Asleep across the world

  • Thread starterpartyin2005
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Fear seems to be a very popular word in a conservative's dictionary. For a party of lemmings who need their non-hunting guns to be a man, you'd think fear wasn't so important. Shame...I used to know a few republicans who didn't fear much...but this new group since Bush took over are just cowards afraid of what one strong democrat can do.
If you want a REALLY good look at the United States with TOTAL Democrat control for a number of years, watch a movie called "IDIOCRACY" BOMBED at the Box office, most haven't even heard of it. I was bored and watched it bacuse it was the only thing on I haven't seen 20 times already....and it was the FUNNIEST movie I have seen in years AND gives you a PERFECT example of the world under Democrat Socialist Control.

Check it out..........Ric
LMFAO... It is laughful how this once great nation has become one the weakest. A nation build on less government now is for more government. The nation that once shaped the world now is looked down on. Discrimination is not only legal but encouraged.
As I said to children that would hear not to believe what is preached in History and Social Studies classes. Every basis of history can't dispute or have been amendment. I told my nephew that if said teacher ever gave them a problem. I would handle it to legal action be sure they lost the job or worst. Yes the teacher knew I was right and pass him.
Obama has great diplomacy skills with world leaders, he seeks solutions and extends the hand of friendship to dissolve the hatred of America that Bush caused.

Bush could yet be convicted of war crimes, because there were no nuclear weapons in Iraq - therefore Iraq families could technically sue trillions for killed members of their families and damaged property. He should have sent more troops into Afganistan and left Iraq alone - the country may take 60 years to settle down and stop civil war, just like Ireland did.

Might is never right, your enemies need their grievances listened to, so that the root causes can be removed. Empathy, by walking in your enemy's shoes for a few months can make a big difference to understanding how to bring peace to the world.

Heaven on Earth won't happen until their is empathy and Will to sort out the wrongs and to energise forgiveness for all parties.
America prides itself on being the most powerful nation in the world, but this is an arrogance that makes it hard to find enough friends. Surely, this is a self-esteem problem for America who is scared of not being the best.

The downturn in the world economy showed how artificial the
american economy was operating at with a grossly over-valued dollar. When the American dollar is dropped as the major currency of the world, America could easily become a second-class economy.

China is the Great Bear mentioned in the Bible, and holds the mortgage documents that could bankrupt America if it decided to forclose on all the loan money that America has had to borrow to artificially prop up its economy and fight wars on 100% credit. Maybe Americans should learn to read and write the chinese language.

It is superficial to blame Clinton for insisting that poor people have access to mortgage money to buy their own homes. Home ownership is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT for all many rich people who don't actually work for their money, just shuffle money to get others to do it for them.
OMG! where do you get this. Yes America is weak not for those reasons. America is weak cause it has become depend on Government help for just about everything. Country was build on independence yet now rely on the State or Federal Government. Social Security is an problem pay billions of dollars to people who did nothing to receive it. Just have the SS board send you want to have paid into since you began working. You will see what you paid is far less then What they paid out.

Hate has escalated in the past six months. Country is wide open for a terrorist attack. He is no way near an FDR. He about to undo what was put in place by pass presidents. If he make it to the end of this presidency I will be shocked. Right now I am ready to VOTE for a crackerjack box it isn't like it could do a wrong job then him.

Before anyone goes and try the race card I am a black man born and raised. Seen both sides of the coin.
Fear is ....

The only thing worth fearing. The truth is humanity's fate is eventual self depopulation...


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