My Darling Cuckold ch. 09

Abby cried out, “Here he comes, Bliss. Should I get out of sight?”

It had been over four hours since Jay had run off thinking that I was trying to blackmail him just as I had done to Mack. In one way I understood his concerns, but on the other hand I was pissed that he hadn’t trusted me enough to at least give me a chance to explain. I had been planning on making it very clear to him the minute he got back, so that was why Abby wanted to leave. I knew that with her witnessing what it was that I had to tell him, though, would really make everything sink in for sure.

I knew he would probably assume that Abby had gone back home, so I stood by the door to keep him from leaving. When he came in, he was still pissed to see her there, but I demanded that he sit at the table with us to discuss the recent events. I guess he wanted to hear what I had to say just that badly, because he took a seat as Abby and I took the other chairs.

“First of all, we weren’t setting you up earlier. The tape wasn’t recording and I was trying to get you to see that everything was off. Okay, so maybe that’s how overboard I’ve gone with you, but I do really want you to trust me. So… that’s why I’m going to lay it all out for you right now. As a man, I know you’re not going to like much of this first part, but just keep in mind that there are benefits in all this for you as well.”

I looked at Abby, took a deep breath, and started my cruelty. “I told you that you’re my cuckold, but not as well as I should have I guess. I’m being as serious as a heart attack here, Jay…” I grabbed his hands to steady his reactions. “I’ve been training you just like Mack said. It didn’t start out that way… and before Mack got this all started, cuckolding a guy was just a fantasy that I had when I frigged myself. And even then I didn’t really think of it as a serious possibility. But when I watched your reactions to everything along the way, you went through some of the most humiliating things and blew them off in an hour or two. When I saw that you only did that because of how much you really love me… well, that’s where you blew it. That’s what causes a guy to allow himself to get into your position. Yes, I know I’m taking a mortifying stance with you, but deep down I see a guy that I really think loves watching me smile so much that he’ll do anything to make that happen. I’m right, aren’t I?”

Jason really hated admitting it, especially in front of Abby, but eventually, he nodded his head.

I continued, “And would you leave me over anything I’ve put you through so far?”

Slowly, he answered, “I haven’t yet, have I?”

“That’s right, and I probably would have either stopped doing this to you or left you to keep from hurting you if I didn’t think that you were getting something out of it, too. It was really hard for me to understand that first night. Here I was standing up with Mack’s sperm running out of me, clearly telling you that we had just screwed, and you had just been passed around by three guys, but all you did was watch my face. It wasn’t until I truly came to believe that my happiness meant that much to you that I figured it out; I’m the luckiest girl in the world. Instead of being pissed that I had betrayed you, you were happier to see that I had enjoyed myself. That’s true, unselfish love. Maybe it was seeing how giving you were that turned me into such a taker.”

Jason’s eyes kept darting to Abby and I told him how she had been getting told a little more than I had let onto to, but as he knew, she was my confidant in all this. I reminded him that she wasn’t going to tell a soul and she even reiterated my words for his benefit.

“This is the really hard part for me Jay, because I’m not only telling you straight up what’s been going on, but… that it’s not over yet. It didn’t start out this way, but in reality, I have been training you and feeling you out as to what you can handle. I kept pushing the envelope each time and you just keep proving that your love for me is more important to you than your own dignity. And I’m so sorry… but, now that I know you won’t leave me and I’ve done just about the worst things imaginable, I’m going to keep training and testing you. You really are my cuckold now… and though I’ll never think of you as anything but my only true love, I’m keeping you as my cuckold.”

I gave him a minute to understand what I had said, and I was amazed that when Abby put her hand on his to comfort him, he didn’t pull it away. I felt like I was castrating the poor guy.

“Well, at least you know where you stand now and what you can expect. You know that I can’t give up the fucking around on you on the side, and you know as I told you that first time that I couldn’t even stop making you a part of things. You’re still the only man that really knows how to make me scream like the frigging ***** I am. I really will try hard to make sure I don’t throw more at you than I think you can take, but I will keep doing it to you.”

Jason pulled his hand away from Abby’s and I knew he was resenting what she had caused to happen to his life. I explained what we had tried doing earlier.

“We weren’t trying to trap you earlier. Abby actually feels guilty about what she started and was just trying to make it up to you; honest. I was just pretending to hold her down so you’d get excited thinking that you were getting revenge on her. I know how much you hate her for what she’s done, but I also know you’ll forgive her in time. And just so you know, I love the girl, but anytime you want to fuck the hell out of her to feel better about things, go ahead.”

Abby snapped her head my way as if to say that she hadn’t allowed that, but too bad. It was her turn to suck it up now.

“Now that Mack is neutralized, things are back on track and I don’t have to worry about him hurting you. But sweetheart, you will be blowing him again when I want to see it. That’s just too great of a turn on for me to deny to you. Did you see Abby’s reaction? She nearly had a stroke watching it happen, but you don’t have to worry; no one’s ever going to find out about what you have to do for me. Except of course, the guys you have to do it to. But come on, I’ve watched your cock when you’ve been getting put through it. Whether you’re getting hard because you know what it’s doing to me watching it, or because you really like it, you still get very hard at times. Outside of our privacy, no one will ever know that you’re my little cocksucker.”

Jason looked right at me finally and asked, “And what about what you put on the net. You don’t think anyone will ever see that?”

“No one you know will ever see those pictures. Even if they did, so what? You told me that you never plan on going back home again.”

“My family?”

That knocked the wind right out of me. I hadn’t even considered that, but he was right. Someone that knew him could conceivably see the videos and tell his parents. “Oh god, I never thought of that. I’m so fucking sorry. It just never occurred to me that…”

We all sat there in silence as we pondered the possible results of my impulsive behavior. I finally told him that I had simply blown it and that there wasn’t anything I could do about it now. I promised him to think about such things in the future and weighed the probability against his parents ever seeing the videos.

Jason asked, “And what about Kenny. I know he’s the type to look at that crap on the web. Can I expect him to show up next?”

Abby floored me when she answered that one. “Jason, don’t let him bother you. To be honest, I’ve been thinking of dumping him anyway. I didn’t like the way he beat you up; that was never suppose to happen. He was just afraid that you were going to get him in trouble when he tried to get you to do that to him and… well, you know. You were there. But to be honest… you’re going to hate me for this… but seeing how fucking thrilled Bliss is over what she has these days, I’m not so sure I won’t be changing my life a little, too. Yeah, true, it’s not so much fun for the guy in your position, but damn? Being able to fuck around and knowing I still had a guy like you to come home to is just so unreal. It’s a good fucking thing you belong to Bliss, or I’d be tricking you into being my cuckold now.” I could see she was really sincere, and after her complimenting Jason as she had, she added, “After you ate me out yesterday, I know now why Bliss will never leave you. It’s not just how good you are, it was the feeling you gave me that you really were trying to please without getting a thing out of it for yourself. That’s the truest form of love there is. Just think about how you use to get blowjobs from your girlfriends in high school and they were satisfied with that? They didn’t need anything else for themselves, and yesterday you didn’t need anything either.”

I interrupted, “Jason never really did that. He doesn’t even like blowjobs that much.” And seeing that his mood was picking up, I just had to take a little poke at him. “Unless he’s giving them, I guess.”

Abby grabbed Jason’s hand again and wouldn’t let him pull it away this time. “Look it, Jason. Not only do I not think less of you being Bliss’ cuckold, I admire you. You’re like the only guy I’ve ever known that loves his girl so much that you would do anything for her. And I know she’s really taking advantage of you, but guys do this to us all the time. I know that doesn’t make it right, but… you’re just so fucking sweet to put up with her.” She bit her lower lip and told him directly to her face, “I owe you big time. Between everything I’ve done to you, and what you did for me yesterday, and… well, I really owe you. So, Bliss has already told me it was okay once, so if you ever just want to make things even a little, don’t let an opportunity like earlier pass you by again.”

I saw how sincere she was being and I interjected, “As far as I’m concerned, you can fuck her anytime you want. You might even like her blowjobs; she had quite a name going for her in high school.”

It was becoming clear that our sincerity was coming through loud and clear, so I grabbed Jason’s other hand and asked, “Are you okay, now?”

He nodded his head sheepishly, but I needed to be sure we were clear and needed to hear it one more time to be sure.

“You understand now that you’re my cuckold, and you can live with that?”

Jason nodded again while staring a hole into the table.

“And you understand I’m still going to train you to do all the nasty little things that drive me fucking wild?”

A little more slowly, he nodded again.

“And most importantly, do you really understand how frigging much I love you more than any other guy in the world?”

There wasn’t a nod this time, but he did finally smile.

“Good,” I said, “because, you really do drive me up a fucking wall over watching you.”

That was when I saw just how sincere Abby had been about changing her own life when she asked Jason, “And I know you’re probably going to hate me even more… but if I promise to behave myself… can I play, too? I know I don’t need you’re permission if Bliss says its okay, but it would mean a lot to me to know you’re okay with it, too.”

Jason stared at her like he couldn’t believe her words, but he finally looked back at the table and muttered, “I guess!”

With that out of the way, I ordered Jason to get us all beers and we proceeded to get wasted. Abby and I kept working on Jason to feel better about him self all the while and he even began opening up to the both of us. He admitted just how degrading it felt to him doing some of things that I threw at him and Abby pointed out that maybe that was something that he liked on a subconscious level. After all, quite often that’s the thing that girls like about giving men head; the feel of being used and degraded. Jason really proved to be quite a trooper when he began joking about things.

Jason asked us if we knew exactly what he thought was the nastiest thing we had made him do so far. Believing he was serious, I suggested the blowjob he had given Mack in front of the two of us. He looked at me and as he nodded at Abby, he said, “Having to eat that bitch.”

When we saw that he was just taking a shot at her in jest, we cracked up laughing. I felt so pleased that my cuckold was now openly accepting his position and had an urgency to reward him, so I told them I would be right back and ran out the door to the convenience store next to us. When I came back and they saw I had bought a clothesline, Jason sat back in his chair figuring the worst. They tried bugging me to tell them what I was doing as I cut off two pieces of the rope, but it wasn’t until I had them tied to the posts at the head of the bed that I said anything.

I told Abby to come to me and began taking off her top. Thinking we were going to double team Jason again, she helped me out by taking off her own bra. I grabbed her arm and began pulling it to the bedpost before she understood she was the one getting tied down. She didn’t fight it since she saw no ill will in it for her. She let me tie off her other wrist and then I took a few quick grabs of her titties for my own pleasure. I got off the bed and went around to hug Jason from behind him and speaking loud enough for Abby to hear, “The bitch is all yours honey. And I know you wouldn’t feel good fucking another girl in front of me, so, I’m going for a walk. You have her all to yourself and I expect you to make her pay for what she’s done to you. Fuck her, eat her… do whatever you want. Just don’t leave any bruises on my girl.”

I was about to leave them alone, but I figured I’d give Jason a little added incentive and went back to the bed. I unsnapped her shorts, unzipped them, and yanked them and her panties down just enough to leave her bush nicely *******. We shared a knowing eye between us, and I skipped over to kiss Jason goodbye. “I want you to have some fun. Take it while you can.”

All the while I was walking back and forth trying to give them at least an hour alone together, I couldn’t get my mind off all the wonderful things I could now say and do openly. I came to the conclusion that Jay probably was getting a little more out of his torture at my hands as Abby had suggested. I never thought of him as a wimp, and if he really hated the things I was forcing on him, I would expect that he would fight it just a little more than he did. Either way, I was getting the real benefit of his acquiescence, so I wasn’t going to confront him on the issue. Just after an hour had passed, I headed back to the motel.

When I opened the door to our room, I was surprised to see Jason sitting in a chair watching television and Abby was still tied down. Her shorts and pants had been removed, and she looked half asleep.

I went over to her and she whined for me to untie her, but I pushed her left leg away to open her up, and felt her cunt. It was as dry as a bone. I asked, “What the fuck? I thought you’d at least fuck her this time.”

Abby rolled her eyes and exclaimed, “Oh god, he did a lot more than that. He did that thing with his fingers you told me about and I thought the cops would be breaking down the fucking door over my screams.”

I smiled knowing that Jason had indeed taking some revenge on her, and since her hands were tied down, I knew just how frigging crazy she had to have been not being able to defend her crotch. I began untying her and there were dark marks on her wrists telling me that she had been struggling to get free at some point. “So, what did he do to you?”

She was as excited as a virgin while she told me. “First, he just finished pulling off my clothes, and then he just sat there staring at my crotch. Then he got undressed and sat between my legs while he played with himself. I got so frustrated thinking he was just going to whack off on me that I started begging him to fuck me. When that didn’t work, I started calling him a few names… you know? That was when I saw he was just fucking toying with me and he started eating me out again. The bastard got me to cum twice, and then he had this really evil grin on his face that scared the hell out of me. That was when he finally started using his fingers like you told me about. He had me just to the point of cumming again, when he snapped his fingers closed. He had his thumb right over my clit and his other two fingers holding the same point inside of me, and just tormented the hell out of me. Even when I begged him to stop as I was climaxing, he just kept doing it. I can’t believe it, but you know… I think I ejaculated like you told me he did to you. I definitely felt something squirting out of me. Who would believe a guy knows how to get a girl to cum harder than she can do to herself?”

I responded with, “See, I told you he’s the fucking man down there. Now you see why I could never leave him? And it’s not just the expert head, it’s the love you feel coming from him.”

“Well, shit, that was just the start. I know you need a big dick to feel really fucked, but honey, he has plenty for me. He fucked me silly.”

I was a little puzzled and asked her why she was so dry now and seemingly spotless. After all, it was her pristine condition that had made me feel her in the first place.

“That’s where I think a lot of your evilness is rubbing off on him. He went over there and turned on the TV and I thought, ‘I don’t want this to end’, so I told him I wanted him to clean up the mess he had left. I was just kidding really, but I thought maybe he would come over and snuggle with me, or feel me up, or something. I taunted him for a while and he seemed to get a little ticked off at me. Just as he came at me, my phone rang and he looked to see it was Kenny calling me. And you know what that prick did to me?”

Again I was puzzled over her continued exuberance. “What?”

“That fucker flipped open my phone and wedged it near my ear. Here I was, already feeling guilty as hell for cheating on Kenny yet again, and literally sopping wet, and that bastard…”

We both looked his way to see him staying engrossed in the TV and she finished her story.

“That bastard grinned really bad and ****** my legs apart, and started eating me out again. His stuff down there and all! I know he just did it to make it nearly impossible for me to talk on the phone. I had to lie my ass off to Kenny trying to get him to believe nothing was going on, but with all my little impromptu squeals, I don’t really think he believed me. That fucker! Then when he was finished, he just went over there to watch TV and left me tied up; the prick”

I went over to Jason and gave him a peck on the top of his head and said, “Such a good boy. I bet you feel better now, don’t you? And even cleaned up after yourself? Hell, you haven’t even done that for me. You must like the taste of her; I know I did.”

Abby came over to us and pushed him hard on the shoulder, but his eyes never left the boob tube. He did reveal a hint of a grin over having taunted Abby so well, though. But then she said, “You’re an ass, you know that?” She bent over and kissed him on his cheek and added, “If that didn’t feel so fucking good, I’d say we were totally even. You know, you’re making it really hard for me to want to go back home.”

I don’t know what it was, but I got a bad vibe from Jason and just before eleven I asked him to accompany me to the store to get some more beer. I thought that it might have had something to do with Abby deciding to stay another day. I had warned her that she might get fired if she didn’t get back to work, but I knew where her head was at; trying to figure out her own situation sexually.

I stopped Jason half way to the store and asked, “So, was it that good?”

He looked at me a little funny, but admitted that he had liked taken some measure of vengeance against her.

“No, I mean, did you like fucking her? You seem really happy and I just really want to know the truth.”

I could see him trying to choose his words carefully. Finally he answered, “Yeah, I guess she was pretty good. I guess the only thing that would have made it better would have been gagging her mouth.”

That caused me to belch out in laughter and when I got myself together, I asked the real question. “Is she good enough that I should be worried?”

It wasn’t nearly as much the words he said, as it was the speed in which he said them that made me feel a whole lot better.

“No way!”

After I took a turn at grasping for words I asked, “Would you… ever leave me for her?”

Jason looked at me like I was a raving lunatic. “Do you think I would put up with this whole bag of crap if I had any desire to leave you? For anyone?”

Once again, that was why I loved the guy so frigging much. I guess he saw how vulnerable I was at the moment and decided to expand his thoughts for me.

“Yeah, she was a good lay and it was fun, but she’s not you. I guess what I liked most was that she was happy with my dick. I miss that about you. But as long as I can make you smile one way or the other, I’m not leaving. I have a lot more to worry about you leaving than you do me.”

I asked him again if he was going to be okay knowing that he was really going to be cuckolded by me for as long into the future as I could see, and he told me that as long as I kept it somewhat hidden from public view, that he would find a way to handle it. I promised I would and I would also strive to make him as happy as he did me. I also needed to know that he could be satisfied with screwing me less and seeing me dating other guys for that end of things. He pointed out that he had been laid three times in the last couple of weeks, by three different hotties. If I would “allow” him a chance to do that now and then, he knew we could make it. It turned out that all three girls had thought he was decent size compared to what they normally got from other boys and I started to see that it was I that had the problem in the area.

“So, you think I’m going to let you have a different girl every time? I don’t think so. Maybe once every other month or so, but I don’t think I could handle more than that.”

He smiled and replied, “I could live with that; as long as you’re happy. And what about Abby? When is she leaving?”

I teased him about wanting to get at her again already, and then told him some bad news. I was getting the hint that she really didn’t want to leave. Just to feel him out about things, I said, “Maybe I’ll have her stay out here with us and have her help me in your training. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

His annoyed look pretty much told me his thoughts, but then he shocked me with, “No, but I would hope that you at least keep her in line.”

That floored me that he didn’t become irate over the idea and again to feel him out I asked, “And that way when I think you really, really need to get your funk on, I could always let you take out your frustrations on her. Could she keep you happy in that department?”

“You wouldn’t like that, I know it. I could handle it, but no way would you be able to stand for that even once a month.”

That sounded like a dare to me and I knew I would have to give that idea some thought. It could be awesome having someone like Abby around to help me enjoy my new life. I had a lot of fun with her over the weekend in relation to Jason, and I knew she was right into this cuckolding thing. However, my own insecurities would force me to keep a close eye on her if she did stay.

I turned and started walking for the store again and out of nowhere came from my own lips, “Is my cunt hole that loose?”

I obviously startled Jason with such an abrupt question. I clarified the question with, “I mean, the other girls think your size is just fine, and I know you have some great moves, so is it me? Am I just that fucking loose that it’s just me you can’t satisfy?”

“In your mind you are, but I don’t think so.” He had a smug look on his face and when he saw I had caught it he added, “Okay, Bella is a little tighter… maybe, but she’s smaller than you, too.”

I used my high singing, teasing voice to taunt him, “Oooh, Jason like’s Bella. Maybe she’s the one I should be worried about.”

“No,” he responded, “besides, I know you have a crush on her. That’s so fucking cute I couldn’t come between you and her for anything.”

I was flustered that he could read me that well, and asked, “You don’t care that I’ve been checking out girls lately; do you?”

“Hell no! At least I know I don’t have to do the other stuff. Besides, it’s not my place, remember? I’m just the cuckold. We agreed that as long as you stayed safe…”

It was some fucking erotic to hear Jason refer to himself as my cuckold, and even more awesome that he was assuming that he had no say in my other affairs. Just before we went into the store I went for one final raw dig to remind us both who was running the show. I opened the door for Jason to steal away his normal gesture for me, and asked, “So, who’s my bitch?”

He smirked and started to walk through the door when I repeated my question while stopping him. When he saw I was serious, he stated, “I am.”

I grinned brighter than the store lights and followed him in. It felt oddly cool to open the door for a guy that just agreed that he was my bitch. And it wasn’t like he was just saying it to please me; he was agreeing with the facts. Just something as simple as walking around that store felt really neat knowing that I was the top dog and everything else that went along with it. I kept flirting with Jason as we searched the shelves for some munchies; even pointing out a girl I thought was cute to tease Jason. When he didn’t seem at all interested, I pointed to an older man and that just got him irritated.

On the way back I sort of talked out loud to myself as I wondered about all the nasty things I could get to see with a little help from Abby. Jason knew I was teasing him, but I was really feeling him out over what might be acceptable to him. I kept going back to the idea of Abby and I teaming up to share Jason to some extent, and I was beginning to see a very interesting side to that idea. We stopped at the half way point again and I threw a really wild party idea at Jason just for the thrill of seeing him squirm.

“What if Abby and I took you to a party, where no one knew you, and had some wicked fun. I’m thinking, maybe, blindfold you and put you on your knees, and then tell all the guys at the party that you cheated on me and have them help me teach you a lesson. What do you think? Could you suck off a dozen guys or so?” When he refused to look at me, yet voiced no dissent, I went on. “I bet you could do it if I let you have at Bella again? You just need some more training.”

We started walking again and I could tell that Jason really didn’t like hearing me talking so casually about training him. My mind wandered back to his screwing Abby and I asked him just before the hotel who he would pick between the three girls if he could screw just one of them. After humming and hawing for a while, I finally asked, “It would be Bella, wouldn’t it? Come on… you already made that pretty clear when you told me how tight she was.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But, could you lighten up on the training thing. It worries me.”

“Sorry hun, but over half of the whole training thing of a cuckold is mental. I’m training your mind more than anything. Just suck it up and be a good bitch for momma.”

As we walked into the room, I instantly asked Abby, “Why don’t you move out here for good. You can help me train Jason and I can teach you about making a man into your cuckold. It’s not as easy as it looks, you know.”

Jason was very agitated and slinked off to the bathroom to take a shower, and I began hatching plans with Abby to do just as I had proposed. She was all for the idea and as excited over my proposal as anything I ever saw. Right from the start, Kenny was going to get dumped, and she was going to get a job to help us get an apartment. I suggested a celebration to seal the deal and Abby’s eyes grew huge. We stripped down and each sat with our backs against the headboard of the bed. By the time Jason came out of the shower in only a towel to get some fresh shorts, I had some very bad news for him.

“Guess what, Jay? It’s settled! Abby is going to help me in your training and that means if you’re a good boy long enough, I’ll have her to reward you with; but you’ll have to adapt to your training very well to get that good of a prize.”

I caught him up on the plans we had made and to settle the whole deal, I had Jason fetch us drinks and we all chugged another beer. Then the fun began again. I grabbed the towel away from him leaving him as nude as we were, and then parted my legs. Abby did the same thing and I asked him, “Which one of us do you want to please first?”

Eventually, I made up his mind for him and pulled him between my legs, and then made a grab for his head. As I got him to working like a good boy, I mused over the idea of shaving myself bald again and told Abby how much Jason liked sucking on smooth lips. Abby began teasing him for his opinion and eventually he agreed that he really loved the look of bald babes. That’s when he gave her first order to Jason by telling him that first thing in the morning he would be responsible for shaving the both of us, and then I added that it was such a good idea that it would be his permanent job from now on.

For the next half hour we lazily passed Jason back and forth between servicing our crotches and he even laughed with us about the humorous way we went about doing it. Abby finally asked for Jason to repeat what he had done earlier in the evening and try to make her ejaculate again. Because we were all buzzed out of our minds, it took him quite a while even with me telling Abby what she had to do to help herself, but in the end I found myself covering her mouth to keep her quiet while Jason struggled to keep her hips under his control. I found it amazing that so few girls know how to cum like that.

When Jason considered her turn was finished, he smiled at me in that special way of his that said, “It’s your turn.” I hunkered my hips back into position for my own mind bending orgasm as Jason exclaimed about Abby, “It was a lot easier when she was tied up.”
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