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Her date this past Friday night

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
I got up early to check on some stuff at work (yes, on a Sunday morning ) so I thought I'd post an update finally.

Now, I've been with them when Don has been pretty physical with her, and other times I've only seen the results of it afterwards but how she looked when she came in on Friday night (Saturday morning) left no doubt that I hadn't seen it all.

It was after 2am when she finally got home and I could tell from how she looked that yes, the smile and look on her face and how she carried herself left no doubt that the sex had been good - but it was how exhausted she seemed that made me think it was more than usual. She virtually collapsed into bed and she giggled as I started to undress her and all she said was that Don had been VERY "rough" with her and that I should be careful.

She said that when they finally got back to his place that she did as usual and got undressed almost immediately. They'd been drinking and she said she was very horny so it didn't surprise me that she wanted him. Despite feeling awkward hearing her tell me this so openly, it got me wicked hard too. But what got me really going was when I undid her blouse and she had no bra on underneath - and if that wasn't enough, she had hickies and suck marks all over her breasts and they still looked to be swollen and her nipples were hard. She told me again to "be gentle" as Don was obviously pretty rough with her.

She rolled and wriggled on the bed as I slid her skirt off and despite expecting it, it still surprised me at how wet she still was and how wet her panties were. I said something about it and she giggled again and said that he'd said something about "making up for lost time" which I assumed meant the Friday that he'd missed with her.

As I looked at her (with my cock sticking out of my boxers) lying there in just her wet panties she said that he'd asked her about her weekend with me - where we stayed, what we did - and then she said that he also asked how much sex we had. She said she told him 4 times over the weekend and then once more. She looked at me as she told me that he even asked if I'd cum in her each time and she said that as she said yes - that he sort of got a look in his eye and that was when he said something about making up for lost time.

Before she lifted her butt and let me slip her panties off she said something like "I don't think he liked hearing that". And as I slid them down I sort of bit my lip at what I uncovered. Her pussy was not only VERY wet - my god, it was so reddened and still incredibly swollen that at first I thought she was in pain or uncomfortable from it. She saw me staring and she giggled again and said "he really made up for lost time". I could see the slit between her swollen pussy lips was glistening and her whole body smelled like sex - it might have been too much had I not been so horny from how she looked.

"I'm pretty messy, I guess" was the words that sort of snapped me out of my trance and I proceeeded to slide my boxers off and go back to exploring her body. I went down between her legs and gently separated them. Her pussy lips stuck together at first and I could see what looked like suck-marks between her legs around her pussy and her butt was a bit reddened too (I knew from last time that she was now comfortable with Don giving her a bit of a "spanking" at times - and it seemed that Friday night was one of those times).

As her body opened up for me, a dribble of thin cum began to appear and as I gently put my finger in her and swirled it around I could feel how HOT her pussy was inside and how wet it was.

NO matter how many times I see it, I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing her well fucked body under me - seeing that dribble of cum just turned me on incredibly and it seems like auto-pilot when I leaned down to take a lick of her. I knew it was Don's cum in her but I also knew that I just had to do it to share as much of what she'd done as I could. I'm pretty much used to the taste and sensation now - but as I went to do so on Friday as she lay there she just giggled and said VERY casually "he came a lot you know...." as if maybe to warn me or to simply turn me on. And he must have cum a lot because even with how wet her panties were - oh god - there was still a LOT in her and as I felt that I got even more aroused and I couldn't resist - it was so late and I just needed her.

She said she was too tired to do much and again that I should be gentle and that just turned me on even more. As I got to my knees and began rubbing my cock all around she said something about after she told him what we'd done together that he seemed to want to fuck her even more and that he was VERY physical about it. I could tell she wasn't lying by how she felt inside - I just slid right into her like she was greased up full of butter. It was effortless and while I could still feel her, it was VERY obvious that Don had really fucked her.

As I started to get into my own rhythm with her sort of responding weakly I asked her "how many times did you guys do it?" and she smiled and said "he wanted thirds" but she didn't think he'd cum all that much the last time. Man did that turn me on as it definitely explained why she felt as she did. I lasted much longer than I thought I'd be able to and I was totally enjoying fucking her, even with her not responding too much. She told me again that "he came so much in me that first time" and wow did that get me ever so close. I don't ask any more if she'd cum herself or how many times as she freely tells me that he gets her off so many times in one night that I don't have to wonder but I still love to hear her tell me.

She continued saying stuff about how hard he fucked her that first time and how he seemed to be like me, "reclaiming her", I guess would be how she described it. I was on the edge until she told me about how, after their first time, that she remained naked with him and how, as she put it "I was all drippy afterwards". That did it for me - hearing her say that, seeing her in my mind getting up from his bed, still naked, his cum running out of her. Wow did I blast a load into her at that moment. Even for as tired and unmoving as she was, she responded herself when I orgasmed. I don't know if she had one herself but I could feel her body under me and I could hear her moan with passion so I still felt great about it.

Yesterday, when we woke up she made a point of showing me that she was still wet and that she would have to douche or something as watery cum was still dribbling out of her. What a sight she was - still covered in hickies and red marks and her pussy was still very swollen and reddened. She was gentle using a warm washcloth to blot more than wipe. A part of me almost felt bad for her in that I think she was more tender than she'd expected.

Last night I had to check ahead to see if she was going to be up for sex again (I was, but wasn't sure about her) and she said that as long as I was gentle again with her that she thought it'd be alright. As we got down to it she told me more of Friday night. She told me again how after she'd told him about the sex we'd had together how he seemed to not want to hear that I'd cum in her so much - she said he said stuff about being "glad she was clean inside" and at one point he shushed her when she was telling him about how we'd had sex in front of the fireplace in the hotel room.

She told me how after that first time that they were both very horny still.

(damn - need to break this into 2 posts)...
continued.... (Yikes - didn't know how much I'd written...)

Of course she told me how she was still naked around him and how at one point she was sitting opposite him and how she knew she was ALL visible to him. That reminded me of how she'd been saying she was so comfortable with him - that she'd reached the same point she had with Brad where she actually LIKED to lie there and let him see her well fucked pussy - much as she was doing with me too.

I do love this change in her. I love seeing her so confident that she is no longer self-conscious about how her satisfied body looks afterwards.

As we got started last night she said that for their second time on Friday night that Don just - as she put it - "fucked me forever" and she proceeded to tell me how he just pushed himself into her and fucked her slowly but forcibly for what seemed like hours. Damn did she know how to turn me on as she just described him just gently sawing in and out of her. She told me how, as she lay there, how he just brought her to orgasm over and over as if he kept her riding on the top of wave after wave. She even told me how wicked she felt when she got up on her elbows and looked down to watch him fuck her slowly and deeply.

I felt sort of like I was prying into their privacy when she shared how she felt looking at them like that as he rubbed her clit and she'd cum again. She said something about feeling so good with him and later about how she felt knowing he could feel her pussy clenching up and then getting so wet as she'd cum under him.

Pride is really the emotion I felt at that moment. I was just so proud of her that she let herself go like that and let herself feel that with him and that she wasn't scared or hesitant to share that pleasure with me. She pulled her legs back and said "its okay, you can be rougher if you want, I'll be okay" and with that I started to get more and more urgent and forceful. She asked if I could use a little lubricant with her as she was still a bit sore - how could I resist!!!

I was really getting into it when she continued to tell me of their second time - how he felt so big in her that every movement in and out made her moan. She made it a point to tell me how she said he looked over her and IN her - how wet everything was from how much he'd cum the first time. She said he just kept going until he sort of seemed satisfied that he'd made her cum enough times (she said something about him seeming to want to displace the memories of our weekend) that he then just "took his turn".

Damn if that didn't turn me on as I had seen him when he did that the last time I was there. It was as if once he felt she'd cum enough, that it was then HIS turn. I felt sort of strange at that moment as I was in the exact same position as he was - my own swollen cock was where his was and I knew how she - and HE - felt. I let myself focus on feeling her pussy grabbing and seeming to almost "milk" me - I could feel both her body and her pussy spasm as she'd go from orgasm to orgasm and when I let my mind go to think that Don's cock felt that same thing - that was it - it was then MY turn. I hooked her legs with my arms and pushed her back and open and literally fucked the hell out of her. I had forgotten totally that she said she was sore - the lubricant and how her body and her slick hole felt was all I could think of and feel - enough that a moment later I reached my own climax and it felt so so so good to just cum in her like that. She didn't cum with me but as I continued thrusting into her, as I was coming down she blasted off with he own orgasm that even surprised me.

As we lay there afterwards she rolled over and kissed me and said "I guess I'm pretty lucky" and she didn't say much more.

She keeps promising me to send me an Email with some of her thoughts and such but I haven't gotten it yet. I'll have to remind her today.

Gotta run - before everyone starts to really wake up, I'm actually going to go back and catch a bit more sleep.
I could see the slit between her swollen pussy lips was glistening and her whole body smelled like sex

I wondered if anyone else noticed the smell of sex.
She is up and she's already said to me "off limits tonight" as she says she has had enough for a while now as she giggled and said she can feel every step she takes today.

And yes Mimi - there is a definite smell to sex. I certainly know all of the scents that Sue gives off and I can even say that there is a difference when she is ovulating vs. when she has her period. There IS a science to pheromones. And there is definitely a distinct scent when she's been with Don for sure - not just the tart smell of his stuff either, but a certain sexual muskiness that I think is them together. Same for Sue and I - there was NO mistaking the faint but noticeable scent in our hotel room last weekend.

All this talk has me horny again.
STB - Thank you for the updates. Sue is certainly an extraordinary woman!

From Sue's comments, I see a common trend here that maybe you see too. As Sue becomes more comfortable and desirable of her sex with Don, I see her being pushed to becoming more agreeable to some of his desires.

Don has already made comment on how he likes Sue to be "clean inside" for him and she also commented on "how he seemed to not want to hear that I'd (you) cum in her so much" after your last weekend together. I see in the future and probably in the near term that the request will be made to you for even more restraint in your penetrative sex prior to her dates with Don. An example of this is her considering keeping her pussy off limits to you after her montly periods until she can offer it to him.

As their time together increases, be prepared that your time in the saddle will probably decrease and may be regulated to longer times of no access prior to her dates. It may come to the point of you only being inside her after Don has had his turn first or if you do have penetrative sex prior to him, don't be surprised if Don will want you in a condom (and I know how you and Sue don't like condoms). But it's a cum access to her pussy thing with Don. His cum, not yours.

Anyway, we will have to wait to see if this path of denying you escaluates. If it does, then you owe it to the both of you to talk about it. While it could be highly erotic for the both of you it is very important for you and Sue to maintain the intamacy in your marriage. You may need to replace penetrative access to her pussy with other sexual activities. Hand jobs (as she tells you why it has to be this way), massages, and other ideas you two can come up with . . . but open communication expressing your love and commitment is key. I'm sure together you could come up with good some ideas.

Take care,

This is fascinating.

Don regards himself as a cuckold and is jealous of STB having "his" woman.

He feels the basic cuckold need to out do the regular male by impressive performance, presumably hoping to win her from STB by showing her he is a better male.

Having lost the traditional "bull" role because Sue will not let him assume it, he compensates by assuming the alternate cuckold role.

So we have one woman and two cuckolds trying to please her.
Ha - lol - that is pretty funny Puller!!! And you're probably right on in how he's feeling. I hadn't looked at it that way.

Luvsitto - I am well aware of the direction that Sue and Don are headed in. I've already said here several times that I do want her to do more to/with me and I know that the first form that will take is longer periods of denial with her. I am well aware of the risks right now but the intensity of the arousal I feel for this is something I cannot deny.

I've already said, both here and to Sue, that I have limits to how far I feel I can go in this direction. Up to now, I've only seen her do things, granted - that please me, but that are what her lover wants. What I want to see is when she wants it for herself. I think she may be close as her attitude towards her desire's related to her period are the first time I am seeing her excited about it. It's a scary feeling, yes, but the sex we've had in the past few weeks since this came up has been just incredible between us - and I think that is also giving her the confidence she's been looking for.

But back to ultimatums or whatever you'd want to call them - I could never accept anything beyond maybe a few weeks at most. I know, many here will probably be thinking "that's what I heard too" - but that's what I've said both here and to her many times - that this is all enjoyable to certain limits. Beyond that, as others posted here - marital intimacy is a requirement.
Awesome description, STB! Sounds like you & Sue had a great time and then she had fantastic time with Don.

I find it hot that she likes Don to spank her, that's a great image there--does she like you to do that too or is it just a boyfriend thing?

Luvsittoo--geat comments, especially--"Hand jobs (as she tells you why it has to be this way),..."--thats a hot image, I almost came from reading that & picturing it in my mind.
Steev - yes - I have spanked her, playfully, many times. She says when it's done right (as I and I guess Don do) that it really can heighten her arousal. At times she's also let me spank her pussy directly too. I'm ALWAYS gentle there but when it's the right time, her pussy will literally gush at times.

That's all for now.
Could it be she was with more than one guy?
No MsBeth - that's not what happened. It'd be exciting to think of it but I don't think it's what happened. Sue knows she could tell me that if it's what she wanted - but she didn't say a thing and I don't think she would have missed telling me that or would have been able to not say it as she told me of what happened while we were together afterwards. In the midst of our own passions she wouldn't have been able to think clear enough to keep it quiet.
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Ok, I understand. I just thought that with that much cum inside of her and have had it rough she might have been with more than one guy. Thanks for your follow up reply.
Hot thought though. I do hope one day she will get to experience that as I think, if done right, she would enjoy it thoroughly.
STB - Since Sue was "off limits" last night, it will be interesting to see if she needs any more time to recuperate. You could if you are game, ask her if she needs another couple of days this week to rest up prior to her next activity. Of course, if YOU miss out tonight and tomorrow, that puts you directly into your two day no fly zone prior to her next date with Don. It might be a subtle way to see how both of you can handle a little longer period of denial. Just a thought.

Hey, here is an interesting idea. Tell Don he can spend a weekend with your wife (the requested overnighter) if and only if he'll agree to be caged (cb2000) inbetween his encounters with your wife. You get to wear the key on a chain around your neck and decide when and if he gets released. Cuck-Bull hybrid model maybee?
That was pretty funny! You guys are crazy.

We were back in our old rhythm last night as she teased me after dinner "you'd better get me tonight or you'll be waiting". I hadn't forgotten about it being a Tuesday but the nice weather had taken my mind off things.

As we were getting into the mood in bed last night she seemed a little distracted and I asked her what was up. She just said she was thinking of what life used to be like before "all of this" and I asked her what she was thinking. She turned and asked me if I was ever sorry we started doing all of this and I said, after a second or so, "no" that I wasn't sorry and that I thought that in the past 2 years or so, that despite what might seem strange to others, that I thought we were actually more together now than before. She smiled and giggled and kissed me and said she felt the same and she added that she feels like she has so much energy and how she always seems to be in a good mood - that even her sisters have mentioned it (she joked "if they only knew why" and rolled her eyes knowing they'd freak out). We said some other stuff and at one point she patted her pussy through her panties and said something about being glad that I was okay about her sharing "this". I told he what I always told her, that she turns me on incredibly. As we were fucking she looked up at me and asked me "does it turn you on to know that Don's going to have me next?". As if she needed to even ask but man did it get my engine going. Of course I told her yes in more of a grunt than anything else.

We were both quite into it by the end and we both came almost at the same time which seems to happen a lot on Tuesdays (we talked about it a bit afterwards as we caught our breath). She's highly and easily orgasmic so she'd cum at least 3 or 4 times already but she agrees that there's something so nice about feeling both of us reach there at the same time at the end. As I said, it's become easier to talk about Don now so I just casually asked her "do you and Don sometimes cum together?". She smiled and said "sometimes, but not as often as us". I liked hearing that. It was a really nice feeling to end our Tuesday night on knowing I'm now waiting till Friday. We haven't talked about a Saturday thing yet again so at this point, I don't think it'll be this weekend.

Gotta run.
Last night was the first of our no-sex nights this week, but she told me to "go enjoy yourself in the other room" so I did so, several times. But tonight is the night I choose to abstain and get myself very worked up for tomorrow night.

She said again that she wasn't going to see him this Saturday and she reminded me that she'll surely have her period next week. I asked her if she was going to want him first after that and she just said she hadn't decided yet but that she'd let me know tomorrow night when she gets home. I asked about her plans for tomorrow night and she said that she'd let me know tonight if I was "invited" to be with them.
For all the "cage" fans. You could get yourself thrown into prison so you can be both caged and have non-stop sex. :0

Seriously, STB, I love the denial aspect and the delicious lead-in to greater periods of her being off-limits. I, too, would be turned on if SUE wanted it. Having the woman want other men, want intimacy with them, want more time with them, want more denial time, it's HER wanting it that makes me aroused and pleased.
It's 4:30pm and she just called me to say she's leaving work early to leave her car at his place before they go to dinner. I asked if they'd be going right away and she giggled and said "I think so but maybe not...".

I asked her if she wanted me to come and meet them after dinner and she said that it sounded nice if I wanted to be there in the bar with them and that Don was okay with my coming back to his place afterwards. But then she sort of said that maybe it'd be better if I didn't stay the whole time and she reminded me about "you know how he feels about you and me at his place". So, I will probably go out and meet them after dinner but if I do go to his place, I may not stay till the bitter end.

Actually, Sue and I sort of discussed this a bit and she said Rick was okay about the 3 of us sort of hanging around his place talking and stuff and then, when they wanted their time together that it might be easier if I either waited downstairs or as I suggested, maybe me just heading home and waiting for her there.

Either way, I'm so freaking horny now that the night can't get over fast enough. Still, how I feel right now - it just feels right to me - tonight, I actually don't want her until Don is done with her. It just seems like the way it should be. Lord knows I am wicked horny and I know Sue fought every urge last night to both not want me as well as to keep her own hands away from her pussy. Maybe it's her who needs a cage or, in her case, a chastity belt!

Now that's an interesting play on things. I wonder if there are any cuckoldresses out there who's lover locks them up so that no matter what, he can be the only one to have her? What a wild thought!

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