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Mickle said:
Hickies prove to everybody what a slut the women is, my wife not only has them on her boobs but on her neck where everyone can see them.

A slut is just obeying God's command to go forth and multiple - who you multiple with is not important.

If your brother died, you were once expected to take his widow (your sister-in-law) as your second wife, and multiple with her as well.

You also inherited your deceased brother's children, money, property, donkeys, sheep, horses, cows, in-laws and obedient servants of both gender.

Brothers used to help each other select suitable wives, because if your brother died you needed to know that sex with his wife was going to be delicious fun rather than a boring chore.
Hickeys on the necks of teenage girls used to annoy woman in their 50's and 60's, because it proved the girl had a boyfriend and was dabbling around in the dangerous territory that could make her an unmarried mother.

"Precocious sluts" who should be waiting until marriage, instead heading down the track to bringing shame to their parents.

A hickey meant the boyfriend was getting turned on sexually, and an indication of concrete evidence (in the older woman's mind) that his hands and mouth would be visiting other parts of her body.

If the hickeys appeared several times over a few weeks, the older women "knew" that the boyfriend was doing anything he liked to the girl, because she was letting him bite her neck time and time again.

The teen's mother would get phone calls from other women about her slut daughter being up-to-no-good, and heading towards becoming the town bike for any boy; and why wasn't she supervising her daughter better?.
Those kinds of girls would go on to pull a train with the entire football team.
I found that the darker my tan is the less noticeable my hickies were to my husband.
Why cover up th hickies. You should wear them like a badge of honor.
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Fantastic to see the luv bites on the tits and belly of these wives!
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Not when my husband has no clue other men are all over my body when he is not.
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I look at hickey's as a way of showing that you were with someone long enough that he or they were able to suck on you long enough while doing other things to you. To me it shows ultimate intimacy. Getting hickeys on both sides of my neck from two different guys in the same night is hardly a teenage thing to me. Sometimes at the same time I might add.
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I think I love you.
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MacNfries said:
Hickeys???? Good god, how old are you people? Aren't hickeys for teenagers? :rolleyes:

Hickyes are not just for teenagers anymore. It does not matter how old you arre it still feels good in the heat of passion. :D
LilDawn said:
I look at hickey's as a way of showing that you were with someone long enough that he or they were able to suck on you long enough while doing other things to you. To me it shows ultimate intimacy. Getting hickeys on both sides of my neck from two different guys in the same night is hardly a teenage thing to me. Sometimes at the same time I might add.

LilDawn, you are lovely! I'd love to be your husband and have you come home in the middle of the night with your whole body covered in hickeys!
wifeownsme said:
LilDawn, you are lovely! I'd love to be your husband and have you come home in the middle of the night with your whole body covered in hickeys!

LilDawn, I feel the same way. I'd be thrilled to be your husband.
I love them all over my body, especially way up on my inner thighs. Fricken drives me crazy when guys do that. Ones one the neck are indeed a sign of extreme intimacy.
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Deep pleasure. You know you just can't stop.
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LilDawn said:
I love them all over my body, especially way up on my inner thighs. Fricken drives me crazy when guys do that. Ones one the neck are indeed a sign of extreme intimacy.

You need to share some stories with us. Come on.
Saraha said:
Hickeys are no longer for just teenagers, just as anal sex is no longer just for homo's or men who have taken an oath of chastity.

I could not agree more. Hickeys are for our wives and their lovers.;)
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when my wife was fucking her boss, (at the time she did not think i knew), she came home from a business trip with a hickey on her tit. i was so turned on by it, by knowing he had marked her as his own, that all i could think of was her sitting on his cock, facing him and him sucking on her tits.
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My husband likes it when I let my boyfriend give me hickies on my neck and thighs. He says it let's him know that I belong to someone else.
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