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Black Men are useless

  • Thread starterWhammer
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Not quite a lurker
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Aug 3, 2006
Here's an interesting read from tennis champion Serena Williams-

Black men have become of less value —Serena Williams
Jemi Ekunkunbor
Posted to the Web: Sunday, June 18, 2006

Renowned tennis star, Serena is somewhat a wild cat. She is as wild off court as she is ferocious on the court. The award winning star is known also to be quite outspoken and brooks no nonsense. She and her older sister Venus have become icons ruling the tennis world like colossus.

Serena Williams was born in Saginaw, Michigan, on September 26, 1981, but she and her sister were raised in the economically depressed and often violence-riddled Los Angeles suburb of Compton. Her father Richard ran a private security firm, and her mother Oracene (who often uses the name Brandy) was a nurse. A fan of televised tennis, Richard Williams dreamed of the opportunities that might await his offspring-to-be: “I went to my wife and said, ‘Let’s have kids and make them tennis players,’” he told Newsweek. His ambitions went nowhere with the first three of his five daughters, but Venus, born in 1980, and Serena, the youngest daughter, showed promise from the start. “Venus and Serena took to tennis as soon as rackets were put in their hands,” older sister Lyndrea told Sport magazine.

The sisters’ early training took place on public tennis courts in and around Compton, where they remember having to duck gunfire. Despite this difficult beginning, though, their skills developed rapidly. Serena entered her first tournament at the age of four and a half, and over the next five years, her father has claimed, she won 46 of 49 tournaments she entered. She succeeded Venus as the number-one player in southern California’s highly competitive age-12-and-under rankings, and well before reaching adolescence both sisters had attracted national attention in the form of invitations to prestigious tennis camps, promises of lucrative product-endorsement deals, and glowing newspaper reportage.Although known for antagonizing her fellow players, Serena’s brash confidence, charisma, and impressive physical appearance made her attractive to the advertising departments of major corporations, and she signed a deal worth roughly $12 million with the Puma sporting-goods concern. An intelligent and energetic teenager with interests in many fields outside of tennis, she hopes to become a movie star in time— she could contemplate many different paths when thinking about her future.

In this interview culled from the internet, Serena in her usual brash manner opens up on the status imbalance between the African American men and their women. To her, having attained supper stardom there are very few men from her race who can meet up to her standard. White men, she says make the best men.

Now, many Nigerians especially, men will not agree with Serena’s views, for indeed we do have great potentials in our men. But then, Serena is not a Nigerian. Reactions to Serena’s views are welcomed.

Ms. Williams we are all interested in your new boyfriend.

There is no new boyfriend. I stopped playing with boys when I stopped dating black guys. I have a new man in my life and yes, he’s white.

So you prefer to date white men instead of black guys?

Let’s be real. If you are a successful black female you only have two choices:date outside of your race or date other successful black females.

Are you saying there are no successful black men to date?

Of course not but let’s face it, if Oprah would date outside of her race she would be married with children now. The state of most black men is so low the only thing you can do is love them. Like a poor homeless dog. You can’t expect it to protect you. You can only offer shelter and love and watch as our neighbor’s pit bull protects his home and family. I, unlike Oprah, am not ****** to stay within those boundaries. I was born into a new generation of black women.

So Oprah is being ****** to date Stedman?

All I can say is when you find a successful black women who is not married and does not have children it is because they refuse to accept the two choices. Some may go as far as marriage to a black guy but they realize divorce is inevitable so they do not have children. Or they have children with one and don’t marry in order to preserve their wealth and good credit. Oprah is one of many who silently protests being stuck withsuch poor choices by refusing to marry and reproduce but you can see how much it hurts her. She’s always giving away money to children’s charities. I hope she makes the choice to marry a non-black soon so she can have a child of her own.

But you have decided to accept the two choices?

Yes. I grew up in California around the two extremes of wealth. If I could only get myself to try the bisexual thing I would have been much happier in my relationships. Instead I dated Black men, I loved many of them but they were just not suitable for marriage. Many of them were raised by women and had warped mentalities. So, I finally had to date outside my race. When I moved to Miami, I accepted my status and date men on my level.

What do you mean by warped mentalities?

Well, where do I begin? Many of them were raised predominantly by women and had this feminine/bisexual complex. Where they wanted to be treated like a female sometimes. For example, I would have the money & they would have the sex. I would teach them things. You know, all the things a woman likes a man to do, I would end up doing for them. Then if we would get into an argument, there would be a role reversal. All of a sudden, they would be the man wanting the respect of a king in his castle. Black men over the years have become less and less of value to black women both rich and poor. I predict in 10 years they will be obsolete. Now they serve little to no function and what little they can do, they don’t want to do.

Why 10 years?

That’s when going to a fertility clinic to get impregnated by a sperm donor will become as common and accessible as the flu shot. Women who want sex will do it with whoever they want (girl, guy, rich, poor, white, black) and go to the bank (the sperm bank) when they are ready to have children. Even those who waited (like Oprah) will have fertilized eggs placed in-Vitro. That’s the day the secret organization of women is waiting for. The day when men are 100% dis-empowered.

Are you a part of that organization?

No. They’re a mostly white group. Plus that day for black men is practically here already. Black women are already raising 75% of the black population without a man. When fertility clinics become more affordable. Black women will be standing in line. It will be just like plastic surgery. Everyone laughed at Michael Jackson but it’s becoming so popular now, that even poor blacks are getting work done...mostly breast reductions and liposuction.

So do you want men to be dis-empowered?

Heck, no! That’s why I am with a white man now. I want a man to be a man and I am not going to settle for less just to stay within racial boundaries. A Black man in my position wouldn’t do it so why should I. Don’t get me wrong, I love black men. My father is black, I have dated black men all my life, and if I have a male child he will be part black.

But my husband and I will raise him together so hopefully he will be a worthy choice for a worthy black female. Not the only choice, or “there’s nothing better out there so I’ll settle for this choice. When you are successful you want the best. The best food, clothes, places to live etc. I want the best man also.

And you think the best man is a non-black man?

I think if there’s a better choice for me, God would have shown me. I am in the public so I get to meet lots of people from all over the world- athletes, celebs, etc. I am wealthy so I am invited and have traveled to the most prestigious events all over the world. Out of all those people, places and events....I had to choose the right man for me. Like it or not (with very few exceptions) a white man is the only real choice for a successful black female.

She certainly doesn't have a very high opinion of black men!
Funny how everything here seems like a hoax!
And it doesn't take much to diss black men- just look around you. Lazy black men running out on their families. Black women are the head of the house cause the black man ain't around.
Black men not wanting to work. Just hanging out on street corners.

I'm sure the orginal slave traders and owners who brought the black man here to America are turning over in their graves- if only they knew how their actions were going to destroy their country!
I would love to see Whammer talk shit on one the street corners where black men hang out instead of being passive aggressive on a message board posting bogus news stories.
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Whammer said:
Funny how everything here seems like a hoax!
And it doesn't take much to diss black men- just look around you. Lazy black men running out on their families. Black women are the head of the house cause the black man ain't around.
Black men not wanting to work. Just hanging out on street corners.

I'm sure the orginal slave traders and owners who brought the black man here to America are turning over in their graves- if only they knew how their actions were going to destroy their country!

I'd only like to point out that Whammer doesn't even attempt to provide any defense for his outrageous reference. When confronted, he can only make statements which further show him as a racist.

Your original post has been disproved; that tells me that nothing else you 'claim' is of any value. People like you are a dime a dozen; without any substance in your own life, you spend your time trying to convince others that you're better than they. It never works.

AND... it never works trying to understand or rationalize with this type of person. He's got a soapbox that's safer than the white sheets his predecessors used to hide their faces. He knows he can rant and show his hatred without having to actually 'show up.'

So, my suggestion is to ignore him--that rattles his cage more than anything. The world has passed him by, and he wants us to know that 'he's still there.'
Yeah lots of tough talk happens on these forums.
Well what the hell do I care?
It's funny how this forum is completely loaded with fakes and frauds- gay men pretending to be women, white guys pretending to be black.
Loads of fake photos and phoney stories.

When I posted this topic I did not know the story was fake.
Is it? I guess so.
Am I racist?
Get fucking real- everyone is racist.
You think black people like white people? Fuck no!
The only thing a black man has going for him is a big cock- IF he's one of the lucky few to have one. Most have cocks no bigger than an average white guy- do some research and you'll see that the myth of the huge black cock is just that- A MYTH.
As for those with a big black cock- that's all you are!
No one cares about you as a person. They only care about that big cock.
You may as well just cut it off and give it to them- they've got no use for you- just your organ.

Maybe everyone should take a break, chill and go see

the movie Freedom Writers.

It sounds to me form reading some of these message

some people are in real pain.

If you want to see what is real and what can be

accomplished with a possitive attitude....

Just a suggestion.
Don't worry about me- I just love getting these folks worked up!

I do love that comment that I should talk this shit on the street corners where black men hang only proves what I said.
Bunch of useless niggers hanging out on the street terrorizing the good people of America.
Oh Lord look what slavery has wrought!?
The destruction of America!
Thank God they murder themselves in record numbers each year- perhaps we might be able to stop the downward spiral that America is in.
Whammer said:
Don't worry about me- I just love getting these folks worked up!

I do love that comment that I should talk this shit on the street corners where black men hang only proves what I said.
Bunch of useless niggers hanging out on the street terrorizing the good people of America.
Oh Lord look what slavery has wrought!?
The destruction of America!
Thank God they murder themselves in record numbers each year- perhaps we might be able to stop the downward spiral that America is in.
I suppose that I should not say nothing as it would be pointing a finger. This site has went from good to worst. There use to be alot of good people here but how time changes things. Maybe in someones mind if they have one as far as I know it wasn't us useless niggers as called that asked to come here in the first place. If I read history right it was some WHITE folk that bought the Black here to sell and make money on. Yeah and some of you people say don't read it skip it. If you are truley a African American I don't know how you couldn't respond to this kind of garbage. This site has went to hell and gone. This kind of bullshit should not even be posted. If this isn't pointing fingers at the Black people here with the term useless niggers I don't know what is. I don't se any of post from theones that bashed my ass here calling me a racist where the hell are you post on this. I'm gone what shit posting this crap.
muleman said:
I suppose that I should not say nothing as it would be pointing a finger. This site has went from good to worst. There use to be alot of good people here but how time changes things. Maybe in someones mind if they have one as far as I know it wasn't us useless niggers as called that asked to come here in the first place. If I read history right it was some WHITE folk that bought the Black here to sell and make money on. Yeah and some of you people say don't read it skip it. If you are truley a African American I don't know how you couldn't respond to this kind of garbage. This site has went to hell and gone. This kind of bullshit should not even be posted. If this isn't pointing fingers at the Black people here with the term useless niggers I don't know what is. I don't se any of post from theones that bashed my ass here calling me a racist where the hell are you post on this. I'm gone what shit posting this crap.
Damn I so agree with you..Racism is still alive and kicking in America.

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