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My Husband's Boss

56950.jpgSo my name is Jennifer and I live with my amazing husband Frank. He was an engineer that worked for some big company doing super secret stuff that he never really told me much about. But one day when we were eating dinner, he got a call from someone from Human Resources telling him that the funding had been pulled and they wanted him gone first thing tomorrow morning. My heart dropped because we needed the money but it didn't sound good to lose both our jobs back to back like this. I had to fix this. We had no other options.

Later that night I found myself trawling through job sites online desperately looking for anything that could save us financially and still be something we would enjoy. And as if on cue I stumbled across this posting.

'Wanted: Secretary/Administrator.' It said 'No previous experience required! Training provided!' I knew right away what it was talking about. I clicked into the site to see exactly what kind of work they offered. It read: "This is an entry-level position working directly under the manager so there's little or no need to know how to do anything other than be pleasant and helpful. If you're not afraid to get your hands dirty then please apply today!"

I read over the listing several times trying to find any hint of lies or false promises but everything seemed pretty legit. After a few moments thinking about it I decided I wasn't going to let another opportunity pass by.

The next day I got a call back and before long I found myself in front of the office with Frank waiting outside for me. As I walked up the door opened and out stepped a man dressed very professionally wearing a dark suit with white shirt underneath along with a thin black tie. His hair was cut short with just a bit of stubble showing. He had piercing blue eyes that almost made him look like he belonged behind a judge's bench. And after making sure I didn't have anyone else here he introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Steve and welcome to our company. Lets go somewhere more comfortable shall we?" With those words he turned around and began leading me towards his desk where we sat down opposite one another. I immediately noticed how neatly organised everything looked from the clipboards on his wall to the potted plants decorating his windowsill. All told this guy was way too perfect for his own good.

"So Jennifer, tell me what brings you in today."

"Well sir, we've lost both of our jobs recently."

"Okay. What do you usually do? What skills do you bring into the world?"

"Umm... Well I did a bit of modelling when I was younger, but I'm looking for a career change."

He smiled at that comment and proceeded to ask me some questions about how long I'd been doing it and what kind of things I liked to shoot. The conversation flowed smoothly and soon enough he realised he really wanted me to work for them. So without any hesitation he said.

"I think you're exactly who we need right now. When can you start?!" He said excitedly as if he couldn't wait any longer to get started with hiring me.

I stammered something along the lines of "Ohh, I guess whenever!"

He pulled out a pen and a contract for me to sign. Before signing I quickly scanned through the terms of the job agreement so I could be fully aware of the details. But after a moment's thought, I decided to just sign anyway.

"That sounds great! Welcome aboard! First thing in the morning I want to show you around so that we can begin getting to know each other better."

I smiled wide at this prospect before standing up to leave. Just before leaving however he asked one final question. "Are you okay with working late some nights?"

"What?! Oh sure! Of course!"

"Great! Well first day starts bright and early tomorrow, I'll see you here by 7am sharp!" With those words he got up from his chair and walked over towards his door where he opened it for me. As I left his office I heard him say something else but I didn't hear him because my mind was already racing wondering what sort of stuff he had planned for me on my first day of employment.

As soon as I made it outside the building Frank was there waiting on the steps. I immediately told him the good news. His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"That is wonderful news honey!"

He wrapped his arms around me tightly while we shared a deep kiss filled with emotion. We both knew that this was our only chance at survival and we were going to make the most of it together no matter how hard things would get in the coming weeks or months to come.

The Next Morning...

The next morning I woke up feeling pretty anxious. This whole thing seemed too perfect. It wasn't possible for things to work out so well for us without anything being wrong somewhere along the line. I laid there thinking about all of these negative possibilities running through my head until suddenly I felt a soft hand slide down my back. My eyes snapped open just enough to catch sight of Frank kissing my neck as he gently caressed my naked skin with his fingertips.

"Morning gorgeous." He whispered before beginning to plant slow kisses across my shoulders that sent chills throughout my body.

"Morning handsome." I replied before rolling onto my side to look at him. He was lying beside me staring into my eyes before giving me that mischievous smile that always makes me feel safe and secure around him. He then reached up and placed his fingers under my chin lifting it upwards causing me to lean forwards towards him, where we kissed each other deeply, making sure not to break eye contact for even one moment. After several long minutes of passionate kissing he pulled away slightly, leaving behind a trail of hot, wet lips that he used to drag down the length of my bare stomach as he trailed them towards the waistband of my underwear.

"You're so beautiful when you sleep." he said quietly as he took in the beauty that lay right in front of him.

I blushed as I tried to hide myself from his gaze but eventually gave up and let him see me completely ******* in all my glory. It felt amazing having Frank's attention focused solely on me.

"Umm, what are you doing?" I asked shyly with an embarrassed laugh as he began undoing my bra strap and sliding it slowly over my shoulder. "I have to get ready for my first day at work" I said trying to sound more convincing than I really was. His face fell slightly at the thought of this fact.

"Don't worry baby, I'll make it up to you later today." He winked at me playfully before planting another kiss across my cheek.

I quickly got out of bed grabbing some clothes before heading out to start my morning routine. I was flicking from dress to dress, wondering what to wear, I wanted to look good on my first day. I decided on a thigh-length skirt and a nice shirt that would allow a lot of skin ******** without looking too slutty. Once all of my hair had been done and styled, I applied my makeup and finished getting dressed before going downstairs and walking into the kitchen. Frank was sitting down eating breakfast while reading something on his phone. As soon as he saw me he dropped his fork onto the plate with a loud clatter as his eyes darted back and forth between mine like he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Wow!" He said in awe. "You look absolutely beautiful!"

"Thank you honey," I replied with a smile before kissing him lightly on the lips. "What time is it anyway? I've gotta go..."

"It's almost 6:30am sweetie." he answered surprised at how early it already seemed to be.

"Ohh yeah! I should probably get moving then if I'm gonna make it in time for my first day of work!" I laughed nervously. But after one last quick kiss and another admiring glance towards me from his head, I left the house running off towards our car. The drive was pretty easy and short but when I pulled up outside the office I noticed that the parking lot was full of cars and people everywhere. Standing next to the door was Steve who gave me a little wave.

"Morning Jennifer." He smiled as he held the door open allowing me to enter.

I followed him inside where we walked straight over to an elevator which took us directly to the top floor. Once there he pointed out the conference room, the breakroom, restrooms, storage rooms, and even an empty bedroom that could be used whenever someone needed it. Then finally he led me down a hall until we reached his office.

"So here's your desk." He said pointing at a desk directly facing his own desk. It had a nice view of the city and I felt a bit special being allowed to have this type of vantage point. "Feel free to take this whole week to settle in and get everything ready. If you need any help or have any questions feel free to let me know. Oh, and just so you know, you'll always be paid double time for working nights and weekends."

He paused for a moment looking at my face before continuing "...and if you're good then maybe more than once a month." His eyes were twinkling with mischief as he winked at me playfully before he sat down at his desk facing me. The rest of the day passed by very quickly with Steve constantly stopping to check on me as I worked. We went through several projects together including taking care of some incoming paperwork and filing all of our previous client files into folders. As soon as the clock struck 5pm, Steve instructed me to pack up my things and head home. I did exactly as he asked and grabbed my bag and my new work laptop before heading back downstairs.

When I got home Frank was sitting in front of the TV watching sports while drinking a beer from the mini-fridge he'd set up. He looked up when he heard me enter.

"How was your first day?" He asked with a grin.

"It was okay" I answered awkwardly "I'm pretty tired though." I said as I flopped onto the couch next to him where he put his arm around me pulling me close to him. For whatever reason his touch always seemed to relax me and make everything feel better. After another minute or so we both decided to call it an early night and headed to bed where we cuddled closely in each other's arms. I fell asleep in no time but it took longer for Frank who kept mumbling something about how beautiful I looked today until eventually drifting off himself.
The following Morning...

The following morning came too fast for me and before I knew it I was walking into the office. As I opened the door to my office Steve seemed to panic at seeing me standing there.

"Jennifer! You're early!" he stammered out with a slightly panicked expression on his face. "Julie was just helping me plug in my HDMI" he continued as a lady emerged from under his desk where he was sitting. I turned towards Julie who was wearing a button-up shirt tucked neatly into some tight black pants and heels which gave her such a tall, sexy appearance. Her hair was tied into two braids that hung over one shoulder and she wore a pair of glasses to complete the nerdy look.

"Hi. I'm Jennifer. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." She replied kindly.

"Did you find it?" I asked "The HDMI slot." I added

"The what? Oh yeah!" Julie replied "Anyway, I'll get to work" she added with a little wave before leaving through another doorway down the hall. "See ya later!" She said as she disappeared behind the closing doors. Once alone with us again I walked inside and placed my things onto my desk before sitting in front of it as well and turning the computer back on.

Steve's phone rang and he quickly answered it. "Yes, right. Yes. Okay. I'll sort it." And then he hung up.

"Well, there goes my morning." He said, sighing.

"What is it?"

"Our building maintenance engineer just quit." He explained. "So now we need to find another to keep this ship sailing. Could you post a job ad for me please?"

"Sure, no problem." I replied.

It then occurred to me that this could be the perfect job for my husband Frank. Should I mention it, r is it not appropriate? I pondered.

"You know my husband is an engineer?" I said to Steve hoping that it wasn't out of line.


"Yes. He's been an engineer for many years. He worked for one of the biggest engineering firms in the country, before he got laid off. He's an amazing engineer."

"Well, why don't you invite him in for an interview. No harm in that. I'm not promising anything. I just have to get this position filled."

"Thank you so much! You won't regret it!"

And so I texted Frank.

"Hey baby! Are you free to come down to the office? They are looking to hire a maintenance engineer."

"Really?! Sure! What time?"

"Come in at 1pm. Bring your resume."

"Ok, love you xx!"

"Love you too xxx!"

Steve then mentioned "Just so you know, the engineers job is very long hours."

"Oh he'll be fine with that, don't worry." I replied.

And so I went about my day, waiting patiently for Frank to show up after lunch. At 12:45pm the intercom buzzed.

"Steve, a Frank is here to see you."

"Send him in, please."

A few moments later Frank walked into the room, and Steve immediately stood up and offered him his hand. I gave him a reassuring smile across the room as not to intrude on his interview.

"Frank, nice to meet you. Let's go to the boardroom." Steve said as he ushered him away into the previously empty room and closed the door behind them.

I could hear the murmur of their voices from behind the thick wooden door, but nothing distinct.

About 30 minutes later they emerged, and I couldn't help but notice the broad smile on Franks face. He was beaming!

"Well, we'd like to offer you the position, Frank."

"Are you serious?!" Frank replied with excitement.

"Yes, welcome aboard. Start tomorrow." Steve said, smiling.

Frank's jaw dropped, and then he looked at me and smiled even wider. He then looked at Steve and said.

"Thank you, Steve. Thank you. I will not disappoint you."

"Wonderful." Steve replied, "Now, I'm afraid I have a meeting to get to. But, I'll get our janitor to show you around the basement where the maintenance office is." And with that, Steve called in the janitor who led Frank away. Afterwards Steve came over to me.

"What a stroke of luck huh? Thank you for bringing your husband in."

"My pleasure. He will be so happy. And he really is good at his job."

"Great. Well, let's get back to work then, shall we?" And with that, the afternoon whizzed by. Soon enough it was 5:30pm, and it was time to leave.

"See you tomorrow." I said, as I was packing my things up.

"Yes, see you tomorrow." Steve replied "Oh , and could you ask Julie on your way out if she would mind staying back a little later tonight?" Steve added.

"No problem."


I went and found Julie.

"Hey, Julie. Steve asked if you could stay back tonight?"

"Sure, no worries." she sighed, and returned to her desk.

With that I left the building and headed home.

- Authors Note: Who wants more? Let me know... xxx -

An early night...

When I got home Frank was busy packing up his gear, getting ready for his new job.

"So, what do you think to the good news?" he asked.

"Oh it's wonderful, babe! I'm so proud of you!" I replied.

"Thanks. And thanks for setting the whole thing up, love. That was a lucky break, huh? I'm excited to start."

"I'm glad it all worked out." I said.

I started dinner and we sat down to eat.

"So, what does a maintenance engineer do anyway?" I asked.

"Well, mostly I'll just be fixing broken stuff, making sure things are working. But it sounds like they need me to sort out the security system too. Apparently it's a mess. There's all these cameras and sensors, but no-one really knows how they all work."

"Sounds exciting."

"Yeah, it's a big job, but I can handle it."

We talked more about his new job and what it would involve. After dinner we were snuggling on the couch watching TV.

"I'm so happy for you babe." I said, as we cuddled.

"Thanks, love." he replied. "This will change everything for us."

"Mmm, yes it will."

Little did we both know at this point, how much this really WOULD change everything for us...
The Next Day...
It was the morning of Franks first day and we drove to work together, and then parted ways once we reached the office.

When I got to the office, Steve greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning, Jennifer. How are you?"

"Good morning, Steve. I'm good, thanks. How are you?"

"Fantastic. Just fantastic."

"Glad to hear it."

"So, did Frank start his job today?"

"Yes, he started this morning. I think he is down in the basement now."

"Perfect. Let's get to work then."

We got stuck into the days tasks. It was a bit of a busy day, with lots of meetings.

I could hear Steve frantically typing away before he looked up at me and said "I've secured some last minute tickets to this years publishing expo" could you go ahead and arrange the plane tickets, hotels etc please?"

"Sure thing!" I answered quickly before immediately getting to work.

"Also Jennifer, I know it's your first week but could you clear your schedule as I want you to join me" He paused looking at me expectantly "...on a business trip." He continued.

My heart skipped a beat when he mentioned going on a 'business trip' together. It seemed like our relationship had already progressed beyond a normal employer-employee friendship so hearing him say those words caused a rush of excitement to flow throughout my body. This was something completely new for me.

"Oh! Ummm..." My mind raced with ideas in an attempt to decide whether or not I should even bring it up, let alone take part in such a big decision. I decided to try to come up with the best response possible by choosing my words carefully.

"Are you asking me to accompany you to the expo?" I asked calmly "Because if you are then yes...I'd love too." I smiled widely hoping that the right answer had just come to me while still being modest enough to make sure it wasn't too forward.

"Thank God!" Steve exclaimed happily before clapping his hands excitedly.

"Well now wait a second..." he stammered out after a brief pause "There is actually another reason why I wanted to ask you along on this trip" he continued as he lowered his voice. "I'll explain later but don't worry about it, okay?" he added nervously as he reached over and gave my hand a quick squeeze.

"Okay" I replied quietly feeling a bit unsure of what was going on here. But after a moment or two I decided not to push him further and instead started focusing on the task at hand which was making all of the arrangements needed for us to attend this year's publishing expo. After about an hour or so of hard work I finally managed to get everything ready for us and emailed the details over to Steve who quickly looked through the information and nodded approvingly.

"That looks fantastic Jennifer! Thank you so much."

"No problem" I responded with a smile.

"So we leave in 3 days" he said looking up from the screen at me "...and don't forget to pack swimwear, we'll be staying in a hotel with plenty of amenities." he added as he stood up and started gathering his things together. "Anyway I've gotta run" he said before quickly leaving the office and rushing off towards the elevators.

As soon as he was gone I couldn't stop the butterflies fluttering around inside of me at the thought of spending an entire weekend away with him. It was definitely exciting but also kind of nerve-wracking. The truth was, I'd never been anywhere without Frank and now I would be alone with my boss. What if he expected something more from me? Was that even appropriate to think of? I knew it wasn't, but part of me wished it was.

"Stop it, Jennifer." I scolded myself mentally while shaking my head violently trying to get the image out of my mind. "Don't even think about that. You're a married woman!"

With that I tried to get back into my work but found it extremely difficult as I kept getting distracted by these feelings swirling around inside me. Eventually though, after a few hours had passed, I finally managed to concentrate on finishing the tasks assigned to me that day.

By the time 5:30 rolled around, I was exhausted. My eyes were sore, my neck was stiff and my lower back ached like mad. So, without further ado, I packed up my things and left the office. When I got outside Frank was already waiting for me by the car.

"Hey beautiful" he said happily giving me a hug before helping me into the vehicle. "How was your day?"

"Pretty good" I replied.

"Great! Well, let's get home."

As we drove home, I couldn't help but think that I still needed to tell Frank that I was going away with our boss.

Later that evening...

That evening after dinner we were sitting down watching TV when I brought it up.

"I've got something to tell you." I said.

"Go on..."

"So, our boss asked me to join him on a business trip."

"What?!" he replied looking surprised "Where are you going?"

"The publishing expo."

"Wow! That's amazing. Well done!" he said with pride.

"Thanks babe."

"You're gonna have a great time."

"I hope so. It's kinda nerve wracking though. I've never been away from you before."

"It'll be fine" he reassured me "I'll miss you, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Steve will look after you I'm sure."

"Yeah...I'm sure he will." I said smiling back at him.

"And besides" he added "This will give me the chance to catch up on some work. I can get ahead and earn some brownie points."

"Good idea. I love you."

"Love you too."

With that, we went to bed and had one of the best nights sex we'd had in ages.

What's Next...

The next day at work the mail guy dropped a load of packages of on Steve's desk.

"Ahhh, these must be for the trip" Steve said looking pleased.

He opened them up and started removing the contents. He unpacked a couple of bottles of champagne and various other precarious looking finely wrapped boxes and bags.

"What's all this?" I asked curiously.

"Well, these are the items I ordered to prepare for the trip. Here, this one is yours."


"Yes. Now open it."


I took the parcel and began tearing away at the wrapping paper revealing a sleek, black, box. When I opened it, inside was a beautiful white, bikini. It had a very sexy, yet sophisticated look to it.

"Do you like it?" Steve asked nervously.

"Oh my gosh, yes! It's beautiful. Thank you so much!"

"Great. I'm glad. Here's another box for you" he said handing me a second package.

I opened this one up and found a beautiful white floral dress.

"Thank you" I gushed.

"Glad you like them, you all sorted for the expo then?"

"Yeah. Pretty much. Except for packing..."

"Don't forget the swimsuit." he laughed "And, we can have a drink or two."

"Of course" I giggled back at him.

As the day progressed, I couldn't stop thinking about how kind and generous he had been buying me such expensive gifts. And on top of that, it seemed like we were getting closer. Maybe there was more to our relationship than just a professional connection. Maybe there was a bit of romance mixed in as well? Whatever it was, it made me feel warm inside and excited at the same time.

But then I reminded myself that he was my boss. He was my husbands boss. He was just my employer. Yes, he had bought me some nice things. But it wasn't because he liked me. It was simply because he had invited me on a trip and didn't want me to embarrass him by dressing poorly. It was nothing more than that. I mean, he was older than me and much better looking too. There was no way he would ever find someone like me attractive.

As soon as 5:30 came around I raced out of the office and hurried home. Once there I immediately got busy preparing for the trip. First thing was first. I had to pack. I gathered all my toiletries and put them into a bag, then I grabbed a suitcase and threw in all my clothes and shoes, followed by some accessories, and of course, the gifts from Steve. When everything was packed, I double checked the tickets and confirmed the flight time and details. Everything looked perfect.

Now all I had to do was wait for tomorrow to arrive.

The day of the trip!

It was finally the day of the trip.

I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself. But I did my best to act professionally, and not like some lovesick teenager. Just before leaving I thought I'd better wake my hubby to say goodbye as this was the longest we've ever been apart.

"Hey honey." I whispered while gently stroking his face.


"Wake up."

"Huh? What time is it?"

"It's almost 6."

"Jesus Christ woman!" he groaned, rolling over "Are you trying to kill me?!"

"No silly." I giggled "I'm going on the trip today."

"Oh, shit yeah. Sorry babe."

"It's okay."

"Have fun and I'll see you when you get back. I love you."

"Love you too."

I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and then headed downstairs to wait for Steve to pick me up.

As soon as I got to the door I saw his limo pull up outside the house.

"Here goes" I thought nervously to myself.

I took a deep breath and then stepped outside, locking the door behind me.

When the driver opened the door, I climbed in and sat next to Steve.

"Morning Jennifer" he greeted cheerfully "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes thank you. Did you?"

"Yeah, great."

"Well, we'd better get going then."


With that, we set off.

On the way to the airport we made small talk and joked about things we had seen and done in the past.

Once there we got out of the limo and headed into the terminal. As soon as we walked inside, Steve stopped and turned towards me.

"Follow me" he commanded softly.

I followed obediently, not really knowing where he was taking me, but trusting him anyway.

After a minute or two of walking we reached a private VIP lounge where a beautiful young hostess greeted us.

"Welcome Mr Smith. It's a pleasure to have you with us again." she smiled.

"Thank you" he replied politely before turning to me "Jennifer, this is Emily. She will look after us both until the plane is ready."

"Hello Emily." I said warmly.

"Nice to meet you" she responded "Please follow me and we can get you both comfortable" she continued motioning for us to sit on the luxurious sofa nearby.

Once seated, Emily brought over two glasses of champagne and placed them in front of us.

"Thank you Emily." Steve said appreciatively.

"You're welcome sir. Is there anything else you need at present?"

"No, I think we're fine for now. Thank you."

"Ok, please enjoy your drinks. If you require anything else, just let me know."

With that, she walked away, leaving us alone.

"Wow, this is fancy" I said admiring the lavish decor and furnishings.

"Yes. Very fancy."

We clinked glasses and drank the bubbly liquid slowly enjoying the relaxing atmosphere.

"So...tell me more about yourself Jennifer" Steve suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"What would you like to know?" I replied curiously.

"Anything. Everything."

"Well...I'm a very open person. So feel free to ask whatever questions you'd like."


He paused, contemplating his next words carefully before continuing.

"You mentioned in your interview that you used to do a bit of modelling? What's the story behind that"

"Yeah" I replied shyly. "Well, I guess I was blessed with good looks."

"Oh yeah, you were."

I blushed slightly, embarrassed by the compliment.

"Thank you. But seriously, I started off doing fashion shoots for catalogues and magazines. But once I hit 18, they wanted me to do nudes."

"And what happened then?"

"I was reluctant, but I did them anyway. Eventually, I did a lot of lingerie and swimwear stuff. Then I met my husband and gave it all up."

"Wow. So, did you enjoy doing the nudes?"

"It's funny. Yeah, I did enjoy it. But I think maybe it's because of the attention and compliments. Does that sound strange?"

"No, not at all. You're an incredibly attractive woman Jennifer. I'm not surprised that people wanted to compliment and flatter you. I bet guys were all over you."

"Ha! Yeah, there were plenty of those. But luckily, I met Frank and the rest is history."

"You seem happy. Out of curiosity what was the agency called?"

"Umm...I don't really remember. It was so long ago. I'll think about it and get back to you." I lied, I knew exactly what the agency was called, LegsX. But there was no way I wanted my boss to know.

"Ok, well if you do remember, let me know. I know somebody that may be interested in the industry you see" he chuckled.

"Sure thing." I kind of felt bad now, knowing that I could have potentially helped another woman's career.

We continued talking, and laughing, and drinking champagne for another hour or so. The conversation flowed easily and naturally, and before we knew it, the pilot was coming over the speaker system announcing that we would be boarding the plane soon.

"Well, here goes" I said nervously, looking around the room nervously.

"Relax. You'll be fine. Plus, we'll have a couple more drinks on the plane."

What's Next?

With that, we made our way onto the aircraft and settled into our seats. As soon as we were airborne, the captain announced that it was safe to move around the cabin.

"So, what would you like to drink?" Steve asked, smiling.

"Surprise me."


He got up and went over to the bar where the bartender poured us both a cocktail.

"Here you go. This is my favourite drink."

"Thank you"

I took a sip and instantly felt myself relax. The alcohol was starting to take effect.

"Mmmm. That's nice."

"Yeah, I love Sex on the Beach."

I nearly spat my drink everywhere at the remark.

"Sorry, sorry." he said quickly "The cocktail of course"

"Oh yes. Of course." I replied, trying to compose myself.

We both laughed and sipped our drinks slowly.

The flight was smooth and comfortable. It didn't feel like any time had passed before the pilot announced that we were making our descent into the city.

Once we had landed, we took a cab straight to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel, the concierge greeted us warmly.

"Good morning. Welcome to the Marriott."

"Thank you."

We checked in and went up to the penthouse suite.

"Wow, this is amazing" I exclaimed, as I took in the incredible view.

"Yes, it's beautiful. But I think my bedroom is even better."

With that, he led me through to the adjoining room where a huge king sized bed dominated the centre of the room.

"Holy shit. That's one hell of a bed."


"Do you bring all your employees here?"

"Just the pretty ones" he replied cheekily.

I couldn't help but blush slightly at the compliment.

"So, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to take a shower and get ready for tonight."

"Ok, no worries."

With that, he disappeared into the bathroom, leaving me alone to explore the rest of the suite and find my bedroom for the weekend.

I quickly found the other bedroom, which was smaller but equally luxurious. I sat down on the bed and sighed contentedly.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Hello? Miss Jennifer?"

"Yes, come in."

A bellhop entered the room and placed a box on the table.

"Compliments of Mr Smith. He asked me to give this to you."

"Thank you."

The man left, closing the door behind him.

I opened the package and gasped when I saw its contents.

Inside was a stunning red dress, along with matching heels and jewellery.

"Oh my god."

I took the items out and laid them carefully on the bed. Then I removed the note and read it:

Dear Jennifer,

Here is something for you to wear tonight. I can't wait to see you in it.



My heart skipped a beat at the words Love and See you in it.

"What is he doing?" I thought to myself.

"He can't possibly be interested in me. No way. He's just being nice. Yeah, that's all."

I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts and doubts from my mind.

Then I grabbed my toiletries bag and headed into the bathroom to get ready.

As I showered, I couldn't stop thinking about what Steve had said earlier about me being a 'pretty' girl. Was that a real compliment or was he just joking around?

Either way, I couldn't deny the fact that I felt special and excited.

"But it's not right." I chided myself mentally. "He's my boss. And my husband's boss. You're married! Stop it! Stop it!"

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the images of him and me together out of my head. Ladies I'm sure you'll agree that when these thoughts are running through your head, whilst the shower rains hot water all over your body, washing yourself without going any further is sometimes not achieveable. I couldn't stop myself. My hand slipped between my legs, and I rubbed my clit gently. It felt amazing. Within seconds, I was close to orgasm. I bit my lip and let out a low moan as waves of pleasure washed over me.

When the feeling subsided, I finished cleaning myself, turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower.

As I dried myself off, I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"What are you doing, Jennifer?" I whispered to myself.

I sighed heavily, and shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts and emotions from my mind.

"Get a grip."

With that, I wrapped the towel around me and went back to the bedroom to finish getting ready.


Out out?!

I spent the next hour preparing myself. First, I dried my hair, then applied some makeup and did my nails. Finally, I put on the dress and shoes, and stood back to admire myself in the mirror.

"Damn, you look good."

I smiled and did a little twirl, giggling at the sight of myself spinning around.

I checked my watch. It was almost 7pm.

"Shit. Steve will be waiting."

With one last glance at the mirror, I headed out into the main room of the suite where Steve was already sitting at the table waiting for me.


"Ah, there you are. Wow, you look stunning."

"Thank you. You're looking very handsome yourself."

"Why thank you. Shall we?"

He offered his arm, and I took it.

We made our way downstairs and hailed a cab which took us downtown, tonights plan was just to settle in and have a fun night before working the floor at the expo tomorrow.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, as we drove through the streets of the city.

"It's a surprise. But I promise you'll love it."

Soon enough the taxi pulled up outside a busy restaurant and club.

"Wow, this place looks amazing."

"Yes. I love it here. Come on."

He helped me out of the car and led me inside where we were greeted by the hostess.

"Good evening. Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes. Under the name Smith."

"Of course. Right this way please."

She led us to a table near the back of the room where we sat down and ordered some drinks.

"So, what do you think of the place?" Steve asked.

"It's fantastic. Very elegant."

"Yes, it's one of my favourite restaurants in the city."

The waitress returned with our drinks and took our orders.

When she left, Steve raised his glass.

"To a great night."

"To a great night."

We clinked glasses and took a sip.

So, tell me about...your husband...

"So, tell me Jennifer, how long have you and Frank been married?"

"Umm, it'll be 3 years next month."

"Wow, that's amazing. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Are you happy?”

"Yeah, for the most part. We have our ups and downs like everyone else. But we make it work."

"Good. Well, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks. I appreciate that." I did find his comment a bit strange, I mean how could he help us in our relationship...

We continued talking and drinking for a while until eventually the waiter came over with our meals.

"Here we are. A medium-rare steak for the gentleman, and a seafood risotto for the lady."

"Thank you."

The food was delicious, and we ate heartily, enjoying every bite.

When we were done, Steve paid the bill and we headed back out onto the street.

"Well, shall we go somewhere a little more lively?"


We hailed another taxi and headed downtown towards the club district.

"This place is a little more wild." Steve warned.

"That's fine. I'm up for anything."

"I'll remember that" Steve said, I assumed jokingly.

As we approached the club, the music got louder and louder, until finally we were standing outside the entrance.

"Are you ready?"


He took my hand and led me inside.

As soon as we entered the building, the music hit us like a wall. It was deafeningly loud.

"You alright?" Steve yelled into my ear.

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

He smiled and led me deeper into the club.

The interior was dark and crowded, and the dance floor was packed with people dancing and grinding against each other.

"Let's go grab a drink." Steve shouted.

We made our way to the bar and ordered two cocktails.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's awesome."

"Glad you like it. Let's have some fun."

With that, we drank our drinks and headed out onto the dance floor.

We danced and moved to the music, laughing and enjoying ourselves.

After a while, Steve pulled me close and held me tight.

"You're a great dancer."

"Thanks. So are you."

"Wanna get out of here?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

With that, he led me out of the club and back into the street.

"Where are we going?" I asked breathlessly.

"Somewhere special."

What's next for our dynamic duo?!

He led me down the street to a secluded alleyway where he stopped and turned to face me.

"What is it?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Good. Close your eyes."


I closed my eyes and felt him place his hands on my hips.

"Keep them closed."

He slowly guided me backwards until my back hit a wall.

"What are you doing?"

"Shhh. Trust me."

I felt him move closer and then suddenly his lips were pressed against mine. I gasped, but didn't pull away. His tongue slipped into my mouth and danced with mine. It felt amazing. I moaned softly as he kissed me deeply and passionately.

"Steve..." I whimpered "We shouldn't..."

"Why not? We're both adults. And I want you."

"But Frank...My husband"

"He doesn't have to know. This is our secret."

I couldn't believe what was happening. Here I was making out with my boss, my husband's boss, in a dark alleyway.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Steve said, breaking the kiss.

"Where are we going?"

"Back to the hotel."

My heart and mind raced with conflicting thoughts and feelings as we made our way back to the hotel.

Authors Note: Let me know what you think of the story so far in the comments 🥰

Back to the hotel

When we got to the suite, Steve led me to his bed and sat me down.

"Stay there. Don't move."

He went over to the minibar and poured us both a drink.

"Here, drink this."

"What is it?"

"Just relax."

I took the glass and drank the contents. It tasted sweet and strong.

"Mmmm. That's nice."

"Now lay down on your front."

I did as he asked, lying back on the soft sheets.

"Good girl. Now just relax."

He climbed onto the bed and straddled me, leaning down to kiss my neck. His strong hands went to work massaging my shoulders and back.

I moaned softly, unable to resist the urge.

"Let's make this a little easier." he said as he began unbuttoning the back of my dress, ******** my bare back. His hands going back to work on this massage, working out any tension from the day.

"Oh god...That feels so good..."

"Good. Just relax."

His fingers traced over my skin, sending shivers of pleasure throughout my body.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Was this really happening? Or was it just a dream?

As the alcohol took effect, I found myself unable to care anymore. I just wanted to enjoy the moment.

"That's it. Just let go."

I did as he said, letting myself fall into the sensation of his touch.

"Mmmm, do you like that Julie."

"Julie!?!" I shouted, opening my eyes wide. "I'm not Julie!"

"Oh shit. Jennifer! I'm so sorry. It was just a slip of the tongue, I swear!"

I was fuming, was I just another fresh female secretary to add to his list of conquests? I sat up and zipped my dress back up.

"Look. Steve. I don't know what the hell you're playing at, but I'm not one of your floozies."

"Please, just hear me out. I didn't mean to call you Julie."

"Oh yeah, save it for Julie back at the office!" I said angrily as I headed across the hall to my own bedroom.

"Wait, please. Please come back. Let me explain."

I slammed the door shut behind me and collapsed on the bed, tears welling up in my eyes.

I couldn't believe it. Here I was, about to cheat on my husband, with my boss, only to find out he was calling me by some other girl in the office's name. It was all too much to take.

I buried my face in the pillow and cried myself to sleep.

A bump in the night?!

I woke in the night to a strange sound.

"What was that?" I thought to myself.

I listened intently, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. Then it hit me.

It was coming from the room next door. From Steve's room.

"What the fuck is he doing?"

I crept out of bed and tiptoed over to the adjoining door, pressing my ear against it.

At first, I couldn't make out what was happening, but after a few seconds, it became clear.

It was moaning. Soft, muffled moaning.

"Oh my god."

I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to suppress the gasp that threatened to escape.

The sound was unmistakable. Someone was having sex. And judging by the sounds they were making, they were enjoying themselves immensely.

I listened for a few more moments, unable to tear myself away. Then I heard a voice. A familiar voice.

"Oh fuck, Steve."

It was Julie.

"What the fuck?!"

I couldn't believe it. Steve was having sex with Julie. How could he do that to me?

Anger and jealousy washed over me as I stood there listening to them.

Then another thought struck me. Why was I angry? Was it because I was jealous? Because I wanted to be the one he was fucking?

I couldn't deny it. I wanted Steve. I wanted him to be with me.

As the realization hit me, tears welled up in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.

"Why Julie?" I sobbed. "Why not me?"

I collapsed onto the floor, crying quietly as the sounds of their lovemaking filled the air.

It was almost too much to bear. I knew I should have gotten up and gone back to my room, but I couldn't. I was transfixed.

After what felt like an eternity, their moans of pleasure intensified, and I knew they were reaching the climax of their passion.

"Oh fuck, Steve. Yes, yes, yes! I'm cumming! Oh fuck!"

"Me too. Oh shit, Julie. I'm cumming!"

Their cries of ecstasy echoed through the room, and I found myself wishing that it had been me making those sounds.

Eventually, the sounds of their lovemaking faded, and silence fell. I lay there on the floor, heartbroken and defeated.

It was at that exact moment that I woke up, gasping for air and soaked in sweat.

"Oh my god" I whispered.

I sat up in bed as I realized that the whole thing had been a dream.

"It was all just a dream." I reassured myself, feeling the cool breeze hit my sweaty skin.

But then another realization hit me, I was still very much aroused and need to cum.


I laid back down, and slipped my hand into my panties, stroking my pussy gently.


I closed my eyes and pictured Steve's face buried in my pussy, licking and sucking my clit.


"Oh yes. Fuck."

I moaned softly, as my fingers worked their magic.


The image of him eating my pussy while Julie watched, turned me on even more. Knowing I was getting what she couldn't.

"Oh fuck, yes."

I was close to orgasm. My fingers moving faster and faster.

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm gonna cum. Fuck, Steve, yes!"

I cried out, as the waves of pleasure washed over me. My body shook uncontrollably as I came hard.

As the orgasm subsided, I relaxed back onto the bed, panting and sweating.


I was exhausted and spent, but satisfied.

I laid there for a while, basking in the afterglow, before eventually drifting off to sleep again.

The Expo...

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and energized.

I stretched and yawned, as the events of last night replayed in my mind.

I couldn't help but feel disappointed and a little hurt. But I tried to push those feelings aside and focus on the task at hand.

We had a big day ahead of us at the expo. I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready.

I showered, brushed my teeth and hair, and applied some makeup.

When I was done, I stepped out into the bedroom and began getting dressed.

I put on my white floral dress that Steve had given me, along with the jewelry and heels.

I checked myself out in the mirror and smiled.


I left the room and made my way into the living area of the suite.

"Good morning, Jennifer." "Look I'd like to apologise for last night" he started to say.

"Don't worry about it." I interrupted.

"No, I need to explain. See, I had a thing for Julie when she first started, but it never amounted to anything. I'm sorry that I called you her name. I'd had a few too many to drink" he explained.

"I understand. But let's just put it behind us and focus on the expo today."


With that, we headed out and made our way to the convention centre.

The day passed by in a blur of activity. We met with potential clients, networked with other publishers, and attended several seminars and workshops.

By the end of the day, we were both exhausted but satisfied with how things had gone.

"That was a success." Steve declared.

"Yes, it was. I think we made a lot of good connections today."

"Absolutely. How about we get finished up here and I try to make it up to you over my behavour yesterday?"

"Sounds good."

We packed up our things and left the convention centre.

As we walked along the street, Steve put his arm around me and pulled me close.

"I really am sorry, Jennifer. I hope you can forgive me."

"I forgive you, Steve. But please, just don't call me by anyone else's name again."

"I promise."

We laughed and continued walking, enjoying the warmth of the evening.

"So, what did you have in mind?" I asked, as we strolled down the street.

"How about we go back to the hotel have a light dinner, maybe hit the spa and then just see where the night takes us?"

"That spa has my name all over it." I exclaimed

We returned to the hotel and went up to the suite.

"I'll order some room service. What would you like?"

"Whatever is fine. Just something light."

"Ok, I'll get the chef to surprise us."

After a lovely dinner, I went to my bedroom and changed into the bikini that Steve bought me. When I came out, Steve was waiting for me in his swim shorts.

"Wow, that bikini looks amazing on you." Steve said, as I witnessed him hungrily eying me up and down.

"Thank you." I blushed.

And with that we made our way down to the spa. "What do you wanna hit first? The pool?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, sure. The pool sounds great."

We jumped into the warm water and swam around for a bit, enjoying the soothing sensation.

"This is nice."

"Yes, it is."

After a few laps, we got out of the pool and headed over to the Jacuzzi.

"Oh, this is perfect." I sighed in relief as the warm water engulfed my body.

"Yes, it is. But why are you so far away." Steve said as he gestured me to get closer.

I moved closer, feeling a little awkward.

"Relax. This is nice, right?"

"Yeah, it is."

We sat there for a while, enjoying the jets massaging our bodies.

"I'm really sorry again about last night" he whispered, before gently kissing my neck.

"I forgive you." I said softly as I quickly folded to his charm again.

But then we where interupted by other people approaching the jacuzzi, I looked up to see a middle aged couple entering the water opposite us.

"Sorry, I hope we aren't interupting anything" the woman said as she smiled at us.

"No, not at all. Please join us." Steve said politely.

The couple sat down and began talking to us.

"So, how long have you lovelies been together?" she asked.

"Oh, umm" I stuttered, a little embarrassed and out of my depth.

"Three beautiful years" Steve replied for me, much to my shock as he put he arm around my waist and pulled me tighter to his body.

"That's wonderful. I'm Marie and this is my husband Robert." she said introducing themselves.

"Pleasure. I'm Steve, and this is my wife Jennifer."

"Nice to meet you both." Robert added.

We sat there chatting for a while, getting to know each other. I also realised that Steve was still holding me close, I was so comfortable I'd forgotten.

As we chatted, I couldn't help but notice the way they kept glancing at us, and the look in their eyes. It was like they were undressing us with their eyes.

"You two look so good together" Marie remarked.

"Thank you."

I couldn't believe how bold she was being. But then again, maybe I was just reading too much into it.

After a while, Marie and Robert got out of the Jacuzzi and headed off to the sauna.

"Well, that was interesting." Steve laughed

"Yeah, no kidding. Did you see the way they were looking at us?"

"Yes, I did."

"Do you think they're swingers or something?"

"I don't know, but it sure seems like it."

"That would explain why she was so interested in us."

"Yeah. She was pretty forward, wasn't she?"

"Yep. And I bet they're waiting for us in the sauna."

"Ha! You might be right."

"Wanna find out?" Steve said playfully, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Maybe." I replied coyly.

"Come on, let's go."

The Sauna...
We got out of the Jacuzzi and walked over to the sauna like two teenagers up to no good. We grabbed two towels and wrapped them around us.

When we opened the door, we saw Marie sitting on the bottom bench and Robert sitting proud on the top bench above.

"Well, hello there." Marie greeted us.

"Hi." I sheepishly replied

"Wanna join us?" said Marie

"Sure." I said, throwing all caution to the wind.

I took a seat on the bottom row next to Marie as she gestured me to do so, and Steve joined Robert up top as not to offend. I removed my towel to sit on, but Steve left his on, we both had our swimwear one anyways.

"So, how are you finding the hotel?" Marie asked, casually leaning back and letting her legs fall open slightly.

"It's amazing. We've had a great time." I replied.

"Yes, it's very nice." Marie smiled as her gaze settled between my thighs.

I could feel her eyes on me, and I had to admit, it was liberating.

"Have you had a chance to get a massage yet?" Marie inquired, looking up at me.

"Not yet, no. But we might try squeeze one in later on tonight." I answered honestly.

"Well, I highly recommend it. Their masseuses are divine." Marie purred, her eyes still focused on my bikini covered crotch.

"I'll have to check it out." I said, trying not to seem nervous. This was the first time I think I've ever received attention from another woman.

"Mmm, I bet you will." Marie whispered, licking her lips.

I glanced up and noticed Steve and Robert having a conversation about football or something sport related.

I was moving my head back towards Marie as my eyes caught a glimpse of something on the way down that caught me off guard. As the men where sat elevated next to us, I noticed that Robert wasn't wearing any underwear beneath his towel and his cock was in my eyeline. My eyes went wide as I looked away and locked eyes with Marie. She had a huge grin on her face, I'm not sure if she had seen my reaction, but the way her body was reacting and the look in her eyes was unmistakable. She wanted me.

Authors Note from Emma: Things are really starting to heat up now, I'm gonna need you to smash that like button for me. Also, tell me in the comments what you'd like to happen next...

Also, as a side note, if you're feeling fruity, head to my profile, click my link and see how else we can connect x x

It gets HOTTTTT!

Marie reached out and stroked my leg softly.

"You're a very beautiful girl, Jennifer." she whispered, her eyes filled with desire.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. I had never been with a woman before, but something about her was so alluring and intoxicating, even if she was maybe old enough to be my mother.

"Thank you." I murmured, my voice barely audible.

Steve and Robert where still chatting away, oblivious to what was happening between me and Marie.

Marie's hand moved higher, caressing my thigh.

"Mmmm. Your skin is so soft." she purred.

I could feel my heart racing, my body responding to her touch.

I stole a quick glance at Robert's cock again. It was rock hard and throbbing under his towel.

"Does it excite you, Jennifer?" Marie asked, following my gaze.

"What?" I stammered, trying to act innocent.

"Seeing his cock. Does it excite you?"

"No, no. I was just...I was just looking at..."

"It's ok. You don't have to be shy. I can see how excited you are." she whispered

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I realised she could see my pussy through the now damp white fabric of my bikini.

I was so turned on. I couldn't believe this was happening. Part of me was Jealous that it wasn't me and my actual Husband Frank here in this moment right now, how would we react as a couple I pondered.

"I need to use the bathroom" I announced as I got up and covered myself with the towel.

"I'll come with you" Marie said as she stood up and followed me.

We left the sauna and made our way to the ladies' room. I went to enter a cubicle but realised that Marie was right behind me.

"Dont mind if I join you" she asked seductively.

"Uhh, Sure." I said hesitantly.

She stepped into the cubicle with me and closed the door behind us. Us women do this all the time on nights out, but when we are close friends, I've only known this woman 30 minutes I thought, a little creeped out. I really did need to pee so I nervously dropped the towel and slid my bikini bottoms to the floor and sat down, trying to ignore her presence. But it was impossible.

As I peed, I could feel her eyes on me. It was so erotic and exhilarating.

"You're so beautiful." she breathed.

"Thank you." I murmured, unable to formulate a proper response.

After I had finished, I reached for some tissue and began wiping myself.

"Allow me." Marie said softly, kneeling down in front of me.

I watched as she gently placed her hands on my knees and pushed them apart.

"Mmmm. You smell so good." she moaned, her face inches from my ******* pussy.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Marie, a complete stranger, was about to go down on me.

"Wait." I said, as I tried to stop her "My husband would be mad" I added.

"I don't think he would mind." she purred "After all, Robert's probably going down on Steve too right now" she added confidently.

"What?" I gasped. Surely not, I thought. I mean Steve isn't gay or bi...is he? I guess I hardly knew the guy that I was pretending to be my husband. My mind was all over the place.

"It's true." she continued "Robert loves sucking cock. He would never pass up an opportunity like this."

Her words sent a chill down my spine. Was Steve really getting oral from another man? The thought of it kind of turned me on, but at the same time made me feel a bit angry and jealous.

"Now, let me taste you." Marie whispered, her breath hot on my pussy.

I couldn't resist any longer, I spread my legs wider and surrendered to her.

"Yes. That's it. Let me worship you." she moaned.

Her tongue traced along my folds, teasing me mercilessly.

"Oh god." I gasped, my hands gripping the sides of the toilet seat.

"You taste as good as you smell." she said, her eyes never leaving mine.

I began to wonder how I'd ended up in this situation, I was married to Frank, on a business trip with our boss Steve who clearly wanted more from me, and now here I am getting eaten out by a woman old enough to be my mum.

"Mmmm. You're so wet. You naughty girl." Marie groaned, her tongue probing deeper and deeper inside of me.

I closed my eyes and gave in to the sensation, losing myself in the pleasure.

I was so close to orgasm. Marie's tongue was driving me wild. I could feel my body tensing, ready to explode.

"Yes, yes, yes." I whimpered, my voice echoing off the bathroom walls.

Then, just as I was about to cum, I heard the sound of someone entering the bathroom.

Marie didn't stop, instead she doubled her efforts, her tongue swirling and flicking, pushing me over the edge.

"Oh god, I'm cumming!" I cried, my body shaking with pleasure.

I clasped my hand over my mouth, trying to muffle the sound. But it was no use, whoever was in the bathroom had definitely heard me.

"Are you ok in there?" the concerned stranger asked.

"I'm fine, thank you." I replied, trying to regain my composure.

Marie smiled up at me and stood up.

"That was delicious." she said, her lips glistening with my juices.

I quickly stood up and pulled my bikini bottoms back on.

"We should get back to our husbands." I said, eager to get out of the situation.

"Of course."

We exited the cubicle and saw a young woman cleaning one of the sinks.

"Oh, sorry. We were just leaving." I said sheepishly.

"No problem." she replied, eyeing us suspiciously.

I was mortified, I couldn't believe someone had overheard me cumming.

Marie and I left the bathroom and made our way back to the sauna.

What would be laying in wait for us back at the sauna?

As soon as we got close, we were met by a sight we weren't prepared for. Through the glass wall of the sauna we could see that Steve and Robert were still in the sauna, but they were no longer just talking.

"Oh my god." I whispered, my eyes wide with shock.

Marie simply chuckled.

"I told you." she said, a knowing look in her eyes.

Steve was lying back on the bench, his eyes closed, his towel pushed aside and Robert was between his legs, his head bobbing up and down as I assumed he was sucking Steve's cock.

"They look like they're enjoying themselves." Marie remarked, her voice thick with desire.

"I can't believe this." I muttered, unable to take my eyes off the scene. They were still ******* of our presence as we stood watching them.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Marie said, her hand reaching down to cup my ass.

I couldn't deny the truth in her words, it was beautiful. Seeing two men sharing such an intimate moment. I was trying my hardest to catch a glimpse of Steve's cock, but Robert's body was in the way of my view.

"Shall we join them?" Marie asked, her fingers teasing the hem of my bikini bottoms.

"I...I don't know." I replied, torn between wanting to run and wanting to stay and watch.

"Come on, let's go."

She took my hand and led me inside. The moment they heard the door open their eyes shot up and they quickly jumped apart, covering themselves up with their towels, thinking that they'd gotten away with us knowing what was going on.

"What's wrong?" Marie said playfully, as if nothing was amiss.

"Nothing. Steve was just showing me his birthmark" Robert replied, shooting a wink at his wife.

"Uh-huh." Marie replied, her tone betraying her amusement.

"I'd love to see Steve's birthmark" she added as she playfully patted Steve's leg.

"I think we should call it a night." I chimed in, feeling a little uncomfortable "I'm very tired"

"Yeah, me too." Steve added.

"But what about your massages?" Marie said coyly.

"We always have tomorrow evening" Steve replied.

"Well, who knows we might see you both tomorrow" Marie replied, looking at me seductively.

As we said our goodbyes and left the sauna I noticed a couple around my age walking into the spa, heading in the direction of the sauna.

"They have no idea what they are getting themselves into" Steve said jokingly as we walked towards the exit.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, no kidding."

We made our way back to our suite, a sense of awkwardness and excitement hanging in the air.

"So, did you have fun today?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I did." I replied, a smile playing on my lips.

"Me too."

As we entered the suite, I headed towards my bedroom, needing to get away and process the events of the evening.

"Jennifer." Steve called after me.


"Thank you for tonight."

"You're welcome."

With that, I retreated to my room, closing the door behind me.

I collapsed onto the bed, my mind reeling. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

"How did I end up here?" I thought to myself.

My phone then buzzed, it was my husband Frank:

➵ Hey babe, how are things? Hope you're having a great time.

My stomach churned as guilt washed over me.

➵ Hi honey. Things are great. How are you?

➵ Great. Missing you like crazy though.

➵ I miss you too.

➵ Can't wait for you to get home. Love you.

➵ Love you too.

With that, I put my phone down and lay back on the bed.

I couldn't help but think about the events of the evening. It was like something out of a fantasy.

As I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder what the next day would bring.

Another bump in the night?

As I slept it didn't take long before my thoughts took over my dreams and I began dreaming of the events of the evening if we hadn't have left so abruptly.

I was back in the sauna, but this time, I was riding Robert's short but thick cock, but sideways on, allowing Steve and Marie to admire the view as they kissed and fondled each other.

"You feel amazing" Robert moaned, one hand grasping my leg, the other behind his head as he writhed in ecstacy as he impaled the tightest pussy he'd ever encountered.


"Mmmm, so do you." I groaned, grinding my hips against his groin, feeling every inch of him inside me, spreading me apart.

Marie had her arm wrapped around Steve, her free hand stroking his cock slowly.

"Doesn't that look nice, Steve?" she purred.

The fact was that I was showing myself off to Steve as he'd never actually gotten to taste my fruit yet, contrary to what Marie & Robert believed. I was showing him what he was missing out on, what he wanted, what he could get.

"Yes. It looks amazing." he replied, his eyes never leaving my pussy as it was getting pounded by Robert, who he must have been dying to swap places with.

"Mmmm. You're so big." I moaned, loving the feel of his girthy cock stretching me open like never before, after all Frank wasn't this girthy.

I leaned back, closed my eyes and bit my lip as i felt myself getting closer and closer to climax.

"Yes, yes, yes." I whimpered, my body tensing, ready to explode.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum." Robert groaned, his body trembling beneath me.

"Cum inside me." I cried, desperate to feel his seed filling me up.

That did it. With a few more thrusts, he buried himself balls deep inside me and erupted, filling me with his hot sticky load.

"Oh fuck yes." I screamed, my orgasm tearing through me like a hurricane, waking me up from my slumber.

"Holy shit" I whispered, realising that my panties were soaked and that my body was trembling.

I was confused and surprised, I had never experienced a dream like that before.

As I tried to catch my breath, I couldn't help but think about what could have actually happened if we had stayed.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of movement in the living area of the suite.

I got up, put on my robe and headed to my door, opening it a crack.

There, in the living room, I could see Steve tiptoeing back to his room across the landing.

He was wearing nothing but his boxers, his toned physique on full display.

I watched as he opened the door to his bedroom and disappeared inside.

My heart was racing, my mind filled with questions.

Had he heard me?

Had he seen me?

The thoughts swirling in my head were making me dizzy.

"Get a grip, Jennifer." I said to myself.

"This is ridiculous."

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about what could have been.

I closed the door and went back to bed, sleep finally taking over.

Note from Emma: Let me know what you think so far in the comments, and don't forget to abuse that thumbs up button to get some extra saucy exclusives added to the story soon ;) x x x

Day 2 of the Expo...

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and energetic.

After a quick shower, I got dressed and headed into the kitchen to see that Steve was already awake, sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

"Morning." I greeted him, trying to act as normal as possible.

"Morning! Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby." I lied, my dream still vivid in my mind.

"Good. So, today's the final day of the expo. We need to work the floor, get the contacts, and show those publishers what we're made of."

"Don't worry, we've got this."

With that, we left the suite and made our way to the convention centre.

The day passed by in a blur of activity, just like the previous day. We met with potential clients, networked with other publishers, and attended several seminars and workshops.

By the end of the day, we were both exhausted, but satisfied with how things had gone. We'd managed to secure three new clients, and had plenty of leads for the future.

"Well that was a success." Steve declared.

"Yes, it was. I think we made a lot of good connections today."

"Absolutely. So, how about we go get freshened up and grab some dinner?" he paused "Then celebrate!?" he shouted, waving his arms.

"Sounds good."

We headed back to the hotel and went to our respective rooms.

As I showered and changed, I couldn't help but think about what might happen tonight.

Would Steve try something again?

Would I give in?

The thoughts were making me dizzy, and my stomach was filled with butterflies.

When I was done, I met Steve in the living area of the suite and we made our way to the hotel restaurant.

We were seated at a table in the corner and ordered some drinks.

"Cheers." Steve said, raising his glass.

"Cheers." I replied, clinking mine against his.

"To a successful business trip."

"To a successful business trip."

The meal was delicious and the company was great. We chatted and laughed, and I felt like I was really connecting with him on a deeper level.

After we finished eating, we decided to go up to the bar and have a few more drinks.

I was about 4 glasses of red wine into my evening when Steve asked "Didn't fancy the Spa again tonight then ha-ha" he laughed.

"I still want my massage, I just fancied a few drinks first " I said as I blushed and took a sip of my wine.

"Oh, so we're still going later" he quizzed, clearly trying to gauge my reaction.

"Well, yeah. If you don't want to though, I'm capable of taking myself" I said coyly, playing with the stem of my glass.

"No, no. I'd love to go. I'm just making sure you still want to go" he clarified.

Part of me was left thinking that he was probably hoping to reconnect with Robert again, the thought of this made me chuckle slightly as I took another sip of my wine.

"Why don't we make a move now?" Steve asked.


"Ok, let's go."

With that, we got up from the table and made our way to the hotel suite to get changed into some better attire for the spa.

I changed into the same white bikini set as the night before thanks to housekeeping laundering it so quickly, and Steve put on some black swim shorts.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"Yes, let's go."

The Spa...Take 2, Action!

We headed down to the spa, the atmosphere between us charged with electricity.

We entered the spa and were greeted by the same receptionist as the previous night.

"Hello again. Are you here for a couples massage?" she asked.

"Yes." Steve replied.

"Wonderful. Right this way, please."

She led us through the lobby and into a dimly lit room with two massage tables.

"Please, undress and lie down on the tables." she said.

"Undress?" I questioned.

"Yes, the masseuses will need full access to your bodies."

"Oh, okay."

"Is that a problem?"

"No, no. Of course not."

Steve and I looked at each other awkwardly, neither of us wanting to make the first move.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll go get the masseuses."

The receptionist left the room, leaving us alone.

"I guess we should, um, undress." Steve said, breaking the silence.


We turned away from each other and began removing our clothes. I could feel my heart racing, my body trembling with excitement.

I stole a quick glance over my shoulder and saw that Steve was naked, his muscular backside on full display.

I quickly looked away, not wanting him to catch me staring.

Once I was fully nude, I felt incredibly ******* and vulnerable.

"You can turn around now." Steve said softly "I promise I wont look"

I turned and saw that he was lying on his table, face down, his eyes closed.

I walked over to the other table and climbed on, lying down on my stomach.

With that, the masseuses entered the room and introduced themselves as 'Raul' and 'Lily'.

The Massage...

"Good evening." Lily greeted us, her voice soft and soothing.

"Hi." Steve and I said in unison.

"I'll be taking care of Jennifer tonight, and Raul will be taking care of Steve."


Lily placed a towel over my bottom, giving me a sense of privacy.

"Let's begin." she said, her voice low and seductive.

The lights were dimmed and soft music began to play.

"Just relax." Lily whispered, her hands gently kneading my back.

I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation of her touch.

The scent of the oils filled the air, creating a sensual and relaxing atmosphere.

Lily's hands were magical, finding every knot and tension and working it out until my body was completely relaxed.

"Mmmm." I moaned softly, unable to stop myself.

"Feel good?" Lily asked.

"Yes. So good."

As the massage went on, I felt my body responding to Lily's touch. My skin tingled with goosebumps, I felt my nipples hardening and my pussy becoming damp with arousal.

Lily's hands moved lower, reaching the top of my butt. She began to knead the flesh, her fingers teasing the edge of the towel.

I couldn't help but imagine her touching me all over, exploring every inch of my body.

Her hands moved even lower, slipping beneath the towel and cupping my cheeks. The sensation sending shivers of pleasure throughout my body.

As her fingers gently traced the crack of my ass, I could feel the pleasure building inside me, threatening to explode.

I could hear Steve moaning softly on the other side of the room, clearly enjoying his massage as much as I was. I decided to try and sneak a peak over at him, seeing him completely naked, his muscular back ******* and glistening with oil.

I watched as Raul worked his magic, his strong hands massaging every inch of Steve's body. I could imagine Steve's cock hanging between his legs, ******* to Raul's view only.

"Mmmm. Yes." Steve groaned, his voice thick with pleasure.

The sight was so erotic, and it only served to heighten my own arousal.

Lily's hands started to go lower, moving down over my ass to my inner thighs. She spread my legs open a little, giving her better access to my most sensitive areas. She moved her body further down the table, ready to move onto my legs, her view must be incredible now I thought to myself.

She started massaging her hands on my left thigh first, both hands wrapping around my upper thigh, her right hand getting dangerously close to my pussy as she pushed deep on my inner thigh.

She repeated this motion a few times, her hands moving closer and closer to my aching pussy.

I could feel the pleasure building inside me, ready to burst. She must have been able to feel the heat emanating from my love pocket, but then again, she's a professional right? She must do this all the time I thought, I'm just simply another client.

"Ooooh" I moaned, as she began massaging my right inner thigh, her finger grazed my folds, ever so slightly, teasing me.

She moved her hands back and forth, her fingers never quite touching where I wanted them to. It was pure torture, but it was the best kind.

I was so close to the edge, ready to fall into the abyss of pleasure.

Lily's fingers brushed against my folds once again, this time lingering longer.

"Mmmm." I whimpered, as the pleasure washed over me.

Then, she finally gave me what I needed, her fingers glided right over my honeypot and up to my ass, followed by a gentle slap on the bum cheek.

"Your all done Miss" she said softly.

"But, what about..." I paused, too embarrassed to finish the sentence.

"It's all part of the service." she replied, a sly smile on her lips.

"Now, enjoy the rest of your night."

With that, she left the room, leaving me a quivering mess of arousal.

I heard Raul saying his goodbyes to Steve also, and shortly after the door clicked shut and we were left alone in the room.

"Wow, that was amazing." Steve said, his voice still thick with desire.

"Yes, it was."

There was a moment of awkward silence, the tension in the room palpable.

"Shall we go hit the Spa?" Steve asked.

"Yes, I'm just going to take a quick shower first" I replied, still a bit flustered.

"Of course, I'll be waiting for you" and with that he started to get up from the table before saying "Oh, no peaking a moment"

He covered himself with the towel and made his way to the mens changing rooms, presumable to get back into his swimwear before going to the spa.

I was a bit disappointed, I wanted to see his manhood, even if it was to just sneak a peak.

I went into the ladies changing room and had a quick shower, trying to calm my nerves and cool off.

Changing Room Shenanigans

When I was done, I went back into the changing room and saw that my bikini top was missing.

"Oh, brilliant!" I thought to myself, wandering what the hell I was gonna do now.

As I was looking around, I saw Lily coming out of one of the doors.

"Hi." she said.

"Oh, hi. Have you seen my bikini top?"

"I took it." she replied matter of factly.

"What? Why?"

"It's part of the service." she said, a smirk on her lips. She headed towards me "How I see it, you have two options"

"One, you head to the spa topless" she smiled "Or two, you try and earn it back" she said suggestively.

I was caught off guard by her brazenness.

"So, what will it be?" she asked, her eyes never leaving mine.

My heart was racing, my mind reeling.

"How do I earn it back?" I whispered, the words escaping my mouth before I could stop them.

"Follow me."

With that, she led me into the open plan, female shower block.

As we entered, I noticed there was another woman showering, her back to us.

"Don't worry about her." Lily said, her voice barely above a whisper.

She walked over to one of the benches and sat down, sliding here skirt down to her ankles, looking up at me expectantly.

"Get on your knees."


"You heard me. Get on your knees."

I did as she said, my body trembling with excitement and nervousness.

"Good girl."

Lily spread her legs and leaned back, giving me a full view of her smooth, shaved pussy.

"I want you to eat my pussy."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "But....I'm married"

"And?" ... "You want me to go ask your husband to help me out instead?" ... "Like that would you?"

I'm sure Frank would have been blown away for a chance, but here I was caught up in a lie about being married to Steve. I'm sure Steve wouldn't have minded either, but that's not really the point.

"Well?" Lily demanded, pulling me from my thoughts.

"B...but" I stuttered, unable to believe what I was willing to do. "I've never....done this before..."

"There's no way a swinger slut like you has never done this before" she said accusingly.

"I'm...I'm not a swinger" I protested.

"You and your husband don't fool me. Why else would you be hanging out here?!!" she spat, a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"I told you, I'm not a swinger. We're here on business" I replied, exasperated.

"Yeah, right. You and everyone else that comes here."

From how Marie & Robert acted the night before, maybe she was right, maybe this is a swingers paradise, but that's not why we were here.

"I'm telling the truth. Please, I just want to get my top back and enjoy the rest of my night."

"Well, you know how to do that."

Lily leaned back and spread her legs wider, giving me an unobstructed view of her perfect pussy.

"Eat my pussy, and I'll give you back your top."

I noticed that the other woman who was showering had now turned around and was trying to not make it too obvious that she was watching our exchange with curiosity and intrigue.

I knew I had to do this, there was no way around it.


I knelt down in front of Lily, my face inches from her glistening pussy.

"That's a good girl." she purred.

As I leaned forward and inhaled her intoxicating scent, my senses were assaulted by her pungent aroma.

I extended my tongue and dragged it slowly across her folds, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.

"That's it. Keep going." she urged.

I continued lapping at her pussy, exploring every inch of her delicate folds.

"Mmmmm, that feels so good."

I began to focus my attention on her swollen clit, swirling my tongue around the sensitive nub.

Lily's moans became louder and more frequent as I increased the pressure, teasing her mercilessly.

I could feel her body tensing, her breathing becoming more laboured.

"Yes, yes, yes." she cried, her hands gripping the bench as she bucked her hips against my face.

I remember thinking that I must have been a natural, but maybe it was just the fact that a woman knows what a women wants.

I looked over and noticed the woman showering had now moved her hand down to her own flower, enjoying the show as the warm water flowed over her body.

I buried my face in her pussy, attacking her clit with reckless abandon.

"Fuck! Yes, just like that." Lily screamed, her body convulsing as she reached her climax.

I held on tight as she rode the waves of pleasure, her juices flowing freely into my mouth.

As she came down from her high, her grip on the bench relaxed and her body slumped forward.

"That was amazing." she said, her voice shaky.

"Now, I guess it's time for your reward."

She reached into her bag and pulled out my bikini top, throwing it at me.

"Go have some fun with your husband" she winked.

I stood up and wiped her juices from my face, putting the top back on, feeling a sense of victory and empowerment.

It was then, as I put on my bikini top and Lily pulled up her skirt that we heard a whistling noise emanating through the changing rooms, heading towards us.

Who's there? - An old friend...

As I tied the back of my top together, a familiar face emerged, it was Marie, the older woman we'd met in the spa last night.

"Marie?" I asked, shocked to see her here.

"Hello there" she greeted, looking at me and then turning her gaze towards Lily before adding "Hey darling, me and your dad are checking out tomorrow, maybe we could grab some lunch tomorrow before we leave town?"

I stood there, trying to process the words that were coming out of her mouth.

Lily was Robert and Marie's daughter?! A million and one thoughts ran through my head.

"Sure thing, mom." Lily replied, a smirk on her lips.

I couldn't believe it, Lily was the daughter of Marie, the woman who ate me out the evening before...in this same locker room.

"Great." Marie said, smiling.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, honey."

She turned to me and added, "And I'll see you and your husband later at the Spa I assume, Jennifer" and with that, she headed out of the changing rooms.

"See you later." I said, waving her off.

"You know my mum?" Lily asked.

"Yeah. I, err, we met her and your dad last night in the Spa, got, chatting you know"

"Oh, really?" Lily said, a mischievous grin on her lips.

"Mmmmhmm. Yes" I replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your husband. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

And with that, she turned and left.

"What the fuck?" I muttered to myself.

I quickly pulled myself together and headed to the Spa to meet Steve.

My mind was reeling, trying to make sense of the events that had just transpired.

Authors Note: Who wants moreeeeee?? Let me know... x x x 🍆💦

Back to the Spa...

As I stepped into the spa, I saw Steve relaxing in the jacuzzi. He waved and motioned for me to join him.

I walked over and got into the bubbling water, sitting down next to him.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"There was a queue for the showers" I lied, not wanting to tell my boss what have really happened.

"Oh, okay."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of the water.

"So, what did you think to your massage?" I asked, trying to break the tension.

"It was great, really relaxing. Just what I needed after the expo. How about you?"

"Same, very relaxing."

We fell into a comfortable silence, lost in our own thoughts.

"Jennifer, I'm going to be straight with you" Steve suddenly said, pulling me from my reverie.

"Okay" I said, apprehensively.

"I know this situation we're in isn't ideal, but I think we need to explore the feelings between us. There's something special here, and I don't want to waste it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Steve was confessing his feelings for me.

"I'm flattered, Steve, really I am. But, I'm married."

"I know, but we both know your not truly fulfilled in areas of your marriage, maybe I could help fill those spots." he said, moving closer.

His words sent a shiver down my spine.

"What are you saying, Steve?"

"I'm saying, let's see where this connection leads us. Nobody needs to get hurt."

His words echoed in my mind.

Part of me wanted to give in, to surrender to his charms. But another part of me was screaming that it was wrong, that I should stay faithful to my husband.

"Steve, I...I don't know. This is a lot."

"Just think about it."

"I will."

With that, the conversation ended, and we lapsed into a comfortable silence once again.

After a while, Steve stood up, his muscular body on full display.

"I'm gonna head back to the room, rest up for a bit and I might be back later" he said.

"Okay, I think I'm going to enjoy the sauna for a bit" I replied.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

And with that, he got out of the jacuzzi and left.

I sat there, contemplating my decision.

Should I give in to Steve's advances?

Was my marriage that transparent that he could see my areas of unfulfilment? I mean, yeah my sex life with Frank wasn't the best, but I'd never let it get to me before now.

As I sat there, debating my choices, a young couple enter the jacuzzi, the women taking Steve's spot right beside me.

The woman looks over at me and smiles, a familiar smile.

"Hi" she said.

"Oh, hi" I replied, trying to place where I've seen her before.

"It's nice in here, isn't it?" she said.

"Yeah, it is."

I racked my brain, trying to figure out where I knew her from.

"It's Jennifer, right?" she said.

"Yes, and you're...Holly?" I said, finally remembering where I'd seen her.

"Yep. And this is my husband, Matt" she said, introducing the man next to her.

"Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you, too."

There was a moment of awkward silence, none of us knowing what to say.

I had met Holly at the expo, she was one of the exhibitors, representing a small independent publishing house.

"So, did you have a good day today?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"It was okay, busy, but good."

"Yeah, same here. It's a tough industry, but it's always nice to meet people like you" she said, smiling.

"Well, thank you."

"So, getting some time away from the boss?"

"Yeah, kind of. He just went back to the room"

"Oh, nice. Me and Matt are going to the sauna after this, you're welcome to join us if you want"

"Thanks, that sounds great."

Then i was filled with the sudden feeling of dread as I saw Marie heading towards the Spa. Was I about to get myself caught up in my web of lies?

"Hey Holly!" I said as I nudged her "If anyone asks, Steve is my husband, ok?"

"Sure, no problem" she replied, a sly grin on her lips.

Marie entered the Spa and made her way over to the jacuzzi, an air of confidence surrounding her.

"Jennifer, I thought you'd be here" she said, a knowing look in her eyes.

"Yeah, well, the jets are great." I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"And, who are these lovely people?" she asked, her gaze falling on Matt and Holly.

"I'm Holly, and this is my husband, Matt" Holly said, introducing herself.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Marie."


"So, what brings you here?" Marie asked, a hint of amusement in her tone.

"We're just here on a little vacation, thought we'd come and relax" Holly replied, a smile playing on her lips.

"How wonderful. Well, I hope you're enjoying yourselves."

"Oh, we are." Holly said, as I noticed her hand slipping under the water and squeezing Matt's thigh.

Marie smiled and got into the jacuzzi, taking a seat next to me. I was now sandwiched in between Marie and Holly despite the amount of space left in the jacuzzi.

We all sat in silence for a while, enjoying the warmth of the water and the soothing jets.

A gentleman dressed in a tuxedo with a tray of champagne glasses then came walking over and stopped in front of us, offering us all a glass, which we accepted.

"Wow, the service is great here" Matt commented.

"Oh, they spoil us" Marie said, taking a sip of her champagne.

"So, how do you all know each other?" Holly asked.

"Oh, Jennifer and I just met last night." Marie replied, a coy smile on her lips.

Holly raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, really? That's interesting."

I felt a flush creeping up my neck, not wanting to lie any further.

"I see you and your husband have also connected with Jennifer and her husband, Steve." Marie remarked.

"Uh, yeah. We met at the expo." Holly said, her eyes darting between Marie and me.

"Interesting." Marie replied, her gaze fixed on me.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, feeling the tension rising in the air.

"Well, I think it's time for the sauna." Matt announced, sensing the awkwardness.

"Yes, I think so too" Holly added.

We all got out of the jacuzzi and made our way to the sauna, the air heavy with anticipation.

The Sauna gets steamy...

As we entered the sauna, we were greeted by a warm blast of steam, the heat enveloping us.

I took a seat in the corner, Holly and Matt sitting opposite me, and Marie sitting down next to me.

The heat was intense, causing beads of sweat to form on our skin. The air was thick with tension, the energy between us crackling.

I closed my eyes and leaned back, trying to relax.

I heard Holly and Matt whispering to each other, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Then, I felt something brush my leg, it was Marie's towel as dropped it and announced "Sorry, guys. Seems as it's just us in here, do you mind if I go commando?"

"Of course not." Holly replied, her voice thick with amusement.

"Thank you" Marie replied, as she removed her bikini top and bent down to remove her bikini bottoms, giving Matt the show of his life.

But saying that, she was definitely old enough to be his mum, if not worse.

"That feels better" Marie said, sighing with relief.

Holly and Matt looked at each other, their eyes filled with lust and excitement.

"Do you guys mind if we get more comfortable too?" Matt asked who was immediately scolded by his wife for being so forward.

"What? We do it abroad?" he protested.

"That's because it's expected there, not here" Holly countered.

"Sure, go ahead" Marie replied.

Holly shot her a dirty look, clearly not expecting her to say yes.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. We're all adults, here" Marie assured.

Matt gave Holly a look, as if to say "See?"

She sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But no funny business." she warned.

Matt untied his swim shorts, sliding them off revealing his flaccid penis hanging between his legs.

He was definitely average, maybe a little smaller, but he had a nice thickness to him.

I looked over at Holly and saw that she was eyeing me up, waiting to see my reaction.

I gave her a smile, and she seemed smug, like her husband was packing some real heat, she then removed her bikini top and tossed it to the side.

Her breasts were smaller than mine, but they were perfect, with puffy pink nipples.

"There. Happy now?" she said, looking at Matt.


Holly rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to me.

"What about you?" she asked.

"What about me?"

"You gonna get comfortable, too?"

I hesitated, not sure if I was ready to ****** myself in front of these people.

"Come on, it'll be fun."

Marie nudged me, urging me to go ahead.

"Fine." I gave in.

I untied my bikini top, letting it fall to the floor.

Holly's eyes were glued to my breasts, a look of desire in them.

"Damn." she whispered, licking her lips.

I felt a sudden surge of confidence, even though Holly decided to keep her bottoms on, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my bikini bottoms and pulled them down, ******** myself to everyone.

Matt's eyes widened, and I could see his cock beginning to gently swell.

I sat there, naked, proud, and aroused.

Holly looked at me with a mixture of jealousy and awe.

"Well, now that we're all comfortable, let's enjoy the heat" Marie said, breaking the tension.

I decided to break away from Marie and placed myself sideways on the bench facing the others, I lowered my legs on the bench in front on me and stretched my arms behind me, allowing everyone the perfect view.


"This is so nice." Marie purred, leaning back and stretching her legs open, giving us all a prime view of her pussy.

"Yes, it is." I replied, enjoying the sensation of the heat on my skin.

"It's been a while since we've been able to relax like this, right honey?" Matt said, turning his attention to Holly.

"Yes, it has." Holly replied, her eyes darting between Marie and me, a mixture of jealousy and lust in them.

We sat in silence for a while, the heat permeating our bodies.

As I closed my eyes and allowed the sensation to wash over me, I heard the sauna door click open...

Who's there?! - A Familiar Face...

As the door opened, the cool air hit me, sending shivers down my spine. Both myself and Holly tried our best to cover ourselves with our hands, whilst Matt just acted like normal.

"Hello again" I heard a familiar voice say.

I opened my eyes and saw that it was Robert, Lily's father, Marie's Husband.

"Oh, hey." I replied, still trying to cover myself up.

"Robert! What kept you so long?" Marie said

"Just some daddy daughter bonding before we leave town tomorrow" he replied, walking towards her.

"Oh, how sweet. Come here, you." she replied, patting the bench next to her, allowing Robert to take over her view of me.

"What have I missed?" Robert asked, a mischievous grin on his lips.

"Not much."

"Oh, I bet. Mind if I join?"

"Of course not, dear. Get comfortable."

Robert stood up facing Holly & Matt and untied his robe, opening it slowly obscuring my view but Holly gasped and Matt's eyes said everything I needed to know.

I knew I had to see what he was packing, luckily it didn't take long for him to drop his robe and he turned to face me to hang his robe on the hooks behind me.

It was now on display.

Robert had a long, thick, uncut cock, easily 6-7 inches whilst still soft. He looked down at me and smirked, a sense of satisfaction in his eyes.

I allowed myself to drop my guard as I removed my hands from my body and placed them on either side of me, allowing Robert the view he'd no doubt been craving.

Robert took a seat next to his wife, his half hard cock resting on his thigh.

"So, Jennifer." he said, a devilish grin on his face.


"I hear you've been spending some time with my daughter, Lily"

My stomach dropped.

"Oh, yes. She was my masseuse tonight."

"Was she now?"

"Yeah, she was great."

"I bet she was."

"Oh, and how's that Husband of yours? Steve?" Robert continued, changing the subject.

"He's good. Relaxing in the suite."

"Ah, such a shame. Maybe another time."


"You're all welcome to join us, we've got a lovely suite and plenty of room" Robert announced, looking at all of us.

"Thank you, that's very generous of you."

"Well, when in Rome, right?"

We all laughed, and the tension in the air began to dissipate.

"Well, I'm getting a bit hot, so I'm going to go shower off" I said, standing up.

"I'll join you." Holly chimed in, clearly wanting to get away from the situation.

"Great. See you later, guys."

"See you later."

As we stepped out of the sauna, the cool air washed over us, sending a shiver down my spine.

"God, that's refreshing." I sighed, enjoying the sensation.

"Yeah, it is." Holly replied, a hint of unease in her voice.

"What's wrong?"


"Come on, tell me."

Holly looked at me, her eyes filled with emotion.

"I just...I don't know. It's silly, but..." she trailed off.


"I...I can't get that cock out of my head" she confessed.

I couldn't help but laugh, the image of Robert's semi hard cock flashed through my mind.

"Me too." I admitted.


"Yeah, it was pretty impressive."

"It was huge!" Holly exclaimed, a mixture of shock and excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, it was."

We looked at each other, a shared sense of understanding between us.

"You know, they did invite us to their suite, maybe they were implying more than I first thought." Holly suggested, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"What are you saying, Holly?"

"I'm saying, maybe we should accept their offer."

I was taken aback, the idea of having sex with Robert sending a thrill through me.

"I...I don't know, Holly. I'm married."

"So am I, but we're both on vacation, your husbands gone awol, and we're both obviously attracted to Robert, so why not?"

I was speechless, the idea of cheating on my real husband Frank was sending conflicting emotions through my mind.

"Think about it. A night of passion, an experience you'll never forget."

The thought was intoxicating, the idea of being with someone so experienced, someone who could show me things my husband could never even dream of.

"Okay, I'll think about it." I conceded.


"But, I'm not promising anything."

"Of course."

With that, we headed to the showers, a thousand thoughts running through my mind.

What did this mean for my marriage?

Could I really do it?

Was I actually considering cheating on my husband?

These thoughts and more were racing through my mind as we entered the shower room.

As we entered the shower room, Holly went and stood under one of the showers, her back to me.

She bent down, and reached for the soap, giving me a perfect view of her round, perky ass.

The water cascaded over her body, making her skin glisten.

She looked over her shoulder and smirked, a knowing look in her eyes.

She had put on a show for me, and she knew it.

"See something you like?" she teased, winking at me.

"Yeah, the soap. Can I have some please?"

Holly handed me the soap, her fingers brushing against mine, sending a tingle through my body.

I stood there, my heart racing, the thoughts of what might happen tonight coursing through my mind.

As we showered, I couldn't help but admire Holly's body, the way the water dripped down her curves, the way her hair clung to her neck, the way her eyes sparkled.

I was drawn to her, the attraction was undeniable.

"Holly." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.


"I'm gonna do it."

"Do what?"

"Accept their invitation."


"Yeah. I need to do this."

Holly grinned, a devilish glint in her eyes.

"Let's go."

With that, we quickly dried off and got dressed, and made our way to their suite.

Let the games begin...

As we stood outside the suite, my heart was racing, my body tingling with anticipation.

I couldn't believe I was about to cheat on my husband.

"Are you ready?" Holly asked, a hint of nerves in her voice.


"Okay. Here we go."

Holly knocked on the door, and we waited, the silence surrounding us.

The door opened, and Robert was standing there, a look of surprise on his face.


"Hey. We came to take you up on your offer." Holly said, boldly.

"Is that so? Well, come in, come in."

We stepped into the suite, and the door closed behind us.

Robert led us into the living room, where Marie was sitting, a glass of wine in her hand.

"Hello, again."


"Can I get you girls a drink?"

"Yes, please."

"White wine, right?" Marie asked, her eyes fixed on me.


"And for you?"

"Whatever you're having."


Marie got up and went into the kitchen, and Robert gestured for us to sit down.

"So, where's Matt?" Holly said, half expecting her husband to be here.

"Oh, he left a little while ago."

"He did?"

"Yes. Something about getting some sleep."

"Oh, okay."

"So, it's just the four of us, then." I said, trying to sound confident.

"Looks like it." Robert said, a smirk on his face.

The tension in the air was thick, the anticipation almost palpable.

Marie returned with two glasses of wine, and handed one to Holly, and one to me.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

"So, tell me. Why did you two change your minds?" Marie asked, looking at us.

"We, uh, we thought it would be fun." Holly replied, nervously.

"Fun, huh? Marie seems disappointed in the lack of your husbands presences" Robert said, his eyes twinkling.

"Yeah, well. We can have fun without them." Holly retorted.

"That's the spirit." Robert said, his voice low and seductive.

I sipped my wine, the alcohol helping to calm my nerves.

"So, where should we start?" Robert asked, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Why don't we start by getting comfortable?" Holly suggested, a playful look in her eyes.

"That sounds perfect." Marie said, her voice thick with lust.

Robert stood up and undid his robe, dropping it to the floor. His semi erect cock was on display, his girthy shaft growing by the second.

Holly and I couldn't take our eyes off it.

Marie stood up and did the same, her naked body *******.

"Your turn." Robert said, looking at us.

"Right." Holly said, as we both stood up.

I untied my robe and let it fall to the floor, revealing my body.

"You're beautiful." Robert said, his eyes roaming over me.

Holly did the same, ******** herself.

"Wow. You're gorgeous." Marie said, her gaze fixed on Holly.

"Thank you."

We all stood there, admiring each other, the air heavy with desire.

Robert took a step towards me, and cupped my chin, tilting my head up to look at him.

"Are you ready for this?"


With that, he leaned down and captured my lips in a searing kiss, his tongue invading my mouth.

I moaned, unable to control myself.

He pulled away and looked down at me, his eyes filled with lust.

"You're so fucking sexy."

He captured my lips again, kissing me deeply.

I heard moans coming from Holly and Marie, and looked over to see them kissing, their bodies pressed together.

It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

Robert broke the kiss, and turned his attention to Holly, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her.

"You're so beautiful."

Holly blushed, her eyes shining.

"Thank you."

Robert kissed her, their tongues dancing together.

They moaned into each other's mouths, their hands exploring each other's bodies.

I felt a tingle between my legs, watching them together.

Marie moved over to me, and wrapped her arms around me, her lips finding mine.

"You're so sexy." she whispered, her breath warm on my ear.

I moaned, kissing her back.

Our hands roamed each other's bodies, the heat building between us.


"Mmmm" she moaned, her hands cupping my breasts.

She pinched my nipples, sending a shock of pleasure through me.

"Ohhhh" I moaned, my head falling back.

She kissed down my neck, her tongue darting out and tasting my skin.

"You taste so good."

She sucked on my pulse point, her teeth grazing the sensitive skin.

I gasped, the sensation sending shivers down my spine.

"Mmmm" she hummed, her hands sliding down my body and squeezing my ass.

I moaned, the feeling of her hands on me sending a jolt of pleasure through my body.

She lifted my leg, ******** my wet pussy to the air.

"Look at you, so wet." she whispered, her fingers tracing my folds.

I whimpered, the feeling of her touching me driving me wild.

"Shall we move this to the bedroom?" Robert asked, a teasing edge in his tone.

"Let's." Marie purred, already moving towards the bedroom door.

We followed Robert and Marie into the bedroom, the tension between us growing with every step.

Authors Note: Still enjoying it? Let me know ;) x x x

The Bedroom (Part 1)

As we entered the bedroom, the scent of incense filled the air, the lights were dimmed, creating an atmosphere of sensuality.

The four of us stood there, our bodies barely inches apart.

Robert crawled up the bed, turning over in the middle laying on his back, his hands behind his head, his hardening cock on display.

"What are you waiting for?" he teased.

I looked at Holly, her eyes were filled with desire, her body trembling with anticipation.

"Shall we?"


With that, we moved towards the bed, our eyes never leaving each other's.

"Mmmm" Robert hummed, watching us intently.

Holly and I climbed onto the bed, positioning ourselves on either side of him.

Marie stood at the end of the bed, watching us, a smile on her face.

Holly and I looked at each other, a sense of excitement flowing through us.

I leaned down, and kissed Robert, his lips warm and inviting.

"Mmmm" he moaned, his hands finding my breasts.

He squeezed them, his thumbs flicking across my nipples.

I moaned, the sensation sending a rush of pleasure through my body.

Suddenly he moaned deeply into my mouth, I looked down to see that Holly was licking his cock from base to tip, her tongue teasing him.

"Oh, yes." he groaned, his hips bucking up, seeking more contact.

"You ladies look as if you'll be just fine here" Marie interrupted.

"You're not joining us?" I asked, a hint of disappointment in my voice.

"No, no. This is all about you two. You deserve it after a long week"

"What about you, though?"

"Oh, I'm sure Robert can take care of me later, if I still need it" she winked.

With that, Marie turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Now, where were we?" Robert said, a devilish gleam in his eyes.

I was wondering where Marie was going, my mind was running to more conclusions than I thought possible. Maybe she was going to wake Steve? Or Matt? Or both of them?

My mind was running wild. What if she brought them back here. How would they react? Would Steve be angry? Or jealous?

Would it turn him on, seeing me with another man?

A flood of emotions ran through me, the thought of my boss walking in on me in this position with someone else sent a thrill through me.

But I knew deep down, it was all just a fantasy. A pipe dream.

There was no way Marie would be doing that. It was crazy.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder.

Holly's hand on my leg snapped me back to reality.

"Where'd you go?"

"Sorry, just thinking."

"Well, stop thinking, and start enjoying" Robert said, a smirk on his face.

I grinned and leaned down, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.


His hands roamed my body, his touch setting me ablaze.

"Oh, fuck. Your mouth is amazing." he groaned, breaking the kiss.

I turned my head to see that Holly was now working his cock, her tongue licking his length from base to tip.

"Mmmm" she hummed, her gripping the base of his shaft.

The sight was intoxicating, the power and control she had over him was exhilarating.

"Oh, God." he moaned, his hips bucking up, seeking more.

Holly began to move faster, her hand and mouth working in tandem.

"Fuck, yes. Just like that." he grunted, his hands fisting the sheets.

"Mmmm" she hummed, the vibrations sending a shudder through him.

I heard a slurping noise, it was obvious that Holly was now sucking his cock, her cheeks hollowing, the sound echoing through the room.


"Fuck! Yes! Just like that!" Robert groaned, his head falling back, his eyes closed in pleasure.

The scene before me was erotic and sensual, the way Holly's lips stretched around his cock, the way his body tensed, the way his breathing became labored.

"You like that, daddy?" Holly asked, her voice low and husky.

"Yes! Fuck, yes!" he grunted, his hips bucking up, fucking her mouth.

"You want more?"

"Yes, God, yes."

Holly looked up at me, her eyes filled with lust and mischief.

"What do you think, Jennifer? Shall we give him what he wants?"


Holly grinned and leaned down, her mouth enveloping his cock once again.

"Oh, fuck. Yes!" Robert groaned, his body arching off the bed.

Holly bobbed her head up and down, taking him deeper and deeper, her hand stroking the base of his shaft.

I watched in awe, the way she moved, the way her mouth stretched around him.


"Oh, God! Yes! That's it! Suck that cock!"

"Mmmm" she hummed, her eyes locked on his.

The look of pleasure on his face was intoxicating, the way his body trembled, the way his hands gripped the sheets.

Robert pulled my ear to his mouth and whispered "Why don't you go get those pretty lips down there" and he gestured to his thick cock.

I moved down the bed, positioning myself opposite Holly.

Holly and I looked at each other, and then back at his cock, glistening with her saliva.

We both leaned down, our mouths inches apart.

"Mmmm" Holly moaned, her tongue flicking out and licking the tip of his cock.

I mirrored her movements, my tongue darting out and licking his cock.


"Oh, fuck." Robert groaned, his hips bucking up.

I must admit he tasted good, way better than Frank.

We continued to lick and tease him, our tongues moving in tandem.

"Holy shit. That's feels amazing." he groaned, his hands reaching down and tangling in our hair.

"Mmmm" we hummed, our mouths moving faster, our tongues dancing together.

The sound of our mouths moving against his cock was lewd and sensual, the air heavy with desire.

To Be Continued... 🍆 💦

The Bedroom (Part 2)

"Oh, fuck. Yes. Suck that cock." Robert grunted, his hips thrusting up, his cock fucking our mouths.


"Yes, fuck, yes."

The sensation of his cock sliding between our lips was exhilarating, the way he throbbed and twitched.

I was lost in the moment, the taste of his precum on my tongue, the sound of his moans filling the room.

Holly looked up at me, her eyes sparkling.

It was then that I realised that Robert had moved his hand down to her pussy, his fingers gently playing with her clit.


"Mmmm" Holly moaned, her eyes fluttering closed.

I felt a surge of jealousy, I wanted him to touch me too.

I looked up at him, my eyes pleading.

He grinned, moving his other hand to my pussy, his fingers circling my mound.

"Mmmmm" I moaned, my eyes closing in pleasure.

The sensation of his fingers on me was electrifying, the way he teased me, the way he explored my most intimate parts.


"Fuck, yes. So fucking good." Robert grunted, his hips thrusting up, seeking more.

Robert was now the only other guy apart from my husband Frank that i'd been intimate with, and it was so different.

The way he touched me, the way he moaned, the way he tasted. It was all new and exciting.

Holly and I continued to suck his cock, our tongues moving in tandem with his touch.

"Mmmm" we hummed, our mouths moving faster, taking him deeper, sloppy sounds filling the air.

Robert began to grunt louder as he pushed his cock down away from our mouths "Hold on a second" he said.

We both paused, looking at him with confusion.

"Don't worry, it's not over yet" he grinned.

He sat up and looked down at us, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Why don't you ladies take a pew up here and let me taste what you have to offer?" he suggested, patting the bed next to him.

"Ooo, I like the sound of that" Holly said, a grin spreading across her face.

We both moved up the bed, our backs against the headboard.

"Mmmm, you first!" Robert said, his hands pulling my legs open, ******** my wet pussy.

I bit my lip, a shiver of anticipation running through me.

"Ooooh, fuck." he groaned, his tongue licking my slit.

"Ooooh" I moaned, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through my body.

His tongue expertly teased me, exploring every inch of my pussy.


"Mmmm" he moaned, his lips wrapped around my clit, sucking it into his mouth.

"Fuck, yes."

His hands moved up and squeezed my breasts, his fingers pinching my nipples.


Holly watched, her eyes filled with desire, her hand absentmindedly moving to her own pussy, her fingers teasing her clit.

"God, you taste amazing."


"Fuck, yes. That's it."

His tongue circled my clit, the pressure building.

I looked up and saw that Holly was now fingering herself, her hips moving in rhythm with her hand.

The sight was erotic, the way she pleasured herself, the way her face contorted in pleasure.

Robert's tongue was working me into a frenzy, the sensation of his mouth on me sending me closer and closer to the edge.

"Fuck, yes. I'm close." I moaned, my hips bucking up, seeking more.

"Cum for me." he said, as his fingers plunged into my pussy.

"Yes! Fuck, yes!"

I was so close, the pressure building.

"Oh, God! I'm cumming!" I screamed, my body convulsing.

My orgasm washed over me, my body shaking with pleasure, my eyes rolling back into my head.

"Oooooh, fuck!" I cried, the intensity overwhelming me.

"Mmmmm" Robert moaned, his tongue lapping up my juices as they ran down towards my ass.

He looked up at me, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Now, it's your turn." he said, looking over at Holly, my juices glistening around his mouth.

"Yes, please daddy" she said, her voice breathy and filled with need.

"On your back."

Holly complied, laying down, her legs spread wide, her pussy glistening.

Robert positioned himself between her legs, his face inches from her pussy.

"Mmmm, you look delicious." he groaned, his hands spreading apart her folds.

Her eyes looked down at him with pure lust, her breath hanging as she awaited his next move.

His tongue darted out, tasting her, his nose pressed against her clit.


"Mmmmm" she moaned, her hands gripping the sheets.

It didn't take me long before my hand slipped between my legs, my fingers dipping inside, still wet with his saliva.


I was so turned on by the scene before me, the way he ate her pussy, the way her body writhed in pleasure.

"Mmmm, daddy!" she cried, her hips bucking up, seeking more.

"Fuck, you taste so good."

Robert's tongue moved faster, his mouth devouring her pussy.

Holly's moans filled the room, her body trembling, her thighs tightening around his head.

"God, yes! Just like that! Don't stop!"

The sound of his mouth on her pussy was obscene, the wet noises mixing with her cries of ecstasy.

With one hand still firmly on my clit, I leaned over on Holly, my head resting on her shoulder as I took one of her breasts into my other hand and massaged it.

"Oh, fuck. That's good." she moaned, her hand momentarily reaching down and grazing my folds.

"Mmmm" I moaned, I had to admit her touch felt amazing but she moved away quickly as Robert's tongue was too much for her.

Suddenly Holly pushed Robert back "Enough! I need you inside me." she commanded.

She got up on her knees, Robert following suit as they embraced in a passionate kiss, his cock dangling between them.

I suddenly felt the urge to get on all fours and crawl over to him. I wasn't sure what came over me but I felt as though I needed to service this man, to get him ready for Holly.

I positioned myself next to him and grabbed his cock, as soon as I placed his cock on my tongue, he broke the kiss and looked down at me, a grin on his face.

"Well, hello there."

"Mmm, hmm" I said, not wanting to waste time by taking his cock out of my mouth.


"I'm not done with him yet, Jennifer." Holly said, a playful tone in her voice.

"Don't worry, honey. We've got plenty of time." Robert assured, as he restarted his passionate kissing with Holly.

"Mmm, mmm" I moaned, the weight of his cock on my tongue was so intoxicating.

"Oh, God." he groaned, his head falling back.

Holly's hand reached down and grabbed his cock, pulling it away from me.

"I need him inside me, right now." she demanded.

Robert grinned and pushed her down into the bed as she took position in front of him on all fours, her legs spread wide, her ass high in the air, inviting him in.

"You're such a slut, Holly." he teased.

"Just for you, daddy."

"What would your husband Matt say if he could see you now?" he said as he slapped her ass.

"Mmm, he'd be so jealous."

"Yes, he would."

"Are you gonna fuck me now, daddy? Or just talk about it?" Holly taunted, looking back at him, a devilish gleam in her eyes.

Robert lined up his cock with her entrance and teased her, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her folds.

"Please, daddy. Fuck me." she begged.

To Be Continued... 🍆 💦
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About author
Devoted Hotwife & Erotica Author.

Check out my free writing work over at CHYOA, or my best work over at SmashWords


Intriguing. I'm impatiently waiting for the sequel.
On the other hand, I do not spontaneously see the link between this beginning and the title
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Reactions: DD4fun, TNguynMilf and EmmaCastledine
jacques said:
Intriguing. I'm impatiently waiting for the sequel.
On the other hand, I do not spontaneously see the link between this beginning and the title
You will see the link, shortly ;)
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Reactions: DD4fun and jacques
Looking forward to finding out even more
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Reactions: DD4fun and EmmaCastledine
More players more intense, more girl play, this is getting hotter by the chapter
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Reactions: TellHerHowHotSheIs and EmmaCastledine
Smoking hot!! 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 can't wait forvthe next chapter
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Reactions: TellHerHowHotSheIs and EmmaCastledine

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