Ascending Lauren Ch. 03


Lauren woke a little past noon to a throbbing headache. Remembering that her friend and coworker had ********** on the couch just hours ago, she crept to the apartment's living area only to discover a nicely folded blanket and a note.

Let myself out. Thanks for a special evening, one filled with surprises and prose. Amy.

Lauren managed a feeble smile through the pulsating pain. It certainly had been a night to remember; or forget, she wasn't sure yet. Dirty dancing, hand job to a stranger, listening to her husband and best friend orgasm at the same time - and in different states, no less. No, not an ordinary evening.

After calling both daughters to catch up on their lives, Lauren changed into a soft cotton t-shirt and boxers, ready for a lazy day to nurse the hangover. Grabbing her tablet and yogurt, she curled up on the couch that had seen so much action the night before. Part of her wanted to cringe as she remembered just how slutty she'd been, especially with Max, the bar owner. Not

since college had she made out with more than one guy in a day's span. And while she didn't have sex, she came damn close. That's on me, she concluded. Corey may have set the table, but I didn't have to pick up the fork.
Remarkably, given her historically modest demeanor, she felt little shame. Perhaps a bit of remorse for leading those poor guys on. That wasn't like her. Teasing would not have crossed her mind a week ago - intoxicated or not. Clearly the green light from her husband to broaden her horizons had influenced those decisions, cemented by copious amounts of alcohol. She could also not deny the smattering of male attention received over the past couple months had slowly fueled her arousal. At this point she was like a balloon at maximum capacity. A balloon blown up by Corey himself. Lauren also felt unquestionably different today than yesterday. So...bohemian and avant-garde.

Lauren dialed Corey's number. It went straight to voicemail. On the rooftop with the AC guys, she guessed. Damn that job! It completely ruined their holiday plans. Tablet on, she tried to become interested in the news of the day, but quickly tired of the violence and politics. Staring blankly at the browser, she recalled yesterday's rather intimate conversation with Amy. With curiosity, she typed in the word "hotwife". The wide range of results surprised her: websites offering photos, videos, literature, and even jewelry associated with the concept. She navigated to a few explicit "sharing the wife" videos. Lauren was not unfamiliar with porn, in fact, Corey and she had watched a few rented DVDs over the years when that medium was in vogue. Yet, it wasn't something she sought out in her free time. Most of her ******** to pornography had involved couples, with the occasional mixed-gender orgy. It never occurred to her that a wife having sex with someone other than her husband was a "thing". Having relations with someone other than your spouse was simply cheating, or involved that "swinger" stuff that no one in her Iowan circles talked about.

Lauren opened a blog entitled "Why He Wants to Share". Her inquisitiveness deepened as she learned "hotwifing" was quite a common fetish among men, if myriad stories, films, and online search term counts were any indicator. Attracted by the wide spectrum of emotions experienced when sharing their wives, these men relished the validation of knowing the women choosing to wear their wedding ring was still highly desirable and worthy of being pursued. Beyond their own gratification - which was undeniably a major part of the kink - many also wanted their wives to experience a level of sexual fulfillment they, for whatever reason, could not give them. For these men, pleasure wasn't a one-way street just for them. No, there were many examples of men with physical issues, like low stamina, or psychological issues, such as performance insecurities or premature ejaculation, who were genuinely benevolent. Most wanted to share the experience, to live in the moment; others were content to be told of the details later. Regardless of preference, if their wife wasn't happy, neither were they. Reclamation sex - as the author called it - was especially important in this relationship, providing closure to the event, and a return to normalcy for the couple.

Not surprisingly, Lauren also found many videos with "hotwife" in the title. They were interesting to a point, but none as much as the literature she found. For her, reading about

sexual experiences was far more erotic than watching plastic actors in a film with bad lighting. The stories she perused varied in content, some claimed to be true, others fictional. Similarities to the tall tales Corey had conjured up in the past were readily apparent. So her husband wasn't the only one with a twisted imagination. The more she read, the more aroused she became. Amy was dead on. Nasty words significantly enhanced the emotional response to the sex acts themselves.
Lauren pressed the tablet into her waist as she read intently. In doing so, her arms gently brushed against both breasts, thinly covered by the cotton tee. Electricity arced across her nipples and down between her legs, inducing some dampness. She happened upon the retelling of a husband, his wife and two of his best friends on a fishing trip. The woman insisted on going with them, despite their attempts at talking her out of it. The story culminated with an evening campfire, where the wife danced erotically, trying to make them glad she tagged along. Eventually she had sex with the friends in front of her husband, then took hubby back to their tent for some hot one-on-one sex.

As she was drawn into the story, Lauren's hand slipped beneath her boxers, rubbing the folds of her vagina. She closed her eyes as the words from the story played out in her brain. Setting the tablet aside, her now free hand crept under the tee, finding hard and erect nipples. Thighs parted, she probed her moistened canal with one finger, then two. Back arched, the tight thin cotton shirt could barely contain the small breasts straining beneath. The woman in the story was now Lauren, dancing around the campfire, disrobing in front of Corey and two of his coworkers. Her husband watched them through burning embers as she collapsed between the other men, their hands groping and probing her body.

With one hand attacking her slippery hole, the other groped her small breasts. Lauren willed her imagination for more. She was now on her knees, one man driving into her from behind, the other pushing his penis down her throat. That she would find the latter even the least bit erotic surprised her. One summer night after graduating high school, she went down on an

overly excited boyfriend in the front seat of his car. Ejaculating just seconds after her mouth had closed over his throbbing shaft, she panicked as gobs of the sticky white stuff blasted down her throat and overflowed out her mouth, causing her to jerk her head back violently into the steering wheel. Needless to say, the date ended, and that guy forever ruined those chances for others after him. Campfire Lauren, however, was nowhere near as alarmed as teenage Lauren; Corey's coworkers continued to use her as their plaything.

Masturbating Lauren continued to drill two fingers into her slit, juices flowing heavily now. She kicked off the boxers and placed her feet far apart on the coffee table. A short time later, the orgasm began welling up inside as a decadent and depraved image flashed in front of her. All three men were now standing above, ejaculating their sperm onto her face and breasts, reminiscent of the "money shots" she had seen in those porn videos. Her hips began to buck violently at the thought, as spasms rolled across her body, causing her feet to shake the glass table on which they were planted. The orgasm rolled on, so intense that her torso convulsed uncontrollably as hands squeezed the couch cushions beside her, mouth opened in a silent

shriek. Lauren could feel the veins in her neck pulsating as those tiny breasts strained against the thin tee. Weeks of pent-up emotions bubbled inside her, trying to find their way out, until finally erupting as a prolonged, ear shattering scream that resonated loudly through the small apartment.

Lauren sat silently as her breathing slowed. Not one to frequently masturbate, she thought back to the imagery which had gotten her there. It was only fiction, to be sure, not unlike the stories Corey told all the time. But this time it was her imagination, not his. Clearly the image of three men coating her with sperm, um...cum, triggered a most massive orgasm, similar to...Lauren paused, not sure she was ready for where her next thought was taking her...similar to...the ones she experienced during previous stories with fictional extramarital lovers. The clear implication caused her heart to race, but she would not have time to dwell on it.

The ringing phone wrenched Lauren from the deep reflection. It was Corey. The HVAC installation had been a success, but even better, his boss was rewarding him with extra time off to compensate for working the holiday. He would be coming to Miami in just a few days to visit, better late than never. Lauren jumped up off the couch in joy, immediately rattling off all the things they should do while he was in town: the beach, the galleries, restaurants she had found.

Corey echoed her excitement, telling her she could decide; after all, it was her town. After getting a rundown on the great cafes in the district, his tone turned slightly more serious. "We also need to talk."

Lauren noted his inflection. "I know", she replied, well aware of what he was alluding to. "The fantasy phone sex was great, Lauren, but those pictures, those were real."

"I know," she repeated. "And we WILL talk about it, I promise. Can we please just wait until you are here? I have some explaining to do."

Corey thought it over. There was no telling where that conversation would go, and agreed it probably was best to have it in person. Reluctantly, he switched the topic to that of a potential family reunion over the Thanksgiving holiday. Before ending the call, Lauren made sure she had his itinerary and flight information. She made a note to take those days off work and to inventory her pantry for ingredients to Corey's favorite meal. As she thought about a side dish, Lauren blushed. How about a side dish of me, she chuckled? No lie, while he was here she had every intention of feeding her husband's mind AND body.


Lauren woke the next day with an abundance of energy, her hangover negated by a full 10 hours of sleep. She was chipper and wanted to make the most of the holiday. While contemplating the choices, her phone vibrated with a text from Amy. "Mad at me?"

Lauren immediately called her number. "Why would I be mad at YOU?" she blurted out. "I'm the one who acted out with YOUR friend."
"Yeah, well. I'm the one who jilled to your husband getting his rocks off too. I guess that makes us even."

The two recalled the evening in detail, feigning disgust at each other's behavior. Eventually the conversation turned to plans for the day. Lauren asked if she would care to come over and hang out at the pool with a few seltzers. Not having other plans, Amy readily accepted, noting it would be a perfect time to debut her new thong bikini.


The pool atop the high-rise was exceptionally busy by mid-afternoon, but that was not unexpected given the holiday. Elementary and high schools were out for the day, and local college students were enjoying the last long weekend of the summer.

Two of those students were in the water, trying to interest others in a game of soft volleyball, when one noticed two attractive women exit the elevator to the sun deck. The first was young, blonde, and drop-dead gorgeous, sporting a barely-there hot pink Brazilian bikini with nothing but strategically placed triangles to hide her wares. The other was much older, but slinky and tight, wearing a more modest snow-white bikini, her midnight black hair pulled back in a ponytail. Tony, a well-built football player from a near-by university, nudged his friend Tommy, nodding in the women's direction. Tommy turned and immediately recognized the mature woman as one whom he tried to hit on recently. Was the blonde her daughter? She was a fox too, but, damn, there was just something about that MILF.

Tony watched the newcomers look for empty lounge chairs. Knowing there were none, he wasted no time in jumping out of the pool and grabbing the boys' towels from the ones they themselves occupied.

"Hi ladies," he gestured, catching their eye. "You can have these two if you'd like. My buddy and I are just hanging out in the water anyway."

Lauren looked in the direction he was pointing and immediately realized he was referring to Tommy. Remembering his persistent flirtation, she futilely glanced around for alternative seating. To her chagrin, Amy readily accepted Tony's offer. He only requested they be able to continue to store their belongings under the chairs.

The young men feigned interest in punching the soft spongy volleyball back and forth across the plastic net strung across the pool. Their real focus now centered on the two women who were judiciously applying sunscreen to every inch of their delectable ******* skin. After allowing them to settle in, Tony slid out of the water under the guise of reapplying sunscreen.

"Need to keep those blisters away, you know," he smiled broadly, slowly coating his massive chest and legs with coconut smelling oil.

Amy pretended not to notice the young athlete in front of her but did a lousy job of it. She could not help but leer at his powerful legs, built from many hours of football practice, and the large bulge revealed by the wet, clingy suit. Lauren noticed her friend's not so subtle stares. "You need to cool down, sister," she chuckled.
"Speaking of cooling down," Tony said not so innocently, "we need a couple more bodies to play doubles. The water feels great. How 'bout it?"

Lauren began to protest, but Amy countered by expressing how great an idea that was! She grabbed the older woman's hand and pulled her off the chaise. "Live a little," Amy whispered. Lauren looked unsure as she waded into the pool, allowing the warm water to wash over her body. I've done enough living this weekend for a lifetime, she assessed silently.

"I'll take blondie," Tony announced, holding up the net as he and Amy bounced to the other side.

"Guess it's you and me then," Tommy grinned, giving Lauren a fist bump. "What's your name again?"

Not wanting to be a poor sport, she ****** a small smile. "I'm Lauren," she replied, "and you're Tommy, right?" The young man beamed back at her, pleased she had remembered his name.

The foursome played several sets, with Tony and Amy winning most of them. As the afternoon wore on, it was clear those two were developing a rather close friendship, if the groping and grabbing were indicative of anything. After a while, the volleyball game simply became an afterthought. That was not a bad thing, at least for Lauren, as her lack of comparative agility was obvious. Tommy was a good sport too, happily taking up the slack in her play. She decided he was quite likeable after all. Confident and persistent, to be sure, but tempered by a soft voice and a pleasant demeanor. Eventually the game was abandoned altogether, with Amy and Tony drifting off to a corner by themselves. Younger high school boys were quick to grab the volleyball and start their own contest.

Tommy nabbed a nearby Styrofoam noodle and handed it to Lauren, who wrapped her arms tightly around the device. She was not a particularly good swimmer and was relieved to no longer have to pogo off the bottom to keep her head above water. Her eyes followed the young man as he jumped out of the pool in search of a second floaty. Besides being nice, he really was unbelievably good looking, with a full summer's tan, chiseled abdomen, and sleek, muscular legs. Thick neck muscles gave way to a strong spine, which tapered to a very cute butt. She tried to push any untoward thoughts from her mind, but the same emotions that had invaded her over the past few days kept driving them back in. Lauren giggled drunkenly. She remembered her hotwife research the day before. There is a spirit Koreans called Kumiho, which has a voracious appetite for sex, and whose hobby is seducing humans. Although not a believer in the supernatural, Lauren felt this was a pretty accurate description of the raw lust that had been percolating deep within her the last week or so. Coupled with her husband's sudden interest in

taking his fantasies to the next level, her startling increase in libido could only be explained by something so unlikely. Like a spirit. Like a demon. Like Kumiho.
Lauren watched as Tommy walked back to the edge of the water, preparing to jump in. The front of the swimsuit was tight around his crotch and legs, and while he didn't appear to be exceptionally large in that area, whatever he did have would surely have a steam engine full of muscles behind it. Lauren blew her bangs off her eyes as she thought about it. Get a grip, woman, he's only a kid.

They held onto each other's floats to remain anchored together, idly chatting. Lauren learned that both he and Tony attended the same local university, were fraternity brothers, and were both in their senior year. Tony was 22 and majoring in sports medicine. Tommy had just turned 21, hoped to own his own business someday, and was into gymnastics. That explained his toned upper body, trim waist and powerful legs. Tommy lived in the apartment building with his parents, although in a separate attached suite with its own kitchen and bedroom. Tony was his best friend and visited often.

As they floated side-by-side, Tommy kept them from separating by occasionally reaching over Lauren's backside and grasping her hip, pulling his body against hers. Their arms gently touched as they maneuvered around other swimmers, their hips bumping as the water lapped at their bodies. Both were keenly aware of their naked skin rubbing together, and the unspoken electricity between them seemed to grow with each passing minute. Tommy's heart rate increased now that Lauren's pretty face was close. He was very sure of himself with girls his own age. He'd make a move, they'd be receptive -- or not -- and he wouldn't care one way or the other. But she was different. Old enough to be his mother yet hot as hell, he felt a bit intimidated by her stature and how she carried herself.

As Tommy contemplated his next move, the calmness suddenly turned to chaos. The water from a child's cannonball dive hit Lauren squarely in the face, causing her to swallow much of it. Losing her grip on the noodle, she quickly disappeared under the surface, the surprise of it all catching her off guard. A weak swimmer to begin with, her arms flailed about as she dropped to the bottom of the deep end, instinctively reaching for something, anything, to grasp onto. Finding none, her surprise turned to instant panic. After what seemed like minutes of thrashing about, but were no more than a few seconds, a pair of strong arms encased her body, pulling her upward. Surfacing, Lauren found herself face to face with Tommy once again. She threw her arms around his thick neck and expelled the swallowed water over his shoulder. He held her tightly until she calmed down, repeatedly assuring her that she was safe. "You just took on some water, you're okay now."

Still sputtering, Lauren headed back to the chaise lounge, her hand firmly planted in Tommy's, not wanting to let go. Gaining composure, she thanked him for the quick reaction. "I'm a lousy swimmer and that was quite unexpected," she exclaimed, still half-choking. "I owe you one."

"Nah, you would have been okay. You just needed a little back up," he replied, downplaying the whole hero thing. He did see a chance though. "If you really want to thank me, have dinner with me tonight. That is, unless you have plans for the movies again."

Remembering the ruse concocted by her wealthy neighbor Jack to evade Tommy's previous flirtation, she smiled. "No, it's not movie night. But you should know that I'm married."
Tommy looked genuinely disappointed. "To Jack? I didn't think he was the marrying kind." Lauren wondered briefly what he meant by that, but let it go. "Not to him, no."

Tommy's curiosity was now immeasurable. "So, let me get this straight," he said as tactfully as he could, handing Lauren a dry towel. "You're married but you go out on dates. Just not with your husband?"

"Not exactly." Lauren explained that then she was simply trying to find a polite way to avoid his flirting because she was married, and Jack's strategy seemed the way to go at the time. Unfortunately, Amy's voice interrupted any further justification.

"You get a mouthful back there?" Amy asked, pointing at the pool with one hand, the other firmly wrapped around Tony's well-developed arm.

"I'm fine," Lauren assured her friend, suddenly feeling hot, dizzy, and flustered.

"Look, I'm heading back down to the apartment. I need a hot shower," she lied. "No need for you to leave, just come get your stuff whenever, okay?"

Amy shrugged. "Sure, I'll be down in a bit. Going to have one more round with my new friend here." Tony grinned as she squeezed his biceps.

Lauren simply smirked knowingly and picked up her things. She turned to Tommy and thanked him again for rescuing her. "I do owe you one. Good luck in school, okay?"

Tommy was still intrigued by her previous statement. It gave him a glimmer of hope. "The invitation for dinner is still good. I make a mean Spaghetti Napolitana."

"Yeah, he's a killer chef!" Tony piped up. "Off the chain!"

"Sounds fabulous, it really does. I'll take a rain check for now," Lauren smiled apologetically. With that, she headed towards the elevator and her apartment. Amy watched her friend walk away, thinking she appeared both tired and bothered. Chalking it up to the heat and a gallon of swallowed water, the blonde turned her attention back to her new pals.


Lauren practically sprinted to her apartment as the lift opened to her floor. Throwing the beach bag on the kitchen island, she made a beeline for the bedroom and fished out The Chairman from beneath some undies in the dresser drawer. Pulling the see-through crocheted cover-up over her head, Lauren knelt on the bed. Both hands flew beneath her still slightly wet bikini

bottoms, caressing and probing her vagina. She was so horny! For years, sex was a take it or leave it thing. Now it was all she could think about.
As the wet, sticky juices began to coat her fingers, she untied the suit, letting both pieces fall to the bed spread. With greater access to her sopping wet hole, Lauren hooked her index and ring fingers in as deep as they would go, using the others to support the urgent probing. Her imagination took over. Tommy was kneeling behind her, snaking his hands around her torso to these small, eager breasts. He began kissing her neck, tongue in one ear, then the other. She wanted him in her right then. In her pussy, damnit, she wanted him to take her pussy right the fuck now!

Lauren turned and fell on the bed. The 10-inch vibrator roared to life, providing a steady hum in the otherwise quiet room. Legs splayed wide open, her alternating light and dark pink labia was beautifully framed by the closely cropped but full set of pubic hair. Clear juices ran from her, pooling in the crack of her ass, soaked up by the underlying throw. Applying slight pressure to the top of her pussy, she ran the dildo lightly around the outside, paying attention to the moist erogenous area. With each pass by her clit, her entire pussy seemed to have a life of its own. It puckered and lurched forward towards The Chairman, begging him, enticing him to enter her willing hole.

Tommy was on top of her now, tracing the contours of her thighs with his cock, gradually coating the shaft with the natural lubrication that flowed freely from Lauren's slit. She positioned the Chairman directly between her pussy lips, slowly pushing it into her eager canal. Rocking the vibrator back and forth, it gradually became lubricated, allowing it to slip in deeper. "Fuck me," Lauren cried out to no one in particular, as The Chairman picked up his pace. Suddenly Tommy's face was over hers, in the throes of ecstasy, grunting louder with each subsequent thrust. Lauren felt her release coming. She tried to hold back, to make the moment last longer, but it was not to be. What used to take hours, now arrived in just minutes. The orgasm exploded quickly within, causing her to bite a fist to stifle the resulting scream.

A short time later, Lauren laid motionless in bed, legs spread wide and slightly quivering. The Chairman hummed his tune happily, glistening on the bed sheets, a job well done. It felt particularly erotic to her, like the women in men's magazines, spread eagle, nothing to hide. As she turned down the vibrator, a noise came from just outside of the open bedroom door.

"Someone there?" she asked nervously in all her nakedness. "I have a gun!" she bellowed, lying.

Slowly, almost ghost-like, Amy appeared in the bedroom doorway, her long golden hair covering full breasts, extending to just above her curvaceous hips. Lauren reached for the bed sheets in an attempt to cover herself, trying to speak words that would not come. Amy put a finger to her red lips, suggesting total silence. The young blonde's bright sapphire eyes pried into Lauren's very soul as she wandered aimlessly about the room, never breaking their gaze, delicate fingers tracing lightly over the vanity, the dresser, and finally an armchair in a corner of the room. Lauren clutched the sheets, unable to speak or move. How much had her friend

seen? Why could she not speak? At that very moment she felt exactly like the canary who had just been spied on by the cat.
Standing in front of the chair, Amy silently removed her bikini top and threw it to the floor. She put her hands on her hips seductively, then slowly untied each side of the thong bottoms, letting them fall as well. Lauren stared at her friend's nakedness. Ample lily-white breasts topped with large areolas, offset by her deeply tanned body. Lauren's eyes followed long and lean legs to a cleanly shaved and waxed vagina. Would it had been anything but?

Without warning, Amy laughed and quickly snatched the sheets away from the older woman, ******** her once again. Lauren gasped as her coworker sank slowly into the armchair, grabbing her ankles, spreading sun-kissed thighs, and anchoring her legs over the padded ornamental arms.

"Do you want me to stop?" Amy asked, placing both hands on her smooth pussy, pulling the lips back to ****** the fleshy pinkness of her inner canal. Lauren, mesmerized, slowly shook her head. The young blonde smirked, placing two fingers from each hand inside her hole. "No, of course you don't."

Moaning as her fingers danced inside, Amy declared, "You are one of the most beautiful women I've ever known, and I've waited for this moment. Spread your legs and let me see you."

Lauren stared at the blonde's shaved pussy not more than five feet from her, the moisture from it plainly visible. Instinctively having pulled her legs up underneath her when the sheet had been yanked off, she now willed them to unfurl and open. Laying back against the headboard, she waited.

"Now wet your fingers and feel your nipples," Amy directed, her own fingers doing the same.

Lauren licked each index finger and touched one to each breast. She began lightly moving them around the areolas, feeling the tiny bumps and nipples harden into rigid nubs once again. She closed her eyes. This just couldn't be happening.

Amy stared at her friend's dark bush, the wiry trimmed pubic hairs drawing attention to its pink center. This was not the first time she had been with another girl, but this one was special. No woman had turned her on as much as this 48-year-old beauty.

"Look at me," Amy continued her steely gaze as Lauren's eyes snapped open to stare back into the haunting baby blues. The blonde stuck two fingers into her sopping hole then sucked them into her mouth, licking off the juice.

"Put your fingers in your cunt," the younger woman commanded.

Lauren followed Amy's lead, pulled her labia back, and inserted three fingers into the wetness. She could feel the juices coating her hands.

"Work that clit for me," Amy murmured.
Lauren obliged, her breathing increasing exponentially, the scene so erotic she could barely stand it.

"That's it, sweet girl. You were having yourself quite the dream when I walked in, weren't you? I bet you were fucking Tommy, or Tony, or both huh?"

"Amy, please, we can't," was all Lauren could muster before she was overcome by the sensations of her fingers flicking her clit. What are you doing? You're an executive for God's sake, she's a secretary.

"Please, my ass! You don't realize just how nasty you are. You pretend to be all disinterested in other men, but listen, you gave Max a tug job, told your husband a story about some stranger banging you, and by the way, made me cum on your couch while listening to hubby pop. Remember all that shit?"

"Oh, yessss, I do..." Lauren groaned, her hips beginning to gyrate.

"Now it's my turn to return the favor," Amy cooed. "You were screwing Tommy just now, weren't you, you slutty little minx? I saw how fast you left the pool. You weren't upset, you were just fucking horny, needed to rub one out!"

"Nooo, Amy. Please stoppppp! We can't do this. It's not right!"

"What isn't?" Amy hissed. Her intense blue eyes pierced Lauren's. "You fantasizing about a guy younger than your daughters? You making good on your husband's kink, or you getting off watching your best friend jill her pussy? Which is it?"

Lauren's back arched away from the headboard, her shoulders pressing against it. She was starting to lose control.

"That's it, baby, just go with it," Amy emboldened her friend, watching the older woman's body writhe in front of her.

"I bet you'd like your husband to watch Tommy lay that steel pipe into you, from right here in this chair. I sure Corey would be shooting spunk out between his fingers!"

"I...," Lauren squealed, "I, I," There was no denying it, the imagery was so decadent. "FUCK. Yessssssss! Oh, YES!"

"I knew it. You aren't so different from Corey, are you? Are all Iowans so perverted? Good girl! Ride that cock. Move those hips, take every inch of that throbbing monster."

Lauren's face seethed in ecstasy, eyes turned up into her head, as tight abs quivered and shapely legs shook. "Oh, oh, oh, oh," the moans were rhythmic now.

"You're a horny little slut, aren't you?" Amy yelled.

"Yes, you are! You're fingerfucking yourself in front of a coworker. Who but a slut would do that? Say it!

Lauren nodded her head rapidly. "Oh god, I am. I'm a...I'm a horny slut!"

"Look at me!" Amy demanded.

Lauren looked. Amy's legs were still draped over each padded arm, the slick, bare pussy gaping open as she attacked it with both hands. Heavy breasts were heaving dramatically, pushing that shiny blonde hair to the side. Her whole body moved with each thrusting motion.

"You just know Tommy and Tony," Amy panted. "They...they want to pound us with their cocks. You want that too, don't you? I know how much you wanted to fuck Max the other night. Look how wet you are. What would you do if I came over there and licked that gushing juice right out of that cunt?

"Oh god, oh god, ah, ah, ah, ah," Lauren moaned. She could picture the gorgeous blonde's face between her legs, tongue lapping at her hole.

"I can just feel those pubes on my cheeks, all hot and sticky! Tommy and Tony standing over you, your hands wrapped around each thick, pulsating cock, stroking them up and down. I think they're gonna come!"

"Fuuuuuuck! Jesus. Oh shit!"

"Where do you want them to cum?"

"I don't know," Lauren gulped.

"Where do you want them to spray their jizz, tell me?"

Moans from both women were increasing in intensity.

"Where, Lauren?"

"On my face, Amy, I want them to come on my face!"

Amy's own orgasm was starting to build at the thought of her eating out her best friend while two young studs emptied their balls onto her face.

"They're going to unload all over your pretty little face, slut. You gonna gobble that shit up?"

"Oh...MY...FUCKING...GOD!" Lauren's body convulsed and twisted, her hips bucking off the mattress. This was too close to the image that had sent her over the edge in the camping story. She felt liquid squirt from her small hole and flood the sheets.
Amy could no longer hold back her own release after witnessing Lauren visibly squirting. She fell from the chair onto her knees, blonde tresses enveloping her entire upper body like a blanket. Now at eye level with Lauren's oozing hole just feet away, she worked numerous fingers in and out of her slit until she looked at the ceiling and howled in a manner that any neighbor would instantly recognize as a deep, carnal scream of sexual release.


Minutes later, sitting on the floor completely spent, Amy leaned back on the chair, panting. Lauren, also thoroughly drained, gazed down at her from the bed. As their eyes met, they began to lightly chuckle, not knowing what to say. Without a word, Amy stood and put on her bikini. Lauren watched her cute little ass bounce from one side to the other as she sashayed to the bedroom door. Before disappearing into the other room, Amy turned and smiled at her friend.

"By the way, you may want to lock the door behind you from now on, you never know who's going to pop in." With that, the young blonde disappeared.

Lauren climbed out of bed. What had just happened? She had masturbated with her friend - and co-worker no less - all at the thought of having sex with very young men. As she lovingly cleaned The Chairman, there was now no question that she had gone through a complete transformation in the last 72 hours, going from a demure disinterested mother of two who could barely get wet, to a harlot who could not stop thinking of sex. She was neither proud nor ashamed of this realization, but Lauren did know she had to channel her libido into something both her and her husband could enjoy.


Corey's flight the following Thursday was delayed due to thunderstorms throughout the Midwest. Once in the air, he called Lauren and informed her of the delay. They initially planned to attend the apartment building's Thirsty Thursdays happy hour together, but suggested Lauren go anyway and enjoy some hors d'oeuvres. He would meet her there. A bit hungry, having not eaten all day in anticipation of the visit, she donned a pastel off-the-shoulder mini sundress, brushed her shiny black hair, and headed up to the high-rise's rooftop.

It was the golden hour for sunlight, and it cast a gentle glow across the pool area. Exiting the elevator, she recognized several neighbors at the open-air bar, situated off to the side with a sweeping view of the Atlantic. A few nodded in recognition as she walked up and ordered a seltzer. Lauren watched as more residents poured onto the pool deck, ensuring a quite lively scene. Scanning the area for people she knew, her eyes made note of Tommy and his parents occupying a table in the back of the bar, seemingly bored.

Drink in hand, Lauren mingled with the residents, mostly couples who had abandoned their kids in front of the television so they could get a few minutes of respite. After 45 minutes of small talk, a single mother who lived on the 9th floor came over and complimented Lauren on her dress, admitting she could never pull off something similar in public. "Only someone in fantastic shape like you could wear that effectively," the woman gushed. Lauren thanked her, returning the praise with a compliment on the admirer's smart pantsuit and blazer.
As the woman moved on to the bar, a booming voice rang out from behind. "I couldn't agree more." It was the bachelor from the 31st floor who had rescued her from Tommy's initial flirtation attempt. A large, bearded man whom she had not seen before was standing beside him.

"Hey, Sir Jack," Lauren smiled. "Here to save me again?"

"Do you need to be? Is your young suitor about?"

"I think he's over there with his parents, enjoying his newfound legal age. I'm safe, for now." "Well, if you need help again, just whistle," he offered, winking.

Jack went on to introduce his friend, Waylon, a professional photographer, who was visiting for the evening. The three made their way over to a bar height table and began a conversation that ranged from politics to the stock market. Waylon grabbed some finger food and more drinks as they settled in, enjoying the sight of the sinking sun over the western skyline. Soon other

neighbors gathered round, tables daisy-chained together to widen the circle. The happy hour had become energized. Even Tommy joined in, his parents having left to go back to their apartment.


Corey watched the sun slip over the horizon as his plane touched down at the Miami airport. Navigating through baggage claim, he hailed a cab and sent a text to Lauren that he was on his way. There was no response. A bit of traffic and 20 minutes later, he arrived at the downtown apartment building. Riding the elevator to the 23rd floor, he fished out the fob from his carryon, opened the door and pushed the suitcase inside. Lauren was not there, but her phone was. Kind of odd, but probably just forgotten it. Assuming she was still at the happy hour, he washed up, grab a beer, and headed towards the pool.

The first thing Corey noticed when he walked off the elevator was the festive rooftop atmosphere. Music wafted from strategically placed speakers around the perimeter, tempering the moderate to loud laughter coming from several different pods of people. These Miamians sure enjoy their weeknights, he thought. The second thing he noticed was a group of 10 people, a mixture of men and women, gathered around a few wobbly tables. In the midst of them was his wife, smiling and giggling at everyone. She was a vision of beauty, even prettier in person than he remembered. But something had changed. Clearly tanner from a summer of Florida

sun, she was still waif-like, still fit in all the right places, but something about her was different. Better. Her face appeared more provocative than he had remembered, likely from heavier, more colorful makeup than he was used to. Hair still black as night, those temptress black bangs hung straight down to her eyes. Yes, there was no doubt she was perkier, cheerier, and...flirtier. Four men seemed to be paying the most attention. Three were middle-aged, the other one much larger and younger, maybe in his mid-twenties. Lauren was quite animated, punctuating her laughter with a touch of an arm here, a pat on the chest there. It seemed the men were very fond of her as well, never passing up an opportunity to put an arm around her waist, or the occasional "incidental" contact with her behind.
Corey took a sip of beer and stayed in the shadows. His wife seemed to be enjoying the attention. Who was he to deny that? He could not help but feel slightly aroused by the entire scene. At one point, Lauren shivered a bit in the cool breeze, motivating the younger of the three gentlemen to begin massaging her bare shoulders in an attempt to warm them. Appreciative of the gesture, she tilted her head back towards this kid and touched one of his hands, smiling. One of the older men raised his voice, asking mockingly if the masseuse was bothering her. This prompted her to reach out and slap him playfully on the chest, replying, "Going to rescue me again?"

After a few minutes more of watching this obvious flirtation, Corey polished off his drink and began walking towards the bar. Lauren was the first to notice, and began running towards him with open arms, screaming his name. This caused several of the revelers to briefly look their way. Flinging her arms around his neck, she rocked back and forth, kissing his face all over. She was obviously several drinks ahead.

"So glad you're here! Come, I want you to meet the neighbors!" she said with glee, leading him back to the circle. After introductions to several couples who had gathered around, Lauren finally stopped in front of the three men who minutes before had been so eager to touch his wife's skin.

She introduced Tommy, explaining how he had rescued her from the clutches of the killer pool just days ago. Then to "Sir" Jack, who had been her knight in shining armor, helping her out of "a jam or two" since she'd been there. Lauren smiled slightly towards Tommy as she said this, causing him to quickly avert his eyes. And finally, Waylon. The men took turns shaking Corey's hand, welcoming him to Miami.

A good conversationalist, Corey quickly melded into the gathering, helping himself to a beer from a bucket on the table, and joining in the various discussions as the happy hour extended into two. Eventually, neighbors started drifting away. It was a work night for most. Lauren, excited to have Corey back, was eager to get him alone. She waited patiently, however, as he, Jack, Waylon and Tommy held court on the latest college football rule changes. Finally, she tugged on her husband's arm, suggesting they go have dinner. The men exchanged final words, with Corey thanking them for keeping an eye on his wife in his absence. Hearing that, Lauren had to suppress a small cough as she pulled him away from the group. They've been keeping an eye on me, alright.

The couple walked to the elevator landing, arms around each other's waist. Lauren jokingly asked if they should go to her place or his. Moments later, the elevator was descending towards the 23rd floor. Alone, Corey gently pushed Lauren's back against the rear wall, cradling her face, as he began to kiss her. "Three fucking months," he whispered as he sucked on her neck and shoulders. At first, she made no attempt to quell his advances, then noticed the blinking light affixed to the ceiling of the lift.
"Um, we might have an audience," Lauren mentioned, pointing at the camera. "We can only hope," Corey replied, his hands roaming under the sundress.

"You're bad," she scoffed, pushing him away and smoothing her clothing, then promised, "we'll settle this later."

Corey reluctantly backed off, grinned, and extended his middle finger towards the small, all seeing device in the ceiling.


Primed by the numerous happy hour drinks, the pair quickly devoured the specially prepared homecoming pasta dish. After a lengthy video conference with both daughters, Corey took a shower while Lauren made quick work of the dirty dishes. Shower completed, the 61-year-old settled back against the bed's headboard, hoping to continue what he had started in the elevator. Minutes later, Lauren slipped into the bedroom, shot him a brief smile, then quickly disappeared into the bathroom, latching the door behind her. Assuming she was taking a bath, he grabbed his tablet and began thumbing through local restaurant reviews, hoping it would not be a long soak.

Several minutes passed before Corey realized he was not hearing any running water. He was about to ask if everything was okay when the bathroom door unlocked. Turning toward the sound, he watched as his gorgeous bride of 28 years stood in the doorway, one hand bracing herself against the side jamb, the other on a hip, creatively trying to recreate a pose familiar to anyone who has ever leafed through a men's magazine. If that wasn't enough to cause his jaw to drop, she had donned the outfit worn the night of the pub crawl. Tanned legs wrapped in smokey grey, thigh high stockings, short taut black leather skirt resting just below the tops of her curvy hips, and the gunmetal mesh crop top pulled tightly over the top half of her upper body, revealing tight and muscular abs. Only this time, with there was no bralette, allowing her small breasts to be plainly visible, nipples poking through the open eyelets. The silver choker collar was there too, and far below were those 3-inch corset heels pulled tightly across her feet.

"Fuck me," Corey managed to spit out, setting his tablet aside.

Lauren answered by simply nodding in agreement as she seductively closed the gap between her and the bed. Placing one heel on the mattress, she used both hands to slowly unzip the side of the skirt. Corey sat mesmerized as the lacy top of the stocking became visible. He tried to

touch her ******* thigh, but Lauren brushed his hand away, wiggling an index finger at him in disapproval. The skirt looser now, she was able to pull the thin sheepskin material up to her waist, revealing a naked and neatly trimmed bush. Pivoting onto her husband's hips, she ground her bare bottom into his crotch. Corey looked deep into the vixen's eyes. They glowed with a fire he had not seen since the early days of their marriage. What had become of his wife, the mother of his children, whose sexual urges lately could be measured only in financial quarters? Lauren lifted his wife-beater over weak shoulders, tossing it onto the floor. Leaning over a graying chest, she twisted the silver hair that covered his soft pectorals, thumbing at his nipples, which responded immediately. Corey quickly shimmied out of his boxers, a growing erection springing into view.
"I need you in me," Lauren announced and wrapped a hand around his shaft. She positioned her hips over the six-inch cock and guided it into her waiting pussy.

Corey moaned uncharacteristically loud, surprised at how good the wet hole felt closing around his throbbing member. He felt the tugging action as Lauren slid her hips up and down his midsection, cranking his cock like a lever on a slot machine. Back and forth, sliding in deep, then quickly out again, Corey could feel his orgasm mounting. What the fuck? It had only been minutes! This can't be happening. Fearing he would blow any second, he tried to slow Lauren's pace, but she was too immersed in having a cock in her to notice. In fact, she lengthened her stride, causing his shaft to be driven even further into her gaping hole. He tried to hold it, but the sensations became too much as he erupted inside his wife, spilling a good two weeks of semen into her womb.

Lauren felt the hot gooey mass shoot into her, catching her off guard. She knew Corey didn't last long these days but hadn't expected him to come that quickly. Sitting up, Corey's cock deflating inside her still pulsating slit, she let out a small sigh, trying to disguise her disappointment. Corey detected her frustration. He couldn't blame her. They hadn't seen each other in 12 weeks, and he popped off before even getting sweaty. "I'm sorry, babe," he apologized. "Your pussy feels so unbelievable, I couldn't help it."

Lauren smiled weakly and shifted her legs, causing his now soft dick to plop out of her sperm coated box. Not having had sex in 3 months either, she wanted to at least try to come from having a hard penis inside her. It became her mission to get him hard again.

Switching to a kneeling position, she leaned over and began kissing his mouth and face, slowly working her lips down to his neck. One hand on his sticky, shrunken cock, the other working over his nipples, she addressed each area with determination, willing his cock to spring to life again like a snake charmer. After much moaning on Corey's part, but no signs of returning hardness, Lauren had an idea. A very nasty, naughty idea.

Laying her head on his belly, face towards his, she began to lightly rake her fingers across her husband's chest. "You said you wanted to talk about those pictures, the ones from the night of the pub crawl?" she asked innocently.

"Yeah, but we don't have to right now," Corey ceded, still embarrassed by his minute-man performance.
"I want to. There are things you need to know."

"Such as?"

Lauren locked onto his eyes. "The band photos, those were staged, you know, for your benefit. Amy got the guys to agree to a few fan photos. They wanted us to stick around, but we decided that probably wasn't a good idea. The guy feeling me up on the dance floor? That wasn't as orchestrated as you might think. By the time we got to that bar, I was on my way to being full on ***** and I'd been perved on all night. That's no surprise, considering I was wearing this ***** costume. But all that attention made me horny, and when he got frisky, I was ready to let him. I'm glad Amy took that sequence showing his hands on my breasts and ass. I told myself at the time that this is what you had set me up for, so you should see the results of your volley. I have to admit, I was really getting hot while he was fingering my nipples. Had he taken things a bit slower, I'm not sure how the rest of the evening would have gone. But the asshole went for my pussy right there on the dance floor, and I wasn't about to get finger-fucked in front of 50 people. Amy and I left right then."

Corey stared down at his wife as she pulled at the white hair on his chest. Has she ever said "pussy" and "finger-fucked" in the same sentence before? He remembered her throwing out some of that during the phone-sex but figured that was a drunken, one-time thing. "Go on," he encouraged.

"So, next we went over to the club and wound up in the premier suite with the owner, Max, and Myles, a big-time investor around town. In fact, he's a client of my firm. By that time, I was really *****. The photo you saw was posed by Amy to give you a little thrill."

Corey cleared his throat and paused. "Amy is aware of...?"

Lauren didn't want to answer that question, at least right then. Deflecting, she tweaked one of his nipples with her thumb and forefinger, causing him to groan in pleasure. She continued.

"After the pic was snapped, we smoked some pot. That's when things got a little bit crazy."

Lauren went on to explain how Max had kissed her, she kissed him back, and they necked for a while. With each new detail, she could feel Corey's limp cock beginning to twitch against the back of her head. Slowly but surely, it was gaining mass again. Pushing herself off his chest and back to a kneeling position alongside his hips, she could see his penis was bobbing again, coming to life. Her idea was working.

"How crazy?" Corey asked, barely audible, imagining the impeccably man in the picture caressing his wife's body, kissing her on the mouth, the neck, and breasts.

"Max figured out pretty quickly I was married, which wasn't hard to do, I mean, my wedding ring and all. He apparently knows all about the hotwife lifestyle, and believed I was out on the town to indulge. Of course, he was more than happy to help out and have himself a little fun too."
Corey raised an eyebrow. "Where did you learn about hotwives?"

Lauren smiled slyly, "You'd be surprised what I've learned over the last week."

Corey moaned as the shaft of his dick pulsated and bobbed its way to full mast. Lauren put both hands around the base and began gently tugging.

"Anyway, he used my hand to free his cock from his slacks. I let him, and I'm glad I did. It was beautiful, not all that big, but it felt hot in my hands, and I was so, so high. I just went with it, stroking it from tip to balls, while our tongues danced in each other's mouths."

"Holy shit. Did he come?"

"That part didn't last long enough. Besides, he wanted more, pushing my head down towards his, you know."

Corey gasped. "Did you?"

"No, that's where it ended. Amy and I left soon after that. But maybe I should have sucked his peni..uh, dick. Like this."

Gathering her long black hair so it wouldn't obstruct his view, Lauren bent down, licking Corey's chest and nipples, gradually working her way down past his pudgy belly. Reaching his pubes, her tongue flicked in and out of her mouth, feeling the coarse hair tickling her chin. She could smell and taste the same semen that had dripped out of her pussy minutes ago. Strangely, she was not as sickened by this as in the past. Corey gazed lovingly at his raven-haired wife as she prepared to go down on him. He mustered a grunt of gratitude, knowing this was something she had never been fond of doing.

Corey watched closely as Lauren lowered her mouth around his growing member. She was careful to envelope only the tip at first, rolling her tongue around the mushroom-shape head, understandably a bit apprehensive. Slurping the remainder of his stiff cock into her mouth, she worked over the fleshy worm with her tongue and jaws. He put his hands on the back of her head, pushing it further down into the depths of her throat. She continued working his dick like a pro. All those years of being repulsed by having a penis in her mouth seemed to melt away. The more Lauren sucked, the more aroused she became.

When at last she tasted the pre-cum oozing into her mouth, it was time to change things up. After one final long draw on his shaft, Lauren let his cock pop out from her jaws like a lollipop. It

bobbed in the air like a buoy in rough seas. After carefully removing her leather skirt, taking care not to tear the thin material, she straddled his meaty hips once more, guiding him back into her eager hole. Throwing her head back, hair whipping about wildly, she began to crank his dick like a lever again, keeping it in perpetual motion. The couple locked eyes and began moving together in tandem, their bodies becoming one. The more athletic of the two, Lauren being on top was a natural. She liked being in control and setting the pace. It also felt so damn good. So much, in fact, that she thought that Corey's cock just might actually get her off this time.
As she continued her rhythmic ride, she became concerned that he would not continue to stay hard, especially since he had come once already. She had to keep him hard, she just had to! Recalling Amy's advice - use your dirty words - she turned things up a notch.

"Did you miss fucking me?" Lauren asked, grabbing at his chest, panting.

"You know I did," Corey whispered, his hands sliding under the mesh crop top to the small breasts bouncing in front of him. Did she really just ask me that?

"You didn't mind those guys wanting to fuck me?"

"Who could blame them, dressed the way you were?"

"That's not an answer. Do you want me to continue to dress like that, so men will assume I'm out to get laid?"

Through the fog of his buzz and arousal, Corey reflected on the implications of his answer. Was that not the core of the fantasy he wanted Lauren to share with him? The long, low groan that crawled from his throat definitively answered the question she already knew the answer to.

Corey hissed back at her. "I see you've made some friends since I've been gone, you little vamp. I saw those guys hovering around you tonight, touching you every chance they got. Neighbors, huh? How convenient. I bet there's more to that story too, just like there was with Max."

Lauren felt a rush of lust spread through her body, involuntarily causing her head to jerk backwards and arms to quiver. Composing herself, she leaned over Corey again, allowing her lavender scented hair to dangle in his face. He watched in amazement as her eyes lit up behind those sexy bangs.

"Maybe," she replied coyly. "The frat boy, Tommy. He's already asked me out, twice. And Jack wants me to go for a ride in his fancy sports car."

"And?" Corey pressed, grimacing as he enjoyed the feeling of Lauren's pussy bearing down on his cock, rocking it back and forth.

"And I turned them down, of course! I would never do anything without your permission."

"And if you had it?"
Lauren giggled playfully, "Well Jack is awfully nice, and Tommy is just one hot college stud, so..." She could feel the cock in her convulse and shake. The bawdy dialogue was certainly doing the trick.

"I had a dream the other night," she lied, the tale forming in her head as she went. "I came back to Iowa to visit and went to your worksite looking for you, but no one seemed to be there. The construction gate was open, so I walked to the main trailer, where I thought your office would be. I knew I had found your desk when I saw your engineering degree above it. But you were nowhere around. As I was about to leave, Jerry and Dan opened the trailer door and walked in. They had been out in the yard."

Corey stared intently at his wife's face above him, wondering where this was going. Dan and Jerry were a bit younger than he, both divorced, and had been his co-workers and friends for years.

"They were surprised to see me there. Said you were on the other side of the site and would be back shortly. While I waited, we chatted about our families. They invited me to sit in a chair, but I opted for the edge of your desk. Everything seemed normal, but I could tell they were looking

at me differently. We had been to each other's houses for barbecues and holidays, and they had always been the perfect gentlemen. But this time, they were looking at me like men look at a stripper. You know, leering."

Corey nodded his head. He had to admit, Lauren was getting pretty good at this. First the phone sex, now this. Two for two.

Her eyes closed as she continued to spin the yarn in her mind, her hips increasing their velocity. "They looked at me like wolves, said they knew our secret, that you had told them of your little kink, and I was onboard. I wasn't afraid. I've known these guys for 20 years. Just never seen them look at me that way. At first, I was mad at you for telling them, but then I decided to give you what you obviously wanted."

"" Corey asked between heavy breaths.

Lauren changed positions, sliding her feet up alongside his hips. This was no small effort with those three-inch corset heels still attached. Supporting herself with hands on her husband's legs, she leaned back and opened her thighs wide, allowing him a good view of her pussy with his cock halfway in.

"If they already thought I was a ***** wife, why not play the part? I lifted my linen skirt and spread my legs. They stared at my lacy pink panties beneath. I could see the tents in their pants. Jerry tried to touch my knee, but I slapped his hand away. I would never do anything without your consent. Then I saw you peering in through a filthy, dust covered window, watching. We

stared at each other for the longest time, then you nodded your head. That's when I pulled Jerry's head between my legs and began to unzip Dan's slacks."
Corey grabbed Lauren's leather heels on either side of his waist, giving her the leverage needed to continue sliding her pussy up and down his cock unabated, ensuring all six inches of him disappeared with each down-stroke. Oddly, he felt as if he could go all night. It had been at least 15 minutes now and he was still going strong. Reclining against her husband's knees, Lauren continued to assault his cock, working their hips in unison. The next 25 minutes saw the mature wife vary her positions, from being prone so they could kiss to sitting squarely on his hips, bouncing up and down. The more Lauren shared her fantasy encounter in the dingy construction trailer, the harder Corey seemed to get.

The couple's breathing was quite heavy now, both grunting and panting as the physical part of the sex reminded them of their age. Lauren continued to blurt out details as they popped into her head. The men clearing off Corey's desk, laying her back, eating her pussy, sucking on her tits.

"Did you like sucking their dicks?"

"Yessss," Lauren hissed.


"Cause I'm a slutty little *****," she spit out, riding faster now. "Your slutty *****! Fuck my pussy! Fuuccckkkk meeeeeee!"

Corey nearly blew his load, hearing his wife spewing out such filthy talk. He slammed his shaft into her without mercy. "Where to you want them to come?" he shouted.

"What? Oh nooooo."

The image of her husband and his friends standing over her, spraying their cum everywhere, flashed in front of her eyes. Lauren let out a loud moan, startling Corey, not realizing the impact the question had on her. Her hips now slammed against his violently.

"You, you, you," Lauren started to wheeze, "All three of you...ah, ah, ah...gathered around me...oh, oh, oh...laying there on your desk, you...Oh shit, OH SHIT!" The orgasm was welling up inside her. "I want it on my face, tell them to come on my face! Oh god, oh god, oh god!"

Corey was nearing the edge. He had lasted far longer than he had in years, but between watching his wife pogo furiously on his cock, her long black hair lashing about wildly, her small titties jiggling under that mesh top, he knew he was about to come for the second time tonight.

Correctly suspecting the image of men coming on her face had sent her into overdrive, he reached up, grabbed her silver choker, and yanked her face down to his.

"Does that make you hot, watching us jack our cocks over your pretty face?"

"Oh, my fucking god, oh yes, yes, yes. FUCK ME!" she cried out.
Corey tightened his grip on the choker. "We're going to blow all over that nasty mouth, you little slut!" he yelled, spittle coating her cheeks. He instantly recoiled. He'd never called her a name like that and he wasn't sure how she would take it. Lauren reacted by gasping loudly and squeezing her eyes tight as a mini-orgasm hit her. He had his answer.

"All that jizz spraying from three cocks onto your face, your lips, dripping down your neck! You love it, don't you?"

In an out-of-body moment, Lauren was both on the bed with a cock impaling her and on a roller coaster at the moment it drops into the void, when the body is weightless and all control is relinquished, not caring for anything but the thrill ahead. Screaming at the top of her lungs, she dug her long fingernails into Corey's chest, drawing blood.

"Fuucckkkk meeeeee, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, oh god, oh god,!" Lauren brayed, convulsing.

Corey ignored the pain in his chest as he continued to pile drive his rigid cock into her pulsating hole, which now was squirting copious amounts of fluid onto his hips. Just when her orgasm seemed to be subsiding, it built back up again, the roller coaster rising towards yet another long plummet. Lauren came again. And again. And again. The waves continued for what seemed an eternity.

As she was coming down from a particularly long peak, her eyes bored into Corey with the intensity of a thousand suns, barking "Do it for real!"

Not believing his ears, but at once knowing what she was asking, the 61-year-old used the last ounce of energy to push her off onto her back and straddle her shoulders. Without hesitation, he grabbed his cock and jerked it rapidly, desperate to give his wife what she was begging for.

"That's it, baby, do it. Give me your load, blow all over my pouty face! Show me I'm your fucking *****!"

There was no holding back now. Bellowing loudly, rope after rope of milky white semen shot from Corey's cock, most of it landing directly on Lauren's face, some of it on a nearby pillow. As he came, Corey grabbed the headboard behind his wife's head as she used her hands to milk out the last bit of creamy liquid onto her neck. He watched as it trickled down under her choker and out the other side to the bed sheet. Drained, Corey collapsed to Lauren's side, both of them grinning like teenagers, unable to speak, but knowing they had just experienced the most intense sex they'd had in years.


After a few minutes of silent cuddling, Lauren made her way to the bathroom for a long, hot shower. Corey replaced the bed sheets, grabbed a beer, and plopped down on the couch.

Turning on the television, he settled in to watch a replay of a kick boxing event. Eventually Lauren emerged wearing a fluffy white robe, hair pulled back into a ponytail. She sat next to him and nestled into his chest. They sat in peace, only half paying attention to the action on the screen, until Lauren began to giggle.
"That was amazing," she whispered. "It's been a long time since we didn't need The Chairman. Maybe he can retire now. You were so fucking hard!"

"That was all you," Corey replied, kissing the top of her head. "Maybe I should be the one retiring...from storytelling, anyway. And what's with the filthy mouth all of a sudden? Not that I'm complaining, but what the hell is in the water down here, anyway?"

"Are you mad? I mean, at what I told you?"

Corey clicked off the TV. "So, it is true, you really did the dirty dancing thing and gave that guy a hand job?"

Lauren buried her face in his chest. "Yes, I was bad. I let it happen. You didn't answer me, though. Are you angry?"

"I'd be a hypocrite if I said yes, wouldn't I? I mean, I ask you to dress like a slut, you acted like a one, so I quite honestly don't know how I feel. Definitely not mad. Just trying to understand what took you from being angry at my little suggestions, to living them out, to telling nasty stories, and talking like a sailor? It's okay by me, but the suddenness of it all is just...weird."

Lauren's eyes twinkled as she thought of Kumiho. "I can't fully explain it. It sounds stupid, but when I was dressed in that...costume...I was no longer Lauren the aging wife, mother of two adult kids. I felt young again, men were leering at me. God help me, I was objectified and I loved it. It was exciting beyond belief and I think it ignited something in me that flamed out a long time ago."

Corey nodded. "I understand. It's sort of what I hoped for someday. You are finding your sexual appetite again. I just didn't think it would really happen. You're beautiful in any man's eyes, and only forty-eight. Being open to other...opportunities...will allow you to reach the kind of sexual gratification that I can no longer provide."

"You did a pretty good job just a few minutes ago, lover!" Lauren exclaimed, patting him on the chest.

"This time. Next time, who knows? My track record isn't exactly impressive." "And its all about me, right?" she smirked, tilting her head.

"I won't deny it. My cards are on the table. Sharing you has been a fantasy of mine forever, I just couldn't bring myself to tell you outright."

"Thus the stories you brought into our bed."
"Yeah, I guess so."

A quiet calm settled over the room as the moon shined in from the balcony window. Lauren burrowed even further into Corey's arms, her hand stroking his inner thigh, contemplating this conversation. After a few minutes she looked up into his eyes and cleared her throat.

"Well, what if we did something really naughty this weekend?"

Corey narrowed his eyes. "Like what?"

Lauren stared at him, blinking her eyes, saying nothing.

"You mean..?"

"Yes," she said, finishing for him. "I'll be your...your hotwife."

"Isn't...isn't that a big step in such a short time?"

"I've already had someone else's penis in my hand. It was almost in my mouth. I don't think there's much of a leap from there."

"I...I...I," he stuttered, flustered in the face of his fantasy becoming reality. "I don't know."

Lauren put her forehead against his. "The switch has been turned on. No telling when its going to turn off. If this is something you REALLY want, then we better take advantage of this while we can," she stated matter-of-factly, Before Kumiho goes dormant again .

"I wouldn't want you to freak out or get hurt. I would never forgive myself. It would have to be safe," Corey replied.

"It's not like I wouldn't be having fun too, silly. And yes, we'll be safe," she laughed, licking his nose. "So. Are you in?"

Corey looked into his wife's sultry eyes, his cock twitching at the possibilities. He nodded. "Yeah, I'm in."
