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BBQ at Her Boyfriend's Beach House

  • Thread startermr.Her's
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New around here...
Beloved Member
May 17, 2011
I'm going to meet him. The weekend after next the guy my wife has been seeing from her work for about two years has invited the department to his beach house for the day. Spouses, kids and grandchildren of all the professors and staff are invited as well. This will be the first time I meet him.

I'm trying not to think about it too much but I know I'll be a ball of nerves the night before. Sometimes I find it exciting but mostly I find my stomach turns into a knot. It will be the WHOLE day at HIS house. Putting on a smile, shaking his hand, socializing with the other professors and thier families.

My wife said I didn't have to go if I didn't really want to but that I should. So I am.
Good for you! It will not be as bad as you think. Hell, your cock might even twitch!
I think there's a high probability on the twitch-o-meter.
I never pass up a chance to get some good barbecue! Forget the guy, and just chow down on them ribs!
Cuck4life said it all. "I love being around guys my wife has screwed!"

THAT is one of the great joys of cuckoldom, being in the presence of guys who have fucked your wife, and trying to act "normal". And, it's even better if some of the other guys around know about him fucking her!

The best part would be to casually ask him "So how do you like fucking my wife? She's a terrific piece of ass, isn't she?" The other guy might be momentarily stunned, but he would probably welcome the chance to say to you "I do love fucking your wife! She is really great pussy! Thanks for letting me fuck her!"
This is rather interesting. I'm actually heading to a BBQ this weekend that the couple I'm seeing is throwing. If you've read my posts, you'll know that some of these peolpe are gonna be parents of kids of the same team my sister is on. I wonder if they suspect anything going-on between me and her. As a bull, I gotta say that I'm really turned-on knowing that by the end of the night I'll be dining on a special piece of pink meat being sreved up only to me. I'm sure we'll be trading some lusty glances and the occasional touch and feel, which will only heighten the total experience.
Learning to Drive His Boat

The BBQ is this weekend and I'm honestly more nervous than before. I'm trying to look at this as objectively as possible but it's hard.

My wife showed me a swimsuit she's going to bring. I asked her why would she bring it if this is a BBQ with people from work. "For the boat. He's (guy she sees) has a boat and is going to take people on it throughout the day."

I asked: "Who's going to be doing the BBQ then?"

"Oh, he has some local caterers coming to do all of that. It should be fun, he said he'll even show you how to drive it."

I honestly was going to just say hello, make some small talk and spend the rest of the day mingling with everyone else. I thought showing up and meeting him was a big enough step but having extended time together? The thought of going out on his boat where I'm ****** to interact with him let alone being taught how to drive a boat is freaking me out.

I'm hoping he's very cool. I'm hoping that everything else aside, this is a person I would really want to hang out with. I'm sure he is from what my wife tells me. Everyone seems to really like him.
Bottom line - if you don't WANT to do something, then don't do it! This is about you too, not just about her. If you don't want to spend that much time in his presence then by no means do you have to. LISTEN to your inner self. You're telling us you're getting more and more nervous, and more uncomfortable, and that it's hard to look at it objectively. Well of course its hard to be objective because he has your WIFE!

If you still want the sex to happen then that's fine, but you need to pay attentino to your true feelings. If you don't want to go, then tell her that. If you'd rather spend the day on shore interacting with people, then tell her that. Communicate with her and be nice but firm. Same with him... be friendly but assert yourself to a certain extent.
I disagree Morgan. Think of it like your very first roller coaster ride. NO one wanted to go the first time, they were nervous and unsure.... but we all did it. After the first ride, the rest of them got easier...and lots of fun!
It gets easier the first time. The only reason you must be scared is that you still think that there is hope of winning her back. There is no hope. Once you're a cuck there's no going back to the way it was.

Your place is in the corner, in your sissy gown and on her/his beck and call whenever they need you.
Go for it... this is a great opportunity to make a good impression as her cuckold.

Mr. Hers,

Good to hear you're planning to accompany your wife to the BBQ her lover is throwing this weekend. It would definitely be bad form if you were to decline to go, and stay home pouting (which is what it would look like).

mr.Her's said:
My wife showed me a swimsuit she's going to take. I asked her why, if this is a BBQ with people from work. "For the boat. He (her lover) has a boat and is going to take people on it throughout the day." I asked: "Who's going to be doing the BBQ then?" "Oh, he has some local caterers coming to do all of that. It should be fun, he said he'll even show you how to drive [his boat]."

That's very generous of your wife's lover. If his boat includes a cabin or half-cabin, perhaps he'll take you and your wife (only) out with him for a "short cruise," then — when you get the hang of handling it — invite your wife below into the cabin, so she can fuck him while you're driving.

You might consider suggesting this possibility to your wife. (On the other hand, perhaps there will be no need to suggest it.) The daring nature of her doing her lover on-board, with you driving and unable to leave the helm because you have to pay attention, would greatly increase the erotic intensity of BBQ for both of them... and for you as well, no doubt.

mr.Her's said:
I honestly was going to just say hello, make some small talk and spend the rest of the day mingling with everyone else. I thought showing up and meeting him was a big enough step but having extended time together? The thought of going out on his boat where I'm ****** to interact with him let alone being taught how to drive a boat is freaking me out.

Hey, don't worry about it. Treat it as an opportunity to increase your knowledge of small-boat handling. Be curious, and ask your wife's lover lots of questions about every aspect of handling his boat. He'll be impressed by your interest, since that's obviously something he likes to do.

mr.Her's said:
I'm hoping he's very cool. I'm hoping that everything else aside, this is a person I would really want to hang out with. I'm sure he is from what my wife tells me. Everyone seems to really like him.

If your wife wants you to meet her lover, you can be confident he is someone you should meet. If she has informed her lover she wants him to meet her cuckold (you), you can be sure he will be gracious and put you at ease when you're introduced. Let your wife guide you; be attentive and follow her cues re. what she wants you to do and how she wants you to behave; be friendly toward all (especially her lover); and the BBQ — including accepting her lover's generous offer to show you how to drive his boat — will go well for you. Your wife wants to be proud of you for making a good impression as her cuckold; if you do, your status (and your wife's status) will rise in the eyes of her lover and her colleagues, and you will find it a rewarding experience.

If your wife does not take advantage of this apparent upcoming opportunity to fuck her lover while you're driving his boat for them (due, perhaps, to insufficient privacy), you might keep in mind that you should learn as much as possible about driving and handling it because they may have this in mind for the future.

Have a good weekend! When the BBQ is over, don't be too eager to leave... watch your wife, and she will cue you when she's ready to depart. Then, be sure to look her lover in the eye and give him a firm handshake, as you tell him it was a pleasure to have met him and thank him heartily for inviting you to such a great party.

Good luck!

One bit of information which we don't have is "Will the others there, especially the men, know that this guy is fucking your wife?" That will affect the whole dynamic of the experience. If they DO know, will they be feeling sorry for you, or maybe admiring you?
canberraguy4fun said:
I disagree Morgan. Think of it like your very first roller coaster ride. NO one wanted to go the first time, they were nervous and unsure.... but we all did it. After the first ride, the rest of them got easier...and lots of fun!

I'm just trying to read the tone of his messages. It sounds like he is becoming more and more overcome with anxiety to the point where it's not even fun anymore.

If someone is shaking and getting nervous nausea before they enter the ride, it might be time to take a second to evaluate if "roller coasters" are really their thing!

How'd it go at the barbeque hosted by your wife's (apparent) lover? And, how are you doing on a personal level? Please let us know...

His Nerves Settled Mine

Well, I was incredibly surprised at just how easy it was to meet him.

We hit a lot of traffic on the way there and it ended up taking us about two hours to finally arrive. When we were getting close my wife called to ask where we could park (a few other homes were having parties on the same day.) He came out to meet us and believe it or not seemed more nervous than I was. We shook hands and that was it — THE NERVES WERE GONE! I know that sounds crazy but the anticipation really WAS causing all the anxiety. Once I saw that he was nervous too — it just wasn't as big a deal anymore.

I was apologizing for being a bit late when his attention turned to my wife. She gave him a quick, friendly kiss that was so mild I barely noticed. He led us into the house and invited us to put away our bags with towels and change of clothes. Before he even started to tell me where the bedroom was my wife was halfway down the hall. He noticed because her action interrupted his directions. I just politely nodded a "Thanks" and followed my wife.

We went out to the back deck and he got us drinks. We said our hellos to everyone and relaxed. My sense from the day is that nobody else knows with the exception of one woman who is a pretty good friend of his and my wife.

Overall he didn't really talk to me all that much. He spent more time with his coworkers (naturally) and my wife. We rode the boat with about four other people. I didn't get a chance to drive it since there were two older men who are avid boaters. They took up most of his time up front but that was when I talked to him the most and it was mostly 'tour guide' talk. "This is such and such lighthouse, island, etc." When we got back we all thanked him. My wife turned back after everyone got off, brushed his arm, thanked him again and said something else I didn't hear.

There were a few other moments that were a little awkward but nothing too dramatic. I didn't feel like swimming and my wife was hesitant as well until he got in the pool. She quietly leaned toward me and just said: "I'm going to swim for a little while. You'll be OK?" I just nodded "yes".

The other was when we all sat down to eat, their mutual friend asked someone to leave the seat on the other side of my wife free for him. When everyone was served he seated himself next to my wife and once in a while they would lean in and talk to each other.

My wife had a family gathering the next day so we hit the road home before it got too dark. He walked us out, gave us directions back to the highway and my wife gave him a quick kiss goodbye. When we were back on the highway my wife just said: "See no big deal right? He's a nice guy."

Honestly, he's a quiet guy, serious and pretty generous. He threw this party for about twenty-five people plus kids. Everyone had a good time, ate well and went home happy. It's easy to see why people like him. — I like him, he's a good guy.
Glad to hear it, Her's!

Everybody enjoys a weekend on the water. I myself just got back from my family lakehouse... and I don't want to be back. Reality sucks compared to floating around and hearing the wind blow.

Happy to hear that everything went ok. You have to imagine his side of things too... the week leading up to the meet up HE was probably more nervous than you, just because he didn't have a wife to vent to about his feelings.

mr.Her's said:
Well, I was incredibly surprised at just how easy it was to meet [my wife's apparent lover]. .... etc .... Honestly, he's a quiet guy, serious and pretty generous. He threw this party for about twenty-five people plus kids. Everyone had a good time, ate well and went home happy. It's easy to see why people like him. I like him too; he's a good guy.

Sounds like good times were had by all.

Regarding your discovery that your pre-BBQ feelings of angst and insecurity about meeting your wife's (apparent) lover in front of all his and your wife's co-workers were unfounded: there is a "rule of thumb" you could have applied to predict that outcome. It is, most people will tolerate a wide range of sexual behavior in others without becoming "outraged," or snide and insulting, as long as you (and your wife, in this case) don't rub their faces in it.

Custer Laststand said:
It is, most people will tolerate a wide range of sexual behavior in others without becoming "outraged," or snide and insulting, as long as you (and your wife, in this case) don't rub their faces in it.

Depends where you are and it depends also on how much it affects your personal and professional life in other areas. If you started involving random people for example, or if there was a breach of trust issue, then expect people either to be filling their boots and laughing at your expense or becoming very condemnatory.

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