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Bitch got me...no doubts about it this time...

  • Thread starterHoyt
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jul 30, 2006
Damn, I don't know where to start.

I suppose that it's suffice to say that my wife and I have been living a normal life (read that boring) for the last year. Been a lot going on, but then again, that's just life. Shit to do, jobs, responsibilities, etc. etc et fuckingcetra.

I guess I'm the only one in this pair that's been bored and that's my own fault. You see, I'm a little younger than my wife and I suppose I take good health and moderate good looks for granted. She, on the other hand, is actually thinking ahead....and I suppose, partly, in dread.

You see, she's always been able to get anything she wants, just by smiling and playing coy flirt games. She can manipulate a sumbitch just by grinning and make him hard with a simple suggestive glance.

I suppose that the fear of aging and losing this easy control over men is fucking with her head. She's worried about her looks. She frets over every wrinkle. She hits the gym even harder. And now she's making every Jim even harder. Jim, Jack, whateverthefuck his name is.

I find her hotter than before....why? Because she actually is trying to be hot. She's putting her back into it..no pun intended. She is really putting out some effort to be hot. This same effort, while fun to witness, is also noticed by my buddies. I've been getting some "What the hell" looks lately.

Objectively, if a husband who does love his wife can be, I'll bring things to the present. Here it is...

She's actually surpassed my "level of game". I can't compete with her on really any significant level. I can beat her in golf and I earn more than she does.....and I kill more wild game than she'll ever do.....but she dismisses that with a wave of the hand, "You are the man, you should do those things better than me, you are the man right?".

Her work in the gym has been paying off. I've been trying to catch up. No, fuck that, I've been trying to get ahead. The sad, simple fact of the matter is that I've got a lot of work to do just to get close.

I guess that I've felt overly confident, though, as her vanity has given me some leverage. Well, my lazy ass had been exploiting that leverage far to long.
I decided my moderate outdoor endeavors weren't enought to keep me current with my wife. This has become all to evident in the bedroom this past year.

Fuck it, it's not like I've ever been the guy who "went deep" on her anyway. Short dick and short fuse syndrome. One that I simply couldn't overcome as I found out later.

My wife and I had recently had dinner with a dating couple that we were friends with. Not mutual friends, oddly enough, but both seemed to get along well with the female. They are both a bit younger than us...in their mid 30's compared to our early 40's.

The girl is really cool. She is a riot when you get her going. Neither my wife or I seem to have bonded with the guy.

We had a recent couples night out together and decided to hit a local Greek resturant. Thing about this place is they make the food really fast once you order. Our typical "strategy" is to delay the order and enjoy cocktails first.

My wife and the girl used to, years ago, work out together. Recently, it seems, the girl joined "our" gym. I use quotes becase I never go into the fucking place...just pay the damn monthly bill.

At some point during the meal my wife got up and headed to the restroom. Our gal friend declined the offer to join. Her boyfriend did go.

Just the two of us at the table.
The other gal changed gears really fast after we were alone at the table.

She reached accross the table and grabbed my hand and firmly stated that I should really get into the gym with my wife. I said yeah, I know, could use more weights but hate being confined in a sweatshop and prefer to run/walk outdoors in the fresh air.

She squeezed my hand hard and said, "That's not what I'm talking about....just drop in sometime and see for yourself". It was sort of awkward. She let go and then stood up and said she had to join my wife in the restroom.

Dude showed up and we made small talk waiting on the girls. Ordereded another round of drinks and bullshitted for a while.

We all finished dinner and hung around for a while and made tenative plans for another outing.
The next few days passed without incident.

I had a couple of weekdays off due to erratic work schedule. I was travelling with work over the upcoming weekend and had took some time off prior. Told here I hated missing her over the weekend and we made plans for a quiet evening together at home on the weekday nights. The plan was for her to get home from work and us to have a couple of drinks and me to cook something light and then maybe a "movie". This has always been code for us to have have the drinks and get started on a movie and then quickly tranistion into romance mode.

We got ready that morning, I was going to a buddy's house to help him with a boat repair...she was going to work. She looked hot leaving the house for work.
I get to my buddy's house and soon find out that the boat repair was more about listening to him talk about his failing marriage.
I tried to get in...but realized the seat was way too short. She laughed and made some type of vulgar comment to the effect that she'd ridden last over there and I'd need to slide back and that I'd probably "stretch her out" if we ever "did it". You can best believe I jumped in there with gusto. No plans whatsoever, but having a nice buzz and being driven around by a hot trash-talking shorty was very appealing at the moment. Who cares if it was my buddies wife.

We pulled off and she gunned it outa the neighborhood. No seatbelt, hair blowing...she reached for a small pocketbook ahead of the console. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes and asked if I minded. I grinned, knowing my buddy hated....hated cigarette smoke. She handed the pack to me and said, "Do you mind?"......I presumed my cue to fire one up for her. I opened the box and saw that there were different choices inside....menthol and handrolled. I glanced over and grinned wider...."dealer's choice?", I asked. She said she just needed a Marlboro Menthol for now.

I fired it up and handed it to her. She took a drag and raised her head blowing it out all towards the headliner. She handed it back towards me but I nodded no thanks but not before noting the lipstick on the filter. Interesting.

She asked how long I had before having to get home. It was only 3:30pm.....needed to be back before 6:00 I told her. She grinned and fiddled with the radio taking it off his Toby Keith CD and finding some type of dance music.

She drove aggressively for a few minutes and finished her cig.....grinding it out in his ashtray....which I knew he used for spare change. She pulled into a convenience store and parked in front. "Wait her for a minute". She grabbed her purse and hopped out. It was a pleasure watching her walk inside. That skirt was damn tight and appeared to be not so much denuim as denuim colored strechty material. Her toenails were brightly painted and visable in the high heeled sandals she had on.

She was equally hot walking out with a 12 pack of beer in her hand. I realized what I must have missed before.....her nipples were poking through and her rack was really high and firm. Damn, old buddy was a fool!!!!!
We headed out of town and she asked for a "cold one". We rode and listened to the loud tunes pumping from the nice stereo.

It didn't take long for her to kill it and reach over and "knock" on my forearm and made the "need another" motion. She even squeezed the old can as her head was tilted back draining it. She shook the remainder out at the dash/windshield.

While she was diddling with the stereo some more, I touched a cold replacement to the inside of her right thigh. She glanced over and smiled..put her hand over mine and pushed down until the can was frimly pressed against the seat and she reached through my fingers and popped the top. I'm could feel beer spill over the rim. I brushed my hand over her thigh as I drug it back.
A wicked grin ensued from her lips. Damn nice teeth, I thought.

I noticed we were headed out toward the local lake and commented on it. She replied that as true and she had to check on something. "No problem" was my reply.

Between us we killed a few more out of the 12 pack. She would shake the empties out all over the backseat, dash and windshield. I could tell she was motivated by some type of vengence.
We pulled down the wooded drive to the house...one her husband had inherieted a few years prior. It was actually the prior home of an aunt but was close to the lake where we hunted and fished. It'd been the the venue for many a bachelor party over the years. It'd also been a nice couples retreat area on occasion.

She swiped through the security gate midway down the drive and pulled up in front of the house. The gate had been my one of two additions to the home my buddy had paid for since the home becoming "his". The other was a large hot tub.

She pulled up and grabbed my hand and said c'mon and let's go for a walk.....and bring that she nodded toward the backseat where the beer was.

We got out and I followed behind her....watching her ass...trying to see panty lines...none visable, though....only wide hips on a narrow waistline....clutching left / right / left /right. I stumbled more than once.

She led the way actually around the house and along to the rear walkway that led down the short pier. I took a seat on the bench seat and leaned back and set the beer down between my feet. She walked to the deck's edge and stretched her arms upward...to the sides....and made a general spectacle of stretching herself out, as if before some type of competitive event.

I was, by then, a captive audience. I was past thinking how stupid my buddy was.
We had opened another pair of brews....clanking our cans together and she took more than a health sip. It was apparent she was trying to catch up with my buzz. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was not possible. After all, the pleasure is in the trying.

She then made an odd request....asked me to to back to the car and get her purse. I obligued.

On the way back I noticed she was into yet another brew and smiling nicely. She reached for her pocketbook and pulled out her cigarette box. She pulled out one of the handrolled models and fired it up...then blew out the flaming tip...and took a deep draw. She handed it to me but I declined. She then exhaled while shaking her head at me disapprovingly. This was followed by an immediate inhale.....and seconds later by a fit of coughing. This cycle repeated for a few minutes until she flicked the small remainder out in the lake.

She stood and looked me dead in the eye while slowly pulling her top upward and finally over her shoulders. She was wearing a small white bikini top, cleavage for days, but high and tight......looked like someone had spent some money on those babies.

Next she hooked her thumbs into her skirt and began working it side-to-side pulling it down. A nice tight white patch of fabric was revealed covering her crotch. Small white straps went high up her hips and disappeared.

I was starting to get arroused and worried all at the same time.
"Can't decide if I want to sun or swim", she said.

I felt the lump in my throat as I struggled for something to say, "You can do both as far as I'm concerned...I don't mind watching".

She made some comment about watching and giggled for a few minutes.

After the laughing fit subsided she told me to be a dear spread some lotion on her and handed me a bottle of baby oil produced from her purse.

Standing and facing me while I rubbed in the oil was something that I enjoyed way more than I should. This must have been apparent as she looked down at my crotch, bit her bottom lip and turned around all the while keeping contact with my thigh.

My eyes followed the bottom straps from her crotch, over her hips and around as she turned. The straps ended in a bright shiny faux jewel/swivel/buckle and a down strap dropped....disappearing in her perfect butt cleavage. What an ass....after a minute it was a well oiled ass. I admit to being a bit vigorous with the application of oil.

Damn it, her body demanded it and I bent to the task.

She pulled her hair up in a bunch as I finally worked my way upward covering every inch.
She laid facedown on the short bench and laid her feet in my lap. I completed the "oiling" on the backs of her calves, knees and manicured feet. I was impressed. My wife takes great pride and effort into keeping her every aspect of herself perfectly grooomed. I saw the nearly naked hottie in front of me took equal respect.

I killed my beer and caved in....began massaging her feet, ankles, calves and then the backs of her muscular thighs....all the while looking at her nice ample booty. At one point her foot brushed my crotched...slowly. I knew that she knew I was hard.

As I kept working my way up her thighs to her (now in my mind, PERFECT) ass, she reached back and held my hand and rolled over onto her side. This pretty much blocked my advance....for the moment.
She rubbed her upper outside thigh and commented that I'd really spread a bunch on her. I replied that it just couldn't be helped that her body was soaking it up nicely.

She giggled and stuck her hand in my face and then asked for me to help her up. I complied and she sat then stood up in front of me. The sight was nice.

She said the she had to wash off the oil and then it was time to talk. She bent, thrusting her cleavage in my face and picked my beer. She then drained it and through the can into the yard behind me.

"Let's to swim", she said, turning and doing a nice shallow surface dive off the deck into the lake. Screw it was my thought and I kicked off my shoes, shorts, shirt and ultimately my boxers. I followed her with a less than graceful dive....probably waking the neighbors....were they napping.

I caught up with her in about shoulder deep water for me.....surely over her head. She came in close and then wrapped her legs around my upper waist and held my uppper arms. I wanted to tell her how hot she was but didn't want to change the course things were taking. I should have been feeling guilty as hell........but.

She laughed and said at least I was able to wash off the paint. She said it was funny how things could develope. My hardon began to diminish when she next mentioned my wife....snapping me back to reality. She asked how she was doing as she pushed off my legs and glided away and then swam back to the deck. I followed and watched as she climbed the ladder to the deck. A thong covered ass will attract my undivided attention every time!!!!!
I continued to listen as she plunged forward with her beliefs that they had been fucking.

The first clue was that the sheets in the lakehouse master bedroom smelled like a different perfume than she used. She had never smelled such a perfume until my wife and came over for dinner one night. My wife is heavy on the perfume and I know she spends a pretty penny on such stuff. She does have expensive tastes.

She also said that she found a pair of panties that didn't belong to her beneath and behind one of the beds. I laughed and said that couldn't have been my wife's because she almost never wears panties. She said, "whatever" and went on to describe them....mainly black with leopard pattern material....sure did sound like a pair I'd bought her.....and recently, too. Only time she'll wear these is on said "movie" nights. They are more or less just props for our little sex sessions.

The final clincher was when she invited me inside to look at the liquour cabinet. What I saw there was clearly evidence as far as I was concerned. Reason being, that mostly my buddy, his hot wife and our friends mostly drank beer and the occasional shots of quality tequila and whiskey. What was in the cabinet were bottles of the same ingredients that appeared in my cabinet. There is one particular drink that my wife loves.....one that has four different alcohols and two mixer items......I always get my cock sucked after she has three of these..... The ingredients were all present....just like at home.
My head began spinning......and not from the day long drinking session.

I looked at my watch and saw that she was due home in under an hour. There was no question as to whatever could have been was now dead and gone.

We gathered our gear and headed to the Tahoe. I was home less than 30mins later.

On the way I told her that this ws going to to take some time to sink in. She said to keep my cell phone closeby later on and she'd send me some more proof.

I fired up the grill and made ready for some steaks and grilled veggies. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed down while the coals were burning. I also killed three cups of coffee in the meantime.

She called and said she'd be 45mins late. That was good for me as I had more time to sober up and contemplate the situation.
She arrived a few minutes after she'd said she would. Said she had to go to the gym on the way.

I knew the only way I'd have a chance at surviving the evening would be to level the playing field.

I mixed her the first of "her" drinks shortly after she got home.


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We continued onward...me playing it cool....she enjoying me waiting on her. She wanted to skip dinner and just have another drink instead. I agreed and joined the game.

She asked for a refill and then said she wanted to to get take a long....relaxing bath.

In minutes I could hear the water runnning and soon her splashing around. I confess to sneaking by and checking our bedroom. Sure enough, here waterproof rabbit was missing. I eased back by the closed bathroom door and camped out. Periodically I'd hear a splash or two.....some clinkinkling of ice cubes and then still. At some point, I heard a groan and the sound of a motor grinding. She was fucking herself in the tub while she though I was cleaning up the kitchen. Bitch.

It wasn't long when I heard her stir and she came into the kitchen....naked, watching my reaction. She closed the distance and reached for my crotch. As is always the case, she'd made it hard by entering the room. She reached in my shorts and pulled out on my shaft. A couple of slow piston-like tugs and she knew I wanted to have a go at it.

We went into the den and kissed. She reached up and pulled down on my shoulders until....for the second time that day.....I was looking at an super rack, narrow waist and flared hips. She sat back on the leather chair and kept pulling me down.

I wound up damn near spaining my tounge on her. She came twice. She then slid off and turned over, presenting her ass to me. "Put it in me......now!" she demanded. I complied and bent to the task. She pushed back meeting my every thrust with vigor. I grabbed her hips and pumped hard. It was hotter than ever. I guess I was pissed off and fucked her like I was mad. She loved it. Her grunts grew deeper and more animalistic. "Come.......in......me....NOW" was her final understandable command. Unkown to her I had already come....so I thrust in deep and feigned a final spasm.

After a bit, I fell out and she made ready to stand.

She picked up my shirt and wiped herself and then while standing... she leaned her mound into my face. Kneeling there, I licked again until my toungue was sprained. She reached down and humped my face like the neighbors dog humps strays. There was no doubt that she came.....again.
She guided me to the bedroom where she made ready for the night and then climbed into bed beside me.

In minutes she fell asleep.

I lay there confused.....crusted cum dried on my now limp cock....naked.

I reached over to the nightstand and retrieved my cell phone. I saw a text had come through minutes prior. It was from my buddy's wife. "RUawake?" it said. I replied that I was. She said that here comes the final proof.

Within a few minutes some pics came in......recent pics of my wife.....pics that I'd never seen or more importantly, pics I'd not taken. I recognized the background of each.


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I laid there and contemplated the developements.

Looked at the pics some more.

I then did the only thing that came natural......reached over and put my wifels hand around my growing cock and closed her fingers and began to jack myself with her hand squeezing my cock. I came on her hand soon after doing this slow pump 'n squeeze.

Sleep came easy afterwards.

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