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Curious Wife

  • Thread starterAlexis
  • Start date
Hi Lexxi,

Good to see you back. It's also good to see you've been filtering the comments and suggestions you've received on this forum through your own sense of reality and what's good for you. My impression is, your critical thinking ability is well-developed.

lexxi said:
OK. First of all, my decision about the black guy at work came to kind of a "push comes to shove" situation. He just flat out asked me if I was interested. He did it in a very nice way, but was very direct.

Ah... so your intended is straightforward. That's good.

lexxi said:
He said he was interested in me, and said he thought that I was interested too, at least in his flirtations. He told me he understood I was married, and that we also worked together, so if I said no for any reason he would understand. He also said that if my answer was no, he would back off completely, as there was no reason for either of us to be teased or misled.

Excellent. This indicates good insight into you personally and your persona vis-a-vis your marriage. I suggest viewing him as having passed an important test as your lover-in-waiting.

lexxi said:
With my heart pounding and my throat going dry, I looked at him and said that we can't always do what we want to do, but what we should do. He smiled, patted my arm and walked away.

Your reply was both wise and tactful. Your use of the word "always" told your intended that although you feel your response at the moment has to be "no, thank you," you're interested and that won't necessarily be your final response. In effect, you let him know your situation without demanding he go away or "stop harassing you," as the no-expressions-of-sexuality-in-the-workplace aficionados might put it.

By smiling and patting your arm, your lover-in-waiting let you know he understands, is sympathetic and (I would guess) will continue to remain interested. It was good communication in both directions, with a minimum of words.

lexxi said:
That was ten days ago. Since then we are cordial and polite, but hardly flirtatious. The bridge has been crossed. I did get to tell him, so to speak, that I WAS interested when I told him we couldn't always do what we WANT to, so at least he knows that much, which I'm kind of glad about.

Yes, I agree (per my comments above). Your use of "the bridge has been crossed" doesn't seem entirely clear, though. Perhaps you mean you let your intended know it's a problem for you, on a personal level, to "cheat" (as classically defined) on your husband...?

lexxi said:
I had pretty much made up my mind before he asked. Cheating is just not me.

Good... being prepared, in effect, with a reply before being asked an important but potentially awkward question greatly reduced the probability of misunderstanding combined, possibly, with resentment. As for cheating not being for you: that's OK. Not wanting to "cheat" is completely acceptable (joke... laugh here).

lexxi said:
In my next post, I will tell about my plans for moving forward from here.

Cool. Having a plan for moving forward is very positive. I'll look forward to your next post.

Custer, as always, thank you for a very well thought out and interesting post. By "that bridge has been crossed", I meant specifically the "cheating bridge". We are associates now, still able to work together, aware of each others feelings, but both knowing that "cooler heads" prevailed.
Before I talk about my plan for proceeding on this "journey", I should give some background information.

My husband and I started dating very young. Neither of us were prudes, as we started having sex very soon after starting to date. We were however very inexperienced, but fell very much in love. We married young as well, and as I have stated before, neither of us has ever been with anyone else. Best described, I would say we are very "vanilla" when it comes to our sex lives. I guess the best way for me to describe it is that I love "making love" with my husband, because I love him so much. However, "having sex" with him seems to be becoming more and more predictable and, dare I say, even somewhat boring.

More in a bit.
Continuing with a little about us.

I was the perfect description of a nerd. Good grades, long term career goals and not much time for anything else. Not that it mattered much. I was the girl that no one noticed. Unflattering glasses, braces, hair that WOULD NOT do as it was told and always a few pounds over weight.

He was a band and glee club type. Sensitive and caring. SOOO unlike the jocks and "studs" that had been ignoring me, and in some cases even making fun of me. He showed an interest and I fell immediately, and hard.

We went to the same college, lived together, and married shortly after graduation.

Since those "nerd" days, I have changed quite a bit. The glasses are fashionable and/or contacts, the braces are gone revealing a "killer" smile if I do say so myself, hair that now obeys nicely since I found the perfect cosmotologist and "redistribution" of a young girl's "baby fat" into a woman's curves.

To say it hopefully without sounding to conceited, I look pretty damn good nowadays. I get my share of looks and have been flirted with many times. I never paid any of them any interest. And then...

More in a bit.
First of all, sorry for the "more in a bits", but I'm also tele-conferencing at work. There may be a few more so please bear with me.


There is a lot of talk that seems to be everywhere lately. Everyone's heard it, and it's certainly spurred much curiosity among many girls, myself included, about the size and sexual prowess of black guys. That coupled with the "taboo" aspect really seems to get the imagination going.

I decided one day a few months ago, "just for the hell of it" to check out some of this for myself on the internet. Talk about instant addiction! I know that not all black cocks can be huge, and that there are certainly some big white cocks, but when I saw the image of that first HUGE BLACK one, DAMN!!! I quite honestly couldn't believe it.

After that I was surfing all the time. My fantasies were going wild and MANY times my "fingers did the walking". It was all fantasy. And then...the black guy at work started flirting.

I was torn with emotions. Thinking of what I'd seen on the internet became thinking of him. I love my husband so much and would never cheat, but OMG I wanted to. I was going crazy between lust and guilt.

Then, quite randomly, I linked up to a cuckold site (definitions mostly), and then this one. WOW!!! The perfect answer! I would turn my husband into a cuck and have my "cake" and "eat it too"!

Yes, it seemed like the easy answer, and I was hoping to "just do it", but as many of you have pointed out, it's easier imagined than done, especially with my "friend" at work probably not wanting to wait forever.

So, I put on the brakes, took a new look at the whole cuckold thing in a LONG TERM light, and came up with a plan.

Once again, sorry, but, more in a bit.
So then, let me continue.

This whole cuckolding thing, which I had never even heard of until just over a month ago soon started to be just as vivid a fantasy for me as were the "BBCs" I'd seen, and thinking about the guy at work. I spent hours here looking at all the catagories, reading the stories, looking at the pictures and placing my husband in a lot of the scenarios.

Thinking of my husband in ways I'd never dreamed of...watching me with another guy, being subserviant, "cleaning" me, cleaning HIM!, being sissified etc etc etc. And, it grew from thoughts of black guys to thoughts of all kinds of men...neighbors, his friends, his boss, and once again etc etc etc.

Oh, my biggest fantasy is still to get to try a huge black cock someday, but it doesn't seem to have the same "punch" without my husband being there sharing the experience with me.

So, my long term plan is to turn my husband into a cuckold. Knowing him as well as I do, I know he would make an excellent one.

More in a bit. Next post I'll sum it all up.
OK. Let's be real for a minute.

I know that a lot of what I said about my fantasies about my husband in my last post were just that. Fantasies. That doesn't mean I can't work at having as many of those as I can come true. As far as most of it, it probably won't happen, even if I'd like it to. This is something we are going to do TOGETHER. So, his limits are important too. But, ONLY his limits. What will happen one way or the other is that I WILL be having sex with other men, and he will NOT be having sex with other women. You can take that to the bank. His involvement or lack of will be up to him. But the basic fact won't change. My half of the marriage will be open, his half will be closed.

This won't be easy. Think about a guy trying to get his wife into cuckolding. "Honey, I'd like you to fuck other men". Actually, when you look at it, that seems like a pretty good deal for the wife. Even so, look at all the resistance that is met with in most case it seems.Now think of a wife trying to get her husband into it, "Honey, I'd like to fuck other men". That doesn't seem like that great of a deal for the husband does it?

So the way I've decided to go about it is, day by day, situation by situation, event by event to take the long road on this journey. Without coming out and saying it, I am going to lead him in the direction we need to go.

I know him best and have many ideas based on that knowledge. What I don't have is the experience that a lot of you here have with this lifestyle. I will keep you informed of my situation. I ask that you help me with comments, suggestions, and, if you like, questions.

He has it in him. My job is to bring it out of him.

That's it for now.
lexxi said:
What will happen one way or the other is that I WILL be having sex with other men, and he will NOT be having sex with other women. You can take that to the bank. His involvement or lack of will be up to him. But the basic fact won't change. My half of the marriage will be open, his half will be closed.

This won't be easy. Think about a guy trying to get his wife into cuckolding. "Honey, I'd like you to fuck other men". Actually, when you look at it, that seems like a pretty good deal for the wife.

Well... Actually, try thinking of a husband saying "honey, I'd like to fuck other women, but I don't want you to fuck other men." I think most women would feel a little ripped off with that deal. The good news is that women and men think about it differently-- men tend to be more turned by the idea.

For your sake, I hope he finds the idea very sexy. Most men have some sort of suppressed fantasies. You just need to tap into it. ;)

Out of curiosity, though. Can you explain your personal view on his staying exclusive to you. Is that jealousy, or does it in a way heighten a sense of sexual power. There's no right answer; I'm just curious.
Speaking of which...

Hi Ms. Lexxi,

Your posts of today describing your and your husband's backgrounds are quite informative and show you have a normal, healthy view of yourself and your needs within your marriage, the role you require of your cuckold-in-waiting, and your recognition of the need for a definite plan on your part for getting him there. Thank you! More later on this.

Meanwhile, your comments:

lexxi said:
There is a lot of talk that seems to be everywhere lately. Everyone's heard it, and it's certainly spurred much curiosity among many girls, myself included, about the size and sexual prowess of black guys. That coupled with the "taboo" aspect really seems to get the imagination going.

I decided one day a few months ago, "just for the hell of it," to check out some of this for myself on the Internet. Talk about instant addiction! I know that not all black cocks are huge, and that there are certainly some big white cocks, but when I saw the image of that first HUGE BLACK cock, DAMN!!! I quite honestly couldn't believe it.

motivated me to post a seemingly-consistent observation of my own that I've had in mind posting for the past week or so but hadn't got around to it. See my post of today (13 July 2010) in the "Cuckolds in the News" section of this forum, with "White women w/ black men... an upward trend?" on the subject line, here:


(I mentioned your thread as an example.)

leftbehind said:
Everyone's making a lot ado about nothing. Lexxi, just follow you instincts. You're obviously not solid-gold true-blue marriage material so fuck the black guy. If you discover the fantasy was not worth the trouble, no biggie. You found him, felt him, fucked him and now forget him and enjoy the merits of clinging to the hubby. If you do like fucking around, well, sounds like that's your course in life - and a merry one it is too. Hubby will just become a thing of the past, so who cares? Follow your heart and your cunt. They will never lead you astray.

Lexxi, Leftbehind is totally right about this. I think you're being given way too much information and advice that's confusing. I'll bet you already have a sense of what your husband will submit to. My wife and I are in our 20s too. Unfortunately, she's not into this, as far as I know. But what she doesn't know but a woman like you does is that guys like me, although we're confident and all that on the outside, just want a woman to take control. I'm a good looking, fit, business guy who is pretty competitive at work. What I realized is that I crave submitting fully to a woman and being turned into her cuck, not being allowed to have sex with anyone unless she tells me while helping to arrange hook ups for her. Yea, I'd find it totally humiliating to have to drive the janitor back to my place to fuck her while I watch and then clean her holes out with my tongue, but it'd be hot as fucking hell, too. So just take control of the guy. He'll first test you by throwing a fit and getting angry and storming out and all that. But if he's anything like me, he'll come back quickly, humiliated, submissive and hard as a rock. Lemme know how it goes.
lexxi said:
OK. Let's be real for a minute.

I know that a lot of what I said about my fantasies about my husband in my last post were just that. Fantasies. That doesn't mean I can't work at having as many of those as I can come true. As far as most of it, it probably won't happen, even if I'd like it to. This is something we are going to do TOGETHER. So, his limits are important too. But, ONLY his limits. What will happen one way or the other is that I WILL be having sex with other men, and he will NOT be having sex with other women. You can take that to the bank. His involvement or lack of will be up to him. But the basic fact won't change. My half of the marriage will be open, his half will be closed.

This won't be easy. Think about a guy trying to get his wife into cuckolding. "Honey, I'd like you to fuck other men". Actually, when you look at it, that seems like a pretty good deal for the wife. Even so, look at all the resistance that is met with in most case it seems.Now think of a wife trying to get her husband into it, "Honey, I'd like to fuck other men". That doesn't seem like that great of a deal for the husband does it?

So the way I've decided to go about it is, day by day, situation by situation, event by event to take the long road on this journey. Without coming out and saying it, I am going to lead him in the direction we need to go.

I know him best and have many ideas based on that knowledge. What I don't have is the experience that a lot of you here have with this lifestyle. I will keep you informed of my situation. I ask that you help me with comments, suggestions, and, if you like, questions.

He has it in him. My job is to bring it out of him.

That's it for now.


Since Custer referenced my posts from last year about how I dealt with getting my then fiiance' to accept being cuckolded I thought I would chime in and let you know that if you think I can be of any assistance to you,i would be more than happy to offer any advicce I can..either on th forum or via PM. I realize my situation was a little different than yours ... I was already fucking other men and knew I couldn't, and would't want to stop doing that even after we we got married becasue th eone sexual encounter I did have with my fiance was very unstaisfying sexually (he, like your husbnad, has a very ,very small cock).while you want to have sex with other men for essentially the same reason,it sounds like, but haven't yet beecasu you don't wantto "cheat". I can't argue with your logic there..I did feel very guilty about cheating on him..more so becasue I had gotten prgenant by someone else... and I knew that a marriage based on deciet would't work.

You;ve already been given lots of advice..some good, some bad(in my opinion) so I'm not going to add any at this time,unless you ask me to. I will say that becasue your husband has a veeyr small cock, it is a) a worthwhile endeavor too try and get him to agree to be cuckolded....having sex with other men is awesome and BBC ccertainly has it's allure..you have mentioneed your interest in in a black man to start with.... and b) I think that the fact that your husband does have a very small cock bodes well for your success in making him a cuckold. You , of ocurse, knowhim best, buut I think it;s very likely that he is fully aware of his "shortcomings" and will be open to the idea of you having sex with other men,especially if you are clear that the reason you want to is that they are better endowed
than he is, and not becasue you don;t love ,need ,and care about him.
He loves you ,and I think it's the nature of men to want to please and satisfy the woman they love ,so if you make sure he knows thhat he does satissfy you emtotionally, but you just need other men to be satosfiied sexually he wlll be able to accept that..at least that is how it worked out with my husband.

I wish youthe best of luck whatver youdecide to o,and again,am available should you wish to ask mee anything
knockedup said:
You;ve already been given lots of advice..some good, some bad(in my opinion) so I'm not going to add any at this time,unless you ask me to. I will say that becasue your husband has a veeyr small cock, it is a) a worthwhile endeavor too try and get him to agree to be cuckolded....having sex with other men is awesome and BBC ccertainly has it's allure..you have mentioneed your interest in in a black man to start with.... and b) I think that the fact that your husband does have a very small cock bodes well for your success in making him a cuckold. You , of ocurse, knowhim best, buut I think it;s very likely that he is fully aware of his "shortcomings" and will be open to the idea of you having sex with other men,especially if you are clear that the reason you want to is that they are better endowed
than he is, and not becasue you don;t love ,need ,and care about him.

I think there is a disconnect here between how small-penis cuckold fetishists would interpret this conversation and a non-fetishist.

Unless he wants you to belittle (pun intended) his penis, I suggest you dwell less on what he isn't, and more on what the fantasy represents to you. You don't want to make him feel self-conscious.

Small, medium, or large penis, it is doubtful that a husband, boyfriend or lover can be all things sexual to you, all the time, for the rest of your life. It goes for virtually everyone. If you tell him it's not about shaming him, and all about opening up your relationship for the better (if only a little bit), then he's more likely to respond positively.
Unless he wants you to belittle (pun intended) his penis, I suggest you dwell less on what he isn't, and more on what the fantasy represents to you. You don't want to make him feel self-conscious.

Cucks are different and some, like myself want to be belittled, disgraced, insulted and constantly told how worthless and disgusting they are.
Just a thought, question

"I WILL be having sex with other men, and he will NOT be having sex with other women"

This is not as unusual as some my think, but may the husband play with other men, cucks, sissy? Men, no matter how small or effemanate, need release, and to be honest many of these husbands have BiSexual, or Homosexual tendancies. They need release for health reason is no other. The reasons this type of males seek women for mates, are varied and this is discussed at length on other threads and blogs.

Is it your desire to deny him all sex, or just with other women? Frankly for most sissy cock sucking cuck husbands, it is like throwing them in the briar patch, when you take your pussy elsewhere for service, because many men prefer cock.


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A gift...

Hi Ms. Lexxi,

Ms. Knockedup's post:

knockedup said:
Lexxi, since Custer referenced my posts from last year about how I dealt with getting my then fiiance' to accept being cuckolded I thought I would chime in and let you know that if you think I can be of any assistance to you,i would be more than happy to offer any advicce I can, either on this forum or via PM. ....

.... [Your husband] loves you, and I think it's the nature of men to want to please and satisfy the woman they love, so if you make sure he knows thhat he does satisfy you emotionally, but you just need other men to be satosfiied sexually, he wlll be able to accept that. At least, that is how it worked out with my husband. I wish you the best of luck, whatever you decide to do, and again I am available should you wish to ask me anything.

is, in essence, a gift to you. My impression has been that Ms. Knockedup was no longer following this forum because she hasn't posted in a long time. It's good to see her weigh in again, so to speak. I urge you to take advantage of her generous offer. If you do so via "personal messages" (PMs) I can understand why you might prefer that. I would urge you, however, to communicate with Ms. Knockedup via this open forum because progressively more women are writing in with questions similar to yours. That is,

"I am sexually unsatisfied with my husband, or have become bored with his attentions or lack thereof, and wish to date and fuck other men. How can I persuade my husband to accept his natural role in my marriage as a cuckold and agree to remain faithful to me, while I do so?"

A discussion on this forum between you and Ms. Knockup, IMO, would benefit other married women who wish to increase their sexual satisfaction AND their relationships with their husbands by stepping up, stepping out, and dating and fucking other men while their husbands agree to remain faithful.

Your intention is powerfully stated in direct words.

Ms. Lexxi,

Regarding your recent posts:

lexxi said:
[My husband and I] married young, and as I have stated before, neither of us had ever been with anyone else. I would say we are very "vanilla" re. sex. I love "making love" with my husband because I love him so much. However, "having sex" with him seems to be more and more predictable and, dare I say, even somewhat boring.

As a married woman I had an affair with many years ago (prior to getting married myself) once put it, referring to her relationship with her soon-to-be-ex-husband: "After 13 years you can do it standing on your heads if you like, but it just isn't that interesting anymore."

lexxi said:
I was the perfect description of a nerd. Good grades, long term career goals and not much time for anything else. Not that it mattered much. I was the girl that no one noticed. Unflattering glasses, braces, hair that WOULD NOT do as it was told and always a few pounds over weight.

He was a band and glee club type. Sensitive and caring. SOOO unlike the jocks and "studs" that had been ignoring me, and in some cases even making fun of me. He showed an interest and I fell immediately, and hard.

We went to the same college, lived together, and married shortly after graduation.

For "nerd" you could substitute "serious student." There are many today who wish they had taken the trouble to get good grades and have long-term career goals when they were students.

Getting married to your student sweetheart straight out of college, though, may have been a mistake. As you've described, when you were young and in college you looked at the BMOCS (Big Men On Campus) and the athletic studs (often one and the same), and the cheerleaders and other popular good-looking women and their hot sexual relationships with the BMOCS (leading to marriage in many cases), and you felt a sense of despair, as you've also described, over the seeming impossibility of ever being able to find a "good man" to marry.

lexxi said:
Since those "nerd" days, I have changed quite a bit. The glasses are fashionable and/or contacts, the braces are gone revealing a "killer" smile if I do say so myself, hair that now obeys nicely since I found the perfect cosmotologist and "redistribution" of a young girl's "baby fat" into a woman's curves.

Yes, I can easily imagine you have changed. Had you refrained from getting married, after graduation you may have found external reality beginning to change. As a result of your "nerdy" studies, you may have discovered you were actually able to find a half-way decent job (or better). You may have seen the BMOCS and glamorous women who seemed to have it made in college — after struggling with the demands of children, monogamous relationships and the harsh reality of paying mortgages with (in many cases) less-than-great incomes — beginning to divorce. You may have found a cohort of somewhat older, wiser men becoming available who now appreciated, to a much greater extent than previously, women such as yourself whom they would no longer dismiss as "nerds," particularly on noting (as you point out) you had lost your "baby fat," were able to afford clothing that accentuated your womanly curves, no longer had braces but rather a gorgeous smile, and had attained the self-confidence of a sexually-mature woman.

But, that was then, this is now. You are, I would say, taking reasonable and appropriate measures to compensate for your perhaps-premature decision to marry young.

lexxi said:
To say it hopefully without sounding too conceited, I look pretty damn good nowadays. I get my share of looks and have been flirted with many times.

I can easily imagine you look very good. Congratulations! It seems clear you have taken the need to take care of yourself seriously.

lexxi said:
I never paid any of them any interest. But, there is a lot of talk that seems to be everywhere lately. Everyone's heard it, and it's certainly spurred much curiosity among many girls, myself included, about the size and sexual prowess of black guys. That coupled with the "taboo" aspect really seems to get the imagination going.

Women (particularly married white women) generally haven't shared their Internet-driven interest in sex with black men with me, so I'll take your word for it.

lexxi said:
I decided one day a few months ago, "just for the hell of it," to check out some of this for myself on the internet. Talk about instant addiction! I know that not all black cocks can be huge, and that there are certainly some big white cocks, but when I saw the image of that first HUGE BLACK one, DAMN!!! I quite honestly couldn't believe it. After that I was surfing all the time. My fantasies were going wild and MANY times my "fingers did the walking". It was all fantasy. And then...the black guy at work started flirting.

Ah... much, sometimes everything, indeed, depends on being in the right place at the right time. Your black colleague appears to have had a well-developed sense of timing combined, perhaps, with a pretty good sense of "where you were at" in your marriage.

lexxi said:
I was torn with emotions. Thinking of what I'd seen on the internet became thinking of him. I love my husband so much and would never cheat, but OMG I wanted to. I was going crazy between lust and guilt.

The essence of moral dilemma...

lexxi said:
Then, quite randomly, I linked up to a cuckold site (definitions mostly), and then this one. WOW!!! The perfect answer! I would turn my husband into a cuck and "have my cake and eat it too!"

Yes, it seemed like the easy answer, and I was hoping to "just do it", but as many of you have pointed out, it's easier imagined than done, especially with my "friend" at work probably not wanting to wait forever.

Sigh... reality sets in, like a cold bucket of water poured over your head and no raincoat...

lexxi said:
So, I put on the brakes, took a new look at the whole cuckold thing in a LONG TERM light, and came up with a plan.

Excellent! Ability to plan ahead and visualize circumventing obstacles is the essence of a thinking woman...

lexxi said:
But, let's be real for a minute.

If you must...

lexxi said:
I know a lot of what I said about my fantasies about my husband in my last post were just that. Fantasies. That doesn't mean I can't work at having as many of those as I can come true.

Exactly. The need to start and proceed with small steps is widely recognized on this forum.

lexxi said:
As far as most of it, it probably won't happen, even if I'd like it to. This is something we are going to do TOGETHER. So, his limits are important too. But, ONLY his limits. What will happen one way or another is, I WILL be having sex with other men...

It is to your advantage that you have a clear grasp of the direction you intend to guide your marriage...

lexxi said:
...and my husband will NOT be having sex with other women. You can take that to the bank.

...and of the role you intend your husband will play as your cuckold. So far, so good.

lexxi said:
My husband's involvement or lack thereof will be up to him, but this basic fact won't change. My half of the marriage will be open, his half will be closed.

Yes, certainly, it's entirely reasonable and appropriate for that to be your model.

lexxi said:
This won't be easy. Think about a guy trying to get his wife into cuckolding: "Honey, I'd like you to enjoy sex with other men". When you look at it, that seems like a pretty good deal for the wife. Even so, look at all the resistance that is met in most cases. Now think of a wife trying to get her husband into it: "Honey, I'd like to enjoy the pleasure of fucking other men". That doesn't seem like that great a deal for the husband, does it?

On the face of it: no.

lexxi said:
So the way I've decided to go about it is, day by day, situation by situation, event by event to take the long road on this journey. Without coming out and saying it, I am going to lead him in the direction we need to go.

Here, you show an excellent grasp of the basic requirement. You will need to take the lead in your marriage, and you intend to do so, and you view it as "leading your husband in the direction BOTH of you NEED to go."

lexxi said:
I know him best and have many ideas based on that knowledge. What I don't have is the experience that a lot of you here have with this lifestyle. I will keep you informed of my situation. I ask that you help me with comments, suggestions, and if you like, questions. My husband, [now my cuckold-in-waiting], has it in him. My job is to bring it out of him. That's it for now.

Powerfully stated in direct words. In addition, your request is reasonable and appropriate. I (and other forum members, I'm sure) look forward to hearing more of your plan and your summaries of its implementation.

Custer ...

Thanks for your kind words about my offer to Lexxi . I do hope that if she takes me up on it she does so on the forum so all can benefit..or disagree... or criticize...lol.. BTW... I have been following the forum, though admittedly, not as faithfully as I would like to, between having a new cuckold and a new baby.. as well as my "extracurricular " activities..lol. .and haven't posted in a while, that's true, but when when you referenced my posts I decided to wiegh in.


Notwithstanding Custer's good advice to keep the discussion on the forum as much as possible, my offer to communicate privately still stands should there be anything you want to keep just "between us girls".. if you wantto communicate at all, that is.


you wrote:

"I think there is a disconnect here between how small-penis cuckold fetishists would interpret this conversation and a non-fetishist.

Unless he wants you to belittle (pun intended) his penis, I suggest you dwell less on what he isn't, and more on what the fantasy represents to you. You don't want to make him feel self-conscious.

Small, medium, or large penis, it is doubtful that a husband, boyfriend or lover can be all things sexual to you, all the time, for the rest of your life. It goes for virtually everyone. If you tell him it's not about shaming him, and all about opening up your relationship for the better (if only a little bit), then he's more likely to respond positively."

I wasn't suggesting to Lexxi that she belittle her husband for having a small cock..(unless , of course she feels, or discovers that he would enjoy that,which as Cuckhub pointed out, is the case with some men).I was merely suggesting to her that,in my opinion,and experience, the fact that he does have a small cock is "very likely" something he is already aware of (isn't thier size relative to ther men something most men figure out and take note of in the high school gym?) and that if she tells him that the reason she wants to have sex with other men is becasue she wants ,and needs bigger cocks to be satisfied(which is the reason she stated,so she would just be being honest) I think that is something he could understand and accept. I wasn't saying it;s not possible for a woma to want cuckold a husband who has a medium , or even a large cock, or for such a man to accept being cuckolded ,..just that I think it's an "easier sell" when the husband has a small cock and he's being cuckolded by men with bigger cocks ,because most men do undertsand that size does matter...to some extent .I think it is also jsut easier for a man to accept the limitations they have to deal with due to genetics..ie.. most 5'6 guys aren;t too upset.I don;t imagine, about not making the basketball team ,while the 6'6 guys did.

A quick note about your use of the term"small-penis cuckold fetishist:" and "cuckold fetishism" as used in earlier posts.. cuckolding cannot be considered a "fetish" becasue a fetish is defined as ": an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression " (Miriam-Webster Dictionary)
and cuckolding is an "action", not an object or bodily part. As MacNFries suggested, a better term for describing a knowing and accepting cuckold is a "wittol"
knockedup said:
A quick note about your use of the term"small-penis cuckold fetishist:" and "cuckold fetishism" as used in earlier posts.. cuckolding cannot be considered a "fetish" becasue a fetish is defined as ": an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression " (Miriam-Webster Dictionary)
and cuckolding is an "action", not an object or bodily part. As MacNFries suggested, a better term for describing a knowing and accepting cuckold is a "wittol"

Thanks, but unless everyone is clear on the terminology, I think fetish will have to fit as best it can.

...and tomatoes aren't actually vegetables ;)

But my point is that if he has given no indication that being a cuckold turns him on in any way, it's best to keep the discussion out of there. As I've said earlier, even guys with 12'' cocks have girlfriends who want to "test the waters" with other men. The term you use is an "easier sell", which I honestly don't think is possible in this situation. Most guys who KNOW their penis is small tend to either believe that 1) it's normal or almost normal, or 2) my wife doesn't mind because I'm that good. You're talking about coupling an ego-shattering revelation with a proposition of her seeing another man. Double ouch. He also might take it as an attack on his "performance" in bed, and make him defensive. In short, "1) your cock is too small and 2) I want to screw this guy with a huge cock" would be a one-two punch on most guys' ego.

Obviously he fulfills a lot of her emotional needs, but this is something she would like to try spice things up. His penis need not be mentioned.
It's better that she stay away from the "your penis is small" discussion entirely.
First of all, let me thank everyone who has posted here since my last posts. I wanted to acknowledge that I appreciate it very much. I do so want to make comments about every post, but I am so snowed under at work that I just won't have the time today or tomorrow. I will make sure to spend some time this weekend posting here and commenting on your posts.

Just so you know, this weekend is when I will also start my "journey" of making my husband my cuck. No sense waiting now that I've decided to do it. So, any comments on that in the meantime would be appreciated.

I would like to say one thing now though. I really appreciate knockedup's offer. In the future I may want to ask some things privately, but for now, Isee nothing wrong with doing this in public. We're all interested in somewhat the same things here, right?

So, this is for knockedup, and anyone else who wants to comment. Women can answer this, or cucks can tell me what their wives have said.


First...size in general...is it really that much better with a bigger guy? If so, is it from the actual physical feeling or also just from "knowing" it's bigger and therefore feeling more feminine because he's more of an "alpha" male, or both?

Next...black guys...is it more in the head, or is there something about them that makes them actually better. I mean, I get more turned on looking at pictures of black guys with big dicks than white guys with big dicks. That's just me. Maybe it's the taboo, the contrast whatever. Who knows. But, that's just the fantasy thing. What I wonder is, let's say you have a black guy and a white guy both with the same "size equipment", is the actual sex better, and once again is it physically better or is it in the head because of the same reasons...the taboo, contrast etc.

I mean, is there really something about the "way" black guys fuck that makes it better? And if so, what is it?

Hope I didn't bore anyone. I'm just a girl with a lot of recent fantasies without any real experience. Any comments would be nice. Thanks.

Wish me luck for this weekend. I'll post again Saturday and/or Sunday. Bye for now.

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