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A cuckold is not the husband of a Hotwife

  • Thread starterlifelong cuck
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lifelong cuck

Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
May 4, 2008
A prime example of the difference between a cuckold marriage and a hotwife one is I believe ably demonstrated in this real life situation between two marriages ~ that of a friend and myself.
As you know I have been a cuckold all my married life but Pete had drifted into a hotwife situation after a period of open marriage. He had cuckolded me a few times in the past during that open stage and had asked me a number of times to do likewise to him but I was never interested. Not because his wife isn’t attractive, anything but, she’s a real little beauty, as a true cuckold husband, the only pussy I was interested in was my wife’s and I rarely got to share it.
We were both at a party where there was one guy who thinks he was God’s gift to women. He is the perpetual bachelor, a successful businessman, well above average looks and hung like a donkey. He was showing an interest in both our wives and they in him. Pete immediately took his wife to one side and said how much he disliked the guy and that he didn’t want her getting fucked by him. I said something similar to my wife, she acknowledged that she’d heard me, then went to dance with him. They disappeared a short time later and I didn’t get to see her until the next morning when he dropped her off home and they both came in for breakfast. When I said how much her fucking him had hurt me she told me not to be so sensitive and to just suck it up! I could plainly see from his expression the more I protested against him fucking my wife the more he enjoyed cuckolding me. At this point he pulled her close to him and started kissing her. She faintly protested at first but soon was allowing his hands to explore her body. I pleaded first with her and then with him to stop, I begged her not to let him fuck her here in our own home in front of me, him of all people. His respond was to push her, back first, onto the kitchen table where his hand gripped the back of her panties and pulled them just far enough down to ****** her swollen pussy lips. It was obvious she’d been fucked recently and often and his now ******* cock slipped easily inside her. Because he’d already fucked her soften it took him quite a bit of time to cum, I can’t say the same for my wife, who came quickly and often. When he did cum he immediately pulled out and told me to eat her out. I saw her gaping pussy and his cum oozing from it, I was frozen until my wife said, “eat me out pet”. That was all it took and they both watched me squirm under her panties and up, so my face and lips were resting against her leaking cunt. She grabbed my head and pulled me tight, pressing me hard against her groin. Smelling my wife and his cum I so wanted to taste her. I open my mouth and gently started to taste their spilled juices. Once started, my head moved more and more, longer and longer licks until my tongue was roving all the way from the well of juices in her ass right up to the top of her crack. I kept licking until the only moistness left was my own saliva. During this I ignored the comments from her B/F. I had already guessed how much he enjoyed seeing a cuck eat his load and I didn’t need him to keep telling ‘cucky boy’ suck her dry. I am a CUCKOLD but I hate the shortened term ‘cuck’ and even more being referred to the totally humiliating expression, cucky boy! “Well cuck, how about licking me clean now”. I looked towards him, at that point I had never sucked the cock of one of my wife’s lovers and I most certainly was going to start with his. I turned my back on him and watched my wife roll right back until her legs and butt were high in the air before she quickly slipped her panties fully on. There was a very large damp patch in the centre of the crotch where she’d been leaking on the drive home. She didn’t attempt to stand up, as she said, her legs were still too much like jello. As he exited through the kitchen door we were both dismissed by his parting words “your wife is a terrific little ride, I’ll maybe take her on you again sometimes”. I looked to my wife and said “ why, why did you do him, I begged you not to do that asshole yet you ignored me and fucked him anyway”? Her defence was “I’d heard what a big cock he had and how good he was in abed and wanted to find out for myself, a girl has to discover these things for herself”.

The difference you will see is that a husband in a hotwife marriage has at least an equal say in who fucks his wife. A cuckold has no control over who his wife screws and has to learn she’ll fuck whoever she wants whether the he objects strongly to his cuckolder or not.

You have a wife-she fucks around-you are a cuck. End of.
Lifelong cuck,

I suppose I should say "Lifelong cuckold," given your distaste for being addressed as a "cuck." Anyway, thanks for your account which was steamy-hot and erotic to the max.

lifelong cuck said:
The difference you will see is that a husband in a hotwife marriage has at least an equal say in who fucks his wife.

That's only true if a hotwife chooses to allow her husband "equal say," or any say at all, in whom she fucks.

lifelong cuck said:
A cuckold has no control over who his wife screws and has to learn she’ll fuck whomever she wants whether he objects strongly to his cuckolder or not.

I'll have to agree with Puller on this one. Your definition of a "hotwife's husband" versus a "cuckold" is a distinction without a difference. (Note the former is called a "hotwife / cuckold husband" marriage :).)

Thanks again for your account of one of your experiences with your hot cuckoldress, which was very good.

A cuckold is related to control

Custer Laststand said:
Lifelong cuck,

I suppose I should say "Lifelong cuckold," given your distaste for being addressed as a "cuck." Anyway, thanks for your account which was steamy-hot and erotic to the max.

So pleased you recognise the irony in my name. I detest the Cuck part but in I also have such humiliation aspects over how I've given all control over to my cuckoldress that I wanted to apply the sort form to myself as chastisement.

Custer Laststand said:
Lifelong cuck,

That's only true if a hotwife chooses to allow her husband "equal say," or any say at all, in whom she fucks.

I'll have to agree with Puller on this one. Your definition of a "hotwife's husband" versus a "cuckold" is a distinction without a difference. (Note the former is called a "hotwife / cuckold husband" marriage :).)


To me there is a big distinction. In the circumstances you mention I believe the husband of the Hotwife would have crossed over to being a true cuckold. In any relationship I've seen where there is practical agreement between the husband and the wife the wife has not been UNFAITHFUL, if anything she has faithfully carried out her husband's wishes. It is only when she would stray into the area where she does not concur with him that she becomes unfaithful and moves from being a Hotwife and becomes a cuckoldress.

On many occasions from biblical times one partner has given permission to the other to have sexual relations with another for procreation purposes, the spouse didn't commit adultery, without adultery a cuckold hasn't taken place.

Custer Laststand said:
Lifelong cuck,

Thanks again for your account of one of your experiences with your hot cuckoldress, which was very good.


Thanks for your complimentary comments, I enjoyed thinking back to that night/day. My memories are all I have these days.
Rewriting the dictionary

I should just leave this alone, but I let myself get dragged in occaisionally.

If a wife has sex with someone other that her husband, her husband is a cuckold.
You can add various forms of humiliation to that, but it does not change the cuckold.
If the wife is dominant, the husband may be a submissive cuckold.
If the husband is dominant, he may be a dominant cuckold.
He could be a cuckold who is excited by being humiliated.
He could be a cuckold who is a masochist or a sadist.

It really doesn't matter what cuckold or hot wife means to anyone here. No one here has the personal power to revise the English language dictionary. If you try to communicate those labels to most people, they'll dismiss you as a marginal weirdo.

Oh, and I think the actor, Michael Douglas, has a very hot wife. But I have not idea whether or not she has sex with men other than her husband....which would make him a cuckold.

And the story that started all of this, was very hot.
Indy Hubby said:
...If a wife has sex with someone other that her husband, her husband is a cuckold.

...It really doesn't matter what cuckold or hot wife means to anyone here. No one here has the personal power to revise the English language dictionary.

And the story that started all of this, was very hot.

Yes, the story was schorching hot.

And yes, that's the definition of the word cuckold, despite protests on boards like this. Folks say, "That's what it used to mean." Sorry, consult all the major dictionaries. They define a cuckold as a man whose wife has sex with others. That's what it still means.

But who cares. That was a hot story.
A Cuckold is the husband of an unfaithful or adulterous wife

loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
Yes, the story was schorching hot.

And yes, that's the definition of the word cuckold, despite protests on boards like this. Folks say, "That's what it used to mean." Sorry, consult all the major dictionaries. They define a cuckold as a man whose wife has sex with others. That's what it still means.

Sorry definitions I see say:

cuckold - 6 dictionary results

cuck⋅old   /ˈkʌkəld/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuhk-uhld] Show IPA
–noun 1. the husband of an unfaithful wife.

–verb (used with object) 2. to make a cuckold of (a husband).


1200–50; ME cukeweld, later cok(k)ewold, cukwold < AF *cucuald (cf. MF cucuault), equiv. to OF cocu cuckoo + -ald, -alt pejorative suffix (see ribald ); appar. orig. applied to an adulterer, in allusion to the cuckoo's habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests

Related forms:

cuck⋅old⋅ly, adverb
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.
Cite This Source
cuck·old (kŭk'əld, kŏŏk'-) Pronunciation Key
n. A man married to an unfaithful wife.
tr.v. cuck·old·ed, cuck·old·ing, cuck·olds
To make a cuckold of.

[Middle English cokewald, from Anglo-Norman *cucuald, from cucu, the cuckoo, from Vulgar Latin *cuccūlus, from Latin cucūlus.]

Word History: The allusion to the cuckoo on which the word cuckold is based may not be appreciated by those unfamiliar with the nesting habits of certain varieties of this bird. The female of some Old World cuckoos lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, leaving them to be cared for by the resident nesters. This parasitic tendency has given the female bird a figurative reputation for unfaithfulness as well. Hence in Old French we find the word cucuault, composed of cocu, "cuckoo, cuckold," and the pejorative suffix -ald and used to designate a husband whose wife has wandered afield like the female cuckoo. An earlier assumed form of the Old French word was borrowed into Middle English by way of Anglo-Norman. Middle English cokewold, the ancestor of Modern English cuckold, is first recorded in a work written around 1250.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Cite This Source

Cuck"old\ (k?k"?ld), n. [OE. kukeweld, cokewold, cokold, fr. OF. coucoul, cucuault, the last syllable being modified by the OE. suffix -wold (see Herald); cf. F. cocu a cuckold, formerly also, a cuckoo, and L. cuculus a cuckoo. The word alludes to the habit of the female cuckoo, who lays her eggs in the nests of other birds, to be hatched by them.]

1. A man whose wife is unfaithful; the husband of an adulteress. --Shak.


Cuck"old\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cuckolded; p. pr. & vb. n. Cuckolding.] To make a cuckold of, as a husband, by seducing his wife, or by her becoming an adulteress. --Shak.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
Cite This Source

1. a man whose wife committed adultery

1. be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage; "She cheats on her husband"; "Might her husband be wandering?" [syn: cheat on]

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Cite This Source


c.1250, from O.Fr. cucuault, from cucu (see cuckoo) + pejorative suffix. So called from the female bird's alleged habit of changing mates, or her authentic habit of leaving eggs in another bird's nest. The verb is 1589, from the noun.
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper

So to me if a husband and wife conspire for the wife to have sex with another man with the husband's consent and blessing then she is neither unfaithful or adulterous, hence the husband has not been cuckolded.

It has not been simplified down to where: a woman has sex with someone other than her husband, the sex needs to have been unfaithful/adulterous.

In the case of Pete and his wife the distinction became even finer. Some time later they met someone and he had sex with Pete's permission but then his wife secretly commenced an affair with that person. Pete felt cheated on so took a mistress who he left his wife for, divorced her and she's still on her own. It was very much a matter of trust, permission and consent.
The original terminology was a husband who wore the cuckold horns and had no choice but to accept that his wife was going to fuck any guy she desired, because he was "victorious in battle but a disaster in bed". The whole village knew he was being cuckolded, and he realised that divorce would be pointless because his reputation would be known to other "replacement wives" he might consider marriage to him after his divorce.

A married couple who agree to "hot-wifing" is just a variance of the marriage vows of "to have and to hold to the exclusion of all others". It is not true old-fashioned cuckolding, but once the wife has gained confidence, she could easily consult Elsie Sutton and others, and take her husband down the path to a cuckold marriage with all the trimmings of humiliation, feminisation, chastity, queening, blindfolding, denial with BDSM thrown in, as well as money and asset control. Submission to the Bulls, washing their cars, weeding their gardens, paying for his wife's dating expenses and weekend holidays with the bull - the list goes on as far as the imagination expands.

The great thing about a hot-wife is that it "prepares a husband emotionally" to be cucked at a later date if the wife wants to go down that path.

She gets to try out lovers with her husband's consent, and if she likes it, she will set the new rules of the marriage to keep her husband monogamous OR UNDER HER THUMB.
So very true!

Saraha said:
The original terminology was a husband who wore the cuckold horns and had no choice but to accept that his wife was going to fuck any guy she desired, because he was "victorious in battle but a disaster in bed". The whole village knew he was being cuckolded, and he realised that divorce would be pointless because his reputation would be known to other "replacement wives" he might consider marriage to him after his divorce.

A married couple who agree to "hot-wifing" is just a variance of the marriage vows of "to have and to hold to the exclusion of all others". It is not true old-fashioned cuckolding, but once the wife has gained confidence, she could easily consult Elsie Sutton and others, and take her husband down the path to a cuckold marriage with all the trimmings of humiliation, feminisation, chastity, queening, blindfolding, denial with BDSM thrown in, as well as money and asset control. Submission to the Bulls, washing their cars, weeding their gardens, paying for his wife's dating expenses and weekend holidays with the bull - the list goes on as far as the imagination expands.

The great thing about a hot-wife is that it "prepares a husband emotionally" to be cucked at a later date if the wife wants to go down that path.

She gets to try out lovers with her husband's consent, and if she likes it, she will set the new rules of the marriage to keep her husband monogamous OR UNDER HER THUMB.

Really enjoyed your post and recognise so many of these things. For me I had a baptism of fire in that my first confirmation of being a cuckold I was widely presented with horns and all as my humiliation was witnessed by 40-50 guests at a party.
I'd like to add a few more items to your list that have cum from my own experiences.

1). Paying tradesmen knowing their bills included hours charged while riding your wife.

2). Fees for personal trainer, that is training your wife to be a better fuck.

3). Taxi driver, taking your wife to meet boyfriends and waiting until she's had her fun. Or in some cases driving him home the next day.

4). Making breakfast for the overnight guest.

5). Dinner, drinks and room bill for them while you wait in the bar at a local hotel.

6). Clean up guy of your wife's cummy pussy and fluff up of her boyfriend's cock between fucks.

7). Photographer, cinematographer for your wife and her lovers.

To name just a few and of course to your surpise so many more people know you have that pair of horns than you ever imagined.

More Words to Redefine

lifelong cuck said:
So to me if a husband and wife conspire for the wife to have sex with another man with the husband's consent and blessing then she is neither unfaithful or adulterous, hence the husband has not been cuckolded.

It has not been simplified down to where: a woman has sex with someone other than her husband, the sex needs to have been unfaithful/adulterous.

In the case of Pete and his wife the distinction became even finer. Some time later they met someone and he had sex with Pete's permission but then his wife secretly commenced an affair with that person. Pete felt cheated on so took a mistress who he left his wife for, divorced her and she's still on her own. It was very much a matter of trust, permission and consent.

This is a great solution. Instead of definitioning the word "cuckold" let's redefine the words "unfaithful" and "adultry".

There's only one problem. These words are much more commonly used and therefore, even more difficult to get the rest of the English speaking people to comply with the change.

Sorry, but regardless how deeply some of us are involved. or how long we been involved, the world does not care what we think. In fact, involvement would more likely work against that task.
I have always maintained that the lines are blured between a cucklod and hot wife relatiopnship and both have elements of the other (to one extent or another) in any given relationship.

Personally, I consider myself to have prmarily a hot wife with some elements of a cuckold relationship at times.

Those into extreme, hard core cuckold relationships are IMO, more into female domination.
Interesting thoughts here. To an extent I have to agree when the cuckold is ****** into this lifestyle by a cheating wife.

I had the choice all those years ago to either dump her ass (as some of my friends suggested) or to let her continue to cuckold me. In allowing her to do this it also emboldened her as she saw just how much she was allowed to get away with.
Thanks Mac

MacNfries said:
lifelong cuck thanks for the story and all the time and effort you took in clarifying the difference between cuckolding and hotwifing. Personally, I won't debate 10 or 12 definitions that all say the same thing, but can't understand why others would. I guess its just the way that person originally learned it. For example, if a person is raised by parents, being told the sky is red, it doesn't make any difference that everyone else says it's blue, to that one person, the sky is always going to be red simply because that was the way that person was originally taught. Its difficult to "unlearn" something.

In its simpliest definition, hotwifing is when a husband encourages his spouse to seek out other lovers (noting here that no unfaithfulness or cheating has taken place because the husband has encouraged her extra-marital activities).

Cuckolding takes place when the wife has taken other lovers while ignoring the wishes or the acknowledgement of her spouse that she remain faithful. If the husband is encouraging his wife to take lovers, she's NOT being unfaithful, and therefore, he is not being cuckolded. Practically every definition we read says this.

Cuckolding is usually mentally painful to the male spouse, while hotwifing adds additional excitement for the spouse. I've personally experienced cuckolding in a couple past relationships, and they were NOT enjoyable experiences. Mac

I agree with you 100% because I have had both experiences and cuckolding always hurt me and left me feeling inadequate to my wife. At one point in our marriage I felt my wife would screw any guy just as long as he wasn't me.

At another point I had a partner who with my concsent and often instigated by me had other men. It was always sexually exciting and never humiliating.

I've had both sides of the story and know that there is a world of difference between a hotwife and a cuckoldress. It is one of control, in a hotwife situation the MAN has control, in a cuckold relationship it is the WIFE.
Both are still cuckolding

lifelong cuck said:
I agree with you 100% because I have had both experiences and cuckolding always hurt me and left me feeling inadequate to my wife. At one point in our marriage I felt my wife would screw any guy just as long as he wasn't me.

Here, you are a cuckold whose wife is calling the shots and making you feel inadequate.

lifelong cuck said:
At another point I had a partner who with my concsent and often instigated by me had other men. It was always sexually exciting and never humiliating.

Here, you are a cuckold whose wife does not make you feel inadequate and in fact allows you to exercise some control.

lifelong cuck said:
I've had both sides of the story and know that there is a world of difference between a hotwife and a cuckoldress. It is one of control, in a hotwife situation the MAN has control, in a cuckold relationship it is the WIFE.

So you prefer to be a cuckold with some control rather than a cuckold with no control. You're still a cuckold in both situations... unless you're the guy who can can change the dictionaries.
MacNfries said:
.... or if you're a Republican, I say all this explanation is fruitless anyway. :rolleyes:

Very good....
A parable for this endless debate....

Lifelong cuck and MacNfries,

Perhaps you would find it of interest to read

Birth of a Cuckold - Fetish - Literotica.com

in which the author concludes, finally.... at the end.... he is a cuckold :p. (It's described as a true story. Whether it actually is true is left — as usual in such cases — to the judgment of the reader :rolleyes:.)

It's not my definition. It's the rest of the world's.

MacNfries said:
Indy ... if a man has REQUESTED or ASKED his wife to fuck other men ... how has she commited adultry, unless YOUR definition INCLUDES adultry against the marriage vows?????? How has she been UNFAITHFUL if she's done what her husband has requested? Please explain, because I, like most everyone else here, can READ with complete comprehension ... which seems to be your challenge! Bring us a definition (other than your own) that SUPPORTS your logic, that a man is a CUCKOLD if his wife simply fucks some other man. Possibly it would help if you'd go to Ask.com and insert What Is A HOTWIFE? or What Is HOTWIFING? and read THAT definition. If you get any definition OTHER THAN " a wife who fucks other men upon the request of her husband " or some configuration of that, please come back with it. Of course if you don't recognize ASK as a credible source, or if you're a Republican, I say all this explanation is fruitless anyway.

The problem that many of you have is that you want it to mean what YOU want. It's not my definition. It's the English speaking world's definition. And ask.com is not exactly a definitive resource. LOL It's just a search engine.

If believing truth and fact is more important than feelings and emotion makes me (in YOUR definition) a Republican, I'll wear that label with pride.

I love our language. I made sure my children grew up using an Oxford dictionary because it's the definitive dictionary of the English language. My family ribs me for having read the dictionary, cover to cover, a couple of times. I have the Oxford dictionary and Thesaurus installed on my Treo and use it daily.

That doesn't mean that I consider myself an authority on words. It does mean that I care, and am bothered by the careless way our language is abused. We are constantly losing our ability to communicate clearly because people don't know or care about the true meanings of the words they use.

Just like I wrote before. To get the word "cuckold" to work the way you would like, you'll either have to change the definition of cuckold or of unfaithful and adultery.


// Show Spelled Pronunciation [uh-duhl-tuh-ree] Show IPA –noun, plural -ter⋅ies. voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse.

1325–75; ME adulterie < L adulterium, equiv. to adulter (see adulterer) + -ium ; r. ME a(d)vouterie < OF avoutrie < L, with ad- ad- r. a a- 5

adultery definition [ə-dŭĺtə-rē, -trē]

(n.)Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse.

Dictionary.com · The American Heritage Dictionary

(See anything in there about permission? Me neither.)


// Show Spelled Pronunciation [uhn-feyth-fuh
l] Show IPA –adjective 1. not faithful; false to duty, obligation, or promises; faithless; disloyal. 2. not sexually faithful to a spouse or lover. 3. not accurate or complete; inexact: an unfaithful translation. 4. Obsolete. unbelieving; infidel.

1350–1400; ME unfeithful. See un- 1 , faithful

Related forms:
un⋅faith⋅ful⋅ly, adverb
un⋅faith⋅ful⋅ness, noun

PS There's an "E" in adultery.
MacNfries said:
...the definitive conclusion to the CUCKOLD definition relies on how a person defines the word, ADULTERY.

No, the definitive conclusion to defining cuckold resides with how the dictionary defines the words cuckold, unfaithful, spouse, etc. Jeez, give it a rest. I hate this arguement. You say you can find sources for alternate definitions, but those sources aren't recognised dictionaries. You're arguing for how the word is used on this webpage, a cuckold webpage. Here, yes, and on other hot wife and cuckold web pages, we use the terms as you do. Don't confuse our local, niche custom with how the word's defined. Just use the term and we'll understand you, don't argue that the real=world definition's changed.

As you'll se from my thread http://www.cuckolds.com/forums/general-cuckoldry/12256-im-new-member-my-story.html I shared my ex-wife and several girlfriends, and I'd love to have a new wife or girlfriend cuckold me with and without my knowlege. However, I don't tilt at windmills trying to argue against the dictionary.

When I shared my then-wife in couple's play, I was a cuckold and so was the other hubby although our wives played with our excited encouragement. Now, I'd love a girlfriend or wife who'd want me monogamous, but she'd go out and fuck other men, sometimes letting me know beforehand, sometimes after, and often not telling me at all. I'd want her to have me lick her lover(s) cum from her then tell me she's tired. I'd want her to tease me but not let me kiss or touch her the night before she goes out to fuck others.

So you see, my interests are the same as other cuckolds, but I don't pretend the dictionary doesn't exist.
Lifelong_cuck & MacNfries et al.,

loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
Jeez, give it a rest.

I agree.

If you are sure you are a true cuckold, then endeavour to live your life as the best cuckold you can be and do all you can to make your wife truly happy, so that the thought of divorcing you never enters her mind. If you play the role really well, you will be her Rock of Gibraltor that she discusses everything with BECAUSE SHE KNOWS YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGEMENTAL OF HER PRIMAL URGES.


Many so called "macho men" are just conceited bastards, and they "take a bride in marriage" and think they own her mind - that is why they are the last to find out that they have been cucked most of the marriage, and all her friends cover for her because they know what she has to put up with. They see it as their duty to help her cheat.

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