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  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #101
Harry - I do respect your opinion, sorry if that hasn't come across in these last few exchanges. But I and others are also allowed to disagree with your opinion too.

I've been thinking about what you've written and I think I've figured out where your viewpoint originates. Your 2 quotes from #1 and #64 - yes - they do certainly express what she was looking for - and what she found. But what I think I see as a question that I want to ask you - is: are you taking those as things that Sue is looking to fulfill as a comparison to me, or as a comparison to the lover she was looking for (and may have found) vs. her earlier partners?

From the gloom and doom you are focusing on, it looks like you are applying her desire for these behaviors in a new lover as something that she's not getting from me. But I had meant them mainly - and as I understood them from her - that they were more comparisons to Frank to put a name on it. That she'd felt that he lacked the desire, the ardor that she wanted to feel. I am somewhat enthused that Robert has filled this role for her as I know it is one of the keys to her sexual fulfillment - to feel wanted and valued by her lover. But maybe where I haven't been clearer or where you've misread things, this isn't to replace me, it's to enrich her time with, now, Robert.

It's actually interesting to take the time to think about what you're saying because it's not something I've felt and I've wondered why and this may be it. If anything, over these past few weeks as she's explored this whole denial thing, our closeness seems to have increased - I listen to her more, she listens to me - we talk with each other rather than at each other as other husbands/wives do. And yes, while right now I may not be fulfilling her sexual desires - there is no doubt that she knows I want her - even more than I did before. So what you see as this dangerous area - doesn't sppear that way to me at all.

I will say that seeing her go back to wearing panties around me has already had it's effect as I am totally horny this morning - started when I saw her come out of the bathroom with panties on and the towel wrapped around her head. In an instant my cock was like a rock. She noticed and giggled and said "I think this turns you on even more than seeing me walking around naked in front of you!". And a few minutes later as she put her bra on and got ready for work she turned to me and said "this is a lot easier for me" and she kissed me and hugged me. Before I could say anything she reached down and felt my hard cock and said "we're going to have fun next week" and then she giggled and said "you'll just have to wait till then".

I'm going to end this post with this observation - that her attitude since Saturday evening - similar to the attitude from this morning - is much more how I'd had anticipated she'd be while she's denying me. Maybe her going back to wearing panties allows her to better accept what's going on and to play along with it more. I remember her feeling like this back when she did it when she was with Don. And now, the thought of my not having any access to her at all - even visually - until the end of the week is actually going to torment me even more in so many ways.
  • #102
In all fairness, Robert's pussy shouldn't be seen by anyone other than Robert. Your a cuck; its not yours! congrats and enjoy the moments! I had a similar time with my wife where denial brought us much more close emotionally than you would think. It makes you communicate more! :)
  • #103
You are either very chilled or a little subdued. I know you don't comment on your non cuckold life much but so little seems to have happened since last week. Has Sue toned down the teasing? Was there no hint of assisted relief over the weekend? Most unusual by recent standards and over what was the worst time in theory. Maybe your strange chemical impact theory holds some water after all. After all, for most of last week Sue's pussy had no input from Robert. Maybe it subdued Sue combined with the infection. Or maybe you are both becoming very used to it all now. Do tell ....
  • #104
Peak - I've been wicked swamped at work and even today, one eye is on an update here and the other is on the work-laptop right next to it.

No doubt about it - that's sort of what I was saying earlier but apparently didn't do so well. Sue definitely toned down the teasing in the past few weeks. I did not post details about the weekend, preferring to answer Harry's pressing concerns - but what seems to have happened - from what I can now put together - is that the openness that Sue shared with me regarding limited sex with her - put her in this questioning/conflicted state. She didn't say it - but that's what I was feeling when she had this playful tease back in her yesterday and this morning.

Actually - thinking about it today - I suppose it makes sense. In my head - I'm thinking that she may have felt some sort of obligation to let me have her in some way when she would be naked or without panties in bed and such. It surely would explain her on-again/off-again attitudes as well as her sometimes reluctance to let me share with her. I'm sure in her head the fact that she was naked (where it counts) with me may have given her the feeling that she needed to let me have her - see, play, lick or penetrate - and yet, at the same time, she has been wanting to fulfill what seemed to be our mutual desire for her to not be with me.

Maybe it's as Far2 says - that maybe for her to feel that she's fully with Robert, that she needed that layer of fabric to symbolize what we both seem to want?

Just the way she teased me this morning - was in many ways, much more than I've felt in the last few weeks. It's weird to say but it actually turns me on even more to not see her - and to simply accept that I can't touch or have her. It is surely going to make this week much more intense - it already has.
  • #105
if you think about it in terms of how much more intense it will be when you finally do get to have her, it makes it even more exciting! Or how exciting it will be when she is jerking you off on Wednesday, helping you out, and the mindfuck of laying there with her panties covering her pussy that is someone elses! Just plain awesomeness!
  • #106
Far2 - there is definitely more playfulness with her since she came to this realization on Saturday about how her wearing panties may have affected her as well as me.

I think that this time she realizes that they mean something to her as well as me. I think the last time she did this in earnest like this was when she was seeing Don and that was somewhat at his direction/insistence. I'm thinking that maybe this will help her define where the boundaries are for her and me - and as she said - maybe just make it easier in general.

I already know that I am craving to just put my hand in them and feel her curly pubes and then to feel her sweetness just beneath. I can tell you that lying out at the pool yesterday afternoon and seeing her bathing-suit bottoms in place of her panties also made me horny and brought back the desire I'd felt last summer - to have her lover come over, pull the bathing-suit bottom to one side, fuck her silly, and then pull it back in place and leave her as she was on the lounge chair out in the sun. Totally turns me on.
  • #107
So - she did see Robert this afternoon but she got home by about 6:30pm and we just finished dinner about 45 minutes ago.
She has a knowing smile on her face but hasn't shared anything with me. I'm on pins and needles wondering what she'll say or do later tonight when we are getting ready for bed as our daughter is up now and they're both watching TV downstairs right now while I am here at the computer once again with a huge hardon.
  • #109
Steve, Thanks for your kind reply. I know you respect my opinion and have patiently considered some of my 'rants'. I could point out a few now, but I want to be 'brief.'

I should retreat to my previous attitude of May, 23 that: I’ve come to accept that this is about (3) people, getting what each desires most, at this point, in each of their lives.

I am cautiously optimistic, but that don't mean I (and others) don't see problems with Robert if this becomes "long term."

I will PM -or- E Mail a better explanation of my thoughts than I can, or should here.

Cheers, Harry
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  • #110
I will volunteer this, that I believe it would be a much safer situation, especially for Sue's emotions, if Robert knew the whole point of Sue's affair with him. If he decides that Sue is really "available" and "wants her" regardless of age difference and "no children" it will be a hard and emotional job for Sue to "let him down".
That may be what is concerning Her, that if he does "fall in love with her" It won't be like it was with Frank, It will be all her job to let him know what the "game plan was all along".
  • #111
It would be interesting if someone would hypnotise you - put you in a deep trance of somnabulism and re-program your mind to allow Sue more freedom to express herself in your marriage. I think you are ready for Sue to explore more deeply what Robbie needs.
  • #112
After all the relationship scares, this weekend it gets real again. I think you need to decide which Steve will be with Sue this weekend. Is it the Steve that may even secretly like to be further denied. The Steve that wants his release but is happy to let it happen when and how Sue wants it to, or is it the Steve that can take some control and show Sue that although she is perfectly free to enjoy her lover, her husband is still the man she married and wants to grow old with. Although some may think you are the former, I don't think you do. You are in danger of lapsing into the second. Grateful for the mercy fuck, however you dress it up. I think Sue will be happiest with the latter. It gives her the greatest freedom with Robert. She can enjoy him knowing her real man is still there, even if he does enjoy his strange kink while she plays. Her husband has not gone away, he's only playing like she is.

If this is true, you need a plan of attack for the weekend. I have said before, that should start on Friday. On talk day tomorrow you should tell her that. Feel free to enjoy him on Friday but don't expect to be able to use that as an excuse that night. Husband is back. ...
  • #113
Peak - I don't think there's any doubt that "husband" will be back. Maybe not totally on Friday night in terms of aggressiveness - but most definitely while we are on vacation. I do admit that it would be incredibly hot to hear her ask me to not cum in her - but that also isn't in the cards - but perhaps we can use it as some hot banter during foreplay - I can easily play up telling her "it's my turn" - I think she'll certainly play along.

And that's what I want to post right now - that there was a noticeable return to playfulness about her last night. Maybe she's right - that panties help her get into the cuckoldress mode more easily. She teased me that I'll "just have to wait" as she pulled panties up under her night-shirt last night to "keep you from peeking". Maybe it gives us better balance in terms of everything, not sure.

For Harry and everyone else - despite our openness, she really doesn't talk about Robert that much. I asked her last night "doesn't he ever want anything more?" and that led to a short discussion where I asked her pretty much point blank whether Robert ever wants anything more than just having a roll-in-the-hay? She looked at me and asked me what I meant in terms of more. I told her that i was thinking about doing other stuff - like going out to dinner or doing something other than fucking? She giggled and said that she thought I was talking about "more" in terms of their relationships. So I said "that too". What she said was telling in both what she said as well as what she didn't say. She never mentioned anything emotional - and instead shared that Robert is just really having fun, yes, having sex with her. She said that they are out together on some Fridays and other than that, he's not looking for anything more right now and has been pretty honest with her. I didn't ask anything but she did NOT mention anything about furthering their emotional ties. I will ask more next week obviously, but I've not felt this as a part of what she's feeling - that I think maybe she's moved away from the desire to fall for him - maybe because the physical side of things has been there and maybe doesn't need any more intensity to it? She clearly has no problems telling me she loves having sex with him. And, I'll say that if her behavior is such that it tickles my cuck-fancy as it seems to be - then I may also not feel that I want to see them get closer? I can say that I still love the fantasy - but the reality of what she's doing now is pretty awesome!

But again, maybe it's something she's not sharing and they really are falling for each other and it is gloom and doom. I suppose the next week and 3/4ths will tell all.

Either way - as Peak pointed out - tomorrow evening may bring some more clarity. But the idea of peeling off her panties on Friday night when she comes home as an act of taking-her-back is incredibly arousing and totally what I want to wait for and feel. Like that First-Date thrill all over again.

Gotta run.
  • #114
You know Steve I have no greater insight into Sue and Robert than anyone else here. I only know what You tell Me. (Us). I read between the lines.
What I see is a relationship that is burning Very Hot. (At Least Sue is). Robert who knows??? Seems the only thing they really share is SEX. Not the foundation for a long lasting relationship. Other than SEX do they share anything else??? Books. Movies ect.???? Do they ever go out to eat (without the bunch from work)? You know dinner dancing??? Get to know each other as people??? Everyone assumes Robert is going to Fall madly in love with Sue. Why??? In a Way he's a lot like Frank. He's putting very little into this Relationship. But getting all the sex He wants. And he hasn't had to say those dreaded three words (as far as We Know) I LOVE YOU! So where is this going??? Robert is living a dream. (Mine at Least). Why does He have to commit to Sue? I still think He'll cut and run when He's pushed. Like I said. they a burning While Hot.
Well that kind of Lust burns out quick.
Now You want to reclaim Sue this weekend. That's up to You. You and Sue Still want to play Your game??? Great!!! Up To You As I Have told You countless times. Whatever makes You and Sue Happy. Not what may or may not make someone else Hard!!! This is Your Life.
  • #115
Will - I agree with the questions about Robert and what drives him. I've asked Sue and she's either avoided the subject which could raise some red-flags, or she's being honest and maybe there's not much more than friends-with-benefits. In my head, once the reality that she couldn't give him a kid set in, that maybe that doused whatever may have been. All good questions that I am sure will be answered in the next 10-11 days. What I can say again is that she's enjoying getting fucked by him - and enjoying knowing he WANTS her as he does. I'm past the point of seeing that for anything more than it is. Apparently he is quite a bit bigger than me and she is enjoying the heck out of it. And as she's shared, she's one of the few who can comfortably enjoy all of him.

Anyway - she's getting off the phone with her mother right now so I'll say good night for now.
  • #116
SoonToBe said:
Will - I agree with the questions about Robert and what drives him. I've asked Sue and she's either avoided the subject which could raise some red-flags, or she's being honest and maybe there's not much more than friends-with-benefits. In my head, once the reality that she couldn't give him a kid set in, that maybe that doused whatever may have been. All good questions that I am sure will be answered in the next 10-11 days. What I can say again is that she's enjoying getting fucked by him - and enjoying knowing he WANTS her as he does. I'm past the point of seeing that for anything more than it is. Apparently he is quite a bit bigger than me and she is enjoying the heck out of it. And as she's shared, she's one of the few who can comfortably enjoy all of him.

Anyway - she's getting off the phone with her mother right now so I'll say good night for now.

Or Sue Just Doesn't want to face the truth. Robert is Using Her for Sex. And Her Feeling For Robert are a One Way Street. Some want to believe Robert is falling for Sue. (Stop Renting So Many Chick Flicks From Net Flicks). I believe He's in it for the Sex. Yes I stand ready to be proven wrong. Only Time Will Tell.
  • #117
STB your inbox is full...obviously lots of people are interested in whats going on :)
  • #118
PSP - just cleared some space in the Inbox.

For Will and others - this is such a change for her how she's being tonight - so much like she was in the past - teasing the heck out of me including just coming in here (I'm on a call with work on the phone and my work PC) and she very sexily pulled up the front of her night-shirt and teased the heck out of me - pulling her panties up tight against her pussy and even letting me see a bit of a wet-spot in the crotch (yes - she was with Robert this evening).

Damn - I'm wicked horny and can't wait to get into bed with her later and see what happens.
  • #119
As Long as You and Her are in a good Place. And Both Happy.

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