Ch. 14: Back at Michelle's apartment

Matt swung his car into Michelle apartment block, and Michelle directed him to the visitor's parking area. We alighted from the car, and made our way towards Michelle's apartment. My cock twitched again as I noticed Kylie take Matt's hand into hers, and we followed Michelle inside.

Michelle switched on a squat table lamp, and it feebly illuminated the lounge-room. Michelle invited us all to take a seat, and Kylie artfully guided Matt to the couch and then sat down beside him. In almost a daze I sank into an armchair as Michelle busied herself fixing drinks in the kitchen. Matt had asked for coke, as did I, and the girls had a glass of white wine. Michelle then joined us in the murky lounge-room, handing out glasses before sinking into the other armchair next to mine. I idly wondered if the dim lighting was planned or accidental.

Kylie had seized a remote control on a coffee table in front of Michelle's couch, and she turned on the TV and she found a music video channel pumping out the latest hits. We made small talk in the semi-darkness about several popular bands and artists. As we chatted, Kylie had been slowly edging closer and closer to Matt on the couch until she was finally sat with her hips pressing to his. She now turned slightly towards him and lifted up her nylon-clad legs so that they were curled up in front of her on the couch. This meant that she pressed even closer to him, and my cock throbbed again as I watched Matt casually drape his arm over Kylie's shoulders. She tilted forwards to allow his arm to drop and curl around her waist. She then leaned back against his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. My stomach fluttered.

Michelle flicked a subtle side-glance towards me, and her face arched with the slightest of smiles. We watched the TV for another minute or so, and I heard Matt mumbled something to Kylie. From the corner of my eye I watched as she looked up into his face, smiled - and then my stomach did flip-flops as she softly pressed her lips to his.

I am sure that Michelle heard my soft intake a breath as the kiss deepened. My cock throbbed joyfully inside its metal prison, and I felt my balls contract. In the soft light I watched as Kylie turned more fully towards Matt, and she now reached up to place her hand behind his neck as they began to kiss in earnest. The soft smack of their lips punctuated the music wailing from the TV. Michelle glanced sidelong at me again, and smiled.

I was now trembling slightly as my wife and her new playmate continued and intensified their kissing. Almost as if to add to my dilemma, Michelle stretched out her long legs, and she idly began slipping her right foot slowly in and out of her black high-heeled shoe. The motion was almost sexual, and my cock again voiced its approval with another quiver. My lower stomach felt warm and loose.

Michelle reached for her handbag, and withdrew a pack of cigarettes from within. Upon opening the pack, she frowned.

"Shit, I'm almost out of smokes," she grunted. She glanced over at me and said: "Wanna walk me to the service station, hun? I gotta get some more smokes."

"Yep - sure," I muttered in a tight, almost squeaky voice. So this was Michelle's little distraction - to get me to ****** her to the 24-hour service station at the end of her block, leaving Kylie and her new playmate alone for ten or fifteen minutes. My sister-in-law was sneaky.

"Come on then," Michelle told me, rising up from the chair.

Kylie and Matt broke their kiss, although they were still pressing close to each other as I almost dazedly arose. Kylie briefly turned her face away from Matt, and my heart nearly stopped when she sent me a salacious wink, and then extended the tip of her moist, pink tongue and quickly rolled it suggestively around her lips. My legs went weak.

Michelle slung her handbag over her shoulder and turned to the pair. "We're just gonna walk down to the service station to get some smokes. You two love-birds want anything?"

They both answered in the negative. I could see that Kylie's hand had moved up to rest on Matt's thigh. My imprisoned cock throbbed again.

"Okay," Michelle replied. She sent the pair a grin and playfully added: "We won't be long, but we don't wanna get back and find you two lovers steaming up our couch! Use the damned bedroom, okay?" Michelle finished with a tinkling laugh.

I had to admire Michelle's droll but cunning method of letting Matt know that they were free to use the spare bedroom, and that Michelle and I were practically expecting it. Very slick.

"Michelle!" Kylie gasped in mock-outrage, and then she laughed herself. Matt blushed, but he grinned sheepishly as well. I ****** a weak laugh, and then Michelle grabbed my hand. "Let's go, hun," she told me. We made our way out into the cool night air.

A bright moon cast its soft glare over us, and Michelle's high-heels clicked in a steady sensual rhythm on the footpath as we began our stroll toward the service station. As though to take my mind off events back at her apartment, she began telling me a story about one of her neighbors. I listened with as much attention as I could muster, replying in grunts and monosyllables where needed. The gleaming red and yellow Shell billboard grew steadily larger ahead of us as she spoke on, and by the time Michelle had concluded her narrative we were approaching the paved concrete driveway of the service station. Her hand still clasped mine, and she finally turned her face towards me.

"How's the excitement level now?" she asked softly.

"Almost unbearable," I replied.

"You're shaking, sweetie," Michelle said.

I nodded. My balls ached softly as I walked.

"Do you think they're still on the couch?" she asked in a silky voice.

"I don't know," I replied huskily. The harsh strip lighting under the service station canopy illuminated us as we entered the wide driveway.

"Or maybe they're already in the bedroom," Michelle mused airily. "I wonder if he's discovered that your wicked little wife is wearing stockings and suspenders yet?" She sent me a sidelong glance, and her lips curled into a smile.

"Jesus!" I almost hissed.

Michelle giggled. "Aww, I'm sorry, sweetie. I won't tease you for a bit, ok?"

I simply nodded as we walked the last few yards into the painfully bright interior of the service station. The moon-faced attendant glanced at Michelle's legs for a few seconds before returning his attention back to the small portable TV sitting next to his console.

Michelle told me she needed to use the rest room. As I waited for her my mind was fervently wondering about events back at her apartment. A vision of Kylie kneeling in front of Matt flashed before me; she had his hard cock in her mouth, and her head bobbed back and forth as her soft, pouty lips slid sensuously up and down his shaft, leaving traces of her lipstick behind. Her eyes gazed adoringly up at him as her hands reached around to cup the cheeks of his ass. Kylie teasingly pulled back so that the underside of his wide purple glans rested on her lower lip, and she flicked her tongue rapidly under the head of his cock, that foxy little grin that I knew so well spreading across her upturned face as she winked at him.

I stifled an involuntary groan and tried to rid my mind of the vision. Michelle returned from the rest room a few moments later. She took my hand and then, to my confusion, towed me back out into the cool night air. I started to remind her about her cigarettes - when it all suddenly became clear.

"I'm guessing that you didn't really need cigarettes after all," I remarked - more a statement than a question.

"Nope," Michelle replied. "I have two packs in my bedroom, and another in my handbag. But I had to use some excuse to give my little sister some time alone with sexy Matt, didn't I?" We began our stroll back to her apartment.

"You sure gave them the go-ahead to use the spare bedroom, too," I pointed out, referring to her parting shot to Kylie and Matt about not steaming up her couch. Even recalling her remark sent a tingle of excitement through me.

Michelle giggled softly. "Yeah - I guess that was a bit blatant of me, huh? But I'm sure it got the message across. Let's see - three or four minutes for us to walk up here. A few minutes inside the service station. Then another three or four minutes for us to walk back. That gives them maybe ten minutes or more all alone, and a nice cozy bedroom that they know they can use just up the hallway."

I was silent for a few seconds. The only sound was Michelle high-heels clicking rhythmically on the footpath, and my own rapid pulse rushing though my ears. Michelle's slender palm felt warm and moist against my own.

"You think they'll go up to the bedroom?" I asked softly.

Michelle allowed a soft smile to caress her face. "If you had just picked Kylie up at a club, and you got her alone and knew there was a bedroom handy, would you hesitate if she invited you to take her up there?"

I knew the answer to that question. "No - I wouldn't."

"Let me put it this way, sweetie," Michelle said quietly. "I'm sure Matt didn't drive us all back home from a sense of charity - he was hoping to get into Kylie's pants. And I've a fair idea that my little sister would've dropped him a few hints back at the club that he'd do just that once they got back to my apartment. And now he knows that there's an available bed just up the hallway."

Once again a taunting image flashed before me; Kylie sliding her skirt down her shapely thighs as Matt drank in the sight of my wife in black stockings and suspenders. Almost involuntarily my gaze slid down to Michelle's smooth supple legs, and I quelled another soft groan. My fingers tightened slightly around hers.

Michelle noted my quick glance at her long legs, and from the corner of my eye I saw her smile softly. "This is really making you hot, isn't it?" she asked.

I nodded. "Uh-huh."

I glanced sidelong at her, and she met my gaze and smiled. "Well, as far as them using the bedroom goes?" she said quietly. "They are probably already up there now, sweetie. A few minutes kissing on the couch, the pair of them getting hotter and hotter, getting all touchy-feely. He probably slid his fingers up her skirt, or started fondling her tits. And soon Kylie would have panted in his ear that they might be more comfy in the bedroom, and that they should go now before we get back. And he would have whisked her up the hallway and into that bedroom faster than you can say let's fuck."

I swallowed, and I found that I couldn't reply.

"So, sweetie?" Michelle continued playfully. "I would bet that right now she's already stripping off that tight little skirt of hers, and that my frisky little sister is having a good go at getting his pants off as well." She finished with a wink at me, and a slow, teasing giggle.

My balls tightened. "Jesus, you're so evil - just like your little sister!" I gasped.

Michelle chuckled huskily. "Probably worse, actually! You don't know the half, sweetie!" She winked at me again. "And you thought I was a prim and proper sister-in-law, huh?" She chuckled softly.

"You're not as innocent as I thought you were - that's for sure," I muttered.

"You got that right, sweetie," she responded. "Kylie tells me that she has you locked up in one of your little toys?"

I nodded. "I basically wear it seven days a week."

"Tell me - how does it feel?" she asked. "I mean, how does it feel not to be able to touch yourself or cum until Kylie lets you out? Does it make you horny all the time?"

I couldn't restrain a smile. "Horny is putting it mildly, I guess you could say."

Michelle turned her moonlit face towards me. "Kylie told me that she only lets you cum every two weeks."

I nodded again. "Yes - two weeks usually. But sometimes sooner." A waft of her perfume drifted over me. It suddenly struck me how bizarre it was that I was freely discussing the intimate details of my sex life with my sister-in-law - and especially the details of the game Kylie and I were playing. But I guess that Michelle was a part of that game now. Another lurid tingle of excitement flooded through me, adding to the carnal ache of wondering what my wife was doing back at Michelle's apartment. My cock quivered restlessly inside of the steel tube as though it was relishing Michelle's curiosity.

"Do you enjoy waiting for that long?" Michelle asked.

I pondered for a few seconds. As long as we were going to talk about it, I might as well be candid. "The waiting and the tension is what makes it so hot, maybe. Each day that passes makes me want her a little more. The desire grows and grows, and the tension builds and builds. Sometimes it feels like I'm high on something, like a drug. It's kinda hard to explain - but when Kylie unlocks the tube, and we make love, it's like the first time all over again."

"Hmm, interesting," Michelle replied. "I was kinda curious about how it feels from your side. Kylie has told me how much she loves driving you insane and teasing you when you're locked up."

"Kylie has taken that kind of tease to an art-form," I remarked.

"So I gather. What about her and Matt right now, then - is that a tease?"

Once again I pondered the question. "Well, for me I guess it's the ultimate tease - knowing that she is giving some other guy what I want and crave so desperately. Like she's doing the kinkiest thing she can ever do to tease me, and make me wait."

Michelle smiled softly. "And that excites you?"


"Even if Matt has a bigger cock than you?"

I felt my face redden in the darkness. "That just adds to it, I guess."

"That Kylie may be getting off on a guy who has a bigger dick than you?"

My face flushed further. "Uh-huh." I nodded.

Michelle swiveled her head towards me and changed tack slightly. "And the toy that you wear is making you smaller?"

My hand clenched hers slightly tighter. "Yes."

"Kylie teases you about that too, doesn't she?" Michelle inquired softly.


"And that makes you hot? Hearing her tease you about being smaller?"

"Yes, for some reason it does - a lot."

Michelle felt my hand quiver again as it clenched hers, and her smile broadened. "Does it excite you that I'm asking you about it?"

I lowered my eyes. "In a way it does, yes," I muttered.

"And what would you do if I teased you about it?"

I turned my face towards her. "Shake a lot harder than I am now."

Michelle laughed softly. "Well I wouldn't want that; you'll probably be shaking enough in a few minutes. But I can't promise that I won't pick at you before the night is over, though."

"Yep - you're just as evil as your sister!" I muttered softly.

"I sure am - little one." Michelle giggled softly as I clenched her hand tighter and drew a sharp breath. "Kylie told me that was one of the wicked names she calls you. Speak of the devil, we'll probably know what's going on back at the apartment in a minute. The spare bedroom light was off when we left. Won't it be interesting to see if it's on now?"

I simply nodded. I found that I was waiting breathlessly for us to approach the apartment building. Michelle's high-heels clicked hypnotically on the footpath as we made our way closer. As we passed a neighboring hedge Michelle craned her neck and peered ahead. She gave a low chortle and came to a halt.

"Well, well, well," she began. "The spare bedroom light is on." She turned to me. "See it?"

I could see it, alright - the spare bedroom curtain was indeed brightly illuminated from behind. I uttered a low moan as my cock quivered inside its prison again. As Michelle and I watched, the brightly-lit curtain suddenly went much darker, but not completely black.

"Someone just turned off the main light, and now only the bedside lamp is on," Michelle informed me.

"Oh, Jesus Christ," I gasped. I gripped her slender hand tighter.

Michelle turned to me. "How's the excitement level now?"

"Screaming!" I huskily replied.

Michelle smiled. "I bet it is, sweetie. And you are shaking worse than ever."

I could only swallow what little saliva I had left and nod in reply.

"Come on - let's go inside," Michelle murmured. "The spare room is at the far end of the apartment - but we might just be able to make out what your frisky little wife is up to."

Her high-heels began clicking sensually on the footpath again as she lead me towards the apartment.