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A life of near-misses


New around here...
Beloved Member
Apr 26, 2008
I'm a 40 year old wannabe cuck from South America. I wrote about a few of my experiences here, but I decided to open a thread about the, detailing how I came to fantasize about cuckolding, enemies, slut wives and such. Looking back is amazing how many times it almost happened, but no luck. Although I don't know if I could it deal with it if it did.

My mother:

There was once this truck driver in my street who had two children with one of our neighbors. It was one of those cases where they guy has a woman in every city, or so he told. He never married to the mother of his kids.

The guy was something else: 60+ years old, bald in the front, mullet in the back, always wearing wife beaters, muscular, but ugly as sin. Couldnt string a sentence to save his life. He was a creep. He repulsed me.

Anyway, it was a fact he was banging the neighbor. He would show up every 30-45 days and stay 4-5 in the neighborhood in her house. Sometimes they would even kiss at the porch.

A few months later he started banging this other woman from a street nearby. This neighbor of mine didn`t seem to mind. So there was a lot of gossip envolving this guy. He, of course, enjoyed the attention, and he was always bragging about how he treats his women and what he would do with the woman from our street if he got the chance.

I was 16 back then, and I only rarely talked to his 'wife' (she was above 50 and fucking ugly).

Anyway, a few months later she comes to me and asks me to tell my mom to leave her man alone. I was speechless, but didn't do anything, I thought she was confused about something. My mom didn't even knew this guy. She was 35, a real beauty, church-goer and shy. Plus I knew she find him unattractive and disgusting as well.

A few days later my friends started mocking me, saying my mother was one of ugly man's whores now.

I hesitated, but ended up questioning my mom, and she told me it was true: they went out for a month but she ended it because he was a bastard.

I didn't have the heart to ask anything else (you dont ask this stuff to your mother) and she really never went out with again, as far as I know, but I wonder how could she go out with someone like him.

As you can see, the enemy cuckolding thing, might have started here in my mind.
So, after the events I posted on the enemy's thread, I changed jobs.

Similar situation: lots of girls, few boys. I decided to be more assertive towards the girls so I wouldn't be friendzoned again.

So, there was this girl, let's call her Mary, who was just my type, but she was unavailable, she was seeing a guy called John, nothing serious but he called her all the time and it was clear she liked him.

A few months later she dumped him and I decided it was time to act. We were already nice friends, so it was quick, we went out a few times and after a month or so we started dating. We did it for six months. I even met her family. She lived with mom and dad and 2 sisters (not unusual in South America). After a while we broke up for stupid reasons but I still liked her.

After a month or so, she started dating John again, for real this time. After a couple of months they broke up. Fortunately I never met the guy.

I had some feelings for her yet, but it was too awkward to anything. Her mother then called me to see how I was going, and sugested that I dated her again. I was the right man for her, not John.

So I dated her again, this time for three months, her dad and mom were really happy. They were dissapointed when we broke up again.

Two weeks later, on a Monday, I see Mary very sad at work, but don't ask anything. At the end of the day I end up calling her mom. She embarrassed explains to me that John came to their house in the weekend to explain he was dating Monica, Mary older sister. Her family was very liberal but it was a shock for them.

But the real shock came a few weeks later. Her mother was telling me the path was free now, so I should try to connect with again, but this time she was distant, it was clear she wanted John back.

That was confirmed when there was this huge commotion among the girls, Mary was crying. I tried to find out, but they only told me a few days afterwards.

Her parents had gone to the beach and when they returned they found Mary and Monica fucking John together. Her father expelled both girls from his house. Not having where to go, they went to live with John, who lived alone.

For the next year, there were several rumors about Mary, she looked more alive, more sexy, more sexual. People tried to confirm if it was true they had weekend orgies all the time (with more guys or more girls) but she never confirmed or denied. Her parents did forgive her at some point, but her mother told me her girls were not the same.

There was a pattern now: every girl I liked, was shy and conservative with me, but easy and slutty with others.
At the same company, at the same time, there were other things happening who didn't involve me.

There were more than 30 women working there (33 if I recall correctly) and after 4 years working there, I decided to count how many girls had cheated on their BF and


After recollecting everything I knew of, a friend and I concluded that only 3 girls had been faithful the whole time. That affected my view on women and sex.

There was this shy girl (you know, she looked very innocent, not to say gullible or dumb) who had been faithful for years to her fiancee.

When she announced she was going to marry, the girls started mocking her and telling her to enjoy life before tying the know (she was indeed too young).

She resisted but the closer the date got, more insecure she felt. In the weekend before her marriage, she decided go for it.

There was this black security guy who was always trying to get into her panties, and this time when he flirted with her, she told him to take her straight to a hotel.

She enjoyed it so much, she, then, in a 48 hour span she fucked 5 other guys. Two were ex-boyfriends she called up (imagine their surprise), another was a hunk who hit on her in the mall, he took her to his house and banged her there. He lived with a few other friends, so when they arrived she liked what she saw. She didn't have the balls to be gang banged, but fuck the two other guys, separatedly.

I found out months later through her friends, but I did ask her and she confirmed, shyly as usual. I asked her if her now husband knew, but he didn't.
Oh... how awkward

So, a lot happened in the last month:

On new year's eve I went to a part and met this girl who used to work with me. She was there when my would-be girlfriend "Mary" succumbed to my rival Walter.

We talked a lot about those times, but didn't mention the 'incident'. Surprisingly, "Joana" and I hit it off and actually started going out.

So, we have seen each other for the last month and it has been great. She is a very conservative girl, but I get concerned sometimes, because most girls I date reveal themselves to be quite slutty afterwards.

Last Sunday, we went to one of her friends barbecue. I didn't know anyone there, so it was somewhat boring. After a while a see a guy approach Joana and soon he was clearly flirting with her. I walked up to her and to my shock, I realize the guy is Walter.

He laughed when he recognized me, but then was very polite. We talked for less than 5 minutes and then he rejoined the party leaving us be.

At night, when we decided to leave, I saw him smirking at me. I tried to ignore him, but as Joana said goodbyes to her girlfriends, Walter came up to me and just said:

We do enjoy my sloppy seconds huh!

Enjoying my discomfort, he added: She loves a rough fuck! I hope you know that already!

He left in a hurry after saying that.

I felt humilated, I got a hard-on.

I haven't spoken to Joana yet and I wonder if it's true. I'm trying to find a way to bring it up without sounding too jealous and wimpy, but I really need to know. My cuckold fantasies are driving me crazy.
So, I didn't need to ask Joana about Walter.

After dinner, at my apartment this Friday she asked me if I was angry about her flirting with Walter at the party.

Why do you ask?
I noticed how you behaved in the car afterwards.
Well, I'm sorry. I know it's not your fault. I hate that prick.
I understand, after all that happened.

I looked at her. I didn't know if I wanted to discuss it with her.

What do you know about it?
Gene, every one there knows the story: you loved Mary, you thought she loved you, but you never asked her out. Walter use to make fun of you because of it. The day you asked her out, Walter, out of spite, met her and seduced her.And that's it. Sorry!

Not your fault
. Trying to gauge her reaction, I added: you were not the one who fucked him.

She looked at me, startled.

I thought you knew! She finally said.

I didn't, until he cornered me yesterday and told me!

As much angry as I was, I knew I couldn't blame her for something she had no control over, as we were not together back then.

I explained to her that I left the company just a month afterwards and lost touch with everyone there. I knew Mary dated him for a short while, but he was fucking other girls at the same time.

She embelished the story a little, baby. They never dated. She was just another girl he fucked every once in a while. So were the other girls.

Mary told me about some other girls, but not you. So, you weren't special for him as well.

Embarrassed, she answered.

In my defense, those were some weird times, we were young and kind of competitive. So, everything worked in his favor. One girl told the other, who would want to try himas well. In the beginning some girls would say they were dating Walter, but we knew he was cheating her with another of us. Very soon, we realized he would never be the dating type. In reality, he was using us and we kind of ended up liking it. We even helped him nail the newcomers.

Lucky fucker
- was I could say.

Like I said, it was very weird. As soon as a new pretty girl joined the company we started talking about how long it would take for her to spread her legs to him. Specially the married ones, or engaged ones. He confessed there was nothing he liked more than cuckolding some unlucky guy.

I stopped the conversation there. I didn't want to ****** myself there. I realized I'm dating a girl who knows what cuckold is and seem to find it hot.
I spent the days afterwards considering if I should bring the topic back again. In one hand, my cuckold fetish was driving me crazy, and on the other hand, I was afraid I would be embarrassing myself in front of my new woman.

But it seems Walter enjoyed my torment and decided to throw salt into the wound.

Somehow, he learned my e-mail and sent me two e-mail teasing me.

The first, had a few pictures of his cock. I had never seen it, but now I understand how he gets so many girls on his feet. It sounds so cliché, but his cock is huge. It's long and thich and it looks even bigger in his tiny frame.

This was inside both Joana and Mary. They loved it - the message said.

I wanted to call Joana and ask if he had given him my e-mail but decided to remain silent. She only spends the weekends with me, so I would wait.

The next e-mail he sent the next day. It contained a link to a ftp site. He wrote it took him a lot of time to set up, but it would be worthy my time.

I opened the link and he had uploaded hundreds of pictures, I opened the first one and saw a chick I remembered from the company on her knees looking at his cock. The location was the bathroom of the company. I was more shocked about the place than the girl. I knew he had bedded most of those girl, but that was very risky.

There were five more pictures with this girl, the last one with her face covered in sperm. The next pictures were more of the same, different chicks, same location. I counted 15 girls, before I found the first one who actually interested me: Mary was there. Walter knew I would want to see those and upload 40+ pictures of her. He focused in the ones where she was deepthroating him and the ones with sperm on her face. He was showing off, bragging about how many times she did it for him.

After Mary there were Joana's, there were around 80 of them. Same story, he came on her face, in that bathroom, at least 30 times.
I guess you have to see them to understand.

I opened the e-mail and the ftp and showed her the pics to her. She looked shocked.

What an asshole! Why he is doing it?
To show how he fucked you before me and how hard you fell for him. Isn't that obvious?
I guess. He really hates you, huh?
It certainly seems so, I haven't met him in years and boom, he shows pics of my girlfriends sucking his cock.
I had no idea he kept those - she said.
He kept them all, I counted 17 girls total.
Let me see it - she said.

She was curious, she didn't looked excited about it, I saw the pictures with all the fucking afterwards and she blushed a little but didn't say anything.

He picked the girls you actually worked with, after you left a lot more girls were hired and fired and he nailed a lot of those too.
Jesus - I said.

We had dinner and started to make out, before going to bed, I checked my e-mails and I saw he had another update.

I went to the ftp link again and there was 5 short videos now, around 10min each.

I opened and I saw it was Mary sucking him in a place I didn't recognize, probably his bedroom. Joana came behind me and saw it. We saw the first one and then opened the second, this time it was hers. I had only my underwear on, so she saw my erection. She took my cock out and started to masturbate it while we watched her give head to my rival.
Soon she was in her knees sucking me.

I came in her face, a few minutes before Walter came in her mouth in the video.
Very Hot! It looks as though after a life of near misses you are about to hit the Mother Load. Please keep us posted.
Mino said:
Very Hot! It looks as though after a life of near misses you are about to hit the Mother Load. Please keep us posted.

Yes, I think so too. I'm nervous but very excited.
(To all: of course, our conversation wasn't as articulated as below, but let me indulge the writer in me)

As I was saying, she blew me while we watched the video where she was blowing Walter.

Even though it was great, my perverted mind couldn't stop thinking about how much hotter she looked struggling to insert his huge cockhead in her mouth than she did sucking mine.
There was a moment I could feel her deepthroating me, easily even, and I didn't remember if she ever had done it before.

In the TV, she had only half his shaft in her mouth, but it was more than my own cock. I felt asking how big it was but remained shut up.

Walter in the video wasn't doing anything, just letting her go at his member. She tried to go deeper at every try.

I came after around five minutes into the video. We watched the video until the end.

I didn't saying anything and neither did she.

We watched the other videos together while fooling around; he had the best video for last. In it, he was being blown, licked and by two girls.

My cock was hard again, and she was hot.
- Did you know about that? - I asked.
- About the threesome? Yes, of course. Like I said before, no one was hiding anything at that point.
- I meant the video.
- Yep - in the beginning he was more subtle about it, but later on him, and us girls, started to up the ante.
- Mary told me he was nasty, but never gave me details.
- Smart girl. We got nastier as well, we were trying to outdo the other. We were young and stupid.
- Do you regret it?
- The sex, no, just the shameless of it all, the degradation. Every guy in the office thought we were easy sluts.
- I won't go into that, ok? I joked.
- Yes - she laughed- but weren't easy, per se. He made us sluts for big cocks. When the guys tried to hit on us and we were mad we just asked how big they were. They ran away all the time.
- Wow! So he had all the girls to himself?
- No, do you remember Antonio? He had an 8inches dick, he had his fun as well, but was second fiddle to Walter.
- Walter is bigger than 8 inches?
- Around 10,5in and really thick, as you could see.
- Please don't get mad about I'm going to ask.
- I'll try - she said.
- Are you a size queen yet?
- Well, don't get mad with my answer then. I'm a size queen but I don't go around looking for it. I am dating you and I don't regret it. Sex can be fun regardless and I like you much better than I liked him.
- Great answer - I smiled.
- What about you? - she asked. How do you feel about all of this? Not everyone can handle knowing his girlfriend likes bigger dicks. And even more so knowing she was nailed by his rival.
- Shocked, mostly. I led a very normal life, sexually I mean. No orgies, or threesomes for this guy. And knowing he nailed you makes me mad, but then I remember it was years ago.
- Are you sure you don't fantasize about it?
(caught me)
- What do you mean?
- Your computer is filled with cuckold stories, it's almost all there is in it, actually - she smiled.
- Oh.
- Are you into it? Have you been cucked before?
- Of course not - I tried to be very confident about it, but she probably realized I wasn't. I don't know.
- Thank God - she laughed. Walter keeps calling me telling me he wants to fuck me again just to cuck you. He told me that as a bull, he knows wimps and you are one. He told me everyone wins.
- I can't believe he talks to you about me in this way! It's outrageous. I hope you defend me.
- He is an asshole, honey. He talks like this about everyone. Of course, I defend you. I know you are not a wimp.

We changed subjects after that, but, being naked already, we finished ourselves in bed.

Now, I'm quite certain that now we had the talk, something will happen. Let's hope I can deal with it.
An update after all this time (more than two years!).

I'm still with Joana and four months ago I found out I'm a cuckold. She isn't aware I know it, but she cheats a lot.

I learned it when a friend caught her kissing a guy in an bar near her work after hours. He saw her getting into his car and he called me then. She only came home several hours later.

The next time she told me she would come home later, I was able to leave work earlier and see it with my own eyes.
She is very discreet and I just can't follow her around all the time, but I still saw her twice more. The last time she entered a hotel with a girl friend and 3 guys.

That's 4 guys I know of, so far. I don't think I will tell her soon, but I jerk off a lot to it.
tell us more please sounds hot so far ... you wanna talk to joanna and maybe watch her fuck other guys ? she seems nicew and maybe she would let you fuck another girl too ? about time you start to be less timid and wallflower.

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