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Her enjoying taking more control

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
Hey all - as Shidave suggested (but not for his reason) - I'm starting a new thread.

Now we'd continued talking all through the week and weekend. I knew from what we'd talked about that she was looking forward to seeing Don this week - she was honest and said that she missed sex with him even though what we had was pretty explosive ourselves over Memorial Day weekend! We talked and she agreed that we'd had some really excellent sex and that fortunately, the kids had gone out for a while so we could be pretty loud. But summarizing what she said - she feels inhibited at home at times.

She was honest and said that now that she'd relaxed enough to really let herself enjoy being with Don - that she felt she could honestly tell me that she missed him as it'll have been almost 3 weeks. We both had a good laugh at that and she said to me that I'd "better watch out when the kids are away over the summer" as she was going to want it from both me AND Don! I told her that I live to see that day and she said that I should remember that I'd said that.

Last night as I said, she was frisky in bed and as we got started we were all kissing each other and had our hands all over each other she said we "should get some toys out" and with that she pulled out her favorite dildo - her blue-jelly one she's named Jim and she looked at me and said "You have to wait until Jim is done with me" and then a second later "or until I'm done with Jim!!". I just knelt there between her spread legs as she let me watch her masturbate and get her pussy wet - she then applied some lubricant to the dildo and she teased me more saying stuff like "you like me 'well-used' anyway" and "watch how I cum with Jim". And did she ever. At one point I thought she was going to hurt herself with how hard she seemed to be fucking herself with it. But a moment later she seemed to let loose - arching her back, thrashing her head back and forth - at the end she even let go of the dildo and I reached down and held it in place before it slipped out of her. As she rode that wave of orgasm I could tell how hard she was cumming from how her pussy went from tightly gripping the dildo one second to it almost falling out of her the next.

As she passed that final wave I could see her body relax and as the dildo slipped out of her she looked at me through these glazed eyes and just said "your turn!". Her pussy just hung there open after I pulled Jim out of her. And then it was truly my turn and damn - I loved slipping into her like that. There was almost no resistance - just this intense feeling of being in a wet warm glove. The dildo is quite a bit thicker and longer than me and just feeling how deep her pussy was opened up was such an intense feeling - especially after it being almost a week since we'd fucked last.

I told her afterwards that I really loved how there was no resistance - and how she only feels that way after having sex and cumming with either another guy or with a dildo - its like her muscles have just relaxed open and there's none of that tightness that I get at first. She laughed at me when I said that because, she said, that's the opposite of what Don says - that he loves how tight she feels at first! I laughed and said that we'd found an interesting combination.

She wrapped her legs around me and welcomed me into her as deeply and as forcefully as I wanted to be. We didn't need any more lubricant - that's for sure - as by the time I was ready to cum - we were squishing and sliding all over the place. We were both really in sync and as I got closer and closer - so did she - until at the very end - it was one of those times when we both came together. Her clutching pussy seemed to suck at my cock until we both let loose at the same time.

Afterwards, as we lay on the bed together (thankfully it had cooled off finally so we weren't quite so sweaty) she rolled over to me and asked me "was that good?" - the grin on my face and how limp my cock was should have been an answer for her but I said "mmmm - awesome" and then she said "good - because you might have to wait till Friday now". I wasn't ready for that as I was hoping to move back into our regular schedule of Tuesday nights but she said "it'll be good for you to wait - plus I want to be really horny for Don this week if that's okay with you?". Before I could answer her she said "if you're good, maybe I'll give you a blow-job on Tuesday night?". I was going to say something at first but then, as I looked at her lying next to me, instead, I just said "okay - that'd be good". She smiled and hugged me and kissed me at that response!

This morning I asked her casually in the bathroom if she was serious about what she'd said last night - about me having to wait till Friday and she turned to me and said "yes - I'd like that if you can manage?" And then she said "tell you what, if you behave this week, maybe I won't start wearing panties around you? Deal?" How could I say no?
Sue certainly is enjoying taking more control. However, I doubt if I have ever come accross a case of a wife cuckolding her husband with so much love. There is a saying in some Oriental culture where "she cuts your throat with cotton wool". Well this certainly suits Sue. She is taking control but she is doing it so gently that even when you would rather object, you feel that you cannot and she gets her way. What a woman! Has she always been like that? In general, not necessarily with sexual stuff.
Shidave - Sue has long had a dominant streak in terms of her behavior and attitudes. I have always liked a "strong woman" and it was one of the things that attracted me in the first place to her. And back then it was her sexuality that had impressed me - I can long remember her riding on top of me grinding away against me in pursuit of her own orgasm (in addition to mine).

I guess this is one thing that I have been enjoying seeing as a change in her - the re-emergence of this side of herself. If she's now at the point where she can feel that she wants this for herself again - and as she describes it - she's getting some of this from Don now - then I'm all in favor of it.

I'm sitting here with a wicked hard-on thinking about now waiting till Friday - knowing she'll be simmering for a few days with her desires growing. I've already figured that I won't be tagging along this Friday so I'm making other plans. In between now and then though she's been very encouraging to me to masturbate as much as I need to.

More later.
gee she won't wear panties ...........wtf are
you 16 or sumtin?:mad:
STB, So much seems to have happened lately, I wonder if you ever question if any of this change is actually being led by Don, however subtly. I wonder if you ever feel the need to (as they used to say about nuclear inspections in the cold war), "Trust but Verify."

Not quite sure how you could independently check but sometimes I think I'd be tempted to leave a bug in Don's place. To be honest I do genuinely admire the fact that you probably don't feel the desire to do this.
Peak, you are taking quite an insidious view of things. However, it is possible.
STB, glad to know that Sue loves you very much and is playful at the same time.
Very hot update, STB. Thanks as always for including us on your journey.
Peak - I'm pretty sure this is all Sue's doing. Lord knows I've planted enough thoughts in her head and have told her pretty plainly that I want her to push things. Seems like it's going to be one hot summer.

I really don't have a reason to suspect Don is guiding this. I'm sure he's pushing her a bit in some ways though - at least his fastidiousness is probably somewhat at play. But I also know that it's Sue's desire too - I mean I know that she's normally quite horny this week and for her to say no to Tuesday night and to say it so far ahead of time means to me she's made up her mind about what she wants.

Anyway- back to paying bills...
I think you have the situation well evaluated Stb. Don would have to be pushing her, but she has decided to let her hormones run free plus three people's emotions. I love the way she rewards you before she plans to deny you then rewards you again after the denial,for being such a good generous cuckhubby.
Yes, STB is fortunate to have Sue taking charge of things.

Wow, she really "manhandles" her men very well indeed!

Nothing beats fucking a highly confident woman.
Thanks for the quick response STB. I expected your answer but I was glad you said it. I don't believe your trust is misplaced here and I don't think that Don is in charge of anything, probably less so than you.

You and Sue really have let the cat loose I think, and I can't see it going back in the bag anytime soon.

Which is quite good. (Which is British Understatement by the way).
Interesting developements

Mr Soon, it appears your dear lady is moving things along. She is pushing your boundries nicely. In reading your threads it is clear that you all have a solid marriage and family life. I have difficulty after a fellow gets his wife or gf to go along with his fantasys then starts to say "My slut wife with blah blah in a motel" I believe a woman gives a man her ultimate gift when she gives him her body. She goes above and beyond when she allows him to give that gift to another.

I believe your dear Sue has decided, OK if he wants this I may as well make as fun for me as it is for him. That appears to be reflected in her choice of playmates. I do not use that term lightly. Don, or whomever, is still a playmate. Brad seemed to be approaching something more than that but he is out of the picture, at least for now. You seem to enjoy the experiences at the bar as well as going to his house. I submit that if you really want a cuck experience, not just watching them at his house, you have to overcome your uneasyness at her display of affection towards him in public.

I encourage you to stay involved. Stress how important it is for you to be a part of this. I recall those were the ground rules when you all started this adventure. Clearly this experience has thrown the heat to your relationship with Sue. She seems to like the result as well. Thank You
Joe - thanks for your thoughts. I am in agreement with almost all of it except that I don't know that I will ever get used to seeing them being amorous together in public. It does arouse me, that's for sure, but it is also one of the areas that I believe I have found one of my limits. Perhaps, in my head, there is no embarassment or what others would call humiliation if this is all kept behind closed doors but when it is in public in front of me, I think that may be outside my comfort range. It could be that I just need a bit more time to get used to it so perhaps in the future it could be better for me. Of course, in my head I know that whatever they are all thinking that they are doing so whether I am there or not.

Anyway - Sue did keep her word last night and gave me what I can only describe as an incredible blow-job. I'm not into her playing with my butt at all, but last night she spent time massaging the area between my cock and ass - she said she'd heard on Dr. Oz that this was a way to stiumulate the prostate without going anal.

Well she learned first-hand that on me that must work!!! She sucked me for a while before she started that stuff - once she did it was like throwing gasoline on a fire - wow!!!! I found myself having to try to hold off cumming it seemed to have that much of an effect on me. She was so enthusiastic that at the end she was letting me fuck her mouth - at the end I let loose with what felt like a fire-hose! It was like one huge gusher instead of multiple smaller squirts. She gagged a bit but she made it absolutely clear that she LOVED it. She swallowed most of it but did kiss me a moment later and I could taste my own cum in her mouth.

I was totally drained after that and she had a good laugh at that.
New Thread!

Although I have stayed away from comment, I have been ‘checking in’ every day. I seems to me, STB that you and Sue have a far better sexual relationship than the majority of married couples ‘across the board’. The recent coments from the forum indicates that there is far less concern for your future as a married couple.
Since you have started a ‘new thread’, I would like you to revisit the last one and recall the question about Don going to the ‘nude beach’ with You & Sue.

"I did ask her again if she was serious about the 3 of us at the nude beach and she said she thought it'd be fun. I'm trying to envision that scene. The 3 of us lying there. I wonder if she'd ask him to apply her suntan lotion? We've seen 3-somes at the beach before and Sue has always commented on the "lucky lady".
STB: You better make sure you have suntan lotion on your own cock as it will be erect all the time Don is putting on Sue's lotion.
LOL, Harry
STB: “Oh, believe me, I've had some fun with this in my head - especially last night as Sue turned in early. I think, if it happens - and it probably will as we frequent the nude beach as much as possible - then I think it'll be awesome to see how she reacts and feels when she is the one that everyone looks at”.

Has this come up again and does Sue know what Don’s reaction to going is?

Cheers, Harry
Harry, it has not come up since her mention of it last week. I suspect she hasn't said it to Don yet as that idea was something she'd brought up as a bit of a tease for me.

It would be exciting to be there with others knowing she's obviously fucking both of us.

My suspicion is that it'll be part of their "pillow talk" this Friday night.
STB, I envy you.

You're in a situation only a few can dream off! Kudos!

By the way, just asking, is Don in a relationship with another woman (I apologize if I miss it). If he is married, would you still let him spend quality time with Sue?
Rural - I posted info about Don's "situation" earlier in either this thread or another.
He's divorced and from what I know, it wasn't pretty and he has some issues regarding it's closure as well as what his attitude is towards relationships. According to Sue, he does NOT want anything in the form of commitment - and apparently this is the issue he's had with other women he's dated since. They've wanted more than he is willing to give.

So, however fate works, unless they're not being honest, they - Sue and Don - fit together well in this way - that neither wants more than the other does.
STB. You do know that eventually that will work itself out of Don's system don't you. At some point he will miss the closeness of a relationship and want to step back into one. I'll lay good odds that when that happens his first port of call will be very close to you. Just be ready with a strategy to cope that's all. There is always the chance that it might not be pretty when it happens, but I suspect that Sue will see it coming well before he does.
It appears it will be an exciting night this Fri. and weekend for You & Sue. I am sure all will go well and Sue will reward you well for letting her 'save herself' for Don.
I will be 'on the road' (camping and visiting relatives in the midwest) for the next two weeks, but I will be right back to read all the juicy details on the 27th. Hopefully you will get to share a night or two with them. and the nude beach could be a real 'blast' Cheers, Harry

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