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The Key

The Key

By Don Jetman

I lay on our bed as she tried dress after dress. She inspected her reflection, glanced at me in the mirror, and asked the same question after each one.

"Would he like this one better?"

I had never seen any of them before - not a single dress a loving wife would have bought to please her husband. There were black ones and red ones, one made of shimmering silver, and a white sheath that was nearly transparent. They were all so much shorter than anything I had seen her wear, and a few barely contained her full bust providing a daring display that threatened to ****** a hint of pink where her nipples strained against the fabric. I was shocked at first, then utterly overwhelmed with nervous expectation.

"I like all of them," I confessed, my mouth dry, my gut churning. "But how am I supposed to know what dress he'll like?"

She grinned, her eyes now fixed on me in the mirror.

"Welll, he's your boss, sweetie. You should know all kinds of things about him. You let him put his hands on me all night long back then at your company awards dinner. Maybe I should wear the same dress I wore that night. Do you remember which one it was?"

I remembered all right. The little black number with the slit up the side that showed so much thigh. The night it all started. I remembered how I ignored his hand on her thigh at first, then later when he explored between her legs under our table. He was my boss. What was I supposed to do? Besides, It got me a little hard knowing he couldn't resist, that my wife was such a tempting prize to him, right there in front of me. It was partly the shock as well, that he looked straight into my eyes and grinned at me as he groped her. And she didn't seem to mind. Not one bit.

"I don't remember much about that night, except by the end of it I was pretty *****," I said.

Her grin grew wider, and she nodded.

"That I remember very well, sweetie. You disappeared and Charles had to drive me. You lost your wallet and he had to pay the cab fare at three o'clock in the morning when you finally found your way home. That look on your face..."

She was still grinning.


That night. The night I was terrified he'd fuck her. That he'd fuck my beautiful wife. She had been so taken with him. So uncharacteristically girly around him. So deferential to him. Like I wasn't even there. They were in the shower together at home when I finally found them, her giggling, him teasing her about what a dirty little wife she was. I stood there without a sound, staring into the frosted glass as two wet, naked bodies pressed against it from the other side. It had been no surprise that he'd try to fuck my wife - he was known for the otherwise dangerous pursuit of wife-fucking. But he was the boss, our CEO, and few dared to out him or retaliate. Marriages simply mysteriously dissolved, or became tense, silent, sexless "partnerships" after his conquests. For us it had become much, much different.

I don't know why I got hard watching them. I can't remember taking my dick out and masturbating. I stood there listening to Amanda's glowing compliments about his cock. I do remember the shower door opening, the horrified look on Amanda's face, and his unapologetic grin as they stood naked before me with his arm around her waist. I remember staring at his flaccid cock, imagining it had been inside my Amanda only minutes before. I remember her dark hair slick and wet against her neck and shoulders, her nipples still urgent and hard as droplets of water fell from them. And then his laughter.

That's when everything changed. He said he'd pay my fare if I'd finish myself then and there, in front of them. He wanted to see me cum. To cum knowing he had just fucked my wife. The mist from the shower seemed to envelop me as though I had lost my way and stumbled into a mystical cloud of some unreal fantasy. I wonder to this day why I didn't stop, why I didn't show rage or turn and run. Instead I stroked myself, transfixed by the image of them there together, imagining his semen pouring from her pussy into the shower drain. I tried. I really did. And I really failed.

"I - I just - can't," I stammered after a while. "Just, um, too much to drink..."

Suddenly they were in front of me, near to me, dripping water on the floor at my feet. His wide grin. Her look of astonished surprise.

"I'll pay anyway," he told me. "It was worth showing your wife what you're made of. Right, Amanda?"

She nodded slowly, wide-eyed and shivering with her arms crossed over her bare breasts.

I thought I had lost her, but I was wrong. I just hadn't understood her newfound lust for cock. His cock.


Amanda never really understood. Not really. And Charles never brought it up at work. In fact, he was more generous with praise and lightened my workload a bit. Then I'd come home to find them fucking in our bed at the end of the day, shrink away in horror, and have him thank me on his way out the door. Well, not thanks, actually. At first it was, "She's an amazing fuck," then, "She's just so hungry for cock - don't you ever give her any?" I'd look at the floor, mumble some kind of reply and feel my dick start to twitch. Eventually I secretly hoped to find them fucking, lost in the fantasy, recalling the image of the thick, throbbing root of his cock buried to the hilt in my Amanda. Then my guts would churn. But I was still hard.

"So, that's what you want?" Amanda finally asked. "Or at least it excites you? Charles and I having sex, here in our bed?"

I could never explain to her how I both loved and hated it at the same time. I tried. I mostly failed.

"So, we can do it as often as we want?" she'd ask. "Whenever we want? Even if it means you and I can't have sex as often because I'm doing it with Charles?"

How was I supposed to make her understand? I craved her body more every day as the fantasies settled over me like a sometimes warm, sometimes smothering blanket. Charles exhausted her, so sex between us became less frequent, just as she had predicted. When we fucked, she'd thank me. "You're so sweet to let me have this. To let me have a cock like his. To let me cum so much more often than we used to before Charles." In time she embraced our arrangement, mostly while my dick was in her. "You want him to fuck me, don't you? You know, don't you, that his cock is bigger? How much I love it inside me?"

It became my trigger. I'd cum when she used the words. When she confessed he was better. When she gladly sacrificed sex with me to fuck him - with his huge cock. She'd put the image in my head, massage it, color it, bring it to life. Then I'd watch her drooling cum-face as she thought of him and his ever-potent cock. Her unintentional gift to me - my reward for giving her to him.

Most days Amanda was still the wife I had known and loved for ten years. As beautiful, cheerful, and accommodating a wife as any man could wish for. But there were times when the fever in her belly, the hunger between her legs, made her his for hours - very long, angst-filled hours as I watched or waited for him to use her and retreat. The pain became addictive. Seeing Amanda's eyes stare into his as he fucked her. Hearing her cries and moans as he plunged into her. The adoration on her face as she lay under him in afterglow, his cock and spew now a delicious, treasured part of her marriage. But it wasn't enough for Charles.

"It was Charles's idea," she told me. "It fits over your penis like a little cage. He wants more of me, to control your 'access' to me, as he put it. I think it's just part of his kinky little games, but he's serious. If you don't, he won't fuck me anymore. So will you try it? For me? Please?"

Giving more of her to him was just fire to the fantasy. More of his huge cock ravaging her pussy, more of the angst that fueled my excuse to let him have her, more of the intoxication of the images, sounds, and sloppy aftermath Amanda used to lure me further into Charles's maze of submission. So I submitted, for Amanda.


She decided on the dress without my help. It was a scrap of screaming, shimmering blue, stretched over her breasts and hips, offering every curve and crevice to anyone without a second glance. She was flesh in a blue wrapper, her body brazenly daring, begging to be unwrapped and consumed. I remembered the day when she'd have sneered at a woman in the dress, so sure she was a slut or ******. I gasped when I noticed the jutting mound above her pussy and a hint of the cleft between the outline of engorged, swollen labia just beneath the wisp of fabric. The dress might as well have been transparent below her waist.

"You're really going out in that, with nothing underneath?" I asked. "Where's he taking you?"

"I have no idea. But it's sweet of you to be concerned. He just likes to show me off. His friends think it's hot that he's fucking someone's wife and that my husband knows. I'm flattered that they all want me too, but Charles makes it clear I belong to him - well, at least my body does. I'll spend the night with Charles and have him drop me back here sometime tomorrow. So don't worry, I'll be in good hands."

"I'm used to imagining you in his hands," I told her, reluctantly. "So, while I'm thinking of you with him, could you let me out of this thing? At least for tonight? It's rubbing me raw, and I really need to cum. It's been almost a month now. I promise to imagine his big cock in you when I cum. Please?"

Amanda opened one of her dresser drawers and rummaged through layers of winter clothing. She retrieved a tiny hinged box, opened it, found the key to my cage under the false bottom, and put it in her purse.

"Just a little longer," she promised. "Charles tells me you'll thank him, eventually. We know how desperately you want my pussy. And as my husband, you deserve to have it. But the longer you go without, the longer you see me give it to Charles whenever he wants it, the better sex will be when he agrees to let you have me. Just try not to think about my lips sealed around his cock, sucking every last drop of cum out of him after he fucks me for hours tonight. Try to be patient - it'll only be another month or two..."

The Key - 2

The Key - 2

The key to my cage wasn't the only way Charles had chosen to cuckold me. He convinced Amanda that he should have his own key to our house. It was a Sunday afternoon when he and Amanda sat me down in our living room and told me. Charles sat beside her on our sofa and explained his request as though it was something I should have expected. It wasn't.

"It'll make things easier for all of us," he told me. "I can be with Amanda whenever I want, or whenever she wants me, and we won't have to find a hotel after a night out. You'll never have to worry about her safety or where she is all night. It'll be a favor to you, really."

"But, people will see you together when you take her out, won't they?" I asked. "Are you promising that will stop as long as you can keep things private here?"

"Of course not," Charles explained. "We'll still go out on our weekly 'dates'. Amanda loves the fine dining and nightlife. It wouldn't be fair to her. You wouldn't want to deprive her of the things she loves, would you?"

I couldn't help imagining her in the scandalous dresses she wore for him, her arm in his as he paraded her here and there through the city like a trophy. Everyone would see them together. Everyone would suspect. Our friends, neighbors, the people I worked with - they'd all assume he's fucking my wife. I imagined Amanda there beside him, her delicious body irresistible, her face glowing, and though unseen to others, her cunt dripping in anticipation for the end of the evening when he'd slide his immense cock inside her and she'd cum for him, over, and over, and over.

"But, what will I tell people?" I asked, nervously. "The other managers at work will all know. What will I say to them when they see you and Amanda together? I have to work with these people. How will I face them every day?"

Charles put his hand on Amanda's knee and moved the hem of her cotton dress higher as he spoke to me. She glanced at me, then watched his fingers trail along the inside of her bare thigh. Her dress was nearly at her waist when she moved her legs apart and his finger began to stroke the dampening crease of her panties. I heard her take a sudden, halting breath, then saw the corners of her wide mouth rise in a shivering, shy, helpless smile.

"The people you're so concerned about know who I am, what I do. They won't say a thing. They won't act any differently toward you. Why? Because they'll do anything to protect the extravagant lifestyles I provide. And, I've had their wives, every one of them. And believe it or not, they let me have them, without a hint of objection. Oh, and their wives, well, I can assure you, they have absolutely no objection either. I'm no longer surprised at how so many neglected wives dream of a cock like mine and greedily accept it while their limp-dicked, overworked husbands slave away just to please me. I'm sure you know the feeling - well, you do now."

I shouldn't have been surprised at what he told me. His reputation as a player, as a wife-fucker, was legendary. But had I neglected Amanda? Had I spent too many hours at work and too few satisfying her in our bed? Had I missed his perverted interest in her early on? Had I taken for granted the attention men constantly showered on her and carelessly assumed he was just one of many envious admirers?

"So, what happens now?" I asked. "Do we just go on like this, you and Amanda fucking while I stand by trapped in this cage thing? Does it ever end? When will making me wear this thing night and day end?"

"What happens now is up to you," he told me. "How willing are you to behave? To do what you're told? Without question?"

Amanda struggled to appear calm while his fingers pried aside the narrow strip of panties and began to milk her clit with maddening precision. She had spread her knees with her legs splayed; I could openly see her wet center and engorged clit and labia. Her head was turned away from me, her eyes closed, her breathing even and deep.

"And if I don't?" I asked. "If I refuse and go to the board with the truth about your little wife-fucking game?"

He just grinned at me, still busy between Amanda's legs. "Fine. Go ahead. Make it public. Let everyone know how much your wife loves my cock. I have pictures to prove it. And you'll probably never work again, at least not for any of the businesses where I have any influence, and there are quite a few. Meanwhile, the life you've provided for Amanda, the privileged one she's grown to love, will vanish. Maybe then she'd be happier with someone like me - someone with money and a big cock. Would you like that, Amanda?"

She was panting, still looking away from me, when she moaned, "Unh..Unh..Unh.." She was so utterly in heat, her breasts rising and falling as though she struggled to take in the air she needed to go on.

"I'm not sure that was a 'yes', but I'll let you imagine it was," he suggested. "She's always so delirious while she's coming. Have you found that to be true? Or, maybe not..."

In the moment, I couldn't see a way out. He had obliterated every option I could think of, except one.

"If I agree?" I offered. "To have you do what you want with her? And to 'behave'?"

"Then I take your sweet wife upstairs to your bed, just as I'll so immensely enjoy from now on, and fuck her senseless as you sit here and ponder your successful future with me. But I would like an additional favor from you first. As an offer of your willing participation in our little threesome, why don't you strip her before Amanda and I go to bed? You'd like that, wouldn't you, Amanda? Witnessing your husband's eagerness to let you have my cock in you again?"

Then she was standing before me, her body trembling, head bowed with her green eyes hidden from sight.

"Now Amanda, be a good girl," he said. "Tell your husband what you want."

Her words were quiet but clear. "Do what he says. Strip me."

The light cotton dress slid from her body after I unfastened the last button, and she stepped out of it. Her breasts fell free, round and heavy, as I unhooked the clasps of her bra and pulled the straps from her delicate shoulders. I had never imagined stripping Amanda naked for another man. It was as though I was his servant, ****** to prepare her for some yet unseen act of depravity. The sleek lines of her naked body never failed to get me hard, and the cage dug into me as I stood there beside her waiting for his final approval.

"I'm curious," he told me, finally. "Do you expect me to fuck your wife with her panties on? Is that how you fuck her?"

Surrendering all hope of escaping my final humiliation, I began to lower her panties, at first over her round little ass, then down along her thighs.

"No no no, man! Show a little respect, will you? On your knees, from the back, so I can see what I own now. You know? That part of your wife that I own? What is it? Tell me!"

I wasn't to be spared anything, even the gut-wrenching admission that I had no choice other than to offer him Amanda's body, piece by piece.

"Her pussy," I told him, burning with shame. "You own her pussy."

"Then show me what I own. Be a good husband. Strip her naked for me, then beg me to fuck her. And make it sound like you mean it."

I could feel the heat pour from her body as I lowered the panties down her legs, then over her bare feet as she stepped out of them. Her slim thighs were parted just enough for me to see between them, her swollen, juicy cunt open and hungry for cock. I wanted to touch her there, to put just a single finger between her sopping pussy lips and enter her before he put his cock in her. I told myself even that would be some consolation, to enter my wife however briefly before he did - to feel her clenching pussy around my finger and know it was me who excited her first. But would I dare take the chance, there on my knees before the man who could ruin us?

"Amanda and I are waiting to hear you beg," he warned. "I'm sure it's frustrating for her, waiting here impatiently for my cock while her husband keeps her from it. We need to hear you beg!"

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it." The words stuck in my throat with consuming, helpless surrender.

"P-please, fuck my wife."

"That doesn't sound very convincing to me," he said. "We need to hear you beg like the life you now know depends on it."

"Please, please fuck my wife! Please fuck Amanda! I want you to - I really do! Please!"

"Did you hear that, Amanda?" he asked, leering at her naked breasts and pussy. "Do you think he's sincere? That he wants my cock in you? Upstairs in your bed? Any time I want you?"

She lifted her eyes to meet his when she answered. "I do. I do, Charles."

Her words sounded almost like marriage vows. Words so soft and certain, words that made her pussy drip as I stared between her legs on my knees behind her.

I stood, and he took her hand and led her to the stairs. He stopped her there while he whispered in her ear. Then she turned toward me, her delicious body on display, so warm and inviting under the dimmed overhead lights.

"I do want him to fuck me," she promised. "I want you to know that. I love his big cock. You have to let me have it now. You have to. You have no choice."

I told myself he had made her say those things, that in her heart she was still mine. I told myself his huge cock couldn't take her from me, that she'd still love me, still be my wife, in spite of the sex she now craved with him. But his hands were on her as they climbed the stairs - on her tits and ass, his fingers bunched together and thrust up inside her. And then her breathless response, "Oh Charles, Oh God, yes, Charles..."

I had never heard the sounds Amanda made before as I listened for hours at the foot of the stairs. At first there were the familiar moans, then guttural animal sounds that finally became shrieking obscenities. Then came her desperate begging for more, more of his "amazing fucking cock" that filled the house with no concern that I night overhear. Her shrieking would rattle me again soon after, sounds that made me imagine his cock so impossibly large that she was barely able to take it. Finally, it was his growls and grunts that assured me he was filling Amanda with unending jets of semen that would pool inside her until morning. Leaving his sperm in Amanda long after he departed was his ultimate claim to her, his certain reminder to me that her pussy was his alone now - that I had no rights to it at all. She may still be my wife, but as long as I was caged, sex with Charles would be the only sex she'd want or need. And Charles would see to it that she needed it more often than I ever imagined.

And yet, while I waited through the night for him to use Amanda, hour after hour, my erection returned again and again inside the cage. Images filled my mind of his cock stretching her, filling her to depths she had never known. I'd imagine her long legs wrapped around him, her hands gliding over his chest and arms as he plunged into her, the sweet face of my wife staring up at him in wonder and awe as she begged him not to stop. I wondered if she was having the best sex of her life, and if she'd always compare me to him. Would she remain some kind of sex trophy to him, always craving, always hungry for his huge cock, made to 'service' him at a moment's notice in our own bed? I thought about the possible future, Amanda and I still in a loving marriage, except that all her sexual needs would be met by Charles while I learned to accept that he truly did own her body for as long as he wished.

I was tortured with all that through the night - sick that all of it might actually come true. Yet under the surface, churning and boiling, was shameful excitement, teasing a constant flow of precum from me that soaked the cage and the sofa under me by morning. How could I want my Amanda to be ravaged and ultimately satisfied by a man with total power over me and our future? How could I envision her delicate, stunningly perfect body willingly enslaved by the ultimate Alpha male while I stood by and watched him use her as a receptacle for his cum, mere meat for his voracious, depraved appetite. And yet, over and over, the image of her, fully impaled by his immense cock and begging desperately for more, had me endlessly hard.

The Key - 3

The Key - 3

When I woke the next morning, Charles was gone. I opened my eyes when I felt Amanda's hand on my cheek as I lay on the sofa, exhausted from a fitful night's sleep. She was naked, her curls a tangled mess with scattered patches of Charles's crusted semen clinging to strands of sweat-soaked hair. I could smell his cologne on her, his lingering reminder that she had been his all night and would be for many nights to come.

"Was it terrible for you?" she asked, quietly. "Charles can be so demanding a times, but I had no idea he'd make you do those things."

Her body was so temping, so mouthwatering, even after she had been used beyond anything I could have possibly done in our past. She smiled when I ran my hands over shoulders, breasts, and belly. Then, between her legs, I felt the lingering, sticky pool of his semen still seeping from her. I pulled back, staring at my slimy fingers, suddenly put in my place again by Charles' parting gift.

"So, he came in you again this morning?" I asked. "Did he just leave? I didn't hear him go."

"I'm so sorry, honey. He wanted me one more time, and you know how I love sex in the morning. I just can't seem to say 'no' to him, and, well, you know we really have no choice."

"Can you please unlock me now?" I begged. "This thing's so painful, and I'm so hard seeing you naked so close to me."

"Charles won't allow me to have sex with you without his permission even if I could unlock you. But he has the key now. It's the only way he can be sure I'm, well, 'faithful' to him, as he put it. I wish I could. I didn't know it would be so painful. And I know you want to fuck me so badly. Give me some time to talk to Charles. Maybe I can get him to agree to let you out now and then if I promise to - "

She stopped mid-sentance as if finishing was something I wouldn't want to hear.

"If you promised him what, Amanda? Do you think he'd really agree?"

She took my hand and removed it from her thigh. "This is what I'd have to promise - that you couldn't touch me like that, ever. He doesn't just want to fuck me, sweetheart - he wants to own my body completely, every inch of me. I told him I couldn't do that to you, that we're still married and we love each other. We need that kind of affection, the hand-holding, the carressing, and I love kissing you, even if we can't make love anymore. Still, if you really want me to, I could probably trade my agreement for him freeing you. Would you want me to do that?"

I could see in her eyes that she was serious, that she'd consider giving all of her body to him in exchange for my freedom. But how could I live with that? Forbidden to touch or kiss my own wife? Knowing he'd have her entire body all to himself, his hands groping her in public, his cock in her constantly?

"I can't ask you to consider it, Amanda. I can't lose the rest of you, the small physical part of you I can still enjoy. I'm sure this will end eventually, and surrenderring all of you to him would be almost like you having a second husband, one who is just with you to fuck you."

She smiled at me and took my hand again, placing it on her breast. "Well, let me talk to him anyway. Maybe we can come to a compromise. There has to be way I can help. Now I need a hot shower to help me recover. Come with me. You can soap me all over and shampoo and condition my hair. My entire body doesn't belong to him, at least not yet."

We spent a long time under the steaming shower, washing each other, touching and stroking, enjoying the sensation of our naked bodies pressed together as we kissed. I moaned when Amanda cupped my balls in her hand, massaging them gently with her fingers.

"Is he better than me?" I whispered. "Do you cum harder?"

"Is that something you really want to know, darling?"

"Please," I begged. "Tell me. I need to know."

"I can feel you thrusting against me, sweetie. And your cage looks like it might burst. Is this turning you on? Does it excite you when you think of me with him? When you think of him making me cum?"

"Please don't make me say it - just tell me," I begged again.

"I'm just surprised, that's all," she answered. She began to whisper close to my ear as she palmed my balls. "But if you really want to know, in a way he is better. The way he handles me and talks to me, so forcefully and in control. But you know that, don't you? That I love the way he demands my submission to him? And honestly, the way he demands your submission too. At times I feel like he 'owns' both of us, and that makes me soo wet. Is that too much for you to hear?"

"Tell me, Amanda. Is he really big? A lot bigger than me? Do you love how his cock feels inside you? Do you cum harder for him than you do with me? The truth, Amanda? Please?"

"You poor thing," she whispered softly in my ear. "You're so worked up, so excited. I can feel your heart pounding. But if you want, I'll tell you." She closed her hand over my balls and squeezed lightly, over and over as she spoke. "He's wondeful in bed, honey. Yes, better than you. Better than you've ever been. I'm addicted to his giant cock. It stretches me, fills me, and I cum so hard when all of it's buried inside me. It's the kind of sex I've always wanted, the way I always imagined it should be."

Her hand closed more tightly around my balls, pulling at them, then exploring, digging into them with her fingers. I gasped, afraid she might be so deeply taken by her story that she might lose control and crush them. But I was still so hard inside the cage, so urgently hard for her, so painfully hard to have her tell me how she wanted his 'giant' cock more than mine. I could feel my orgasm building as she played with me. The cage was soaked with my precum. It flowed through the metal bars and made her hand slippery as she rolled my balls between her fingers.

"Oh, sweetie - no, you can't cum! He'll be so angry if he asks me, and I can't lie to him. I'll stop. There - see? Now I can tell Charles I didn't let you cum. He wants you to save all your cum for later - when it will feel so much better for you. I shouldn't have teased you so much. But sweetie, you got so excited. You do imagine us together, don't you? Having a powerful man like Charles fuck me does excite you, doesn't it? It's okay - you can tell me. Please tell me sweetie. It will make everything so much better."

"Fuck, Amanda, I need to cum so badly! It's been so long! I can't help it, but yes, thinking of his big dick in you excites me. Thinking of you cumming under him excites me. That he owns your pussy, and maybe every inch of your body soon excites me. I don't know why, but it does. Yes, a powerful man sticking his huge cock in my wife excites me. And it sickens me. And then excites me even more. Now you know."

Amanda put her arms around me and hugged me, her slick, firm body so warm and wet against me. As much as I wanted her, something in me began to accept that her body was now Charles' property, and that it was exactly what she wanted. Maybe she deserved his huge cock. Maybe I never gave her what she needed in bed. Maybe she was meant to have a cock like his.

"See, now isn't that better?" she told me. "All you had to do was tell me. It won't be so bad, will it? And I can promise you that Charles has some very kinky surpries for us. Maybe you'll even get to cum soon."

"Has he said that? That it will happen soon? And when it does, will you even want my dick after having his now?"

She reached down and took my caged dick in her hands, lifting it slightly as if testing its size and weight. I could feel the tips of her fingers through the spaces in the metal bars, her nails grazing the sensitive skin hear he tip where my precum still flowed constantly. Then she looked into my eyes as if peering inside me.

"It's been so long, sweetie, that I almost forget what you're like down there. After seeing your little thing trapped inside that cage for so long, I can't remember it being any bigger than it is now, just a few inches long. I'm sure it must have been, but we both know you've never had a dick you were proud of. But honestly, there's something reassuring about seeing you like this. We don't want to anger Charles, and in a way it's comforting to know you have to follow his rules, that your penis is so non-threatening when it's locked up like his. It does help you to behave for Charles, and he loves that."

"But do you, Amanda? You can't enjoy seeing me made a prisoner like this, can you? I get so hard when I see you naked for him, and it's so painful like this. Don't you miss making love with me? Sometimes it's like you have no sympathy for me at all."

She rolled her eyes at me, released my balls, and stepped out of the shower. I followed her, watching her towel her delicious body from head to toe. Imagining Charles' hands on her was unbearaable.

"If you're going to start pitying yourself I can't help you," she said, now making an effort to avoid looking at me. "You should know that while you're whining about your dick, it makes me wet knowing you have to let him have me, that a man like Charles has gelded my husband while he uses me. It isn't all about dick size, sweetie. Maybe if you had been more like Charles over the years, just 'taking' me like I've always dreamed a man should, none of this would have happened. Anyway, he wants you to start dressing me, so come along and I'll show you some of the new clothes he wants me to wear. And don't bother getting dressed yourself. The only way to get over your self-pity is to keep your cage on display around the house. I'm not sure I believe him, but he says you'll be proud of it eventually, just like you'll be proud to give my body to a man like him when I need to be fucked. Do you think that's true? I mean, you're already hard every time he puts his cock in me. Maybe you will learn to be proud of becoming my sweet cuckold husband..."

The Key - 4

The Key - 4

Charles wasted no time finding excuses to use our house key. It seemed as if he was there constantly. I'd come home from work to find Amanda naked, on her knees, blowing him just inside the large bay window at the front of our house. I'd marvel at how desperately she worked on him, using her hands and mouth to edge him before he took her upstairs to our bed. Anyone passing by could see Amanda servicing him. I wondered how I'd face our neighbors, what I'd say to my best friend next door if he quietly told me Amanda was being unfaithful with this tall, powerful man who parked his Maserati in our driveway every day.

Knowing he'd want dinner not long after he finished using Amanda's body, I'd make one of his favorite dishes and serve both he and Amanda at our dining room table. He'd let me sit and eat with them most nights while he explained in juicy detail what he had done to Amanda just minutes before and how she loved every second of it.

"I can't believe you've kept this gorgeous creature's talents a secret for so long," he'd tell me. "It really does piss me off a bit that as long as you've worked for me you never told me how tight Amanda's pussy really is. But then, maybe it never felt that way to someone with your 'equipment'. Amanda tells me she didn't cum when you fucked her. Did you have any idea she was faking all those orgasms during the years you two have been married? A pity she didn't let me know sooner. But from what she tells me, she would have offered her pussy to me on her own eventually. She was just waiting for the right place and time."

Amanda reacted with a sudden frown, then 'shushed' him as though he was going too far.

"Charles! I didn't say that! Well, not exactly."

"Exactly how did you say it then?" he asked. "You've complained more than once that he couldn't make you cum."

"I said he couldn't very often, not that he never could, Charles. There's a big difference."

"Not to me there isn't. A real man should be able to make his wife cum every time, more than once. Did you ever tell him, Amanda? Did you tell him about that old boyfriend he never knew about, the one with a cock almost as big as mine? How you were disappointed that your husband's cock just didn't do it for you? That he was a disappointment from the night of your honeymoon to the day I first fucked you? That you were wet every time we met at a company party and I whispered in your ear that I'd have you sooner or later?"

Amanda looked down at her lap, suddenly quiet and still, then looked across the table at me. "I'm - I'm so sorry, honey - that you had to find out this way. But I always knew it wasn't your fault that your penis is small - at least smaller than my past boyfriends. But I fell in love with you, not your penis. I just liked to kiss and cuddle with you, and I did cum now and then. Maybe I did fantasize about a man with a bigger cock fucking me someday - it's just that I missed that so much, year after year. There were so many times when Charles flirted with me and then simply touched my hair or neck when you weren't looking, and I'd glance down to see the bulge in his pants and fantasize about what his cock must be like when he was hard, or what it might feel like inside me and the orgasms I'd have then. But it's not your fault. I know you can't help being born with a small penis. I just wish you would try harder in bed."

I never knew what to say to them during their talks with me. I took it all in, struggled with all the secrets Amanda had revealed to Charles, and felt smaller and smaller when I thought back over the years of our marriage when Amanda suffered in silence while she hungered for the kind of sex I couldn't give her. How many men had she fantasized about? How many had she reluctantly refused when they wanted to fuck her? And what was it about Charles that broke her resistance and finally let her fantasy Alpha man use her as he wished, knowing I may just stand by and allow it?

"Charles, we have to talk about letting him out of his cage eventually, at least temporarily." Amanda had turned to him and put her hand in his lap. I could tell her fingers were massaging his cock as she began to try to persuade him. "I don't think it's healthy to keep him from coming for such a long time. I'm not asking you to let him fuck me, or to let me touch his dick. But might you be satisfied with something else? Maybe we could just watch him jerk off while you tell him how many ways you love fucking me. Wouldn't that prove to you that he's accepted you as the only one who can fuck me now? Isn't that what you want, knowing he's given up trying to fuck me? Knowing you've defeated him and have taken my body for yourself?"

I watched and listened quietly as Amanda pleaded her case. Charles had brought her downstairs to dinner just after they fucked, and she wore only a black, lacy robe wrapped around her at the last minute and tied at the waist. It was nearly transparent, and the sight of her firm breasts and pouting nipples through the fabric made my dick strain at the bars of my cage. I couldn't help imagining how his hands must have felt on her, how the sight and feel of her slim, silky body must have had him hard instantly. Was she thinking how much better he was than me as he pistoned in and out of her tight little pussy? Did she beg him to fuck her, and then took the full length and girth of his cock, wishing she could have had a man like him in her bed since the day we were married?

"It's admirable that you have so much pity for him, Amanda," he told her. "But I don't think it's time yet. Yes, he knows you'd rather fuck me than him now. And he may be on his way to accepting it. But he has to want it, Amanda. He has to give your body to me willingly. He has to see us as the perfect sexual couple and himself as the undeserving eunuch. I don't want him hard at all when he sees you naked. He has to be broken from that, to relish the fact that you only want my cock now, and that you're not a sexual object of any kind to him. That's when he deserves his freedom."

Amanda looked over at me, her eyes hopeful that I'd understand. "So, can you do that, sweetie? Can you give up thinking of my body as yours and find pleasure in giving me to him? You told me you get hard imagining Charles and me fucking in our bed. At least that's a start. Can you learn to be happy giving me a beautiful home life while I get all the sex I need from Charles?"

"All the sex?" I asked, stunned at her proposal. "You mean we'd never have sex, ever again?"

"Well, 'never' is a pretty strong word, sweetie. I suppose there might be a time when Charles grows tired of me and gives me back to you. I'd really miss his cock, but I know he'll want one of the new, younger wives eventually. But you shouldn't count the hours until that day comes. He says my pussy's tighter than any wife he's had so far. Couldn't you settle for just doing yourself if he lets you out of your cage? We could get you some dirty movies to watch, maybe even ones we make when Charles and I fuck. You could learn to think of sex as an activity I do with Charles, not you, every time you cum. Imagine jerking off as much as you want, grateful that Charles gives me every bit of cock that I need, and that you don't disappoint me anymore."

I watched Amanda's nipples get harder as she spoke to me. I cringed when I realized that making me her eunuch was exciting her. She had freed Charles' cock from his pants and was milking it gently with her fingers, making sure I could see every caress. Her face was hopeful, both that I would agree to take her advice, and that she might own his cock just as he owned her body.

"Maybe what he needs is a harsher lesson, Amanda," Charles said. "I think it's time we give him that. From what you've told me, he's ready."

It was disturbing to see Amanda turn down the bedspread and sheets on our bed for him as though she was inviting him to fuck her there. I stood in the open doorway and watched, shaking with fear.

"Well, come in and sit, here in this chair by the foot of the bed. I want you to remember each of Amanda's gasps and moans while I show you how it's done. Try to remember that each little sound she makes is for me, not you. You'll see a new look in her eyes, and a kind of smile on her face you've never seen before. Try to find pleasure in the fact that she's saving your job and the lifestyle you both enjoy. It all makes sense, doesn't it? That I should enjoy her body whenever I want, and that you learn to be happy to give her back the sex life she's been so hungry for, for so many years now."

They embraced at the side of the bed, kissing deeply and passionately. He stripped the robe off her and she quickly removed his clothes as if she was impatient to get his cock in her. They kissed again, their naked bodies pressed tightly together.

"Tell me," he ordered.

"I want you, not him," Amana answered without hesitation.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you fuck me better, Charles. You make me cum."

"Such a dirty little wife," he teased. "You don't even care that your husband's listening."

"He has to know," she said between gasping breaths. "He has to hear it, he has to accept it."

Their fucking was brutal and long. I had underestimated how outrageously huge his cock was, and how she could easily take every bit of it. Her pussy seemed so greedy for it, sucking it inside her with each of his powerful strokes. Her moans were as Charles had said, long and desperate, aching for the cock she had needed for so long. I watched him enter her slowly. Then he'd stop and tease her, and enter her again just a bit farther each time until the engorged root of his cock penetrated her to the hilt. I couldn't believe her pussy could possibly open far enough to welcome it, but she finally took all of him in a single, swift, deep stroke.

"Do you want more?" he asked.


"Every night?"

"Yessss, and every day," she gasped.

"And you'll never miss your husband's dick?"

"I just want yours - he has to know that."

Charles looked back over his shoulder at me. "Do you understand now? Is it finally real to you? That she only wants me to fuck her from now on?"

It was impossible to deny. I had never seen Amanda so excited, so out of control during sex. She had locked her legs around him and was clutching his ass with both hands, pulling him in, craving even more than he had given her. How could I have gone so long without understanding what she needed?

"I - I understand," I told him, still staring at the base of his cock where it entered her. "I'm so sorry, Amanda - that I could never give you what you needed. But now I know. Now I understand."

He began thrusting into her with long, powerful strokes. I could hear her little grunts when he jolted her with each thrust. She looked so tiny under him, so fragile and helpless compared to his hulking, muscular body. Seeing him naked for the first time was frightening but impressive. I could see why the other wives agreed to let him fuck them for as long as he wanted.

"Pay attention now," he told me. "I'm going to cum in her. And it's going to be long and deep inside her. Amanda loves that. Tell him, Amanda."

"Yessss, I love it. I love all of it, every drop. In my mouth, and especially in my pussy. Cum in me Charles - cum in me!"

"You have to want it too..." he growled, holding back his spew into her until he heard my answer."...as much as she does, if you ever want out of that cage. Do you? Do you want it? My sperm flooding you pretty little wife's pussy?"

I knew he'd cum in her in spite of the answer I gave him. I know Amanda wanted it. I was convinced of that. And I knew it might free me from the pain and frustration of my cage.

"I want it..." I said finally. The words just came pouring out of me. "I want it in her, your sperm in my wife, your cum in my Amanda. I do - I really do."

He threw his head back and groaned as he drained himself into her. There was so much semen, flowing, frothing, the excess leaking from her clenching pussy. Amanda's eyes were closed; she was in a kind of semi-conscious bliss, an enticing sight I had never witnessed. I wondered if she was always like this when he fucked her, whether he had taken her to new heights of erotic extremes I could never hope to match. She simply lay there wallowing in afterglow, drenched in pools of his sweat and cum.

It was then he looked back at me and grinned. "Now I'm going to roll her over and fuck Amanda's ass. But first, ask her if that's what she wants."

He was already impossibly hard again and was turning her and lifting her ass off the bed. He couldn't possibly be ready to fuck her again so soon. But his cock never seemed to tire, always huge, rigid, and ready to impale my sweet wife. Trying to ever compete with him would have been humiliating and futile.

"Amanda," I asked quietly, my voice weak and broken. "Is he right? Do you want this? To give him everything right in front of me? Does he really own that much of you?"

Her face was turned away from me half hidden in the pillow, but I could still just barely hear her answer. "More than anything. I want to give him everything, all of me. Use me, Charles. Pleease, use me so he can see..."

I watched him ease into her, then stroke faster, stretching her until I thought he would tear her open. But she just moaned - long, satisfied, unrelenting proof that she had meant what she said. When he stopped, buried to the hilt inside her, I could see the thick root of his cock spasm and contract as he filled her one more time. Amanda was shaking, thrusting her ass up toward him. "Oh Charles - oh fuck - yes - cum in me - fill me - show my husband why I can't resist your cock..."

The Key - 5

The Key - 5

Amanda began to drop in at work nearly every day at lunch time. She'd stop to kiss me on the cheek and then whisper, "I'm here to suck Charles's cock again. You want me to, don't you?" I could see my coworkers staring, then look away quickly with expressions that told me they understood completely why Amanda was there. I would argue at first, whispering and pleading with her not to embarrass me. But she'd lean over my desk then, and I'd see her skirt ride up showing everyone she had arrived to visit Charles without panties. I imagined they could all see her bare ass, and maybe even her pussy as she doted over me while she whispered what a great fuck Charles had been the night before. In time I simply gave in and told her how glad I was that she'd soon be swallowing his cum. Eventually it would make me hard when I told her, and my cage would dig into me mercilessly.

Strangely, I began to look forward to Amanda's visits. I could imagine her sweet mouth sealed around Charles'ss cock as he grabbed her hair and came down her throat. I could imagine how pleased she'd be that she had satisfied him, and maybe even that everyone would know she was his new slut. She'd walk by me when she left the office, stopping to kiss me one more time, then, rolling her hips like a ******, she'd pass by all the others with a wide grin on her pretty face.

"It's okay - we've all been through it," Harold told me one day. We were in the men's room. He had glanced over from the urinal beside me and saw my cage. "You'll get over it, you know," he went on. "Most of us have. After a while, sex with our wives didn't mean anything at all. We really didn't miss it, as long as they were happy fucking Charles. He made us understand that they needed him much more than they ever needed us in bed. If you've seen his cock, and I suppose you have by now, you know what he does to them with it. My Mary always said my size didn't matter, but after Charles had her just once, she was addicted. After he tossed Mary aside for a new younger girl, we tried so many times, but she just couldn't cum with me anymore. What's worse is that I can't get hard now unless I think about Charles coming in her. I'm not supposed to tell, but sometimes we ask him over to fuck her again just so I can watch and masturbate - then Mary and I can both get off. But he's given me two huge raises in the past year. We paid off our mortgage early, and Mary loves her new car. She seems happier than ever. For me, the best part is that I don't have to wear that fucking cage anymore..."

Was this our future? Would Charles show Amanda the best sex she's ever had, then drop her for next year's model, leaving us sexless and her pining for his cock relentlessly? I felt sick; but knowing I'd get home to find my wife naked on her knees servicing him still got me hard. I just couldn't get the picture of her lips on his cock out of my head. She'd look so helpless there, yet so eager and adoring while she coaxed his semen into her waiting mouth.

That night I found them dressed, on their way out to have dinner, then drinks at one of Charles's favorite watering holes. He held Amanda in his arms with his hand up her skirt. They were kissing, and she was moaning softly.

"Oh good, you're finally home," Charles told me. "Did you finish the report I asked for this morning? I was afraid you might be late and miss seeing Amanda in her new outfit."

Amanda turned, put her hands on her hips, and thrust one bare thigh forward, posing and smiling proudly. "How do you like me?" she asked, in her sexiest, low, sultry voice.

"But, you're not going out in public like that, are you?" I asked in a panic.

She wore a white, sleeveless knit top that left her belly bare and flaunted the pink of her nipples through the tightly stretched material. Her skirt was barely more than a narrow strip of the same material that dipped below her navel and showed the open space between her legs when the light ******* her from behind. I gasped when I saw the bright pink, six inch strappy stilettos. They practically screamed "BIMBO SLUT". What would make her do this with a proud smile on her face? In an instant I knew - it had to be Charles's cock.

"Be very careful what you say next," Charles warned. "You're very close to sounding insulting, and men who insult my women very quickly regret it. Now, say something nice about Amanda's new outfit. I want her in a good mood tonight, and you're not helping."

"I-I'm sorry, Amanda," I said. "It's just that I've never seen you show so much of your body before when we go out. You look, um, very sexy. I'm sure everyone who sees you will think so too."

"Oh my boy, you've just given her the perfect compliment!" Charles exclaimed. "You are so right - every man who sees her tonight will want her. Just imagine your pretty little wife teasing all those big-cocked, virile men, just by passing by and giving them a little smile and a wink. Wouldn't that make you wet, Amanda? Wouldn't you want every last one of them?"

Her smile grew wider. "Oh Charles, I know how you love putting me out there, parading me in front of all those men. And I do think about it - I mean, what it would be like if I chose one of them to fuck and you had to watch for a change. Is that what you want? To watch me fuck a stranger?"

"Well, I'd be all for that, Amanda," he told her, grinning. "I'd love to see you wrap your pretty legs around a strange man's ass and beg him to cum in you. But what about your husband here? Would you like to see that, sport? Your wife getting fucked and flooded by a random stranger? Maybe hear her beg for it? See her cum with him?"

Amanda was looking at me intently, waiting to hear what my answer might be. My God, she looked delicious. And I was getting as hard as I was able in my cage just thinking of what Charles suggested. No, I didn't want my sweet wife fucking random strangers - hell, I didn't want her fucking Charles if I had a choice. So why was it making so hard?

"I - I don't know," I stammered. "Would you really do that, Amanda? Just because Charles wanted you to? Even if I didn't?"

"Well, it is an interesting thought, sweetheart," she said. "I wouldn't mind a strange piece of ass now and then. You're all locked up in your cage, and if Charles wanted me to do it, I probably would if the guy was hot and he wanted me. You've already given me to Charles - what's one more man going to mean to you? If you're ever going to get out of that cage, you're going to have to give up getting hard around me. You know that. Maybe think of me as more of just a close friend, or maybe your sister. There can't be anything sexual between us - Charles has told you that. You have to get over wanting me like that."

"Why don't you try working on that tonight while we're gone, sport? I mean, just look at the sweet little face. Can't you imagine a time when that will be enough for you? That your happiness will come from letting other men have her pussy? It's a husband's duty, isn't it? Sacrificing his own needs to make his beautiful, loving wife happy?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Charles," Amanda said. "His sex drive was never as intense as mine to begin with. Just give him a little more time. He already gets hard just thinking about your cock in my mouth. He told me that much. Once he learns to accept his place he'll be anything I want him to be, just like he's a little boy again, masturbating to his dirty movies and ignoring me when you come over to fuck me. I know my husband - it's just a matter of time."

Charles never brought Amanda home that night. I tried not to think about how he was displaying her in public. I tried not to think about what kind of men would want her, and what she'd do for them at Charles's slightest suggestion. My first erection didn't last long, and I spent the night filled with fear, ashamed of what I was becoming. Seeing my wife take my boss as her lover, then hearing her assure him that she would see me as a little boy again filled me with overwhelming defeat. Yet, there was something strangely satisfying that accompanied it. Amanda was so beautiful, and Charles had made her his sexy playmate for everyone to see. His cock made her so happy - so much more than mine ever had. If I could be sure Amanda would continue to be my loving wife, would it be so bad?

Amanda sat on my side of our bed and gently woke me the next morning. She was completely naked - I had no idea where her clothes were. There were no signs that the men they talked about had used her; her makeup was gone and her hair smelled of coconut and lilies.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she said quietly as she ran her hand over my stomach and down to my crotch. She rolled my balls between her fingers for a few seconds, then tugged lightly on my cage. "You're not going to get hard for me, are you, sweetie? We don't want that, do we?" Her smile was loving and genuine, and I found it had chased my erection away just as I began to get hard. It was comforting to have her there beside me, and I found I could ignore her nakedness and let her smile warm me.

"Did - he - well, you know - do what he said he would to you last night?" I asked. "I mean, to have you fuck a stranger? Did you?"

"No, silly - that was just Charles's way of worrying you. He has this thing about control, especially us as a couple. The more you worry and give in to him, the more he gets off on it. He's so sure he can break you from wanting my body, and well, I just want you to be free of your cage again. I know it hurts you. But we both know you have to show him you never get hard around me to have that happen. In fact, you're doing a pretty good job of that right now."

"So, what did you do last night," I asked. "Where did he take you? Did anyone we know see you together?"

"We ate at this very nice little bistro," she told me, still fondling my balls with her fingertips. "Then we went to his friend's nightclub for drinks. At least I thought it was a nightclub at first, but it was really a strip club for very wealthy men. I suppose I had a little too much to drink, and when Charles told me to get on stage, I just couldn't refuse. All the men really liked me, even though I couldn't dance as well as the other girls. They threw money at me - lots of it, and demanded to see me naked. It wasn't so bad really - I kind of liked the attention. The guy that owns the place asked Charles if I could work there a few nights a week, and Charles said he'd be proud of me if I would. I guess I'll be going there Tuesday and Thursday nights, at least until I learn to dance better. After that I can work weekends for more money. Charles was so happy and excited that he took me to his place and we fucked all night. The man is a monster in bed - he never gets tired and stays hard over and over until I can't take any more."

Her account was frightening. My sweet wife working at a strip club? Naked? This wasn't who she was at all. She "liked the attention"? My God, what had Charles done to her? How could he possibly change her like this so soon? Of course I knew the answer by now - it was his cock again. I was still stunned that Amanda had needed a cock like his for years and never said a word. How hungry, how deprived must she have been to have become his slut so quickly? The answer to my own question became a crushing weight, enough to keep me from getting hard at all while she continued to play with my balls. Wavelets of defeat washed over me as I imagined his hold on her and her addiction to it.

"Now, see how good you're getting at it?" she said with a wide grin. "You're not hard at all, even when I tell you I stripped naked for a room full of strange men. They all wanted to fuck me - they told me so over and over. But Charles just can't help it - he had to have me for himself all night. But I was glad. I doubt any of them could fuck me like Charles can. And now you don't have to worry so much about me fucking strangers. There is something so powerful about it though, teasing all those men with my body, promising them what they'll never get. But they seemed to like it anyway, very much like you do now. I think you like watching Charles fuck me more than fucking me yourself now, don't you, sweetie? Funny, it's just like he said it would be..."

The Key - 6

The Key - 6

It was nearly impossible to concentrate at work after that night. Thoughts of my Amanda naked on stage for all those men to ogle and tip assaulted me constantly. Losing her body to Charles was a nightmare in my new bizarre, erotic world, but the thought that she'd willingly offer her body to a crowd of strange men, even if just for the thrill of teasing them, was as though her body was now available to everyone but me. Charles's message to me was clear; he had opened my wife to considering the whims and fantasies of all other men and had shown me she would follow wherever he led. I kept imagining that every man I'd see, at work, in our neighborhood, or anywhere on the street for that matter, would eventually see my wife naked and willing, and would eagerly take any opportunity to fuck her. Amanda had always been so reserved, so timid when other men flirted with her, impossibly far from the image of a slut. Charles was changing her right before my eyes. The idea stalked me every minute of the day and had me in a constant state of distress, but then I'd get hard again and feel the cage bite into me, reminding me that I'd have to wear it until I could show both Amanda and Charles that such thoughts wouldn't arouse me. I had no idea how to separate the angst from my dick's involuntary twitches and engorgement, as hard as I might try.

And there was the matter of my male ego, now slowly disintegrating after the recognition that I had never been able to satisfy Amanda in bed. All those years she "let" me make love to her, and she never let on that I wasn't the kind of lover she needed. I was aware that I didn't have the biggest dick out there, but now I found it was more than that; Charles had that additional "something", that commanding, Alpha presence that Amanda had always fantasized about. I imagined her trapped in a self-imposed, deprived cocoon for years, then suddenly ripped of it, released to live her fantasies after Charles's mere flirtation and the touch of his hand on her cheek and neck. Now more than ever, it seemed as though the past was disappearing, and our future with Charles was more and more certain.


We had invited the neighbors over for a barbecue weeks ago, long before Charles took my place as Amanda's lover. At least he wouldn't be there to humiliate me in front of them. It was disturbing enough that many of them may have seen her giving him head inside our front window. A social event without him lording over me was just what I needed to reclaim a bit of my place as Amanda's husband.

I was surprised to see Amanda in a deeply cut, white halter top and pleated tennis skirt by the time our guests arrived. It wasn't scandalous, but she had never worn anything like it for a neighborhood get-together. Still, the halter showed the full, round shape of her breasts more so than I was used to, and the skirt was so short. A brief twirl and her panties could be seen by anyone who happened to glance in her direction. I wondered if Charles had bought the outfit for her, and if so, I worried that he'd make a surprise appearance at the cookout.

Everyone loved my barbecue. Chicken was my specialty, but I always had burgers and dogs ready for the kids. The back yard was full of the usual mix of nearby neighbors and just about anyone who wanted to stop by. Frank and Barbara next door were the first to arrive, always with enough potato salad or baked beans for everyone. Then it was Keri and Curtis, also next door neighbors, who made gallons of iced tea and wheeled a cooler of soda and beer over to our back yard patio. Their son, Eric, a newly graduated college senior, was back home for the summer considering a long list of job offers. An IT genius, he sometimes stopped in to help Amanda with her laptop when I was traveling for work. As I watched them there, side by side at our picnic table, Amanda would laugh at his jokes and touch his arm as though they were best friends. With my imagination on fire, I wondered if Keri and Curtis began to think their "innocent" friendship was something more troubling. Thanks to Charles, I began to think every guy who paid Amanda any attention at all was trying to get in her panties. That he had made me carry that weight in such a short time was both worrisome and a little emasculating. How many men would Amanda discover to be better fucks than I was? The answer scared me.

I watched Amanda as I worked the grill, mystified and obsessed with excitement and vague suspicion. For the first time I was attuned to other men's attraction to her, and hers to them. Had they glanced a little too long at her legs or breasts? Was she laughing a little too brazenly at one of Eric's jokes? I imagined my neighbors, Frank and Curt, drooling over her, secretly wanting her, their hands inside her halter top, their fingers climbing up her thighs and into her fresh, white panties. Yet, there was no hint or clue that any of the men were planning, plotting, or even thinking any of my imagined fantasies. I should have been ashamed, but Amanda's addiction to Charles had summoned frequent, depraved thoughts of her infidelity, even with our friends and neighbors.

By the end of the day, Amanda was no more or no less popular than usual with my imagined suspects. In fact, I was sure I stared at her breasts and thought about my fingers inside her panties more than anyone else had. If Charles had made an appearance I knew he would fuck her to the limits of her consciousness later that night in our bed, and our neighbors would likely be aware of her moans and screams as he skewered her with his cock. Fortunately, I had been spared his presence, but I was still obsessed with the image I imagined the other men there had of her. Were they thinking of her sucking and grasping their cocks while she whispered her most sultry, indecent needs so softly in their ears? I began to wonder how any of the men could have resisted her deliciously willing body. Then I'd get hard and the cage would remind me of Charles's and Amanda's promise to free me of it if I behaved. So I tried my best to think of their relationship as an acceptable option to wearing the damned thing forever, and the option of standing in the unemployment line. I was learning self-control, but it was a hideously difficult and seemingly endless lesson.


I watched Amanda undress later that night, knowing it was likely a test to see if I'd get hard for her. She stripped the panties down her legs, then twirled and watched my reaction as her tiny skirt flared and lifted, whirling in the air about her waist.

"You should take off your pants so I can see," she told me. "I know you're not supposed to get hard for me, but I still like that I can do that to you. You've always been so sweet when you shower me with compliments about my body, and I'd miss that if you stop. Just because we can't have sex anymore doesn't mean I don't appreciate my husband wanting me."

I did as she asked, and failed miserably at staying soft. By the time I got undressed I was oozing precum in long strings that wetted my pants and underwear. The head of my dick was crammed into the front of the cage and released more and more sticky fluid as I stood a few feet from her and watched. She kept twirling, ******** the naked slit of her pussy for a few seconds, then her perfect, firm little ass as she bent over with her back turned. "She stays shaved for Charles," I told myself. "She'd never do that for me."

I shivered as she came closer, went to her knees, and took the end of the sticky cage in her mouth. I could feel the tip of her tongue invade the opening at the end, forcing its way inside against the sensitive entrance to my dick. I gasped suddenly and let out a long groan as the memory of her mouth on me returned.

"It's okay, sweetie," she whispered. "I won't tell Charles. Honestly. I love it when you're hard for me. Maybe I should just suck the cum right out of you. Would you like that?"

"P-please..." I begged. "I know you'd rather fuck Charles, but please, will you let me out just long enough to suck me until I cum? I need to cum so much - it's been so long, and I've watched - ".

"Shhh, sweetie. I know. You've had to watch Charles's wonderfully immense cock in me while you're so desperate, and then hear me cum with a lover I've dreamed about since the day we were married. I know you're trying so hard to please him, to give up having sex with me as long as he wants me. But sweetie, I don't have your key - Charles keeps it now. I think he knows it's too soon, that I might be tempted to let you fuck me in a weak moment when I can't bear to hear you beg so urgently."

Amanda looked up at me and grinned. "But I love seeing you so horny, so at least I can do this." She pried my legs apart and began licking my balls, then took them in her mouth and sucked gently. My dick strained against the cage and I thrust my hips forward as though fucking the air might bring me relief. When she began to hum softly I began to shake as though my legs might give out from under me. It was both torture and renewed hope that I'd get to finally cum if only she'd keep tonguing my balls just a little longer. When she stopped a minute later all hope was drained from me.

"You really do love watching Charles play with me then fuck me, don't you, baby? You have to tell me if you want more. Don't be ashamed - tell me how you love all of it."

I was helpless in her hands, so needy, so teased and deprived for so long. So I told her everything she wanted to hear. "I do, Amanda. I love watching him put his cock in you. I love knowing how it fills you compared to mine, and how you cum with him like you never did with me. Now please, can you try to get me off? Please try - please?"

But she stood and backed away a few steps with a knowing look in her eyes. "I know it's torture for you, sweetie, but hearing you tell me means so much to me. It makes the last remains of guilt I feel for cuckolding you vanish completely. It tells me that I'm sure you can learn to be what Charles wants you to be - a loving husband who freely offers my body to other men with no regret or ridiculous notions that you own me. But tell me this - do you think that any of the men at our barbecue today might have liked what they saw while I was wearing Charles's new outfit? That maybe they sneaked a peek at my panties, or noticed my boobs when they saw me for the first time without a bra?"

I confessed, with every detail that I had imagined while she flaunted her body in front of them. I described how I imagined every man at the party whispering in her ear that he wanted to fuck her, and that I tried to guess who she'd want next in our bed. I surrendered lavish praise of how perfect her body must have looked to them and how hard they must have been for her if she had only looked closely enough. I practically gave her to each and every friend and neighbor as I confessed, sounding like I'd give anything for it to happen. And when I was done, she just smiled, strolled to our bedroom window, and opened the blinds.

"Did you ever notice that Eric's bedroom window faces ours?" she asked, still smiling. I could see the light coming from his window and a hint of motion in his room. Amanda raised the blinds to provide a better view and turned to face the window. "He's been watching me undress for years, and I love letting him see me in my bra and panties. I wouldn't be surprised if he jerks off thinking about me. He was so affectionate at the party - didn't you notice?"

I had noticed, but the other husbands were the more likely suspects if I had to imagine Amanda in bed with one of them. But yes, then I remembered how Eric had spent time with her and touched her while they talked and laughed.

"Why don't you sit over there, out of sight?" she told me. "We don't want the boy to think you like this, do we? At least not yet."

I took a seat in the corner of our bedroom where I could lean forward and peer into Eric's window but remained mostly out of sight. Amanda turned off the lights and left a bedside lamp behind her glowing brightly. I was stunned as I watched her pose for him, lifting her hair over her head with both hands and running her fingers through it while slowly swaying her hips from side to side.

"I've been watching him too, sweetie. Such a strong, muscular body on the boy. And his cock curves upward, so hard and erect when he masturbates. I do have to confess, I watch him and wait for that sometimes at night. I'm not sure if he knows I'm watching or not, but I do imagine he's doing it just for me. Sometimes he walks around naked with a hardon for an hour before he jerks off, and it makes me sooo wet. I had forgotten what a young cock looks like and how it stays so hard for so long. I wonder what he'll do if I show off a little? He's never seen me like this, completely naked."

It wasn't long before Eric was facing her through his brightly lit window. He watched Amanda until he was certain she wanted him to see her, then stripped off his shirt and stepped out of his boxers.

"See?" she reminded me. "He's everything I said he was, isn't he? Sometimes I can see it throb from here."

The kid's cock was freakishly huge, completely out of proportion with the rest of his slim, athletic body. His cock stood stiff and tall, barely moving as he took a few steps to the window. Could I see it throb as well, or was I merely imagining it? I felt embarrassingly small and useless when I imagined what his cock might do for Amanda. It would be the ultimate humiliation to know our best friends' son was fucking my wife repeatedly, and yet, thoughts of him on top of her, cumming in her, and she cumming at the same moment, had me leaking precum onto the chair cushion where I sat.

"I've seen him masturbate, sweetie, but not while he's watching me like this. Oh God, look how he's stroking himself. He really wants me. I don't think he cares that I'm your wife - I think he used to, but not anymore. I'll bet he'd fuck me anyway, don't you? Watch him, honey - look at his cock!"

Amanda put her hand between her legs, cradled her clit between her fingers, then eased two fingers inside. I recognized her first little gasp, then the slow, quiet moan that followed. She canted her hips forward and opened herself so he could see the swollen, wet slit that begged to be fucked. He was jerking his cock furiously, pumping it forward as though it might reach across the space between them and push inside her. Then he'd slow and start again, showing her how he'd fuck her for as long as it took to get her off.

"You want him to fuck me, don't you, sweetie?" she gasped. "Tell me - you want to give me to him - that he can have me - any time - he wants. Please, sweetie, I need to hear it..."

Before I could answer, Amanda came, twitching and shuddering in front of the window. I could hear her utter the faint, halting noises between ragged breaths - "uh - uunh - oh - oh fuuuck..." Eric came immediately, spurting thick ropes of semen onto his window as though he was rewarding Amanda for her surprise seduction. After a minute of recovery, Amanda smiled and waved to him, then lowered the blinds.

"I know it's risky, but I think I have to have him," she said. "You saw him - you have to understand why. It's just that I keep hearing what women my age say about young cock, and now I could have one of my very own to play with. I get chills thinking about that huge penis of his - about having it in me, actually."

"But could he keep it to himself?" I asked, nervously. "Guys like that love to brag about the girls they fuck - and in this case, it would be even more tempting. He'd be fucking a married woman. Telling his friends would make your body his trophy and fucking you his ultimate conquest. What if our friends and neighbors found out? I'd be a laughing stock, and you'd be the neighborhood slut. I don't think it's worth the risk."

My guts were churning as I considered it. We'd never be able to keep it a secret. And I didn't need a college kid telling me what a great fuck my wife is. Charles's domination over me was more than enough to bear, and who knew how perverse a kid Eric's age could become? It was all too much, too overwhelming. Amanda would surely agree.

"I think it would be good for us, sweetie," she told me, after a few minutes thought. "You need to get over your jealousy and accept your non-sexual role in our marriage. If that means others find out, so be it. If Charles is right, eventually you won't care at all. It would also serve as an excellent example to Charles that you're ready to be freed from your cage. In any case, I don't think I can resist fucking Eric after tonight. We can arrange for you to be gone when I have him here in our bed so you don't have to watch - at least for a while. But I think in time you'll get off on watching a virile, young college guy fuck me in the bed where we sleep. Of course, I'll have to get Charles's permission first..."

The Key - 7

The Key - 7

A few days later Charles summoned me to his office during my lunch hour. I dreaded these little visits with him at work, especially right after everyone had seen Amanda arrive and spend time in his office. It appeared most of the men had been through his routine of owning their wives, and I knew what they would think when I was called to Charles's office in the middle of the day. Either Amanda completely satisfied him and he'd get off repeating all the details in front of me, or she broke one of a long list of his kinky rules and he'd want me to remind her when I got home that evening. I was the office cuckold now, and everyone would imagine how he was using Amanda's body as I stood by helplessly and agreed to let him have her. Some may even have recognized and understood the bizarre angst-filled excitement I began to feel when images of Charles fucking Amanda continuously haunted me.

"It's too early for your annual performance review," he told me as he grinned and sat back in his chair. "But I thought we should meet well ahead of all that formality to be sure we're in agreement with your goals and responsibilities. You performance is, well, adequate. I think we both know that. But what I never counted on was Amanda's skillful, enthusiastic performance. In the past she always appeared to be such a quiet, inhibited little thing, this sweet young wife who I never imagined would stray after only the slightest flirtation. I have to admit, I was a little pissed at you when I discovered the real Amanda, that you never let me know what a hot little slut she can be. But let's leave all that in the past, shall we? You've been so compliant, so I've forgiven you."

He leaned forward and looked over his desk at me, waiting for my response. "I - um - guess I should thank you, sir. I never tried to deceive you; I never knew this side Amanda until she met you. I'm as surprised as you are - even more, as you can probably guess."

"So, you're happy with our little arrangement now?" he asked. "Well, except for that annoying cage you're wearing, of course. But there is a solution for that. You remember what that is, don't you?"

"I do, sir."

"And I assume you're eager to be free of it, to comply with my wishes? What were those conditions again that I require?"

"I- um - can't have sex with Amanda anymore, or get hard when I see her naked or when I see her having sex with you."

"True, true. But it's more than that. When I own a woman, I hate thinking of other men lusting after her. I'm used to getting what I want on my own terms. Now that's not too hard to understand, is it? If you own something, would you want others handling it, playing with it, using it any time they wish? I mean, what's the point then, right? Truly owning something should mean it belongs to me and me alone. So, you see how I consider your wife's body to be mine. Only mine. You do see that, and agree, don't you?"

"I do, sir," I answered. "I understand that Amanda's body is yours now, and that I should respect that, in every way."

Charles sat back again and grinned at me. "Well, then we're both on the same page here. I'm glad to hear it. I know Amanda is as well. But don't think I fail to reward my people here. Incentives and rewards are important in the business world - and in many other worlds. So, I'm happy to inform you that I'm doubling your salary. Amanda deserves a better lifestyle, and although I do my best to contribute, you should provide that for her. Get her a few more credit cards so she can dress the way she wants. And you should look for a bigger house, one she can be proud of, one better suited for "entertaining" guests. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Watching her "entertain?"

I was stunned. Doubling my salary would completely change our lifestyle, and I knew Amanda would be thrilled. But I'd be accepting money for allowing, no, encouraging Charles to fuck her. Did he get off by making me her pimp? Would Amanda respect me less for it? Still, he was going to fuck her anyway, and I had very little say about their new relationship. His plan was to effectively castrate me in my marriage, and Amanda was getting the cock she needed, so why shouldn't I simply accept what he offered and be outwardly grateful?

"Thank you, sir. Amanda will be thrilled. She'll love going shopping as soon as I tell her, and looking for a bigger house will be a new project she'll look forward to, I'm sure. But, I have to ask. Does this mean I can get out of this cage now? I promise that Amanda will only fuck you, not me; I won't think about sex at all when we're together, even if I see her naked. Isn't that what you want? Isn't it enough?"

Charles's look turned more serious. He glanced down at his desk and shook his head slowly. "I know you mean what you say, but it simply isn't a matter of promising things. It's a mindset, a change of character I'm looking for. Amanda's body can't remain an object of desire for you. It isn't just deferring to me that's important. You must lose every trace of physical, sexual attraction for her, and likewise she for you. Any temptation, any thought of attempting to have sex with her must disappear. You can't just decide to do it, you have to learn it. You have to become what I like to call her "man-friend", a man with no balls when you're near her. Affectionate, possibly - but as sexually detached as you might be to your own grandmother. It's reasonable to assume Amanda's delicious body can't possibly be repulsive to you, but your instinctive sexual reaction to her flesh must completely vanish - it must be totally absent and unrealized. It's the only acceptable way."

The horror of his words washed over me, robbing me of any hope that Amanda would want to fuck me again. At first it had been my small dick, and my lack of Alpha-ness that delivered her to Charles. Now he wanted to completely sever the thin thread of strained sexual compatibility Amanda and I shared throughout our marriage. She may never look at me as a man again, or at least a man worth fucking. And when Charles discards her, as he always does, how many men would she slut for in her desperate search for the "man" she found in him? I had no reply for him. I sat there before him, shaking, so small and defeated.

"But that doesn't mean you can't continue to accomplish the task, sport," he told me, now smiling again. "I just need to see the change in you, as does Amanda. Why don't you make Amanda and I dinner tonight? Amanda's expecting me around six o'clock, and I'd love a good steak dinner, maybe from your grill? Show us both you know your place. Wait on us like you're our servant. Lavish us with attention. Pay special attention to Amanda, as though you're her personal chef or butler. It would be an interesting surprise for her, and you could watch her eyes on you as though you're nothing more than a neutered, helpful attendant. Can you see yourself like that? A mere custodian of her body for those of us that can give her the cock she needs now? It's all up to you. You and your painful, confining cage."

"I - I guess I could make the two of you dinner," I finally conceded. "And I could pretend to be your servant, if that would help free me. Anything to get out of this cage. I suppose you'll want to fuck Amanda later? Would I have to watch that? So you can see whether I get hard or not? And if I don't, maybe you could use your key to let me out, even for a little while?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's one more requirement. You'll be naked while serving us. Just your little penis and its cage jiggling back and forth as you bring our food and serve us. It will be a pleasant reminder to Amanda of why I'm going to be fucking her in your bed instead of you for the foreseeable future. She needs to see you naked and helpless more often, with your little penis safely tucked away in your cage. You see, it's the image that stays with her, the image of her naked, ball-less husband so willing to give her to a man with the cock she needs."


Charles let me off work early to shop for dinner. He gave me a list of the kinds of steaks he liked, the proper wine to go with them, and a few desserts he said Amanda loved when they dined at his favorite restaurants. The store was an exclusive gourmet franchise in the suburbs on the other side of town, a place I had never heard of. Once inside, the manager met me at the door and offered to help. When she saw me fumbling with the list, she asked to see it, and led me to their steak and seafood section filled with frightfully expensive displays of choice steaks, live lobsters, and freshly caught fish. When she began to order for me, I stopped her. "Um, this is for a special occasion, and I need everything to be perfect. I mean, he's very hard to please. My job depends on it."

She just smiled and winked at me. "I'd know Charles's tastes anywhere, even from a hastily written list like this one. I assume there will be three of you, and that you and your wife need to make sure he's 'satisfied'?"

Jesus, how could she know? And the implication that we had to "satisfy" Charles meant she was probably aware that he was fucking my wife. Had I seen her glance down at my crotch? Was she trying to spot my cage to be certain she was right? That I was just another one of his cuckold husbands whose job depended on letting him have my wife?

"Only two, I'm afraid," I told her, dreading what she may make of my answer. This time she took a much longer look at my crotch, then looked up and smiled.

"I think I understand. These desserts aren't regular items though. We'd have to custom make them. Do you have time to wait, or maybe you see something else your wife might like? But don't worry - we can add Charles's "special something" to anything in the display case. I'm sure your wife will devour any of our selections, and be more than satisfied after she swallows the final bite. We have a reputation for giving our customers anything they require; and Charles is a very special customer."

I had no idea how to answer her. She certainly knew that Charles was fucking my wife, and seemed surprisingly unconcerned that I was preparing her for a nightlong session with his cock. But at the same time, there was something erotic about her knowing, something that had my dick inching forward in my cage. Not that I wanted it. I wanted to control it, to be able to shut it down at will. I wanted to be free of the fucking, humiliating cage.

"Well, I suppose I'll let you decide," I said, finally. "I'm really not an expert at all this, and it has to be perfect."

She was glancing at my crotch again, and I could feel my dick nudging the thin bars near the end of my cage. Looking down, I noticed a damp spot of precum on my pants and a rising hump where my cage pushed forward beneath it. When I looked back at her, she reached out and put her hand on mine, squeezing just a little.

"It's okay, I understand. You're not the first husband Charles has sent my way. And if I can offer some advice - don't blame yourself. Charles has very special gifts, one he was born with, and one he's developed and nurtured over the years. Few wives can resist him. Try to find solace in what you feel, down there, when you think of them together. Most of his husbands learn that it's better to give in to it and be grateful for what he gives their wives. That's what my husband did. He told me it does get easier as time passes. And fast forwarding to today, I think our marriage couldn't be more perfect."

"I just want to get what he wants and get on with it," I told her. "If you know him, you know what I have to live with now, so please just help me choose whatever you think will make him happy."

"Consider it done. It often takes a woman's touch to make these kinds of things go as planned. That's why I'm here. Charles will be very pleased with everything you offer him tonight - I'm absolutely certain of it."


I came home to find Amanda in our neighbor's front yard talking to Eric. When she saw my car enter our driveway, she went up on her tiptoes, quickly kissed Eric on his cheek, and came running toward me as I gathered the food from the back seat. She wore the same white halter and tennis skirt that I remembered from our barbecue. The sun was still just above the horizon, and the blinding rays made both the halter and skirt nearly transparent. I could see she hadn't worn panties under the skirt, and that she had planned to catch Eric just as he arrived on his motorcycle. I watched him stare at her as she headed home, knowing he could see every curve of her perfect ass through her skirt.

"Charles called a while ago - it's so sweet of you to make dinner tonight. I can't wait to see what you have planned! He said you're going to surprise me - are you?"

She turned her cheek toward me as I tried to kiss her. Maybe her mouth belonged to Charles as well now - I knew it did when she sucked his cock. I couldn't tell her what Charles's surprise was - I didn't know every detail myself yet, and there were some I couldn't bring myself to repeat. I tried not to imagine serving them while naked with my cage on display as a reminder to Amanda that I'd do anything to be free of it. But I knew there would be more. Charles always wanted more. More of my wife, more from me, more of everything he didn't yet have.

Amanda sat nearby on our deck as I prepped the grill and unwrapped the steaks from the gold-banded signature zip bags. Charles had warned me to keep his special desserts hidden until after the meal. Her knees were spread and I could see the impeccably shaved little slit that somehow found room for all of Charles's immense cock. The soft, creamy insides of her thighs made my mouth water, and her breasts heaved into the deeply cut V of the halter with every breath she took. Was she trying to get me hard? It was almost worse than if she had been naked.

"But sweetie, there are only two steaks. Why didn't you get one for each of us?" she asked, staring at the grill.

"It's, um, part of the surprise," I said. "Charles wanted me to make a special dinner for just the two of you."

"Oh sweetie, that wasn't very nice of him. Aren't you hungry?"

"Not very," I lied. "Besides, every favor I do for him gets me closer to getting out of this cage. No matter what happens tonight, you have to remember that."

Amanda smiled approvingly. "I'm glad you're beginning to accept that I'll be getting all my sex from Charles now. I'm sure he'll let you out soon. But you have to show him that you've surrendered my body to him completely. Do you think you might be able to control yourself now? That I won't make you hard at all anymore?"

"I'm not sure, Amanda. I'm trying. But giving your body to him isn't easy for me. I know I haven't been your ideal fantasy lover all these years, but it's as though he's taking a part of you from me for his own selfish entertainment. You're just so beautiful, and sometimes I can't help wanting your body the way I used to. But I know it's what you want, and I really have no choice - we both know I need to keep my job. So, I'll do the best I can to give that part of you up to him. I really am trying - you'll see."


I was watching the grill when Charles arrived. Amanda greeted him at the door and led him out back to the deck. Her halter top had disappeared, and Charles held her hand as they approached me. I couldn't help glancing up from the grill at her perfect breasts, but tried not to let Charles notice. I knew he wouldn't approve, and that my lapse of judgement may delay my escape the cage. Amanda acted as though going topless was the most natural thing she had ever done, and Charles grinned from ear to ear, knowing it would test my resolve to remain "ball-less" around her.

"Well, there's our host, slaving over a hot fire, determined to give us a night we'll all remember." Amanda could sense I was nervous, and her smile faded as Charles taunted me. He moved behind her and put his arms around her, raising his large hands to her breasts, cupping them and fingering her nipples. Her eyelids fluttered and she lifted her face up into the remaining rays of sun. The subtle quivers of her belly told me she must be wet as he played with her.

"Charles," she whispered. "Let's wait. He's gone to so much trouble for us..."

She gasped suddenly, panting between words I didn't want to hear. "Oh fuck, Charles - you know what that does to me - I can't help it - but - later - you can - fuck me - later..."

He saw me staring and studied my crotch for any sign that I was hard. I wasn't, at least not that he could tell. But seeing my Amanda surrender herself so easily, gasping and panting in his arms, so out of control within seconds of his touch, found the place inside me that awakened my dick and gnawed at my guts all at once. She was a beautiful woman in heat for her master, ready to be used and fucked, even if it was by my arrogant boss. I watched her body respond and hungered for the woman in his hands. But there was a dark, secret place inside me that wanted to see her fucked and ultimately satiated by her Alpha male, her fantasy fuck, a beast that put my bedroom skills to shame. Regaining control took all the strength I had left, but when I allowed the pangs of loss and humiliation to overwhelm me, I succeeded. My dick withered, and I accepted the fact that Amanda's body would now be completely his.

After Charles and Amanda went back inside all my efforts were concentrated on making Charles the dinner he ordered. Pleasing him was everything, as was being free of my cage if he was satisfied. He came back alone just as the steaks were ready, to remind me how I had agreed to serve them.

"It's important that Amanda remembers this night," he told me. "She has to see you as our servant, a very naked and submissive one at that. Make sure she sees your cage - lead with it when you walk - thrust it out in front of you like you're proud of it. If your little performance is acceptable, then maybe...welll, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?"

I undressed out on the deck, hoping none of our neighbors would see me naked and caged. Taking a deep breath, I brought the steaks inside, my stomach churning, humiliated that Amanda would see me as their naked and caged servant. She gasped when she saw me, then Charles put his hand on her arm and explained.

"I wanted you to see your husband as he really is, Amanda," he told her. "Take a good look. You let him fuck you for years when you could have had so much more. You should thank me for having him caged - just look at him, so tiny and shriveled now, safely tucked away so you don't have to make excuses or remain disappointed night after night. Now that he's here beside you, take a closer look. See how proud he's become of his cage? Go ahead - give it a little tug. I doubt he'll be able to get hard for you much longer, and even if he does, why would you want that tiny thing when you can have mine any time you want it?"

Amanda extended a single finger and poked my cage, making it wobble slightly from side to side. The sheer embarrassment kept me from getting hard for her. In fact, I was shrinking into the back of the cage as she watched. She seemed fascinated with what she saw.

"He's so tiny, Charles. He's always been small, but I don't remember him being this tiny. Maybe it's because I'm used to yours, or maybe he's trying harder than we thought to do what you tell him. I have to say, it's very surprising, and very impressive that you could train him like this so soon."

She poked my cage again, than again and again, flicking it back and forth as she stared in disbelief. Charles scowled at me from his seat, so I pushed my hips forward toward her, giving her a closer look, inviting her to put her hands on it. She took my balls in the palm of her hand, closed her fingers around my sac, and pulled me even closer. I groaned as her grip tightened, and I saw a smile form on her pretty face.

"You have changed, haven't you, sweetie? This always used to get you hard. Now look at you, such a tiny little nub, and while you're staring at my boobs! Is this my surprise, Charles? That my husband can't possibly fuck me anymore? That he won't have to wear his cage around me any more to make sure only you get my pussy?"

How could she be grinning like that? Was she that happy that I'd want Charles's cock in her, that I'd never be able to fuck her again? She kept tugging on my cage while she explored my balls with her fingertips. She seemed to enjoy rolling them in her fingers, milking the sensitive cords that sent pinpricks of pain into my groin and belly. I stood frozen before her as she prodded and squeezed, afraid to move or do little more than moan between waves of pain and pleasure. In spite of all of it, I felt the cage tighten as I began to get hard for her. I'm sure she noticed, but didn't say a word to Charles.

"No Amanda, that's not my surprise. Why don't you finish your dessert while I tell you?"

I had brought the tray of pastries and icy sorbet when Charles asked for it, and I watched Amanda sample several of the choices as though she wanted a taste of each one. I saw the effect of his "special something" added at the last minute at the shop - Amanda's nipples were obscenely engorged and her eyes dilated and filled with a rampant sexual hunger like nothing I had ever seen. Testing and prodding my cage and balls was giving her pleasure, even when she must have recognized the pain that accompanied it. She became more animal than wife, staring hungrily into my eyes as she played with me, promising Charles in her most sultry voice that his cock was the only cock she'd ever need from now on.

"I think your wife is ready for some of my huge cock she's bragged about," he said as I stood groaning beside her. "But I have news that I'm sure will make you cum just a bit harder tonight, Amanda. I've hired Eric, your neighbor's son, as my new IT guru. From what you tell me, he has other talents as well, talents you'll be able to take advantage of as often as you do mine. Oh, and I'm making him your husband's new boss. Our management style is so much alike it's uncanny, so things won't change all that much. I'll still be looking in to make sure your husband behaves though. I've filled Eric in on all his new perks as well. So, you don't have to worry, Amanda. You'll be getting more cock than ever, and your husband here will be wearing his cage a while longer until Eric feels it's time to have it removed. Eric's fine with all of it. In fact he can't wait to fuck you upstairs in the same bed you share with me."

The Key - 8

The Key - 8

In that instant, on that night, something broke in me. The news that I'd be reporting to a young stud who wanted my wife every bit as much as Charles did in likely the same ways, my nakedness there next to Amanda as she played with my cage and balls, and Charles's command and destruction of the longtime sexual bond between Amanda and me was too much to fight. Time seemed to freeze. I couldn't think or say a word. I was losing myself under layers of helplessness and submission to Charles, and now to a young "genius" whom I'd have to train on the job as everyone became aware he was using my wife for his fuck toy.

Amanda's grip on my balls grew tighter as her sly smile widened. Charles looked on from his chair; his satisfied grin told me my future. "My sweet little Amanda," he said finally. "What an amazing woman you've become. You hold your husband's manhood in your fist, and yet you can't quite decide whether to crush his little balls or not. Still so caring, so attached to him after so many years of him disappointing you in your bed. I imagine castrating him is a satisfying fantasy, but there are other ways, Amanda. My ways. Let's do it together, shall we?"

She stood and lowered the tiny skirt, still staring at me with a cruel smile. When she was naked, she told me, "This is what I want, what I need. It's what I've always needed, but you could never give to me, as hard as you tried. Now you're going to watch while Charles fucks me. You're going to watch his huge cock pry me open and slide inside me. He's going to fuck me like a man should, and you're going to enjoy it. You're going to enjoy seeing your wife satisfied like you always wanted to yourself. I don't care if you get hard or not, or if you get out of your cage sooner or later. I only want you to know what I've wanted for so long now."

She went to him in three quick steps and straddled his lap. Clinging to his shoulders, her bare breasts pressed against his chest, she turned her face toward me. She locked her eyes on mine as Charles entered her slowly, making sure I could see every thick inch disappear inside her. Her body rose slightly with each sharp, rhythmic jolt delivered from Charles's hips as he began to pummel her from below. Then suddenly she moaned and collapsed into him, unresponsive and limp. I fought for breath as she was tossed like a tiny, exquisite doll made to dance for her master. Then, rising quietly from the shadows where their bodies met, the little unintelligible sounds she made became clearer. Her words were evenly spaced, repetitive, almost as if sampled by a machine adept at mimicking Amanda's voice at the height of her lovemaking.

"Show him, Charles - make him see - how I need to be fucked - how I need your big cock in me - how I cum for you - so much better - so much better than with him..."

Her words sent a chill through me as I watched him fuck her. It was clear that she was in her own world, so deeply immersed in her fantasy that in her world, Charles's cock was the only thing that mattered. Were Charles's special desserts directly responsible for the humiliating words she used or had they simply enabled her to say what she had really thought during all our years of marriage together?

Charles ran his hands up and down her bare back, wandered under her arms, caressed her breasts, then returned to stroke her back. He feasted on her shoulder, biting and sucking, finally moving up along her neck, tracing lines along the tendons and muscles that stood in shadowed relief as she lowered her cheek on his shoulder. I knew all too well how sensitive her neck was, how, during sex, all I had to do was lick her there and she would moan with pleasure. If only my dick had pleased her half as much.

Her slim arms tightened around him, her back tensed, and she erupted in a series of short, muffled whimpers. I'm not sure how long it lasted - the sounds she made were like a siren's song, drawing me in, making me want her, but warning me she was his now, that she had given her body to him completely.

I wandered the house most of the night, listening to Amanda's cries of joy and his hourly groans as he pumped his cum into her. They were the sounds of my worst nightmare, and yet I was so hard listening to him use her. When I peered into our bedroom to see Amanda riding him with her head thrown back and her hands caressing his chest, the pain from the cage was almost unbearable - but my dick stayed harder than ever. Her body was so small compared to his; I struggled to imagine how he fit inside her. And yet I wanted him to fuck her, to fill her, to make her cum so many times she no longer had the strength to continue. I got hard thinking of my little Amanda belonging to him, hungering for him, moaning as his immense cock filled her belly. I didn't understand why. I only knew it made me both hard and fearful at the same time.


I finally slept early the following morning, and when I woke, Charles had gone. Amanda was bright and cheery, and looked amazingly fresh after her shower. She wore another outfit I didn't recognize, a pair of tiny pink shorts and matching crop top. I was staring at a wife I never knew. The lower curves of her breasts were displayed just under the lower edge of the top and the outline of her hardened nipples was tantalizingly visible beneath the paper-thin material. She saw me staring but made no attempt to cover herself or make an excuse.

"I know that look, sweetie," she said, smiling her best smile. "You like my new outfit, don't you? Charles bought me three of them, each in a different color. He thinks my body's perfect for them - do you?"

"I have to agree, I guess. But it's so revealing - I mean, you're not going out anywhere in it, are you?"

"Oh, I don't know. Charles says I should, at least for my jogs around the neighborhood. It's strange that he doesn't want to share my body, but he wants me to show myself to other men. I suppose that's part of owning me now, showing everyone that I'm, well, his girlfriend."

"So, is that what you are? His girlfriend? Do you have feelings for him? I mean, other than the sex?"

She was busy making coffee, and answered me as though we were discussing the weather.

"You're being silly, sweetheart. I'm your wife. I should have said 'lover', not 'girlfriend'. I'm sorry if I upset you."

But she had said it, and it stuck in me like a knife. I wondered if Charles would have approved of the word, and whether he thought of her that way. Still, as arrogant as I found him to be, I guessed her body was his only interest. After all, there had been so many other wives in his bed, so many marriages tortured and changed irreparably by his "natural gifts". I couldn't help wondering if Amanda would have been immune to his advances if I had been blessed with a cock like his. Maybe it would have made me more of the Alpha Man she dreamed of. I should have been more assertive the first time he touched her. Instead, it had made my dick hard and I just watched him take her.

"We both overslept," she reminded me. "You don't want to be late for work on Eric's first day. I hope the two of you get along. I guess it's hard having someone that young as your new boss, isn't it? But he seems nice, and you know how attracted I am to him. Still, I wonder if he'll like me, after -"

"You mean after he fucks you, right?" I asked. "Charles did say he'd have the same use of your body as one of his benefits. It's just hard for me to take - having two men fuck my wife and having both as my bosses. I was supposed to get a promotion, but now Charles has given the position to Eric. Nothing is turning out as I planned, as we planned together. It's just so, discouraging."

"Oh, sweetie, don't worry about Eric. Yes, we'll probably be having a lot of sex together, but you shouldn't forget that accepting that is the only way to be free of your cage. Look at it this way - Charles is giving you another chance. If you let both of them have me and can keep from getting hard, I'm sure he'll be impressed enough to let you out. Once sex with me no longer matters to you, everything will be good again."

"Well, it'll be good for you, and Charles, and Eric, but I'll still be the husband of a gorgeous woman - one I can't make love to or even touch. Be honest. Won't you miss it at all? Have I really neglected to satisfy you even a little, for years now?"

Amanda brought our coffees to the table and sat across from me. She leaned forward and her top billowed open to display her perfect breasts, breasts I could no longer kiss or touch. I remembered Charles's hands on them the night before, lifting and squeezing them like he was examining ripened fruit. The image of his immense cock entering her slowly, inch after inch, stalked me and refused to leave. And in the background, her moans. Jesus, how she moaned for him.

She looked directly into my eyes, searching, trying to discern whether I really wanted the truth. It only took her seconds to decide.

"I won't lie to you, sweetie. I love being close to you, and seeing you want me, in your way. I feel affection for you when I see you get hard for me. Very deep affection. But there are some men who just aren't made to, well, fuck a woman like she really needs to be fucked. Sometimes it's cock size, but more often it's talent. Some men do all of it perfectly, and others just never get it right. I know you've tried to please me, but the sex was always less than I expected from you. I've tried to be patient over the years, always fantasizing about the man who takes me and knows what to do with me. Whenever I did have an orgasm with you, it was always with my fantasy lover there in my head, seducing me, out-fucking you as you stood by helplessly, hoping to learn what it takes. But you never did learn. And then Charles came along, and you just let him have me. I leaped at the chance, knowing you'd likely stand aside without challenging him, just like in my dreams."

This time the wound wasn't as deep, but it was still there. I was to be a true cuckold, with a wife who fucked other men to find the satisfaction she failed to get at home. The sense of loss and humiliation began to blend with obsessive erotic thoughts of Amanda moaning while she rode the cocks of man after man. In a sense, her moans became satisfying for me as well, as if by giving her to her lovers I could help supply the unmet needs she suffered for so long. As she stared at me across the table with her beautiful, wide eyes, images of man after man plunging into her hungry body had me hard again. How could I want this? I didn't. But my dick was telling a different story.


The office had a welcoming party for Eric during lunch. Charles made a flattering little speech to our team, and Eric stepped in to eagerly accept Charles's praise as his new IT "genius". No one knew Amanda was part of Eric's "benefits package", at least not yet, but I cringed when he looked at me and winked while he spoke to the group. The image of him standing in his window, stroking his huge cock as my naked Amanda masturbated for him assaulted me within seconds. I thought of the second cock that would now put mine to shame, and how Amanda would enjoy adding him to her growing list of lovers. Did she think of me at all while Charles fucked her? Would she constantly compare both cocks to mine as they filled her? And then I'd get hard, knowing she would.

Eric called me to his office later that morning. I had hoped it would be all work and nothing about Amanda. Please. Not yet. Not where everyone might hear. He'd have her body in our bed soon enough, I was sure, but I wasn't looking forward to being cuckolded by two bosses with all my coworkers' knowledge. It must have been a first, and I was sure the other husbands would be grateful their wives hadn't been the property of two men at once.

"I wanted to get together today and talk," Eric said, wearing a knowing grin. I know I have a lot of catching up to do here, and I'd be grateful for any help you can give me. Charles has told me a lot about your work, and he's been generous with his praise of it. So, I think we can do good work together. I hope you agree.

"But we need to talk about Amanda as well. I suppose you know Charles has told me everything, and that she and I will have a special relationship from now on. You know I've always liked Amanda, but probably not that I've harbored sexual fantasies about her for years. There is something about an older woman in her prime that's always attracted me, and Amanda's a perfect example. But I have pretty good instincts about couples too. I can tell when a wife isn't getting the sex she needs, even when the husband can't. It's a talent I was born with, I think. So, have you discussed this with her at all?"

"Not really," I answered nervously. "I - um - was there that night, just out of sight, when the two of you masturbated at the window. I know she has fantasies about you too. It's not easy for me to say, but I'm sure she's eager to have sex with you."

He was quiet for a while, looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds, than back at me and sighed. "I don't get this cuckold thing that's become more popular lately. I mean, letting other men fuck a gorgeous wife like Amanda? I'm betting Amanda loves it, but do you get off on it? Doesn't it bother you at all? I know you're wearing a cage on your dick, and that must be embarrassing at times. I mean, it's fine though. I'm willing to play - more than willing. To be brutally honest, I can't wait to fuck Amanda."

His grin told me he wasn't going to be shy about taking her. I could almost see him drool at the prospect of putting that huge cock in her. And I knew she'd love it. I remembered her stretching up to kiss him the day before, there in public where anyone might see, her petite body so small and willing, so anxious to get a second look at his cock.

"I can't explain it to you, if that's what you're asking," I told him. "Charles seduced her, and I've had to go along to stay here. He's given me huge raises, and Amanda loves the things I can provide with that. Amanda loves sex with him, and I'm trying to accept it. Trying. And the cage, well, everything I do, every thought I have, is about being free of it. It's painful at times, and yes, embarrassing, even in front of Amanda."

"All I can say is, I wouldn't want to be you," he said. "But now that I know you're trying to accept that I'll be fucking your wife, I'm much more comfortable doing her. Has she told you how she feels about that? Do you think she's wet for me at this very minute? That she can't wait to fuck me?"

"We talked. This morning. And yes, she's looking forward to it, and that I learn to accept having other men satisfy her. It, um, has to do with our past, our sex life."

I see," he said, smiling again. "Maybe you just weren't up to the task, but thought you were, and she never let on? Then Charles fucked her and she couldn't keep the secret anymore? Something like that? I can always tell."

I stared down into my lap where the cage bit into my dick and balls. "Something like that," I confessed.

"You know, I never thought of Amanda as the slutty type, as long as I've known her, through my teens and after. But she always made me just a little horny, whether it was watching her out in your yard gardening in her little shorts and tank tops, or sliding in and out of her car in those tight skirts she wears. There was something hot about her innocent beauty that always put a little heft in my cock. For years now I never knew if her soft touches and little compliments on my looks were just meant to be friendly or something much more. She's one of my mother's best friends, so the nasty thoughts I had when she was around were just guilty fantasies. Don't get me wrong - I would have fucked her in a heartbeat had she told me she wanted it. Now, well, this is not only unexpected, it's long overdue. I'm hard right now just thinking about it."

His story about his past with Amanda was getting me hard as well. I wondered if she had considered fucking him years ago, but knew seducing her best friend's son would have been dangerous. Still, thinking back, she had always brought him into our conversations and always smiled a bit wider when he was around her. There was lasciviousness in that smile I refused to recognize at the time, but now it was clear she had likely thought of him when we fucked. Had she seen his cock before that night at our window? Was it part of her fantasies as well as his strong, young body?

"I don't think of her as a slut," I assured him. "Charles does, and you might, but she's still my wife. She's promised me she'll stay, that she cares about me. It's just the sex she needs from Charles. I'm sure she needs the same from you, with no strings or commitment. At this point I have to accept that. I can't give her what she needs in bed, but some men can, and now that she's had better cock she can't go back to the way we were. I have no say about any of it. She wants what she wants, and I need my job to keep her."

"Okay, I think I know where things stand," he told me. "But you should know I want to fuck Amanda as soon as I can. And since you'll be working for me, I need hear that you won't try to interfere. In fact, what I'd really like to hear is you beg me to fuck her. I'll just record it so there won't be any repercussions later. No one can blame me for fucking a man's wife after her husband begs me to do it. So go ahead - I'm recording now."

So far there hadn't been any physical evidence that Amanda was cuckolding me, but Eric was more careful than Charles. That it would even exist made my skin crawl. But Eric was my boss now, and losing my job and my new inflated income might cause me to lose Amanda when I couldn't afford the lifestyle Charles had promised us.

"I - um - want you to fuck my wife, Amanda," I recited.

"That's very generous of you. Is that what Amanda wants too?" he went on.

"It is," I offered. "She wants you to fuck her. She admitted it just this morning."

"And why would she want that?"

"It's, um, ah, because I can't, um, fuck her, the way she needs it."

"Well, that is unfortunate. Honestly now, just between us, is it because your dick is too small to make her cum?"

"I guess," I said, my face burning with shame.

"And she told you that?"

"Yes, not long after Charles started fucking her. But she likes him too - how confident and aggressive he is."

"So now you're wearing a steel cage on your dick until you learn to let her have what she wants without jealousy or possessiveness. Is that correct?"

"It is. I don't like it, but I'm doing whatever it takes to have it removed."

"And when do you think that will be?" he asked.

"When I learn not to get hard for her anymore. To let other men have her, any man she chooses. I need to know she's being satisfied. To accept it, and be happy for her."

"Once again, you really want me to begin fucking your pretty little wife because you can't? I'm not entirely sure you mean it."

Eric was grinning across his desk at me, hopeful that I'd beg.

"I do. I'm begging you to satisfy her. It's what she wants. It's what we both want."

"Then consider it done," he promised.

I left his office feeling small and drained, giving in so easily that I couldn't believe what I had done. Now he had a recording of me begging him to fuck Amanda. I had just folded in his presence, worn down by Charles's constant dominance over me, and his ownership of my wife as though it was what I deserved. His "training" had me doubting myself at every turn. And after enduring all of it, I wasn't sure my cage would ever come off.

Amanda was in a surprisingly cheerful mood that evening when I got home. I still had misgivings about how Eric's talk with me ended, and I grew more and more worried when I replayed the meeting in my head. Getting away from him and Charles was comforting at the end of a long day, and Amanda's enthusiastic peck on my cheek was a much needed welcome at home.

"Did you know Eric called me today?" she asked, beaming. "He was so sweet on the phone that I invited him over tonight. I never knew he could be such a charmer, going on and on about how beautiful and sexy I am. How did it go today between you two? Did you have time to talk?"

"We talked," I told her. "I doubt the work stuff will change, but he made it clear that he can't wait to have sex with you. Did you know he fantasized about doing you since he was a teenager?"

"I guess I had more than enough clues that he did, sweetie. Honestly, I didn't encourage him, but I have to confess I've had some of my own fantasies about him for years. He's always had such a sexy, fit body, and there were times when I could see he was hard, so I knew he was huge down there. I suppose some of those fantasies never left me."

"So, did you think of him when we made love?" I asked. "Was it often? Did you cum while pretending I was him?"

"I did, sweetie. Not every time though. I was always trying to give you another chance, hoping that you'd get better at satisfying me. You tried so hard, but still..."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry I never met your expectations. I wish I had known, but that may have made things even worse. Hearing that I was a terrible lover would have devastated me. I might not have been able to get hard at all after that."

"You weren't a terrible lover, sweetie. It's just that there was always something missing. I had been with bigger men before, so there was that. But it was more than that. I needed to be 'taken' by a man who wasn't so careful or predictable. I needed to be ravaged, at least now and then, by a strong, powerful man who only cared about filling me with cock and making me cum. I tried to let you know, hoping that you might change, but you didn't understand."

"Well, at least now you'll get your fantasy with him," I said, trying my best not to be beaten down further by what she had told me. "Are you going to sleep with him tonight? Is that why you invited him over?"

"I'm hoping he'll stay the night - it's what Eric and I both want. You knew it was going to happen soon, right? But I want you to be a part of it. Why don't you give me a nice hot bath and help me decide what to wear for him? We can plan the evening together, make the bed with clean sheets extra pillows, and light some candles in the bedroom. We need to make sure both Eric and Charles know you're okay with this, that you've helped Eric feel at home in our bed. It'll be a nice surprise for him. I could be on the bed in one of my sexiest nighties and you could show him in and offer me to him. Maybe you can even ask Eric if you can watch us; that might just give him a good reason to have your cage removed, if you show him you can keep from getting hard while he's fucking me. Do you think you can do that? Can you prove to him that my body is only for other men now? And that you've abandoned the idea that you'll ever fuck me again? Please try, sweetie. It's what we all want from you. It's my longtime dream..."

The Key - 9

The Key - 9

When Eric didn't show up for dinner I was grateful to be spared more humiliation after that day's meeting with him. Amanda was visibly excited at dinner, gulping her meal and wearing a knowing smile as I watched her.

"If you talked about me, did you get hard when you met with Eric today?" she asked between bites. "I thought you might."

"Only a little, just once," I confessed.

"What was it that made you hard? Do you remember?"

"It was his story about how he wanted you back when he was a teenager. He'd see you in your shorts and sweaty halter top outside when you were working in the garden and fantasized about fucking you. He also said something about how you let your skirt ride up to show your legs when you got in and out of your car. I never knew that. Did you do it on purpose, to tease him?"

"I don't remember all the details from back then, but I can tell you there were times when I knew he was looking, and I couldn't help giving him a better look at my legs, and sometimes more. A few times, after you made love to me the night before and I was still really needy for sex the next day, I'd go without panties and hope he'd be watching. Then I'd find an excuse to stroll over and talk to him just to see if I had made him hard. Sometimes he was, and I could tell he was huge."

"So, would you have fucked him back then if he made the first move? Is that what you wanted?"

"I don't know, sweetie. Now that you know how much I wanted him, I should confess that I bought this lifelike dildo after I started fantasizing about him. I guessed it was about his size - it was the biggest one they had. I hid it in the back of my underwear drawer so you wouldn't know. There were moments when I was with him during the day when I could barely control myself, then rushed back home to masturbate with it while you were at work. After I'd tease him a little during the day and then see how huge he was, even through his pants, you were especially useless to me in bed that night. I had already imagined what his cock would be like inside me when I used the dildo earlier that day, and I'm sorry to say, you just weren't an adequate substitute. Then the next day it was all I could do to keep my hands off him again. I never touched him - his cock, I mean, but I was wet for him so often. I mean, almost constantly. Trying to keep my obsession for him a secret was always so hard for me. I'd imagine what would happen if you found out and I'd feel so guilty, but only for a few seconds. There was always this little voice in my head that told me I deserved much better sex. You never noticed how much I wanted him when you saw us together? I was always afraid you would."

"I guess it bothered me sometimes, the way you touched him when the two of you spent time together. I saw the way he ran his eyes over your body when he thought I wasn't looking, and it made me a little jealous, but I never thought you'd let him seduce you - he was so young, and your best friend's son. But I guess my thoughts were also a tiny bit erotic. I never noticed his cock like you did, but I would see him mow the lawn next door without his shirt and have these fleeting thoughts that you might be attracted to him. I could see he was young and in great shape, and I was a little envious. He was just cocky enough to try to seduce an older woman - but you? You were so fresh and innocent. I had no idea that you..."

"That I needed much more in bed than you could give me?" she added. "I'm sure you had no idea how much I wanted him, or at least how I wanted his cock. I was always a woman who needed more, sweetie. You just couldn't see it. When it was clear you weren't going to give it to me, well, fantasizing about Eric's cock was inevitable. You can hardly blame me, can you?"


I answered the door about nine o'clock when Eric arrived. He apologized for being late, walked right by me, and took Amanda's hands in his, telling her how gorgeous she looked. We had tried to decide on her dress together earlier that evening, but she had made the final decision. When she stood there with his hands on her I had nagging regrets.

She had chosen a fiery red cocktail dress, an off-the-shoulder number that barely fell to mid-thigh. I had surprised her with it years ago on our anniversary. Amanda thought it was too revealing to wear for any of our social occasions, but she had surprised me by agreeing to my suggestion that we seek out a bar in a nearby city where we were sure to remain anonymous, enter ten minutes apart, then pretend we'd met for the first time and fuck in a nearby hotel. I remembered the way her eyes lit up as she listened to my plan. I also remembered that by the time I'd make my entrance there was always a guy there beside her trying his best to talk her out of the dress; I had to wait my turn to play my part until she sent him on his way. Sometimes my wait seemed uncomfortably long.

Thinking back, there were times when it seemed she was playing her own game, taking her time with the guy, promising him much more than we had agreed on. Now I recognized the flickering angst from that time, the spark of excitement while I watched them flirt, and the nagging anxiety as I buried the subliminal hint of eroticism under my certainty that she only wanted my dick inside her. Now I wondered if Amanda had enjoyed those brief encounters with strangers more than I knew. Was her need for a big-cocked Alpha lover so intense, even back then, that she may have considered leaving me there and taking him to our hotel room to fuck him? And when we finally arrived at our room, did she merely "let" me fuck her while wishing the guy at the bar was there with her instead? It worried me when I remembered that her gasps and moans on those nights had been nothing like those I heard when she was with Charles. Yet, those nights when we played our game were so special to me, those nights when I believed Amanda in her red dress was all mine.

Why had I agreed to such a revealing, come-fuck-me dress to show her off to Eric? True, I hadn't quite remembered how it would look on her as it hung there in our closet, yet there was a hint of how seductive it would make her. The material was paper thin and the band of lace over her breasts was shockingly transparent. Amanda's breasts were enticingly *******, and the slight flair over her thighs threatened to show her pussy when she twirled in front of the mirror.

Had I agreed because I wanted Eric to find Amanda fuckable at first sight? Was this dark shadow of surrender inside me finding its way into the light, influencing my decisions and reactions to Eric's lust for her body? I'd have given anything to be able to satisfy Amanda myself, to go back to the way I had assumed we were. But after what she had told me, was seeing Eric fuck her and watching her cum like she couldn't with me an angst-driven curiosity I couldn't put aside?

She had refused the matching red panties I chose. "I want him to know all of me is available to him," she had told me. "They'll just get in the way." As I watched her fuss with her hair and apply the final touches of makeup, it was clearer to me than ever that she was completely naked under the dress and that I'd be handing over my sweet little Amanda to Eric as his sexual plaything. The shame was unbearable as I felt my dick twitch and inch forward in the cage.

I flinched when I saw Eric grab a fistful of Amanda's hair, pull her head back, and kiss her deeply. He explored under the flair of her dress with his other hand, and I could see him working between her legs, his fingers likely deep inside her. Her moan was low and guttural when her mouth sealed against his. The sound was vaguely recognizable, but much more intense than any I could remember when we kissed. It was both terrifying and exciting watching the young stud's confidence; he knew he could take my wife's body then and there in front of me without consequences or retribution. Amanda held him tightly, melting into him, pressing her belly against his growing erection. She began to move her hips against him, slowly and rhythmically. They might as well have been fucking.

Time seemed to stand still until Amanda broke the kiss and whispered, "You must know I've wanted you for years. Take me to bed and fuck me?" Eric looked over at me and waited for my approval. I knew what was coming.

"Well, we're both waiting," he said finally. "You know what I want; beg me to fuck your 'innocent' little Amanda."

Once again I'd have to tell him to take Amanda, this time as she listened. It stung to have her hear it, but I knew I had no choice. My new boss was giving me an order.

"P-please, fuck my wife," I stammered.

"It would sound more sincere if you were on your knees. You can do that for us, can't you?"

It took everything I had to lower myself to my knees before them. Amanda stared at me with a mix of disbelief and lust. She waited for my answer with the same expectation Eric had when he delivered the order.

"Please, fuck my wife, Eric. Please. Amanda wants you. She always has."

"And why do you think that is?" he asked. "Tell us."

"Because, I can't, um, satisfy her, and she's always fantasized about you - I mean, your cock."

He turned to Amanda and asked, "Is that true? That your husband has never been able to satisfy you? And that you've wanted my cock for years but were afraid to tell me?"

"It is," she told him, now gazing into his eyes. "In bed, he's, well, inadequate. I can't remember how long I've wanted your cock - then when I saw it for the first time in the window..."

Amanda took his hand and started to climb the stairs to our bedroom. Then she stopped and looked back at me, still on my knees, not able to speak or even move.

"Would you like him to watch?" she asked him. "I think my husband might like that, and we could let Charles know if he gets hard. You know it's a condition of being free of his cage."

"I have my own plan for that," he said. "It's a bit different than Charles's, but just as effective. I have a few ideas that will guarantee he won't be fucking you from now on. So by all means, let him watch."

I couldn't believe they'd be able to keep me from becoming excited by Amanda's body forever. It was just a cruel game they were playing, a game to justify fucking her as I stood by helplessly. Every guy I knew wanted her, or at least had told me what an incredible little body she had. Even in the most innocent conversations, my closest friends couldn't resist commenting on her looks, mostly how they wished their wives or girlfriends had that same electric appeal, even in their everyday clothes. It had been both a blessing and a curse since we started dating. Amanda was a delicious, petite Barbie doll. Her perfect five foot two body was proportioned just like the popular girl's toy, with breasts just a bit larger than the doll maker dared create them. Men couldn't just glance at her, they couldn't take their eyes off her, and many went a lot further, flirting with her as though I didn't exist even after we were married. How was I supposed to ignore her effect on men?

I followed them up the stairs to our bedroom and stood in the open door as Eric took her in his arms and kissed her again. It stung as I watched her submit so quickly and easily, collapsing against him and whispering in his ear how much she had always wanted him to fuck her. How had I not seen her obsession for him over the years? How could I have been so foolish in the past to assume her complete innocence when she laughed with him and touched him? Had I known it was much more than simple affection and blinded myself to it? Or maybe I was secretly aroused by their attraction to each other but buried it under the oblivious certainty that she'd never want any other man in bed. That I was so wrong for so long made the sting harder to take.

Eric held her at arm's length and stared at her for a few seconds, then grasped the lace neckline and ripped the entire front of the dress open in a single, sudden swipe. Amanda's eyes widened and her mouth fell open, her surprised look growing into a small, satisfied smile. The dress hung open, ******** her breasts and pussy as though she was intentionally presenting them to him to use as he wished. As he paused and stared down along the rift in her dress, her whisper was breathless and needy. "Are you going to fuck me now, Eric?"

I shuddered when she shrugged the dress off her shoulders. The candles about the room threw warm, dancing fingers of light over her naked body. Her pussy lips were swollen and wet - I could see them glisten when the light flickered over them. The sight of her breasts heaving with desire for him sent me into a panic, one that warned of my total loss of her. It was a scene from my worst nightmare, so why was my dick nudging the bars of my cage? For the first time it wasn't the sight of her perfect body that made me hard, it was the certainty that Eric would take her with his huge cock, that I'd hear the moans of her orgasms and know she had finally found joy in our bed, the delicious bliss she had dreamed of for so many years.

"Get on your knees and suck me," he ordered. Naked, beautiful, and completely under his spell, she unfastened his pants, put her hand inside, and slowly began to pull his cock free into the light. It was monstrous, much bigger than I remembered the night we watched him from our bedroom window. Each time I thought I had seen it engorged to its limit it grew even thicker, a rigid, throbbing spike of flesh drooling precum over her fingers as she played with it. There was a startled look of awe on her face, and a kind of fascination she had never shown with Charles's or mine.

"Put it in your mouth until I tell you to stop," he told her. I watched Amanda take the tip between her lips, then open to enclose the entire head in her waiting mouth. The shaft was impossibly huge, more than she could ever hope to swallow more deeply, but she tried like a woman possessed. I imagined that she must be swallowing a constant stream of his precum as she gagged on his pulsing shaft. Yet her hands were on him, circling his cock, milking it, sliding over it as her drool wetted the surface. She looked so small and helpless, so submissive, so not what I had always thought Amanda to be. Her actions were automated and trancelike; her entire body was twisting and swaying as though every part of her wanted his cock down her throat, then much deeper into her body.

When he was sure I had seen enough, he stopped her and lifted her chin up until her eyes met his. "I've waited a long time to see my cock in your mouth," he told her. "I always imagined you as hesitant and shy, not a married little slut who's so hungry for it - and while your husband watches, too. I'll bet he's wishing you'd suck him the same way."

Amanda glanced at me, then looked back up at Eric and nodded. Jesus, she looked so desperate for him. A sly smile appeared on her face as she stared back at him.

"But you don't, do you, Amanda? You've never sucked him like this, have you?"

"No," she whispered, "Never."

"In fact, you never will, will you?"

"No - never, I promise," she said, leaning forward to place a lingering kiss on the end of his cock. Her hands inched up his thighs until they found his balls and cupped them lovingly. "This is what I want," she whispered again. "All of it, inside me."

"And you can have all of it you want, Amanda. But first we have some training to do."

He motioned for me to come closer, then ordered me to sit in the chair he had moved to the foot of the bed.

"Get some of his neckties from the closet, Amanda," he ordered. "We need to be sure he behaves."

She returned with a collection of my best ties and showed them to Eric.

"You do it," he told her. "Tie his arms and legs. Make sure he can't free himself."

After she tied my wrists and ankles to the arms and legs of the heavy chair, Eric handed her a large pair of scissors and told her to cut away my clothes until I was naked. As she worked, she tried to assure me it would be for the best.

"It's just a little game you have to play, sweetie. You know the more you cooperate the sooner you'll get out of your cage. As scared as you look, I think you really do want to see Eric fuck me, don't you? Telling me would make it so much better for me."

She ran the tip of her finger along the bars of my cage, slowing over the head of my cock where the sensation made me thrust my hips upward in desperation. She stopped then, watching my dick grow inside my cage. "I thought so," she added. She kissed me lightly on the cheek, then whispered close to my ear, "Oh sweetie, don't you wish you had a cock like Eric's?"

"Enough sweet talk," Eric told her. "Why don't you get on the bed and spread your pretty legs for me while I tend to your husband?"

Amanda did as she was told. Her legs were pried apart as far as she could stretch them, and she looked me in the eye and smiled. It was the hungriest smile I had ever seen from her, the smile of a totally owned woman, desperately in heat. Seeing my wife's drenched sex willingly on display was a blow to my gut, yet the mouthwatering eroticism of her naked body begging to be fucked had me hard inside my cage. I couldn't hope to prevent it. Her thirst for his cock was more than I could ever have imagined. Her entire body begged for it, raged for it. I finally just gave up trying to resist. Amanda was right - I wanted to see her take all of his immense cock.

"I'm feeling generous tonight," Eric told me. He took the key from his pocket and slowly inched the cage from my trapped erection. Suddenly I was harder than I had been in months. Eric stood in front of me and grinned. "No wonder Amanda needs a real man. Did you really think she'd be satisfied with that? You must have had a clue after years of fucking her, didn't you?"

"I - I guess I might have," I told him. "I do now, I mean, after Charles, and now you. I'll be okay with letting you have her, I promise. Just don't put me back in that cage. Please, I'm begging you."

"Oh, don't worry, there's no question that you'll let me have her, as often as I want her. Amanda and I will both see to that. The only question that remains is how cooperative you'll be. There are so many ways you can add to her satisfaction without fucking her, or even touching her. Tonight you can show her how much you want her to cum on my cock. I mean, really show her."

Eric untied my left hand and stood back to see whether I got his message. He glanced down at my erection, then across to my free hand and nodded.

"So, I can cum? You're letting me cum?" I asked.

"Absolutely. In fact, we expect you to jerk off while we fuck. It's your chance to show Amanda how much you want her to have the kind of sex she needs. You might even learn to enjoy doing yourself while I use her. It's such a gratifying gift from a husband to his wife, don't you think? It's the final step in your complete acceptance - that of you handing over your sweet wife's pussy to me. Amanda's going to love your little gift. She'll love it every single time you spew all over yourself while she's getting the cock she's always wanted. Now, enjoy yourself..."

Watching him enter Amanda was a strange mix of degradation and excitement. He was impossibly huge, so much so that I feared he'd split her open. But as his cock disappeared inside her, Amanda's face took on a rare appearance of surprise and long-awaited satisfaction. A faint smile on her face grew into an open-mouthed expression of pure joy as he filled her with more and more cock. Her juices flowed from her, coating the invading stalk of meat, making it glisten in the flickering candle light. I had never felt so small and incompetent, completely incapable of giving Amanda what she needed. My dick seemed meager and insignificant, yet it was hard and throbbing with the need to be touched and stroked as I watched Eric take her.

When Amanda began to moan softly I reached down and began to stroke myself. How had I let it come to this? She had welcomed Eric's cock inside without shame or reservation, knowing I sat nearby and watched him fuck her, fuck her like I never had or could. My sweet Amanda had told me without any reluctance whatsoever that I had never satisfied her, at least not the way she expected. And yet I jerked as I watched her petite body take a cock so monstrous I hadn't believed it would fit inside her.

The truth settled over me like a suffocating blanket; her body would belong to him from now on. Suddenly I felt my dick wasn't worthy to ever entering her again. Yet, I kept stroking. The little mewing sounds she made urged me on. The throbbing girth of Eric's cock pistoning in and out of her urged me on. Thoughts of her perfect body surrendered to him, her naked pussy, ass, and breasts completely his, her blissful expression and long awaited cries of passion and joy, all urged me on. How could she do this? My innocent, beautiful wife of so many years. But then, how could I? Jerking off to the ultimate surrender and crushing humiliation of seeing her body so easily and willingly given up to him right there in front of me in our bed?

There was no doubt that he was using her, and that she wanted to be used. He never seemed to tire as Amanda's quiet words drifted across the room to me. "It's so good - so, so good, Eric. It's never been like this before. Never. Not with anyone. You're so big. I'm - so - full of you. All of me. Completely filled with you. Oh fuck, Eric - cum in me, please cum in me..."

My orgasm was sudden and unexpected. One second I was lamenting the loss of Amanda's incredible body, and the next I was spewing a fountain of cum over my hands and stomach. I couldn't stop - I had no control. Her words drove me over the edge of the cliff I was dreading, forcing me to give up my useless seed as a reward for the pleasure he gave her. In those moments there were no more questions, no inner angst or debate - when I came, every blind second of it was for Amanda, my surrender to her and Eric, and my helpless vision of her pussy now possessed and consumed by Eric's relentless, pulsing cock.

Not long after, Amanda's cries and moans echoed through the room as she came on his cock. He pinned her to the bed like a helpless animal while she thrashed under him, begging him to fuck her harder, to never, ever stop. It hit her suddenly, with wide eyes staring into his and mouth gaping in surprise. She must have never had an orgasm like it. It was painful to think I was so useless to her all those years, not even suspecting she needed what Eric gave her.

Eric came soon after, groaning and panting. I could see the root of his cock pulsing as his sperm erupted into her. It seemed to double in size, and yet it was still buried in her to the hilt. Soon the white, frothy excess began to flow from her, soaking the bed under them. Amanda closed her legs around him tightly and pulled him into her. As the last of his cum emptied into her, he lowered his face close to hers and told her, "You're such a little slut, Amanda - you do love to fuck, don't you? But now your pussy's mine, not your husband's. You'll never give it to him again, will you? You'll never let his dick inside you, will you? Will you? Tell me..."

Amanda didn't pause or think twice before she answered. "I am, Eric. I want to be your little slut. I want it more than anything. He'll never have me again...I promise...only you...only you..."

There was something so final about the way she said it. She made me believe I'd never be allowed to have sex with her again. As cruel and crushing as it was to me, part of me was relieved that I would no longer disappoint her. Part of me was strangely grateful that a man could give her what she had been deprived of for so long. Part of me was excited to see her delicious body spasm and shudder when she had finally been given the orgasm she dreamed about during our years together. But another part of me was screaming in horror inside.

Afterward, they climbed off the bed and stood in front of me, hand in hand. I was still shaking from my own orgasm, covered with thick strings of my own semen.

"He needs to go back in his cage now," Eric told her. "He's had a taste of what's to come, and I don't want him hard for you when I'm not around. He still has a lot to learn."

"But, he'll be so disappointed," she said. "He's been so good - really, he has. I'm sure he knows he could never compete, never satisfy me like you do. And he's never hard anymore."

My hopes were revived in seconds as Amanda pleaded her case for my freedom. Her nipples were still hard and pouting, and I could see Eric's cum leaking from her pussy down along the insides of her thighs. There was so much of it, more than I ever imagined could come from just one man. She was so beautiful, so sexy, and so his.

"He only gets to cum when he watches us fuck now, Amanda," he explained. "He has to look forward to it, to really want it. It's the only way he'll give up all hope of fucking you again. Wouldn't you like that? Knowing that he wants you to fuck me? Knowing that he lives for it every second of every day? That he finally sees himself as just a spectator, not a husband with rights to your pussy? Wouldn't it be a relief knowing he'd never want to put his dick in you again?"

Amanda stared at my crotch, studying the wasted pool of semen slowly collecting between my legs. She nodded and looked up at him with adoration. "I suppose you're right, Eric," she said, smiling. "It would be nice to know he no longer misses fucking me - and that I'd be having amazing sex with you. He's just been so miserable lately, and if he accepts it, and even learns to look forward to giving my body to you from now on, well, we'd all be much happier. At least he'd have a sex life then, even if it would be only watching instead of fucking me."

Amanda found the cage on the floor next to me and went to her knees between my legs. I could see the glowing sheen of sweat on her skin, a stark reminder of how Eric had made her body respond like I never had. His cum continued to drip from between her legs, the endless globs of sticky remains falling to the carpet at my feet.

Let me do it," Amanda told him. "It will slide on much easier now that he's all wet."

She glanced up at me while she worked. I thought I saw a hint of apology on her face at times, but then she'd busy herself with fastening the confining tube of shiny bars to the base that surrounded my dick and balls. I'd wince when she hit a sensitive spot while she tugged at the unforgiving metal base.

"I'm sorry if it's a little painful, sweetie," she said. "I haven't handled your balls very often - I didn't realize how sensitive you are there. But maybe a little pain is a good thing right now. It can be a reminder of what your little thing is good for. Using your hand won't be so bad, will it? And you'll still get to see me naked while you do it. I think I'll like that, seeing my husband get off while Eric fucks me."

As hope of ever having sex with Amanda was drained from me, I watched her stand and take Eric's hand. I was shocked to see his cock rise and harden again so soon. Amanda reached down and held it, running her fingers slowly over the tip. She presented the key to my cage to Eric with her free hand. She was so beautiful, so naked and used, her pussy still teeming with his incredible load of sperm.

"I know you wanted to keep this, and I think it's best," she told him, smiling. "I feel better about it now that I know he'll be able to have some relief now and then. Besides, there's something very exciting about you owning my husband's key. I can't think of a more worthy man to do it - to finally take charge of the sex in our marriage and make it what it should have always been. Thank you so much, Eric. You've made me a new woman. And thank you, sweetie - for learning your new place in our marriage and accepting it like I always hoped you would."

But I hadn't accepted it. Not after cumming. Not losing my beautiful wife's body to him. Not living out my sex life by jerking off while watching Eric fuck her. But then he took her to bed again, pumping his cum into her one more time, and the cage bit into my balls as my dick began to twitch and instantly harden again inside the metal bars.

The Key - 10

The Key - 10

It didn't take long to learn that Eric wasn't shy about owning Amanda, even in public. Amanda would visit him in his office at lunch just as she had Charles, but I assumed everyone already knew the price husbands paid to keep their jobs there. She'd arrive fresh and exuberant and leave looking only slightly used - her hair hastily arranged and a button or zipper here or there left undone. I wasn't sure if others noticed, but I did, especially when she'd stop and place a quick, parting kiss on my cheek. I often imagined I could smell his semen on her breath.

Charles had moved on to take the wife of a newly hired, young college grad. He'd screen potential hires as a couple, then make his decision based on his intuition of how easily the husband could be cuckolded if offered the right incentives; that, and of course the attractiveness of the unsuspecting, sex-starved wife. The quiet new accountant fit the part of the cuckold perfectly, and his slim, statuesque, raven-haired wife no doubt sealed Charles's decision to welcome the couple into the fold. It wasn't long before she too craved visits to his office. I noticed she had been a quick and easy conquest; her formal attire gave way to leather pencil skirts, tightly fitted blouses with a few buttons undone, and six inch stiletto heels, all no doubt purchased by Charles to fit his ideal image of how a scandalously unfaithful corporate wife should dress. Of course, I knew why her husband looked the other way and didn't object.

The thing was, Amanda would stop and kiss me on her way out, no doubt meant to tease me with a tantalizing reminder of what she had just done. His wife strutted by her husband's office with a satisfied smirk, half-opened blouse and hard nipples, totally ignoring him. The poor guy looked as though he wanted to cower under his desk and cry. I wondered, day after day, if he'd ever be able to accept his new sex life, or whether he'd go missing one day and forfeit a successful future and then his wife to Charles.

Eric had moved out of his parent's home into his own house a few blocks away from us. It was an upscale neighborhood for a guy with his first real job, but I suspected Charles was showering him with money, probably for fitting nicely into his penchant for fucking the wives of the men who worked for him. I knew Charles would never have to pay Eric extra to fuck Amanda, but it was still embarrassing that Eric was compensated to do just that. He claimed he liked the neighborhood, but I knew he chose the location partly to make it more convenient to fuck Amanda, day or night. I struggled to get used to how often they were together. I'd come home at the end of the day to find Amanda smiling joyously.

"I went to see Eric today," she'd say, casually. "He took the day off and we spent the day in bed. I still can't get over how soon he gets hard again after he cums. He really wore me out today, but in a good way. He's an amazing guy. Does that still make you just a little jealous, sweetie? Maybe a little hard, too? I'd really hoped you'd have accepted all this by now."

I didn't try to hide my erections or lie about them anymore. I couldn't determine whether an erection while she described their fucking was the way out of my cage or not. I did know that Eric forbade me from getting hard by merely seeing her naked, and that he wanted me to get excited by watching them fuck. But her stories about them? They were unknown territory.

"Both, I suppose," I answered tentatively.

"Let's see then," she'd announce. "Take off your clothes while I tell you more - I want to see your cage, well, your dick, really. I love seeing you hard in your little cage when you think of Eric and me fucking. I always tell him, and he's so happy you actually want that amazing cock of his in me now."

It was the matter-of-fact way she said it, as though she was describing a visit to the grocery store, that constantly astonished me. I'd strip for her, she'd see my partial erection and grin with satisfaction as she traced the open spaces between the thin metal bars with her fingertip and continued with lurid details of their day in bed.

"Have you ever seen a man with a cock that big, sweetie? I mean, maybe at the gym in the showers, or even in a porn movie? I've never even seen a picture of a cock that huge. It's just so wonderful having a man like him, for sex I mean. You know I'll always want you as my husband, right? I'm sure you're envious - still, you can't help what you're born with, can you?"

There was always a mix of pain and excitement when she did that. No, I couldn't help what I was born with, but seeing her, even thinking of her, so delirious when she was impaled on his cock was shamefully exciting. At least he was satisfying her, making her happy, I told myself. But I'd have given anything for a cock like his so I could do the same for Amanda.

I dreaded the little meetings with Eric in his office right after Amanda left him. He'd pretend it was all business for a while, then always followed it with a punch to the gut.

"Amanda's quite a woman, but I'm sure you know that. That body, and that face, well, I definitely don't plan to trade her in like Charles does with his women. Besides, we have history, which makes finally fucking her so much sweeter. I always thought you two were the perfect married couple, that I'd never get a shot with her. All this sex is like a dream come true for Amanda and me. I hope she thanks you for it, or at least makes it clear that we're having the best sex of our lives lately."

"Oh, she makes it clear all right," I told him. "I come home to her stories almost every day now. It's all she ever talks about."

"Yeah, I hear all about it when she comes over. She says you get hard hearing about us fucking - I like that. But remember to keep your hands off her hot little body. That's all mine now. You get that, don't you?"

I'd tell him I did, that by then I had given up her body to him as best I could, but it still wasn't easy at times. I'd explain how I'd concentrate on staying soft when she undressed for her bath, or when she was dressed in one of her new revealing outfits, bought when she and Eric shopped for them together. But she had begun to parade around the house naked to test me, and I had to avert my eyes to prove I had learned my place. One lingering glimpse would get me hard in the cage, and I'd have to apologize to her for failing to banish all thoughts of fucking her from my mind. She'd grin, tweak my cage a few times with her fingers, and tell me, "You'd better learn to tame that thing. It's so adorable when it's tiny and shriveled. I keep thinking it should have been part of our marriage vows, that you'll promise to love, honor, and obey, and see that I get great cock, even if it's attached to some other man."

Eric always had a good laugh when I tried to explain, then warned me again to keep my distance when she's naked. "But I have to tell you, she has the tightest little pussy I've ever fucked, man. It's like a fist around my cock. Sometimes I can barely get inside her until she's soaking wet. And that thing she does, that milking thing with her pussy that sucks the cum right out of me? I've never seen anything like it. What a fucking amazing woman!"

He'd go on and on until he'd see me sweating, so embarrassed and yet so hard in my cage. He stopped then, studied me a bit, recognizing I was urgently uncomfortable.

"Oh, man, I'm so sorry. I forgot it wasn't like that for you, I mean when your dick was in her. I should know better; Amanda's complained about your size often enough. It's a shame really, never feeling what that's like, realizing Charles and I know your hot little wife inside out like you never did. But I'm sure it was no picnic all those years for Amanda either. It must have been pure torture for her not getting the cock she needed. But then she never really knew what she was missing until Charles and I showed her. The pretty little thing just craves it now..."

I'd leave his office feeling drained and impotent, return to my chair, and struggle to keep my raging erection under control. Images of his cockhead poised at Amanda's juicy opening, then snaking inside her inch by inch, occupied me constantly.

There were still plenty of nights when Eric would fuck Amanda in our own bed, and he'd always make me watch. He knew how to arrange it just often enough that I'd be desperate to cum and would masturbate feverishly with my one free hand while tied to the chair. I began to look forward to those nights after being caged for months between them; lusting after Amanda as she constantly strolled around our house in the nude when we were alone only increased my anxiety and desperation until I was finally allowed to cum again.

Living in my cage for so long without relief, drooling over Amanda's perfect body day after day as the precum leaked from me endlessly, all the while knowing that I'd only be free when she no longer excited me, eventually took its toll on my nerves and sanity. Thoughts of Eric's immense cock in her occupied my mind every minute of the day. When I was alone it was a relief to allow myself to get hard, even in my cage, while I fantasized about them together, and gradually I got better at staying soft around Amanda's naked body. The punishment became more important than watching her breasts bounce and her round little ass wiggle when I knew she was trying to tease me. Maybe I could do this. I hated the fucking cage so much...


One day as I was completing an unusually large spreadsheet at work, I noticed a small window open at the top corner of my screen. At first the window was dark with only the sound of a woman's voice moaning. I scrambled to lower the volume, then recognized Amanda's throaty fuck-me moans. When the video began, Amanda's name appeared for a few seconds in glowing letters across the image and I recognized our darkened bedroom alight with rows of flickering candles on the night stands at the sides of our bed. She was riding Eric, rising and falling on the full length of his cock in slow, penetrating strokes. Her head was lowered and her eyes were locked on his as she took his cock inside her, over and over and over. Her words ware barely audible at first, then became clearer as though someone had increased the volume. Her voice was laced with breathless little gasps; she sounded so willing, so grateful, so taken with him.

"Why didn't you just take me years ago? I wanted you sooo much, Eric. I waited so long - waited while my husband gently fumbled and almost always failed to make me cum - waited while he never gave me what I needed so badly. What I needed from you. Oh God, Eric - just fuck me. Fuck me like he never could..."

He rolled on top of her and began pummeling her, the entire girth and length of his massive cock filling every inch of her with each full stroke. Her body looked so tiny under him and shuddered with every powerful thrust. And then her moans began again, ones I had never heard when we made love. They grew louder as he pounded her, her body welcoming the brutal thrusts as though she had grown accustomed to them, but still craved them as much as she had the very first time Eric fucked her. Then suddenly the video ended and the window closed.

The rest of the day there were clips of Amanda dressing and undressing, masturbating with her giant dildo in a hot, soapy bath, and finally squeezing into a skin-tight tank top and thin nylon running shorts before leaving on her way to spend time in Eric's bed. I listened as she called him just before she left.

"Hi, you. I've been thinking about you all day, here all alone, naked and horny. I'll come over if you can get away early...No, I won't walk six blocks topless, not even for you! But I'm not wearing much...Of course they'll stare me - they all do when I'm half naked like this...Yeah, I know you like that - showing me off to the neighbors...What will they think? They'll think my husband isn't fucking me enough, that's what they'll think. I really don't care about them now that I'm getting your big, fat cock..."

I no longer cared that I was forbidden to get hard. I tugged and twisted the cage, trying to work it back and forth just enough to cum. I didn't give a damn if anyone in our office saw me. After half the day had passed, I gave up and sat shaking in my office as the precum drenched my slacks. I'd have done anything to cum, maybe even abandon all hope of touching Amanda's body ever again. Maybe Eric was the kind of man who was meant to do that, and I was the kind of man that was meant to just watch.


As the weeks passed, I rarely got any work done, but no one complained. Charles would pat me on the shoulder when we met in the hall and ask me how my "training" was going. Eric was even more understanding. "Don't worry about the schedules and deadlines," he'd tell me. "You're still a valuable asset here. And I'm sure Amanda knows just how valuable your place here has become. By the way, I'm giving you another raise. Amanda has her eye on this sporty new BMW, and we wouldn't want to disappoint her, would we? Just think of her racing around town with the top down, wearing one of those skimpy little halters I bought her, and all the looks she'll get from drooling admirers. You can picture that, can't you? I thought so."

She had mentioned she'd like a new car, but only in passing. Butshe had told Eric the make, model, and probably even the color, knowing he'd find one more way to keep her hungry pussy content and me under his thumb. I had seen her in the halters he bought her - tiny bits of thin cotton that covered her nipples and not much more. She'd add a pair of scandalously short cutoffs and pink sandals just before prancing through our neighborhood Saturday afternoons on her way to Eric's place to fuck him. When I had questioned Amanda about how appropriate it was to show off in front of the neighbors, she merely smiled and told me, "Let them get a good look. I couldn't care less. Our sex life is none of their business. And by the way, you're the one who shouldn't be looking. You wouldn't want me to tell Eric, would you?"

I couldn't bear to watch her leave, and would think about his cock in her all afternoon. Then she'd come home hours later, strip in front of me, and ask me to draw her a bath. "You can watch if you want," she'd tell me. "In fact, I'd like that. As long as your little thing doesn't get hard."

I'd stand beside the tub and pretend to watch, averting my eyes much of the time while trying to stay soft for her. Even when I could, there were times when I couldn't ignore the strings of Eric's semen that seemed to pour from between her legs, swirling among the soap bubbles that surrounded her perfect body. I dreaded knowing it would make me hard instantly, and there was seldom any way to avoid having her notice. She'd kid me that my dick wasn't much bigger hard than it was deflated, and promise not to tell Eric if I admitted it. I would, out loud to her smiling face, overwhelmed by shame.

"You're right," I'd assure her. "I know I'm too small to satisfy you. Your body belongs to Eric now. You deserve a cock like his."

She'd rise up from her bath, glistening and naked, put her arms around me, and tell me how much she still loved me, and then how grateful she was that I wanted her to be happy, even if it meant surrendering her body to Eric's cock. I'd slink away, nearly insane with humiliation and arousal with my dick painfully hard inside the confining bars of my cage, knowing she'd be naked around me for the rest of the day. Still, she loved seeing me soaked with my own precum. She loved telling me about her time with Eric that day as strings of the sticky mess fell from the tip of my cage to the floor in front of her delicious body. And she loved telling me how much bigger he was as she watched with amusement. My only hope during those times was that maybe she wouldn't tell Eric. Maybe I wouldn't have to wear the cage forever if he thought I had stayed soft and behaved.


At work the videos of Amanda began to play constantly in the corner of my monitor. No two were the same, Eric's way of letting me know how often they fucked. Amanda's obsession for his cock was something I knew all too well, but I was still shocked at how many times they had used our bed during the day. Inserted between the videos of them fucking were long stretches of Amanda dressing and undressing in our bedroom, and her masturbating with her once secret dildo on our bed. The window went black again, then returned with a static image of our bedroom. I could see the red display on the bedside clock - I was watching our bedroom in real time.

A few minutes later Amanda entered the room talking on her cell, flopped down on our bed, and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Her hand inched inside, moving gently over her bare breast and nipple. I closed the door to my office so I could raise the volume to hear what she said.

"Of course I want to keep fucking you, Eric. If you insist, then that's what we'll do, but we can't keep him in the cage forever. He is my husband, and he's so miserable. Of course I want your cock instead of his, Eric. No, I don't miss his at all. But he might be near the breaking point - he's so nervous and tries so hard. Yes, I know that's what it will take. Yes, I'm sure that's what I want. I only want you to fuck me now. So, we keep him caged and soft a while longer? Seriously? That long? I know, I know. If we want it to last, it's the only way."

I collapsed back in my chair, my hands shaking, my persistent hope that I might be freed crushed by their conversation. The videos of Eric and Amanda continued to play over and over on my screen in an endless loop. I was devastated, but couldn't resist watching every minute of her frenzied convulsions when she came with his cock in her. Then came the usual recriminations: 'it's how I should have been able to make her cum all those years', 'maybe letting Eric fuck her is how it should be'. There was still a nagging sense of loss, but I began to believe it was only fair that Eric should be fucking her, not me. Yes, she was still my wife, but if I had failed at sex, maybe it was better if she found it somewhere else. I just had to learn to accept it.

The next day Eric and Charles came to my office, asked how my day was going, then walked around my desk to look at my screen. "Very nice," Charles told him. "How do you get that quality from those tiny pinhole cameras? It's like I'm in their bedroom watching."

"It's the latest stealth tech," Eric answered. "Much better than the cameras you used to use. They never know they're there, so we get every second of what used to be their private little moments. No more pretending to calm her husband's hurt feelings - now we hear what she really thinks, well, after just a little of my 'encouragement'. I can install them wherever you want, maybe in that new leggy, cuck-hungry bitch you're fucking. You'd know exactly how to mind-fuck her wimpy husband after listening in, and I'm pretty sure she'd welcome handing over what's left of his balls."

So, Amanda knew nothing about this. I hadn't counted on them spying on her, and on us, recording every conversation we'd had about her and Eric. Maybe when I let her know what they had done, all this would end. She'd never put up with this kind of deceit. Having her every move recorded would be a deal breaker for her. She'd come running back into my arms, and maybe even my bed. And my cage would be gone...

I felt Charles's hand on my shoulder. "I know what you're thinking. So don't. Not if you want to keep your job here and your new lifestyle. Would Amanda stay with you if you were penniless, bankrupt, and unemployable for the foreseeable future? This is our little secret now, sport, just between the three of us. One word from you to anyone, including Amanda, and you're a pathetic nobody for the rest of your life."

The sounds of Amanda's moans drifted through my office as Charles gave me his ultimatum. On my screen, Eric's cock was buried in her to its flaring root, satisfying her need to be filled with the girth I had never been able to give her. She squirmed under him, raising her hips in slow, undulating circles.

"Tell me what you want, Amanda," Eric ordered, his face inches from hers, staring into her eyes. Her eyes were locked on his as though she was in a trance. My stomach churned as I watched her gaze back at him - it was adoring gratitude, unrestrained lust and passion, and finally, total surrender.

"I want you, only you," she recited, again hypnotized by his mere presence on top of her in our bed.

"What would you tell your husband if he was here, if he asked if his dick was enough for you?"

"I'd tell him it isn't - it never was - not like you, like yours."

"If we let him out of his cage, he'll want to fuck you again. He might insist. You're his wife; you might have to let him," Eric suggested.

"Then don't," she told him, without a second's pause. "Don't let him out. I couldn't go back to that. Not after you..."

She began to shudder under him, locking her legs tightly around his back, whispering," Eric...Eric...Eric..." as her orgasm swept over her.

"What more proof do you need?" Charles asked, patting my shoulder in a sardonic show of "comfort". "They all come to this. I know. I hire them - well, their husbands, actually. But I can smell a hungry wife within minutes of meeting her. Put a big cock in her, just once, then shower her with a lifestyle she never imagined her husband could give her, and she belongs to me, or us, in this case. You're no different than the others who come to work here. Take my advice - let us have her body. You can keep the rest. That way, everybody's happy. Life goes on - a very good life if you'll only accept it. You're lucky in a way - you're one of those husbands who has a dirty secret, that you like watching Amanda take a cock much bigger than yours, and get off watching her new cum-face, one you've never seen before. Now, that's not a bad thing, is it? Getting rich and getting off while watching your pretty wife become our office *****?"

"I - I guess not," I muttered. At least there was some promise of getting free of my cage - he had said "get off watching her". Being free of my cage may be the start of a new beginning. They wouldn't want Amanda forever. New wives were hired all the time, and Eric would eventually grow tired of Amanda and move on, following Charles's example. We'd be rich, and I wouldn't have to worry about finding a job. Amanda could keep her new car and our extravagant lifestyle. I'd get even with Charles for making my wife his *****, maybe ****** him for what he was so other husbands and wives could avoid his trap. Maybe I could accept things as they were, until then...

"That's a good boy," Charles told me. "But just in case you have a change of heart, I've arranged a bit of insurance. It's there, on your screen. Just about...now."

I saw our bedroom again in flickering candle light. The view was much wider, covering the entire room. Eric was thrusting his cock into Amanda in long, full strokes. She was moaning loudly - long, earie animal moans that rose from my desk as though from a dark, obscene, guilty memory. I was in the frame, sitting at the foot of our bed, tied to the chair, pumping my erection with my free hand while I watched with greedy excitement. Just as Amanda came, I spewed a miniature fountain of semen over my hand and belly, groaning and gasping as Amanda's body heaved and twitched under him.

"Now, we can keep that to ourselves, or put it out on a few web sites for everyone to enjoy," Charles said, grinning. "I doubt you want that - your family and friends watching you get off as your innocent little wife 'performs' for you with the cock she's always dreamed of, the cock you could never give her. We could title it, 'Cuckold wimp watches wife get her dream cock.' I wonder; how many men would want her pretty married pussy after that? Your friends? Coworkers? Maybe even a relative or two who always fantasized about fucking her? And they'd all know you'd give her to them and get off watching them cum in her. What would you tell them, sport, when they offered? What would you say when they all tried to fuck your pretty little Amanda? I'm pretty sure your cock-hungry little wife may enthusiastically agree to fuck each and every one of them..."

The Key - 11

The Key - 11

During the following days, weeks and months, I walked a fine line between fear and certain defeat. It seemed like the cage had become a permanent unwelcome part of me, a constant reminder that I'd never enjoy Amanda's body again. Amanda wasn't cruel about our likely future; at least she tried not to be. She did take the opportunity now and then to tease me about it, but then she always did love to tease me. Most days it was her casual attitude, that Eric owned her pussy now and that his cock was much more than an acceptable replacement for mine in our bed, that added to my anxiety.

Amanda rarely wore any clothes around the house, and had somehow learned to "stroll" in a way that accentuated her hips and breasts. After a while it occurred to me that it was the "runway walk", an enticing way of crossing one foot over the other that made her hips sway and her breasts rise and fall with each step, a stride I noticed runway models use to make new fashions more desirable and the models more fuckable. I didn't know whether the sexy strut she had adopted was something Eric or Charles trained her to do, or whether she simply felt sexier knowing Eric's cock was always available to her. I was afraid to ask; I didn't need one more rave review of Eric's cock from Amanda.

Amanda continued to visit Eric at the office several times a week. Men had always stared at Amanda, so I wasn't surprised that every head turned when she arrived and strolled to Eric's office in a short skirt or revealing top. She'd close his door after she entered and I'd hear the lock snap shut. There was no question that he was fucking her there during work hours; many of the men there had endured Charles's practice of owning their wives as long as he wished in exchange for their astronomical salaries. Still, I noticed the looks on their faces as Amanda's visit brought back memories of their own wives panting at the end of Charles's cock. Some of the looks were of resignation, I guessed by the husbands who still had to give their wives to Charles when he came knocking. But some were of pain; I knew some of Charles's conquests didn't stay with their husbands after he abandoned them. Maybe it was just too much for their husbands to bear, or maybe their wives had become addicted to a cock like Charles's and left to find another one. Seeing their reactions bumped my anxiety another level, especially when Amanda strutted into my office on her way out to kiss me on the cheek. I could never quite decipher her sly grin then. Maybe I didn't want to.

I felt even sorrier for Jim, our newest accountant. His wife, Juliet, made a habit of coming to Charles's office almost every day at lunch, and her moans were so loud they drifted continuously through his door. Charles would see her off when they finished, standing in his open doorway watching her own unique strut, calling out, "You're welcome, Jules, come again any time." Jim would glance at her wicked smile and cower behind his computer screen, not yet even slightly acclimated to Charles's use of his wife like some of us had become. To add insult to injury, it was obvious that Charles had Juliet's breasts enlarged, an addition to her tall, slim frame that made her body every man's wet dream. I doubted Jim ever got to touch or even see them. I noticed his cage once in the men's room and let him know he wasn't alone in his misery. He zipped up, turned and headed for the door without a word. He looked defeated and empty.

The holidays approached, and I began to dread Charles's office parties from the stories I'd heard. Amanda was delighted when Eric delivered the dress he chose for her to wear. I was ****** to suffer watching her put it on that day. Eric's mood was especially upbeat and sadistic. He made me get naked before he let me watch her squeeze into the dress so he could see whether I'd get hard. I tried to look away and think other thoughts, but stealing a look now and then was just too tempting. It was agony, but I managed to stay semi-soft and hoped he wouldn't notice my dick creeping forward in the cage.

"Look at how it shows off her tits, man. And the slit up the front just might let everyone know what her shaved pussy looks like. You know they all imagine her naked when she comes to the office on her little visits, don't you? You know they all want to fuck her. Look at her! Tell me how fuckable she looks in this dress!"

The fiery red sheath was so thin and delicate it looked like it might fall to pieces with her every move. I couldn't take my eyes off her perfect breasts once I saw how the top of the dress barely covered them, nearly ******** her nipples as the tissue-like material molded her bare breasts. The gossamer material clung to her like a second skin; there was no doubt that she was naked under it. The slit in the front rose nearly to her waist, and as she walked to show it off I could see flashes of her pussy now and then. In fact, the fabric was stretched over her enticing mound and belly so tightly it revealed every line and curve, including the slit between her pussy lips. He couldn't possibly expect her to wear it in public, even at our private office party. I was stunned.

"Well, is she fuckable or not?" he demanded again. I see your dick is giving half your answer, but Amanda and I need to hear that you agree."

It was too late - I was already getting hard, already defeated again by another of Eric's traps. "She is," I said quietly, overcome with both shame and arousal. "I know they want her. Everyone wants her - they always have - guys with bigger dicks than mine. And now I know she wants them." Admitting that my beautiful wife needed more than I could give her had become more frequent and somehow easier, even with the angst simmering in my gut. As I answered Eric, my mind went back to the scene in our bedroom, just as his immense cock began to enter Amanda. I remembered the look of both wonder and elation on her face as he slid into her grasping pussy. And I remembered her cum face as if it was yesterday. Then I realized I was as hard as the cage allowed, the flesh of my dick trying desperately to escape the confining bars.

"It's okay, this time," Eric told me. "I'm hard myself. But you better stay soft when I'm not here with Amanda. I need to be sure you'll never try to fuck her when you get out of that cage. I own that gorgeous, tight little pussy now, and Amanda is happy that I do. So go ahead and stare. Just remember, she may be your wife, but her body belongs to me now. Got it?"

I assured Eric I understood, but was relieved he had allowed me my erection while I stared at Amanda's body in the dress. Her beauty was breathtaking, but there was something in the way it affected me that was more pornographic than simply wanting sex with my desirable wife. As she posed in the dress for us, I began to imagine her with Eric, fucking in position after position, her face a display of greedy satisfaction, his cock growing to impossible proportions as she was impaled repeatedly by his pulsing meat. Their fuck sessions had been playing daily on my computer at work, and watching Amanda evolve and thrive as Eric's plaything had allowed my angst to slowly subside and the raw excitement of their sex acts to begin to take its place. I didn't doubt that she still loved me, but her constant sly smile and her panther-like walk told me she had become a new woman, one of Eric's making. I had to agree; Amanda was the most fuckable woman I had ever seen, but not for me now - only for other men.


Charles's holiday parties were always over the top. He didn't care about social norms or appropriateness; that wasn't a big surprise after knowing he made a habit of fucking his employees' wives. I didn't know how big our little club was, only that Jim and I were currently members. Seeing how confidently he plucked wives from their husbands, I could tell he had a long, sordid history of it. I knew there were others, but wondered how many of them were the ones who stared at Amanda when she came to Eric for her sessions. I was sure their guilt was much like mine; in a way we were selling our wives' bodies in exchange for the lifestyle Charles provided. But how many others also found the eroticism surprisingly addictive? How many others got off watching Charles use their wives' bodies to satisfy his need to control everything around him, ignoring the potential damage in his wake?

There were fifty of us there that night; the husbands and wives hovered in small groups as they gossiped about the most recent office promotions and affairs while a few select single men moved through the crowd of guests like sharks sniffing out the fresh bait Charles tossed to them. Wives flirted with the sharks here and there while their husbands stood by silently, sweating and red-faced. There were no arguments, no fights, not a single unpleasant word. The price was too high. Allowing wifey's fantasy to surface and play a while was worth keeping one's position and money. It was Charles's game, and each husband knew it all too well. It was a kind of Russian roulette; whose wife would surrender to her fantasies and let the shark fuck her, shaming her husband for weeks to come back at work? And after, there were always the little jabs from Charles to remind everyone that the poor guy's wife had cuckolded him, and was likely a little slut. Still, living with Charles's games was part of the job.

Charles arrived at our house unexpectedly, an hour before the Christmas party was to begin. He wanted to watch Amanda get dressed and ordered me to watch from the chair in our bedroom while he helped her into the skin-tight dress. The neckline barely covered her nipples, and she tugged and tugged at it to try to keep it in place. I couldn't see how it would stay in place through the night without constant adjusting, but that seemed to delight Charles. The slit up the front opened dangerously close to her pussy when she walked. I stared at her legs as they were ******* through the slit, one after the other, naked nearly to her hips. Charles stood behind her as she studied her reflection in the full-length mirror. His hands were on her shoulders, his hips pressed against her firm little ass. I was sure she could feel his cock harden.

"It - it shows soo much," she said as she stared into the mirror. "I'm not sure I can keep my boobs covered all night, Charles. I don't mind you showing me off, but I feel so *******, so 'available' showing myself like this to everyone at your office. Do you want them to see this much of me? Do you want the men there to try to fuck me? I thought you and Eric wanted me all to yourselves."

"You don't have to worry about any of that, Amanda," he assured her. "No one else is going to fuck you - they know the consequences. They might look, but they won't say a word. Everyone knows I'm in a position to take whatever I want, and that includes you. It's also time to make a few more things very clear. You need to show everyone that you're addicted to cock. They need to know deprived you've been and how hungry you are for it. I don't care how you do it, but they need to see it. And your husband has to show them that he approves of your little flirtations with other men, unconditionally. You both need to be convincing. If you're not..."

I knew very well what would happen if we didn't play his game - I'd be fired the following day and Amanda would still belong to him. I didn't know exactly what he expected from us, but I prepared myself for the humiliation of making it known I had surrendered Amanda to both Charles's and Eric's cock.

"You do understand, don't you?" he asked me. "I'm sure Amanda will give them quite a show with a bit of my help, but you need to show some enthusiasm, some humility, just as a submissive husband should. Can you do that? Convincingly?"

"I - I guess I can," I told him. "But it'll be in front of all those people - everyone I work with. What do you expect me to do, exactly?"

"I expect you to appear glad that Amanda and I have become such good friends. I expect you to smile when I fondle her a little. Nothing too obvious of course, but when I put my hands on her and her pretty little pussy drips for me, make everyone believe you want her to be happy. I'll want you to stay close to us all night though; I want you right there when I introduce Amanda to a few people she doesn't yet know. Other board members will be there with their wives, and a few men I thought Amanda will enjoy meeting. All I ask is that you play her quiet, submissive husband. Don't talk, and don't touch her. Maybe act like you know you don't deserve such a gorgeous, sexy woman. Just let her have fun and keep your mouth shut. You can do that, can't you?"

I told him I could. My guts were twisted in knots just imagining it though. I'd look like an idiot, one who doesn't have the sense to know when his wife is being used as another man's toy, a husband so clueless that he doesn't see his own wife's sexual yearnings for his own boss. It was going to be a long, painful night for me and my cage.


Charles had decided to drive Amanda to the party himself, leaving me to get there by my own means. I did my best to dress in a way that hid the bulge of my cage and raced to the office to join the party. Charles and Amanda had arrived before me, and I saw him leading her to a small group of couples at the far end of the room. He was holding her hand as everyone watched, the perfect couple to those who didn't know she was my wife. I dashed over to join them, afraid some may think Amanda was his date, or maybe his wife. Charles introduced me when I arrived at their side; I remembered to be quiet and accepting of whatever he had planned.

"Ahh, late as usual," he said to me, grinning. "This is the beautiful Amanda's husband who had so generously left her in my hands tonight due to his delay. The poor man works much too hard, I'm afraid. So many hours at the office away from Amanda. But you always find ways to occupy yourself, don't you, Amanda."

His smile was wide and leering as he fixed his eyes on her scandalously ******* breasts. Her wine glass was nearly empty, and she had let the neckline drop on one side to show a sliver of bright pink nipple. Amanda's eyes were wide and liquid, her smile uncomfortably giddy.

"Oh, I do, I do, Charles. I've learned to fill my spare time with things that please me, that excite me. I'm rarely lonely - sometimes I don't even miss him for days while he's gone, doing, well, whatever he does for you. He's such a dear - he gives me anything I want, anything at all..."

She was slurring her words, leaning against Charles's arm, squeezing his hand as she talked about me like I wasn't there. Both older couples' smiles tightened, looked down at the carpet for a few seconds, then drifted away to avoid any reply.

The remaining man before us was tall and well-muscled, huge actually. He towered over us by at least ten inches and gave no sign of retreating. His smile didn't give a hint of fading - in fact, he was openly grinning at us.

"Amanda, this is Vicente, a very old friend of mine. We do a significant amount of business with him in Spain. He's come all this way to join our little party, so be nice to him," he told her, grinning.

"You have such a beautiful wife," he said to me. "And I hear you are very good to her. I can see why."

I couldn't find words to answer him. The guy was a hulking giant, yet refined and polite. His sharp facial features were striking, as though taken from a Greek bust harvested from the Aegean. Amanda was staring up at him, a bit shaken, I thought. The top of her dress slid a bit more but went unnoticed by her. Both of her nipples were fully ******* and rising to hard little buttons of pink flesh. Without a word, Vicente reached out, took the edge of the dress in both hands, and raised it back into place. I noticed his finger graze her nipple and heard her gasp while she continued to stare into his dark eyes.

"I'm sure you are beautiful everywhere under that dress, Amanda," he said quietly. "But your body is not for everyone here to admire, or enjoy in other ways. It should be celebrated privately, without the prying eyes of those who don't understand who and what you are."

They stared at each other in silence for a full minute before Vicente spoke to her again.

"I hear your husband is a very generous man - far from the possessive or jealous type. Is that true?"

Amanda turned to look at me, now unsteady from the wine, her eyes pleading for the answer she so desperately needed to hear from me.

I nodded. "It's true," I confessed.

Vicente stepped closer to her and slid a hand under the slit of her dress, parting her legs in one practiced move. He brushed a few stray strands of hair from her face with his remaining hand, then placed a dark, probing finger against her lips. Amanda opened her mouth and sucked. He entered her more deeply, and she took the rest of his finger greedily.

"You are more than generous to allow her this, my friend," he told me. "Maybe a little crazy too, no? Letting your pretty wife slut for me? It must excite you. Does it?"

"It does," I admitted, feeling a hot flush of shame fill my cheeks.

Amanda was shivering and gasping in his hands, making obscene sucking noises as she devoured his long, thick finger. Her empty wine glass had fallen to the carpet and she was grasping the front of Vicente's pants, exploring, clutching, and rubbing his growing erection. We had moved to an empty corner of the room, but I still searched frantically about the room, terrified someone would notice. Charles noticed my panic, grinned at me, and whispered, "Not a word. Let them have a good look at who your wife really is." He was enjoying this - putting my wife in the hands of a handsome, powerful stranger.

The few seconds Vicente played with Amanda seemed like minutes, or at times much longer. Finally he released her and faced me. I was shocked when he reached for my crotch, felt the front of my pants for my cage, and grasped it in his hand. It was beyond anything I had imagined. Amanda and Charles watched him hold me there with a single hand, both of them waiting for his next move with growing expectation.

"There it is," Vicente announced. "I was told you were caged. It's a curiosity to me - in my country any man would be ashamed to let his woman do this to him. But we're not in my country, so men like you throw their wives at me, and their wives never object. How long has it been since you've made love to her?"

"It's - been, um, months now, I guess," I answered.

"It's been almost a year," Amanda added, still watching his hand tightly clutching my cage. "Charles and Eric won't let him touch me. His job depends on him doing whatever they want. That includes letting them have sex with me, for a year now. Not that I'm complaining..."

Vicente let go of my cage and returned to Amanda, his eyes roaming over her body. "How any man could allow something so beautiful to slip through his fingers is a mystery to me. Can you explain it to me? Can you tell me why you've trapped his manhood in this medieval device? Why would a ravishing, seductive woman choose to abandon her husband's member for those of other men?"

He ran his hands over the thin material covering her breasts as he questioned her. I watched her nipples nearly burst through the tissue-like material as her breathing deepened. Her eyes never left his; she was beyond caring whether others noticed them together or not.

"My husband never satisfied me - well, not often," Amanda offered. An embarrassed smile crept over her face. "In bed, I mean. I know he tried. I hoped things would change, that I'd be able to cum with him, at least now and then. But years went by, and they didn't. Charles seduced me, then gave me to Eric. They were both, um, bigger - better in bed. They made me cum, every time, more than once. I just couldn't go back to the way things were. I couldn't live without the sex they gave me. But it was Charles's idea to cage him. I know it embarrasses him and frustrates him, but he has to learn to accept it. It's the only way I can stay with him. Fucking other men has changed my life. I'm not going back to empty sex."

It was the first time I had heard her refer to our sex life as "empty sex". It surprised me at first, but mostly that she'd say it out loud to a stranger. He knew I was caged, and now he knew why. I was well on my way to accepting what Amanda had told him, but still ached for her body at times, especially during our little talks when she was naked and gushed about Eric's "amazing cock". But I had to admit, the response was becoming more physical than emotional. I still loved her as my sweet wife, but the tie between loving her and craving her perfect body was slowly disintegrating. Loving her was one thing, but her flesh was now something more foreign, a mouthwatering icon of the truly orgasmic sex she'd now have with the right man. I imagined her cumming with other men now constantly. It would get me hard, and the cage would remind me why.

"Well, it's still a mystery to me, but you've explained it in such an arousing way, Amanda," Vicente said, finally. "Do you fuck many other men?"

"Only Charles and Eric. They're enough for me. More than enough."

"Still, maybe you wonder if some your fantasies may yet come true? The ones that make you curious about other men? Maybe you'd like to leave with me to find out? With Charles's permission, of course."

Fuck fuck fuck! Charles stood there grinning, nodding, and shaking Vicente's hand. We watched Vicente take her hand, then followed them to the parking lot where he led her to his car. When they were both inside, I saw Amanda stretch her body across to his seat to kiss him. The top of her dress had fallen from her breasts, completely ******** the firm mounds of flesh in the ghostly light outside our office building. I could tell her hands were busy in his lap.

"Do you think he's big enough?" Charles teased as we watched them drive away. "I mean, knowing Amanda's appetite for cock?"

"So, you just gave her to him?" I asked, trying not to let my anger boil over. "You let a stranger take her into the night, god knows where? She's still my wife, Charles. How do I know she's safe? How do I know what he'll do to her?"

"Just go home, sport," he told me, still grinning. "Maybe you can get there in time to watch."

As I turned to race to my car, Charles stopped me. "You might need this to get on with your training. I'm sure Vicente will understand..."

In his hand was the tiny gold key to my cage.

"So, that's it? I'm free?" I asked, incredulous that he'd hand over my key and free me.

"Go jerk off, sport," he said, laughing. "Get off watching Vicente fuck her into a senseless stupor. Just remember that's what other men do now, not you. Her body's not yours anymore. Go on - go home and watch that beast of a man fuck your wife."

The Key - 12

The Key - 12

Vicente's car was in our driveway when I arrived. There was still a chance that it was all a cruel trick setup by Eric or Charles. I wondered if Amanda had been in on it as well. She was taken by him so quickly, so easily; it wasn't like her at all. She had known Eric for years - fucking him had been a secret fantasy of hers ever since his late teens. As for Charles, well, he was my boss, so she was obligated, at least at first, to be receptive to his flirtations. It was the size of his cock that had made her surrender inevitable.

I heard Amanda's high-pitched cries as soon as I entered our front door. They were loud and incessant, never pausing or changing in pitch or volume. I feared she was in pain, or being tortured. I climbed the stairs to our bedroom in a panic, two steps at a time, her shrill cries even louder as I approached.

Our bedroom was nearly dark, but I could make out Vicente's huge bulk rising and falling in the shadows. His back rose into view in a patch of light falling through our bedroom window, then vanished into shadow again and again. Amanda's cries never ceased - in fact, they were louder than ever as I paused just inside our bedroom door. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could make out Amanda's white skin, her legs clenched around his back, her arms pulling his chest against her. Now and then her once angelic face came into view, contorted with what at first appeared to be agony, then melted into a look of bliss I had never seen before.

It was at that moment something snapped in me. I collapsed into the chair at the foot of the bed, unlocked my cage, and gently pulled it from my growing erection. I was fully hard in seconds, and immediately began to masturbate as I watched. I had no control over my actions; I didn't care that it was my sweet Amanda he was fucking, only that it was a scene from my suppressed imagination, one very much like the ones I watched at work on my screen there.

Vicente fucked her brutally, never slowing, never failing to fill her completely with each frenzied stroke. Her small body shuddered from the pounding, but her cries and moans never stopped. I stared at his huge balls as he worked and imagined the flood he'd leave in Amanda when he unleashed his load into her. I knew she wouldn't stop him, and that it wasn't my place to interfere. Suddenly thoughts of a man like Vicente using Amanda's precious body, owning it, leaving his cum in her, overcame the angst and became a boiling, erotic fever in me. My hand on my dick felt every bit as satisfying as any sex Amanda and I ever had. I watched them as the scene touched and inflamed every fantasy that Charles's insidious conditioning had fed and nurtured in me since the very first day he took her sweet body. That Amanda was really there taking his giant cock and not a fantasy was unbearably exciting.

Vicente's fucking went on and on, until Amanda became breathless and quiet. Her body shivered under him and she pulled him close for a deep kiss. I saw his cock slow and stop, fully buried inside her. The kiss lasted a full minute, tongues lashing, lips sealed together passionately. It was Amanda who wanted it, Amanda who kissed more violently, and finally Amanda who held his face close to hers and whispered, "Cum in me. I want it, Vicente. Give it all to me..."

The root of Vicente's cock expanded and flared, then began pulsing rhythmically, spewing jet after jet of cum into Amanda's quivering belly. It sent her over the edge, and she moaned and thrashed, raising her hips up to accept his frothy reward. I was outside myself, completely lost in the moment, my eyes locked on the root of Vicente's cock and the foamy excess of cum that poured from Amanda's hungry pussy. I came seconds after he did, not even aware of the sticky mess that covered my hand, legs, and belly. At the peak of my orgasm there was a brief moment when I imagined it was the best sex I had ever had.

Afterwards, I sat in my chair, exhausted and embarrassed that I had cum watching Vicente fuck my sweet wife senseless. Soon they were standing naked in front of me, the afterglow on Amanda's face a look I had never seen before. Amanda's belly, thighs and crotch were glistening with semen, and it continued to seep from her in glops and strings.

"I'd say he's well on his way to being cured, wouldn't you, Amanda?" Eric appeared at the door with his usual arrogant grin. He was staring at Amanda, leering at her, and I could see the huge bulge in his pants. Amanda stared back at him and returned a weak smile. She couldn't help lowering her eyes to his cock. He saw her, adjusted his erection so it was more clearly visible, and chuckled.

"So, you were watching?" Amanda asked him, frowning a little.

"I was a little late for that," he said. "I had a new contract to finish and sign, but I knew Vicente would take good care of you. You did, didn't you, Vicente?"

Vicente's cock hung between his legs like a thick rope, still filled with the slight heft of a marathon fucking. "She was everything you promised, Eric. It's been a long time since I've had a wife fuck me like that, especially in front of her husband. She's an insatiable little thing, surprisingly unrestrained. I would never have guessed when you first introduced us. But as you said, appearances can be deceiving, especially with the married ones. I'll be around tomorrow to sign my part of the contract. It's always a pleasure. Thank you, Eric, for everything."

I watched in silence as Vicente dressed and left the three of us.

"So, I was just a piece of meat that sealed the deal for you?" Amanda said, clearly annoyed by what she had heard. "He was doing business, not having sex with me because he really wanted me?"

"He was fucking you because I told him all about you and he wanted his turn," Eric explained. "Yes, you were a little incentive to grease the wheels, but I promise you, Vicente doesn't fuck just anyone. He has beautiful women after him constantly, even before they've seen his cock. But I happen to know married women are his thing. It's knowing he's doing wives behind their husbands' backs that does it for him. And if he gets the rare opportunity to make a husband watch, well, that's a bonus that always seals a deal. You can pretend it was beneath you to fuck for profit, but don't try to convince me you didn't love it. Even your own husband knows better than that."

Amanda's anger began to melt away. In its place was a look of calm satisfaction.

"So, he did really want me?" she asked. "I mean, really, really want me? It wasn't just an act?"

"It was anything but an act, Amanda," he assured her. "He isn't easily impressed. He's a shrewd, ruthless businessman, one who never lets his cock jeopardize a deal. Had he not wanted you the first second you met, you'd never know what that giant cock of his looks like. You and I did each other a favor tonight. I appreciate it. I hope you do."

She stood before us drenched with Vicente's cum and began to smile as if reliving the last hour with him. "Then thank you, Eric," she told him. "I don't think I've ever had sex like that before, not even with you. It was...breathtaking, almost supernatural. He's a magnificent man - and a marvelous lover." She still looked a little dazed, so fragile and used.

"I'm glad, Amanda. Normally I'm more possessive, but sometimes it pays to put business ahead of pleasure. Vicente visits us often, so you may become more of an asset than your husband is to us. But now, about your husband..."

I had been listening from my chair, still covered with lingering, sticky pools of my semen. I felt literally emptied. It was more physical relief than I had felt at any time during the past year, and I knew I must have made an impression on Eric. It had to have been what he wanted to see. I'm sure Vicente imagined it as my ultimate humiliation, but the desperate need to cum and the sight of his huge cock entering Amanda's body again and again pushed all that aside and buried it under my need to be free of my cage and lead a normal life again.

"I'm impressed that he gets off watching you fuck other men now," he told Amanda. "It is one of his goals for proving to me he's given up fucking you. I think that's something that you want too, isn't it?"

Amanda stared at me, seriously considering his question. "It's something I appreciate, Eric," she said. "I don't miss sex with him. I rarely see him get hard anymore, and then it's only when I tease him about how much I love fucking you. That never fails to excite him, so I guess he's given up having sex with me himself..."

"I have! I have!" I interrupted. "I know I can't anymore, and that I was never very good at it, satisfying you, I mean. Please - I'm not going to fuck her, Eric. Not as long as you tell me not to. She wants you now - I've accepted that. You own her body - I'm okay with that, really. Now, please, don't make me wear the cage anymore - please!"

I was desperately pleading my case. Rising from my chair, I took a few steps toward them. I was naked and soaked with my cum, ready to do or say anything to be free of the confining bars meant to keep me from Amanda's pussy. I saw Amanda's eyes wander over my body, then stop at my deflated dick.

"He's been caged so long I suppose I had forgotten how small he is without it," she said, still eyeing my withering dick. "Or maybe it's just that yours is so much bigger. I do think there are times when he still wants me while I'm teasing him though; he stares at me constantly afterward and follows me around like a little puppy dog, oozing precum everywhere. I know it must be painful for him, but I can't go back to the way we were. I do think he's learning to accept that my body's not part of our marriage anymore though, and that it belongs to you now."

Eric listened intently to our case for freeing me, although Amanda's words were less convincing than I had hoped. "I've heard enough, sport," he said to me. "Get down on your knees; getting in my face isn't helping you."

On my knees, I watched him lead Amanda closer in front of me. Vicente's semen glistened over her belly and thighs and still seeped from between the lips of her reddened, swollen pussy. With every breath she took, her belly inched closer, almost touching me, the odor of his cum an assault in spite of her beauty.

"Now lick, sport. Taste her. Get a lasting sense of who she is now. Leave it on your tongue for a while so you remember the taste. Clean her until I tell you to stop."

Something stirred in me when the tip of my tongue first touched her. I licked, and licked again; the musky taste was revolting, the thick, stringy texture even more so. But under it lay her sweet, velvety skin, trembling at my touch, then pushing forward to accept the quickening sweeps of my tongue. The semen became a yielding barrier to her soft, quaking belly beneath it, so I fought through it to taste my wife's honeyed skin for the first time in over a year. The taste of Vicente's cum lingered, invading my mouth and throat with its pungent remains, a humiliating reminder of my place in our marriage. Her belly drew me in, promised something long gone, then took it from me again with each fevered touch of my tongue.

"Now lower," Eric demanded. "Lick that used little slit. Put your tongue in inside it and drink. Maybe you can satisfy her like your dick never could."

Amanda pushed against my face as my tongue found her clit and rolled over it. She moaned as Vicente's thick remains flowed into my mouth and down my throat. I felt her hands on me, her fingers weaving through my hair, tightening, pulling me closer, urging me on. She came violently when my tongue entered her, her hands sealing my face desperately against her spasming belly and cunt. A sudden eruption of Vicente's semen filled my mouth, gagging me as I fought to satisfy Amanda. I was suddenly aware that her body's response, the crushing peak of her orgasm, was far more intense than anything my dick had ever given her.

"Enough!" Eric finally ordered. "Now that your mouth is the only part of you that still gets her wet, I want you to remember this moment. Remember the taste of him while servicing your wife. Burn those feelings of helplessness and submission while she came in your mouth into your memory. It's your place now as her husband, on your knees, giving Amanda anything she wants, any cock she wants. And if you want to keep your pretty little wife and the extravagant life she loves so much, you'll do what you're told, anything you're told. And that cage? Well, back to your chair while we plan your future."

I sat back and waited as Eric produced a small box and handed it to Amanda. She appeared to know its contents before she opened it, removed the lid, and held it up to inspect it. The cage was miniscule, so short that my dick couldn't possibly fit inside it. The gleaming metal container was only an inch long, a tiny basket of steel bars that looked like a small trinket in Amanda's hand. I was horrified.

"You must be kidding!" I told him, rising from my chair again. "I'll never fit in that - I may not be a big as you, but I'm not that..."

"Relax, sport. You'll wear it because your job and your marriage depend on it. Remember what I said about Amanda leaving you if you couldn't provide for her? If you couldn't promise her a future way of life like the one she has now? Don't think of it as a permanent order. Think of it as one more step in your training, one more step until the day you're completely free of the idea that you might fuck Amanda again. Now sit back and let Amanda do the honors."

Amanda knelt between my legs and tried to fit the tiny cage over my dick. No matter how she pushed, it enclosed little more than the head. After several attempts, she ran her fingers through the pool of semen that had collected in my groin, smoothed generous amounts of it of my dick, then ****** the tiny cage forward until it butted against the ring already fastened around my balls. Holding the pieces together with one hand, she snapped the lock in place and stood to look at me. It felt as though half of my dick was jammed up inside me allowing only the head to occupy the confined space in the cage. A tiny nub was all that was visible. It was emasculating, castrating, and Amanda was smiling with pride that she was able to squeeze me into it.

"Good girl, Amanda," Eric told her as he circled her waist with his arm. "And stop your worrying - yes, he'll be uncomfortable for a while, but eventually he'll be smaller than ever, too small to even begin to fit inside you. You'll have no more problems with him, ever, and you'll have all the real cock you need, whenever you want it. Not only will he not complain or become jealous or possessive - he'll crave seeing you satisfied by bigger, better cocks. He'll be convinced he's not worthy. That's not a bad thing now, is it?"

"I - I guess not, Eric," she answered, still staring at my tiny nub.
"It'll all be worth it, sweetie," she told me. "Eventually it'll be easier on you. I'll have the kind of sex I always wanted, and you won't be tortured by thoughts of having sex with me yourself. Think of our future, of how much better our marriage will be. No cage for you, and I'll be so much happier."

"I think you could both use a shower after that - I'll watch," Eric told us. "Clean her up really well for me, sport. I'll want a turn myself later."

Amanda and I entered the hot shower and I began to wash her from head to toe. My hands were slick with Amanda's scented soap as I spread it over her body. Showering with me in the past had always excited her, but this time I noticed her nipples stayed pink and soft, and her cavernous pussy easily swallowed four of my soapy fingers as Vicente's semen continued to empty from her. She stood motionless while she watched me clean her, her body completely emptied of any response at all. I could tell she considered it a purely physical act without a trace of eroticism. She turned her back to me while I shampooed her hair, arching her neck and back as I worked. I imagined her lost in the memory of Vicente's cock, and the brutal fucking she had longed for.

Finally, Amanda watched me clean myself, seemingly fascinated as I tried to rinse my cum from the new cage. She glanced at Eric as he watched us, saw him nod, then extended a finger to touch my cage. She poked at it, pushing it gently back and forth, then tugged lightly as she stared into my eyes. Her smile was loving, but a bit devious, or maybe "selfish" was a better description. She put a hand on my cheek as she continued to play with my new cage under the warm rain of the shower.

"I love that you've agreed to do this for me, sweetie," she said lovingly. "You couldn't possibly put this in me now - it's like you're giving me to other men completely. I never thought you'd be okay with me fucking other men, but now you're promising me I can, and that excites you too. All those years of wishing sex could be something else, something wonderful, and now it's come true. You're the only husband I know of who would give his wife something so special. You do want this as much as I do, don't you, sweetie? Please tell me you do."

Eric waited for my answer, glaring at me with a look that told me he expected me to agree, or else. What choice did I have? Besides, I knew she was at least partially right. I'd do anything to keep her and be rid of my cage. Anything. So I told Amanda what she and Eric wanted to hear.

"Amanda, you're my wife, and I love you, but I know I can't give you what you need in bed. So, yes, I want you to have sex with other men if it makes you happy, if you'll stay with me. And I won't try to fuck you, I promise. Your body's for them now. It's just that you're so beautiful - when I see you naked I can't help getting hard sometimes. But I'm trying to learn not to, I really am. I know what my job and our future together requires now, that I can only cum when I see another man fuck you. And I'm doing that - I'm getting better at giving up your body to them, at handing your body over to men who deserve it. So yes, I want all of it - everything you want."

Eric grinned and nodded with admiration. "Okay you two, you're as clean as you're going to get. Dry her off, sport. And just to be sure you meant what you told her, get down on your knees and beg me to fuck her. And make her believe that you'll never try to put that little stub of a dick inside her ever again."

I sank to my knees again and looked up at him. "You just heard what I told her, Eric. I don't satisfy her - I never have. She can have other men now to do that. She can have your cock whenever she wants. I won't even try anymore."

"I hear a lot of whining, sport, but I didn't hear what you want me to do to her, right now, in your own bed. Convince us, or you'll be in that tiny cage forever."

Eric never seemed to lose his need to humiliate me in front of Amanda. I could see he received a kind of sick satisfaction from it. But I could also see it was my only way out. Each time I managed to swallow my pride and give him what he wanted. It was still a crushing blow to my ego and to my worthiness as Amanda's husband, but it was becoming easier to say the words.

"Please, Eric, please fuck her. I know she wants your cock, not mine. I'm begging you, make her cum, give her what I can't. She deserves it. She has for years. So fuck her like I never could, and never will. Her body's yours now. Completely yours..."

Eric took Amanda in his arms and put his hand between her legs. I watched as she closed her eyes and let her head fall back, her breasts rising against him as she panted and moaned.

"Is that what you needed to hear, Amanda?" he asked. "Was he convincing? Do you believe him?"

She put her mouth to his ear, kissed him lightly there, and whispered, "Yes. He knows I want you, not him. Never again..."

"Get up, sport, and shut the door on your way out. You don't get to watch this time. Amanda and I need some 'alone time' together. In fact, I want you out of the house tonight - I don't care where. You'll have to imagine how she moans when she cums with my cock in her. I'm guessing a hard-on may be very painful in your new cage, so try to control yourself. Try playing what she just told me over and over in your head - '...not him, never again...'.

The Key - 13

The Key - 13

Over the following weeks and months I grudgingly accepted that my cage would be a part of me for the foreseeable future. At least the tiny size of the new cage made it easier to hide under my clothes, and it was actually less painful than I expected. One thing became clear to me - it actually helped prevent me from getting hard in front of Amanda when I feared I might. The trigger was still present at times when a very naked Amanda teased me, but over time my dick simply refused to respond the way it used to. My erection just failed to fully materialize, even when Amanda cupped my balls and ran a long fingernail over the sensitive skin of the head through a space between the confining bars. We'd both stare at it, waiting for even a brief response, then Amanda would kiss me passionately, showing her appreciation; or maybe it was her attempt to test my resistance. Even then, her touches, so delicious and loving, only made me love her more, even if it meant she would now only be satisfied sexually by Eric or some other deserving man's cock.

At work I was constantly shown videos of Amanda and Eric fucking. The number of times they did it in our own bed during the day, and his ability to recover within a few minutes and fuck her in some other position, astonished me. She had never let me have anal sex with her, but I'd hear her beg Eric for it, and then see her orgasm while he plowed into her. There were often the short clips of me there watching, jerking off like the desperate husband I was, spewing cum everywhere as Amanda's moans filled the room. I knew they were added as a reminder that they could always become humiliating public videos if I decided to jump ship.

I began to live for those times when Eric would free me from my cage and let me watch them fuck. The sight of her being filled, especially with his very first stroke when her eyes stared up at him in awe, then closed slowly in spontaneous euphoria, filled a nagging, empty spot in me. It was no longer the familiar sight of her breasts or pussy that excited me; it was the beauty of her wantonness, the music of her moans and sighs, and finally her cries and deep crimson flush on her face during the peak of her orgasms that got me off. Yes, there was always regret after they let me cum, but at the peak of her writhing orgasms Amanda's joy of being fucked into oblivion became a gratifying awareness that her needs were finally being met.

"Vicente wants me to visit him in Spain," she told me one day, out of the blue at breakfast. She watched me hesitantly, as if trying to guess what my reaction might be.

"For, how long?" I asked.

"He didn't say," she said. "I guess it's up to Vicente. I think it would be fun. Would you mind? I suppose you're thinking there'll be lots of sex. I admit I am looking forward to that, but I feel safe with him as well. He's just so, well, you know..."

"So, is this a bit of company business as well? Did Charles put him up to it? Maybe another contract that needs massaging?"

Amanda stared at her lap for a few seconds, then looked up, a little embarrassed. "Charles promised to pay everything: my flight, food, new clothes, and extra spending money. He didn't tell me what to say, or to try to persuade Vicente to agree to anything. He just told me to keep him happy and to enjoy myself. That's all I know. I wouldn't mind doing what Charles wants, even if I am part of some 'business deal'. I won't be doing business myself - I'll just be spending time with him."

"You mean, fucking him," I suggested. I worried that Amanda would be completely in his hands, alone with him for an extended period of time, but thoughts of her naked, mouthwatering body submitting to his every masterful whim sparked an unwelcome excitement in me. I tried to ignore it, but it played over and over in my head just as the videos played on my screen at work.

She surrendered a guiltless grin, apparently glad that I had used the words before she had.

"I'm sure that's what Charles expects. You remember what Vicente's like, don't you?" she reminded me.

"I remember what his cock is like," I told her. "And I know how much you liked it. But that was here in our bed - you would be here with me the next day when he was done with you."

"I know you're threatened by the size of his cock. But honestly, it isn't just his cock, sweetie. He's such a hunk, but it's also his walk, and the way he talks; he's unafraid of anything. He was so confident that I'd fuck him the very first time we met, right there in front of you while you watched him seduce me. I've never had a man 'handle me' like he does in bed. I never knew I'd like it so rough..."

"That's what worries me," I assured her. "His cock is one thing, but I don't know - spending a lot of time with a man like that - I worry that you might not come back."

Amanda took me in her arms and kissed me. Her hand went to my crotch, found my cage, and held it lightly. "I'm not leaving you for him, silly," she assured me as she tugged at my cage. "How could I ever find another husband who would do this for me - give up using his penis so I can have a fulfilling sex life with other men? Vicente never would, I'm sure. He'd want me all for himself if I was his wife. It's the kind of man he is. But then, I doubt there are many men who are better endowed than Vicente."

"So, how long would you stay?" I asked again.

"Charles told me a few weeks, or maybe a little longer. You should know Charles said I'm kind of like an employee now - well, more like a contractor the way he put it. It's not as slutty as it sounds - I'll just be responsible for keeping Vicente happy. I'll take trips to Spain when I'm needed, and I'll be Vicente's fulltime companion during his stays here."

"It sounds more like you'll be his 'mistress' to me," I suggested warily.

She kissed me lightly on the lips, released my cage, and held me closer, her soft, sexy voice now so close to my ear I could feel her breath on me. "Mmmm, it may worry you, but I confess I love the idea that I'm his for a little while. Leave it to my husband to find the perfect word. Now you've made me wet - 'Vicente's mistress'. I am looking forward to being alone with him for a little while, sweetie. You know I'll never leave you, but I think you really do want him to have my pussy, at least for a while, don't you?"

"So, will you call me? While you're gone?" I asked. "Maybe just to tell me..."

"...to tell you how he fucks me, and how often?" She added. "You know I will, if he lets me."

"When will you leave?"

"Tonight, sweetie. Charles wants to take me shopping this afternoon for some new outfits to impress Vicente. Actually, he's giving you the day off so you can come along. Why don't you change into nicer clothes; we'll be in upscale neighborhoods all day, and we'll need to look like we can afford to shop there."

"But, I thought Charles was paying for all this," I said.

"Oh, don't worry, he is, sweetie. I just don't want them to think my husband has bad taste. And please, thank Charles when he pays. He appreciates that so much, especially when it shows others how generous he is."

"I'm sure it's also because they'll know he's fucking my wife - why else would he be dressing you in sexy outfits with me there with you?"

"Oh sweetie, I think you imagine a lot of it. But I also think you enjoy seeing him pamper me, knowing how much I'll love getting that cock of his afterwards. Come on, admit it. You love watching me enjoy sex with a man who makes me cum so easily every time. I think you've fantasized about it for a long time now, even if you couldn't do it yourself."

"I know you're probably right, Amanda - it's just that it's still hard for me to admit. I know I have to let him have your body, but it's confusing sometimes. I want your body, but know I can't have it and don't deserve it. And I do love seeing you satisfied - you absolutely glow after you cum. I never saw that when we made love."

"Things will get better - I promise. Charles is sure you'll lose your physical need for me eventually, and then you can see me enjoy all the things other men give me without feeling so anxious. You're already changing - I know you can feel it. Now, let's get ready. I can't wait to see what Charles will buy me."


In every shop we visited Charles made it clear that I was Amanda's husband but he was making the decisions about what she wore on her trip. Every one, each sales person and owner, seemed to know Charles, and seemed to know I was the cuckolded husband. It made me wonder how often he had dressed other men's wives in the past, and how many of those men had suffered the same humiliation he seemed to enjoy dishing out in public.

Amanda was thrilled time and time again. The clothes he chose ranged from stylishly sexy to scandalous. I wondered whether Amanda would dare wear them in public, but to my amazement she didn't appear at all concerned. Charles and I stood just outside the dressing room as she posed in outfit after outfit for us. He'd pull back the curtain so she could model them and I'd cringe with astonishment. Many of the blouses were nearly transparent, completely ******** her perfect breasts beneath the gauze-like material. The cocktail dresses were extremely short and barely covered her breasts, some made of tissue-like material that revealed every line and curve of her body. Still, Amanda gushed and modelled them for us as though she couldn't wait to show off her body as Vicente's mistress.

I was so worried that Vicente would own my wife so far away from me, completely out of my sight, that I didn't get hard at all while watching her prance around in her new clothes. Feeling the tiny cage dangle between my legs reminded me my dick was now useless to Amanda and probably would be for the foreseeable future. It was humbling, but in a way, accepting it had become a relief. At least my gorgeous wife still wanted to stay with me. She still loved me, and we enjoyed a wealthy lifestyle neither of us had ever dreamed of. Sex was the only thing I couldn't give her, but she had happily found a remedy for that.

Our next stop was dedicated to lingerie and swimwear. This was the shop I feared the most. It was Charles's ultimate chance to humiliate me in public, and I followed them like a scared child as they browsed the possible selections. My fears were confirmed when Charles chose one of the kinkiest outfits in the store - a very tiny French maid's outfit that displayed Amanda's beautiful breasts in their full, naked glory, pushed upward and outward by a brief underwired shelf of black lace. He led her out into the store to show me, and I saw a man near us stare and smile.

"I doubt your husband has ever seen you so fuckable," Charles announced. "Get closer so you can give him a better look."

Amanda moved a few steps closer to me, shoulders back, breasts thrust forward as though no one else was present.

"Do you think he'll like it?" she asked, smiling her best seductive smile as she looked down at her ******* breasts and nipples. "I know you love my boobs - you always have. But what about Vicente? What do you think?"

She didn't need to fish for the compliment. She knew men adored her breasts; I had caught guys staring at them since before we were married. "I - I'm sure he will," I stammered, overwhelmed with public shame.

But Charles wasn't done with me.

"How much do you think he'll like them, sport? Go on - tell us."

"Yes, tell me, sweetie," she repeated. "I love it when you tell me how much other men want me."

I could tell she wasn't herself. Her eyes were wide and dilated, and her voice dripped with sarcasm. I lowered my eyes to her distended nipples and knew Charles had included his personal touch to the occasion, probably slipping one of his 'additives' into Amanda's lunch just an hour before. She put her hands on her hips, thrusting her breasts toward me, no doubt testing my acceptance of her outrageous public display while under Charles's perverse control. My embarrassment was overwhelming; I surrendered, defeated by the shameless presence of her naked breasts in public.

"He'll love them, Amanda," I said. "They're so beautiful - any man would. They all do. They always have."

After a quick peck on my cheek, she turned and went back to Charles using her "runway strut" for all to see. Putting her arms around his neck, she buried her tongue in his mouth, shockingly indifferent to her surroundings and the men gaping at her body. I saw a few customers glance back and forth between Amanda and me, now fully aware of my place as her husband. A shiver ran through me, and I felt my cage tighten and wobble helplessly inside my pants. It wasn't really an erection, just the familiar trigger that brought my dick to life when Amanda was especially delicious. Along with it came a strange mix of defeat and a surprising hint of gratitude that Amanda was happier and sexier than I had even seen her.

I stood back and watched Charles and Amanda pick through the racks of swimwear below a mannequin wearing a tiny pink thong and halter top. Surprisingly, Charles's choices seemed to intimidate her at first, even in her aroused state, yet he didn't seem satisfied with the selections.

"But Charles, they're sooo tiny," she complained, as he held one after another up against her to test whether she would please Vicente in them.

"The customs are more relaxed over there," he promised. "Women go topless at many of the beaches, and there are quite a few locations where you won't have to wear anything at all. Vicente will want to show you off, and I expect you to be comfortable doing it."

"But, I'll be naked in public?" she asked, hesitantly. "I'm not sure I could do that. I mean, letting everyone see me like that? Would I have to?"

"Vicente expects his women to be compliant, Amanda. That means doing anything he wishes you to do, all the time. You have a beautiful body - you shouldn't be ashamed to show it to others. I know plenty of women who would be envious. Your tits are magnificent, far more exquisite than any I've seen with implants. Vicente said so himself. He treats his women like precious trophies, so you have to learn to behave like one."

"I - I guess I could do that," she said. She looked slightly uncertain, but more willing. "I mean, no one there will know me. If it makes him want me even more, that's all that matters. I do want to make him happy, Charles."

"None of these are quite right though," he told her as he looked through the tiniest bits of brightly colored fabric. He chose a bright pink one, not much more than some scraps of cloth and string. "We'll take this one, but I know a better place to find what Vicente will expect."

The tiny bikini was the first of his picks she had modelled for us, and she was shockingly fuckable in it. She had smiled at Charles when he approved. I was sure she had never worn anything like it in public. Before she had been taken by Charles's charms (and cock), she would have had a snide comment or two about a woman wearing one like it - that she was probably a "slut". It reminded me how much she had changed in the short time it took Charles remake her.

Our final stop wasn't like the others - it was a sex shop on the edge of the Tenderloin district, one catering to local performers in the sex trade and the occasional curious tourist. Again, the woman behind the counter seemed to know Charles; she eyed Amanda's unsteady strut as we followed Charles up and down the aisles of merchandise, finally stopping at a garish display of thongs and panties.

"These are what Vicente will expect," Charles explained. "We'll get you one for every day of the week. I'll leave the colors up to you, Amanda. I'm guessing by the size of your hungry little body, an extra small will fit. Try one on for us."

He handed the tiny scrap to her, and she examined it with a confused look. "I wouldn't even know how to put this on," she told him. It's just some strings and an inch or two of see-through material. There isn't even a top to go with it."

"Just do your best, Amanda," He told her. "The patch goes over your pussy. I'm sure you can guess that much. Put your legs through the strings and show us."

Amanda turned the tiny thong over and over in her hands, then looked up at Charles and gave him a sly smile. "So, he'll really like me in this? I guess I could try wearing it. But, I don't see a dressing room anywhere."

"It's a sex shop, Amanda - there isn't one. Just step into it, raise your dress and try it on. You aren't wearing panties, so it's more than you've been wearing all day. But if you take much longer to decide, you'll miss your flight tonight - and if that happens, I may just decide to replace your husband. You might consider what your life would be like with no money and only your husband's tiny dick."

Her reaction was sudden and swift. I watched as she pulled the tiny thong up along her bare legs and adjusted the narrow patch, trying to cover her moistening slit. Charles grinned his approval as she held her dress up to show us, wiggling her hips a little to find a more comfortable fit. The scrap of translucent material molded her pussy like a second skin, slowly working its way into her lingering dampness. The engorged nub of her clit poked at the material like a tiny finger beneath it, inflamed by Charles's drug-laced lunch.

Amanda waited for our response with a hopeful smile. "Um, do you think he'll like it? I mean really, really like me in it? Enough to..."

Charles stepped toward her and raised the dress higher. He traced a gentle line down across her belly, then continued to the tip of her thong-covered clit, nudging it from side to side. Amanda closed her eyes, sighed and shivered, trying desperately to maintain control while her body betrayed her.

"Yes, Amanda," Charles assured her. "He will - enough to put that huge cock in you day and night. It's why we're preparing you today. I'm helping you get what you want, and in return, you can do the same for me. It is what you want, isn't it, Amanda? To help me, and to..."

"...get more of him," she interrupted in a purring whisper. "Oh god, Charles - I do want it, more than anything. So much I can hardly breathe."

"More than freeing your husband from his cage?" he asked, glancing over at me and grinning.

"I - I do, more than that." She looked over at me as well, pleading with her wide eyes. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but I need what he gives me. You understand, don't you? What it does to me? His body? His cock? How he makes me cum over and over and over? It's just that I never knew sex could be like that..."

I just stared - I had no words for her. Charles was fingering her clit in the back of the store while she needlessly confessed something I already knew. Her eyes had taken on a wild look, and she was humping Charles's hand. Yes, I knew. I knew how Vicente made her cum like I never could. And soon he'd have her all to himself to do god knows what to her while I anxiously waited for her return to me. She looked, well, helpless in Charles's hands, but defiant and drooling for cock at the same time. I'd hoped answering her would snap her out of it.

"It's okay, Amanda," I told her. "I know what you want, what you need, and I know he'll give you what you need. I'll wait for you. Just come back to me, happy and satisfied. Just please, come back to me?"

She pushed Charles's hand away and looked back at him. "Isn't he sweet? Just giving me to Vicente, giving my pussy to him? Thank you, Charles. I think his new little cage is working just like you promised."

She turned to look at me, all smiles and dripping pussy. There was so much hunger in her eyes; her body seemed to radiate waves of stark, sexual cravings that would be irresistible bait to any man who laid eyes on her.

"It is working, isn't it sweetie? You really will give up sex so Vicente can make your own wife happy. You'd sacrifice all that for me now, wouldn't you? And you do want his cock inside me as much as I do, don't you? Please tell me you do before I go to him. I need to hear you say it."

Each time I fantasized that Amanda and I might return to a normal life again someday, she seemed to become more certain I would never fuck her again. I clung to that fraying thread, along with the fading image of me as a virile husband. But that thread slipped from my grasp little by little every time I saw Charles's hold on her grow stronger. And she rejoiced in his control and celebrated each time Charles or Eric filled her with cock. Now she was desperate for Vicente's monster cock and still wanted my blessing for fucking him.

"You - you deserve him, Amanda. I - I mean, you deserve to have his cock in you." I stammered, fearing my words might drive her into his arms forever.

"See?" Charles told her. "Now we're all getting what we want. Even your husband. Remember what you told me? That you were worried your husband would always want to fuck you? Even after we were done with my plan to 'fix' him? Now look at him, Amanda. He's begging you to be with Vicente, to feel that cock of his do to you what he never could."

Charles placed his hand under her chin and lifted her face to look into his eyes. "No regrets now, Amanda. No shame or guilt for abandoning your husband's useless dick. You can still love him - he can be your companion, just not a sexual one. He'll be fine with that, even happy for it in time. I can make sure you get all the sex you need, and the gratification you've never been able to enjoy with him. You can still play the happy couple - only now you'll be truly happy. No more 'husband-dick', and all the thick, hard 'man-cock' you could ever want. So, let's prepare you for your time with Vicente. Let's make you look so fuckable that no man can resist you."

As I stood by and listened to Charles assure Amanda our new life would be happier than the past, I began to realize much of the old angst was fading, replaced by a feeling of gratitude; Amanda would be sexually satisfied for possibly the first time in her life. I'd still have her as my loving wife, yet I'd no longer have those worrisome fears when other men stared and longed for her body. Maybe I could be what Charles wanted, her sexless husband, providing a happy home for her, enjoying her perfect beauty as one would a precious work of art that beckoned, yet was forbidden to be touched. Seeing her body respond in Charles's hands suddenly eclipsed the selfish sexual desire I had always felt for her in the past. Each and every sigh and gasp warmed me inside. I didn't understand why, but Charles seemed to have known exactly how it would happen within seconds after I first introduced him to my wife.

"I'm sending you back to work now, sport. There are a few finishing touches I need on Vicente's new contract. You'll see my notes on your desk. But don't worry, you should be home in time to get Amanda to the airport for her flight tonight. Amanda and I have one more item on my agenda before she leaves. Just a small token of my appreciation for helping me with Vicente in the future, something she'll appreciate before she leaves. I believe your Uber is waiting outside. Don't fuck around - get the contract done if you want to say goodbye before she leaves."

Charles was still lifting her face to look at him as he spoke to me. Amanda appeared to be in a trance. She stared up at him, breathing deeply, her hips moving, thrusting forward slightly as he continued to tease her clit. As intoxicating as the scene was, I wasn't used to watching her suspended in prolonged, captive hunger for the exquisite exhilaration Charles gave her there in public. Recognition of my defeat crept slowly over me, but I felt the first stirring inside my cage. Her body was alive with lust, oblivious to anything or anyone but Charles. It wasn't my wife my dick awakened for - it was a body so perfect, so completely consumed by its thirst for her orgasm. I had never seen a woman more owned by her master.

I tore myself away, suddenly aware that delaying my trip back to the office may mean I'd miss the chance to say goodbye, and to offer her my best hope for returning to me. The ride back to work seemed to take hours, and I imagined my Amanda in Charles's hands the entire way. I went over and over it in my head. How could he have taken my wife so completely? Had she been harboring these pent up sexual cravings for all the years we were married without me noticing even once? Yes, she claimed she still loved me, but her flesh was so utterly forbidden, so foreign yet so yielding to Charles and Eric. Yes, she was happier - but it still left a painful hole in me knowing I couldn't make her flesh tremble like Charles had. The reality of our years of marriage was becoming clearer every day. I had never really known the Amanda I married, a woman with secret, unmet cravings for a cock that could satisfy her thirst for size and relentless fucking.

The Key - 14

The Key - 14

A draft of Vicente's new contract was on my desk when I arrived, covered with revisions Charles had made in red pen. I didn't ordinarily do this kind of work for him, so I knew immediately that he had ordered me to make the changes to humiliate me. The sticky note attached said I was to update the file and send it back to him when I had finished. I opened the copy attached to his email and began to work on the changes.

I corrected a few typos and rearranged a line of legalese here and there before coming to the new section. The new paragraph promised Vicente the use of Amanda's body as part of the agreement. I stared at the words there on my desk, shaken that she would become Charles's pawn to squeeze a bit more profit from a business deal. There on my desk in Charles's scrawled handwriting were words I could never have anticipated, even after he had given her to Eric as his toy. My hands shook as I typed them word for word into the attachment, fearing what may become of her.

The added paragraph named Amanda under a list of "Provided Assets". It guaranteed "the use of Amanda Marie Meriwether Finnegan in any way deemed necessary as a gesture of good will from the first party to the second". A sub-paragraph described her "assistance" in pornographic detail, how her mouth, pussy and ass would be available to Vicente at all times for whatever use he wished. It allowed him to use Amanda to further his own business negotiations, "either by graphic display or for compensation by physical gratuity". The last line stipulated that should any harm come to her whatsoever, or any physical signs of violence or abuse, the contract would be voided and large financial penalties due from Vicente. It described Amanda as a "precious corporate asset" to be returned to Charles's company in "pristine physical and emotional condition". The words "corporate asset" haunted me as I typed. Charles had even provided her full name, including her maiden name. She had to realize that should the document be leaked we'd be the center of a scandal that would make us the center of public ridicule and perverse fascination. He would insist that she sign it, and I imagined that her obsession with Vicente would override any consequences she ordinarily would have considered. Signing it would be her ultimate surrender; Charles would own my wife unconditionally and I'd have nothing to say about it.

As I was nearly finished, a window opened on my screen showing Charles and his two partners enjoying drinks poolside at his estate. They sat and joked under a huge umbrella that shaded them from the heat of the blazing afternoon sun.

Partner 1: "So you've arranged it - she's really agreed to do it?"

Charles: "I wouldn't say 'agreed', actually. More like 'eager'."

They all chuckled, and I could see them pause for a few seconds to imagine my wife naked, slutting for their company.

Partner 2: "And the little bitch's husband won't make trouble for us? You know what it cost us to shut the last guy up."

Charles: "Gentlemen, we're talking about a man who's already caved. He's watched Eric and me fuck her, and he's jerked off while his drooling slut of a wife begged us to make her cum. I've tamed and neutered him in front of her, and she's fine with it - much happier now that she's had a decent cock in her. She'll fucking drain Vicente dry by the time he's done with her, and he'll love every second of it."

Partner 1: "So, why are we here in the middle of a work day then?"

Charles: I know neither of you are completely convinced, so I wanted you to see for yourselves. Amanda, sweetheart, come out and show yourself. No need to be modest. We're all one, big, happy family now."

Amanda appeared through the open door of his house and walked carefully towards them. She wore the French maid's outfit Charles had bought her along with a pair of outlandish black, six-inch stilettos. Her eyes looked a bit dazed, but she wore a wide smile, one I was sure Charles insisted on. She stopped at their table and placed a fresh drink in front of each of them, then stood waiting, holding the small serving tray in front of her ******* breasts.

"Can I get you gentlemen anything else?" she asked. Her voice was almost little girl-like, and she struggled to keep her balance on the heels. A sudden breeze lifted her tiny skirt revealing the firm curves of her bare ass. They must have had a delicious view of her naked pussy from where they sat. Was this really my wife?

"I'm sure you know who my friends here are, Amanda. So you know you work for them too. My dilemma is that they aren't convinced you're up to the job of finalizing Vicente's contract. I'm sure seeing you in your new outfit goes a long way toward relieving their concerns, but I think they'd be more comfortable adding you to our little family if you provided a more personal touch. I'm sure you know what it would take to do that. In fact, you'd enjoy it, wouldn't you?"

Amanda gave him a puzzled look for a second, then turned her wide, glassy-eyed smile to each of them.

"I'd be more than happy to," she said. "Anything to be part of the family."

Charles took a seat cushion from the empty chair beside him and tossed it on the tiled deck at one of his partner's feet. I was sure I saw a moment of hesitation as she glanced down at the cushion. Then, a few seconds later, a ****** smile returned to her face and she went to her knees between the man's legs. I watched her small hands unzip him, then her long, delicate fingers fish his cock through his open fly. He was already hard, and she took the head in her mouth eagerly, knowing it would please Charles.

I leaned closer to my screen, glanced out through my open office door, then got up and hurried to close and lock it. I felt the nub of my dick come to life as Amanda slurped and gulped. She looked so hungry for him, yet so submissively obedient. The guy's cock was long but thin, nothing she would have craved after Charles and Eric, and certainly not before her anticipated time alone with Vicente. In the bright afternoon sun, no detail was left to my imagination. She attacked his cock almost violently, taking it as deeply as she was able while milking his shaft with both hands. It was a fantastical scene brought to life by Charles's perverse imagination, created to demonstrate Amanda's loyalty and submission. Charles knew I'd be watching; he knew I'd be tortured by the confines of my new cage as Amanda's performance was captured in vivid, salacious detail by his hidden camera. He was betting I'd be hard watching my wife suck his partner's cock, and for a brief moment I regretted that he was right.

Within minutes the man groaned and pumped his hips into Amanda's hungry mouth. I saw his cock inflate and spasm as Amanda took every drop, swallowing again and again as she guzzled his cum. She looked so small there on her knees in the tiny outfit, licking her lips as she recovered. Charles had made his point; she was his toy now. She belonged to him, and to his company. And he was determined to make me watch every second of proof.

"I believe everyone in my company should be treated equally," Charles said. "Don't you agree, Amanda?"

She rose carefully to her feet, still casting her eyes down at his partner's saliva soaked, deflating cock. I noticed an almost imperceptible shiver run through her before she answered.

"Yes, Charles. So, you want me to...?"

"Playing coy isn't like you, Amanda. Yes, I want you to suck his cock too. Usually you beg to do it. I think we'd all like to hear that now."

"I - I do, Charles. I mean, please, can I suck him too? You know I'll do anything you want - for you and the company."

I saw his second partner grin and open his pants. His erection stood thick and tall in the blazing sun, as though he was offering it as a defiant dare to Amanda. She moved the cushion and knelt at his second partner's feet, hands at her side, staring up at him. Her words were soft and almost a whisper. They twisted my gut and made my hands shake.

"Please, can I suck your cock, Sir? I'll make it good for you, I promise. I'm sorry Charles had to remind me.".

She was on him in the next second, sucking and licking, her pretty mouth stretched wide as it glided over the glistening, saliva-soaked shaft.

"Jeezus, Charles," he groaned. "You said she was a hungry little bitch - now I believe you. Vicente can have her as long as he wants - he can do her until she's..."

Amanda had taken his balls in her hands, massaging them softly as she inhaled his cock. His entire body stiffened, rising slightly off the chair as he emptied himself down Amanda's throat. The sudden spew surprised her and she gagged at first, then recovered and drank. His orgasm seemed to last an entire minute, but Amanda never took her lips from the head of his cock.

She finally stood again, struggling to keep her balance on the stilettos. She looked dazed and used, swallowing repeatedly to rid herself of any final taste of their cum. A few drops of semen had escaped and landed on her bare breasts, and I noticed a sticky white string clinging to her chin. She knew what Charles wanted; she waited quietly before them with her hands clasped behind her back, her eyes lowered, ignoring the breeze that lifted the tiny skirt to display her bare cunt and ass.

"Yes, yes, Amanda," Charles told her. "You are part of our family. Now, are you ready for your first assignment?"

"Yes, Sir," she said quietly, still staring at the deck.

"And what is that assignment, my dear?"

"To - to stay with Vicente. To have sex with him so he signs the new contract. To do whatever he wants with me with no complaints. I, um, belong to him while I'm there."

Charles grinned at his partners, then continued. "Well, he may not completely own the 'pretty little wife' inside, but he'll definitely own her hungry little body. And you can be sure he's going to use that huge cock of his to enjoy every bit of it."

Suddenly, she raised her head and smiled at him. "Don't worry, Charles. I want that, more than anything. He can have me."

"Then it's time to get you home, Amanda. We've packed your bags, and I'm sure your husband wants to say goodbye before he drops you at the airport. I wonder - will that tiny dick of his squirm a little in his new cage when you kiss him goodbye, knowing how many times Vicente will use his wife's tight little pussy?

"I - I haven't seen him get hard for a long time now, Charles. I don't think he can in his new cage. He knows where I'm going, and what I'm going to do there. He knows how much I love Vicente's cock, and that I'll be fucking him constantly while I'm gone. I think my husband will miss me, but not my pussy. He's over that. I think you've cured him of that."

Charles turned to his partners. "You know how this works. She isn't the first wife I've corrupted, and her husband isn't the first one I've neutered. But this little piece of ass was so hungry for cock I decided to put her to work for us. As long as we dangle her in front of Vicente, he'll always be in our pocket. And she'll always be a drooling slut for his cock. This, gentlemen, is a brand new day for us, filled with opportunity. All because I recognized Amanda was such a desperate, horny little wife at first sight. You can thank me when the contract's signed."

As the three men rose to leave, Charles paused to whisper in Amanda's ear. She stayed behind, standing there alone and delicious, until the men were out of sight. She was still struggling to keep her balance on the heels when she placed a hand under her skirt and began to masturbate. I could see her nipples pout and stiffen almost immediately. Her eyes closed, her lips parted, and her breasts heaved as she panted and groaned. Soon she was humping her hand, pumping her hips forward in an obscene display of shameless heat. I was sure Charles had staged her performance for me, just one more bit of evidence that she'd do anything he asked. She came suddenly and violently, moaning out loud and sinking to her knees as her body twitched and spasmed. Then, finally, the unmistakable words from her. "Oh Vicente - please fuck me - fuck me - fuck me - fuck me...".


Charles had taken Amanda home by the time I returned to see her off. Her bags were sitting by the door, and I heard her humming softly upstairs. I found her in our bedroom in front of the full length mirror, turning and posing in one of her new outfits. She had left three buttons of the white blouse undone, ******** the inner curves of her firm, bare breasts. Her nipples were hard little points under the thin cotton, daring to be touched and sucked. As she whirled, the pleats of the tiny, powder blue skirt flared and lifted to ****** the delicious curves of her ass barely contained by the matching panties. She noticed me watching in the mirror and smiled.

"It's sexy, isn't it?" she asked, still staring thoughtfully into the mirror. "I want to make a good impression when Vicente meets me at the airport. Do you like me in it? If you were him, would you want to..."

"I have no doubts he'll want you no matter what you're wearing," I assured her. There was still something slightly off about her. Her big blue eyes were vacant, and her voice was distant, yet smoldering with naked lust.

She turned face me, her smile slowly fading. "Are you still worried, sweetie? That I won't come back to you? I wish you wouldn't be. It's just sex. I don't want to stay with him - I don't think he'd have me anyway. One woman could never satisfy him from what Charles tells me."

"I guess it still worries me a little," I confessed. "You just seem so happy when you're with him. It's so different than how I've ever seen you with me. You, um, just light up when he's in the room with you. And then there's that glow of yours after you cum with him..."

"Sweetie - it's all about sex, only sex. You're right that it's never been like that for you and me, but I do love you. Besides, I thought you were beginning to like imagining me with other men. You masturbate while they fuck me. I've seen how much you like that. In fact, watching you cum like that makes the sex even better for me. Knowing you get pleasure from seeing me fucked is thrilling. But am I wrong? Does it still hurt you?"

"It's - complicated, Amanda," I explained. "There is something sexy and exciting about seeing you satisfied by another man. But it's a blow to my ego, and my masculinity. And there's the guilt of knowing I've deprived you for so long. But I'm trying - I really am. I just couldn't bear losing you."

Amanda turned suddenly and sighed. I could hear the frustration in her voice and see the fire in her eyes. She put her hands on her hips and squinted at me. Suddenly she seemed to be possessed by another woman, one who wasn't so careful about wounding my ego.

"Sweetie, I'm not sure what more I can say that will convince you that I still love you. But to be blunt, you have to learn to separate sex from love. Other men have always wanted to fuck me. They've flirted and hit on me throughout our marriage. At times I was tempted, and even flirted back when you weren't around. I just never told you because I knew you'd be jealous. Men seem to know my needs aren't being met, and those same nagging needs were always on my mind. I was so dripping wet when I could tell a sexy, confident man wanted me. There were such perpetual, unrelenting fantasies of how sex might be with a, well, more 'manly' man, one with a cock that completely filled me. I wanted to know what it would be like to cum, every time, just like all my girlfriends claimed. All this was inevitable, sweetie. It was your job, and meeting Charles, that finally gave me relief. And now, there's something else you need to know."

Amanda turned her back to me, bent over, lowered her panties and stepped out of them. I stared at the small, jeweled button between her ass cheeks and wondered what perverse item Charles had placed there.

"It's a gift from Vicente." she said, as she peered around a column of perfect legs. "It's real - a real diamond. He wants me to wear it on my flight. It hurt a little at first, but it's fine now, better than fine after he's used the remote a few times."

I could see it come to life, vibrating for a few seconds then stopping, over and over. A tiny light made the jewel sparkle with each quivering sensation it sent through her body, announcing Vicente's presence. She squirmed a little each time as her smile widened.

"So, he's, already in you I guess," I said solemnly, stunned it had begun so soon. Amanda's stark beauty accompanied by another confusing blow of defeat washed over me in a single second. I fought the effect it had on me, shaken that my wife would let him take her there so willingly, yet slowly feeling my cage fill with whatever feeble erection I could manage within it. How could I have let Charles make me feel so helpless and broken? And now Amanda seemed to be his partner in my descent, destined to become her accommodating, sexless husband.

"Isn't it sexy?" She was beaming, tucking her belly and clenching her ass cheeks each time it came to life. "I'm his even before I step on the plane. He told me he wants me bigger back there, so this will stretch me a little. He really does love fucking my ass, and I'm learning to like it too. It makes me feel so full of him, so 'taken'."

"But, he's so huge, Amanda. You never let me have anal sex with you."

"You were never really insistent, sweetie. You never showed the slightest sense of command with me in bed. You always made love to me like you were afraid to be more aggressive. You never showed me you could be what they call an 'Alpha Male'. Eventually I was resigned to accepting you'd never have what that takes. It took Charles's confident swagger and fearlessness to show me the deep, luscious satisfaction of that kind of submission. You never 'took' me like Charles, Eric, then finally Vincente did. But you can still watch. You can still get off seeing me beg for it. That's who you are now, aren't you? A husband who can only cum watching other men fuck your wife?"

She was shivering as she spoke, her pussy swollen and glistening while the plug shook her to her core. She froze suddenly, then released a short, low-pitched groan. "He's going to make me cum, sweetie. Oh fuck, Vicente..."

I stared at her quaking body, driven to orgasm there before me as Vicente controlled the butt plug. I had been so determined to return home to spend time with her before dropping her at the airport that I never imagined he might use her body before she left me. She began to sob, dropped to her knees, then collapsed to all fours, gasping and clawing the carpet. When she regained control, she rolled over on her back and looked up at me.

"I didn't know he'd do that, sweetie, honestly. Did it excite you? Did it make you hard, just a little in your new cage? Or was it too much for you right before I leave to be with him?"

Charles had warned me at the start not to let Amanda know Eric had wired our bedroom for video. He had said he wanted her responses to be uninhibited, unaffected by anything or anyone other than those in the room while they fucked her. Later I discovered that our entire house was bugged with hidden video cameras and sound; Charles took delight in parroting back to me private conversations Amanda and I had at the morning breakfast table. I began to see he was weaving the content of our discussions into his plans to use Amanda and kill my desire for her body. He'd use Amanda's words against me as evidence she'd never want to fuck me again. It was painful keeping his secret at times when she laid bare her disappointment with my performance in bed and her recent obsession with Vicente. I would think, "if she only knew...", but telling her Charles was listening would likely get me fired and our bedroom videos released to the rest of the world. Now I was sure Charles had shared the video feed with Vicente as well, and he had planned to humiliate me by taking Amanda's ass remotely as he and I watched.

"It - wasn't anything I could have expected, Amanda," I assured her. "I guess I never imagined how much you'd love anal sex. And yes, it was too much right before I hand you over to him so far away. It's all too much sometimes - losing your body to him, then losing my desire to satisfy you myself. I've accepted it most of time; I know I never gave you what you needed in bed. But the fear of other men taking you from me is still there. As much as I've learned to love watching them fuck you, losing you is still a heavy weight to carry. Your obsession with Vicente is overwhelming. He's the kind of man you could easily fall in love with - the powerful, confident lover with a huge cock in your fantasies. You've even admitted that, in a way. I keep thinking I may never see you again..."

Amanda stood, retrieved her panties, and pulled them up along her perfect thighs. Then she turned and glared at me. I could hear the frustration in her voice and see the fire in her eyes.

"You're just such a baby about this! You whine about it, on and on, even after I try to convince you I won't ever leave you. It's sex! Only sex! Something he's good at and you're not. I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe if you'd be a bit more of a 'man' about it, Charles wouldn't torture you so much. Maybe he'd let you out of that cage. If you only knew how many other things Charles has done to me, things I've never told you about...well, they're things your wife would never have done before meeting him. But I keep pampering you, helping you along, hoping you'll be everything Charles wants you to be."

I was stunned. She had approached me, inches from my face, her hand clutching my cage roughly as she raged at me. I saw a mix of frustration and lust in her eyes. Her impatience to go to Vicente was obvious, so much so that it ignited her response with aggression and anger. I understood, but that didn't make her words any less worrisome.

"I wear this cage for you so you can have the sex I never gave you," I told her. "And I wear it to keep my job, so we can have the life we enjoy. I'm sorry if I complain too often, but I'm trying. I really am, Amanda."

My answer didn't please her. She closed her hand tightly over my cage and tugged, pulling me even closer. I could feel her hardened nipples against my chest as she continued.

"Vicente is going to fuck me while I'm with him, every chance he gets. He's going to make me cum like only he can, and I'll beg him for more. He'll show me off, and use every inch of my body. You may never fuck me again, but I can still be your wife. I thought that was something we both agreed upon and accepted. But you should know that each and every time Charles, or Eric, or Vicente fucks me with his enormous, perpetually hard cock, yours seems even smaller and less likely to ever please me. Charles took your dick away, not your balls. For god's sake, use them once in a while. Calm the fuck down, let Vicente do whatever he wants to me, and I'll come back to you. You know it's going to happen. You know it! Now, take me to catch my flight, tell me to have a good time, and hand me over to him until he sees fit to send me home."


Amanda slept quietly during our hour drive to the airport. I kept glancing over at her, consumed with worry, but also overwhelmed with how delicious she looked in her new outfit. Another button on her blouse had come undone, flaunting the full expanse of her bare breast and nipple. The tiny skirt was bunched about her waist, displaying her perfect legs and a bit of lace where her panties barely concealed her succulent, round little ass. I wondered how men could keep their hands off her before and during the flight. How many would flirt with her and hit on her - those hung, confident men who would simply walk up to her and tell her they wanted to fuck her. Her greedy blow jobs with Charles's two partners were still fresh in my mind, how she drained them and gulped their semen in a sex-crazed frenzy.

I helped Amanda with her bags once we arrived, then waited with her in line to check them. Vicente had reserved a first class ticket for her, and I could see she was impressed. Surprisingly, her mood had softened by then, and she took my hand before leaving me.

"I guess I was a little rough on you before," she said, a crooked, apologetic smile forming across her angelic face. "I'm not sure what came over me - I think it was spending the day with Charles; you know how he likes to make you feel so small and impotent and then drags me into his little schemes. I felt like someone else as the day went on. I'm sorry, sweetie. But you know we have to obey him, don't you? You know he could fire you and ruin us. Neither of us wants that."

I cringed when Amanda assumed Charles's only hold on us was the money. What would she do if the videos of us were made public? With her looks and body, clips of her taking Eric's huge cock would be seen and downloaded by thousands of horny men. If Charles released our names, men would be lining up at our door to fuck her. Our friends, relatives and coworkers would all witness Amanda's obsession for huge cock and her willingness to cuckold me. Then there were the humiliating scenes of me watching, spewing cum everywhere as Amanda thrashed under them, delirious and moaning as she welcomed load after load of cum inside her. It would embarrass me, but eventually I could tuck my tail between my legs and hide from my part in it. Things would be worse for Amanda - it would destroy her.

"It's been a long day," I told her. "I think an entire day with Charles was more than either of us could take without some kind of damage. You may regret the way you said those things, but if you're honest, I believe you'll admit you've kept them hidden from me, bottled up inside you for some time now. I'm not sure what pushed you over the edge, but I get it. I'm not your fantasy 'Alpha male' with a big cock, something you've craved since the day we were married. But you can have that, Amanda. I can accept it - you know I have accepted it. Sometimes it even excites me. I just don't want to lose you in the process of how our marriage is changing. So, go. Have a good time in Spain. Then come back to me."

She put her arms around me and hugged me. I could feel her breath on my face before she kissed me, then her lips brush my ear as she whispered her goodbye. "I do love you, sweetie. And I don't want to leave with things unsaid. I need to know you're okay. So, will you tell me? I need to hear it, like you really, really mean it. Tell me you want him to have me there, that you want to give my body to him until I came back to you. Please say it. Tell me you want him to fuck me?"

She had pressed her body against me, and I could feel the firm swell of her breasts beneath the thin blouse. The tip of her tongue traced a slow circle over my ear, her breath hot and inviting. She kept whispering the words, over and over, there in the busy airport, in front of everyone. "Tell me...tell me...tell me..." All my resistance vanished, her former anger forgotten. I felt my dick stir inside my cage, then inflate to the confines of the tiny prison.

"I do, Amanda," I said quietly, my nose buried in the fragrant, luxurious sweep of her hair. "I want you to go to him. I want you to give your body to him. I want him to fuck you."

She looked up at me and smiled. "I'll never leave you - you know that, don't you? I only want his cock, not him. Go home. Imagine how good it will be for me - his thick cock deep inside me when I cum. Prove to Charles that letting me have other men is our future, and he'll remove your cage. And when he does, I promise I'll always tell you everything, and that you'll get the relief you need when I do. Goodbye, sweetie. I'll see you soon."

The Key - 15

The Key - 15

That night I was haunted by dreams of Amanda and Vicente together. Oddly, none of my dreams were anything like the times I watched them fuck. There were scenes of Amanda and Vicente strolling through sun-washed streets lined with colorful shops where he'd stop and buy her little gifts and flowers. They'd hold hands along the way, and others would look at them and smile at the perfect couple. He lifted her into the air in front of a huge, sparkling fountain, his strong hands at her waist as she gazed lovingly down into his eyes and rewarded him with a dazzling smile. They lay on the beach together side by side on a blood-red blanket, Amanda topless in one of her tiny thongs and he in a brief Speedo that flaunted the unmistakable outline of his immense cock. Amanda lay on her side next to him, caressing his huge erection through the translucent Speedo as though his cock was a beloved pet. When the head of his cock emerged, she leaned over him and planted a lingering kiss at the tip, then giggled as he pulled her face to his for a deeper, passionate kiss.

I woke again and again through the night, each time agitated and fearful that Vicente had already made Amanda his. Although I wasn't unfamiliar with her obsession with other men's cocks during her time under Charles's influence, the regret and shame that I hadn't been able to satisfy her over years of our marriage was a dark shadow I couldn't seem to shed. But Vicente was different - she had confessed it was also his confident seduction, mesmerizing charisma and perfectly sculptured, indefatigable body that ignited her desire to be with him. Yes, she loved fucking him - but she liked him, maybe a little too much. A One of Charles's comments came to mind, that Vicente disposed of women like yesterday's used condoms. I had never seen Vicente use condoms with Amanda. I shuddered when I thought about how much of his semen he'd leave in her, hour after hour, day after day, by the time she returned. Was Amanda more to Vicente than his usual disposable piece of ass?

By morning I was a crazed zombie with little sleep and gut-churning anxiety. Thoughts of them fucking began to consume me. How many times had Amanda taken his cock in her by then? How many times had she cum before she was too exhausted to go on? I imagined her bright eyes drifting upward, then closing, her wide mouth open and gasping, then drawn into a greedy grin after her crushing orgasm melted into contented bliss. "She's his woman now," I kept thinking. It became an obsession, the words refusing to leave me, stabbing at me, until exhaustion overwhelmed me and I finally slept that afternoon.

It was a huge relief to have the weekend to recover. Charles wouldn't torture me with Amanda's videos at work, and I could regain the hours of sleep I had lost. Early Sunday morning there was a text from Amanda. Attached was a photo of her on the beach, topless, in a miniscule pink thong that clearly showed the contours of her luscious pussy beneath it. She was laughing, caught in a moment of joy, obviously jubilant to be in Vicente's company.

"Hi sweetie! I'm having so much fun here! Vicente and I are at the beach today, and it's so beautiful! I knew you'd worry, so I sent a pic Vicente took a few minutes ago. He's such a tease - trying to get me to pose for pictures in front of the men here in some of my new outfits. Well, you can probably imagine the things he says. I'm getting lots of attention here, and don't even mind going topless now that I get so many compliments about my body. I can't believe I was so shy about letting men see more of me in the past. In fact, I love the way men here stare, like I'm some kind of celebrity. I hope you're okay there, and please don't worry. I love you! It's just sex. Remember that, please? Bye!"

I couldn't take my eyes off the photo. She seemed so excited, so full of life, and so painfully gorgeous nearly naked there for everyone to ogle and lust after. Was that twinkle in her eyes love? Was her effervescent laughter evidence it was much more than just sex with Vicente? Imagining her body so ******* and unrestrained triggered a twitch inside my cage, one that in the past would have led to a spontaneous afternoon lovemaking session with Amanda. Now the cage pushed back, curbing the erection that might have existed without it. I tugged at it, thinking I might discover some way to get off as I stared at the picture of my nearly naked wife freely displayed in public. Every man on the beach would be tempted. Many would try to coax her into their beds; Vicente had made her bait for every man but me. Try as I might, my erection never materialized, and I gave up in the midst of agonizing frustration.

Other than the constant stream of repeating videos showing Amanda fucking Eric and Vicente in our bedroom, my days at work were fairly peaceful. Eric had been reassigned to another location for a while, and Charles was happy just to see me sweat a little knowing Amanda was doing her best to make Vicente happy thousands of miles away from me. I tried to ignore the videos, but found myself drawn to the few minutes Amanda would gasp and cry out each time Vicente made her cum. Although it still triggered the faint beginnings of an erection, I ruminated endlessly, comparing the contortions of her sweet face and mouthwatering body to what I had seen when we had made love. There was simply no comparison. She might as well have been someone else's wife during those times, someone who got me hard, but not the wife I knew. If I watched long enough, the cage became painfully cramped, and then my erection would soften and retreat to a defeated, tiny nub of flesh again. As time passed I had fewer and fewer erections, but Amanda's cum face never failed to mesmerize me.

Amanda continued to text me daily. The photos she attached were always of her in one of her new outfits, or of her and Vicente together with his hands on her at an upscale restaurant or glitzy nightclub. As much as I looked forward to her texts and photos, the mixed messages she included ramped my angst and nervousness to new levels every day. She'd hint at how many times she and Vicente had been fucking and how he fit her fantasies of the Alpha male she had described in the past. Then she'd add a few lines reassuring me, in her way, that she loved me and that I shouldn't worry, that Vicente was taking "good care of her" and she'd see me soon. But as time passed, she never mentioned a return date, only that he would "give me back to you soon."


A week later, early on a Monday morning, I answered the chime of our doorbell to find Juliet standing on our front porch. I hadn't seen her or her husband at the office in a month or so, and I was at a loss for words. We had never really met, and I wasn't exactly unhappy about that. She seemed to treat her husband badly, and was far too much like Charles for my taste. She always emanated a kind of severe, arrogant aura, strolling through the office with a brazen air of superiority. She stood outside with her hands on her hips, clearly impatient for me to open the door.

"Oh, Juliet," I announced. "I'm surprised to see you. Can I help you with something?"

She eyed me from head to toe before she answered. "Charles sent me," she said, finally. "Can I come in?"

She was still an intimidating woman, tall and lean, with short, elegantly cropped hair, dressed entirely in black. I couldn't imagine what she wanted.

"Um, I guess - I mean, sure. Come in."

She walked by me, ran her eyes over me one more time, then took a seat. I sat across from her and waited for her to explain. When she said nothing after a full minute, I broke the silence.

"I haven't seen Jim or you for a while now. Is something wrong? Is Jim still working for the company?"

She began to open the buttons down the front of her fitted jacket as she answered me.

"Jimmy and I have separated. He wasn't the kind of man who could ever hope to keep me. We were much younger when we married, and well, you know how that is, don't you? Sometimes we outgrow you."

She wasn't shy about letting me know Charles had shared our story in graphic detail. Her aloofness and the way she spoke about Jim were menacing. Something about her made my skin crawl.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, as I watched her shrug the short jacket off her shoulders and place it over the arm of the chair. She wore a black, tightly-laced bustier beneath it that openly displayed the heaving flesh of her full, ghostly white breasts. She looked down at her nipples as she brushed them lightly with the fingertips of both hands, then looked back up at me. I could see flexing bands of muscle and tendon rise beneath the pale skin of her slim calves and thighs. We had all seen her strut through the halls to visit Charles's office every week and were well-aware of her towering presence, but her legs were astonishing, the longest I had ever seen.

"Get out of your clothes," she told me. "Let's see you naked." Her words were emotionless, with a certainty that I'd do as I was told.

"I don't think so," I answered with all the conviction I could muster. "I won't be the subject of another one of Charles's sick videos, if that's why you're here. I think you should leave."

She ran her hands down along her bare legs, prying them open, then slowly stroked the insides of her thighs. She never looked up at me while she spoke.

"I think you will. I think you need your cushy job, this sprawling home, and those expensive cars in your driveway. I think you and your little bimbo wife will do just about anything to keep all that. Not to mention your, well, not-so-sterling sex lives, all waiting to go public on Charles's new web site. I think you'll do any fucking thing I tell you to do, just like your slutty little wife. Now, take off your clothes and get down on your knees, or I make a quick call to Charles. I'm only here because he sent me; I came a long way to do this for him, and neither Charles nor I will be happy if you don't behave."

It was beyond anything I could have imagined. Why would Charles do this once he owned Amanda and me? Amanda was practically his sex slave, and I was caged for so long my dick may never function again. Wasn't making my wife his toy and ending my sex life enough for him? What more could he possibly want or gain from humiliating me further?

"Tick Tock, cucky," she said, now standing before me, waiting for me to obey. "Strip, or I make the call to Charles."

What choice did I have? Who knew what may happen to Amanda if I refused? I still had no idea what Vicente was capable of with Amanda in his hands so far away. And as Charles had reminded me, if the very thing that made our lifestyle possible suddenly vanished, would Amanda abandon me for Charles, or Eric, or more likely now Vicente?

I stood and removed my shoes, shirt and pants, leaving me there before Juliet in my underwear. I cringed as she circled around me, taking in every inch of my body with the look of a predator eyeing its next meal. She stopped in front of me and grasped my jaw in her hand, staring into my eyes.

"Everything. Don't you know what 'naked' means? Even your cocksucking little bimbo knows that. I'm waiting..."

When she released me I pulled my underwear down past my cage and dropped it on the floor beside me. She moved back a few steps and stared at the cage, grinning.

"I had Jimmy wear one of these, for a little while before he left. I think it was the final straw for him - he complained constantly until he left me and had it removed. But you - you've lived with yours for how long, over a year now? Do you like being Charles's eunuch while he fucks your slutty little 'princess'?"

"I - I had no choice," I answered, naked and shivering before her.

"You had a choice!" she spat at me. "You two could have run the minute Charles tried to seduce her. Later, you could have been a man and walked away, but you couldn't give up the cushy job and the money Charles showered on the two of you. My husband was worthless in bed too, but at least he kept his self-respect. Instead you simply handed your wife over to him and took the money - god, it's as though Charles has been paying by the hour for your wife's pussy like she's his private little ******, and you her pimp. But I guess it wasn't entirely your fault. I've heard how hungry she is for cock. But Charles tells me you like it - watching your sweet little slut fuck other men in your bed. Is that right? Do you?"

"I - I - I guess, sometimes. I never thought she'd let Charles seduce her. Then I found out that I never satisfied her. Now that I know, I have to accept letting her have what she needs. Besides, if I don't, Charles will ruin us. I still love her - she still excites me, even when I watch her having sex with other men."

"Awww, you're still in 'love'," she said, grinning. "That's sooo romantic, loving her at a distance while Vicente puts his cock in her every day now." She circled me again as she spoke, her voice laced with sarcasm. "But it must be painful - loving her when you know she thinks so little of you, knowing that she'll be Vicente's woman once she gets a really good taste of him. But you know, I never could understand the attraction men have for a woman like Amanda. Yes, she's a cute little thing, so 'wifey' and sweet looking. And she has a nice body, but men would never know that unless they get her naked. She's been such a prudish, frustrated housewife for so long, never even telling her own husband the sex he gives her is pathetic. She's wasted half her life hiding it - all those filthy fantasies, the secret masturbation sessions when you're away, the desperate yearning for that young stallion living next to you all this time. And now, after it blows up in your face, after she's getting amazing cock from three other men, you find you like it?"

"I told you, I don't know why," I said. "It's how she looks when she, um, cums with them. I never saw her that way. I never saw her that way when I made her cum."

"You don't 'make' her cum! She decides when and if she cums. If she's fucking a man who knows what he's doing and has a decent cock, she'll, well, you've seen her with Vicente. She cums like that because he's the kind of man she's always wanted. She's having the kind of sex she's always wanted. So is that it? You're guilty for being so incompetent all this time? For getting off inside her and never noticing how disappointed she was with you when you oozed your cum into her hungry little cunt?"

"I guess it's something like that," I confessed. "She never told me. I never knew."

"Really? There were never any signs that she was frustrated with you? You never saw her look at another man and stare just a little too long at his crotch? You stood beside her while other men flirted with her and assumed her smiles and gentle touches were completely innocent? I don't believe you."

"There was, Eric, I guess," I said shamefully. "They were always so friendly, and she made a point of spending time with him when he was home from college. On hot summer days he'd mow his parent's lawn in just a pair of frayed cutoffs, and I'd see her glancing at him over and over when she thought I wouldn't notice. But he was so young - much too young for her to be tempted to, um, actually do anything. I thought it was only natural for her to look at a young, fit, half-naked guy. Amanda seemed so happy with our life. At least I thought so."

"So you just let him have her too, right? All those little hints that she was in heat for him, that she craved a cock that might satisfy her, and you refused to see it. Admit it - you knew she wanted to fuck him, even back then. You just didn't have the balls to face it. I'll bet you even fantasized about him fucking her while you were away. It's so obscenely taboo - the neighbor's hung son climbing on top of your wife in your bed while you're working day and night in another city. Did you jerk off to it too? To that embarrassing little story you just couldn't seem to stop replaying in your head, over, and over, and over?"

"I - I really don't remember," I told her. "I didn't masturbate to it - I'm sure of that. But it's not like thoughts of them together didn't occur to me. It was just - I mean, Amanda was so - "

"Yes, yes - innocent little wifey couldn't be gagging for that young stud next door, could she? Of course you knew. You knew and you obsessed over it. And you obsessed over it until you began to like those thoughts. But not without all the guilt - the guilt that you were incompetent in bed. The guilt from thinking of that young stud giving her what you couldn't. You won't even admit it now, after she's been fucking him. You're so pathetic."

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe you're right. I am guilty. Guilty for a lot of what's happened. Sometimes it consumes me. I'm not sure how we fell into the mess we're in. Maybe it was my fault, letting Charles seduce Amanda in the first place. I'm so confused lately. I guess I must be the one responsible."

Juliet smiled at me. "We can work with that. Guilt holds you prisoner. It's a little like this key." She pulled the key to my cage from the hidden space between her breasts and held it up for me to see. "Show me your bedroom. Then get on the bed and spread your legs. Let's see what that cage has done to your tiny little dick."

I can't fully explain why I did what she said. Her presence was commanding, and the threat of what may happen to us if I didn't comply was real. But it was also her statuesque beauty that overwhelmed me. Her body was so unlike Amanda's; she was taller than I, with magnificently imposing breasts that overflowed the black bustier laced tightly about her torso. As she unzipped her leather skirt and stepped out of it, I found she wore nothing beneath it. Her narrow, tight slit glistened at its center, excited by the expectation of what she might do to me, whatever I feared that might be. Unlike Amanda's angelic face, Juliet's was a tenacious, unflinching mask with violet, narrowed eyes and a wide, predatory mouth. She had the finely chiseled features of an exquisite, imperious queen, without any hint of mercy or forgiveness. Ultimately, it was the promise to free me from my cage that made me submit to her. That, above all else was all she needed to say.

Juliet retrieved a jumble of thin, leather straps from her large handbag she had placed by the side of the bed. I lay there shaking as she bound my wrists and ankles to the head and foot of our bed, fearing what she may do to me, but still hopeful that I may be released from my cage.

"There - this is how I always picture you when Charles tells me about how you've simply handed over your pretty little bimbo to him without a single objection. I'm sure it's how Amanda thinks of you now as well - helpless and impotent, not man enough to satisfy your own wife. So, I'm here to make sure this is how you see yourself too. I must say, I'm a little wet watching you squirm after willingly letting me tie you to the bed. You're much more compliant then my Jimmy was. We're going to have so much fun together."

She strolled around the bed staring at my cage, practically gliding on the six inch stilettos. Finally, she knelt on the bed, leaned over me, and took my cage in her hand.

"Okay, let's see what this has done to your little thing by now," she told me. "I'm not sure it matters though - it's never been enough for Amanda, and she wasn't even very demanding. We both know how much that's changed, don't we?"

Juliet was a stunning woman, and I felt my dick come to life as she unlocked the cage and tugged it away from my body. Then her hands were on me; her long fingers closed around my growing erection, milking and squeezing it, beckoning me to enjoy her skilled manipulation. I groaned as she continued, raising my hips off the bed, thrusting uselessly into the air.

"My, my - so hard, so quickly? And still so disappointing," she said, her voice a velvety but frightening promise of what may come. "I can see why Amanda chose to discard you for a better man. But you must know that by now? Why she'll never fuck you, ever again?"

I had closed my eyes, lost in the sensation of her hands on me and in the expectation of my first orgasm in months. She slapped me, hard, across my face, and I opened my eyes to see her face inches from mine, her cruel eyes peering into mine like a slithering predator playing with its prey before consuming it. Suddenly her hand was grasping my balls, squeezing slowly, until the growing pain crawled up into my groin and belly.

"Now, you're going to listen to my rules. You're going to memorize them. And then you're going to obey them. Or this, is what you get each time you forget."

Another sudden squeeze sent me into a panic. The pain was debilitating, and I feared she'd crush my testicles in a single second of unmeasured punishment.

"Never take your eyes off me," she warned. "You need to see how much I enjoy this - how wet I get from crushing your balls. You need to believe I'll do anything to you to make sure you obey. I don't care if it's my face, my tits or pussy, but you must not take your eyes off me."

"I won't - I promise - " I gasped. Relief came instantly, and she moved closer to me, following the contours of my body, licking here and there, until she arrived at my dick. When she took the tip in her mouth and bored her tongue into the opening that leaked a stream of my precum, I let out a quiet moan.

"Oh, you like that, don't you. Poor thing, it's been a year, maybe even longer since you've felt her mouth on you there. Or, maybe she never did it at all. It wouldn't surprise me, a little mouse like her too "good" to put a cock in her mouth. And now, well, you'd do anything to get me to continue. Anything. Here you are with your dick hard and leaking, begging for more while a man with a cock so big it shames you uses your wife as his convenient plaything. And no matter what he does to her, using her and showing her off like his prize piece of meat, she's still so hungry for him. Now she's more than willing to put that huge cock in her mouth, and so impatient to take it inside her greedy, tight little cunt."

She backed away and took my erection in her hand, pumping and squeezing, then raked her long nails over the sensitive head with repeated, slow traces. The sensation was shattering, impossible to resist - I didn't want it to ever stop. She controlled me completely. My body was hers.

"Ahhh, it makes you harder, doesn't it? Imagining them together? Watching your pretty little wife buck and thrash under him while she begs for her orgasm. You understand now. You know, don't you? That she'll never fuck you again. That this useless dick of yours has never satisfied her, and never will. Tell me. Let me hear you say it."

"I - I know I never satisfied her. She told me that. But - I can't believe I'll never fuck her again. I won't. She - she still loves me..."

My answer seemed to disappoint her at first, then infuriate her. She shifted her attention to my balls, exploring them with determination, plucking each testicle into the probing grasp of her long, slender fingers, rolling them slowly, then lingering when she found a sensitive spot that made me twitch in pain. Her fingers sank deeper into the firm egg-like glands, probing, exploring, digging into the unforgiving flesh of each testicle. I began to writhe in pain, gasping and groaning on the bed.

"You won't need your balls, so quit your whining. Your wife doesn't like them much anyway," she said while she continued to work. "You know they'll be useless to her, that she'll never even want to touch them again. In fact, your little dick and balls have become so disgusting to her she doesn't even think of you as a man anymore. You know it, but I want to hear to say it like you believe it!"

When I refused to answer, she found the sensitive nerves leading to each testicle and took them firmly between thumb and forefinger. When she began to stroke and milk the raw nerves I went wild, my body jerking in spasms of pain. When she eased up, the tension drained from my body until she continued again, pressing harder, squeezing and rolling the cords of nerves between her fingers. After a few minutes she stopped, resting back on her haunches between my legs, watching me recover. Then she sucked the tip of my dick into her mouth again and revived my erection, teasing and stroking me with a satisfied grin.

"Ahhh, there it is again," she told me with a smug smile. "Thinking of your sweet little Amanda begging for her lover's big cock while your dick gets hard again, are we? Maybe just a little closer to admitting to yourself that she doesn't consider you a man anymore? But I don't hear your confession. Not even a whisper."

She began again, stretching and pulling my balls away from my body, then repeating her practiced kneading and milking of my balls and the nerves that sent searing pain through me. I'd see her smiling there on the bed between my legs each time she stopped before finally beginning again, over and over and over. It seemed like hours passed, and maybe they had. I was left panting and groaning in a pool of my own sweat when I finally surrendered the confession she had worked so long to hear.

"Okay, okay - I admit it. I get hard thinking of her with him. I could never do what he does to her. I never will. She doesn't think of me as a man anymore - I give her to more deserving men so she can cum with them. She's a slut - a slutty little ***** - she won't want me - ever again - just please, please stop..."

It was a confession set free by hours of agony and pain. I couldn't imagine how Juliet could torture my balls repeatedly then get me hard again. It wasn't rational. I had betrayed my wife and my manhood over and over between fantasizing about Amanda's sexual infidelities and exploits. But the images returned again and again - those of Vicente's giant cock penetrating her, filling her flat belly, and the look on her face as the overwhelming orgasms shook her then blanketed her body with a fulfilled bliss I had never been able to give her. Juliet's sadistic manipulation had crumbled the wall between the present and all hope for sex with Amanda. I didn't know if it would be a lasting surrender, but I was helpless to resist giving Juliet whatever she wanted from me. When she had started I would have done anything to be free of the cage. Now I was willing to say anything, to be anything she wanted, just to stop the unending cycles of agonizing pain and frustration.

Juliet got off the bed, gathered her clothes, and began to dress. She never took her eyes off me as I lay there. Even after enduring her humiliating torture, I found my throbbing erection returning again as she continued to tease me with Amanda's infidelity.

"You understand, don't you? That this is your life now? That your useless little dick will never find satisfaction inside a real woman again? Not even one like Amanda? Imagine what it will be like, going through life as her "loving husband" with a constant hardon for her sweet little body, knowing she gets cock from real men, never getting any kind of relief yourself. Maybe Charles will keep you in this cage forever, and you'll never, ever get to cum again. Poor little hubby, all hot and hard for his slutty little wife while you stand by and watch her fuck man after man; I imagine it will take its toll on your sanity eventually. Perpetual hardons without single orgasm for the rest of your life? I doubt even I could stay sane for very long. But I think it suits you. You're just so useless lying there with your little thing bobbing in the air."

I needed to cum desperately as I watched her tall, lean body slip slowly into her skirt and jacket. I raised my hips frantically as though something in the air above me might grasp my throbbing erection and give me relief. Instead of relief, Juliet simply watched with perverse interest, her wide, sarcastic smile cast down at me.

"There's a very small price to pay for your relief," she added, her face now inches from mine again. "Tell me what a little ***** she's become. Tell me you want her that way. Tell me we can have her - all of her. Just give her up to us once and for all."

"You might be right, about everything," I admitted, finally. "I may be worthless to Amanda, but never having another orgasm? Please, don't do that to me...let me cum, just this once. I'll do whatever I'm told - I always have. Just please, please, finish me before you put my cage back on. I'm begging you! She is a little ***** now - I know she is. She's not mine anymore - she's yours - all yours - you can do whatever you want with her."

"Hmmm, it might be interesting capturing your own betrayal of Amanda on video here in your own bed. I wonder, would she'd even stay with you if we showed her how much you loved sex with me, all while calling her a 'little *****'? I'm pretty sure she doesn't share fantasies like yours - ones where her husband fucks other women. My bet is the cock-hungry bimbo would finally leave you for a man who could actually fuck her. But, then I wouldn't have all this fun playing with both of you later. There's just something so satisfying about the way you squirm and beg. And I think Amanda may have more hidden fantasies than you know - maybe some very delicious lesbian ones. It might be fun to turn her. Maybe after she becomes my hungry little toy you'd like jerking off while you watch her pretty face buried between my legs for hours. We could still feed the little ***** some cock too now and then, but she'd be even more disgusted by your useless dick after tasting me. Just think of all the filthy, degrading things she'd crave after just a little time with me. She may not look it, but it turns out she's so fucking easy. Oh, my - you're hard again. But no cummies for you today. I do have a parting gift though."

She disappeared down the stairs, then returned with a large bowl. "Now, let's get you back to where we started..."

She dumped the bowl of ice over my crotch and waited patiently as my dick deflated. It was shocking, painfully cold, shriveling my dick and balls almost immediately. Then, as the ice melted into a wet pool under me, I watched her reattach my cage with a kind of pride only Juliet could project. Finally, she untied me and waited for me to stand.

"There now - this is who you really are," she announced. "Husband to a drooling little ***** who lives to give her cunt to better men."

The accumulation of frustration and exhaustion had taken their toll on me. Mentally, the desperate need to cum still plagued me, but the shock of Juliet's ice bath erased every trace of physical need or response. I stood before her in my cage, naked and weakened. Even after she would leave me, I knew she had succeeded in further eroding my few lingering defenses. All hope of ever reclaiming Amanda as the wife I knew, the innocent, gorgeous woman I took to our bed so many times in the past, was nearly gone. At first her loss had eaten a hole in me, a vacant space that reminded me daily that her body may no longer be mine. Now I was an empty shell, a husband in name only, a mere sexless companion who she may still love but at a great distance from the warm comfort of our bed. Juliet had made me see the inevitability of it all. I'd never have sex with Amanda again. I'd never feel her perfect body, warm and naked and yielding next to me in our bed. She'd happily fuck men who made her feel like a real woman while I watched them use her. I'd see her angelic face locked on her lover's with an adoring stare, then contort in raging orgasms as I stood by, drenched with my own cum. Thanks to Charles, Juliet knew our past all too well. Could she be just as certain about our future?

The Key - 16

The Key - 16

I was wracked with guilt for days after Juliet finished with me. It seemed impossible that I had given in to her. I had called Amanda a ***** and humiliated myself during my submission. Yes, the pain had been like nothing I had ever experienced in both intensity and duration. But the day after, it had dulled to just a throbbing reminder, and I fought the shame of letting Juliet get the best of me. Even worse, I was sure Charles would have all of it on video. He could show it to Amanda whenever he wished if he hadn't already, or even make the entire session public for anyone to watch and download. I felt I was sinking deeper and deeper into a crippling, emasculating well that I may never escape.

Charles called me into his office the following Monday. I barely had time to check my email before he summoned me. I had opened Vicente's message immediately, hoping for news of Amanda's return date. Instead I found a series of photos of her with no explanation. He had copied Charles as well. I froze before the screen as I began to open them. There were a few of Amanda with Vicente in public again wearing outfits I had never seen before, suited to the warm weather there - various tiny shorts and thin halter tops that offered a generous view of her breasts molded by the flimsy material. The next were outdoor head and shoulder shots of Amanda, teasing Vicente with her "come-fuck-me" pout, the joyous laughing face I knew so well, and another with her eyes beckoning with scorching, wanton lust. She was naked in the rest, sprawled on Vicente's bed in various poses, one with her ass in the air and another with her legs open and inviting as she sat on the bed smiling as though she was inviting him to fuck her. I paused at the next one, staring at the image of her face filling the screen. I could imagine hearing her moans; her expression was as though she was caught in mid-orgasm with eyes partially closed and mouth open, distorted in a kind of wild surrender to her lover. And finally, in the last frame, she was there on her knees, eyes cast upward into the camera in adoration with the tip of Vicente's cock in her mouth. I could imagine Vicente looking down at her, snapping pictures as she sucked him, urging her on. "Show your husband what you are now, Amanda. Show him you're mine."

Charles was in an unusually good mood. "Come in, come on in!" he told me with a wide smile. "Oh - you'll want to close the door. Just a little friendly banter between friends this morning. A few private things others shouldn't hear."

I closed the door to his office and took a seat in the chair facing his imposing desk. I wondered how many other husbands had been here in my place while he bragged about fucking their wives. How many had handed over their wives to him without any serious objection just to keep the rewards he offered them?

"Have you looked through all your messages yet today?" he asked, still smiling.

"I have." I told him, knowing what was likely to come.

He took a deep breath and sighed. "Sometimes Vicente goes a bit too far, I'm afraid. But it's only when he knows a husband will tolerate a few little reminders. You understand that he knows you get off on it by now, don't you? Wives are his specialty, and finding a couple whose husband stays the course while he fucks the wife is a bonus. And in case you think Amanda is the exception, all the wives do seem to become addicted to his cock. Have you heard from Amanda today?"

I admitted I hadn't, and was disappointed there was no message from her in the email.

"Well, I suppose it's up to me to let you know then. Her return has been delayed. In fact, Vicente wants to keep her indefinitely. It seems he's head over heels in love with her 'hungry little cunt', as he put it."

I rose from the chair, ready to come across the desk and take him by the throat.

"Oh come on, sport," he assured me. He didn't even flinch. "I wouldn't be too concerned. Vicente will be distracted by another piece of ass soon enough, and she'll be back here with you, no harm done. I've also reminded him that Amanda's a valued asset, one I won't be happy to lose. Let's let him have some time. Vicente will cave, but he likes to do it in a way that preserves his reputation, and massages his giant ego."

"So, you're sure she'll be coming back soon?" I asked hopefully as I sat again.

"Don't worry, sport. Everything's fine. Amanda's doing her part, and as soon as I give him something else of value in place of your wife's pussy, he'll sign the new contract and Amanda will be home. We can't put a date on it, but I know him all too well. Besides, I think Amanda is having a wonderful time. Would she keep sending you those stunning pictures every day if she wasn't?"

"But those pictures Vicente sent today - they're porn. It's not like her to pose for them," I said, still worried. "She's never done anything like that before, with anyone, and she looks like she's enjoying posing for him. Who knows where they might be seen - her face is all too recognizable in the pictures. She still doesn't know you've filmed her fucking Eric, and I've done everything you've asked to make sure you keep those videos private. But our families and friends could see Vicente's photos - how would I ever explain that?"

"Look, you knew there would be risks, and possibly a price to pay. Knowing Vicente, there's probably no way to keep the photos from being released, at least to a few of his friends. But think about this - Amanda posed for them, voluntarily. She knows what may happen to them. Apparently she isn't nearly as concerned as you are."

I didn't know what to say. He was right - it looked like she was eager and willing in the photos. Had she changed that much in such a short time? Had her "celebrity" status as Vicente's ***** gone to her head? My little Amanda? The thought that the change may be permanent was devastating.

Charles watched me slump in the chair; I'm sure I looked completely destroyed by how things had developed. Losing Amanda to Vicente was my worst nightmare, and I knew I couldn't trust Charles's promises. The pictures Vicente sent played constantly in my head. Was he merely showing off, flaunting how he controlled my wife by putting his cock in her day and night, or was it really some perverted demonstration of his love for her? And then there was Amanda's angelic face, her adoring expression as her eyes drifted up at him while she held the bulbous head of his cock in her mouth. Might she just be playing the part Charles sent her to play, falling prey to Vicente's affection only during moments of her obsession with his cock? At times it looked like much more.

"You should know your wife isn't the first," Charles added, eyeing me closely. "And I can tell you, when they leave, they do it long before submitting like Amanda has. There are wives, like Amanda, who open themselves immediately to the sex and the financial rewards that come with it. There are husbands, like you, who accept it at first and thrive on my generous compensation, then get off on finally seeing their wives satisfied sexually for the first time. Amanda may be the cute little wife with an extraordinary body that so many men secretly lust after, and she may be more sexually hungry than any wife I've had the pleasure to 'know', but she's still in love with you. I've never met anyone quite like her, split in two after finding herself. 'Infidelity' has no meaning to her now when she fucks other men. But during those quiet times between fucks, in her heart I think the word still means a great deal. I doubt she'll ever leave you. But believe me; it's unlikely she'll ever lose her hunger for a bigger, harder cock."

"If you're so sure that she loves me, then why does she want to stay with him longer?" I asked. "She's just so, so, radiant in the photos, like nothing else matters - just Vicente and his cock."

"I'm sure she loves the attention and the excitement of his extravagant lifestyle. You know she loves the looks she gets from all the men. And of course, Vicente's cock is the ultimate fantasy of every bored housewife. But I'm the one who postponed her return. We have one small disagreement over the contract, and I have a hunch that Vicente will give in after Amanda works a bit more of her 'magic' on him. You see, it isn't Vicente who's seducing her this time; it's the other way around. That's why I agreed to send her. She's doing exactly what I asked of her. So, in spite of Vicente's photos, maybe you can put your hysteria aside and finally get some work done. Eric's been away far too long, and the IT requests are piling up. Maybe I should have given you his job to begin with. I'll be giving that more thought in the future."

When I didn't answer for a full minute, he asked, "Is there anything else you need from me today? Are you satisfied now?"

"It's about Juliet," I said quietly. "I had a visit from her. I don't want her anywhere near Amanda."

Charles chuckled. "A bit extreme, was she? What a stunning woman! It's funny, she was almost as docile as Amanda at first. Well, not quite - she wanted to fuck me before I had a chance to try. And right after I bent her over my desk and put my cock in her, she became the strutting bitch everyone here came to know as my midmorning office fuck. Something just snapped in her. It didn't take long for poor Jim to run for the hills, and his leaving seemed to further escalate her rampant desire to dominate every man or woman she set her sights on. She's also a useful asset, but unfortunately an unpredictable one. Still, I wanted to give you a taste of another tool in my arsenal. I can promise you that whatever she did to you, she can do worse, and that applies to Amanda as well. In fact, I think she has more of a taste for women than men these days. And Amanda is, well, so impressionable, so compliant. It would be a shame to lose her to someone with Jules's 'tastes'. Just a word to the wise. Understand?"

"You don't have to threaten me," I assured him. "I've given you everything you want, including my wife's body. It's something I've had to accept, but I know Amanda's happier these days. I can tell you, the thought of putting Amanda in Juliet's hands sickens me. The woman's a psychopathic predator and a pain freak. If you want me to cooperate, I won't stand for her using her sick 'talents' on Amanda."

Charles smiled at me, amused that I was so protective. "Now, now, there's no need for that - at least not yet. I'm very happy with Amanda just the way she is. As I've told you, I'm amazed at how easily her reservations and inhibitions simply collapsed within moments of having her 'dream cock' inside her. I consider her conversion some of my best work."

"Just keep Juliet away from her," I warned. "You won't like what happens if you don't."

He just continued to smile at me. "I love it when a husband like you tries to protect his cock-hungry little wife, even when you think she's about to leave you for a man who's better equipped to make her feel like a real woman for the first time in her life. I have to tell you, meeting a husband's cute little wife for the first time and knowing her needs better than he ever has - well, it's always so fucking rewarding. It always gets me hard when I'm right about her."


In the days and weeks that followed, I had no more emails from Vicente, but Amanda contacted me every day. Sometimes there was a picture of her in one of the outfits Charles had bought for her, posing and smiling at Vicente in the midst of a sunny, public marketplace, or at night, caught in a colorful beam of light as she danced in a crowded nightclub with men I had never seen before. Her open-mouthed laugh was always dazzling; there was never a hint that she'd rather be anywhere else. She didn't seem to care that her body was on display in clothes that barely covered her, or that some were so transparent that men could make out every delicious detail of her firm, round breasts. Her messages were positive and upbeat, but always included a line or two that, whether she intended it or not, flaunted her attraction to Vincente and her passion for his massive cock.

"Hi, sweetie. I hope you like my photos. Vicente has been buying me lots of new clothes - it's too hot to wear some of the outfits Charles sent with me. As you can see, I'm getting a nice tan all over. Vicente's taking me to a salon tomorrow for a complete makeover - a body waxing and new hair style, so you may not recognize me in the next pictures I send! Just kidding, sweetie! Vicente takes me to parties almost every night, and I've met so many of his rich, good-looking friends. But don't worry, I only have sex with Vicente - he sees to that. Does that still excite you? Hearing me tell you how much I love his big cock? I hope so! He's such an amazing lover. But just remember, it's just sex. I'll come home to you soon. Love you - Bye!


There were no more videos, but I couldn't help imagining Amanda riding his cock, or taking the full length and girth inside her as she lay under him, moaning and calling his name as she begged for more. I wondered if Vicente had helped with her messages, embellishing her thirst for his cock. As often as I read them, over and over, obsessively dissecting every phrase and implication, I couldn't decide.

No one made the wait for Amanda's return easier. Although her daily emails contained none of the porn Vicente had sent, there were usually shots of her and Vicente together, embracing, smiling at each other, or strolling hand-in-hand like the perfect newlywed couple. Her messages that accompanied them always added a line or two about his amazing cock, how many times he had make her cum the night before, and then her teasing certainty that all that would excite me. The suggestive images she drew with her words would trigger an uncontrollable throb inside my cage, one I recognized but regretted after I felt my dick's futile push against the confines of its steel bars. Recalling how his monstrous cock opened her and wormed forward to fill her sent a creeping warmth through me, until the reality of seeing Amanda's glorious smile beaming up at him unraveled the final threads of eroticism, replacing them with and worry and fear.

And then there were the daily private meetings with Charles at work. When his attempts to amplify the sexual angst in me became ineffective, he began to rely on his suggestions that Amanda may decide to stay with Vicente.

"Yes, yes - I'm sure she still loves you, in her way," he'd say, staring seriously at the expanse of paperwork piled on his desk. "But sometimes it isn't enough. I can order her back home, and I intend to when the work is done. But more and more, from what I see, she's bonding with him. I'm sure you see it too. She's torn between her love for you and the glamorous, sexually fulfilling life Vicente can provide. But sometimes, when a wife like yours has been denied her dreams for a very, very long time, her frustrations accumulate behind a weakening dike built of hope, and finally resignation. She may not even be conscious of it until someone like Vicente smashes the barricade and unleashes every fantasy she's ever imagined in a man. He's rich, powerful, confident, handsome and hung. Love doesn't always conquer all, you know. When she comes back to you, you'll always wonder if she'd rather be with him. If she lets you fuck her again you'll always worry that your dick will never be enough for her, and that she'll crave the thick, relentlessly hard cock that once shook her to her very core."

This from the man who not long ago assured me that Amanda's love for me would deliver her to me again without question. I didn't want to believe him, but now his words invaded the tiny crevices of doubt I harbored and pried them open into gaping rifts. I was lost, completely useless at work as Charles's demands became more insistent. Eric had disappeared, and Juliet prowled the halls, often snaking her fingers under my belt into my pants when she passed my office on her way to see Charles. "I can't wait till we play again," she'd whisper as she tugged on my cage. "And that little slut of yours, well, when she gets back, I could just eat her alive...at least until she begs me for more like the ***** she is."

Then, without warning, I returned home from work one day to find a very naked Amanda waiting just inside our front door, the tiny, glittering key dangling from a delicate gold chain about her neck.

The Key - 17

The Key - 17

"Surprise, sweetie! I'm home! Did you miss me?"

I was astonished. Was this my Amanda? She did a slow pirouette with her hands raised to each side, smiling as though she knew how the changes would affect me. A golden tan covered her entire body except for a narrow patch of white over her shaven pussy. There was no mistaking she had been topless for weeks on the sunny beaches where Vicente flaunted my wife as his new pet. A belly ring with a row of three small diamonds dangled from her navel, sparkling against her newly tanned skin.

'I - I don't know what to say," I told her, unable to hide my concern. "I've never seen you with a tan like this. You always said your skin was too fair to spend much time in the sun."

"I guess I never had the chance to find out, sweetie. I played volleyball on the beach almost every day with Vicente and his friends. At first I was embarrassed to be topless in front of them, but Vicente insisted I only wear one of the tiny thongs he bought me. After the first day I loved all the attention the men showered on me. I think Vicente liked seeing them flirt with me just as much."

I couldn't help notice the more subtle changes in her body as she turned. Her butt was hard and round, and small bundles of muscle rose here and there along her legs and over her belly. Traces of the softness that I had loved were gone, most noticeably about her narrow waist and hips. But the most shocking change was how Vicente had her once shoulder length chocolate-brown hair cut to form a bouncing blonde sheath that followed the line of her jaw. It flared a little as she whirled, then fell exactly into place again, framing her bright eyes and wide grin. It was then I noticed the three diamond studs along the ridge of her right ear, a look she never would have chosen over her preference for the simplest of earrings in the past. Vicente had remade her as his image of a sexy plaything, announcing what she was to everyone who laid eyes on her. And, she seemed delighted with the 'new her'.

"You like?" she asked, taking a few steps toward me. It was painful being so close to her; my dick had come to life as I felt the heat of her body next to me, only to have my cage remind me of what I couldn't have.

"You look...like someone else..." I stammered. "Someone who isn't my wife. You're still beautiful, but it's something I'll have to get used to, I guess. I didn't imagine you'd let him change you like this."

Amanda put her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm not 'someone else's wife', silly. I'm still yours. Why would you say that? I came home to you, didn't I?"

"You did, and I'm glad - relieved to say the least. But what will people here think? You'll be sending a message to everyone who sees you; they'll think you're looking for sex, the kind of sex they'll suspect I can't give you."

"People change, sweetie. So what if I had a makeover. Women do it all the time. We've been married a while now - they'll think I did it to look sexier for you. Sure, other men may look, but honestly, I love that. I want them to look. Anyway, I thought you had accepted that I need something 'different' now and then. If my new look gets me what I need, I thought you might like the new me."

"It's not that I don't think your new look is sexy - it's just so, not the 'you' I'm used to. But it's also that 'he' did this to you. He's made you his in a way that's followed you home and become part of you, a part you obviously want to keep. It's what I agonized over while you were gone - that he'd take you from me and you'd belong to him."

Amanda released me and stepped back, holding me at arm's length, staring seriously into my eyes. "Sweetie, I don't 'belong' to anyone. No one 'owns' me - at least not all of me. I love you, and I'll stay married to you as long as you want me. I won't leave you; I promise. But you have to accept that other men will have my body. You may call it 'owning' me if you want, but it will always be just my body, and only for the short time I'm with them. It was Charles's at first, then Eric's, and now Vicente's. I couldn't stop if I tried, and I don't want to. You know what he is to me, don't you? A rich, commanding man with a body I've dreamed about for years, and a cock that finally shows me how exciting and fulfilling sex can be. Just because you're not 'that' man doesn't mean I don't love you. I love you because you let him have me. I love you because you accept you can't give me what certain other men can. You'll even wear 'this' for me."

She reached between my legs and closed her hand over the bulge of my cage, giving it a slight squeeze. I thrust my hips forward, urgently needing relief. She unzipped my pants, and I moaned when she pulled the cage into the light and moved her fingers over it, trailing a long fingernail where the flesh of my dick pushed into the open spaces between the bars. The key swayed between her perfectly tanned breasts, and she saw my eyes on it.

"You want me to let you out, don't you, sweetie?"

"Y-yes - fuck - yes - please?" I begged.

"You know you're not allowed to fuck me, don't you?"

"I know, I know," I pleaded. "Just let me cum - please?"

"I could tell you all about some of the things Vicente and I did together. Would you like to cum like that, hearing how he used your wife? How I didn't refuse him anything - and I mean, 'anything' at all?"

It was the way she said 'anything' that shook me, and I found I couldn't answer.

"Oh sweetie, I know that look. You poor thing. How long has it been since you've cum? I'll bet you can't even remember. And I was there having the time of my life, getting Vicente's huge cock day and night while you were here suffering. I suppose it's only fair that I let you out to play for a little while. But you have to behave. You know Charles's rules, and they include your promise not to fuck me. Can you promise me that? You have to tell me before I unlock you."

I was desperate, trying to breathe, but not quite daring to believe that what Amanda had told me would actually happen. I could see the tiny key nestled between her breasts. It was so close; I hungered for it like a man stranded in the desert with an oasis in sight but barely able to crawl to it to drink.

"I promise, Amanda!" I said urgently, as she continued to fondle my cage. "I won't fuck you; I promise! I won't even try. But can I please just look at you while I jerk off? You can cage me again after - I just really need to cum!"

"Oh, I think I can do better than just letting you look. Go upstairs, get undressed and get on the bed. But there are conditions that you have to agree to. Promise?"

I took the steps two at a time, shed my clothes, and lay on the bed waiting. Amanda stood in the doorway a few minutes later, leaning against the frame with a hand on her hip, posing. She pulled a pair of handcuffs from behind her back with the other hand and dangled them in the air in front of her.

"A present from Charles," she said, grinning. "He wants to make sure you behave if and when I let you out. You should be grateful he's letting you out at all. He trusts me now to decide when and where, but we still have to do it his way. Agree? I promise you can cum..."

"Do whatever you have to do," I told her. "I just want to cum while we're here alone together, touching each other, looking into each other's eyes."

"It's what I want too, sweetie," she assured me. "Just let me make sure you keep your hands off yourself while we play. I want to see if Charles was right - that you've lost a good inch or two after he put you in this new cage. You might be wondering if you can still cum at all if there's not much left to work with."

I let her cuff me to the headboard, then watched as she took the chain from around her neck, placed the key in the tiny lock, and opened it. The cage came off easily - there wasn't much to the small basket that imprisoned my dick. Although I had hoped Amanda would use her long, delicate fingers to stroke me, she simply stood back and watched me get hard.

"I think Charles was right," she told me as she stared carefully at my fully hardened erection. "You are smaller now. But it's been a long time, and I've been used to Eric's and Vicente's for such a long time...maybe it's the comparison that makes yours look smaller now. Let's see what we can do to make this little thing happy."

Her finger grazed the length of my erection from balls to the tip where she lingered, circling the head with a feather touch. The feeling was electric and I raised my hips off the bed, begging for a firmer touch.

"Now, now," she warned me. "This looks a lot like fucking, and you're not allowed to do that, remember? If you don't behave and let me do this my way, I'll stop. Is that what you want?"

No! No, please don't," I begged. "I'll behave. Just please let me cum... please!"

Amanda grinned and began again. My dick jerked and drooled as she resumed her feather-light touches, never applying any more pressure than was required to make my dick jump when she teased it. When she cupped my balls in her other hand, I moaned, certain my orgasm was seconds away. She sensed it, stopped her stroking, and closed her fingers around my balls until the dull ache chased my orgasm into thin air.

"You don't want this to be over so soon, do you, sweetie? We're going to make this last, right up to the very last second when you spurt all over yourself. I love seeing you do that, just like when you watched Eric fuck me. You did like that, didn't you? Seeing my lover make me cum? The young guy who grew up next door, finally doing your wife? Why don't you tell me? Tell me how you loved watching Eric fuck me."

"Oh fuck, yes - I loved it. Not at first though - you're my wife - and he was our neighbor's son, this young college guy who always flirted with you. I always suspected - worried, I guess, that eventually you couldn't resist him. Then, when I saw his cock, I knew if he wanted you I could never compete with him. He had everything I imagined you'd want, for sex I mean, and I knew I was helpless to stop it."

"But you like that, don't you? Feeling so helpless to keep other men from fucking me? Always wondering if I might decide to fuck them when they flirt? It was your dirty little secret for so long. But now - now we know, don't we? You love it when they take me from you for a little while. You love it when their cocks are bigger than yours and I can't resist submitting to them. You get hard just thinking about your wife fucking other men now, don't you, sweetie? Don't you?"

I didn't want to admit it, to say it out loud. But it did get me hard, even after I had dreaded losing my wife when she was satisfied by another man's huge cock. It meant I may never get to fuck her again. It meant she saw him as the 'better man', one of power and potency who could make her cum over and over again, so effortlessly, so often, so intensely. I wanted her body as much or more than her other men did, but yes, the feelings that stirred in me when she chose them over me, their cocks over mine, their bodies and clever seduction over my sensitive caring, crept through me and consumed me. They made me hard, those images of her perfect naked body under them. The sounds she made when they made her cum excited me and haunted me for days afterward.

"You're right, Amanda," I confessed. "It does get me hard. I know how much you love it too - the sex with all those men who give you what you've needed for so long. I admit it. But it's okay now. They can have your body. They can have you; they can fuck you. But please come back to me, every time?"

My confession was more one of desperation than one I would have offered freely. I heard the words come from my mouth in the way I'd hear an actor in a play or movie recite his lines. They were ****** up from my gut, released into the air about Amanda's sweet face, her eyes knowing she could pry them from me. She had what she had wanted from me, and she glowed with satisfaction.

"I've been practicing," she told me, still smiling with eager anticipation.

"Practicing what?" I asked. "With Vicente?"

"With other men," she said softly."

"How many other men? Who?" I begged.

"You don't know them, sweetie. You never will. Vicente wanted me to practice all the things he and Charles taught me, and he loved to watch. By the time I left he said I was better at controlling when and how men cum than anyone he had ever seen. It's something I love to do. Making men beg me to finish them and then deciding to do it my way gives me such a sense of power. But this is just to reward my husband for being so patient while his wife's body belonged to Vicente."

Amanda climbed between my legs, lowered her head, and began to suck my balls into her mouth, one at a time. Her fingers were busy fluttering over my dick, her nails dragging lightly up and down over the length of it, now and then surrounding the head like a prickly crown. She twisted and tugged at the head as though she might pluck it like a ripe, red piece of fruit. Each time I'd gasp and thrust my hips upward she'd remove her hands and close her mouth more tightly over one of my balls. The sharp spike of pain jolted me for a split second, then sent a lingering ache up into my belly, erasing my impending orgasm once again.

Amanda kept me sweating and panting for an hour there on our bed. She took me up to the final moment of orgasm over and over, skillfully pulling me back from the edge each time I was sure I would finally cum. Then she'd let me recover for a while as she began yet another story about what Vicente had done to her. The quiet, sexy voice she used was same one she had used in the past when we made love. Back then her words had been chosen to try to reassure me that she enjoyed my attempts to satisfy her. Now the tone was the same, but she used it while telling me about her time with Vicente, about his 'gorgeous cock' and perpetually hard, fulfilling erections. But this time, as she watched me, naked on our bed, I became aware of little inflections of discontentment that went unnoticed when we had made love there for so many years. I saw the disappointment in her eyes I had ignored in the past when she glanced at my erection. Sex during our marriage had kept her in a cage of hunger and frustration, just as I was held prisoner now in my own cage. It was no wonder she had fallen for the first monstrous cock that tempted her to take it inside her.

"Yes, Vicente was the fuck of my life, sweetie, but he also took care of me. He owned me in a way that I loved - I felt safe and precious in his hands, everywhere we went. At night when we were alone in his bed, he'd slide his cock into me so slowly that I thought I'd die waiting for all of it. I'd want it so badly. It filled me - my pussy, and my craving for sex. I'd cum, sometimes twice before he did, but he was hard again right away, and he'd flood me one more time. I couldn't imagine where all the semen came from, how he seemed to have so much more than other men. He'd soak the bed after just an hour, and we'd move to an open veranda just outside his bedroom to spend the night. He loved fucking me there too. The neighbors would watch us sometimes; he wanted them to know he was fucking your wife. It was a thing with him - he would tell everyone I was happily married but fucking him instead of my husband. He never bad-mouthed you, but they understood that you must have been a less than adequate lover.

"I grew to like being watched. I knew he dressed me so he could show off my body to the other men. I was excited when I heard their compliments, and I knew how much they would have loved to fuck me. He taught me to be proud of my body in public, and to flirt as though I was always hungry to fuck.

I loved showing off his body too, especially his cock. The best times were when I could get him hard in front of others with just the right words whispered in his ear, or with a few extra buttons on my blouse undone so he could watch everyone stare at my bare breasts and nipples. After a while, everywhere we went, I wanted to make sure everyone noticed his erection and knew that huge cock was mine. I imagined that it would make other women so jealous; he was MY man, and that was MY cock."

During the brief downtimes between her expert touches, Amanda seemed to take delight in sharing memories of her time with Vicente. The images she created in my head kept me hard in spite of seeing how Vicente had changed her. She had left me as my sweet, loving wife, the same woman whose former looks and demeanor attracted men but assured them she would never cheat. Even after Charles and Eric had their way with her, there were still vestiges of the innocent, demure wife everyone knew so well. Yes, she had stopped fucking me, but I still doubted Charles's influence would be permanent. Now, the angst of having other men recognize her years of neglect and newfound hunger for cock had become a confusing trigger that enhanced her tales of Vicente's 'dream cock' and his rich friends' not so innocent attentions.

"I loved playing with his balls," she continued. "They're huge, so much bigger than most men's, including yours." She lifted my dick and balls carefully with both hands while she spoke, inspecting them as if she noticed the difference for the first time. There was a little wrinkle over her forehead, one of both interest and disappointment. Her touch was soft and tentative; her fingertips inspected my dick as though it was something delicate and fragile that might break with a firmer grip. I imagined those same hands and fingers on him, gripping and milking him with all her strength as if his cock was made of unyielding, indestructible steel.

"It's just one more thing that makes him so much of a 'man'. That and the way he handles me in bed, like I weigh nothing at all when he puts his hands on me. So, you see, it wasn't only his cock I craved, sweetie. It's what he is. I suppose it's the exciting change of being with someone so different; I was so used to the careful way you made love to me, time and time again. But as far as sex goes, I've always longed to have a man who just takes me there, not one who meekly asks permission. You do understand the difference, don't you, sweetie? Ooops - I almost let you cum that time!"

I was so close that my body trembled in spasms of anticipation. My dick was about to burst, throbbing and thrusting, teetering on the edge of my first orgasm in months. I cried out, begging her to finish me after she took her hands away again. I promised I'd never fuck her again, and that she could have as many men as she wanted, as often as she wanted. I said I knew how much better Vicente was in bed than I was, how much bigger and better his cock was, and that I wanted her to fuck him, I wanted him to have her, to own her body, to own my wife's body. "Just please - please, please, please, Amanda, let me cum!"

Amanda moved away and circled the bed, looking me over as she listened to me beg. I was sure I saw a mix of concern and satisfaction on her face as she stared at my dick, frowning and smiling as though she couldn't decide how to proceed. She moved closer, her eyes peering into mine, her face inches away. Then she kissed me. It wasn't a wife's kiss - it was the hungry, searing, open mouth kiss of a woman possessed by uncontrollable passion and lust. It was the kiss of a married woman longing for her lover's thick cock inside her, the kiss of a rabid, adulterous *****.

Her actions overwhelmed me. My hips rose and fell in frustration, my erection bobbing in the air in a futile, desperate attempt for relief. She pressed her mouth harder against mine, probing with her tongue, sending shivers of anticipation through my entire body.

When the beginnings of my orgasm began to build, those impending contractions and warmth deep within my belly that spread slowly down into my dick and balls, I felt her hand on me, clenching my dick, slowly pumping it, once, twice, three times, then flicking it away just as I felt the long-held reservoir of semen begin to rise and escape. I moaned into her mouth, trying to beg her to stroke me, to milk me while I came, but she pressed her mouth against mine more tightly as though trying to silence my pleading.

Then came the inevitable surge of cum, rising and flowing, but without the forceful, jetting sensation that should have accompanied it. The pleasure of each contraction was quenched to a numbed spasm, stolen from me by the absence of her touch. I felt I was being emptied, slowly, mechanically, methodically, merely by my own body's hesitant final surrender to Amanda's practiced efforts to drain me. She had promised to let me come, and she had kept her promise, but it had left me exhausted, frustrated, and surprisingly empty and impotent.

She petted my withering dick and smiled lovingly as I lay there recovering, proud of how she had 'let me cum', emptying myself with little satisfaction.

"You made a mess," she whispered close to my ear. "You've been trapped in that cage so long, and I'm sure me being away having so much fun with Vicente must have made you a little jealous, but excited too, right? That's why, when I came back, I insisted that Charles let me unlock you for a while to reward you for your patience. It's not every husband who would wait quietly while his wife takes a long vacation with a man like Vicente, knowing she's getting a cock like his every night."

"I just wish you would have finished me, Amanda," I complained. "You stopped just a second too soon. I guess you weren't paying attention while we kissed. So, maybe next time you could..."

She was lying beside me, her delicate finger tracing little circles in the puddle of semen on my stomach. I could feel her breath on me; her tongue flicked here and there over my ear, teasing me between whispers.

"It wasn't that at all, sweetie. Charles insists that I can't have sex with you if I let you out to play. That means I can excite you, but I can't touch you when you cum. That would be too much like actual sex. He showed me something else, a way to satisfy both his demands and still get you off. As long as I don't touch you while you cum, it's not really sex. He taught me to stop at just the right moment. He even let me practice on him a few times until I got it right. It was the only way to get him to agree to unlock you now and then. I'd hoped you'd appreciate it when I got back... but if you didn't like it...I won't do it again..."

Her last words were spoken in her sexiest, halting whisper. It wasn't exactly a threat or a promise; she knew all too well I wouldn't be able to resist being free of my cage the next time. And she knew I'd gladly give in to her teasing, even knowing my "orgasms" would leave me drained and empty. She knew I'd do it all again and again, just to be close to her, to have her hands and mouth on me until the last futile moments.

"No - it's okay, Amanda," I assured her, with all the conviction I could summon. "I understand - and I won't complain ever again. Just please, if Charles allows it, let me cum with you here beside me, even if it's now and then. You've never kissed me like that. It felt real, like you wanted me. I loved that."

"I was real, sweetie. I mean it. I missed you while I was gone. I miss being close to you in bed the way we used to be. We need to do more of that, even if you can't satisfy me. I'm sure we can find other ways to be close, ones Charles won't object to. I want that - trust me, I really do, sweetie."

She ran a finger through the remaining layer of cum on my stomach, scooped a generous portion onto the tip of her finger, brought it slowly to her lips, and sucked.

"Your cum doesn't taste like his - it's just a little bitter," she said, smiling. "But I still like the idea of devouring your sperm. I never really liked it when you used to come in my mouth, but Charles said that sooner or later I'd enjoy taking men's semen in my mouth and swallowing it. He wanted me to learn to like it before I spent time with Vicente. And, well, I found out why soon enough. Vicente really, really loved blow jobs."

She ran her finger along the length of my withered dick, collecting the remains of the sticky trail that lingered there. Then she brought the tip of her finger to my lips.

"But when we're together, you have to help me. We have to make sure none of your sperm survive - it's one of Charles's demands I had to agree to every time I let you out to play. It's a small price to pay, don't you think? It's something we can do together to get rid of the little mess you make. It's not much of a mess compared to Vincente's, but there weren't any rules about what I did with him.

I opened my lips and took what she offered me, again and again. I had never tasted semen before - it was slightly bitter, as Amanda had said. Amanda and I took turns "making sure my sperm didn't survive" until every bit was gone. I knew it was just Charles's way of adding a bit more humiliation, and giving Amanda more control over me. He wanted me to know our sex life would never be the same; Amanda would reject my sperm and accept the cum she took from other men. What could be more defeating to a husband than having his wife destroy every living sperm she managed to extract from him with as little pleasure as possible?

I thought about the video Charles had sent me, the one where he had Amanda suck his partners by the pool. She had seemed unusually eager, and took their semen in her mouth as though it pleased her as much as it pleased Charles. But I knew better than to let Amanda know he had recorded her. If it angered her and she took her outrage directly to Charles, I knew I'd pay a steep price. Maybe Amanda would as well.

"And his friends?" I asked. "You mentioned Vicente's rich, good-looking friends in your emails. You sounded impressed, maybe even enough to fuck them too?"

"I didn't sweetie. He wanted me all to himself. I doubt I'd have been satisfied with anyone else's cock anyway. But did I suck them? It was part of my job there, sweetie - to keep him happy. It became something I was expected to do for him. And I'll be honest, I did enjoy it with different men. I loved the sense of power it gave me over them, handling their cocks, taking my time to get them hard, and finally getting them off at the very moment I decided they should cum. Swallowing their cum became my reward for what Vicente considered my special talent. He'd fuck me right after; knowing I'd get his cock after I finished them was the icing on my cake. I thought about it every second while I was sucking them."


Amanda began visiting Charles at work again several days a week. She'd arrive just before noon, he'd take her to lunch, and they'd spend time in his office when they returned. The men I worked with stared the first day she arrived, surprised and aroused by her new look. Now and then one of them would head for the men's room after watching her stroll by his desk, I was sure to masturbate to the fantasy of fucking her. There was a time when it would have disgusted me, especially when I didn't like the guy much. Now thinking about a coworker wanking to fantasies of my wife's body excited me.

Before long Amanda began to follow them, and I began to imagine how Amanda would suck them off in the rest room, sent by Charles to reward them for an exceptional accomplishment. Charles knew it would become an incentive to improve productivity, and to encourage them to massage his ego by kissing his ass in creative, novel ways. More than one of my coworkers received his reward when Amanda took their cocks in her warm, eager mouth. I was ambivalent about Amanda's office presence; on one hand I felt shamed and embarrassed that my wife had become the office "blow job queen", yet thoughts of the men I worked with every day finding pleasure in the wet, sultry embrace of Amanda's mouth often got me hard sitting there in my office chair.

My worst fears arose when Amanda and Juliet appeared on the same days. For weeks Juliet would simply eye Amanda's body from head to toe as they passed in the hallway. She'd pause at my door just after and give me a sly wink and a smile, making sure I recognized her predatory intentions. I remembered what she had said about Amanda, that she "could eat her alive". Each time Juliet stopped to stare at her, I didn't doubt that in her shameless, twisted way, she actually might, given the opportunity.

Amanda and I took advantage of Charles's generous new definition of what sex was and what it wasn't. I'd spend hours with my face between her legs, discovering for the first time how to keep her moaning long after she begged to come, and how to make her shriek with pleasure when her orgasm finally arrived. She left me caged much of the time, confessing that she enjoyed keeping me incapacitated while I slaved away with my tongue between her legs.

"I can't help it," she told me one night after I had finished her. "I need to feel like I own your little guy down there completely. I love how you beg me to let you out, and deciding when and how often is so deliciously kinky."

She'd let me out on special occasions, or whenever she decided to surprise me. The cuffs were no longer necessary - I had learned to take what she gave me gratefully, even though she never touched me while I dribbled the slow, interrupted streams of cum onto my belly. When she asked, I'd tell her how empty and shaken I was after she deprived me of much of the final, satisfying relief I craved. "That would be 'sex', according to Charles," she'd remind me. "He's warned you before that my pussy's not for you now, remember? He's told me having my hands on you when you come is no different. He wants you to learn to accept that sex between us is a thing of the past. You should be glad he lets you come at all now - you really should thank him sometime you guys talk."

Two weeks after Amanda came back to me, a package arrived from Spain. She had opened it by the time I arrived home from work and had left it at my place on the table. I discovered it at dinner that night; the beautiful mahogany case contained an inscription etched into the transparent, crystalline lid. It said simply, "For Amanda Always, Vicente". I didn't have to open it to see what lay inside. The phallus was immense, almost a foot long, golden brown and lifelike, filling the long, narrow case. It was nested in black velvet with a small gold heart embedded in the lower corner of the lining. An engraving on the small heart read, "A & V".

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Amanda gushed while I looked down through the glass lid. "He had it made - taken from a mold of his cock while he was hard for me. It's a perfect copy. Go on, take it out and see."

The hinged lid opened smoothly and I retrieved the intimidating cock from its case, immediately feeling the heft of it in my hand. The thing was astonishingly lifelike, the soft exterior giving just a little as I held it, but the core just as hard as I had imagined Vicente's living, throbbing cock. It was curved upward slightly, with a bulbous head that flared outward, just slightly wider than the shaft's imposing girth. As I stared at the replica of the very cock that had filled Amanda day and night, I found I was unable to close my fingers and thumb around the circumference. I couldn't help comparing the impressive girth to the disappointing size of my own. This was the cock that Amanda had fallen in love with - would Amanda ever want mine again?

As I plucked the little gold heart from the case, I found it was attached to a delicate gold chain buried beneath it.

"Does he expect you to wear this?" I asked. It dangled from the gold chain as I held it in the air between us. "How would we explain this to people we know? It would be like announcing you have a 'boyfriend'. What would you say if someone asked you about the inscription?"

She grinned at me. "Hmmm, maybe that I've found my 'dream cock' and you let me have as much of it as I want to keep me happy?" Then she giggled. "Oh sweetie, I'd never embarrass you like that. But, maybe I could wear it now and then when we're out, hidden just a little under my blouse between my boobs. Oh, sweetie - you know how I love teasing you! You should see the look on your face...it's priceless! Vicente had the necklace made for me when I was with him. He wanted me to wear it all the time, even when we fucked. He really did have this thing about 'owning' me while I was there. Honestly though, it was sexy, being seen with him in his favorite restaurants where everyone seemed to know him, and during the day in public when we shopped for my new party clothes. He really did make me feel like I belonged to him - I've told you before, he's just that kind of man."

Word after word, she reignited the mix of fear and arousal that overwhelmed me while she had been gone. Not a day had passed when I didn't imagine them together as a couple. It wasn't only thoughts of his huge cock in her, it was just as Amanda described; he would have owned her day and night, every second, everywhere they went. I could almost see her bright eyes locked on his as adoring looks passed between them. How strangers must have enjoyed watching from a distance as he fondled her when they stopped to kiss deeply in a crowded public marketplace or one of the shops where he bought her clothes that had men salivating at first glance. When the sight of her hungry gaze and perfect body made him hard in public, did she put her hand on his erection to show everyone she'd have it inside her that night, that her pussy was his because of the monster in his pants? There was a growing awareness that the constant ruminations I wove into brief vignettes of idyllic romance and sex between them had been real. He had owned Amanda, at least for the seemingly endless time she had been with him.

Amanda found a spot for the box beside the bed, and for many nights after that I fucked her with Vicente's cock. At first I was shocked at how her pussy accommodated it; her inflamed labia seemed to grasp it and suck it inside. Within seconds it was soaked with her juices; the thick shaft glistened in the dim light of our bedroom as I worked the immense thing in and out of her. Her body responded as though Vicente was there himself. She'd moan and beg for more of his cock, calling out his name, then reach down between her legs to close her hand around the wide root. Soon she'd push my hand away and work Vicente's cock in small circles, rubbing the flared base over her clit. Night after night I'd remain on my knees between her spread legs, my cage dangling and throbbing while I watched "Vicente" fuck her with his gift. "It's just like having him here with me..." she told me after her first crushing orgasm. Then she smiled at me and took my hand, pulled me on top of her, and whispered, "...only now you get to watch every time he fucks me."

It was a relief in a way, that she always wanted me there on top of her after she came. She kept Vicente's "cock" on her nightstand by our bed. She wanted it often, most nights in fact, but she never opened the exquisite mahogany box herself; she wanted me to take it in my hands, tease her with it, demanding I tell her how much I wanted him to invade and fill her perfect body. I did, time and time again. On those rare nights when she cried out my name instead of his, the massive phallus buried to the hilt as her orgasm surged through her frenzied body, fleeting hopes rose in me that although Vicente's cock may have owned her, the man himself now did not.
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About author
We're a couple that loves role play, both hotwife and cuckold themed, for over 10 years now. We still spend time with L's very first lover, an accomplished Dom with an active imagination who has orchestrated some exciting and challenging scenarios for us. We do mostly hotwifing, but venture into the cuck theme when our needs lead us there.

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Pros: Incredibly well written - and very close to the story of my life.
Cons: None at all -
This story is amazing and I had to send it to my wife's Boss - I think I may get caged this weekend!
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Don Jetman
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