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Aroused by being denied

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date


Beloved Member
Jun 27, 2007
As I said at the end of my last post in the "after the wedding" thread, I thought it was time to start a new thread and share some of the emerging/evolving thoughts and desires that I'm having.

I wrote some notes and thoughts down in notepad to help me try to convey what I'm thinking and feeling. I'll get to them in a minute.

Last night seems to confirm our new Wednesday routine. But before I go there I want to say that Sue and I have discussed a lot of stuff in the past few days and she's shared that since my acceptance and obvious arousal at the whole wedding thing, she says she's now much more comfortable and accepting of all of this. I'll share more later in this or a subsequent post, but what I've learned and shared explains the openness of what's now become our Wednesday routine.

Sure enough, last night after our daughter had said goodnight about 10pm we adjourned to our bedroom where we got ready for bed. She stood at the sink in just panties and looked up at me several times in the mirror and saw me smiling at her and the situation. As I'll discuss later, I have attached a lot of symbolism (is that the right word?) in my head to her panties and she knows it turns me on to think about what she's doing.

We watched some TV - something off Tivo that she wanted to watch the end of - a repeat of Bones or something like that. But sure enough, when it was over she sat up next to me and said "this really seems to have helped you the last few times" and she reached down into my boxers. She giggled when she felt that I was already hard. That may seem out of context but we'd also talked about this too and, well, it didn't seem so out of the blue. I nodded and told her that I enjoyed sharing it with her and that yes, it did make it a lot easier for me. She smiled and teased me a little bit as she stroked me and then said I should take over.

Just as I love to watch her masturbate - she seems to very much enjoy watching me. There is something about her staring intently as I pleasure myself that gets me going. She told me again that she thought it was good that I reduced my desires for tomorrow (today) and she teased me a bit asking me "are you thinking about Frank and me tomorrow?". I know at one point she said "turns you on to think about me all creamy, doesn't it?".

I was totally into it. I had my feet dug into the bed and at points in time my hand was a blur. I don't recall exactly what she said that got me totally going - but it was something like "I'll be all messy tomorrow night" or something like that. She knows me so well that just as I was about to let loose she giggled and said "let me help you tonight". And with that she leaned over, took my hand away and then sucked me till I let loose. She let me pump into her mouth several times and then as I pulled out the last time - she's learned so well from me - she put her thumb at the base of my cock and drew out the last few drops of cum. I swear I shuddered as I fell back against the bed - it felt awesome to let go like that.

Thing was, a second later she moved up and lay against me and in the split second before it happened - I realized she wanted to snowball with me. I lay back and she puckered her lips and kissed me and as we began to french-kiss - she shared my cum with me. So friggin' erotic to tongue-dance with her and feel and taste it all over. It was the first load from me and afterwards when we'd both swallowed, she said something to the effect that "your first time is always sweet" and I understood that to be her agreement that my second and if possible 3rd time dribbles are much more acrid and pungent tasting.

And so - just like last week and before that. She lay against my chest as we watched some more TV and maybe 30 minutes or so later I again felt her hand snake down and start to gently fondle me. She looked up at me and said "ready for a 2nd time?". I should add that I'd told her that I enjoyed 2nds and that the times she'd coax a 3rd time out of me, that I'd be drained for the entire next day.

She only needed to get me started up and I was into it. I actually kind of enjoy the dull ache afterwards from masturbating. Again the TV was on in the background but she was whispering/teasing me in my ear again. She again started to say thing about my cum being on my chest and stomach and Franks cum going to be in her next. Man did that turn me on. Sure enough, with just a little more teasing I was again ready to cum - and sure enough with just a little more encouragement from her (kissing my ear and cooing how "hot you look jerking off") - I again let go with whatever I had. She giggled and when I caught my breath she again leaned up on one elbow and looked at me and said "do you want it?". (I suppose I should add that in our talks over the past few days, etc. that I'd also opened up and admitted that it turned me on when she asked me to lick it off her fingers).

When we'd watched Leno's monologue last night she reached down once again and said "are you up for a 3rd time tonight?". I groaned at her and said something like "if I am, it's going to be tiny" and she smiled and said "will it feel good to cum?" when I told her yes she said she thought it was sexy and that she "always loves to watch". Despite the ache I obviously felt in my nuts and cock - again it just turned me on to slip off my boxers and let her watch me go at it.

She teased me that "you can take my panties off on Friday" and that "you can have me then". It's not just what she said but it's how she said it! OMG - she sounded so sexy and confident and comfortable! Sure enough, even with the reluctance my cock seemed to have - soon enough I had it fully hard and she seemed again entranced. Echoing more of things we'd talked about she again told me how erotic she thought it was when a guy cums - it got me going good - and sure enough, just after just a few more minutes I was as ready as I could be to cum a 3rd time.

The 3rd orgasm for me felt awesome - in some ways maybe even better than the first 2 - but when I looked down at my cock - there was barely 2 spurts before the last was just a dribble down my hand. She kissed me passionately just after I'd stroked the last bits out and as she broke the kiss she said quietly to me "do you want it?". I nodded my head and she smiled and I watched her use her fingers to scoop up what I'd just spewed. We could both smell it and I knew it was going to be really tart tasting so I prepared myself - it was erotic sucking her finger clean.

Afterwards I lifted my butt up and she smiled as she pulled my boxers back up for me. And that was followed by one of the most intense kisses and emotional moments in a while. Crazy how this 'scene' between us seems to make us feel so close to each other. She hugged me and told me several times how much she loved me.

This morning - she smiled as she did the whole panty-under-the-towel routine and as she walked by me at one point she gently patted my deflated cock and she said "feels like you enjoyed last night". And now, again, noon today - damn, my cock is barely waking up....

I will post more this afternoon which will include my thoughts on denial as well as the things we've talked about and brought out in the open.
Well, Sue's over at Franks right now. She had gone to visit her dad at the rehab center straight from work and is, by now, surely at Franks. She's been under a lot of stress from all of this and now is dealing with long-term care stuff.

I might as well get straight to the point. Denial turns me on. I know I'm not alone in this so that part is comforting. But I can't deny it myself. I did look back and re-read some of my earliest thoughts and feelings. I think what I see now when I look back at those times is that - in a way, I think deep down I may have known where all of this was heading and may have been scared or reluctant to accept it.

A lot of people who've been reading my thoughts over time here have probably scratched their head at times at some of what I've either accepted, said yes to, or even, outright encouraged/suggested. Thing is, I don't think I've ever said no to anything nor did I really want to though.

I know that a lot of the arousal I feel is perhaps vicarious in the sense that I do truly get a very deep sense of pleasure knowing Sue is so openly wanting sex as she is. Maybe it's best that it's taken 30 years of us knowing each other and 25 years of marriage to reach this point. There is so much more to "us" than just sex that opening up this part doesn't quite seem so scary - or at least not as much as just a few years ago.

I know that Sue's taken baby steps along the way but at the same time, the changes have been, to me, evolutionary. I know I ached at some of what she experienced with Brad - but at the same time, it turned me on so much to know that she was letting herself feel sexually-desiring of other men. From that first time seeing her give herself to Brad, I think I've always known that in a way I wanted her to want other guys and, to, eventually, be able to express a desire to even prefer them at times.

But then there's also me. Yes, I wanted her to want other guys - but I also wanted to have it happen too. Looking back and reading what I'd posted about her first times with Brad - and then my response as she began letting Brad and the others get more and more intimate with her. Despite all of my apprehensions - I wanted her to do it. And I enjoyed knowing she did it. Thoroughly. I think my encouragement helped her become more accepting of my craziness.

There is something just incredibly arousing to me that she will wear panties around me all week - and my knowing that tonight, Frank will have her and that I'll (comfortably thanks to last night) wait till tomorrow. I can't describe the kind of sexual elation I seem to feel when this happens. It's been the same all along and I recognize that now. It is very much a combination of her opening up her desires - but also her denying me at the same time. Even if it's not specifically her doing the denying - just the act of it alone - her being with him tonight and me waiting - is it any different really than my encouraging her to let Brad be the first to try out her IUD - and is that really any different than me encouraging her to let Frank be the first to have her without any birth-control. I know I can never have those moments for myself - but in that very same breath - knowing she shared those moments with another guy is just incredibly arousing. But really, is it any different than my enjoying thinking about her first honeymoon with her ex-husband and them fucking?

Now, I can tell you that from what we've talked about and shared over the past few days, I genuinely feel that there is no danger here. For Sue, she shared that her fathers illness has affected her in the sense that she realizes that you need to live for today and if there's things that please us today - that as long as there's a tomorrow, that she shouldn't put off pleasure (as she put it). The other thing she's shared is that my suggestion, acceptance and then as she learned, desire, for her to leave her wedding rings home when she went with Frank - has seemingly removed the last vestiges of her apprehension at appeasing my "crazy thoughts" as she puts it.

She said that since she returned and was at first hesitant and concerned at how I'd be after she'd been away with him for 3 days - but after seeing that I was truly happy and VERY turned on by it all - and that I didn't harbor any ill-feelings at all - that she said it just seemed to make the difference somehow to her mentally that she's now much more comfortable in all of this. She too doesn't fully understand why I am so aroused at her playful denial - but she says that knowing it does so, that (as I surmised) makes her want it that much more.

I came out, at one point, and said "so, do you love him?" meaning Frank. She looked at me as if I had 2 heads and said "no? why would you think that?" She said she actually felt more like he was a brother than a lover in terms of how she feels emotionally about him. I asked her if he would say the same thing. She laughed and she said that she doesn't think he's ever said that he loves her. Not even in the height of pleasure (when she's likely to scream it out). And she said she is sure he doesn't have any romantic desires. She joked that she actually sometimes feels kind of slutty at what is going on in that there is so little emotional connection between them. Of course she did hug me at another point and tell me that at many times either before or after they have sex, that there is a lot more of a connection going and certainly a lot of intimacy - but in another way, she said she feels like a sex-object for him. She knows he likes looking at her naked body and she likes that he makes her feel very special.

I will share that she has said now on multiple occasions that she does wish Frank was a bit more demanding - not to the extreme that Don was, but more than he is. I told her that I too missed that edginess that Don had (I think I've said this before) and she agreed that Don did push her - but looking back she doesn't hate him like she did, she realizes he helped her come to terms with her own desires, much as the time with Frank has brought her to terms with my desires.

I haven't come out and told her that it would turn me on if more happened - whether it's seeing Frank more, denying me or teasing me more or whatever. In that sense I do still want her to grow at her own pace and at her own desires.

She asked me very bluntly to tell her how I felt and why I asked/agreed with her to leave her rings home. I told her openly that it turned me on to know she'd be his for 3 days and I told her that I thought leaving her rings at home would let her go into that role more easily. She is the one who linked all of that to asking me if it turned me on seeing he rings waiting at home and knowing what she was doing - it was a rhetorical question as she obviously knew the answer.

Thing is, as I've said, come tomorrow night and this weekend - it has only become more intense and more pleasurable for both of us since she's turned it up a notch and is wearing panties all the time, etc. And while I haven't been fully able to articulate how "waiting for her" turns me on, she knows it does and she's also now admitted that knowledge gives her pleasure and makes her want to do it "for me". At one point she said "I don't fully understand it but I know it turns you on when I don't let you see my pussy for days" - and continued to agree that it has also made her much more aware of how intense our sex is when we do get back together.

While she didn't ever say it, I am convinced that before the end of the summer that she and Frank will somehow go away together for a few days again. Just the thought of it turns me on incredibly. Just as seeing that picture of him with his hand over her pussy in the shower turns me on. It truly seems that my knowing she is so sexual with him is what turns me on like it does. And I know that when the time comes and them going away is mentioned - that I am sure I will hem and haw at the thought of it and I will surely have all the same concerns and issues - at the same time I would also openly admit that I will surely say okay to it and that I will even say that I hope it happens.
Just a bit too long for one post...

But despite all of my desire to experience the feeling of her denying me - at the same time I also know it is not something I could do as Rick and Brenda do. To me the denial works because I know that there will be a time when I will have her. If I didn't know that - or more appropriately - know when that would happen, I couldn't do it. I think if it went on perpetually, that eventually I am sure I would lose my arousal at it and perhaps even become pissed off about it. Without explicitly discussing this, I think Sue's aware of it as at some times she's mentioned how hard it is for me to wait for her on Thursday nights much less for longer periods of times in the past. And yes, sure, she could jerk-me off or ask me to masturbate and even give me blow-jobs to tide me over, but we both know that for almost 30 years now, an intensely satisfying physical sexual experiences have been a key part of our relationship. For now, we are both aware that the denial and teasing and all the rest have only served to intensify the sex between us. I am confident that we are both aware of how important this is for us and I am equally confident that Sue wouldn't want it to change.

I'm not sure if I've made a lot of sense here or if I've even addressed what I started out to say, but rather than re-read it and possibly try to edit and re-word and re-phrase what I may have said - I'm going to go for broke and just click 'submit' and deal with whatever the feed back is afterwards.

We have a busy weekend planned so I'm not sure when my next lengthy update will be. Tomorrow evening we have a presentation to go to at the high-school. Over the weekend we have a surprise party to go to on Saturday and a family event on Sunday. So, if I don't post here before then - have a great weekend everyone.
i do think now after your last post i know where you are coming from and i think i know where. you are trying to go with all of this. so i think i have been wrong about alot of things. so that said. why did you not tell sue that you want her to want him more and not you but you will have to set lines if you tell her. frank may get the wrong idea. so keep it up and keep us posted. have a good weekend as well.
SoonToBe said:
But despite all of my desire to experience the feeling of her denying me, at the same time I also know it is not something I could do as Rick and Brenda do. To me the denial works because I know that there will be a time when I will have her. If I didn't know that, or more appropriately, know when that would happen, I couldn't do it. I think if it went on perpetually, that eventually, I am sure, I would lose my arousal at it and perhaps even become pissed off about it. Without explicitly discussing this, I think Sue's aware of it as at some times she's mentioned how hard it is for me to wait for her on Thursday nights, much less for longer periods of times in the past. And yes, sure, she could jerk-me off or ask me to masturbate and even give me blow-jobs to tide me over, but we both know that for almost 30 years now, an intensely satisfying physical sexual experience has been a key part of our relationship. For now, we are both aware that the denial and teasing and all the rest have only served to intensify the sex between us. I am confident that we are both aware of how important this is for us and I am equally confident that Sue wouldn't want it to change.

Steve: Thanks for your post, (June 7) It does explain more of how you feel than ever before. I am glad you and Sue have discussed this at length, and you are both more clear on it all. I can say that, I too have been doing a lot of thinking. The quote that I posted a few days back: “Whatever you believe to be true, will become your reality” come’s from a book I am reading. I can certainly see how it plays out in my life, but at the same time, I now realize that I can’t arbitrarily apply it to your life (or to Sue’s) because your ‘belief system’ may not the same as mine. Nor can I expect what is “normal” in our society to apply to either of us.

At times. I have been one of the best defenders of you’re experience as a Cuckold, and of Sue, your sensual, loving wife. And, at other times, I’m sorry to say, I have been an unkind critic. I guess you could say I vacillate like a politician. Maybe I missed my calling!

From what you have said about you and Sue, I can see you both in a rest home, still going at it. And, if Sue were to find a “young man” (say 60) that interested her, she would still be teasing you about how good he can fuck her.
Cheers, Harry
Great posts! I get your need for both of you on the physical need for sex with each other, but you should try to extend the days. If I remember correctly you we off the hook crazy in lust when you had to wait for her during Don's vacation. By extending the denial day by day, do you think it would help Sue seek Frank's dick more often? Would that help you go to more of what you want to exeperience? Personally, I get pissy if I don't get pussy at least once every 2 weeks even with jerkin off! You can do it!
Thanks for another excellent update. I have to say, I really look forward to
seeing a new one from you every time I come to this site.

> I will share that she has said now on multiple occasions that she does wish Frank was a
> bit more demanding - not to the extreme that Don was, but more than he is. I told her that
> I too missed that edginess that Don had (I think I've said this before) and she agreed that
> Don did push her - but looking back she doesn't hate him like she did, she realizes he helped
> her come to terms with her own desires, much as the time with Frank has brought her to
> terms with my desires.
Maybe the relationship with Frank is getting close to having run its course?
I know you 3 are really enjoying things now but it sounds like you're aching
to take things up one more notch, and what would that be with Frank? Longer
periods of denial perhaps? Going out to your nude beach as a 3-some?

Have you thought of other ways of spicing things up, such as Sue doing
a one-night-stand, or starting to look for another steady lover? Or maybe
a hook-up with one of her previous lovers? Going to the bar that she used
to go to with Don and his friends, maybe with her going in first as a
single lady to see what action she gets into?

> She joked that she actually sometimes feels kind of slutty at what is going
> on in that there is so little emotional connection between them.
It sounds like she may be coming to terms with feeling "slutty", maybe opening
new avenues to explore :)

Steve, I was wondering if you wanted Sue to become more demanding with you?
Well, finally had some time to get back on here.

Will2112 - the simple answer is yes - I would like her to and I've told her such indirectly. What turns me on the most is her doing it without my prompting or suggesting, etc.

We did talk a bunch more since my last post here. To summarize it - she says it turns her on that it all turns me on - and she pretty much came out and said that if it ever stopped (turning me on) that she'd probably end that part of it - but she was quick to also say that she'd still like to keep fucking ("sleeping with" was her way of putting it) Frank unless that also wasn't doing it for me.

I immediately told her that it still continues to turn me on that: a) she is doing the whole denial thing - and - b) that I wanted her to continue fucking Frank for as long as she wants it. And at other points, I've been very open and up-front about it all. Example - she came home last Thursday night - I guess about 9:30pm. Both of our kids were busy with other stuff that they didn't even pay attention to mom coming home late. But she came up to the bedroom and at first, didn't say much until I came out and asked her "how was your night?". She reached down and felt that my cock wasn't too hard and said "are you sure you want to hear about it?". It was my turn to giggle and I told her that our "wednesday fun" does really keep me off the edge. But I also came out and just said "but that I suspect you're a mess" and I reached out and cupped her pussy "still turns me on!". She giggled and said something like "okay - let me get changed first". I thought she might relax the whole panty thing but she actually turned to me and said "can you leave the room for a minute" with a smile on her face. I swear, even though my cock still felt drained from Wednesday - damn if that didn't make me throb....

I gave her a few minutes and when I went back into the bedroom she'd changed into just a t-shirt and a pair of sweat-pants. I didn't even look to see if she'd changed her panties - I let that thought stay in my head.

I can't remember all of what we talked about at that moment but at one point I did ask her if she was still all wet from Frank. She smiled at me and reached one hand down into her sweatpants and a second later pulled it out and held her fingers up to me. She didn't need to say a word - I knew as I licked at her fingers what I'd taste... My cock ached at the thought and then the taste.

She told me about her evening with Frank. I did know what to expect but her recap confirmed things. Yes, she still enjoys being naked with him - she said she again just wore one of his button-down shirts. She says that he likes how she leaves it smelling after they're done. It almost seemed easier to talk about it when we knew we wouldn't be having sex.

What I sensed most in what she told me then and also later, is just how comfortable and relaxed they are together. But what's different now is that she's not hesitant to tell me about anything. Whether it's her cumming under him - either his tongue or his cock - or whether it's him almost cumming as she sucks him or how he liked to get behind her or on top of her. We're past the point now where she feels like she has to hide the comfort she feels with him.

But I guess what most people here want to know about is what else we've discussed in terms of the whole denial thing. Well, like I said, when she asked me to leave the room she definitely saw the smile on my face and she knew that it all turned me on. We did talk pretty openly about it on Saturday night after we got home from the surprise party.

She asked me again if I liked our new Wednesday routine. I told her that I always liked jerking-off for her. She then said that she thought it was really erotic what we were doing. She repeated what she's always said to me, that she loves seeing me (or guys in general) cum. But then she said, again, very calmly and openly, that it turned her on in other ways too. I asked her what she meant and she said that it turned her on that I was cumming all over my stomach and hands instead of in her and that it turned her on to think, watching me cum like that and that - and this is how she said it - "that you're doing that instead of cumming in me". And she said that her knowing Frank was going to have her next (before me) was turning her on a lot now.

I didn't hesitate a bit to tell her that the same thoughts were in my head too. She seemed a little surprised at how calm I seemed when I said that to her - her response was "really?" and "wow". And that sort of led us back into talking about denial more. She asked me a bit more about how I felt and I told her that knowing she wanted me to be well-drained (I used those words) while she was out with Frank on Thursday was exciting to me. She giggled and asked me to explain more. I told her plainly that it turned me on even more to jerk-off like that for her knowing why I was doing it. And I then repeated what I'd said to her on Thursday - that her coming home with her pussy full of Franks cum really got me horny and that I thought about that a lot.

We didn't get totally into it - but we started opening up talking about how she felt when Don was demanding stuff from her. I told her that while I found him offensive personally, that at the same time, I thought he had made her grow a lot sexually and that it turned me on that she wanted to do what he wanted. She giggled and said that she'd always found it hard at the time because she was still uncertain about me - but she said that now that she understands more of what turns me on, that she could understand what I meant about Don. At one point I came out and told her that I missed him demanding things from her at which she asked me back whether feeling how I/we feel now - whether I would have been okay with her going away with him. I told her that I wasn't sure about where the limits would have been with him and simply said that "he'd asked for a lot of things that I wasn't ready for". She smiled and said something to the effect of us having a lot of time for us to figure out all of this stuff.

I'll end here because I'm expecting Sue home any minute now and will add that in addition to all the talking - we did a lot of fucking too - including enough last night that it was her turn this time to complain about me leaving her sore this morning. And yes, our talks also confirmed that this morning she resumed wearing panties all the time....

There was more but right now, as I'm trying to wind-down and get dinner started, I can't remember more specifics....
Interesting Steve. I wonder how your responce to Sue coming home Thursday nite would be if you had not been drained the night before? Could this be one of the ways Sue could be a little more demanding? Far be it for me to tell you what to do. There are no hard and fast rules here. Every relationship gets to make their own. Thats one of the beautiful things about this lifestyle. Its really great to see two people having fun and enjoying themselfs.
Will2112 - this is somewhat new with her that she enjoys this Wednesday night routine. In the past she would sometimes make/ask me to wait which, I will admit was a bit more intense and let to quite a bit more anxiety.

I'm going to say that one thing I believe that may have gone unsaid but that I may ask her one day to confirm - is that I think she enjoys her time with Frank knowing she's left me somewhat satisfied from the day before. I can't say that she's said anything about it but I do get that sense and that is also what totally turns me on about the whole thing. That she is doing it so that she can enjoy her time on Thursday even more is an intense turn-on for me.

I re-read what I posted earlier and I left out some things too. One of them was that she'd said that some of her idea for Wednesday night was also spurred on by some story she'd read in Penthouse Letters where the wife/gf did something similar about her lover getting to cum in her but not her husband/bf who she asked to jerk-off into a tissue or the floor or something like that. I've said this before too, that some of what she's often seemed to enjoy or even orchestrate has also been very similar to other stories in Penthouse. I guess I should also add while I'm here that she also said that it turns her on that I don't mind licking up my own cum - as if it's some sort of revelation or something that it seems to turn her on more. As I said, it seems that since things came out in the open after the wedding - that she seems to be much more open in general and more confident / less hesitant in talking to me...
great post and update i have somethimgs on my mind that i will post later. and see how close i am to it all.
SoonToBe said:
I'm going to say that one thing I believe that may have gone unsaid but that I may ask her one day to confirm, is that I think she enjoys her time with Frank knowing she's left me somewhat satisfied from the day before. I can't say that she's said anything about it but I do get that sense and that is also what totally turns me on about the whole thing. That she is doing it so that she can enjoy her time on Thursday even more is an intense turn-on for me.

I think the denial in your recent posts is exciting. I understand that It is what you want, and as long as it is a ‘turn-on’ for you, and it’s a ‘turn-on’ for Sue too. It keeps you both going.
What I am missing now in your description, since your "wednesday fun" has you satisfied even to Thursday, and does take the edge off for you, is that you are not eating Frank’s cum out of her pussy on Thursday Night, like you used to.
Now by Friday, She has cleaned up, and it’s not the same as she would be when freshly fucked. So, I am wondering, do you miss that too?
Perhaps she does feel like, since she has “taken care of you” that she can enjoy being with Frank more. I have wondered that too.
Cheers, Harry
> Perhaps she does feel like, since she has “taken care of you” that she can enjoy being
> with Frank more. I have wondered that too.
I think Harry's got it exactly right here, she is now able to give herself more fully to Frank
since she doesn't feel obligated to save some for you, she has one whole day in
between to recuperate. But then again, I guess you've gotten sloppy seconds so
many times (you lucky dog) that you're ok letting some of them go for a greater cause :)

> I've said this before too, that some of what she's often seemed to enjoy or even
> orchestrate has also been very similar to other stories in Penthouse.
I wonder what other interesting ideas she will bring up in the future! Do you
ever ask her if she has some fantasies she would like to explore? Sort of
opening you hand and offer her to take the reins for a bit :)
Have you thought of printing off some of Your favorite Cuckold stories or posts and letting her read them? This may give her a better idea of the Cuckold mindset. What your dealing with inside. What she has now got to deal with. What you two are dealing with together. Your in a relationship together. For each of you to get the most out of it there has to be give and take for the others needs. Look at the title of this thread, "Aroused by being denied". I'm not sure Sue understands that. Hell most people don't. If your not a cuckold or around them, how could you? I'm not trying to be funny, but have you ever used the word cuckold with Sue? Doe she know what it means? If Penthouse is the only place she is getting ideas and info. Your needs may never truely be meet.
i did get to read your story and i do have some things to post i will get to. them as soon as i get them in line. keep us posted

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