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Bail Out Money

  • Thread startermuleman
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Beloved Member
Apr 7, 2005
What should the goverment do to a company as AIG taking the bail out money and pay the top dogs bonuses? I think the goverment ought to garnish the amount they leant them back plus the goverment interest rate they charge on back irs bills after all we the people are paying a share of this crap.

and after the garnishmen.take em out back and string em up by the BALLS..........:nutpunch:
Well if they would of took sometime and added stipulatioins to the bailout insteady of just ramin it through this could of stopped shit like that. But the liberal bitches desided to just throw a bunch of our tax dollars to anyone with a handout if they needed it or not.
Hey bigjj71, I believe if you look at the facts, it was conservative bitches who started throwing money at AIG last fall. You might also take note that this mess grew into a monster while your conservative bretheren were running the show
Sames BS is going on in UK with these bail outs.

If these companies live by market forces - if these companies survive by the concept of capitalism.

Then why would we or you introduce socialism for the rich - the concept is bizarre seen from the very standpoint of the idea.
wrong a i g was bailed out by the dem congress its not part of the bush tarp funds of course both are total rip offs of the taxpayers money
You fall for misinformation

I've seen more lying, misrepresentation and misinformation regarding AIG than any other issue or event in my life.

There was one division that put AIG in trouble. They insured and created derivatives based on the Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs). Why were they involved in this area?

The rest of AIG's more than 100,000 employees were not part of that fiasco.

Why were so many loans made to people who were poor credit risks? Why were these portfolios of loans held by investment banking firms and not offered to the investing public?

What caused the loss of value of these porfolios? Why was it so sudden? What burst the housing bubble?

If you don't know the answer to these questions, you are a sucker being manipulated.

I'll give you a little hint. CONGRESS CONGRESS CONGRESS, legislation requiring change to MARK TO MARKET PRICING, MARK TO MARKET PRICING, MARK TO MARKET PRICING for thinly traded securities.

Congress set us up for this. Go search youtube and you'll find Cspan video of congressional testimony warning them of this over the past ten years. You'll find plenty of examples of congressional testimony that shows that they are lying...out and out LYING.
Enjoyed your comments. Do you think most people will understand anything you are saying? I try to understand it and I agree with what you shared. AIG.... most people believe it was all of AIG. As far as the housing loans and the housing bubble ..... it depends on who you listen to......you have got to do your own research to discover the real culprits; they aren't going to tell or admit it. Mark to market...... I think I understand it, but not sure....most people can't even begin to explain it let alone understand its' effect or consequences.
IndyHubby is right Mule. From the little I understand of it. The Clinton Admin and Barney Frank ****** banks to give mortgages to people who had no chance of paying them. Banks were ****** to count welfare and unemployment and part time work (think mothers hours) as income. It was called some kind of community thing. The banks that balked were sued by community groups such as ACORN. And guess who was suing banks. You got it Mule. Obama! Now he's blaming companies for losing money on bad loans he ****** them to make as a community activist. Gotta love it Mule.
saltandpepper98, thanks for bringingout the facts. Many people were led to believe that they could practically afford any house. Many people failed to do their own math and now are renting or being foreclosed. It is time that the government stops with all this bail out crap and start working on producing jobs. The common man falls, the government is not going to bail them out, they are going to loose what they have, plain and simple. 2011 the people will feel the affects of all these bailouts with increases in taxes. Now Peolosi is talking about another stimulus package. They need to get her out as speaker of the house. She has overstepped her power and is hurting everyone in this country.
I hate the idea of failed execs getting large bonuses, but they did with Congress writing the rule for them in the first place. As far as punishing them now, it is too late by the Constitution, Article 1. It is time these morons in Washington started reading the Constitution and abiding by it. As far as Conservative Bitches are concerned, where are they at? They sure aren't in Washington and they haven't been for a very long time. Only fucking liberals are there and have been for several decades now.
They shouldn't have received money in the first place. The government KNEW about the bonuses before hand.

It's just a distraction.

In 2007 all the mainstream economists, Ben Bernanke, Paulson, etc, said that the economy "never had been better". They said the economy was running fine. One year later, it collapses and we're taking advice from THE SAME PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON.

The real scam is being run by the people at the connected with the central banks. Not the middlemen being paraded on mainstream media.

Calling an emergency session in Congress over 175 million dollars in bonuses when the day before Bernanke created over ONE TRILLION dollars out of thin air WITHOUT consulting Congress and devalued all our savings is a huge crime. The Federal Reserve (central bank) has all the power and is the elephant in the room.
howard69 said:
I hate the idea of failed execs getting large bonuses, but they did with Congress writing the rule for them in the first place. As far as punishing them now, it is too late by the Constitution, Article 1. It is time these morons in Washington started reading the Constitution and abiding by it. As far as Conservative Bitches are concerned, where are they at? They sure aren't in Washington and they haven't been for a very long time. Only fucking liberals are there and have been for several decades now.

From "Initiation Into The Cartel", 1974

The so-called Left-Right political spectrum is our creation.
In fact, it accurately reflects our careful, artificial polariza-
tion of the population on phoney issues that prevents the
issue of our power from arising in their minds. The Left
supports civil liberties and opposes economic or entrepre-
neural liberty. The Right supports economic liberty and op-
poses civil liberty. Of course neither can exist fully (which is
our goal) without the other. We control the Right-Left
conflict such that both forms of liberty are suppressed to the
degree we require Our own liberty rests not on legal or
moral "rights," but on our control of the government
bureaucracy and courts which apply the complex, subjective
regulations we dupe the public into supporting for our
benefit .

Innumerable meaningless conflicts to divert the attention
of the public from our operations find fertile ground in the
bitter hatreds of the Right/Left imbroglio. Right and Left are
irreconcilable on racial policy, treatment of criminals, law
enforcement, pornography, foreign policy, women's lib, and
censorship to name just a few issues. Although censorship in
the name of "fairness" has been useful in broadcasting and
may yet be required in journalism, we generally do not take
sides in these issues. Instead we attempt to prolong the
conflicts by supporting both sides as required. War, of
course, is the ultimate diversionary conflict and the health of
our system. War provides the perfect cover of emergency
and crisis behind which we consolidate our power. Since
nuclear war presents dangers even to us, more and more we
have resorted to economic crisis, energy shortages, ecological
hysteria, and managed political drama to fill the gap. Mean-
ingless, brushfire wars, though, remain useful.

We promote phoney free enterprise on the Right and
phoney democratic socialism on the Left. Thus, we obtain a
"free enterprise" whose "competition" is carefully regulated
by the bureaucracy we control and whose nationalized enter-
prises are controlled directly through our government. In this
way we maintain a society in which the basis of our power,
legal titles to property and money, remain secure, but in
which the peril of free, unregulated competition is avoided
and popular sovereignty is nullified. The democratic process
is a sitting duck for our money power. Invariably we
determine the candidates of the major parties and then
proceed to pick the winners. Any attempts at campaign
reforms simply put the rules of the game more firmly under
our government's control.

Totalitarianism of the fascist of communist varieties is no
danger to us as long as bastions of private property remain
to serve as our bases of operation. Totalitarian governments
of both Right and Left, because of the vulnerability of their
highly visible leaders to party rivals, can be manipulated
easily from abroad. Primarily, totalitarian dictatorships ef-
ficiently prevent new money lords that could challenge our
power from arising in whole continents, civilizations, and
The way to solve this Norm is you quit lending the goverment money. Hey did you get any bail out money on your women you pimp out as I know times are bad for you as everyone is scared to spend money for a piece of ass. Fuck the banks and big insurance companys and the auto makers but all americans need a piece of ass so your business is the most important one going in the nation shit the only bonus you get is a free piece then they tax you on that so it isnt free you still pay. Hey take care let me know how big of bonus or bail out you got this year. later Mule
muleman said:
The way to solve this Norm is you quit lending the goverment money. Hey did you get any bail out money on your women you pimp out as I know times are bad for you as everyone is scared to spend money for a piece of ass. Fuck the banks and big insurance companys and the auto makers but all americans need a piece of ass so your business is the most important one going in the nation shit the only bonus you get is a free piece then they tax you on that so it isnt free you still pay. Hey take care let me know how big of bonus or bail out you got this year. later Mule

Hey PimpMule, we'll just have to make Ro and Kayla charge less and work longer hours. If the price goes down enough the guys will buy. Now excuse me a moment, I have some special advertising to do for Norm & Mules "House of Ass".

Ok everybody, we're running a big 2 on 1 special with Kayla. Wait a minute, this is Kayla, I almost forgot, make that a 5 on 1 special. Yeah, that's better.

And for the first time Ro, our rim queen will be offering her special "tongue twister" service at half price to any guy she's banned from Chat. Now I know that's a lot of guys so we'll have to work by appointment only.

if things continue in the direction we're going, then the unabomber was right.....
a democrat program that republicans didn't fight

howard69 said:
I hate the idea of failed execs getting large bonuses, but they did with Congress writing the rule for them in the first place. As far as punishing them now, it is too late by the Constitution, Article 1. It is time these morons in Washington started reading the Constitution and abiding by it. As far as Conservative Bitches are concerned, where are they at? They sure aren't in Washington and they haven't been for a very long time. Only fucking liberals are there and have been for several decades now.

The division at AIG that failed, did so because of having to pay insurance claims (credit default swaps) from investment banking firms for losses they were incurring from changing assets from a book or face value system to "mark to market pricing". The legislation requiring this change was passed in 2007.

Until this time, assets that were not publicly traded were carried on the banks and investment banks books at face value. Since they were not publicly traded, there was no viable market. Because of this transition to mark to market pricing standards, without a market, these assest were now priced at a fraction of face value.

Now AIG had to go to their other departments and say, "We have a problem. We are going to have to sell everything you're managing and close your department. We would like for you to stay here and do your very best to get as much as you can for the assets you manage."

They developed an incentive program for these employees to try to get as much as possible for the assets. Remember, these are not the people who managed the assets in trouble. These people were doing a great job: a job they are now going to lose because everything they're managing is now being liquidated.

The arrangement was made in Sep 2007 before the government agreed to provide 24 month bridge loans to AIG. Congress, the Senate, the Federal Reserve Bank, Dept of Treasury all knew this was in place before they agreed to the loan deal. (We do not own 80% of AIG. We are a creditor of AIG. More misinformation) You've seen some of them like Dodd, and Geithner on the hot seat over the past few days for lying about it when irrefutable truth has been made public that they did know.

Back to the folks at AIG losing their jobs. The worked their asses off and saved AIG BILLIONS. The bonuses are based on how much they saved the company. If you think the 180 billion we loaned AIG so far is bad, it's a drop in the bucket compared the what it would have been without these people.

Now, a year and a half later, they exceeded expectations. The portfolio they managed is gone, their job is gone, and a bunch of liars in public office supported by a populace fueled by press misinformation are all in favor of cheating these people out of their payment for a legal contract after they did the work.

These are not the people who caused the problem. They're being blamed and paying for what someone else did. It was CONGRESS, CONGRESS, CONGRESS.

Finally, you are correct about this new legislation passed the other day to "claw back" these bonuses. It is unconstitutional. It's also very dangerous when congress passes legislation designed to attack certain individuals. You also can't write a new law designed to go back in time and penalize someone criminally or civilly for something that was not illegal at the time they did it.
Too Big to Fail(Sink)

Congress and this administraion tells us these companies are too big to fail. That is what they said about the Titanic too....it was to big to sink!

Congress and this administration isn't going to let these companies and this economy fail or sink. They are going keep throwing our tax dollars at these companies and the economy and not let them fail or sink. But they are going to let the people DROWN!!!!! But they are going to save the Titanic, the big companies and the economy.

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