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6 Nov. 2012 has defined this as the year of women...

  • Thread starterCuster Laststand
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Custer Laststand

Beloved Member
Jul 18, 2007
Women stepped up to the plate and won big in the U.S. elections two days ago.

— Women made up 54% of the electorate on 6 Nov. 2012. Obama led Romney among women by 11%.

— New Hampshire, whose 4 electoral votes went to Obama, elected a democratic woman governor and two democratic women to the U.S. house of representatives. With two woman senators already in office (one Democratic, one Republican, neither up for re-election), New Hampshire became the first state to elect an all-woman U.S. congressional delegation AND a woman governor.

— Massachussetts, Wisconsin, and Hawaii elected their first female U.S. senators: Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, and Mazie Hirono.

— Tammy Baldwin (of Wisconsin) became the first openly lesbian woman (and gay person of any gender) elected to the U.S. senate. She defeated Tommy Thompson, a previously-popular multi-term Republican governor.

— Mazie Hirono (of Hawaii) became the first Asian-American elected to the U.S. senate.

— A record number of women, 20 (= 20%, up from 17%), will be U.S. senators starting in 2013.

— A record number of women (77, possibly 79 after close elections are evaluated = 18%) will have seats in the U.S. house of representatives starting in 2013. The house will have its largest incoming class of female representatives since 1992.

— The first women with combat experience were elected to the U.S. house of representatives: Tulsi Gabbard and Tammy Duckworth (Ms. Duckworth lost both of her legs in Iraq).

See also:

— Gender Gap In 2012 Election Aided Obama Win, Huffington Post, 7 November 2012.

— Women In Senate: 2012 Election Ushers In Historic Number Of Female Senators, Huffington Post, 7 November 2012.

— Wisconsin's Tammy Baldwin is first openly gay person elected to Senate, CNN, 7 November 2012.

— Hirono wins Hawaii race, will be first Asian-American female senator, The Hill, 7 November 2012.

— Thai-American Female Veteran Wins U.S. Seat, Wall Street Journal, 7 November 2012.
....And have you heard the Speaker of the house's rant over raising taxes? Where has this guy been the last few days? What is wrong with these loser (really LOSERS!) Those who ignore history are doomed to vote Republican.
One of the better columns summarizing the outcome of the 6 Nov. 2012 elections is by Ms. Maureen Dowd, published 10 Nov. 2012 in the New York Times. See:

Mitt Romney Won the Presidency of ….
Romney Is President - NYTimes.com

in which she comments:

“Team Romney has every reason to be shellshocked. Its candidate, after all, resoundingly won the election of the country he was wooing. Mitt Romney is the president of white male America.”

A brief but relevant comment also appears in Taegan Goddard’s political wire, 11 Nov. 2012. See:

The Decline of the Christian Right
The Decline of the Christian Right

Which brings to mind the column published by Ms. Ruth Lopez in OpEd News, 9 Mar. 2012, after the preeminent right-wing windbag Rush Limbaugh spent three days slandering Ms. Sandra Fluke (a law student at Georgetown University) as “a slut and a **********…” (to mention only two of his innumerable insults) because she testified, by invitation, at a congressional hearing convened by Ms. Nancy Pelosi (House Minority Leader), on the need for health insurance policies offered by Catholic-sponsored institutions — like her institution, Georgetown University — to include coverage for the cost of birth control for women. See:

Limbaugh vs. Ms. Sandra: “Why Rush Limbaugh went off on Sandra Fluke, and what the hell is up with the GOP?”
OpEdNews - Article: Why Rush Limbaugh went off on Sandra Fluke - and what the hell is up with the GOP?

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