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An unexpected turn

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #141
SoonToBe said:
"We will be leaving later on Friday. It will keep me perpetually hard on the plane until we arrive, to think of her sitting next to me, and our kids, with her pussy full of her lovers cum. I am quite sure I will be more than ready for her by the time we arrive and are getting settled in, just as I know that the rest of this week, until we leave will continue to build up my desire."

Steve, I didn't realize all four of you are going. Somehow I thought it was 'just you two.' Is this where you go to the "beach front home" and you will have a seperate bedroom ? I hope so(?) Sure would put a 'damper' on it all, if not LOL

Cheers, Harry
  • #142
Yes Harry - we're staying in a beachfront home - and yes, separate bedrooms.

Actually, both of our kids have friends who are also going to be in the same resort-area within easy travel for them by bike, etc., - it's one of the reasons we are going where we are. Sue and I will have a lot of "alone time" for sure - both kids are already planning a night or two with their friends and vice-versa - but the house we're renting literally has a separate suite area where Sue and I will be - with the doors shut, it's quiet and private.

Sue gave me a knowing grin when she came in just before 6pm and after dinner she casually but purposefully said to me she "needs to go upstairs and clean up a little bit" - and she said that I didn't need to follow her (her way of saying it). I will be revved up for sure by Friday.
  • #143
whew!!. First I was thinking you two were going somewhere, just the two of you, like when you went to Jamaica, but different.

Then, today, you said the 'kids' would be with, and I thought Oh! Oh!, not much 'privacy,' to play out the purpose for going.
But then, I remembered your going to a 'beach front' resort area in the past.
Excellent!!! Enjoy all there is to see & do. And have wonderful nights together.

Cheers, Harry
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  • #144

stb i do agree with harry have fun and enjoy all that is there.to do while you are away.

keep us posted.
  • #145
Busy week so far. She came home a little later yesterday - but not as late as usual if she was seeing Robert after work.
I wasn't sure until she came up to me and whispered in my ear "he was quick with me this afternoon" that I knew.

She isn't seeing him today but has told me that he too asked if they could get together tomorrow evening and then she reminded me that she was "seeing him for lunch" on Friday and would be home in plenty of time for us to go to the airport. The kids (our son is now home too) believe she's taking a 1/2 day on Friday but I know she has the whole day off and is planning on seeing him for more than just lunch. She giggled and said "that ought to hold him till we get back!".

Later last night as we were getting into bed - we didn't talk about her afternoon at all - she didn't seem to want to talk about it much and there was other stuff trip-related that we got sorted out, etc. But as we were getting into bed I did casually ask her "so, how's this thing with Robert going to play out?" and I mentioned that summer was coming to an end and repeated what she'd said about a summer-fling.

She smiled at me and said that he's been talking to her about whether he's ready to get into another relationship and she told me she feels like a confidante of his more at times that she feels like a lover. Apparently he thanked her many times over for giving him the "summer off". I didn't understand until she explained that he was thanking her for being, essentially, his "rebound lover" and for getting him over the hard times where he needed a sexual outlet and relief but didn't want to risk or mislead someone (a woman obviously) about his intentions. He said that she's allowed him to get his head on straight while not feeling an urge to "find a relationship" so that he could have a sexual outlet.

I asked her what it meant for the future. He's told her that he'd like her to be there as he 're-enters' the dating world. I joked "yeah, so he'll have some sex while he looks for Mrs. Right!". She punched me at that and said "that's only part of it". Apparently they've become close and open with each other and she's said she'd help him in his search, etc.

"So, it's probably going to end when he finds someone else he's interested in?" and she said "eventually" and she said that she thought, at least until he was truly serious about another woman, that she thought she'd still find herself in bed with him, maybe not as frequently. She looked at me and said "he is enjoying me too much!". That thought left me horny (as if I wasn't already) as we kind of zoned out to some TV. But obviously, we have lots to talk about on our long walks on the beach next week.

Gotta run.
  • #146
Steve not sure what you have to talk about. I told You from the start of this. Its Lust, nothing more. Sue and Robert share some good sex. Some good talk. She's happy. Come's home to You. Your having some of the best sex you've had in years. You and others read far too much into this relationship. I never thought You would You wind up on either Harry or My sofa. You say this is all weird. But on this board You and Sue fit right in. In fact your almost boring compared to some. But the important thing is you have a wife that Loves You. And you two are happy.
  • #147
SoonToBe said:
"And no - we didn't have sex last night - Sue told me last night about 9:30pm that she thought I should wait till Friday when we go away and that she wanted to be with Robert "a lot" this week. When she left this morning she said she'd be home a little later than usual. She giggled and said that "all of this should make you really horny for me next week!" Thanks Harry - your suggestions led to that - my telling her that she makes me want her more..... (only kidding - I'm so swamped today that this is the first chance I've had to really think about it much).

Steve , I think the advise I gave you, will 'pay off' in time. When the time comes that Sue has satisfied her desire for 'extramarital lovers', it will be better for your relationship that she knows that "through it all you always wanted her," even though it 'turned you on' to know that other men were fucking her.

Cheers, Harry
  • #148
Harry2614 said:
Steve , I think the advise I gave you, will 'pay off' in time. When the time comes that Sue has satisfied her desire for 'extramarital lovers', it will be better for your relationship that she knows that "through it all you always wanted her," even though it 'turned you on' to know that other men were fucking her.

Cheers, Harry

You and I both Know, everything has a Time and a Place. Some things just outlive their time. A beginning and ending. This story will too come to an end. It will be in The Hall Of Fame of this Board. That's for sure.
Not even sure if there is another story here that make me want to come back everyday.
  • #149
I'm sure after that bombshell, you are bursting to find out a bit more detail of just how Sue and Robert have mapped out their future together. I am surprised a little that there seems to be even the outline of a plan without you seeming to have known about it, but maybe it gives you an end point, and clean(ish) too. Not a bad result overall.

Maybe in the spirit of Glasnost between them now, Sue will help / coach Robert into finding a new life partner and Robert will help Sue to recruit a new lover?

My own bombshell is I have to admit to broadly sharing the sentiments of both Harry and Will above. Who'd have thought ...
  • #150
peakmb said:

My own bombshell is I have to admit to broadly sharing the sentiments of both Harry and Will above. Who'd have thought ...

Why do I feel a bit uneasy???
  • #151
Only a little time right now. Peak, I don't know if it was so much of a bombshell of a disclosure by Sue about the plans, etc.
I should have mentioned that there used to be this psychologist lady on the radio in NY - Joy Browne - one thing she harped on is that after you separate/divorce, that you need to be on your own for a year or more before you should get into a more serious relationship. Sue and I used to listen to her on our rides in/out of work long long ago and we'd always thought that made sense and was even some of the reason that it too a bit longer for us to decide we were serious about each other - to give me that year of time without a "spouse". That was when both of us "dated" other people. So, in a way, maybe she is helping Robert through this transition and she's fulfilling his "uncommitted year". Who'd have thought that this is how that radio show from so long ago would materialize now. Too funny.

And, she's kept me at bay regarding whether tonight will continue our Wednesday routine or not!
  • #152

we all hope that your normal wednesday night happen's. and if so maybe sue will give you more of the retail's of what her and robert have talked. about and how they plan to go forward from here.

have fun if tonight happen's and ejoy.

keep us posted.
  • #153
I may be jumping the gun a bit before you post but I figure you are busy this week before your holiday and posting may not be your highest priority. I take your point a little about Sue helping Robert, but you still were in the dark. Your joint future is more important than their future (or Robert's future). You should have been a part of the planning from the start, especially as it now looks like their affair could have a long tail. That is more than you figured on, even if you now think it's ok.

I suspect that your holiday will be the time when you really get chance to discuss everything and agree between you which way to go. I would urge you to resist making any crucial decisions until AFTER you have broken your bareback drought. You need your big head this time. I would equally say don't post here until you have decided, which may be some days after you get back. The temptation for you may be to tell all and rush the decision to get the news out. We can wait. It will do us good to be in denial!

Having said all that I'm sure your discussions with Sue won't take up more than a few percent of your time away. Have a great holiday with your family. I've been there at this time for you. It might be the last time you get all your family away with you like this, before the children start the long process of breaking out of the nest. Enjoy it. All of it. We'll be thinking of you.
  • #154
I couldn't agree more with Peak. STB, I suggest you retain enough control to reasonably assure Sue, you, and your family do not get hurt, (Note I didn't say Robert.) Yet release as much control as you can for Sue to gain new adventures with your subtile encouragement. "What will Sue do next?" is much of the fun. Looking forward I suspect you may enjoy a three adults vacation with a two-bed suite or ajoining rooms. Sue's lover with you would maximize that oh so delightful angst.
Enjoy your kids. Peak is right--the four of you together for a few days will become less doable in the future.
  • #155
peakmb said:
STB,"I suspect that your holiday will be the time when you & Sue really get the chance to discuss everything and agree between you which way to go. I would urge you to resist making any crucial decisions until, AFTER you have broken your bareback drought.
You need your big head this time. I would equally say don't post here until you have decided, which may be some days after you get back. The temptation for you may be to tell all and rush the decision to get the news out. We can wait. It will do us good to be in denial!

Having said all that, I'm sure your discussions with Sue, won't take up more than a few percent of your time away. Have a great holiday with your family.[I'll be there, at this time, for you]. It might be the last time you get all your family away with you like this, before the children start the long process of breaking out of the nest. Enjoy it. All of it. We'll be thinking of you.

Peak, Thank you for your thoughtful post. I have no problem agreing with all you have written. It is advice that Steve needs to use now, to help smooth the 'transitions' coming in the future. Surely, there are more 'unanswered questions' in Steve's mind. The quiet times he will have with Sue, on this vacation, away from other stresses, will provide an excellent atmosphere to share thoughts of the future.
You know, Steve, You don't have to feel obligated to share those thoughts and answers with this audience!!!

Cheers, Harry
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  • #157
As much as I am your friend. I appreciate how the responders keep STB's interests foremost.
  • #158
She didn't see Robert last night but is there now, or perhaps on her way home by now.

Last night we did get into bed and I was wondering/hoping/anticipating masturbating for/with her as our usual - but she asked me "how about you save it up for Friday night when we get in?". She leaned over, kissed me, cupped my balls and cock and said "I know you're hard and horny but I think it'll be worth waiting for" and she sucked her lips together as if sucking a straw - not sure if that's what shes suggesting for Friday now?!

I'd like to say we talked about the other stuff, but we didn't - she did tease me a little bit more and told me she'd be seeing him today (Thursday) and "definitely on Friday" - and she repeated that she's taking the day off but the story at home is that she's going in for the morning. Robert, she's confirmed, is working from his home on Friday and she giggled "yeah, if he gets any work done!!!".

What we did talk about was vacation and how she's looking forward to it - just to get out on the beach and not to have to think about work or family or anything other than the next drink in her hand. We talked about restaurants we want to go to as well as a few clubs we also have heard about for some drinking and dancing too - something else we never seem to get to at home.

Not much more to say - I'm enjoying my desire building for her and am anticipating quite a time tomorrow evening. As I mentioned, there are other people we know who are vacationing the same week in the same area so they kids are already making plans to get together - giving us more alone time. We're hoping they'll bunk up at the friends places maybe one night or two.

Gotta run and continue packing and stuff.
  • #159
Sometimes Sue doesn't have to tease Your cock???? Sue has become very good at getting inside your head. At times this is even worst than if she really play with Your cock.
  • #160

have fun on your holday and it will be good for you and sue to get away from it all and. just get lost togather and become as one again.

enjoy it all and look forward to you telling us all how much fun you both had while you were away with the family.

keep us posted.

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