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change my name to: I'mACuck

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
I saw Custer's reply to a comment I'd made in another thread so I thought I'd take a few minutes to update everyone.

My last post was just after my wife had finally fucked Brad, her friend from work. As I listed in my other posting, Sue's been literally on-fire since her romp with Brad. It's almost funny because she is now, in many ways, like she was when we first started together - anytime I'm hard she's ready for me. I had found myself masturbating more in recent years as we fell into a husband/wife rhythm - but now, actually ever since her first step over the line in Boston, she's simply always horny and seemingly, always ready.

She's been with Brad several times since that first time. The first time she was very tentative about it - again as if she was scared or embarassed to let me see her wanting sex with him. I was totally turned on by it and told her so many times in very certain terms.

I will never forget how I felt that next time she called me - maybe 2 weeks later (after her next monthly maybe?) and asked if I'd be okay with her going out after work again. I asked if she'd be late but never asked about Brad. She said she didn't think she'd be home before midnight and I just told her to have a good time and have fun.

But the moment that I remember most from that night isn't when she came home - it was when I got home from work and checked the drawer in the bathroom and saw that her diaphragm and the jelly weren't there. That moment reallyy hit me - that she was truly going to fuck him and that she probably hoped to and planned to that she'd taken it with her to work that morning.

I don't recall the specifics right now but I do recall her coming home late and looking positively beautiful. The look in her eyes and just the way she seemed to carry herself. Feeling her wetness between her legs as we kisssed. I just wanted to share that moment forever with her. Only to be surpassed by the moment when we'd be in bed a few minutes later.

I can't find the words other than maybe pride at how I felt looking down at her naked body. Knowing Brad had just been in her and seeing his semen slowly dripping out of her. That was only surpassed by feeling her warm wetness as I entered her.

We talked a lot in the days after that and Sue said that she felt good about things and that while she may not understand why I feel as I do, she did say she'd try to stop questioning it and to try to just accept it.

She would fuck Brad one more Friday after work 3 weeks ago before she came to ask me whether she needed to always check with me if she wanted to be with him? I was sort of surprised by that for a moment but then - the thought of her being spontaneous and perhaps wanting him just on a whim seemed to arouse me. She asked me again and I just said that she didn't have to necessarily tell me in advance but that she did have to promise to share with me in such a way that I could feel somehow a part of that moment, even afterwards.

I'm not sure what I meant by what I said but we haven't really talked that much about it. We've been off this week and she's been extremely fun to be with and very sexy so I'm not complaining.

Still, after writing this, I am now thinking that maybe I will ask her a bit more about just what she's thinking, if she's thinking anything at all. All I know is that I love the change in her and I love how open and responsive she is sexually. If this is the result of another guy fucking her 3 or 4 times - then I'm sold on this.

More as it happens.

Happy 4th everyone.
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No way to change IDs

Oh - I wanted to change my ID but apparently you can only have 1 ID connected to an email account....
Congratulations! You've succeeded. Now, you have a tigress by the tail....


SoonToBe said:
....My last post was just after my wife had finally fucked Brad, her friend from work. As I listed in my other posting, Sue's been literally on-fire since her romp with Brad. It's almost funny because she is now, in many ways, like she was when we first started together - anytime I'm hard she's ready for me. I had found myself masturbating more in recent years as we fell into a husband/wife rhythm - but now, actually ever since her first step over the line in Boston, she's simply always horny and seemingly, always ready.

Outstanding! This is an optimal outcome.

SoonToBe said:
I will never forget how I felt that next time she called me - maybe 2 weeks later (after her next monthly maybe?) and asked if I'd be okay with her going out after work again. I asked if she'd be late but never asked about Brad. She said she didn't think she'd be home before midnight and I just told her to have a good time and have fun.

Good response.

SoonToBe said:
....I do recall her coming home late and looking positively beautiful. The look in her eyes and just the way she seemed to carry herself. Feeling her wetness between her legs as we kissed. I just wanted to share that moment forever with her. Only to be surpassed by the moment when we'd be in bed a few minutes later.

Excellent! Your wife is showing all the signs of a successful cuckoldress.

SoonToBe said:
I can't find the words other than maybe pride at how I felt looking down at her naked body. Knowing Brad had just been in her and seeing his semen slowly dripping out of her. That was only surpassed by feeling her warm wetness as I entered her.

And you are showing all the signs of successful adaptation as your wife's cuckold.

SoonToBe said:
We talked a lot in the days after that and Sue said that she felt good about things and that while she may not understand why I feel as I do, she did say she'd try to stop questioning it and to try to just accept it.

Ah, your wife is pragmatic....

SoonToBe said:
She would fuck Brad one more Friday after work 3 weeks ago before she came to ask me whether she needed to always check with me if she wanted to be with him? .... I just said that she didn't have to necessarily tell me in advance but that she did have to promise to share with me in such a way that I could feel somehow a part of that moment, afterwards.

Good response. As your cuckoldress, your wife should *certainly* not feel she has to "ask your permission" whenever she sees an opportunity.

SoonToBe said:
....she's been extremely fun to be with and very sexy so I'm not complaining.

No, I wouldn't think so. Nor should you ever complain, having persuaded your wife to let her genie out of the bottle. After she becomes accustomed to her new freedom and heightened sexual satisfaction (this is happening rapidly), you may find it considerably more difficult to persuade her to recapture her genie and put it back in her bottle. I don't think that's something you want to try to do to her.... particularly now that she's obtained your permission to fuck other men without letting you know beforehand. That was a good move on her part, because — should you become difficult at some point in the future — it will be only a small step from there to not telling you afterwards, either.

SoonToBe said:
Still, after writing this, I am now thinking that maybe I will ask her a bit more about just what she's thinking, if she's thinking anything at all.

I'd suggest not pressing your wife in ways she might interpret as you starting to become uncomfortable with all this. She's showing you what she's thinking, and (I would say) you are interpreting her correctly. BTW, saying "....if you're thinking anything at all" to her would be insulting.

SoonToBe said:
All I know is that I love the change in her and I love how open and responsive she is sexually.

Excellent! The whole venture sounds like a complete success.

SoonToBe said:
...If this is the result of another guy fucking her 3 or 4 times - then I'm sold on this. More as it happens.

Um.... it could be a lot more than 3 or 4 times, and it will probably turn out to be a lot more than one "other guy." I suggest beginning to encourage your wife, before too much longer, to begin thinking in terms of multiple lovers to decrease the probability of her becoming emotionally involved with Brad — or any other one lover, in the future.

I'll look forward to future updates. You have, in a sense, a tigress by the tail.

It's a rainy night here and she's already suggested a bottle of wine and a locked bedroom door for tonight so I must be quick here.

I find that when I look at her now, I am much more aware of her beauty and just how much she means to me. Its weird that knowing she's having passion with another guy gives me that feeling. But knowing 2 other guys have now fucked her after more than 20 years of just me is still such a turn on.

I know you're advising me to steer her away from Brad but he is married and I do take some comfort in that such that if things go beyond the occasional after-work fuck, that I'll take due caution. On the other hand, I am really amazed that she's letting herself be as open as she is with Brad. He thinks I don't know so maybe that's helping her. But seems to me like that they're more comfortable with each other now. Just from how she talks about him and how their sex together is. She's quite, surprisingly, open and candid with me - at times she seems to almost revel in telling me how they were together. My ever increasing hard-on tells her that I don't mind. At least for now, that's for sure.

Gotta go. More when there's time.

I should send a note to the site admin and ask if I can change my ID......
Yes, it would be very unwise to keep your cuckoldress waiting....


SoonToBe said:
It's a rainy night here and [my wife is] already suggested a bottle of wine and a locked bedroom door for tonight so I must be quick here.

Yes. It would be very unwise to keep your cuckoldress waiting when she expects you in bed — or anywhere else.

SoonToBe said:
I find that when I look at her now, I am much more aware of her beauty and just how much she means to me. ...

Good. That's the way it's supposed to be.

SoonToBe said:
I know you're advising me to steer her away from Brad....

No, no.... that isn't what I meant at all. Obviously, your wife identified Brad as her lover of choice and now finds her affair with him very satisfying. You need to respect that. If you were to pressure her to drop him and find some other lover, after all the planning, effort, and personal emotional energy she has put into bedding Brad on a continuing basis, I'm fairly sure she would find that weird. She would probably conclude you're decompensating in an emotional sense, and are experiencing profound doubts about your ability to "handle it." I doubt you want her to draw that conclusion.

SoonToBe said:
.... but he is married and I do take some comfort in that such that if things go beyond the occasional after-work fuck, I'll take due caution.

Yes, it's probably to your advantage that Brad is a married man. Presumably, that's where his priority lies. But not necessarily. Brad may have long-standing feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment with his wife, and his flirting with your wife over the years may have been an expression of a secret desire on his part to find another woman — your wife, for instance — and move on.

Thus, your wife should probably be prepared for Brad quietly informing her, at some point, that his wife found out about their affair and has filed for divorce — and he would really like to spend more time with her. The unstated implication will be that he is asking whether she has secretly been wanting to divorce you. Or perhaps he will simply mention that "he would really like to spend more time with her," as a way of sounding her out re. whether she would secretly like to divorce you (in order to be with him). In either case, this sort of thing happens, as your wife should know well since she divorced her first husband after finding out about his affair which he was attempting to keep secret.

SoonToBe said:
On the other hand, I am really amazed that she's letting herself be as open as she is with Brad. He thinks I don't know so maybe that's helping her. But seems to me like that they're more comfortable with each other now. Just from how she talks about him and how their sex together is.

What I tried to tell you in my previous post (above) — I'll put this in different words now — is that it would be naive for you to think your wife is not emotionally involved with Brad. He's a new love, her meetings with him — involving, as they do, romance and intrigue — are intensely exciting, and the two of them are obviously connecting very well on a personal level. They almost certainly feel they have much in common, in part because of their related work interests. For reasons such as these, I would guess their emotional involvement is increasing.

I suggest a "reasonable defense" of your interest in your wife — that is, of your marriage — would be to make sure Brad knows you encouraged her to take lovers, and her affair with him has your full support — but let him know you would appreciate it if he would not forget she is your wife. If you feel your wife is unlikely to want to participate in giving Brad this message because (e.g.) she finds "forbidden fruit" more exciting, there are several ways you could do it yourself. (1) Send him an e-mail letter. This would be most impersonal, specific, and would leave a permanent record. (2) Call him. This would be more personal and would leave no permanent record, but would leave him with some feeling he knows you first-hand (unlike an e-mail letter). (3) Call him and arrange to meet him in a bar, then talk with him face-to-face. This would definitely be the best way to establish a personal understanding with him, but would require the most "guts" on your part (and would leave no permanent record).

In addition, I suggest you bring up the problem of your wife's increasing emotional involvement with Brad in some suitably intimate setting; i.e., while you are holding her in bed — and ask her if she thinks it would reduce the probability of this having an adverse affect on your marriage if she were to seek another lover *in addition* to Brad. The objective (should you decide to do this) would not be to cause her to think you want her to end her relationship with Brad. Rather, it would be to start her thinking along the lines of enjoying multiple lovers, the rationale being this would reduce the threat to your marriage of emotional involvement with any one lover.

That's what I was trying to say (too briefly, evidently).

Your wife has not told Brad that you know yet, so that will hold Brad back from pinching your wife for a while at least. She likes it being secret.

Brad is her other husband and this is her first fling, so let her find her feet and enjoy it immensely in the months ahead. If she has your permission to not ask you in advance of her dates with Brad, then she can let her hair down even more, and enjoy the spontaneous emotions of doing things on impulse like a young girl in love for the first time. This will allow her to set aside her inhibitions and try sex things she has always been afraid to do with you.

Like any new marriage, her "new husband" and her will be like rabbits for awhile, then it will settle down into a "slower paced maturity" of being together to enjoy more things other than just "sex, sex, sex". That will be the time when she may think of "extra Bulls" but it may be awhile yet before that happens.

She is very pleased with you at the moment, and obviously wanting to reward you with extra sex and affection. Just make sure she has a good choice of different clothes to wear, and ask her if she would like to book in to a health spa occasionally for massages and pampering to re-charge herself for more fun with Brad.

I am not sure I would advise you talking to her husband. I think your wife will instinctly feel when the moment is right to tell him that you know she has a lover.

At the moment, she has an excuse to break off her relationship with him if she feels she needs to progress to someone else. (my husband is getting suspicious, I can't risk seeing you any more, I don't want to lose my marriage, I am risking too much).

If you talk to her husband, he might think, "great, I can pinch her off him because he is a cuckold".

But I admit I don't know as much about your marriage as Lord Custer does. I just want to see your wife max her sex life and you to support her fantastically in ways that make you very pleased for her. So far, your sex life is getting better, so you are doing things right.
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Um, say what... —?

Hi Berenia,

Berenia said:
.... But I admit I don't know as much about your marriage as Lord Custer does.

"Lord Custer"? Please, give me a break. I'm not religious, as you may have guessed by now, nor am I British.

In fact, all I know about I'mACuck (the erstwhile SoonToBe) and his marriage is what he has posted on this forum. His narrative, I would say, is an unusually detailed and interesting description of his evolution from "normal husband" to cuckold.

If you're interested (as you seem to be), see the 8 "page" thread he started here on 29 Mar. '08:


then continued as this 6 "page" thread on 25 Apr. '08:


which is continued, more recently, as this thread.

BTW, your comments (above) strike me as expressing a perspective that is quite good. I must say, it didn't occur to me to view I'mACuck's current situation in the same way. In saying this, I do not mean to imply I disagree. If he were to ask me (which, of course, he hasn't), I would suggest he take your advice seriously.

Best regards—

It's been a busy few weeks

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the absence but, lets face it, when there's not enough time for what needs to get done, my updating this board drops in priority.

I've been busy primarily because of work but also because of my wifes increasing requests to have some fun with Brad. Most of these rendezvous have been in the evening which puts me in the position of getting home earlier and getting dinner for our kids. They believe she's working on a big project at work - which she is, but it doesn't demand OT, so for the time being it works.

In the past 3 weeks, skipping skipping a few days for her period, she's been with him 4 times. The last 2 times she's let me know the night before that she'll be late the next day and that has also been a new dimension that I'm getting used to. It's definitely something new to know as we're getting dressed in the morning what she'll be doing in the evening. I had a bit of angst the first time but this last time this past Tuesday, I found it actually to be very erotic. I didn't feel right asking her anything about it though - she just said to me that she was going to be late the next night and I didn't ask more.

As I mentioned earlier, she did once again ask me if I was going to be okay if she didn't tell me ahead of time that she was going to be with Brad. So I asked finally exactly what she meant by that and I was surprised (but not totally) when she said that before summer was over that she wanted to do it with him at lunch one day!

The reason I said not totally surprised is that when we first got together we worked together and one of the things she always thought was fun was when we'd have sex during lunchtime and then we'd be back in the office for the rest of the afternoon. I think I'd remembered this in the back of my mind but never really thought it'd happen for her again until now.

I told her that I loved her and that I was really enjoying her newfound sexuality and especially the sex we were having afterwards - both right away as well as for days. We talked for a while and I just told her that I wasn't threatened as long as she kept it physical with him and didn't start falling for him. She looked at me dead in the eyes and told me she was just having fun - a LOT of it.

How could I say anything. I know what some of you have written here but I have to say that I do believe her and I don't really think I'm all that worried - at least not right now. The look in her eye lately and the spring in her step just says to me that she's reallly enjoying herself and to be honest - I like supporting her in that fun. She did add that afternoons would be easier for Brad so his wife doesn't get suspicious - that sort of made sense to me too.

I had always told her that it turned me on to know she's having sex with another guy. I could never and still can't explain it - but when I'm with her afterwards - it's like knowing Brad was in her just drives me wild with desire for her. She's even commented to me that she feels that my own lovemaking with her is even more physical now too. The nights after she's been with Brad have been just electrifying for us - I cannot remember the two of us ever having better sex or seeming to be more in tune with each other. It's sort of weird that this is what's happened.

I'll post back here when/if she goes for an "afternooner". In the meanwhile, if she's not going to tell me in advance, I'll keep checking the bathroom drawer where her diaphragm is - that should tell me what she may not.
Cool.... sounds optimum.


SoonToBe said:
Hi everyone, Apologies for the absence....

Hey, no problem. When you're here, you're here. When you're not, you're not.

SoonToBe said:
I've been busy primarily because of work but also because of my wifes increasing requests to have some fun with Brad. Most of these rendezvous have been in the evening which puts me in the position of getting home earlier and getting dinner for our kids.

Sounds like you're doing your job, providing your wife with housework and child-care support as her cuckold. Keep up your good work....

SoonToBe said:
I told her that I loved her and that I was really enjoying her newfound sexuality and especially the sex we were having afterwards - both right away as well as for days. We talked for a while and I just told her that I wasn't threatened as long as she kept it physical with him and didn't start falling for him. She looked at me dead in the eyes and told me she was just having fun - a LOT of it.


SoonToBe said:
The look in her eye lately and the spring in her step just says to me that she's reallly enjoying herself and to be honest - I like supporting her in that fun.


SoonToBe said:
The nights after she's been with Brad have been just electrifying for us - I cannot remember the two of us ever having better sex or seeming to be more in tune with each other. It's sort of weird that this is what's happened.

Sounds optimum....

SoonToBe said:
I'll post back here when/if she goes for an "afternooner".

Awright. Will look forward to hearing from you again. Thanks for the update.

She just left for work and I'm about to - but just checked the bathroom drawer and her diaphragm is missing.

Part of me wants to call her or text her - and another part of me wants to give her the freedom to do what she wants. I hope she shares with me tonight if she does do anything during the day today.
So - I called her at work about 11am and asked her what she was doing for lunch (that's a normal thing for me to do). She answered that she didn't have anything special planned and might just go out for a bit as it's nice out today.

I won't say she sounded any different than normal but I was trying to read into anything she said that might indicate anything.

I just tried her office at 1pm and she's not back yet. She's normally at lunch from 12 to 1 but usually comes back early. Not today.

So, I'm sitting here trying to resist thinking about her - if she's doing anything at all that is.

I hope she'll be open and honest with me later tonight - I think it would be such a turn on for me if it's true, that she's hooked up with him at lunch.

Hopefully more later - now to let my hard-on go down so I can go get some lunch.
Where would your wife and her lover have gone (most likely) for their lunchtime tryst?

I honestly don't know where she'd go for a quickie during lunch. For all I know, Brad may live near work?

All I do know is that she was changed already when I got home but there are no signs of anything from her work-clothes and no new panties in the hamper.

But, the contraceptive cream is now back in the drawer as is the empty diaphragm case - so there's only one place that is!

I'm trying to be nice about everything and helped out with dinner to see if I can woo her later for sex - but Monday night sex is definitely a rarity so I'm stuck trying to figure out what or how to ask her without making it seem like I'm spying on her when I really am. I know she'd feel weird knowing I was checking her diaphragm every day before work....

But here I am writing about it with a wicked hard-on and actually sort of hoping she did it.

Gotta head back downstairs now.
Be careful of all this peeking and prying at this stage. You could put her on the defensive and she will go secretive on you. The last thing you want at this time.

"You're SPYING on me", is a VERY bad thing to have her say, believe me!

Soon To Be. Hey for what its worth i also hope she got dicked today. It will be very hot for you when you find out. Like trying to eat her pussy and see what she does. I call it surprise pie and to find one in her cunt is the ultimate thrill. :eek: Wish you both hot times . It will only get hotter and the hotter the better.;) okdeacon
Well, after her shower last night before bed - miraculously the diaphragm re-appeared in its case in the bathroom drawer.
It's there this morning too so I guess I"m left with my imagination until I get the time/place to bring it up with her.
Still - just knowing what she MAY have done yesterday is just amazing! I am like totally horny for her now and I think I actually love her even more for finally letting herself do what she's wanted!
Sounds like your wife is getting to the point where she may or may not tell you....


SoonToBe said:
.... I'm stuck trying to figure out what or how to ask her without making it seem like I'm spying on her when I really am. ....

I suspect that's more-or-less the way it's going to be. Given that your wife, in response to your encouragement, now views it as her prerogative to date and fuck whomever she wishes, and that you've agreed, in response to her request, that she is free to do so without asking or bringing it up with you in advance, you are — as her cuckold — in the position of having to infer indirectly when she is planning to fuck (or is actually fucking) her lover. Unless, that is, she chooses to tell you.... and it sounds like she's getting to the point where she may or may not do that.

SoonToBe said:
Well, after her shower last night before bed - miraculously the diaphragm re-appeared in its case in the bathroom drawer. It's there this morning too....

Ah, more circumstancial evidence.... but could it mean her lover was tied up, so to speak, with work yesterday and couldn't get away at noon... —?

SoonToBe said:
I am like totally horny for her now and I think I actually love her even more for finally letting herself do what she's wanted!

Excellent! That's the way it should be.

Well, it's Wednesday evening and Sue's hinted that she's "frisky" tonight so maybe I'll hear something. She knows it's a turn-on for me when she'll talk to me a bit about her and Brad - she's not totally into the whole dirty-talk thing but at times she'll say things like "Brad likes to lick me like that" and stuff like that. She knows that if we're fucking and she talks to me about Brad being in her that I get really aroused quickly and she knows if she talks too much I"ll cum pretty quickly. Usually she finds a nice mix that gets her and me off nicely.

More as it happens - I'm hoping to ask her "when are you seeing him again" sometime and see what her reaction is.
Sounds like your wife plays you masterfully....


SoonToBe said:
.... She knows that if we're fucking and she talks to me about Brad being in her that I get really aroused quickly and she knows if she talks too much I"ll cum pretty quickly. Usually she finds a nice mix that gets her and me off nicely.

Sounds like Sue has mastered the art of playing you.

SoonToBe said:
More as it happens - I'm hoping to ask her "when are you seeing him again" sometime and see what her reaction is.

Yes, maybe she'll tell you something. Maybe....

Hello Soon To Be AGAIN

SoonToBe said:
Well, it's Wednesday evening and Sue's hinted that she's "frisky" tonight so maybe I'll hear something. She knows it's a turn-on for me when she'll talk to me a bit about her and Brad - she's not totally into the whole dirty-talk thing but at times she'll say things like "Brad likes to lick me like that" and stuff like that. She knows that if we're fucking and she talks to me about Brad being in her that I get really aroused quickly and she knows if she talks too much I"ll cum pretty quickly. Usually she finds a nice mix that gets her and me off nicely.

More as it happens - I'm hoping to ask her "when are you seeing him again" sometime and see what her reaction is.

Still here and very much pulling for you. I guess you did not eat her after her shower the other night. Even she has washed inside and out she cant hide a fresh fucked pussy. It will still be glowing and puffed up and thick lipped. Please let us know, as you have Custer & i hooked. okdeacon

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