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Wow it is really happening

  • Thread starterhotwifeclw
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Beloved Member
Jun 30, 2009
:DWow, where do I begin: My sexy little wife of 11 years has begun cuckolding me. I never thought I would see the day. I find it fascinating how she has taken to it like a duck takes to water. In another post I told the story of how we got started in this lifestyle along with some interesting developments since we began this journey.

I began speaking openly with my wife about my desires to be in a cuckold/hotwife relationship very gradually over the past 4 years. I did so mainly in letters to her suggesting that she begin being more dominating me and possibly experimenting with other men. I did this by telling her she can be with whomever she wants whenever she wants while I have to remain faithful. This past year has been most revolutionary in our relationship as she actively pursued and several times played with one young man 12 years her junior. My wife is 35 and stunningly beautiful. I have attached a photo of her in the outfit she wore to go out the other night.

After the brief relationship ended with that young man she decided that she didn't want to complicate our hectic family life with a male lover so for the past 6 months or so she has laid low. We did go out one night this summer and she ended up being enamored by another younger man, this time a one that is in the military. He wouldn't have anything to do with her because of our mutual friends so nothing ever came of that.

We live in a very large home and this past month one of my wife's girlfriends moved in with us. I helped her move here and this past weekend she and my wife told me that I will be babysitting on Friday and Saturday nights so they can go on girls nights out. My wife's friend is a little wild and likes black men only for obvious reasons. My wife informed me that she wasn't interested in picking anyone up that night. Friday night rolled in and I was sent on some errands by my wife and her friend to pick up money and to stock the bar. When I arrived home my wife was in the bathroom getting ready and to my amazement she was wearing an outfit I never imagined her being willing to leave the house in. My wife always dresses very conservative but not tonight. She was wearing a mini-mini skirt that if she moved you could see everything and a skimpy little tank top. She also never wears thongs and she had a little shear leopard skin thong on that you could see right through. Wow.

My wife's friend text-ed me from the club to let me know to have the music on in the game room because she was bringing a guy home. Little did I know a few minutes later my wife walked in with her friend behind her and the black guy that her friend brought home and behind him was a 6'5” guy that supposedly just came with his friend as the driver. I got everyone drinks and the 2 guys asked to play me in a game of pool. As soon as I racked the table my wife's friend grabbed the guy she was with and dragged him upstairs leaving me with my wife and the tall guy. My wife then told me that she was playing the game against her guest I just racked. She then told me to go watch tv in the other room. I mixed myself another drink and shortly after ********** on the couch.

I was asleep for about an hour when my dog woke me to go out. I let him out and noticed the house was empty so I let the dog back in and proceeded to go upstairs to go to bed. When I walked into the bedroom to my amazement but not being very surprised by it my wife was underneath this behemoth of a man getting pounded and from the sounds of it very much enjoying herself. I stood in the room stunned, not able to remove my eyes from the scene before me. It was surreal. Here was my petite 5'5” wife being hammered by a male a full foot taller than her. To my chagrin my wife freaked out when she saw me and told me to get out. I left the room and shortly after her an her friend came down the stairs. She was clearly in disdain over me having disturbed their session and she told me to fix her a drink and go to sleep in the other room.

I did as I was told and noticed her and her guest walk upstairs and I waited a few moments until going up the stairs and hiding behind the curtain of my office which is attached to the bedroom and separated by french doors. I stared through the window and watched as my wife aggressively attacked his 10” penis with her mouth before slipping a condom on him. He then proceeded to throw her on the bed, climb on top of her an began pounding her. She was making sounds of ecstasy that in the 11 years of marriage never heard before and not only the volume but the actual sounds. I sat in my chair looking through the window for about 30 minutes, then unzipped my fly letting out my 5.5” stiffy and all of a sudden without actually stroking myself blew the biggest cum load of my life. I actually hit myself in the face with cum. She told him moments later that she couldn't take his size anymore and he pumped until completion then got up and began to dress. I sneaked out of the office and back down to the couch before they came out of the room and down the stairs. Moments later my wife, her guest and his friend walked to the front door and the boys left. My wife walked up to me on the couch and told me to come to bed.

When we got to bed she immediately queened me by fucking my face with her well fucked pussy. I was floored by the smells and tastes. She then began to describe how big he was and that she had fun but when he really pounded her she couldn't handle the pain..She said they wore condoms but I could tell by the amount of cum that leaked from her pussy his condom blew out. She then slid down and began riding my cock telling me that she felt stretched and I can tell you this: her pussy felt like I was sticking a broomstick in a 5 gallon bucket. It was so erotic. I rolled her over on her back and she spread her legs wide so that I could barely feel it. She and I came together within minutes with her describing how large he was and how she had to make him stop because he was so big and how painful it was for her when he began to really thrust into her. I knew this because I was watching and listening through the window of our office.

The last several nights she has been horny as hell and each time we make love she spreads as wide as she can as to barely let me feel her and vice-versa while she says that she needs him again and will be calling him over. He is a hobbyist mechanic and my car is currently broke down so she has been saying that she is going to call him to come over and look at the car. I know she is yearning for that massive cock since she is saying it is the best sex she ever had, bar none. I guess I'll have to see how this plays out.
Here is the photo of what she wore out

She said that she got hit on all night.. Go figure...


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She is very hot, you are so lucky to have a wife that will do that for you. Mine is just as hot looking, very sexy like yours and knows how to show it I think or it's a natural pose that makes her look so hot but damn would I love to find out she was fucking someone..Have fun I would...
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congrats - now send her to Boston and let me enjoy her and send her back to you!
She is going to text him tonight

She hasn't stopped talking about it since it happened. She told me in bed last night, this morning and again this afternoon that she has to have him again. She is trying to figure out what to text to him aside from "hey, how about a booty call".

Any advice from the ladies on this board as to how she should approach him on the phone and seduce him into coming over again?

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