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ChicagoNites is the new ro

  • Thread startersub_female_4_breeding
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Feb 5, 2008
ChicagoNites has become the new ro..Make sum one a mod n give them alittle power n they go crazy...well here is a clue ChicagoNite fuck you!! your a bitch!! ban me!! delete my acct!! i still dont give a shit...fuck you and this site...this site has gone str8 down hill..all the real cpls n blk men have left..Now its just a bunch of gay cucks!! yes cucks = gay ....
Chicago Nite "The ASSHOLE"

Not that I give a fuck any longer about the site, this Fuck Stick named ChicagoNites gave me a warning for falling asleep at my computer last night. This fucking worthless piece of shit told me that I typed "The WRONG THING" in the chat room. I told him I typed the Letter "S" a number of times: Ah fuck it this is what I typed, sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Like I said, I did that cause I dosed off. The bitch got the fucking nerve to tell me I will be banned for a week if I do that again. I explained my reason and he said, "Don't Try To Prove Your Innocence" That is where I drew the line and told him he was a fucking bitch for talking to me like so. He then banned the IP address that I was using. YOU STUPID FUCK, I CAN GET ANOTHER ONE! I think this fucking guy is a fucking dickless loser. I don't come here that much, but for this fucker to talk to people and then act on blocking an IP address is a testament of the SHIT HOLE that gave him the "POWER" to mod. You are a moderator asshole, not a Judge, Jury and Executioner. I have been visiting this site since the beggining. But now, CHICAGO NITE, you piece of shit, you can mod the gay fucks that now own this piece of shit. Time to move on! Your mother should have aborted your dumb ass!!!
People do not come in here with hate and calling people stupid fucks it wont fly if you got a bitch present it like a adult not some idiot name calling asshole and we as mods are sorry that we are the ones that fuck up and fuck people over as you people if the shoe fits never do a fucking thing wrong dont like this site dont come here we dont need a bunch of negative shit here it is the best site going and will continue to go and grow with positive post and comments. Buy the way I banned these two not Nites like I said you got a complaint say it civil or dont.
oh, boo hoo im banned from a chat room....lolz @you spending the time and effort to make a thread about someone else...
Nites should be proud you went to all this effort for him

haha you sound like a bitch....sucks to be you huh?
So like WOW....don't hold back people!! LOL Seems Chicago has made a few friends......WOW, and I thought I could cause a stir!!


I have seen nites do the same as other mods, marybeth, ro etc all of them become power mad and very aggressive about it.
In nite's defense, I did have a problem with a real ass in chat and nites took care of it properly, but overall he is a problem. I have watched many times where he went way overboard. But as far as mods go, he is actually better than some others, but again, once you are against one of his friends, you are done. That is the problem I see with all of the mods, They do not care right or wrong, they defend thier friends at the expense of doing the right thing.

I will put my name in for mod, I do not maintain a click or group of friends so I would treat everybody the same.
My response to all my "Fans"

You have an opinion of me and that is ok i have no problem with that but realize your opinion of me does not create the reality i live in..... so this is a chatroom people a place to meet and relax and enjoy life...... You have taken it way to far. You say i go overboard that is ok i believe i try and be fair to fair people .... only time i am an asshole is when you break the rules and become an asshole when i tell you what you did. I will present no defense of my behavior because none will be good enough for you.... when and if you do come back in the room follow the rules and we will not have a problem. anything else? BTW to the person who wishes to talk about Mothers leave mine out of it be an adult
Well hopefully that put's this matter to bed

" It's A Tough Job But Someone Has To Do It "
the complaints are growing

I've notice a number of complaints about arbitrary rules administered by ChicagoNites. I encourage users to collect actual evidence by saving conversations to show the owners how the rules are randomly applied.

Recently there was an issue over whether it is more appropriate to post in the main room a request for, or to just let others know that private messages are acceptable for that person. ChicagoNites ruled that those posts were "ads".

ChicagoNites said that if people are looking for others with a similar interest to chat with they should scroll down the names and send them each instant messages.

This is contrary to what is acceptable in most all other chat rooms where there are rules against arbitrarily sending instant messages and they encourage posters to just post in the room and allow those interested to respond.
A simple matter of a difference of philosophy. I noticed a majority agreeing with the poster and trying to explain their case for it and next thing they are gagged or banned.

People began sending me messages saying "go to this site instead its more user friendly without 'Nites abuse". I'm sure the owners don't want to lose paying customers to an abusive admin.
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ok listen again

what i said was "Constant" postings you come in teh room and post ok but every few minutes of the same message is not allowed i spent 20 min trying to explain that to you but you do not understand when the owners and willy tell me to stop and allow postings ads all day in the room i will allow it......... now move on with life
luvbeingcuckedbybbc said:
I've notice a number of complaints about arbitrary rules administered by ChicagoNites. I encourage users to collect actual evidence by saving conversations to show the owners how the rules are randomly applied.

Recently there was an issue over whether it is more appropriate to post in the main room a request for, or to just let others know that private messages are acceptable for that person. ChicagoNites ruled that those posts were "ads".

ChicagoNites said that if people are looking for others with a similar interest to chat with they should scroll down the names and send them each instant messages.

This is contrary to what is acceptable in most all other chat rooms where there are rules against arbitrarily sending instant messages and they encourage posters to just post in the room and allow those interested to respond.
A simple matter of a difference of philosophy. I noticed a majority agreeing with the poster and trying to explain their case for it and next thing they are gagged or banned.

People began sending me messages saying "go to this site instead its more user friendly without 'Nites abuse". I'm sure the owners don't want to lose paying customers to an abusive admin.
What Nites said is constant posting as we get people there that post the same thing every minute and people complain about it and it gets annoying so we discourage it. I last night was in the chat and there were four people talking about how bad the mods are there and complaining about them so I stepped in and called them by name and ask what unfair justice have we done and I ask this four times with 188 people in the chat and not a one even replied to me oh I suppose they were affraid I would ban them or gag them BS I wanted to hear what their bitch was and not a one spoke up but you come in here and post stuff and when asked I get no replies. What is sad it is only a hand full that want to start trouble or make it. You people do not know about all the **** incest and animal sex we toss out of that room and when you enter it says do not ask for phone msn yahoo pics and fuck half of ya must be blind from masterbating to much as I expell alot for that and remind tons not to ask for yahoo or msn chat and no phone. Anyone got a bitch in there about someone a rightful bitch please feel free to conatct me and I will look into it otherwise take this BS elsewhere and slap a saddle on someother persons ass as we cant please you all and of coarse if you do something you shouldnt it is our fault because you did not know and give me a break on that one as for the most part you have been there long enough to know and you do know what you can do and what you cant. If it is fact prove it to me or else get off this band wagon.
I am TOTALLY against incest but what I find amusing is that the webmaster for this site fetishbucks.com also sponsors a site called The Filthy Family which promotes incest. On the main DC page scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on customer service link and you will find out what other sites fetishbucks.com hosts.
hold it mr super mod

Just because you went in once and asked about the problems an abuse and got no replies means nothing. If I had been on I would have replied. Just because you look once does not mean you investigated it. Nites has clearly abused things, he has clearly supported friends over the right and I know I sent you info on Marybeth doing that even copied and pasted the convo, did same for an abuse by nites and nothing ever came of it. Not even a reply. You can hardly blame people for not saying anything when there is a history of people being jumped on for speaking up. Nites does not abuse his place all the time, you might have to sit there and watch secretly for a week to see it, but trust me it happens, next time I will copy and paste again and see if it is paid attention to this time.
sadams said:
Just because you went in once and asked about the problems an abuse and got no replies means nothing. If I had been on I would have replied. Just because you look once does not mean you investigated it. Nites has clearly abused things, he has clearly supported friends over the right and I know I sent you info on Marybeth doing that even copied and pasted the convo, did same for an abuse by nites and nothing ever came of it. Not even a reply. You can hardly blame people for not saying anything when there is a history of people being jumped on for speaking up. Nites does not abuse his place all the time, you might have to sit there and watch secretly for a week to see it, but trust me it happens, next time I will copy and paste again and see if it is paid attention to this time.
This is the only message I have received from you if you sent another about MB and Nites I never received any other from you. ( I have been watching how ALL of the mods seem to have problems, I think I understand the issue, they are all part of a click and defend thier friends no matter what. I do not have a click here and no list of friends to defend. I volunteer as chat mod. At least I have nobody to defend and can be fair then. I believe in the no drama approach.)
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Well my wife an I chat on occassion for fun, but we are always asked by the moderator to NOT post our desires or interests in the main chat window! So...we and everyone else have to go down the list do private chat requests to people who may or may not be interested...thus some get bothered. Most other chat rooms on the internet the main chat area was for introductions and general interest requests (What the mods call Advertising) thus the DC chat room will continue to see people posting thier wants in the main chat area since the DC rule (unposted I might add) is not in line with the general internet protocal this problem will never go away.

There would be considerable less unwanted personal chat requests. Instead it SHOULD be required to post interests (not over and over mind you) so individuals can PM the right people. When my wife goes on she gets like 10 plus unsolicited PM requests from guys so fast she cant even start a chat with who shes interested in.

Instead the chat main board is filled with mindless drivel and banter about last night sports or other non interracial sex subjects.

:Lastly since many complain about the Cucks and sissy's etc the Chat room is shared between Dark Cavern AND its sister web site Cuckolds.com it would be better if there were two chat rooms, one for each site.
Engaged Cuck is correct

That is my point exactly. A month or so ago i posted simply "love chatting about this. anyone interested PMs to me are welcome". I had 10-12 private responses. Chat with several for a while. Then over an hour later I posted that exact same message. Nites scolded me for "constantly" posting. I scrolled back and counted over 150 people had entered and/or left the room in the time since my last post. All new entries would not have seen my original post. When I tried to explain how many people had come and gone, and how long it had been, he said I was arguing and before i could say anything else he banned me for a week.

Continue to capture screen chat when this happens as actual evidence.

Lots of people, couples, other cucks, and lots and lots of bulls like to chat privately rather than in the room. This way lets others know its ok to send a PM instead of bombarding the entire list with PMs.

The main screen just scrolls right on by. I see tons of chat in there that I'm not really interested in and it rolls right off the screen their posts don't bother me a bit. My posts will scroll right on by too and not bother anyone.
well dont say to much or they will ban you for life for being a trouble maker<lol it shows how sad d.c n the mods have become..If you make a point or say sumthing they dont want to hear they take down your post then ban you and then they post shit saying we want to hear what you have to say about D.C n mods...lol
ok enough of the taking the high road approach........ i have read all these post 4 times and this is no longer a room problem it has become personal with some of you .... where in any of the post that shows i have violates any rules? abused any rules? where? all i see is disgruntled assholes who thinks by bitching they look more intelligent... you do not..... to the "people" who cant understand what the word constant means ask someone to look it up for you and write it down....... some say i have a clique i do it is called the room members that openly talk in the room ... who is friendly and respectful to each other.... i try and say hello to everyone that enters and encourage everyone to join the chat... you wish to post what you are looking for as you enter i don't say anything but every few minutes is annoying to others """you are not above the group""".... if all of you want so strongly to have me removed her is an idea collect 25 thousand dollars pay off the owners have me removed and everyone is happy ..... my actions in the room is based on how i apply the rules and they are consistent....... my personal life has nothing to do with this site so stay off that taht is not a concern of yours.... the abuse is ranging from name calling and having my iwfe and kids lives threatened by room members be an adult and talk with me or continue to be a punk ass hide behind a name and post in here and say nothing to me in the room about what you percieve i am doing wrong in the room i have no ego you attack me personally and i am an asshole you do not want to see... leave my peronal out of this site
lol @ nites..."where in any of the post that shows i have violates any rules?
'dumbass i told you when n how you were power triping and you ban me n took down my post in the fourm...so dont sit here n try to act like no one told you...we did n you didnt like it..lol and why should we pay D.c?if they had any brains they would remove you as a mod on there own and start working on cleaning up the site.I would never talk about your personal life ie"wife n kids" .....im only here to call you n d.c out on the bullshit..so stop your crying u power tripping mod

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