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A new page in our book....

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #121
Stb, if that's what you want so be it. I think you are encouraging her to do exactly as she & Don please. You seem totally aware so who are we to interfere. Among your friends here, some are saying "dont go there", I can only say that I hope that they do not hurt you (Sue may also get hurt). Waiting anxiously to see what develops.
  • #122
I'm here to read whatever is happening next, Stb.
  • #123
She did get home just before 12:30am this morning.
I know a lot of people here think it's a sign that she'd drive almost 4 hours to see him. I didn't ask her about that specifically but I did ask her - as we were getting up to the bedroom - I did ask her what the urgency was in seeing him.

She said that he's heading back to California on Friday and that she didn't want to "not see" him this week. I looked at her and she just said "I wanted him - I missed him, what can I say? I like the sex with him". I smiled and she giggled and said "but now it's your turn"

By the time I got the bedroom door closed she was already undressing. I love looking at her and as she stepped out of her panties I could see the obvious signs that she'd been busy. Her whole pussy mound was reddened and swollen a bit and the smell of sex was everywhere. As we lay together on the bed she said that she hadn't "cleaned up" much as she wanted to get on her way home. I told her that was fine - that I "like her dirty". She giggled at that and told me that Don had certainly gotten her dirty.

My fingers found her waiting pussy and she was VERY wet. I mean VERY wet - enough that I joked with her "what did he wait for you?" and she giggled again and said "I don't think he's doing it with anyone else but me". And then she giggled and said "unlike me!".

It wasn't all creamy but it was very wet, enough that I didn't even need any lubricant to slip right into her. She giggled and squealed a bit as I pushed into her saying she was "tired" and at another point she said that Don "had given her quite a workout".

I know she orgasmed at least once or twice as we enjoyed ourselves - they weren't huge as I suspected (and she confirmed) that she was pretty tired but there was no faking either and I followed shortly afterwards with what I felt was a larger-than-usual load at which she moaned.

I'll admit it was pretty quick - we're talking maybe 15-20 minutes total start to finish. So it's just before 1am and we're lying there and I just said "do you want to talk about Don or what's going on?".

She said she was tired but that she'd tell me what she knew. Apparently he's going back out because his sister-in-law hasn't made any progress. She's still on life-support connected to a bunch of machines (she started to describe what Don said she looked like but I stopped her as I don't really want to know how gory she looks) and that there's been no sign of any change and they weren't sure if there would be. I asked if they were saying she's brain-dead and she said that they're not saying that as people have recovered from this sort of comatose/vegetative state - but that it's rare. Anyway - he's going out there to see where they can move her to and to see how he can help out.

I took that moment to ask her " how do you feel about this?" And she honestly said to me that she feels like she takes Don "away" from all of it when she's there and that she feels really good being able to do that. She said he seems so tense and anxious when she first gets there, "but after some lovin', he's much better".

I asked her if there was anything more. She paused for a second and then just said "I care about him a lot and it hurts me to see him this way". I didn't ask if she loved him - she would have said that - she had no bones about saying it about Brad in the past. So I just left it at that. She got up and went into the bathroom to clean up a bit and I followed her. She giggled at me as I stood behind her waiting for her to be done with the washcloth. I frowned when she put her panties back on before getting back in bed but she just said "I don't want to make a mess by morning" - and that made me laugh out loud which brought about a playful slap from her!

This morning - how can you be in a sour mood after some good sex last night.

I know what a lot of you are thinking - but I'm sorry - despite the rushed-ness of last night - there is just a connection I feel between us when we're together having sex when she gets home. It's more like a passion that I feel from her and I know she feels from me. As long as I feel that with her, I don't think I'll be worried about anything just yet.

Gotta run.
  • #124
Note to STB: stop having Sue giggle as a means of communication
it suggests she's not bright ...tia
  • #125
Note to Don - STB to continue to laugh at your posts....
  • #126
Dark Side! NOT!!

Harry (Dark side)?

STB: First I don’t want to be put into the “Dark Side” box with Duke, or anyone else here. I am an upbeat happy person. I have had periods in my life that I look back at as 'learning experiences’ not disasters I wouldn’t change them if I could, but I have learned a lot from them. I would prefer to be a ‘realist’ I do have a good relationship with my wife that meets the description that I advise for you and Sue. I work on it faithfully every day because I know it needs ‘maintenance’. Apparently your story has portrayed primarily the Cuckold portion of your relationship (for the benefit of the cuckolds in the readership), and not the every day welcome home [Big hug and kiss, love you, glad you had a nice day at work, would you like to go out to dinner and a movie with the family relationship) Im Glad you explained that more fully in yesterday's post. As I said, I am not there to observe your life, I only get the report you write in this thread, most of which is written to titillate other Cuckolds with a few questions thrown in for us to respond to. So now I am glad you have included more of your life with Sue and family. It makes the picture clearer and less of a concern, Thank you for that input. STB, I really felt the ‘passion’ of your last post. The love and connection you and Sue share does come through in you're writhing and I feel the emotion of it just as I feel the reality of my own ‘passion’ for my wife: “I know what a lot of you are thinking, but I'm sorry - despite the rushed-ness of last night - there is just a connection I feel between us when we're together having sex when she gets home. It's more like a passion that I feel from her and I know she feels from me. As long as I feel that with her, I don't think I'll be worried about anything just yet”.
Truth be, I am a few years older than you and have, as I have explained earlier, gone through some of the same situations. I have at least 3 close friends that are Cuckolds. I have learned a lot from them, I have followed your thread from the beginning and would not have continued to follow it if I thought all was doomed. I believe you & Sue have the potential to make this work for several years yet, If you keep your romance with sue alive by participating in an erotic sexual life together, as much as possible with or without a 2nd. Sexual partner.
I perceive that the greatest excitement in you're writing is when you are writing about being there with Sue and Brad (or with Sue with Don). Your excitement level showed in you're writing and shows again as you recall those occasions. It is also evident from you're writing that Sue liked for you to be there, and was encouraged for you to be there. That is why I advise you to want to be there for her.
At some point Sue will have had enough of this lifestyle. It will be a difficult struggle for her to ‘pull away’ She will need you there, as in ‘present’ to help her in that transition. You both are having fun now playing the “game”. But you must always be Sue’s ‘Champion’. Don’t give that position away because you think that is what a Cuck should do.

Maybe I’ve said enough now, So I will try to be more of a reader and less of a critic. Your’s is the only thread I have really gotten into. Maybe I’ve become a little too possessive.

I wish for you & Sue, a wonderful life!!
Cheers, Harry
  • #127
Harry - only a minute - but thank you - I do truly appreciate your advice and insight - it's why I respond back to your posts.

Yes, I do primarily only post the cuckold-related stuff here. Just as I don't post about the other stuff - like the arguments or disagreements we may have, etc., they're there like they are in every relationship. And yes, perhaps I have understated the closeness that I feel with Sue. The nights she's not with Don, whether we're having sex or not, we spend the end of those nights lying in bed, close to each other, holding each others hands. Maybe we're watching Leno or maybe we're discussing politics or the school budgets - but the point is that there IS that level of communication between us.

Anyway - nuff' said. I'm pretty sure that last night has revved Sue up for a few days so I expect tonight to have time for us and hopefully she'll share more of what she did with Don yesterday - probably as she teases me about it.

Regarding being there with her when she's with Don. You are correct, I should join them more often - but I think that's easier done at his place than joining them in his hotel room. I think later tonight I'll bring it up and suggest it for next week.

  • #128

Sue does seem to giggle:p a lot......which i think is quite adorable. STB you lucky bastard ;)

If i were you i would not change a thing about Sue's giggling as far as this thread goes. For long term interest in the thread its vital that you reveal little by little about Sue's feelings ( i am not trying to be sarcastic here) but this way you can and does keep folks like me interested in this thread (not to mention the naughty things that you 3 characters get upto).

On the issue of you loosing Sue to Don ----

Is there a catalyst or trigger event in your mind that will tell you that the ship has sailed so to speak. I know its highly highly improbable and its a hypothetical question at this point in time.

Or would it be something like Sue coming home and annoucing " i am leaving you"

Again this is a stupid question i feel but very SCARY scenario nontheless.

Also asking again...if more pics possible....maybe just of her cute tushy

  • #129

"And yes, perhaps I have understated the closeness that I feel with Sue. The nights she's not with Don, whether we're having sex or not, we spend the end of those nights lying in bed, close to each other, holding each others hands. Maybe we're watching Leno or maybe we're discussing politics or the school budgets - but the point is that there IS that level of communication between us."

Wonderful!! I am glad I didn't offend you with my 'opining' and 'Critique'. There are times when you write about the 'closeness' and the 'snuggles' you share with Sue, where the emotion jumps right off the page and into my heart. I have had two marriages where the closeness I refer to would not happen. The marriage I am in now gives me that closeness and bonding that I cherish. And it just keeps getting better.
Why do I even read these pages?? Well, I've been there, Not as a willing partner but been there none the less. So there is always a weird attraction that many here can understand.
Cheers, Harry
  • #131
Stb, thanks for being so open. Harry's remarks should be noted. Despite your closeness as a couple and family, you cannot put yourself as the junior partner in the threesome. Don should be an accessory to the fun of Sue/hubby. You love the cuckold stuff but find a way to let her know that you are and want to stay the main man.
Sex is addictive, Sue has shown by driving 4 hours that she is or is close to being addicted. Never mind love. Just as a drug addict forsakes family and loved ones for a hit, it has been known for women to forsake everything for a cock.
  • #132
Harry2614 said:
At some point Sue will have had enough of this lifestyle. It will be a difficult struggle for her to ‘pull away’ She will need you there, as in ‘present’ to help her in that transition. You both are having fun now playing the “game”. But you must always be Sue’s ‘Champion’. Don’t give that position away because you think that is what a Cuck should do.

Quoted for truth.

The trick, and the whole point of continuing to nurture the relationship at home, is to ensure when that happens she decides to 'pull away' or 'take a break' (more commonly in the case of Mary and me, as so far she has always gone back to cuckolding me following a lull) while remaining with her husband, rather than 'pulling away' by choosing one of her lovers as her sole partner. The latter happens far too commonly in this lifestyle, I'm afraid, to the chagrin of many a former cuck.
  • #133

Tell her if she ever wants to stop for a while, you will be there for her. Whatever support she needs, assure her you will be there all the way.

Shidave is right, you must be an active participant. Don't just let Don be the "fix" for Sue.
  • #134
Rural, Shidave, Marys-pet and others. Your concerns are very valid but unfounded for us.
Remember, this is a second marriage for both Sue and I. When we got together we were of single mind that the failures of our first marriages would not be repeated - those were failures in communication (open communication) and a failure for there to be common/shared interests and time spent together (funny how similar both of our marriages were). This is why we take time together (with and without the kids) for stuff like skiing or visiting friends or dinners out, etc. So I have no real concern about not being Sue's "main guy". This may be something else that I've overlooked in my posts here.

Last night as expected, Sue was still very horny. Sometimes it even surprises me at how "well this works" - that she's horny for days after being with Don.

She did do a lot of teasing including playfully fending off my advances to remove her panties, for quite a while driving me crazy! When I did finally remove them she TOLD me to go down on her to get her ready and be sure she was wet!
I need to run to a 12:30 lunch meeting. More later.
  • #135
glad 2 c she didn't giggle
and or bite her lower lip
  • #136
I'll make this fast as the afternoon is quickly disappearing.

As I went down on her she said a few things to encourage me - one of them that I recall was "mmm, just like Don does". Now that was a real turn-on - I know they fuck but hearing her say that I'm eating/licking her the same as Don does seemed to "touch" me. Thinking about his face between her legs and his tongue probing her sweetness. Damn - if I wasn't already horny, that would have done it!

She did orgasm (and rather easily at that) while I was licking away - and it equally turned me on to think that Don has also done that to her - feeling her pussy clenching down on my tongue and tasting and feeling how wet she became - and knowing Don's tasted her too - seemed to really REALY rev me up.

I was wicked hard and after she'd cum I started to move up to push into her but she sat up and reached down and took my cock in her hand and said "not so fast". I started to freak out and she continued "It's thursday and you don't normally get to have me - it's Don's night usually".

I swear she had to feel my cock throbbing as she gently stroked me. She continued "maybe you can get in me but maybe you shouldn't cum in me?" And she looked up at me and said "what do you think? Maybe you should pull out and just cum on me?".

I swear I was frantic and I started to say "if that's what you really want....". She giggled (sorry Duke) and said "okay - put it in but let me know when you're close and I'll decide then...".

I think my hands were shaking as I guided it into her. She was so open and wet from just orgasming that she felt so great!. "You'd better be careful". And then she said it - she said something that drove me wild - she said "you know Don doesn't like you to cum in me!!!".

She had to feel it - my cock felt like the Grinch - it grew like 10-sizes!!!! I swear - just hearing her say that made me want her so much. I slammed into her as hard and deep as I could and she squealed away with me.

A moment later I was getting close - I struggled to hold off and said to her "I'm close - is that really what you want?". She seemed to take a moment to respond - I guess feeling how I felt in her. I swear I don't know how I held off until she said quietly "well, I won't see him for a few days so I suppose it's okay.". And with that I think I sank into her one last time and I just started to spew in her. It was an exhausting orgasm for me - one that I felt from my toes to my scalp and that left me lying against her afterwards catching my breath. All I remember next is her hugging me with both her arms and legs pulling me close and all I remembered was hearing her almost whisper in my ear over our passion was "I love you".

This morning - if you could have seen her - how happy and content she seemed....
  • #137
STB, If that section doesn't convince the doubters that all is well in the hencoop I don't think anything will. Lovely, and thanks again for sharing it with us. I'm sure many will play the, "Yes, but .. but what if," games with what Sue said but I'm sure you both saw that for what it was, a sexy interplay to get you both aroused to that level. Great... and I loved the goggle.
  • #138
Methinks all is well with Stb! Beautiful.
  • #139
SoonToBe said:
Rural, Shidave, Marys-pet and others. Your concerns are very valid but unfounded for us.

I wouldn't say I'm concerned as in I think you're in imminent danger of this becoming a problem. I definitely would not lump myself in the "doom and gloom" camp. Just something to keep an eye on, is all.
  • #140

Hey soon to be, its been awile since i've posted. I'm still enjoying your posts. I think you are a lucky guy, and glad you've included us for the ride. It's been a while since you've posted a pic how about an update.

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