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I'm new to this....

  • Thread starterVictoria
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Thanks for your reply, Ms. Victoria.

Victoria said:
Custer, you are rather adorable (I'm sure I've mentioned this before!)

Awww... geee... please, you're embarrassing me...

Victoria said:
Re: our children... first they are old enough to take care of themselves when we are gone, if we let them... second, since KA and I have both previously been married there is always time with the 'other' parent.

It sounds like for you and KA, "the problem of children" is well solved.

Victoria said:
We even managed to have a childless day yesterday so deemed the day to be 'naked day'.. fortunately we have a very private yard. :-D

That's very cool...

Victoria said:
I have not been on that website but will need to check it out.. I will let you know what I think. xoxo —Victoria

Thanks! It's among the sites I consider pretty good, but one wonders whether the concepts and strategy presented by the author (Lady Misato) are actually realistic or just sexual fantasy. I'll look forward to your thoughts on "Real Women Don't Do Housework."

Training or not....


I looked at the website, it's entertaining for sure. I can't speak for everyone of course, but I'm thinking it's not really based on reality. At least not one that I could live in.

The reason why I think that KA have been able to explore this side of our sexuality is based on a mutual respect for one another, and a partnership. I'm not sure one can 'train' someone who doesn't want to play the game without damage.

As you know I love to "get my freak on!" but if whom ever I was with wasn't into it, well I guess I wouldn't be with them"! (been there, not interested in going back)

Sage has been waiting for me to write about our first encounter on my thread.... I will be interested in his take on what I share.... :)

Ms. Victoria,

Thanks for your reply... I appreciate your passing along your view of the RWDDH site.


Did you think the website could be based on reality? I didn't mention before, I love the sexual fantasy aspect of the site... I think I actually act that way more often than not when KA and I play...


Intriguing... but, beats me.

Ms. Victoria,

Good to hear from you again. Regarding your question:

Victoria said:
Custer, Did you think the website [RWDDH] could be based on reality?

I assure you, I don't know. I have never met "Lady Misato" (the author), have never communicated with her in any way, nor am I ever likely to meet her.

Having said that, I take it as a truism that most (perhaps all) good to outstanding fiction is based on the personal experiences of the author. That is, people write best about the things they know the most about. When an author knows little or nothing about the subject he or she is writing about, the result tends to be unconvincing or, if it's fiction, unrealistic low-quality fiction.

Lady Misato's site, "Real Women Don't Do Housework," despite seeming like sexual fantasy, has — as you have, in effect, pointed out — a compellingly erotic appeal. Thus, one wonders... is her website based on a "program" or "plan of action" she actually implemented successfully with her own husband...? Good question.

Victoria said:
I didn't mention this before, but I love the sexual fantasy aspect of the site... I think I actually act that way more often than not when KA and I play... ;-) xoxo —Victoria

Yes, I noticed that in your post describing your approach to "dealing with" (so to speak) KA during one of your sexual encounters with your lover. That was the reason I asked you about your thoughts on the RWDDH site.

Best wishes —

Ms. Victoria,

Regarding your earlier post re. the “Real Women Don’t Do Housework” site:

Victoria said:
Custer, I looked at the RWDDH website. It's entertaining, for sure. I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I'm thinking it's not really based on reality. At least, not a reality I could live in. The reason I think KA and I have been able to explore this side of our sexuality is [that what we do is] based on mutual respect and our partnership. I'm not sure one can 'train' a person who doesn't want to play the game without damage. Xoxo —Victoria

With all due respect, I wonder if your statement is actually true that it isn’t possible, without damage, to “train” a person who does not want to be “trained” a-priori, or who does not think a-priori that being “trained” would necessarily be beneficial. I raise this question because a recent science-for-the-layperson book on brain research (see

Medina, John. 2008. Brain Rules: 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and school. Pear Press, Seattle, Washington, 301 pp.)

makes the point, among many others, that the human brain is actually somewhat plastic, so to speak, in the sense that it can indeed be trained to adopt new ways of interpreting input and new ways of thinking about things, and this is evidenced by MRI (or analogous) scans showing the new patterns of brain activity. I won’t say anything further about this because I haven’t read the book. Rather, my wife (she and I are now separated, but not entirely) mentioned this in a recent conversation, so I’m passing along a second-hand summary of what she said.

A good example of a woman successfully “training” her prospective husband to change his conventional expectations regarding his own and her sexual behavior, and to accept and adapt to the substantially different sexual behaviors desired by his wife-to-be, despite not imagining or intending a-priori anything like what eventually happened, may be the thread in this forum initiated by “Knockedup,” which begins here:


If you read it all the way through, you’ll see that (despite a rather rocky reception from some forum members), Knockedup appeared to be succeeding — then, she disappeared from the radar (as it were). Time passed. Finally, Knockedup came back up on the radar and described a successful outcome. See:


I don’t know whether this constitutes “proof” of my suggestion, nor do I know whether Knockedup’s situation, as described by her, is actually true. But… well… there you have it.

Just how deep do we want to go?


Depending on how deep you want to go... you could say that KA trained me into becoming his 'slutty wife'... or perhaps did he just uncover what I could be.. or was... or wanted to be?

I believe that KA knew how much I loved men, how much I love sex, and wanted me to experience all that was possible. Now in saying that, and him being able to 'want' that is something on a different level.

I know for a fact that my ex-husband would have NEVER EVER even considered this lifestyle to be an option (perhaps one of the multitude of reasons we are no longer together?) and in my many years of psychology classes I am positive I could not have trained him to be anything else.

I believe some people are so completely 'hard-wired' into certain ways of thinking of things that there is no flexibility. I also believe that there are so many men and women carry around so much 'baggage' that they cannot see beyond it. Which is sad, because they miss out on so many experiences.

Oh, I dunno...

Thank you for your thoughtful reply, Ms. Victoria.

Victoria said:
Depending on how deep you want to go... you could say KA trained me to become his 'slutty wife'... or, perhaps, did he just uncover what I could be.. or was... or wanted to be?

You've raised a good question. My guess would be, knowing only what you've said about yourself and KA on this forum, that KA sensed your potential, knew that was consistent with what he wanted for himself, indeed sensed that from when he first met you, and — after successfully courting you and persuading you to marry him (congratulations, KA! that was masterful) — proceeded to "train" you to pursue your underlying needs and desires that you had been suppressing because of your acute awareness of societal expectations re. how a woman should behave vis-a-vis her male partner. (Maybe that should have been 2 or 3 sentences.) And you responded in a positive way — hesitantly and with some reluctance, I gather — because, at some level (if not right at the surface), you knew those were your underlying needs and desires.

Victoria said:
I believe that KA knew how much I love men, how much I love sex, and he wanted me to experience all that was possible.

Yes, but not just for you but also for him because of his own sexual proclivities. This (your manner of relating to each other and your style of marriage) is his "kink," as the BDSM folks would put it, no doubt.

Victoria said:
Now in saying that, him being able to 'want' that is something on a different level.

This comment doesn't seem entirely clear to me, but I'll note that KA too may, in previous relationships with women (and/or his wife if he was previously married), have suppressed his inner sexual needs and desires due to acute awareness his inner needs and desires are incompatible with societal expectations for men in their relationships with women, combined with a strong suspicion his previous women would have considered him "weird" and rejected his sexual desires or, even worse, made fun of him.

Victoria said:
I know for a fact that my ex-husband would have NEVER EVER even considered this lifestyle to be an option (perhaps one of the multitude of reasons we are no longer together?) and in my many years of psychology classes I am positive I could not have trained him to be anything else.

I understand that completely. It underlies my estrangement from my wife which finally became so severe she left me. [Ah... so you have a background in psychology, and perhaps are even a practicing or academic psychologist. Regardless, I hope you'll appreciate that I resisted the urge to suggest you may be a "practicing psycho..."]

Victoria said:
I believe some people are so completely 'hard-wired' into certain ways of thinking of things that there is no flexibility.

I also agree with you on this point. I suspect people who are militantly vanilla (as it were) with respect to their sexual relationships are so because that behavior and way of thinking has a genetic component. It's analogous to my suspicion that the strongly religious nature of many people also has a genetic component. That is, people who refuse to even consider whether there is verifiable evidence supporting the truth, or lack thereof, of their religious beliefs because they *know* their beliefs are true. (I'm sure you've encountered such people.) Speaking of which, see:

Hamer, Dean, 2004, "The God Gene: how faith is hardwired into our genes," Doubleday, 241 pp.

Victoria said:
I also believe so many men and women carry around so much 'baggage' they cannot see beyond it. —Victoria xoxo

If the genetic possibility is the nature component of these observations, your "so much baggage" comment sounds like the nurture component. But, rather than "nature vs. nurture," I suspect it's more like "nature combined with nurture."

Best wishes —


So when do we get to share a bottle of wine.... or two... (or preferably champagne?? I think that would fit!!!) Somehow I know it would be the most memorable evening!



(I want to!!!)
on to Sage....

Continuing with KA's training of me to be his 'hotwife'....

As I've written before, I had 'stepped out' on KA a couple of times with his knowledge and encouragement, both of the experiences were good for us, I had shared every detail from each encounter with KA, but now it was time to move on.

As you are all aware of KA is a frequenter of this site and we discussed some of the posts, sometimes he would show me pics of bulls seeing if I was interested or not. I'm truly not much on meeting people online (I know I should be spanked for that) as I do like the face to face aspect of a potential encounter. I love to flirt, challenge, be challenged, and flirt some more, there is also the physical attraction factor. So in saying all of this KA suggested that he and I together look for a bull for me, one that when the timing was right, KA would be there with me, witnessing me cuckolding him, watching as another man fucked his wife. We had obviously shared that fantasy often and I did want it to happen.

Now I think I may have mentioned once or twice before that I am a bit of a control freak, so although I wanted KA to make initial contact, I wanted to be the one that 'pushed the button' so to speak. We found someone that we had both thought had potential, someone that does not live in the same city as us, (again that control factor) had a gorgeous body, is significantly younger than me, etc etc... after a couple days of discussion we were in agreement, the email was composed, a couple glasses of wine for a bit of courage, and I hit the 'send' button... my stomach was doing some entertaining acrobatics at this point!

Thankfully Sage did not keep us waiting for a response back, the same day we heard back, he told us more about himself, sounded respectful, honest, all the things I was needing at that time, and he sent a couple more pictures of himself! ;-) So now onto the next hard part, KA wanted to send a pic of me!!! AHHHHH.. we had quite a few that would work, (KA loves to take pictures of me, you would think I was a porn star by the amount he has!) but as any woman would know, I definitely needed to approve of this, so after searching through KA's stash, we agreed on one, it was a pic taken from the back, my fingers woven together across the small of my back, back arched, ass slighting protruding, the only 'touch up' I insisted upon was the tattoo that was visible needed to be airbrushed out...

Done, photo sent, again... waiting....

Victoria said:
So when do we get to share a bottle of wine.... or two... (or preferably champagne?? I think that would fit!!!) Somehow I know it would be the most memorable evening!



(I want to!!!)

I've sent you a PM.

...once we heard back from Sage it was time for me to take over the communication from KA, up to this point I had been involved in the emails that were from KA to Sage, but they were not coming from me. So I emailed Sage to start 'our dialogue,' I don't know how to describe chatting with someone via email that I have virtually predetermined I am going to have sex with... it was very new to me. Not to mention I was talking to someone I hadn't met about having sex with him while my husband watches.. it was new, strange, and rather exciting!!

After a couple of emails back and forth (a few more pictures were exchanged, we had graduated to faces!!) Sage suggested we talk on the phone, another step... this one was great. I actually think this was a button of KA's that I hadn't expected, but it was making him crazy knowing that Sage and I were talking, planning what we would do when we finally got together, how we were going to explore and exploit KA's buttons. It was a whole new world for me communicating with a 'bull' who had experience cuckolding, I had gone from 'it sounds like a fun idea, to 'full out planning mode.' I liked it!

One of KA's requests that I did honour was that he wanted to know what was going to happen, what we were planning, it was our first time in this scenario he didn't want to have any surprises. I was a bit reluctant to share all of the details Sage and I were planning but I did, I wanted this to be a mind blowing experience for all of us.

It ended up that KA was out of the country on business the week before we had planned to meet Sage for the first time. We had bypassed the luxury of going for a drink and meeting, then deciding if we would go to the next step, I'm fairly certain all three of us knew this WAS going to happen. That week was brutal, KA was out of town, a friend had come to visit me and we had taken a three day road trip, I had a million emotions going through me, I talked on the phone to Sage as much as possible, I talked to KA on the phone when time zones and meetings allowed and then I was supposed to be entertaining my friend. (Somehow I know she got the short end of the stick, because my mind was in a hotel room in another city!)

My girlfriend and I were flying to Dallas, I was dropping her there, and meeting KA (just coming in from London) to continue to on to meet Sage. I'm fairly certain I had the 'cat that just ate the mouse' look on my face the entire day... when I saw KA at the airport I knew that he was feeling the same thing. I know that I was excited (guess it's a bit easier for a woman to not blatantly display this than a man) because he was unable to unbutton his jacket the entire time we were in the airport! Oh, I forgot to mention, a little detail that even made this week a wee bit more 'entertaining' was that I had restricted both KA and Sage from cuming, I was fine with them masturbating, but neither were allowed to finish until they were with me! I had put restrictions on KA before, but Sage was another thing... as far as I know he complied.. I know it was not easy for either of them, there was so much sexual tension, not to mention I wasn't being easy on them when we talked on the phone, I hadn't had sex in over a week, and I was beyond ready! :-D

Sage and I had been texting to one another all day, the count down as it were. I had planned to get into the city with enough time to check in, have a long hot shower, allow KA to 'prepare' me for the evening (almost sounds like preparing for a sacrifice?) I was going to allow him to bathe me, shave me, lick me until I came on his face several times... KA loves buying me lingerie, so he had purchased an incredible set of lingerie from Agent Provocateur for me, he would dress me in the lingerie prior to going down to the bar in the hotel to meet with my new bull!

It was the perfect plan if I do say so myself........

Then, of course, the flight was delayed! I guess I cannot control everything.... We arrived a couple hours later than planned, Sage was already at the bar in the hotel and I had not had any time to 'prepare' the way I wanted to, my heart was racing. Sage knew that we were late as we had been texting one another. KA and I checked in and headed up to the room for a quick moment to freshen up, I knew if all went well I would be having hopefully some pretty incredible sex with a man I had yet to meet in person tonight.. I was for lack of a better term, pretty much a basket case! AND that man was waiting for us in the bar!

KA quickly freshened up and with my instructions headed down to meet Sage, it was important to me that KA was comfortable with him (we were planning on spending a lot of time together over the next 48 hours). I wanted them to meet face to face, yes Sage and KA did communicate up to this point but in person is a completely different experience, it was one that was messing with my mind at that point. So KA kissed me 'goodbye' knowing that the next man to kiss me would not be him. I was standing in front of him naked, I had just gotten out of the shower, I smelled of soap and shampoo, my pussy cleanly shaved. I whispered into KA ear to go down and meet 'my new lover' and buy him a drink, when I was ready (dressed) I would send him a text, he was to have Sage come to the room. I wanted to meet Sage privately. I slid my hand over KA's very hard cock... He was ready... and he left the room.

I was so nervous, it's not like I haven't slept with a man the first night on a date, hell, it's not that I haven't picked up a man with the intent to sleep with him?? But this was making me extremely nervous, perhaps it was because it was all planned out? Because KA was going to be with us? Or perhaps it was just nervous energy that had been building from the moment I hit send on the first email to Sage?

I dressed in a blue and black demi bra and thong pantie set that KA gave me just for this occasion, I think I have mentioned before how much I adore Agent Provocateur lingerie, well this set wouldn't disappoint any lingerie lover, with the delicate black lace and little satin ribbons, it begged to be removed, then a long tight black leather pencil skirt, complete with a zipper that runs from top to bottom in the back (it hugs my ass in the most perfect way), and finally a white blouse, completed by a pair of black 'come fuck me pumps'...

I touched up my makeup and sent the text to KA..... then put my wedding rings back on. I was ready.....

oops, sorry guys, I need to head out for my morning run... more later

oh Sage....


I sent the text to KA, telling him it was time to send Sage up to the room. It seemed like forever before he got there, but when he knocked on the door my heart was racing...

I opened the door and there he stood, I know I had seen pictures, he had seen pictures of me, we had talked lots, but the moment of truth was at hand, would there be chemistry? would we be able to pull off all the plans we had made to cuckold KA? Sage walked in, there were only a couple of words exchanged and I was in his arms, the kiss was hot, his hands on me, all over me.. I was running my hands over his hard back, up to his head (shaved, so hot!) pulling him closer to me, if that was possible. Sage grabbed my ass and ground his hips into me, his cock pressing hard against me, my hand dropped to his ass and pulled against him. THERE WAS CHEMISTRY....

Sage whispered in my ear that he wanted to undress me at this very moment, I told him we needed to go down and collect KA while we still had clothes on. Seems like at that moment my cell beeped that I had a text message. It was from KA and all it said was 'm'.... I had to catch my breath and figure out what the hell that meant, I had no idea. Sage and I straightened clothes and headed down the elevator hand in hand, ready to begin KA's night of cuckolding.

We walked into the bar hand in hand as KA was standing talking with the bartender. Still holding Sage's hand I leaned over and kissed KA, asking what 'm' meant. Apparently he had no idea he had sent it, I think perhaps it was a timely text to slow Sage and I down. (??) KA asked what we wanted to drink, I needed a martini to calm myself down... I was about to cuckold my husband while he watched me with my sexy new lover.. Sage and I found a booth, we sat holding hands while KA brought us our drinks. We sat in the bar for what seemed like forever, chatting about who knows what. I had my hand on Sage's leg, every time I looked at KA he was looking at my hand on my bulls leg. I could already see the bulge in his pants.

Finally, I said let's go up, I'm ready. The three of us headed to the elevator, Sage and I and KA, all hand in hand. In the elevator I kissed Sage, letting KA watch as my tongue slid over his lips, tasting his mouth and then tongue. The elevator stopped and we walked in silence to the room. Once inside, I asked Sage to move one of the chairs over to the side of the bed. This is where KA was to sit. KA took his seat, I then took out the leather blindfold with sheepskin lining and as I kissed KA, I lifted it to his eyes. I was going to let him listen to Sage undressing me, touching me, kissing me, and fucking me... he could only imagine what we looked like. After securing the blindfold and repeating the instructions to stay in the chair until I told him he could move, then kissing him again, telling KA that I love him, and that he could stroke his cock but he was not allowed to cum... I turned to Sage.

I was in his arms, his strong sexy body hard against mine. We were kissing and exploring one another's bodies, trying to find our pace. I turned around so my ass was pressed against Sage's hard cock, feeling his throbbing cock pressed against my ass made me moan, I told him to unzip me. He leaned down and started to unzip my skirt from the bottom up.... once to the top it fell from me, leaving only my thong panties between himself and me. He reached around and began unbuttoning the buttons on my blouse, his hands caressing my aroused nipples at every opportunity. I was so ready to have his cock inside of me, I begged him to fuck me.. I turned and practically ripped his clothes from his body... the t-shirt was off in moments leaving such soft hard skin... then his belt and jeans.. I never realized how long it can take to undress a man, I always thought I was good at it, but at this moment I could not go fast enough. But then he was standing in front of me, naked, sexy, and hot! I couldn't touch enough of him, I wanted to taste all of him, but he had other things planned. He gently lay me on the bed kissing his way from my throat to my breasts.. he played again with my tender nipples, pulling and sucking on them making me moan and wiggle against him. I could hear KA's breathing getting heavier. Then Sage pulled my panties to one side and slid his tongue over my sensitive clit. I practically screamed at the sensation, it took him only a few moments before I was bucking against his mouth, his talented tongue and fingers drawing me over the edge. I told him then that I needed to feel his cock inside of me, now...

Sage told me to lift my hips and as he pulled my soaking panties off of me he held them to his face while looking directly at me, he smiled and said that KA should hold this as he tossed them into KA's lap. The loudest moan escaped from KA as he thanked Sage for allowing him to have them, he would be having more soon...

Sage looked at me and asked if I was ready for his cock, I could only manage to say, 'fuck me'... then Sage told KA that he was in fact about to fuck his wife, how my pussy was so wet and waiting... he lifted my legs over his arms so I was unable to move as he lowered himself into me. His cock was thick and it seemed the perfect fit for me because moments after he started his slow, deep thrusts into me I could feel another orgasm take me over. I told Sage he was going to make me cum, I told KA that I adored this cock and I was going to cum on it over and over. Then there was nothing but Sage's rocking into me as I shook with one of the strongest orgasms I've had in a long time.

I love telling Sage that my pussy belongs to him, that it is his pussy and it's he that shares with KA... because at that moment it is all his.... and KA knew it too...

Sage brings me to several more orgasms in record time, I'm not sure if it was even more than one, or if it was just a continuation of the first, his cock is shaped in such a way that he touches all the right places inside of me. I tell him so, tell him how my pussy reacts to him, how I can't get enough... after my fifth orgasm Sage tells me he is going to cum, and asks if he can cum inside of me. I asked KA, 'can Sage cum inside of me'.. KA hesitates (I am not on birth control and Sage is not wearing a condom) Again I asked KA, but still his answer does not come quick enough... Sage shoots his hot hot cum over my clit... that sends me to another orgasm, just then KA says 'yes'.. he can cum inside of me... Sage trusts his cock inside me and finishes the first of many orgasms to come this weekend....

After a few moments of quiet, Sage pulls himself from me and looks down at my pussy. I have cum all over me, Sage smiles and says to KA, 'oh, you should see Victoria's pussy, it is so messy'... I can feel his cum all over me, and I love the slickness of it. I then tell KA that he needs to feel his way over to me and keeping the blindfold on he is to clean me. I don't move as KA feels his way around the king size bed and finally positions himself between my legs. KA is a very skillful man when it comes to licking pussy and he does not disappoint now. As he tastes Sage's cum on me he moans into my pussy, pressing his face into me, covering himself in my lover and I's combined cum. I tell him to clean me well, I want him to lick all of Sage's cum from me, to enjoy knowing I've just fucked another man and that I will be fucking him again and again over the next two days.

While he is licking me clean I ask him if he enjoyed listening to my new lover fuck me? Again he moans into my pussy, telling me 'yes, mistress Victoria'... I let him know he has done well and will be rewarded with watching my new lover fuck me over and over very soon...

Please, you're melting the forum...

Whew! Steamy plus! THANK YOU Ms. Victoria...
Very good narrative Victoria, and very exciting for us to have KA in a blindfold at first. Reading it without seeing it is almost like hearing it without seeing it. One sense missing heightens the rest. I'm sure we could all feel his angst. I can't wait to see how he rest of the weekend panned out now.. Thanks.

Y'all are so sweet with all of your PM messages to me... I promise I will continue with the story of Sage very soon... so far it's hot, let me tell you, it only gets better... :)

Having house guests seems to interfere with my opportunity to communicate as much as I'd like... but soon.... I promise...

Is Sage the "unpaid gigolo" you're plotting to introduce Amanda to, Ms. Victoria? If so, it sounds like there's no doubt she'll be in for a hot night... perhaps hot multiple nights. (If not, though, I'm sure your selection is well-chosen.)

My Dear Victoria...

You sure have a way with words... got me all hot (and hard!). Looking forward to the next story ;~)



No, Sage is not the 'unpaid gigolo' I'm introducing Amanda to... she could not handle Sage at this point I'm sure! :p The friend I'm introducing her to is someone I've known before Sage, AND I'm sure this will be the beginning of something amazing for Amanda but it won't be multiple nights as he is only in town for the one night... (but, it is true that flights can be changed...)


... and you have a way with me... I'm looking forward to the next one as well!!


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