it in awe. At least I think it was in awe. “It..it looks even bigger than five pounds.”

“Yes, I said. Your boyfriend's cock doesn't register on the scale, my cock goes to five pounds, and it looks like....” I pretended to study Jim's cock, “It looks like his might go to six pounds, maybe more.”


This gal was still, even now, so innocent and sweet. We hoped to take away some of the innocent, and allow her to keep the sweet.

“Feel it,” I almost whispered to Trixie as I started moving my five-pound-cock within her once again.

I allowed Trixie enough time to feel, study and admire Jim's cock before I slowly slid off and out and nodding, invited Jim to take my place.

“Can we kiss first, for a little bit?”

“Sure baby. Jim? She's yours for a little bit but you need to kiss her first.”

Jim, over the past four hours or so, had first seen Trixie as she came out to the pool naked from my bathroom, had been introduced, had talked with her for a few minutes while I set up my cameras, and then had modeled naked with her for a little over two hours, with a long break in the middle.

They had been given plenty of opportunity to 'know' one another, and now they were 'knowing' one another even better.

To be honest readers, even now, after having been shooting nudes for over four years and being involved in some orgies and group scenes, I was still a bit jealous of any man who might have a larger wang than me.

Jim had a six pounder, me a five. I wanted Trixie to enjoy him, but I wanted to remain her second and still best lover. One can't have it all, I guess. Trixie's eyes were wide as she watched Jim crawl up between her opened legs with that cock coming her way.

With my eyes I am sure as wide as hers had been, I watched and listened as Jim made that first penetration and Trixie let out a nice sounding gasp. Everything she had went around Jim as he pressed forward with both ends of his body.

Jim began to pump, one, two three strokes, then a quicker four and five.

“I'm cumming!”

It had not taken all that long for Jim to get her there.

Jim's turn to cum came a couple of minutes later. Yes, Jim had made her cum, of course. Trixie had learned how to cum more easily with me, she had said, than with her boyfriend. Now that ability to cum had transferred to Trixie's first black cock, her first bigger than her white guy's cocks.

I gave encouragement. "Go slow and give it to her Jim. All the way deep."

He did, and I think Trixie could feel every throb of his powerful cock because he did go slow, just as I had advised.

Trixie looked over at me, her face excited. "I could feel him throbbing, every one!"

A six pound cock had just given her an ounce or two of black baby maker juice.

No readers, I did not lie beside Trixie after and say those things. Things like, 'Do you like that big black cock baby” Does it feel better than mine? For sure it feels better than your boyfriend's, but how about mine?”

That horny and good natured thinking on my part was to come much later in life, and a lot of it has to do with websites like Slutwives and DarkWanderer. For now though, that afternoon, I enjoyed seeing Trixie with Jim. Trixie enjoyed being with Jim, and in a way, Jim was being repaid for me enjoying his Fern.

His getting Trixie was not quite on the same plane as me having Fern, because Trixie was just a model I had brought in from Hollywood. Fern, on the other hand, was Jim's woman. Not his wife, but close. To be equal, more than equal maybe considering that marriage certificate, Jim needed to be inside Jill.

Jim and Jill went up the hill...no wait, That was Jack and Jill I believe.

So all was good. I had fucked Fern. I had fucked Trixie. Jim had fucked Trixie. Quite a day in all.

But wait! Call in the next five minutes and you will get two for the price of one! (Just pay separate handling).

Sound familiar? We have all heard that bit on so many commercials, ever since one man in advertising had started that BUT WAIT bit, everyone on cheapo TV commercials has copied it.

BUT WAIT, Jim still needs to get two on the same day. Yes, not only Trixie, but Jill.

Did it happen? You'd like to hear about that, wouldn't you, readers?

Shit. I'm about to tell you all about my wife's first big, black cock. Not as big, maybe as some of those we see, but bigger than mine. A full six pound cock...hee hee.

“All three of you on my bed?”

That's what Jill said as she walked in, supposedly by accident, maybe. She did not have to enter the bedroom in order to use the bathroom since we had that outside entrance. But she came in, and came on through into the bedroom.

“That's why we bought a king-sized bed Jill,” I answered cheerfully, “so four can fit on it if need be.”

“There's room for four,”Jill asked, sort of soft-like? I knew then, my wife plans to join in, but with who and for how much I did not know. But considering that making it with women was not her style, that left only two other people, one with a five pound cock and the other with a six pound cock.

Does my wife want to make it with me while Jim is lying on Trixie? Or...with someone else? If I leave Jim on top of Trixie, Jill's only option is to go with me.

Jill came over to the foot of the bed and trying not to be obvious about it since I was watching not only Jim on Trixie but also her, Jill paused right where she could see Jim's penis working Trixie's twat. I wanted her to have a good look. "Jim, get up on your knees because my wife I think, wants to see the view."

Jim wasted no time getting higher on Trixie so that Jill could see his hard cock doing a number on Trixie as he once again began his pumping. With his ass raised more like that, it really gave emphasis as to how nice and firm his buttocks looked.

Then I told her. "Jim just got done making Trixie cum, and then he came in her. But as you can see, his cock is still good and hard...and" I added, "looking pretty big."

Jill was staring alright. Staring not only at his cock I could see, but also that firm nicely rounded black ass and how it was moving over Trixie. Her fingers digging in added to the overall effect.

Then I boldly laid it right out there, telling Jim, though she probably did not want me saying it, what my wife was doing behind him.

"That's it Jim. Pump her good because now my wife can see and maybe visualize in her mind what Trixie is feeling." That's what I wanted my wife to do, see the visual and crave the feeling.

I was about to make some dirty but cute little remark about how seeing this was like my photography. Since nudist magazines at that time usually were not in expensive color on every page, I also took a lot of black and white photos.

Here, we were seeing black and white action, in full color. I wanted to say that to my wife as she is seeing Jim's black cock working Trixie's tight twat. Saying it out loud, pointing out the action to her, I figured might be instrumental in helping my wife become aroused. Aroused enough, to try it for herself.

Just before I voiced that out loud, Trixie interrupted, but it was a good interruption.

Trixie, feeling sure of herself now piped in: "Shit Jill, both these guys are good fucks."

"You fucked my husband?" (Note readers: I am having my wife refer to me as her husband instead of my given name since I don't want to make up some phony name for myself in this story)

"Aaah yes I did Jill, before Jim. I thought you knew, and I hope you don't mind."

Jill laughed. "No problem. I know my husband's a good lover. So...." she hesitated, "How's Jim?"

That told me, right then, why my wife had came into the bedroom where the action is going on.

'A great question, Jill.' Of course, I didn't say that out loud. I, we, needed for Trixie to build up Jim's reputation as a cocksman for my wife to hear. Trixie didn't let us down.

"Oh Jill you need to try this. Your husband had me warmed up really good and then I came so fast with Jim after he put it in, I couldn't believe it!"

As Trixie was speaking to my wife, she sort of dug her fingers deeper into Jim's ass and at the same time raised her hips a little more with each stroke Jim was taking. I saw a change in Jill's face, like it had lit up.

"Well keep fucking Jim while I show my husband how much I love him." Using me as her excuse to be in the bedroom I am sure, Jill used her finger to motion me toward her. Yes, me toward her and not vice-versa.

I guess my wife wanted to keep seeing Jim's penetration of Trixie as I moved to the foot of the bed and she reached out to hold my hand while we both watched Jim continue to fuck Trixie since his dick seemed to have stayed hard.

This was a very good sign. My wife, it was looking like, wanted to see more of Jim's cock in action.

Trixie, bless her heart, was aiding in my plan unknowingly as she started making little gasping and moaning sounds as Jim pumped away, and I am sure, with his mind mostly on the woman watching rather than the one his cock is in.

Jill might have been turned on to either seeing Jim's cock inserted into Trixie and hearing the sounds she is making, or maybe she was turned on to Jim himself, but since they were busy I think she was about to get onto the left side of the bed with me.

This was a pretty exciting moment for me readers. My wife has entered the bedroom, has seen the action, and is staying. Normally, she would have looked and gone her way. If she is staying now, there must be a reason, and I was pretty sure the reason is not her husband.

I was hoping she will participate, even if it isn't with Jim. It would be fun to fuck Jill beside another couple since we had never actually been four to a bed before. I sensed Jill sort of easing toward me and the mattress as she seemed to want to participate and I was what is available.

Jim was still high on top of Trixie now, lying on her but not with all his weight, and they were kissing. I made a snap decision. “I'll take Trixie back now, Jim, if you don't mind.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my wife with a look of surprise on her face as I passed on fucking her.

Blam! Just like that I had made a decision though I did not know for sure if Jill would go along. If I took Trixie back into my arms, that left just Jim for Jill.

Hmmm. 'Just Jim for Jill.' Kind of a cute line for a couple about to fuck.

Jim, sensing now what might happen, wasted no time getting up, out, and off of Trixie. As he rolled onto his back on her left, his cock was still hard. That black cock was looking big, wet, and shiny from his and Trixie's juices. I hoped the sight of all that mess did not turn Jill off.

I don't think it did as I saw her smile back at Jim as he displayed his proud cock and looked up at her.

Trixie probably would have preferred to stay under Jim, but I think she wanted, like me, to see if my wife would fuck Jim. Without hesitation, as Jim had rolled off her, Trixie had simultaneously slid out from under Jim and came over to me, leaving she and I on the left side of the mattress with Jim in the middle.

The only place left free was on Jim's right if he rolled over onto his left side, and where Jill, if she climbed into bed, would have to be. That would also mean that a right-handed Jim would be able to fondle my wife with the right hand to do the job.

I'm pretty sure that is what Jill had in mind, though beforehand she had given no indication, (Remember that my unpredictable wife had turned Jim down the night before).

Holding my breath as I held onto Trixie, I waited, and after a brief hesitation while she surveyed the situation, Jill slowly went over to the side of the bed where Jim is, glanced over at me for a second, maybe for confirmation, and when I nodded my head, she quickly climbed in!

It was strange, that move of hers. First, because my beautiful wife did it sort of quick and furtive like, as if she wanted no one to see her do it. Second, by her going to Jim, she was making the move, showing a man that she wants to fuck him instead of it being the other way around.

This was a first!

A first for her to make the first move.

A first for her with a man who might be larger than me.

A first for her to be with a black man.

At the time, I was still learning how my wife thinks, but I picked up right away on what had just happened.

Jill, in effect, was openly showing her desire to fuck another man, and doing it not only in front of me, but also Trixie and most of all, in front of Jim.

Fuck fuck yes! My wife's going for it. I wanted this for her, yes, but maybe more so, for Jim. For Jim to get to fuck my beautiful Jill and ease his mind over me having fucked his woman, for Jim to ease his frustration over having been turned down by my wife last night, and mostly, for Jim to be able to satisfy his craving for a truly gorgeous white woman, my wife.

I was giving a black man the opportunity to have complete and total carnal knowledge of my lovely blonde wife, to touch and fondle her with his hands, to explore her mouth with his, to spread, go inside and learn the most intimate feel of her vagina with his black cock, and to more widely explore my wife to a deeper depth inside than I had ever been able to go.

I saw Trixie sort of give me a look of surprise as she saw me smiling as I watched my wife get comfortable on her back.

I was hoping, big time, that Jim, who had dropped a load into Trixie, and now was on his back beside my wife with a cock still looking hard (and shiny) will still be able to keep it up in substantial proportions to show my wife what getting Bigger Black Cock is like.

Today, with all the porn on the net and the more open society we have, a black man having himself some white pussy is a pretty big deal as laid out in videos and in stories such as this. It would seem today, that with all the openness about it, that interracial fucking would be no big deal. But it is, especially when it is black dick in white pussy.

Even a bigger deal if it is black dick in married white pussy.

That day back in the late 1960s, with me having had Fern, and Jim, after having given Trixie her first (and bigger) black cock, was about to be giving his cock to, and enjoying my wife. But even though it was a more significant thing in many aspects, way back then for this to be happening, we weren't thinking like that.

Jim and Fern had spent many hours with us, even with Trixie, and it was not black and white fucking in our minds, or a black cock is big and oh oh. No, Jim and Fern had become familiar. Familiar and friends, and that's what friends are for.

Jill, of course, had been with a few other men before this (read Confessions of a Nude Photographer parts one two and three) but this was to be more, maybe. My wife deciding to make it with a man after she has already said 'No' to him (and to me) one time before.

For Jill to be doing this, openly with both Trixie and her husband watching, and to be doing this with the man she has already turned down once and now without saying so out loud, she had to be really aroused by the thought of making it with Jim.

My wife had entered the bedroom, had stayed to watch instead of moving on, and now she has crawled into bed beside Jim. I was thinking, she might act later, with me like this was no big deal, but I knew better.

I was now on Trixie's right side, where I could begin using my right hand on her before once again mounting. In this position, I was able to see Jill with Jim, and that I especially wanted to see. Jill, you see, whenever possible, wants to be alone with her chosen lover, so the only times in the past I had been able to watch her with a man is when there was no woman for me.

Now though, the woman with me was on the same bed. I had set this up by taking Trixie away from Jim and leaving nowhere for Jill to go but to be with Jim, and when I asked my wife later, she would not admit, even then, that had been what she wanted.

She'd rather have me believing that I had sort of, ****** her to do this, rather than admit that she had entered the bedroom wanting to fuck Jim.

That's the way Jill is. Secretive at times.

Now though, my wife could not be secretive, not this time. Trixie too, thankfully seemed to want to watch my wife with the black man she had just finished fucking. So as I went though the motions of fondling, kissing and fingering Trixie, a woman I had already fucked once, I was watching Jim working on my wife.

I knew that my wife was hoping that I am busy with Trixie and not be watching her, but no chance. I wanted to see Jim fuck my wife.

They are kissing. A very good sign. I knew that for Jill to be kissing Jim so ardently, that she must not have been as pissed off as I had thought over me sort of egging Jim on to put the moves on her last night and the way he had continued to hold her breasts as she had tried to squirm out and under.

Trixie, bless her heart, was sensing the significance of the act we were about to see, I think, as she grabbed my hand in hers and held it tight.

When I heard Jill sigh softly and open her legs, raising the left one up at the knee and placing her foot on the bed so that as she laid beside him Jim could better access her pussy with his right hand, I knew that it was going to happen and this is going to be a good fuck for both him and her.

It seemed like Jim was still unsure as to his status. This is the beautiful and married blonde woman that he has spent the better part of two sunny days and one night around, seeing her, lusting for her, gripping her boobs at one point, and thinking he can never score on her because she seemed to have been upset about it.

And yet, here she is, in his arms, her pussy wrapped around his finger, and soon, around his six pound cock. Thought she didn't know it as yet, soon and in the future, Trixie would be going through life thinking she had fucked a six pound cock, and then encouraged someone's wife to also try that six pound cock.

As I entered Trixie and felt Jim's cum, which was still being warmed by Trixie's body heat surround my cock with a slimy coat, we both continued to watch my wife, whose face was toward us as well as her major body parts.

Jill was avoiding meeting my eyes I think, because if she happened to look my way and saw that I am watching her enjoying herself, that would be admitting to me that she can enjoy, yes, enjoy a man with her husband present in the same room.

Before this day, the only way I had been able to be present with her and man, was when I had no woman for me. Today, her husband has a woman, but four to the bed was the rule of the day.

Then, as Jim started to climb over my wife, getting between her legs near her knees, she quickly slid her body over to her right and almost up against our bodies so that she would not be way out at the edge of the mattress and where Jim could not put both knees down.

My heart did a flip-flop as I saw my lovely wife smiling up at Jim and spreading her legs to allow Jim, his cock standing proud, to get between them and move forward.

The moment. It's happening. My beautiful blonde wife ready to receive her first Big Black Cock.

In my mind, I was hoping that Jill is thinking as I am. 'Here comes Jim's six pound black cock, wet and shiny still from Trixie and making her cum, and now it's coming for me!'

Holding my breath, I waited, wanting this moment to last a long time, that moment where a strange cock, a larger and black cock, is about to enter the treasured vagina that you love, your married pussy, yours supposedly to cherish, protect, and never to let another man tear asunder pussy.

No wait, that's part of the traditional marriage vows, not your wife's pussy, but the effect was the same.

Jim will be tearing my wife's pussy asunder, with his black six pound cock.

I had watched Jim with Trixie, and though she had begun orgasming with him almost instantly, he had not really fucked her, I mean fucked her really good. Somehow, I sensed, Jim will be giving my wife more of himself than he had been giving Trixie.

I saw that not only was Trixie and I looking down to see this act begin, but Jill as well was raising her head to see where Jim was looking, at his cock about to open her.

As I divided my attention between my wife's face and her pussy, I saw her mouth drop open as the head of his shiny prick grew closer and touched. A slight pause, a push, a pair of lips being shoved aside and opened, accompanied by a slight gasp from my wife, and a shiny cock sliding in.

Fuck fuck it's happening! I saw it all, in slow motion it seemed, no further lubrication needed, and it was hot. I could tell, as soon as Jill felt Jim entering her with that six pound black beauty, she was already involved with him mentally as well as physically.

I heard Trixie, who had risen to her elbows under me to better see, breathe out one word. "Wow."

Jill, being basically the strong silent type, after the gasp, let out a nice long but subdued groan as Jim entered her to the deepest level possible. Right about then, and it is funny, because I had just began to wonder where the heck Fern is, Fern came in and sat down on the side of the bed my wife was on.

I do believe that Fern breathed a sigh of relief as she saw that her man is finally getting his woman, and evening out the score.

Jill, I think, while she was wrapping several parts of her body around several parts of Jim's body, knew Fern or someone is there, but she ignored it as Jim began to fuck, stronger now, more sure of himself as he saw and felt my previously reluctant wife begin to respond.

Lucky Jim, he didn't have to feel my wife's pussy with someone else's cum in it like I had to do with fresh fucked Trixie. He had my wife nice and dry, and wet from only her natural juices.

And his drip.

Three people watched as an independently strong white wife took her first black cock. Fern, after a couple of minutes, placed her left hand on Jim's ass, guiding his movements sort of as he steadily pumped up and down, and causing Jill to moan as he did it, he began going side-to-side.

I was watching Fern's face, and also looking over and down at Trixie, and it was obvious, they both looked to be fascinated by the sight of Jim's tight skinned black ass rising up and then going deep.

Was Fern, by participating in his act, trying to make it better for her man, or my wife? I suspect it was for Jill, that Fern wanted Jill to fully enjoy fucking her man.

'I fucked your husband, Jill, so now you get mine.'

Or maybe Fern was thinking: 'I fucked her husband Jim, and now you get his wife.'

Jim had increased his side-to-side movements now, not only making the insides of my wife's pussy go into spasms I think as she felt him working her so skillfully, but also I think, he might have been sliding across her clitoris.

Jill, I think, as she felt another man's cock, a larger cock, a black cock, working the insides of her pussy sideways, went into some kind of dream state. She had an orgasm, and though she tried to keep it quiet, her way when I am in the area and she is enjoying someone else, this time she let it out in a long, deep groan.

I am pretty sure that, at that time, my wife had totally forgotten that she is sharing her bed with her husband and another woman. Her mind was on one thing, Jim and his cock. Wait, that's two things.

Five or six minutes I estimate, passed while Jim steadily fucked my wife with his six pound cock, perhaps fixing in Jill's mind forever how good it is feeling. All the while, the kissing continued. Lips locked. Tongues intermingling, breathing being shared.

And her orgasms. Fortunately, Jim had dropped a load into Trixie, a load that was around my cock, and he was able to hold back with Jill.

Yes, and sweat too, they were sharing as they were both starting to look a bit shiny.

As they continued to fuck, that is when, though it was already happening, that it hit me. Fuck yeah, I was thinking. Good thing that I had Jim dump his load into Trixie first. Now he can last.

It was then that Trixie, yes Trixie the innocent little cutie, surprised me when she asked my wife: "Jill? Does Jim feel good or maybe better? His cock weighs six pounds I think compared to your husband's five."

I couldn't believe it. Trixie, in her innocence, is asking my wife to say, in front of me, if Jim and his bigger black cock feels better than me with my five pound cock. But she had been able to express it, the question, without saying 'bigger.' Instead, she could word it in poundage.


Jill, now tightly wrapping her body around Jim and heavily involved, had a strange, surprised look on her face, like she had been caught in the act of doing something she is not supposed to be doing.

My wife, for the first time in the past two days, seemed embarrassed at what Trixie had asked as Jim was pulling up and then sinking back into her. Being pulled out of her reverie like that, having her concentration broke, Jill's face actually turned red.

Red! My wife's face. Something I had never really seen her do before when it came to being nude, with other people, and being involved in some form of sex. Without thinking, she responded weakly.

"What? Jim's cock weighs six pounds?" I think that Jill had been so involved with the kissing, and so concentrated on the feel of Jim's cock and his fucking technique, that she had forgotten that game we had played. Then she remembered to keep playing the game.

"Oh yes, Jim's cock. Yes it does. I've never weighed his cock like you did my husband's, but Jim's cock is bigger and feeling extra good so it just-might-weigh-six-pounds." She had said each word with emphasis, making it appear that Jim, indeed, has a six pound cock.

'Extra good?' I had heard mostly those two words in addition to her using the word 'bigger.'

Without coming right out with it, Jill, by saying 'extra good' had just admitted in so many words to three people that her society frowned upon black cock is feeling better than her legally married white cock.

No, make that four people. Jill had just told four people that Jim's cock feels 'extra good.' I had forgotten to add Jim into the original count.

Jill paused and looked up into Jim's eyes, and I think she was more speaking to Jim than answering Trixie. "He's feeling really good too, Jim does, and not just his cock."

Trixie nodded. "I know."

Fuck fuck! Trixie had just told the world that she is in agreement with my wife, that Jim's bigger black cock feels better than mine. I'm not sure she realized the full meaning of what she had said, but the 'damage' to my pride and reputation was done.

Fern kicked in, perhaps not wanting Jim's ego to get inflated over the two women saying how much they had and were enjoying fucking him. I'm not sure if Fern had heard the bit about how Jill and I had played that game with Trixie, though maybe Jim had told Fern since I had relayed the story to him the other night.

"Five pounds of cock, six pounds of cock, whatever, they both feel really good!"

'Thank you Fern, for saying that.' Fern, perphaps sensing how I might be sensitive about Jim's cock being larger, might have done that for me, or maybe she really meant it. In any case, I liked what she had said as we shared a wink.

Trixie was feeling pretty squishy inside as I slid around in her now stretched and soaked cunt. I wondered if my wife will feel like this if I were to mount her right after Jim?

It didn't happen. Jill had raised her legs higher now, wrapping them so far up that they were around his waist, and finally, completely over his shoulders. Obviously, she wanted as much of Jim as possible inside her body.

What a sight! My gorgeous blonde trophy wife with her legs so high up around a black man that they are over his shoulders in order to be able to get every last millimeter of black cock! Giving herself to him to do as he pleases, to fuck her as deeply and maybe as hard as he desires, while she lays under him and strives for even more perhaps.

She surprised me, my wife, really surprised me. She kept going, urging Jim on, and he was able to meet her demands and satisfy.

Fifteen minutes, twenty? Jim was giving my wife a good long fucking because having dropped a load into Trixie first, he was able to make it last. So I had to make it last too, though to be honest I had some problems holding back with Trixie as I heard my wife beginning to get a little louder.

The more aroused my wife was sounding, the closer my cock kept coming to cumming, and I would have to pause in my stroking.

Loud and louder? My wife? This was unlike the woman who is usually pretty quiet when I fuck her. Now, she was getting...fuck yes, even louder with each movement Jim was making with his cock. Louder, even with both her husband and Jim's woman listening.

Still, she was making just moaning, groaning and gasping sounds. I kept hoping to hear my wife say something out loud, deliberate like, admitting openly to me and the world, something in terms like, 'Oh Jim, fuck me with that wonderful big cock.'

But she didn't, no, not in front of me, Fern maybe as well as Trixie. Had she been alone with Jim, maybe. She's the strong, silent type, so maybe not even when she's alone and out of earshot from me.

Fern was pushing a little harder on Jim's ass now, guiding him and giving encouragement while at the same time she was looking under his balls and at the contact between Jim's cock and Jill's pussy. Jim had been able to see her pussy being serviced by me earlier today, and now Fern was being given equal opportunity with Jim's cock.

I wanted so bad to get off Trixie and mount Fern, because I felt that I had not really been able to give her the fuck that had started out to be great and had ended up as... almost great. I'm not sure why I didn't switch from Trixie to Fern, part of it might have been because I did not want Trixie to feel less desired.

Had I jumped onto Fern, it likely would have detracted from the pleasure Jim was getting from Jill, because, as Jim had done with Fern yesterday, my fucking Fern again might have taken away some of the thrill he was getting from being on and in Jill.

Also, Fern seemed to be having a good time over there watching and sort of guiding her man's ass.

No such problem between Jim and my loving wife. His hard feelings about Fern having fucked me were perhaps being soothed by the feel of his hard cock in a beautiful woman, Jim was enjoying himself no end, as was my wife, though she was trying her best not to show it too vocally.

Yeah, Jill was trying to hide her enjoyment, no doubt about that as she met his every stroke with an equal rise of her hips, taking him as deep as possible no matter the angle he might be aiming it into her.

Jim was able to give my wife that great fuck though that I think she needed. We had not done anything with another man or couple in some time, and I think my wife was ready. Besides his having wrapped his hands and fingers around her last night, Jill had spent the better part of two days seeing Jim walking around naked, his dangling cock swinging one way or the other.

And of course, Jill knew that I had fucked Fern. And also Trixie. So on top of everything else, Jill perhaps felt that her time is at hand.

All that, ending with seeing Jim mounted on Trixie and feeding his hard cock to her. and my wife's resistance had become, I am pretty sure, desire.

Trying to suppress her excitement and not be too obvious with noise I knew, Jill had a final good, long, intense orgasm. Since Jim was giving it to her deep but thankfully, not real fast, and with Jill's ass raised so high in the air, I was able to make our her tiny pink anus going through the motions of cumming.

Then Jill, being her, the way she is in front of me, sort of acted indifferent about it after. But that was meant mostly for me, her way of showing me that she chooses, I don't.

Then, after they both had orgasmed, it seemed that just like that Jill was 'done' as she sort of crawled out and under from Jim, who appeared to be in a weakened state, and headed for the bathroom. That was her, with others watching. Only a little bit of foreplay in advance, and non after.

Still not understanding the way my wife is, especially with me around, Jim looked over at me sort of in dis-belief that my wife was now treating this like, 'no big deal.'

Grinning at Jim, I pointed toward Jill, who had her back turned now and was heading toward the bathroom door.

"Go," I said to Jim, while nodding my head in the direction of my wife. Jill heard me, and stopped to see if she had heard what she thought she had heard.

As Jim, still on his knees, crawled off the bed and walked toward Jill, I saw her look down, no mistaking it, at his swinging cock, looking long since it had not gone down in size, just in direction. Then, with just a hint of a smile, she again turned to the bathroom door.

I wasn't surprised when she allowed Jim to follow her into the bathroom, after all that, and she pulled the door shut. She closed the door? I hadn't thought of that. I still might not know what all went on in that bathroom, because Jill never told me her side of it.

My mind was reaching. 'Right about now, is Jill sitting on the commode and draining his cum while sucking his cock?

That's what Fern and I had done. Or will my wife stand with her ass against the sink and take Jim again while standing, able to enjoy his cock because being longer than mine, that position is easier to do. I didn't know what all they were doing, but they were in there for maybe 15 to 20 minutes.

I wasn't real concerned about my wife, because I still had Fern and Trixie in bed with me. I had dumped another load into Trixie, but for some stupid reason, even though I was capable, I didn't start up again with Fern for fear of being interrupted. I did do some kissing though, with both of them, and they played with my cock.

When Jim and Jill came walking out of the bathroom looking all happy and smug, both girls giggled when they saw his cock dangling yes, but looking longer than his normal softie. They knew, we all knew, that cock was still coming down from recently, within the past two minutes perhaps, of being fully erect. But neither gal asked what had been going on in there. Nor did I.

I was watching Jill's face though, and I could see, even though she wouldn't meet my eyes with her, that she not only had a red face, but a face that looked, well, very satisfied.

As all the women were getting ready to leave, I had a chance to talk to Jim alone, and Jim, still being a bit unsure of himself, asked: "Do you think she liked it."

I knew he was not asking about Trixie. But I could not give Jim maybe a truly comprehensive answer from my viewpoint as to how much Jill had enjoyed fucking him because Jim had also been alone with my wife. I gave it a go, though.

"Are you kidding? From what I was seeing, Jill loved your cock, and she had a really good orgasm, several actually."

"How do you know? She didn't say a word to me about it, after."

'Is he playing dumb,' I wondered, after he had been alone with Jill in our bathroom for so long?

"Jim," I said, "Rest assured. My wife loved getting fucked by you. She didn't make it real obvious on the bed because of me. Jill always wants to be in control of her own destiny, or something like that, and admitting to me or even to the man she is fucking that she really likes being fucked by someone that I have chose for her is not in her nature. That's all."

"I see," Jim answered with a nod of acknowledgement. "Don't tell Fern for God's sake, but your wife really got me off. Fuck, it was like she, like we couldn't get enough of one another when I had her on the bed.

Fern is good in bed, but it was like Jill and I were bonded or something. Every move I made it was like it was exactly what she wanted me to do."

He grinned. "Your wife's the best looking, best built woman I've ever had and I think I never came so hard as I did in her."

"I guess you put it in pretty deep because she didn't have any coming out when she stood up to go to the bathroom."

"Maybe not," Jim laughed. "But it sure started coming out of her once we got into the bathroom."

That was my chance to ask. "In the bathroom, did you fuck again?"

Jim looked at me funny. "She told me not to tell."

I already had my answer as I smiled and nodded. "So you did fuck her. How did you do it, standing up against the sink?"

I was pretty sure what his answer would be.

Jim sort of giggled. "Exactly. Standing up. Her idea. It was obvious by the way she kept holding onto my cock with her hands. The entire time we were in the bathroom, if I didn't have it in her pussy, she was holding it in her hand.

She wanted to fuck again, let me know before I had a chance to ask. After she sat a while on the toilet, she wanted to try it that way, standing, grabbed my dick and guided it toward her actually, and it worked out just fine. Told me that she had been curious about trying this position, with the right guy."

Again my wife had surprised me, though she would not know that I would know. Besides coming into the bedroom where she knew fucking is going on and participating, she had taken Jim into the bathroom, closed the door, and by taking charge, had let Jim know that she is hot for his cock, him, or both.

So I told Jim what she had meant by that. "I fucked Jill once that way, her standing up against the sink, but with her being so tall and all I couldn't get it in deep enough I don't think. I was giving her the head and maybe another two inches.

Fuck, I think I pumped her that way for a full five minutes or so while holding back, but she couldn't go over. I decided to try finishing her by pulling her legs up around me. Then I was able to give her the rest of my dick while she was sitting on the edge. Took a while longer, but I finally got her off."

He nodded while looking around to make sure that Jill is not within earshot. "So that explains what she said, that this position probably only works if the cock is long enough. I know this much: I was able to give it to her deep enough to feel good."

"Did you give it to her hard? I think she likes it that way when she's standing."

Jim grinned. "I wasn't going to say, but I fucked her really hard right then. Banged it into her, and she couldn't get enough. Kept hugging me tighter and trying to get me closer to her and deeper. She was hugging me tight as she could and moaning the entire time, before her orgasm, during her orgasm, and after."

I nodded in agreement. "With her legs together like that, it makes her feel even tighter I found out from when I tried fucking her that way."

Jim nodded back while looking particularly happy. "Got that right. Jill was already really tight when I penetrated her on the bed, I've never felt a pussy that was that good when I first went in.

She was so tight around me I figured that is because you've been giving her a smaller dick, but then with her legs together like that combined with her pussy so tight, I had to actually push and pull my cock in and out instead of just cruising on in and out."

Jim had just put my cock and me down, perhaps without realizing it.

I sighed. "So she came hard that way, I figure."

"Fuck yeah. I think that if my cock had been an inch or two longer she might have liked it even more. When I started cumming in her, I shoved into her as hard and deep as I could go and sort of held it there while she felt me throbbing. That was when I gave her my biggest load maybe, more so then on the bed I think."

I needed to correct something. "You probably didn't give her your biggest 'load' ever because you had already dropped a load into that pussy on the bed, and of course into Trixie before that. But the fuck against the sink might have been your most intense orgasm in feeling."

He went on. "That's true. A lot of what made that fuck so great is the fact that we kept kissing like crazy and using lots of tongue. When I came into her, she was cumming at the same time, our timing together was perfect, I think.

And then, when I held her after and still shoving my cock into her as deep as it could go, Jill was hanging onto me tight and shaking all over like she was freezing. She was no longer trying to kiss me. Keeping her head beside mine actually and I think it might have been so she could catch her breath. She didn't seem to be able to talk either, and I think it was because that fuck had been so hot."

"And stolen," I added. "Her secret fuck with you and finishing the act her husband had started." From the way Jim was describing it, it was sounding like my wife might have just enjoyed her best fuck, ever.

"You won't tell Jill I told on her will you? She made me swear..."

I cut him off. "Don't worry, it can be her little secret."

"Thank you," Jim answered. "I'd hate to lose her friendship because I told."

"I meant to ask, when you first went into the bathroom, did Jill sit on the pot to drain your cum?"

Jim sort of chuckled. "Yeah, she did, and I know what you're thinking. She didn't ask, but I went over and stuck my slimy cock in her mouth and she cleaned me up."

"She licked your cock," I asked, while remembering how Fern had done that for me? I was debating about telling Jim that Fern had also sucked my slimy cock while sitting.

"More than that, she tried to deep throat it first, and couldn't go very far down, so then she came back, sucked on my head for maybe thirty seconds, and then she sort of looked at her sticky fingers and proceeded to lick on my cock, all along the sides, cleaning it up."

Shaking my head, because Jill had never done that for me, though Fern had, I thought it best I not tell Jim about Fern and I. Instead, I decided to change the subject, slightly.

"How about Trixie? How'd she compare? You gave her her biggest cock, right after she had just had her biggest cock."

Jim laughed. "Now that was fun, I have to admit. Trixie was good, and her pussy no doubt about it never had a cock big as me. But all the time I was fucking Trixie I was hoping your wife would come in. Topping if off with fucking your wife, not just once but twice in two different rooms, that's what made my day!"

That was basically the way I felt too. Trixie, sweet and innocent and foxy as she looked, had just been a stepping stone for Jim to fuck my wife, and together, Jim and I, maybe with Trixie's help, we had made it happen.

Jim, I could tell, was maybe having one of the best days of his life, so I decided to make it even better.

"Fuck Jim, Jill really enjoyed fucking you, and I'm pretty sure that Fern was happy to see it and enjoyed watching you fucking my wife. I think Jill might have wanted to do it the first time she saw you, but you saw how she is. I wish my wife would admit that to me, that she wanted to fuck your right off, but she won't.

After you're gone I'll be lucky if I can get her to talk to me about it, about taking your cock, but we know, don't we? She really got off. When you were between her legs on the bed, I could see it in her face and the way she curled her toes and dug her fingers into your ass."

"Hey! Are you ready to go?" It was Fern, coming in to see what was keeping Jim.

Jim and Fern left. Left to never been seen again. I don't know what happened to them, but I still have a copy of the magazine, two maybe, with them in it, though it has been years. Far as I know, Jim was Jill's only black fuck, and therefore, he remains her best black fuck.

So readers, this writer, EroticWriter, is telling you that a big black cock thoroughly worked over and enjoyed my married white pussy.

To this day, I don't know if that was the most exciting day of doing photography and fucking around my pool and house, or the day two women had knocked on my door, two Mormon women talking religion, invited in and watched me get naked with my model, and then joining in.

The younger one had been an engaged virgin while the older one, not her mother, had been married. I had fucked them both.

That day occurred after Jill and I had split up.

I think I called that true story 'Two Women Came To My Door,' and that story is on this site somewhere.
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Great long story! Three people watching a handsome black kissing and goingdeep with a beautiful blonde. That is hot!
randyrandy said:
Great long story! Three people watching a handsome black kissing and going deep with a beautiful blonde. That is hot!

And true Randy. It's been so long ago I even used their real first names, the black couple. I wonder where they are, still together? Probably not. The young girl we both fucked, and she 'weighed' my cock? Don't remember her name so made one up, 'Trixie.,' and she was a delight.

And of course my wife's name is faked.

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