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Women and the connection

  • Thread starterimported_pussy boy
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imported_pussy boy

I know they say women need that special connection with a man . Before they will think of going to bed with him . But how many wifes or girlfriends would go to bed with a guy that is maybe less then average looking . Or maybe older then you would like , just for the sex . Do all women need this connection or can it just be lust like with most men . I ask this because my wife may not like my friend gary as a person but she will still fuck him .
pussy boy said:
Do all women need this connection or can it just be lust like with most men .

Personally, it can be all about sex (lust) for me... I don't necessarily have to feel a connection with a guy before I'll have sex with him.

I've also gotten a lot of flack about it too, from website members... saying I should raise my standards. All that does is offend me...
Jinxypie said:
Personally, it can be all about sex (lust) for me... I don't necessarily have to feel a connection with a guy before I'll have sex with him.

I've also gotten a lot of flack about it too, from website members... saying I should raise my standards. All that does is offend me...

April is the same way. She has men she dates and she has men she just has sex with. Many guys she couldn't even tell you a name.
It depends....

Pussy Boy,

Regarding the first of your questions:

pussy boy said:
How many wives or girlfriends would go to bed with a guy who is maybe less then average looking?

The conventional wisdom is that male "looks" are less important to women than female "looks" are to men. Women tend to be attracted to men who have qualities like social status, power, and wealth.... the present-day equivalent of women being attracted to men who were dominant in their tribes and strong hunters and warriors in earlier times. Women tend to assume that such men will provide them (hence their children) with good genes and be capable of providing good to excellent support for them, and opportunities, including educational opportunities, for their children.

If a young and attractive woman seduces a young man her own age who is desirable, for purposes of attracting a long-term partner, she has to do so based on a guess (or estimate, to put it more politely) that his chances for attaining future success are reasonably good. If the same young woman seduces an older man who is established, successful and has relatively high social status, she doesn't have to guess because he has already proven himself.

So the answer is, "plenty."

Now, however — it should be noted — the tables are often turned. Increasingly, "older" women are established and successful in their professions or in business and increasingly, relatively young men don't seem to know what they want to do with their lives and are less likely to have graduated from college. So, it's reasonable to ask: are many "younger" men attracted to "older" women who have qualities that include high social status, power, and wealth.... even if their "looks" are.... (ahem).... somewhat short of glamorous?

I'll leave it to you to contemplate this question for yourself.... but will suggest the emerging answer appears to be, "yes."

I like men who have a clean, fresh-scrubbed body who are fun to be with - this makes me enjoy myself and together we can find ways to crank up the sex to please both of us. When I make a guy feel special, he forgets his cock won't work sometimes, and it sticks out like a lightning rod as I release his mind from the prison some other bird put him in.

Young women can often desire a "bad guy" who does things her mother would not approve of, but this lets her feel her bad guy is the hero and is rescuing her from the retraints of "you are not olde enough to date boys yet".

Women are often locked into social rules that suppress their primal needs. Money and power and social status let her "take off in life" without years of frustration climbing the ladder.

An average guy can also do well, if he takes a big interest in a woman long-term and chats to her about her family, etc, whenever he sees her. She sees the longing in his eyes a long time before he gets up the courage to ask her whether she has time for a coffee down the road.
She Needs A Reason

I've heard it said that all a man needs is a place to fuck but a woman needs a reason. That's surely true with my wife. She's turned down several opportunities for recreational sex with younger men in favor of an older guy for whom she has a fondness. :rolleyes:

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